#grumpy cat personified tbh
hischughes1386 · 4 months
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he so grumpy
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Aric Jorgan, Elara Dorne and Luke Skywalker
thank you!! :D
Aric Jorgan:
How I feel about this character
Grumpy cat man personified. Definitely one of my faves - I think he won me over the first time he approved of my Trooper, Sashtha, defying Garza’s orders in favor of doing what’s right. Also, I’m deeply amused by the fact that his voice actor plays King Richard in Galavant. :P
All the people I ship romantically with this character
The Trooper, male or female! For specific OCs, I’m definitely considering rolling a male Trooper for a headcanon romance tbh.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Jorgan and unromanced Trooper, Jorgan and Elara, Jorgan and Felix. After hearing Felix talk about Jorgan in-game, I can only wonder what their dynamic was like tbh (kinda why I headcanon Felix to join Havoc Squad instead of that flaming pile BioWare told me was his KOTET canon).
My unpopular opinion about this character
Mmm I’m not sure what’s popular or unpopular about him? I do think he should’ve had more issues with Torian and the Mandalorians in-game though, considering what the Mandalorians did to the Cathar during ye olden Mandalorian Wars.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Well shoot haha, see the above. That and the “Felix and Jorgan as Good Cop, Bad Cop” sort of thing. Also, making him bi because he deserves to be.
Elara Dorne
How I feel about this character
WIFE. LOVE HER SO MUCH. WIFE. I was not prepared to love her so much but she won my heart pretty much instantly.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
The Trooper - I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a soft spot for F!Trooper or NB!Trooper/Elara specifically. :’D And for my own OCs, Sashtha/Elara!
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Elara and unromanced Trooper, Elara and Jorgan, Elara and Aleksei.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Also not sure what the popular and unpopular opinions are, but if I had to guess (because fandom is the friggin’ same everywhere), I’m assuming people will shove her into a one-dimensional rule stickler role and never bother to characterize her beyond that. Which is a complete injustice to her, considering that Elara’s even more for doing the right thing than Jorgan is and left her home for that. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I would’ve liked to meet her brother? I’m a sham who hasn’t finished the Trooper storyline yet so I don’t know if you do or not. Also, MAKE HER BI. She deserves a pretty wife, darn it.
Luke Skywalker
How I feel about this character
A good man! Love him to bits! He tries to do the right thing and manages to pull off being both hot-headed and compassionate in a way that most white male leads don’t... at least imo. He’s a good kid. Easily one of my SW faves.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Someday I will actually read the books, but until then, I really like what I’ve heard/seen of Luke/Mara Jade? And I’m a sucker for Luke/Han too.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Luke and Leia, Luke and Han, Luke and R2, Luke and Threepio, Luke and acknowledgement of Owen and Beru after they became Empire Fried Chicken, Luke and Not Getting Killed By Kyle Ron.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Hmm, I think it’s... popular, I guess, to think of him as the “Padme” twin while Leia’s more of the “Anakin” twin? Idk if I’m explaining that right haha. Like, Luke’s definitely got more of Padme’s gentleness and general demeanor, but fandom does tend to gloss over that he’s got anger issues just as much as Leia and Anakin do. He’s just gotten better at dealing with them by RotJ.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I’m still grumpy that he died at the end of TLJ. Would definitely prefer that he didn’t get killed in Rian Johnson’s R3yl0 fanfiction.
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houndoomcd · 7 years
hey hi hello, i’m vinnie & this is my dumb art son, avery!! i’m The Worst™ …at most things espec intros….so my bad lmao but really best way to describe me is a dumpster on fire tbqh like burning 24/7 i need to chill,, ANYWAYs under the cut is more abt this idiot
SO A BASIC STATS PAGE IS RIGHT HERE CAUSE I WASN’T LAZY FOR ONCE [ click anywhere in that sentence fam ]
avery is literally ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ personified abt 90-95% of the time
unless he’s grumpy
and grumpy time is mostly in the morning
his companion is houndoom and he got the hell doge orig as a lil houndour like they been through some shit together ok listen avery would Die if anything bad happened to his precious boy!!
speaking of his companion, avery’s had him for YEARS now like #truefriend
his companion [ who’s named cerberus cause i’m mythology trash yikes ] is closer to him than he’d consider most actual humans to be?? it’s horrible ik but he just never was one to have a ton of close friends
probably like two close friends/a best friend etc and that’s it bc more people = more drama, in his excuse but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t force him to befriend others even if he does it unknowingly bc BOY that happens!
“you’re ruining my rep as an unemotional mess” – avery, prob
honestly played with matches/fire more than he should’ve as a kid smh
memes memes memes
no biting unless you’re into that
i think it goes w/out saying he’s more of a dog person than a cat person huh
once when he was 16 he dyed a part of his hair red to be edgy…..he doesn’t like talking abt it
also pretty obvious his fave color is red
into both painting/drawing and photography tbh
was almost gonna take film studies but decided against it in like 0.5 seconds
literally wouldn’t be surprised if he’s that person who downloaded tinder/grinder for like 10 minutes and then ended up deleting the app lmfaojfhjskdj
nahh he probably still has them, he just doesn’t advertise it
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