more on GeminiTay, Ace Attorney:
Gem and Impulse are both new defense attorneys at the law firm; Scott and Pearl are its senior partners.
Scott and Pearl both have dual training; Scott was a licensed detective before he studied law, and Pearl was a prosecutor. They met doing these jobs, before founding this law firm.
Jimmy and Martyn are partners and the main detectives. When Scott was a detective, he worked alongside them as a trio.
Grian or Joel, I think, would, make a good tutorial prosecutor
Cleo is the main prosecutor for the central body of the story (cases 2 through 4, maybe 5 if I make it six cases.) She's not subtle with her contempt for Scott and Pearl.
Scott, Pearl, Cleo, Martyn, and Jimmy were all involved with the obligatory "this all started 3/5/7/10/15 years ago" case. I haven't decided exactly what happened yet, but whatever it was involved Scott and Pearl doing something terrible that catapulted their career, Damon Gant-style, and strongarming the others into helping keep it quiet. Jimmy knows the least about the truth out of the five.
The final case has Cleo and Martyn killed by Scott to keep the case quiet. He convinces Pearl to return to the Prosecutor's Office to take on the case out of fear that an unaffiliated prosecutor would discover the truth. Jimmy is framed, and Gem and Impulse take on his case against Scott's advice. In Ace Attorney fashion, they uncover the full truth and convince Pearl its better to stop hiding the truth.
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vanilachocolate · 3 years
Akuu ini lagi takut lho. mungkin karena pertama kalinya presentasi sama bu teguh. ibunya enak kok sebenernya, nggak yang bikin takut kaya bu fit. Cuma ya nggak tau. mungkin karena akutu belum familiar banget sama plasma jadi takut kalau akutu gak bisa, atau apalah gtaaau .... 
.. terus ngechat mbak dinan, karena anak bimbingannya bu teguh terus pawang plasma juga dia ituuu :(
terus katanya di suruh tenang aja karena ibunya santuy dan gak suka nyalahin. tapi tak taulah akuuu...
Mana baru berasa laper gitu ya. tadi ngapain sih goleran doang bukannya ke depan jalan? 
Dahlah, wish me luck yoo ...
... siapa tau abis ini aku buka klinik kecantikan pake alat plasma terus jadi juragan biodiesel (karena entah kenapa tugasku itu nyambungnya biodiesel mulu kalau bebas tuh)
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do you guys think its too much if AA!PearlescentMoon brings Tillie to court. i dont think its too much
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