#grumpy crow
hime-arts · 2 months
Love and Deepspace
I’m obsessed with Sylus and his Grumpy Crow plushie 🐦‍⬛
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seaofgoldensand · 2 months
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GRUMPY CROOOOW 🐦‍⬛ what a sophisticated birb
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fantastic-nonsense · 5 months
"Inej is the mom fri—" *loud incorrect buzzer noise* Wrong. You are looking for Matthias Helvar.
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thejudeduarte · 4 months
Matthias Helvar aesthetic 🐺❄️🗡️🌲
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“The water hears and understands. The ice does not forgive.”
❄️ Matthias Helvar, Six of Crows ❄️
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stevenrogered · 2 years
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The Crows meet Nina | Shadow and Bone Season 2
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caraaaaugh · 4 months
Matthias Helvar is dead and I'm not okay.
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fishysaltine · 3 months
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Just a skrunkly Sov from something stupid I’m working on
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screamingcrows · 1 month
Pyrogenic sprouts
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Notes: I banged this out in what can only be described as a fit of delirium. Let this be my first venture into writing Wuthering Waves, unedited and made without a single thought in my mind except Mortefi spinning like a rotisserie chicken. I already know what direction this continues. Keep this out of AI. ~1.5k Tags: Mortefi x reader, first meeting, fluff Minors, blank and ageless blogs DNI
When the ground is scorched, pyrogenic plants are swift to repopulate the charred area, sprouting as soon as one day after the flames die out. They spread their roots and turn the soil, nourishing those that will come after.
Soon enough, the entire area will once more be lush and green, given a second chance at life after an event that should by all means have created an inhospitable wasteland.
Over the years, Mortefi had been forced to accept the reality of what he was. A walking time bomb that could be set off at a moments notice if circumstance aligned. Since the last time he overclocked, he'd been adamant in doing all within his power to temper the flames that raged within. For although he understood that as much as fires consumed they also birthed new life, he refused to be a culling destruction for any.
Except the tacet discords that were currently disintegrating on the ground. Burnt to ashes in a less literal sense than the countless angelicas, lemongrass, noctemint, and if the fresh scent wafting along the smoke was anything to go by, there'd been perillas as well. A pity those had been burned, they made for a satisfying addition to his candies.
His eyes closed for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady the adrenaline racing through his body, feeling the familiar crackle of sparks along his pectoral, never having gotten quite used to the pulsing of his tacet mark. The almost ritualistic motion of wiping his hands against his coat, despite never touching the enemy, was crudely interrupted when small hands, curiously rough, shoved at his chest.
It wasn't enough to knock him off balance, simply taking a step backwards to separate himself from the unfamiliar touch and cracking open an eye to be met with your enraged expression. Well, if you had the energy to be enraged, then the injuries you'd sustained could only be superficial. Which was lucky considering the profound lack of medical supplies currently on his person.
"What the hell do you think you're doing!" your voice was a shrill thing, he mused, briefly scanning the surrounding area for potential threats you could attract with your cry of death, "You've ruined everything!"
For a moment, he thanked the upbringing he'd had, uncertain if commanding the calm exterior he did now would've been possible had he not spent his youth performing every second out of the mansion. At least you were being direct.
"I would hardly call providing assistance 'ruining' anything, miss," your stare remained unyielding as the thorns in the distance, only prompting a sigh from Mortefi, "I believe it would be prudent to let me escort you back, this area was recently deemed unsafe for civilians if you were unaware."
He might have chuckled at your frustrated whine if it didn't immediately tick him off to your impending denial. Truthfully, he didn't have time for this. A barely finished child-sized glider, with joints to flap the wings for a little extra airtime of course, lay waiting atop one of his counters. Not to mention the actual work that needed completion. Just because Jinzhou had averted crisis didn't mean progress could afford to halt.
The dismissal hand you were waving had Mortefi needing another deep breath, fingers itching for his lighter, "Leave me alone will you, you've cause enough problems for me already and I still have stuff to do."
Oh if only it was so easy to leave you to your own devices he would. But there you were, alone and unarmed as well. No sign of being a resonator either. This was just perfect. He'd forgone breakfast, having stayed up most of the night and just needed to collect a few feathers for the glider, wanting to finish and deliver the gift today, and he really didn't have time to assist some thankless civilian with their death-wish.
"I suggest you let me take you back and hire a guard next time."
How the lighter had made it into his hands was beyond him, only noticing when you scoffed incredulously, looking more like a scorned child than the adult you supposedly were. Or perhaps you were simply as adept at mimicry as the plants you so cared for.
"And I suggest you learn to stay out of other people's business," your voice had lost the brittle edge, replaced instead by pure annoyance.
He felt a pang in his chest, the look in your eye merging with that hint of helpless fury in your voice. It resonated with his memories. The ashes had slowly settled at least, and he silently mourned having blackened the edges of another coat. More to take care of once he was home.
As nonchalant as possible, he shoved the lighter back into his pocket and gestured for you to move, "get on with it then, I don't have all day."
At least you didn't argue, resigning to showing your displeasure in the stomping of your boots. Your name had a foreign sound to it, but knowing firsthand how tumultuous moving could be, he deigned it unimportant to pry further. The harshness of your words stood in sharp contrast to the occupation you divulged; a florist of all things. Though he supposed that did explain the volatile reaction to seeing a scorched field.
The realization that he'd spent seconds destroying what might have been several days worth of business did make stir in the pit of stomach, and for just a moment, he wondered if it would one day fill him as rage had if left unchecked.
Likewise, you'd gone eerily silent when he'd begun explaining his field of research. Tacetite weaponry didn't sit well with everyone. Mortefi was acutely aware and it wasn't a discussion he wished to have in his current state.
"Keep that lighter pocketed, you hear me?"
Mortefi grit his teeth, releasing the familiar metal back into his pocket, observing as you squatted down and began cutting stems and peeling back leaves with surprising efficiency, quickly collecting a sizeable pile of various flowers and greenery. The latter to fill out bouquets he presumed. He ran a hand through his hair, grunting softly when it came back a little moist. Wonderful, he'd need to shower properly before returning to the academy.
"How long before you collect wares again?" The question lingered heavy as smoke for a minute, almost making him regret asking.
"Tomorrow, I collect daily," your voice was almost pleasant now that you were focused on something else. He felt the familiar twitch in his fingers, aching to busy himself instead of standing around like a helpless moron.
"I would advise you to find a different area, the frequencies have been chaotic here for a while, a tacet field is expected to show up within days."
The shrug of your shoulders was expected, and thus did nothing significant to sour his mood. You'd been warned, anything beyond was your own responsibility. Perhaps he should offer to make a shield, or a weapon of some sort, even if you weren't trained for combat, a simple explosive should be manageable, or a portable turret maybe? Maybe a sentinel drone, one that would detect shifts in the air and alert you before tacet discords could manifest?
But that wouldn't be any use against local wildlife. Not unless he programmed some feature that would let it discern potentially harmful creatures. It would be doable, and he should already have most of the parts for it.
"And I will once again ask you, Mortefi, to stay out of my business, what is it with you scholars?" Mortefi opened his eyes at the sound of his name just in time to see you shove a large bundle of cut flowers into his arms before continuing under your breath, "honestly, there must be something in the water you drink at the academy."
Mortefi couldn't help but feel a smile tug at his lips, what a ridiculous theory, "curiosity is the essence of progress," he paused for a moment, not bothering to argue with serving as a pack animal, he was already in this far, "Speaking of, I have several ideas that might-"
"I'm not turning a big enough profit to invest in some inventor, I'll continue as I have."
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The scent of flowers continued to cling to him long after helping you arrange the flowers at your humble stand, rickety wooden frame desperately in need of a helping hand. It left a trail of pungent sweetness even after showering, and he found himself needing to pop another candy into his mouth to not mutter something at the countless researchers staring at him as he trekked to his laboratory.
Toys quickly finished, he began drafting up various designs for a little sentinel. Perhaps it could serve to carry your harvest as well if he was a little clever about the logistics and specifications of it's components.
Part 2
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callmefirefly · 2 years
I can already tell from this 15 second clip that the interactions between Kaz and Wylan are going to be based off the “grumpy sunshine” trope and though he probably wouldn’t want to admit it, I can totally see Kaz being a “touch him and I’ll kill you” kind of person when it comes to Wylan 😊
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jeremysknoxes · 2 years
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let them they would enjoy it
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annamarielabeau · 2 years
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seaofgoldensand · 2 months
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After getting 🐦‍⬛ Grumpy Crow
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littlelcvestory · 1 year
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i miss him so much please bring him back to me
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marishmallows · 6 months
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Kaz Brekker: Consumed by Darkness🖤 - Light
I could tell there was something stressing him out. The vein on his forehead was pulsing, the way he shut his eyes, I stopped talking. Clearly the plan wasn’t on his mind right now.
“If I’m so dark then why are you here?” He spoke up in a tired voice. Was this question on his mind all day? Where was this even coming from?
“What?” I asked, confused. I mean was this really the best time to ask such a question? I’d expect this from Jesper but not from you. The longer I stared at him, the more I realized he was avoiding eye contact with me.
He stayed quiet for a few moments before taking a breath. “I heard you talking to Jesper about how dark and untrustworthy I am.” He said. I could tell he was trying his best to not show any emotions or frustrations. But him trying not to show it, only made it more present. Had that truly upset him?
A part of me wanted to chuckle at the thought of him caring about my judgment but I held back. Because I knew it was far from the truth. “I never said that Kaz Brekker.” I responded, my eyes lying heavy on him and his movements.
He stared off at the gamblers, trying to focus but I knew he was curious. He nodded at Jesper who was dominating in a game of poker. “Yes you did.” He said with a slightly twitch coming from that vein on his forehead.
“No you assumed that’s what I meant. I mean that there are people like Pekka and there are people that are like Jesper and there are people that are like you, Kaz Brekker. Those who are dark, those who are light, and those who are light but are consumed by the darkness.” I spoke in a quiet tone as more yelling pursued, drinks flying around in the air, splashing unlucky folk who were around.
I could hear his slight scoff and for the first time since we’ve been here, he finally looked at me. "Is that what you think I am? Consumed by darkness?" He asked, clearly annoyed but much calmer, the vein slowly becoming less apparent.
I nodded. "Yeah, I heard about you all the time in the fairytales my mom told me and my siblings." I spoke, making my way over to the bar to get a better look at Jesper, who noticed the intensity of conversation that was transpiring between me and Kaz.
I grabbed one of the drinks from the bartender. Why were you so caught up with what I said? Especially since you still have yet to trust me. I felt his cane holding down my wrist, preventing me from consuming my drink. I wasn’t sure if he wanted to talk or just wanted to prevent me from drinking. "Well what am I? The hero? The villain?" He persisted.
"Neither. You’re the antihero."
"So neither light."
"Or dark." I responded, finally removing his cane and finished my drink. Our eyes met and I gave him a slight smile before walking away, giving him a pat on the back.
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rainestormroom · 9 days
A bunch of Doodles
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chlortville · 9 months
Every book canon SoC ship is grumpy x sunshine.
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