#gu seung hyo x ye seon woo
drivingsideways · 3 years
Seunwoo + Seunghyo sick
Hi anon! Thank you for this ask, and sorry it's taken me a while to write!
This one is, in my head, set in my Where Your Treasure Is 'verse, but you don't need to read that to make sense of this. The premise here is that Seon-woo and Seung-hyo are in a romantic relationship and have been living together for a while, and they also run a company together.
"You better take something for that," says Seon-woo at breakfast.
"For what?" Seung-hyo croaks at The Korean Herald, which has decided, on this fine spring morning to lead with an editorial on wealth redistribution that looks like it's been written by a twenty-year old who gets her news on Instagram. Pulling their advertising for the next six months seems overkill, but surely something should be--
"For the flu you've been having for the last two days," says Seon-woo, wheeling his chair around the table toward the kitchen counter. As he passes Seung-hyo, he reaches out to place an inquiring palm against his forehead. Seung-hyo jerks away.
--ah, he has it, yes, wasn't there an interview scheduled today with the Seoul Business News--
"Hmm," says Seon-woo, "Nothing some paracetamol and rest won't cure. Take it."
He moves away, and the coffee-maker whirs loudly.
"Is there something wrong with it?" he asks, "I'll call the company. Didn't they promise noiseless?"
"They did not."
He turns in his chair to look at his partner.
"I'm the one who ordered it."
"I'm the one who read the manual and set it up. This is the noise it makes every day. You're just extra sensitive today because-"
He turns back to his eggs and toast, and the horrifying state of the world.
The problem with living with a medical professional was that they always thought they knew everything about everything. Alright, maybe that wasn't a problem with medical professionals in general. Seung-hyo is willing to acknowledge that the problem, in this case, might be more localized, viz, the man across the table who's judgmentally sipping his coffee , while a bowl of oats congeals into goop in front of him. Why he doesn't wait to finish his coffee before pouring out the cereal, Seung-hyo has never understood. And he's tried, oh, he's tried, to get him to view this logically, but Seon-woo will insist on eating the cold slop every day.
"Did you get a chance to review the Australian distributorship deal?" he asks, swallowing a bite of toast. The bread feels scratchy going down his throat. Had Madam Ji switched to a different bakery?
"Yes, I've made some notes and sent out an email," Seon-woo replies. "I'm quite sure we can do better. I've asked Kim bujang to look into it."
"Oh," he says, picking up his phone, "I didn't see it…when did you send it out?"
He'd been working late last night, how had he missed—
"After you fell asleep at the desk," Seon-woo says, coolly.
He has a vague memory of Seon-woo waking him up, and shutting his laptop for him last night. This was why he hated medication, which he had taken, he wasn't entirely irrational, despite what Seon-woo liked to imply.
It just interfered.
"Well," he says, taking two large gulps of his own coffee, "I better get going, I have a day."
"I bet," Seon-woo mutters, and then gives him a sweet smile when he gives him a look. "Have a good one, hyung."
His expression says that he thinks the probability of that is negative. Seung-hyo's never met anyone as petty as the love of his life, and that's a fact. Well, maybe Ye Jin-woo, which just went to show you—
"I will, thank you," he says, "Shall we have lunch together?"
Seon-woo nods, and this time the smile is genuine, and alright, he didn't care that the love of his life was a petty fuck, he especially didn't care that his head felt a bit like a block of wood, life was good, and he was going to have a good day.
"Bad cold?" asks the make-up professional at the TV studio, her voice sympathetic. "I'll get you some warm water with salt to gargle with, it'll clear up your throat before you go on air."
"Thank you," he says, "That's very kind, but unnecessary."
She pauses.
"It's really no trouble Gu daepyo-nim."
"No," he says, "Thank you. Again. But no."
At lunch, Seon-woo says, calmly, "I'm sure the ten people watching KBN at 11.22 am this morning would have been convinced by your argument, if they'd been able to hear it. Why did they cut you off so quick?"
"A glitch in the sound system," he says, "The sound engineer was profoundly apologetic. I didn't think it was worth making a fuss about."
"Uh-huh," says Seon-woo. "You mean the fact that he forgot to mute your mike properly, so we could hear you hacking up a lung off screen? I think he should be fired."
"Where's your sense of proportion?" Seung-hyo asks. The hot chicken broth feels good going down his throat, warming his chest.
"Left it in our McMansion this morning," Seon-woo says, and sets his chopsticks down.
"Hyung," he says, "Take the rest of the day off."
"I can't," he replies, "There's too much to do."
"Rescheduling a few meetings is not the end of the world."
"It's discourteous to the people who are giving me their time," Seung-hyo replies, "Besides, I'm fine. The soup was delicious. Thank you for ordering it."
Seon-woo waves a hand, "You can thank Kyung-ah-ssi on your way out."
"I'll buy her flowers," Seung-hyo says, because there's no way he's going to face her without even that much of a defense.
Seon-woo says, evenly, "You'll be sure to pick them up yourself, won't you? I mean, there's absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be in a pollen factory- excuse me- a flower shop today."
"You're not as funny as you think you are," Seung-hyo says, rising from the table. "Dinner at 7?"
"Sure," says Seon-woo, "You'll be making crab soup, I hope?"
"Don't push your luck," Seung-hyo says, with dignity and calm, and runs away.
He comes to groggily, in his bed, with no memory of how he got there. The lights are dimmed, and he's sweaty under the quilt. There's movement beside the bed, and when he opens his eyes, bleary, Seon-woo is placing a food tray on the bedside table.
"What time is it?" he asks.
"Past 9," Seon-woo says, quietly. "Ready for some food?"
He sighs, turning on his side to face him.
Seon-woo's expression is fond, even though there's a trace of exasperation beneath.
"I'm feeling better," he announces.
"Astounding," Seon-woo murmurs, taking the lid off a steaming bowl. "Considering you weren't, at any point, sick."
Petty, petty.
"I bet that's rice porridge," he says craning his neck. "Ugh."
"Special from eomeonim," Seon-woo confirms. "She's put me on a deadline to feed you this tonight. So chop-chop."
He pushes himself up, resting against the pillows, as Seon-woo arranges the tray for him.
It does taste good- like childhood, and home, he acknowledges, as he swallows the first mouthful.
Seon-woo is taking off his prosthetics, heaving a sigh of relief. Despite all the advances they've made in the material technology, wearing it for several hours at a stretch and the kind of life Seon-woo led, did make it a bother. At home, Seon-woo often preferred to get around in the wheelchair like he'd done for most of his life. Sometimes, when Seung-hyo thinks of how much pain Seon-woo has borne, he can barely comprehend it. Compared to that—
But that's a thought he'll keep to himself, he's not a fool.
"You're such an idiot about these things," Seon-woo says, as he maneuvers himself across the bed. He raises a hand to brush away the sweaty hair sticking to Seung-hyo's forehead. "You realize being ill isn't a character flaw, right?"
Seung-hyo puts his spoon down.
"So you're a psych now too?" he cribs, picking up his spoon again.
"Don't need to be," Seon-woo says, yawning, and turning away. "You're not that complicated, hyung."
God, the man was so annoying.
It really was a disaster that Seung-hyo was crazy about him.
"Sleep well," he says aloud, as Seon-woo settles down, "See you in the morning."
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drivingsideways · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Life (Korea TV 2018), Life (라이프) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gu Seung-hyo/Ye Seon-woo Characters: Gu Seung-hyo, Ye Seon-woo, Choi Seo-hyun, Ye Jin-woo, Original Character Additional Tags: Romance, Physical Disability Series: Part 2 of Where Your Treasure Is Summary:
It takes six years, or three minutes, depending which way you looked at it. Either way, he's screwed.
Or: Gu Seung-hyo finds that love isn't a bed of roses.
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drivingsideways · 3 years
Hi! I've gobbled up all of your Seunwoo and Seunghyo fics and I'm so in love ! I've been in the Kyungmoon/ Seunghyo camp until I across your fics and Rain's commentary on them and I LOVE! LOVE LOVE! If it's ok to ask, why them? These two are the rarest of rare pairs and I'm curious about what convinced you that these two are IT?
Hi anon! So glad you enjoyed the fic 🤗
For the record, I would also be 100% behind the Kyung moon/ Seung hyo ship because lbr, why wouldn't you? There's a lot to mine there starting from that scene where Seung hyo finds him in an exhausted slumber to that power play Seung hyo does at the election for Director. Pragmatic politician and strategist Seung hyo vs the beating heart of Sungkook who have to find ways around each other and ultimately toward each other? Enemies-to-lovers 50k ‘verse. DELICIOUS. That said, I don't have the energy to write it but would cheer anyone who did!
Also for the record, I have a history of being drawn to the rarest pairs, and am the personification of “starts the tag on AO3″ in practically every fandom I’m in. I think ,as a writer, these “rare pair” i.e overlooked possibilities/ characters or ships marginalized by the canon and fandom narrative are where I find the greatest joy in exercising my imagination, because canon and fandom give me freedom to write the kinds of stories I want to read. 
Re: why I latched on to Seon-woo & Seung hyo, I think it really was the extraordinary charisma, talent and chemistry of both the actors. Their scenes together just *pop * for me, and it was backed by solid characterization work from writer-nim, who clearly loves both these characters a lot. 
( It helped that the canon romance track made me physically cringe. Like writer- nim did ZERO to make me buy No eul/ Seung hyo.  I feel writer-nim is super talented at doing complex, nuanced platonic/ queer-platonic/ familial/ professional relationships and falls flat on her face in the more traditional heterosexual romance dept, alas. While watching the show, all I could think of was how much of a disaster the Seung-hyo/No-eul relationship would be once they got over the honeymoon sex. Like, just bang each other senseless and be done with it, uff, but right, this is a kdrama which posits a world where zero people hook up just for sex *rolled eyes *)
In sharp contrast to the official romance, these two felt like a more natural fit for each other. I think they're both people who pay * attention *, who don’t see the world in black and white, and tend to see beyond the obvious, and the fact that their attention is drawn to each other is just *chef's kiss *.
When they meet, I think each of them is intrigued by the other, and also quickly find themselves respecting the other, beyond their obvious differences of opinion. I think that kind of, hmm, maturity? understanding of how the world works? ability to read and understand other people? The sheer competence they both exude? is very attractive to me in characters, and it felt like the basis for a good friendship and perhaps more. 
Seung hyo treats Seon-woo like an ordinary person while making space for his needs as a disabled person. He neither patronizes him with pity nor infantilizes him by trying to rescue/ protect him-  and that choice just made * Seung hyo * even more lovely as a character. As for Seon-woo, he never loses objectivity about Seung hyo as a person, even though he "loses" No-eul to him on some level. Unlike Jin-woo, he never looked at Seung hyo as "enemy" and he never does, even in the end, despite Seung-hyo being intimately tied to his heartbreak. 
I think THE SCENE for me, though, is really when Seung-hyo and No-eul watch the fight between the Ye brothers and Kim Tae sang, and No-eul is ready to charge in and fight for her boys, but Dr.Joo restrains her. There’s a lot going on in that scene (which is one of my faves in the series), but one of the things that pinged for me is how often  Seung-hyo inadvertently gets to see Seon-woo at his most vulnerable and as a result his understanding of and admiration for Seon-woo increases, but never descends into maudlin sentiment.
Tl;dr There's just enough in the show for my Seon-woo loving heart to go “these two would be unstoppable if they became allies and friends and also THEY SHOULD SMUSH FACES”
Thanks again for this ask, and giving me a chance to ramble about my best beloveds! 
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