#gtjuly 2022
territorial-utopia · 2 years
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Calling this a part of GtJuly and Gt Inktober: Candy
When the cold half of the year approaches one has to spur into action to make sure that their winter gear is in order. Good thing that usually boring tasks can be made much more fun with the right company.
Lovia needed to take his full-sized coat to be fixed and cleaned. A task that requires him to assume his full height. What a fun opportunity to make a day out of it! Exiting the cleaner’s the two spot a mixed-size candy store accross the street and decide to get a bag of Kiss-Kiss toffees (still debating on whether I want to include real brands into this story but for the sake of this one little moment: Fazer's candies are a part of this world) to share. The store has loose candies in a few sizes, so it's very simple to enter and ask for a scoop of the big and the medium sizes thrown into the same paper bag.
Walking around a few blocks they arrive at a lovely, well-kept park in the city and park their butts by the path made to giant proportions, lined with benches and little garden tables to match. The path is surrounded with thickets of regular rowan trees, still filled with berries that have yet to be picked off by the local bird population.
It's a warm-ish day, the pair lounge on their chosen spot, munching on candy and talking about silly things. They have a couple hours to kill after all. Though the oncoming rain might drive them to take shelter in a cozy cafe nearby.
There's nothing quite like saying goodbye to one season, only to welcome the next one in.
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smolboiremy · 2 years
Gt July - Day 27 - Communication
A little misunderstanding can cause a lot of issues especially at Tito’s size
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Keith (tol) - they/he (21 yrs)
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theshiftingworkshop · 2 years
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GTjuly day 6: royalty
Can't get more royal than the Queen of the Faeries am I right? I wanted to use my color shifting watercolors so there's extra pictures to show that off!
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vt-scribbles · 2 years
GTJuly Days 1-2: Fluffy + Different Era
Red and Hema [from The Harvester] in an experimental Detroit Become Human sort of AU. Hema steals a bed for Red.
Rating: G
Setting: Futuristic Modern-High Fantasy
Themes: Giant/Tiny, Shifters, Androids
Length: 3k words
"You STOLE IT?!"
The bright city lights mottled the clouds above with dull colors of neon lights and tacky advertisement boards as big as apartment buildings. Night life had no respect for rest, especially not in Agium's most populated city. Hover-carriages bolted to and fro. Their shining, robotic load-bearing beasts clicked down the streets with unnervingly even pace. Their artificial whinnies earned the annoyed stares of passer-by, who would spit and mutter something about 'flesh and blood being more reliable.' But, then some young up-start would likely spit back from the back of the carriage that 'at least my folpies don't make a mess I have to clean up after, old-timer!'
Peace was something no part of the city knew, so late at night. The constant hum of electronics and loud advertisements filled the air, all blurring into a senseless sound that could almost be comforting to someone, if they were numbingly used to it. Most were, but. Some could find no rest during the night.
Elves who wandered the streets- some, paired with their android companions -could find no rest and would instead look for entertainment, distractions, a little 'fun.' Or, sometimes they were simply looking to get out of the city for the night, to spend some time out in the novel little 'inns' that still dotted the outside of the city walls. Out there, with no androids or ads or absolutely insufferable commercialism to thicken the air, people could find some quiet. Though, many found it a bit 'primitive'. After all, who wouldn't want the company of their personal android to tell them some long, randomly-generated story before they went to bed, only to wake up to a nice, clean house in the morning? Or, better yet? Who in their right mind wouldn't want the company of Service Boards' newest model of service android, with a full range of sizes and new AI that could read the whims of their companion?
Well. There was at least ONE elf that may have wished to be without the company of her android, at the moment.
"No, SERIOUSLY, please tell me this is some new… joke system they programmed into you. You can't be serious."
Standing upon a polished metal balcony, a petite elven woman with bold, pink hair clutched at the guard rail keeping her from outright leaning off in exhasperation. The colorfully-lit room behind her fluctuated and hummed with gentle music that drifted from a small, diamond-shaped radio. A humanoid, shiny form stood off in the corner in a case, eyes closed, idle. It seemed to be an inactive android suit model.
The elven woman gestured out in front of her, to the massive companion android standing shoulder-level with her balcony. He looked at the tiny plastic bag he held between his clawed fingers, setting his jaw to the side. The faint pink light cast by his led irises faltered whenever he blinked, casting the elf in a pink glow now and then.
"… I. Then you don't want this?" he asked, holding the bag up to the balcony. It may have been miniscule to him, but to her, it was the size of a queen-size bed. She looked at it, mouth agape, and grabbed the plastic to pull it closer. She tugged the rim of the bag down, revealing a fluffy, pink surface. She hesitated, her fingers fidgeting for a moment. But, she pulled herself away, shaking her head.
"N-no! We can't keep this, I didn't give you an order to TAKE that from the department store! Aren't you supposed to be incapable of committing crime or… I don't know, shouldn't that be hard-coded into you?" she fretted, biting one of her nails as she looked away. Her thin, pink tail flicked wildly behind her. "Oh stars I'm- I might be a criminal now. If he commits a crime, am I automatically guilty for it? There's no way they didn't notice a giant android casually walking out with a whole-"
"Red, please do not panic. I never said I stole it. I said I got it. By your definitions, these are two different things," the giant android stated, nodding his head in a matter-of-fact manner. Red turned to him, still biting her nail.
"Taking it means you stole it. I didn't- I don't remember giving you access to my funds-"
"I offered my services in return for goods. Isn't that… what notseanis do, as well?"
Red hesitated. She slowly drew her nail from between her teeth and eyed the bag again.
"You're going to work it off?"
"… Of course. I thought that much was obvious. A little cleaning, some moving around billboards or signs. It shouldn't take long."
Red walked over to the bag again, daintily hooking a finger onto its edge. She slowly peered inside, eyeing the plush, pink item within. Her teeth gently pushed into her lower lip, and her hands itched to bury themselves in the soft material.
"… Why did you go through all that trouble?" she asked softly. She gazed sidelong at the giant android. He blinked and looked away. A stiff, cold breeze blew through the apartment alley, messing up his synthetic, platinum-white hair that laid in a neat swoop atop his head. The hydrolics in his neck hissed softly as he shrugged.
"You've been in pain lately. Your back has shown signs of improper care since I accidentally broke your last bed. Sleeping on a palette on the floor has not been good for your health. And, on top of that. I saw you fawning over this the last four times we have gone to any department store that sells it. Your dopamine receptors are always activated when you touch this item, so, I thought it would be appropriate to fulfill your silent wishes and purchase the item with my services."
The android gazed at Red sidelong, blinking.
"Is that… not satisfactory?" he asked nervously.
Red stared long and hard at the android. Her long ears twitched now and then… and she found her tail swaying thoughtfully behind her.
"… You're a lot more observant than I give you credit for."
"That is my job, Madame Red," he said with a polite bow. Red made a funny face, shaking her head as she lifted a hand.
"No, no. No more of that. Just… call me Red."
The android looked to the elf in surprise, but quickly stifled the expression and nodded. The eyepiece over his left eye clicked and whirred before giving a cute 'chirp.'
"New request logged: preferred name- Red."
Red chuckled and shook her head, looking to the bagged item again. She bit her nail, setting her jaw to the side.
"… Y'know what, screw it. You went through all this trouble, let's get it in here."
The android perked up, smiling faintly. He nodded and carefully leaned over the balcony, casting Red in shadow. Red slowly looked up as the android's form took up her entire view, giving her nothing else to focus on in that moment. She could see the faint seams between his body and his uniform, so well-hidden at even a mild distance. The gentle hiss and hum of machinery far more advanced than she could begin to process filled the air above her. It was hard to believe, or even understand, that such a massive piece of technology could be so light that it could walk around the city freely… much less be careful enough to gently grip the balcony with his clawed fingers.
The android narrowed his eyes a bit as he slowly slipped his arm into the room behind the balcony. He gently set the bagged item down, then slowly withdrew his arm, making sure not to scrape the door frame.
"There. Permission to shift down?"
Red stared up at the giant android for a few moments, unable to draw her eyes from his. It was… strange that she could see the individual LED nodes in his bright, pink irises from this close.
"… Ma'am?"
Red blinked in surprise, pulling herself back to reality.
"Sorry, yes?"
"Permission to shift down?"
The android nodded and walked further into the alley, a little ways off from the balcony. A massive cubby stood off to the side, which he stepped into with practiced ease. He turned around, put his back to the wall, and closed his eyes as he tilted his head back. The lights on his body dimmed, then flickered out. The hydrolics of his body hissed and clunked into their locked positions. He went still as a statue.
Red turned around. The humanoid form in the corner of her room perked up with a soft sigh as its stiff joints and dimmed lights warmed up. The android blinked awake, his eyes flickering to life. After doing a quick stretch and roll of his shoulders to make sure he could move smoothly, he immediately made his way over to the bag he'd placed down.
Walking over to the balcony doorway, Red leaned in the door and watched him. Her eyes seemed flighty and distracted, but the android in her room was too busy fussing over the bagged item to notice. After struggling to untie the handles, he frowned and lifted a hand. One of his clawed fingers sparked, sharpening into a blade. He made quick work of the bag's handle before changing his claw back with a satisfied nod. Soon, a massive, pink plush bean bag bed was sent spilling out onto Red's bedroom carpet. She perked up in surprise.
"Oh stars that is… a bit bigger than it looked in the stores, huh?"
"It is likely because the department store has higher ceilings, and more negative space to make large items look smaller," he recited, lifting his pointer finger. He began fluffing the bean bag, humming a soft tune to himself. It sounded strange for a moment, before Red realized he was humming along perfectly to the music playing on the radio. She watched him curiously.
The newly-purchased android- in her services for about a month now -was one of the latest models. A Household Emotional Management Assistant, or H.E.M.A. for short. She still couldn't believe the academy had outfitted her with such an expensive assistant. It wasn't like she needed it, really. It just seemed to be standard practice nowadays. She'd somewhat resented the choice at first, given she felt her professors were saying she needed protection because of her small stature. But, seeing him now, casually swaying to the cute pop song playing on the radio, fluffing a giant bean bag so carefully… it was hard to resent him for it.
"… I never did catch your name," she suddenly said from the doorway. The android perked up from his intent beanbag fluffing.
"Ah? … We do not have those. I am merely called H.E.M.A., or 'Assistant' for short. If you wish to give me a more defining name, that is up to you," he said with a nod. Red pursed her lips.
"H.E.M.A. is such a mouthful… would you mind if I called you Hema?"
The android blinked in surprise, stopping what he was doing. He stared at her for a long moment. So long, in fact, that she clicked her tongue and looked away.
"Sorry, I know it's not very creative."
"No, that's not it. It's just… we are programmed to never expect something like a name. I am unsure how to respond to this development…" he said, looking away and picking at the bean bag. Red smiled and shrugged, walking down the plush stairs that led down from the balcony to the conversation area in the middle of the room.
"Well, how about we finish fluffing this thing up so we can enjoy it?" she chimed, leaning over to join Hema in squishing the bean bag to increase its volume. Hema gazed at her quietly, a few symbols on his eyepiece twisting and dancing around on its screen. After a while, Red looked up at the android, raising a brow.
"You're twice my height. C'mon we could be done with this in like five minutes if you help me," she said with a smirk. Hema perked up and continued in his quest for the fluffiest bean bag possible.
"Right, my apologies Mada-… Red."
After a few minutes, the plump pink beanbag sat proudly in the middle of Red's room where her bed used to reside, and Red had changed into her pajamas for the evening. She circled around her new bed, running her fingers through its luxuriously soft surface. Given how cold it was outside and in the room, the surface was chilly to the touch. Yet, that didn't detract from the siren call it was drifting into Red's ears. The notseanis smiled excitedly and tried to hop up into the massive bed… and failed spectacularly, ending up on her butt. She winced with a small yelp, having landed straight on her tail base. Hema's hair fluffed up in alarm, and he quickly rounded the beanbag to kneel next to Red, scooping her up in his arms.
"Are you alright? That sounded painful."
"Tsss, oh don't worry that was nothing, just wasn't expecting it, that's all," she muttered. She looked up, meeting Hema's eyes up close again. She couldn't quite make out the nodes in his smaller form's irises… but that didn't stop her from imagining all the details she'd been able to see on the balcony. Hema tilted his head, perplexed. At his sudden silence, Red cleared her throat and casually hooked an arm around his neck.
"Y'know, while we're already here… you mind putting me up on this thing? I could use my legs, but you know. The shock of you almost stealing a bed has made them so weak."
Hema blinked in concern.
"Your legs are feeling weak?"
Red's expression dropped to a deadpan, amused look. She gestured a hand out.
The android blinked, then narrowed his eyes. His circuits whirred audibly for a moment before he perked up.
"OH. That was sar-casm. Got it."
Red chuckled good-naturedly and looked at the bed as Hema stood to his feet. She looked down, quickly reminded that her own assistant was twice her height. She stood at a below-average 7 feet for a faust notseanis, while Hema stood at about 13 in his domestic body. It was surreal to be picked up by someone so tall.
Hema gently placed Red down on the bed, making sure not to catch any of his claws on the fabric.
"There. Is this acceptable?"
Red leaned back and pushed down into the bean bag with both her palms. They sank in deeply, and the slight reflection of warmth from her body into the fabric was a welcome embrace after the cold of her room. She sighed deeply and sank back into the bed, closing her eyes.
"Very. This is wayyy nicer than it looked in the store."
Hema stood up with a smile and folded his arms behind him.
"Well, if that is all, I should leave you to your rest. There is much to be done in-"
"Hey, you just got back, what did we say about rushing off to do chores every night?"
"… That I'm not supposed to," he admitted, pouting a little. He glanced away. "But, what else am I to do in here? Watch you sleep? I did not take you for the sort to like that."
Red rolled her eyes and patted the bed beside her. Hema stared. She pursed her lips.
"Come on, it's stupidly cold tonight, mind helping me out?"
"… OH. You are requesting body heat?"
"Oh my stars you make it sound so clinical, c'mon." She rolled a little to the side, trying to make room best she could. "You don't have to be so professional. I'd like to think we know each other a little better than that."
Hema tapped his chin, hesitating. After a long moment, though, he faintly smiled and carefully bared his weight on the edge of the beanbag. He looked down, pushing on it to test it. When he was satisfied his weight wouldn't burst any seams, he carefully crawled on beside Red, turning onto his side. With how squishy the beanbag was, it was hard not to be sidled up against her. Though, she didn't seem to mind. Red turned her back to the android, leaning against his front. He lifted a hand in surprise, looking around. She looked over her shoulder with a sly glint in her eyes.
"You don't usually run this warm. You doin' okay?"
"I am. Simply fulfilling your request for body heat. That's all," he fibbed, glancing away. Red rolled her eyes and adjusted on her side, tucking her cheek onto her arm for a pillow. She sighed deeply, her tail curling around her leg.
Hema gazed down at her, still keeping his hands away from her form. His eyepiece still danced and glitched with information, far too much for him to process all at once.
Then, slowly, he seemed to realize something, and his form relaxed a bit.
Carefully, Hema's hand slipped to Red's side and wrapped around her middle. The nis blinked in surprise, but before she was able to ask what he was doing, she found Hema curling up around her. He gently rested his chin on her head, his eyes closing. The cooling system in his body was coursing with warmth, pleasantly radiating a comforting heat into her petite frame. Her curled tail instinctively sought out the warmth, wrapping around Hema's leg. She looked up at him, but didn't budge.
"… Now, I don't remember requesting this."
Slyly opening one eye, Hema smirked down at the nis.
"You didn't have to. All my biometric scans stated it's what you desired. I can cease, if you like-"
"No no. No. This is nice," she admitted, glancing away. Hema smiled and gently hugged Red to his front, sighing.
"Good. Then please, get some restful sleep. I predict a 95% chance of you receiving a full night's rest with your new bed."
Yawning, Red snuggled into Hema's embrace. The biting cold from her room barely reached her past the warmth radiating from Hema's form.
"Mm you stay right here and you can make that a 99%."
"… 99% it is, then," he said with a small smile. "Good night, Red. Sweet dreams."
"Good night, Hema. Don't steal any beds for me again," she said with a deep, tired sigh. Hema rolled his eyes, chuckling. He wrapped around her tighter, closing his eyes.
"No promises."
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unusuallysized-sfw · 2 years
G/t July Day 11 12 13 14 15 16
so im gonna post a catchup catchall on August 1st!
Anyway todays Thing is Beach
Feel theres a couple go tos with a theme like that, be it lewd, wholesome, archetypal or otherwise.
So ima just prompt dump for this one
The beach bully is actually tiny af, but for some reason is still intimidating as all get out
Surfer Bro Giant who cant actualky surf so he teaches usual sized folk instead
Lifegaurd giant who sits in a comically tiny chair
Sand Village of tiny folk, be they minish, elves, imps, borrowers or what have you...their society lasted so long the sand has become sandstone
Wading pools tiny folk section of a beach.
Giant Nude Beach located behind a dense amount of trees to cover their shame
This is where the Lewd ideas would go but im a sfwish blog so instead here's a funny gif
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firenze11 · 2 years
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Tom was not excited about the fact that the only person left without a partner in his Cosmic History 101 class was a giantess. Cypher wasn't excited about the fact that she had a halfling asking to be her partner. There had to be someone else right? She'd much rather do it on her own. So would Tom. But, alas, there wasn't anyone else. They'll have to make it work. Maybe Cypher can at least figure out why the whelp is hanging out with the halfling so much.
Cypher, Tom and Alex are my characters, so please don't use them without permission. My patreon: www.patreon.com/Firenze11 My Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/firenze11
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smolboiremy · 2 years
Gt July - Day 25 - Pocket
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smolboiremy · 2 years
Gt July - Day 21 - Handheld
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Joel (smol) - he/him [10 yrs]
Tory(Jackson) (tol) - he/him [19 yrs]
He never thought he‘d hold his brother like this, but the world is mysterious
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territorial-utopia · 1 year
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I know gtjuly should mean drawing new things daily but wow do I not have the time or the energy for that. Instead here's another older piece I did, actually I used these designs of T and Lovia later in gtjuly 2022 for the royalty au piece I did-
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theshiftingworkshop · 2 years
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GTJuly day 4: sizeshifting
What's better than one size shifter? Three sizeshifters!
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Here’s some G/t free thoughts:
A Giant laying in a field of flowers as the wind blows petals into their hair and yours as you lay nearby
A tiny curled alongside you as you curl around them while lying in bed.
A Giant holding you close, with a focused look off into the distance, but you feel their fingers slightly tighten protectively around you
A tiny shyly asking you to hold out your hand so that they can doodle and trace over your finger prints
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theshiftingworkshop · 2 years
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GTjuly day 20: exhausted
I really tried to think of something good to do for this prompt but this'll have to do-
Cause like, man yeah, I've been exhausted for a long while now, without a chance to recharge properly...
It really is exhausting.
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theshiftingworkshop · 2 years
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GTjuly day 7: creature
You all remember Shifter right? Well other than that, alot of you don't know about a collections of stories I've been writing-
I don't wanna say too much on it (cause one of these days I hope to be confident to post them) but I hope you like this nonetheless!
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theshiftingworkshop · 2 years
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GTJuly day 8: snacks
Shhhhhh! They're watching a movie with a classic movie snack!
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theshiftingworkshop · 2 years
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GTjuly day 16: beach
Just a lonely Sheer waiting for someone to come say hi-
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theshiftingworkshop · 2 years
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GTjuly day 13: cosmos
Nothing like the vastness of the universe to make you feel small...
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