#grrm please publish wow
jonsaslove · 1 year
IMO, GRRM has no incentive to release TWOW. It will disappoint a vast majority of the fandom because the people still left in the fandom are hardcore stans of certain characters/houses or hardcore shippers. GRRM is not going to deliver a vast majority of their headcanons, ships, etc. and they've probably read enough fix it fics that anything he does in WOW will be a serious let down. Also, it's not even the last book? I think he is in the position where he has to ask himself if he should leave the status quo as is with five books or publish one final book in the series that will majorly deviate from the shows, thus leaving more questions than answers, but none of those questions will ever be answered because ADOS won't ever see the light of day lmao. IDK maybe some version of winds will be published, but I don't see the point anymore or the need for it or why GRRM would want to put himself through the insane levels of critique the book will endure because he's made people wait almost a decade and a half at this point.
Yeah honestly I’m not going to dispute this. You make some fair points. I guess the counter to this is that if GRRM has the desire to finish it for completion sake, as a writer I know that I would want to finish it, regardless of the reception. Also IDK I don’t get the impression that GRRM cares much what people say or think of his books, he seems pleased with them outside of that.
Totally agree that the criticism will be merciless and unhinged no matter what he publishes though.
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