setagaya-division · 10 months
Elliot's Thoughts on Sendai Division
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Ryūzō Mizutori
"Professor Ryu is... well, he's very "demanding", to say the least. He doesn't allow any sort of disruption or disturbance in his class go unpunished. I lot of the students hate him, or, at the very least, don't have many nice things to say about him. I don't know if its cause he's quick to hand out punishments, or because he always seems to give out random quizzes with no explanation or warning. I'll admit, he's caught me off guard a couple of times with that, but I still manage to do... fairly well on his tests."
"Aside from that, Professor Ryu is one of the few professors in the Academy who doesn't try to stop me from hanging out with Mina-san. Plus, he always seems to step in with some of the other students are... giving me trouble. He seems scary, but... I really think he's a nice person, deep down."
Takumi Wakaba
"P-Professor W-W-Wakaba is a nice man, but... I really do not like his class! Everyday, it's always the same thing: running around the track, or playing dodgeball! And I'm always the first one to get out! And when I do, the professor always lectures me about not having enough 'youthful spirit or energy', whatever that means. Plus, he has a bad habit of using his kendo stick on me! Doesn't he realize that that isn't motivating me, so much as it is hurting me?!"
"I know he hates it when I skip his class, but I can't help it! I'm really not good when it comes to P.E.! Plus, that class always gives the bullies an excuse to hurt me! I really don't like it! I'm just grateful Mina-chan is there with me. Otherwise, it'd be a lot worse."
Kotono Ohara
"Professor Ohara is one of my favorite teachers in the Academy! Even though I don't participate in her class, I do like to stay behind and ask her some questions. This doesn't make me very popular, but... well, I don't think anything I do will help me with that. But besides that, Ohara-sensei also sometimes lets me hide out in her office when I want to skip P.E., or get away from some of my... bullies. She's a really nice woman... even if she does sometimes have a habit of canceling class, for some reason. Besides that, I still do enjoy when she does teach class."
"But... I'm a bit worried about her and Mina-chan. For some reason, Mina-chan is a little suspicious of Ohara-sensei. I've tried asking why, but she's surprisingly tight-lipped about it. Whatever it is, I hope she and Ohara-sensei can work out whatever differences they have."
Kiya Kara
"Wow... I didn't think my professors would actually form a team together to participate in the D.R.B. I wonder what their reasoning is. ...Wait, does this mean we'll have to face each other?! Oh no! I really don't want to have any of my teachers! It's already bad enough Maki-sensei is in this, but now even more of my teachers are joining! I just hope we don't have to face them first!"
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The hummingbird guard chuckled and have him a small smile of reassurance. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll be careful, alright?” She reasoned as she looked up at him, her eyes darting around for only a brief moment in an assessment of the surrounding area– even if she had been here many times, with a prankster on the lose you could never be very sure. While they were in line she tore her eyes away from the selection of sweets (after all, she came here for a coffee flavors milkshake) and looked over to the broadcaster. “Mitsuru?” She questioned, not finishing her sentence as she cocked her head to the side and furrowed her brow. Pulling the last bit of what she was going to ask she finished the sentence: “are you okay?” She had to turn her head away however when she realized they were next to order, though she still wanted an answer from him. “Coffee milkshake, please.” She requested from the man behind the counter.
She took the milkshake in one hand and dug around in her pocket for her wallet, stopping and looking back at him with a surprised expression. “Honestly​, Mitsuru, just go find us a place to sit and go ahead and eat. I’m paying anyways.” She chided as she waved him off to the sitting area and pulled out her wallet. Setting her things on the counter she easily got her debit card and moved to pay for their food. Looking down at what she has to eat she felt her own stomach ready to growl again and she hurried away from the line before it could, popping a piece of sushi into her mouth before she had even gotten 3ft away from the counter, hopefully so her stomach would be briefly appeased. “You’re right, I am very happy that I don’t have to give them back.” She confirmed as she shot a coy smile to him, shrugging her shoulders to move the headphones since her hands were too full to tap on them. Her coy smile turned to that of a sincere one in seconds though.
Mitsuru needed a moment to answer. He nodded carefully before he looked back at her.  “I’lm fine”, he answered with a small smile. “Just heard something that felt... kinda strange to hear. But I bet it was just something not work related...”  That must be it. There was no way the guys were talking about some story he knew. He almost convinced himself that he was right with it, but suddenly he heard one of the guards behind him something about suicide and he felt how his stomach began to cramp up.  There was no way they were talking about the story with Kat and Hajime... That just couldn’t be..  For a few seconds he was unable to say something, then he just tried to laugh it off, what ended with a horrible, suffering noise.  “I’ll... tell you when we sit...”, he just whispered, holding his Sushi and the Milkshake he ordered.  He just knew Kotonoe noticed his change of behaviour. 
The broadcaster nodded again. “I’ll wait at the table”, he said and walked over, avoiding another trip wire he just saw, nodding down to it to warn the hummingbird guard.  At the table, he sat down and started to eat his Sushi before his stomach could cry again in hunger.  That felt soooooo good to finally eat something. Maybe Kotonoe was right and she should take a look at him from time to time so he ate enough.  He was really glad that she was around him today and even more that she enjoyed having his hat and the headphones so much. He felt really good when he saw her smiling. 
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guard-kotonoe · 7 years
Until I can figure out how to trim a thread I’ll do this. Because that was getting too long for desktop to not go 100 miles, or mobile desktop. @nanbas-noise-problem -Mun))
“I think I could believe the philosophy point of what you say.” She joked as she slipped the comb back into her pocket and moved over to a chair, letting herself fall into it. “And probably like drinking energy drinks for me. And don’t scold me on that- they’re horrid for me, I know, but so good.” She commented as she pushed herself up and leaned forward, elbow resting on her knee and hand on her cheek. Eyeing him as he pulled out the little box, “I didn’t realize you kept some stashed in here.” She commented absentmindedly as she looked around once more. She could feel her legs screaming at her from how many times she ran into things and then had to turn around, but she paid it no mind when she walked around a good portion of the day anyways. Her hair was probably a mess too from a couple of these run ins, maybe just the wind outside at least. Oh boy, she sincerely hoped she didn’t get called to take anything to building 3 today.
“And I’ll take my coffee black. Not use adding sugar if I can’t add cream- tastes weird.” She replied and stretched, feeling a few tense joints release as she curled back into the chair once more. “I still have that comb if you need it too. Ya know, for your hair.” Kotonoe said from her comfortable position as she let a small smile spread across her face, mumbling under her breath with ‘such a nice chair’ and 'I could sleep here right now.’ Regardless she kept an eye open- the blind one, but one of them at least- to let him know she was very much still listening as well. Kotonoe even ended up resting her chin on the arm of the chair.
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nagasakidivision · 2 years
Damien: Sendai Division First Impressions
Ryūzō Mizutori
Yeah, he's— he's nothing to worry about. Ahaha. Uh, you know, because...I'm already fluent in a few languages, and one of 'em is English, so I could sleepwalk my way through his classes. Not that I'm gonna complain about an easy A! Heh. Can't catch me off-guard with a pop quiz, you gotta wake up early to outsmart this old dog.
Takumi Wakaba
Oh, yeah, it's hard to not hear stories about this guy from his former students. Y'know, there's a few tricks to dealing with someone who's chasing after you with a shinai, and the first one is that you want to be faster than them. Now, that might seem like common sense, and you're right, but the second one is to use your terrain to your advantage. You'd be surprised how easy it is to get yourself out of someone's striking range even if you aren't that fast, you just have to think on your feet.
And this is a great time to mention that I offer personal tutoring in freerunning, base price starts at two thousand yen for an hour, just tip me whatever you feel like afterwards! All funds go towards food and toys for Lucia, so it's for a good cause. As a bonus, I will not hit you with a stick, my hand to God.
Hey, don't look at me like that. He seems like the kind of guy who'd be impressed if you could pull it off so you probably won't get smacked on the head when class is over.
Kotono Ohara
Physics? Eh. Chemistry was more my thing. I mean, I wasn't great at the sciences but I know a thing or two more than most people. I like being a jack of all trades, you know? Sounds like she kinda is too since she does stuff in the medical field too. Busy lady, huh? Wonder if she ever worked with my—
Uh. Nothing. That's kind of a long shot. And not one I'd have wanted to happen. Never mind.
Kiya Kara
Haa...this is another team it's going to be kind of awkward to deal with, huh? I guess it's fine as long as none of them start getting too curious—more about me than Haruto or Shirou, though I guess we've all got things to hide, huh? I mean, I'm not going to publicly ask questions about them, so hopefully they'll give us the same courtesy.
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sendaidivision · 2 years
Ryūzō's Thoughts on Third Members
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Saburo Yamada
"As a rule, I try not to teach anyone below the age of 15, since they are usually too young or immature for my lessons, which means no middle or grade schoolers. Surprisingly, young Saburo-kun proved to be neither of the two. In fact, his intellect far exceeded that of his classmates. It almost made me wonder why someone like him is still in middle school...
"However, despite his intellect, I'm a bit worried about the boy's stubbornness. He doesn't give enough thought to the opinions of others, and believes himself to be above them simply because they aren't as smart as he is. I sincerely hope he grows out of that mindset before he ascends to higher education. From what I've observed, most high schoolers do not take kindly to anyone thinking that they are better than them."
Rio Mason Busujima
"...Is it bad to say that I know this gentleman? Back during my... assassin days, I was hired to guard an important army sergeant's life for some reason; I didn't really care at the time. But anyway, it was then I was introduced to his bodyguard, Busujima-san. To say that the two of us didn't trust each other was an understatement. He obviously didn't like that I was an assassin, not that I cared. Still, we managed to co-exist long enough for our assignment to be over. We rarely spoke to each other, but the few times we did, I was somewhat surprised by his knowledge. He's a good man, to say the least."
Dice Arisugawa
"Kotono-san could probably tell you more about this young man than I could since they spend the majority of their time in the casinos, gambling away their money. Unlike Kotono-san however, at least she knows when to call it quits. Arisugawa-kun, on the other hand, seems to thrive getting himself deeper and deeper into debt. It's no wonder the boy hasn't finished in school, as he has not a lick of sense in that brain of his..."
Doppo Kannonzaka
"Though we don't know each other fully enough to be called friends or acquaintances, Kannonzaka-san and I are on good terms. I ran into him whilst I was in Shinjuku. He apparently lost his bus ticket, so I paid for him to come on, which he was thankful for. He was a quiet man, but I wasn't bothered by it. He seemed to be plagued by a dark cloud over his head. Honestly, it was hard not to see a bit of myself in him..."
Rei Amayado
Ryūzō frowns at Rei's photo. "Were it not for the fact that he is acquainted with Tsutsujimori-san, I'd have seriously hurt this man. I caught him outside the Academy trying to pass himself off as a homeless person so he could con some of my students. Naïve as they were, they didn't know that the old man was fooling them. Luckily for him, Tsutsujimori told him off and told him not to come near the Academy again. The man apologized and walked off, as if nothing was ever wrong with him. I question exactly why a smart, educated man like Rosho-san is affiliated with a con artist like him...
Hitoya Amaguni
"I don't know fully know much about Amaguni-san, save for the fact that he had to take my statement in the case involving young Aimono-kun. Despite his gruff demeanor, he seemed like a passionate man who obviously has a thing against bullying. And he did manage to get Iyogi-kun sent to prison for his bullying. I personally thanked Amaguni-san and told him to take care of Aimono-kun. I've no doubt Jyushi-kun is in good hands."
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thatdesusa · 7 years
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News is out that the game "Caligula" is going to be turned into an anime series ^_^
For those who don't know, the game (called The Caligula Effect in the US) is an RPG that was released last year by Aquria for the PlayStation Vita, that revolves around the "Go Home Club", a group of high school students who have discovered that they're not in the real world, but trapped inside of a virtual simulation run by the god-like "μ" and its guardians, the Ostinato Musicians, who are willing to kill if it will safe guard the "world"
On the anime, while we don't know which studio is behind it, the official site has given the names of the cast, which are:
1. Chiharu Sawashiro (Tsukipro The Animation) as Ritsu Shikishima
2. Reina Ueda (Aikatsu Stars!) as μ
3. Shunsuke Takeuchi (Yu☆Gi☆Oh! VRAINS) as Shougo Satake
4. Yuuichirou Umehara (Juuni Taisen) as Izuru Minezawa
5. Yoshimasa Hosoya (the Free! series) as Kotarou Tomoe
6. Rie Murakawa (Action Heroine Cheer Fruits) as Kotono Kashiwaba
7. Ari Ozawa (Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!) as Naruko Morita
8. Rie Takahashi (Animegataris) as Mifue Shinohara
9. Minami Tanaka (the Wake Up, Girls! series) as Suzuna Kagura
10. Mai Fuchigami (the Girls und Panzer series) as Marie Mizuguchi
11. Asami Shimoda (the Infinite Stratos series) as Aria
12. Shouta Aoi (the Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ series) as KagiP
13. Emi Nitta (the Love Live! School Idol Project series) as SweetP
14. Yumiri Hanamori (Rolling☆Girls) as Shounen Doll
15. Eriko Nakamura (The iDOLM@STER series) as Mirei
16. Soma Saito (Infini-T Force) as IkeP
17. Yuuma Uchida (The iDOLM@STER SideM) as Shadou Knife
18. Yuka Ootsubo (Hanayamata) as Thorn
"Caligula" will be out Spring (Apr - Jun) 2018
Source: http://caligula-anime.com/
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sinmenon · 7 years
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This game can be quite annoying when it comes to being clear about the objectives and the system so I decided to put up the things I’ve learned so far in a general hints guide. I’ll be editing as I advance in story and uncover more secrets.
✿ Make use of the the Imaginary Chain as much you can. The preview is not always accurate, but it works most of the time ✿ Set your party order. I know they act more or less around the same time, but it helps when making the imaginary chains. ✿ Keep the enemies on the air. Not only it disrupts their attacks but  they are also defenseless like that. Use the launch attacks whenever  possible. ✿ Don't be afraid to grind. It's boring, but useful in this game. You will get game over a lot but after a certain level and learning some abilities it's going to be easier. ✿ The skill points aren’t distributed per character, but for the entire party. Consider it when buying new skills 
✿ The game allows you to befriend the NPCs. In theory you can bring every student that you are friends with to battle after a point in story. ✿ Pay attention to the Casualty Link. Every NPC belongs to a circle of friends, so if a character has the lock symbol next to their name, try raising the affinity of the others around the character and they will be available to befriend eventually. ✿ Then a friend’s affinity is a about 2.5 they will reveal a Trauma that  leads to a Quest that you can accept with the ▲. ✿ Many of these Quests requires that you invite them into your party by pressing the ▲and are in the lines of taking to talk to  somebody or to equip an specific Stigma. You may check their profile in the ▲ menu. Once their request is completed, report back by talking to them. ✿ When your affinity gets to the Rank 4, your friend will reveal a  Deep Trauma. Just deal with it the same way as the previous Quest. ✿ Think twice before spending skill points with them. Remember: these points are for all members of your party. ✿ If you bookmark these students, they will appear more often at the entrance to the dungeons, making it easier to proceed with their quests or just talk to them and increase their affinity.
Character-specific combat tips
Please note that they are also valid for the random NPCs that wields the same weapons as the Go-Home Club members.
✿ The Protagonist's Vintage Strike can be useful at early stages, but later on the Shadow Pierce (which is a guard breaker ) and Rapid Fire (which staggers enemies and cancel some of their actions) more often. And if the digihead is Risk 4 or higher, Leaden Retort is great! Don't forget to Soul Surge afterwards. Try keeping him a few levels above the regular enemies in the area and equip Stigmas with high  ACC. The Backslide is very useful to get him out  of harm’s way. If he’s down, it’s all over. ✿ I like setting Kensuke for the first turn order. If the enemy is going to attack immediately with a burst-like name or anything that I won't have the time to perform the skill I have him using Dark Pace , otherwise I have Lunar Cynicism, both followed by Filled with Beauty.   He can also learn Ambitious Push that costs a lot of SP, but it's great for area control as it knocks foes back. Valkyrie Limit works by launching enemies in a area. If using that two later skill, I recommend to do a Soul Surge afterwards  ✿ Kotaro's 'My Fist in your Face!' not only have a beautiful name, but it's wonderful to disrupt the enemy's attacks! He won't stop until hitting the target and it causes area damage. He is also highly recommended to be one of the first to act. “Take This!” is your choice if the chain launch the enemy int he air, otherwise keep on using Heavy Hitter. ✿  Kotono is focused in healing, but her Secret Snipe is great to keep the chain going and weaken the enemy’s defense at the same time. Always keep her distant from the heat of the battle. She is better being one of the last to perform. ✿  Suzuna's spear don't cause much damage, but it disrupts your foes and increases the Risk, perfect for setting up other people's skills.  Don’t be afraid to delay her attacks when needed. Her Battle Effect skills are very useful in battle ✿ The trick to Mifue is the timing. The Subpar Impact is useful, but when you learn Raid Dump you'll have so much fun with that. If the  foe is Risk 3, hit him with a Risk-Reward Ratio and then set the Crushing Stomp afterwards in early stages. Her later skills are also devastating.  ✿ Keep your distance using Shogo, pretty much like Kotono. Carnage of Despair is like Mifue’s Raid Dump with a knockback effect that can raise the risk and also cancel the foe’s moves.He also has the Ground Strike that raises the damage with higher risks. ✿ Naruko’s weapons act independently so even if she is attacked it’s hard to cancel her moves, making her a very useful character. In battle, you can set her weapon to go on ahead and cause physical havoc while the other stays behind performing range attacks. She is what you call ‘multitask’. But keep her away from the scuffle.
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the-golden-city · 8 years
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Shoukoku no Altair Fashion Analysis
I live in an area where most of the shops are owned by Turkish people, and in nearly every shop I have noticed a nazar hung behind the counter. A nazar is an amulet used to guard against the Evil Eye. Anyone who has visited Turkey will know that these symbols are everywhere, so it is appropriate that they are featured in some of Mahmut’s outfits (including this one).
Then I began to wonder if Mahmut’s other accessories in this picture had real life counterparts. Kato Kotono must get her inspiration from somewhere, no? Here are my findings so far:
Firstly, let’s talk about the nazar. Mahmut has several beads on his right hand that look a bit like this.
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These are a variation on nazar called boncuk. The beads come in various forms, and the most well-known are blue and white, but ones with yellow on them are not uncommon. They are typically made of glass, and the art of making them has existed for thousands of years in Western Asia. They are worn as jewellery or hung in homes, cars, offices etc to ward off the curse of the Evil Eye, cast when someone wishes misfortune on another and glares at them. The staring blue nazar eyes are meant to confuse and rebuff the curse.
Next, look at the round badges Mahmut is wearing on the left side of his jacket. Two of them depict ships, and the third a floral pattern. These designs seem to have been based on traditional Turkish ceramic tiles and trivets, which are hand-painted with beautiful images and patterns, each one unique. Here are some examples that I think resemble those in the picture.
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I would highly recommend taking a look at some examples of this art form, it really is very pretty.
Lastly, there is the headpiece Mahmut has pinned to the front of his turban. Whilst looking at examples of Turkish medals online, I found several drawings that were more or less its spitting image (although simplified).
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These are the arms of the Ottoman Empire, first created in the 19th century. They embody a nation of warriors that rules both land and sea (the anchor), but is also learned and just (the scales and book) and fertile (the cornucopia). The red flag represents the Ottoman dynasty, and the green flag the Islamic caliphate. It is a magnificent medal, a work of art in its own right, although I’m not certain who would have worn it. 
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Kotonoe found herself still caught in a haze in the back of her mind, a smile seemingly drawn onto her face after their kiss. She didn’t mean to get her hopes up, but maybe they were a bit more after it all had now passed. Her smile never fading​, and the moment she heard Mitsuru’s stomach she found herself laughing instead, amused by the sound once more. “At least it didn’t do that while we kissed.” She hummed out as a small act of reassurance. However, she was sure the giddy tone was present in her voice as she spoke, not that she could really control it- or cared to-do at the moment. “We’re getting food here in just a bit.” She said, almost parroting what he had said back. And she could already hear the bustle of the food court from where they were. She didn’t make a move to take her hand from his as they approached. That would be up to him.
“Are you sure you want me around often enough for that to be common?” She asked with a teasing grin, though honest curiosity was laced into it when she did so. She was more than happy with that idea after all. And she wouldn’t mind a new place to hide out instead of going to building 2’s break room. It wasn’t always that fun in there after all. And she would much rather prefer to be there with Mitsuru than in some stuffy room. Not to mention the green tea and broadcaster would brighten her day. “I mean, I’ll glad you take you up on the offer.” Kotonoe insisted as she glanced back to him, noticing more people now as was common around the food court. Especially during shift change at the prison. A few guards here and there were ones she knew or had seen, no one she was buddy buddy with. Though, at any moment she would expect her building 13 friend to jump from the surrounding area with an arsonal of questions fired at the hummingbird guard.
Mitsuru walked to the food court with her, looking around for a bit who was present there and let out a sigh of relieve when he saw no one who would mind seeing him holding hands with someone.  He walked further with Kotonoe, not thinking about letting go of her hand until he felt something on his foot. Before he even could take a look at what it was, he felt himself falling, landing on the cold hard ground the next second.  The broadcater blinked a few times before even realizing he was sitting on the ground now, glasses falling down and his face mildly confused.  “What... was that...?”, he mumbled while slowly getting back on his feet again, locating something like a thin tripwire on the ground. “Oh let me guess... That’s one of Tomato’s pranks again....” he sighed and rubbed over his elbow. It hurt a little.  After he caught his breath again, he looked back to Kotonoe, slightly embarrassed. “Don’t worry, I’m fine”, he said, just in case she was worried. 
After sorting his thoughts again, Mitsuru came back to the topic they were talking about.  “I wouldn’t mind having you around on a dayly base~”, he admitted with a grin. “I’ll make sure there will always be enough green tea, a new chair so we don’t have to fight over my chair and maybe some snacks, but we’ll see about that~”  The black haired announcer felt a few pair of eyes on him but he couldn’t say he wasn’t surprised. A few of the people around them were laughing, he could swear he heard Tomato’s laugh as well, and the other half of the peple seem to be worried if he was okay or not.  He knew he must look odd right now, without hat and headphones. 
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“Pay me in cuddles and food and you’ve got yourself a deal.” She added as she looked up at him with a tilted head and cocked eyebrow, smirk growing. It was a fun thought, and honestly, who was she to pass up on the offer? No one, that’s who. Especially not from Mitsuru. “I can make you a pretty cool crane design though.” She insisted as she locked her arms behind her head and looked forward once more. “Hey, we can go, say we’ve been, do at least one stupid and crazy thing while we’re there. Then we can come back. There we have it, a vacation in LA.” She reasoned as her grin grew even wider. The thought was more than just amusing to her. It was hilarious. Who knew what kind of odd thing she’d end up doing. Which brought her mind back a moment, “and on that note, don’t let me handle the money then.”
“Well, if that is the case, I guess I will have to start making trips to your office, or start calling to double check.” She threatened as she looked up at him once more. “Honestly, you really do need food.” She chided as she shook her head lightly and moved her hands to her hips. Tapping her foot down twice when she did so, though she kept walking.
She was confused as first to say the least. She hadn’t really expected that regardless of the situation. But she wasn’t about to turn it down either. Slowly she shook her head no to his question. She wouldn’t be mad, only surprised. For a moment she contemplated stepping away, before they got caught, but her body knew better in this case and stayed in place. Her cheeks flushed red once more and she found herself unable to speak at the moment when she looked at him.
Mitsuru laughed. “Okay, cuddles and food it is~” he agreed and stretched a little more before walking further to finally get some food in his belly.  “Something crazy... yeah. Like getting married?” he joked with a wide grin. “I mean, it’s what most people do there and regret later, isn’t it?”  At least he thought it was, but he wasn’t 100% sure about that. Maybe it was a different place where that used to happen.  We would look that up again. Not because he would actually want to get married there, just because he was curious now and it bothered him to not know. 
“I’m looking forwart to it~”, the broadcaster said, smiling. “There’s nothing like good company while enjoying a snack, isn’t it~?” He imagined sitting in the office, talking and laughing with Kotonoe and eating snacks while drinking coffee or tea.  It was a relaxing thought.  “I just can’t say no to you, snacks, food and a good pick of tea~”, he laughed softly. “Or coffee, whatever you like more~”
Mitsuru hasitated a moment before placing both hands on her cheeks and closing his eyes slowly.  He was well aware of what he was about to do and he also knew that it must confuse the hummingbird guard since he told her that he was in love with Hajime just half an hour ago, but he couldn’t help it.  The moment seemed so perfect and he felt like it was the right thing to do. Carefully he placed the kiss on her lips, warm and gentle while he was wrapping his arms around her, holding her tight and warm.  He really was a great kisser, no question about it.  It felt like forever, untill he finally made a step back, as good as he could with the back to the wall and opened his eyes again. 
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“keep it on for the whole day? Why, I’d be absolutely flattered for you to do that.” The guard chimed with a playful and fer too overdramatic tone. The wide Cheshire grin on her face easily revealing it all. Really, she doubted she could be very serious about it at all. “I guess I really will have to make it a good design then.” She added, content with the thought. “Well, when you find it I need to see it,” she stated, emphasizing the word ‘need’, as though it was a life and death situation. “If I can find my sketchbook ever in the clutter that is my closet, then I’ll come show you some of my own designs.” She said before grinning deviously, “or I can redraw them on your face.” She offered.
Kotonoe couldn’t stop the laugh that followed soon after she heard it. “Alright, I think your stomach demanding it even more than mine is.” She insisted as she looked up at him, patting her own stomach as she spoke. “I’m sure to get a growl of rebellion soon though.” She assured as she poked her stomach and lowered her hand, slipping it back into her uniform pocket. “And good, because I wholeheartedly intend to keep them a bit longer.” She admitted as she played with the brim of the hat. At hearing he had another she perked up. “Really?” She asked as she got a firm grip on the brim of it. “Don’t tempt me of you don’t mean it, I may actually try to take your hat.” She warned truthfully. she may actually try to take the guards hat if he would let her. Though the questions she would get after she was unsure of completely.
“You better do exactly that.” She chided as she looked up at him, a worried look traced in her eyes- something she was t sure could he seen or not. The thought of it all left a bad taste in her mouth for more than one reason, and she’d rather not dwell on the reasons. “I’ll bring over anything you need.” She confirmed as she shrugged. “I’ll probably have all my paperwork done by then as is.” To say Kotonoe was proud of the state she had left the broadcaster in was an oversimplified version of the truth. The moment he nodded though a smile had gonna back to her face and she moved her hand up, ready to stop if asked before she tucked it away past the opening of his shirt and began to mess with his piercings. She may as well, as pay back for her sides- even if she hadn’t minded it truthfully. Sue went back to wrong on his neck now though, not bothering to watch her canine teeth as she bit down on the bruise forming because of her. Or for a better term, the hockey on his neck now. Visible to anyone who saw him. And she was proud of that.
Mitsuru grinned widely. “Be careful, you might stard a new trend with this. Imagine, everyone wants to run around with eyeliner on their face. But well, if they pay you for it, that would be another thing to get more money for our vacation to LA” He was joking again but actually the idea was kinda fun. “But yeah, I know, without gambling. We won’t lose all the money, I promise”  He obviously had fun with that idea. “But seriously, I would wear it the whole day if I like it~”  Mitsuru was thinking for a moment where he left his book with the graffity designs. It wasn’t in the locker, that was for sure. But it also wasn’t at his apartment. He was looking for something else a few days ago and if he had found it there, he would remember.  “Oh, I really would love to see your drawings. Maybe I’ll let you draw a tattoo design for me~”
“Let’s just head over and get some food~”, the broadcaster laughed softly while his stomach let out another, rather loud battlecry of hunger.  “I seriously don’t want to lose my stomach because it’s eating himself” The thought was quiet horrible, but also really funny. “And yes, you could actually keep my hat as long as I don’t destroy the second one I own. And if it happenes, I will somehow get a new one from Hyakushiki, I’m sure. So... Yeah, keep at least the hat. But if someone asks, it’s just borrowed, okay?”  He stretched a little, before his stomach became vocal again. “Oh for gods sake...” 
Mitsuru needed a moment to come back to senses, before he felt her hands messing with his piercings and his mind went blank again. He couldn’t stop himself from moaning this time, but presses one hand against his mouth instantly.  Almost begging he looked into her eyes, cheeks as red as cherries by now. He couldn’t say he didn’t like it, but there was still the fear of getting caught by someone who shouldn’t see them like this.  “Stop...”, he whispered softly. 
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“I feel like I’m going to be dragging you out to eat again anyways.” She said as she tilted her head to him and walked out of the car. The outside air was much better than being cramped up together with other guards and Their chattering, their stares included. She looked around though and noticed the lack of other people getting off, shrugging off the fact as she stepped back up next to Mitsuru. She gave him a small smile once more when she looked at him, twirling her hat in her hand and throwing it up a small distance. She was fidgeting, just out of habit of course, and her hat was the victim. She had to readjust both the headphones and the guard cap on her head, as they set oddly after she got up. “If I ever walk in to find you asleep, I may draw on your face.” She warned as she laughed about it. “I’m sure I’d have eyeliner to do so.” She added. “But don’t worry, I’d make it worth everyone’s while.” She commented as she thought of things she could draw onto the broadcaster’s face.
“You better tell me.” Kotonoe said with a grin, holding back a chuckle. “I really want to know what it is.” She admitted as she lazily shrugged her shoulders and glanced around. It was emptier than she was used to. A few people were scattered around, but not near as many as normal now that she seriously looked. Not that she minded that in the least. “I thought some would be out for lunch time. But I guess we beat the rush.” She observed as she glanced around from the few people she saw. “But hey, missing the rush is amazing.” She sighed as she brought up her hat and pushed back her hair, lowering her hand before letting it completely drop to her side. She glanced up at him again though with a bright smile. “Well I’m glad you like it.” She said with a grin. “I really don’t use scented product’s though. I don’t like them.” She said. Maybe more than not liking, she went as far as ordering and waiting for the products to finally arrive. She let out a small sigh as she popped her elbow and looked back to him, the hat placed back on her head normally.
Kotonoe noticed his change and looked up at him with a raised brow. She figured it was about the hitting her sides. Nothing had been said about it yet since they actually got off of the loop line. She was going to say something at first, but instead she looked up at him and stayed silent. She would let him sort through his thoughts first instead and ask what he wanted. She felt a small gnawing feeling about it though, unsure of what would happen. She let out a breath, greatful it was only that, and went to answer before the phone buzzed. She stayed silent while he read it and spoke, trying to gauge his reactions to the message. “I- I’m really not sure.” Kotonoe admitted as she looked at him. “I really don’t know. Maybe it isn’t as big a deal as you’re thinking?” She suggested with a shrug of her shoulders. She hoped at least. She was growing a bit worried for the broadcaster. He had been upset enough, she didn’t want to see it again. But she worried she may. "And about the sides, or me getting angry. No, I wouldn’t be angry about it… I actually, kind of, wanted you to do it.” She admitted, embarrassed as she did so.
“I kinda knew you would say that” Mitsuru laughed happily. He could imagine rather good how funny it must be for Kotonoe to draw on his face. “I hope you can draw at least a little. I don’t want to run around with bad drawings on my face~” he joked and stretched a little more, finally feeling more awake and a little bit of his energetic side came back to him.  “But on the other hand, everything could be sold as art nowadays~” It was true. He was really surprised when he first walked in into an art gallery because as a child, he always thought only hyper-realistical portraits and stuff were presented in a gallery, but that wasn’t the case.  It confused him a lot and and still does somethimes. Not as much as back then, but quiet a lot actually. 
The broadcaster found it relaxing that most of the other guards already ate this morning and wouldn’t come back until it was dinner time.  He didn’t like to eat alone, but now he rather would like to enjoy Kotonoe’s company without anyone disturbing them so it was good that way.  “I think a lot of the other guards are rather happy that I wasn’t at breakfast today”, he said with a grin. “I mean, they always tell me I’m too energetic too early in the morning. It sucks to hear that, but well~” He looked around a little more, then he shrugged and looked back to the hummingbird guard.  “And I’m glad we’ll be rather alone while eating as well~ And by the way, shall I take the hat and headphones back or do you want to keep them longer~?”
For a moment longer Mitsuru thought about the MEssage from Hajime, then he just shrugged and grinned again. “I bet it’s work-related as always”, he said and didn’t even thought about answering now. He had better things to do, like going to eat with Kotonoe and then buying snacks for Kuu and maybe a little more shopping, depending on how his mude was after dinner. And if he was able to hold his eyes open.  The broadcaster blushed when she told him she actually wanted to give him a hickey and he slowly, almost carefully lifted his hands and started petting her sides gentle.  Knowing what this did to her, he blushed even more, gently letting his hands slides along her sides.  At this very moment, it felt a lot more privat and in a strange way erotic than he expected. He was almost embarrassed about what he did. 
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“you better promise.” She replied as she smiled over at the tired broadcaster. “Honestly, how did you make it this long without passing out?” She questioned with an amused and soft smile, shaking her head gentle​ly as not to disturb him too much. She smiled once more at him, at his voice, or actions. It wasn’t everyday she got the chance to see him like this after all. “Mitsuru~” she cooed before continuing, “you know, you’re actually really cute right now.” She admitted, ignoring the small blush on her face when she said that. She gave a small chuckle at his actions though, enjoying the warmth he was giving off as she settled in as well.
She looked back down at him for a moment before leaning into him, trying not to disturb how he was already laying, and trying to make sure she stayed up right as well. But she glanced back to her phone for the time, then figured up how long the sleepy broadcaster would be able to sleep. Coming up with her answer she let herself rest back.flipping open her phone and typing a message to Mao- who could chew her out later- before slipping her phone away. When an idea came to her mind she looked down at him and spoke: “I think I just found a contact image for you.” She said before snapping a photo. If he wanted it gone she would delete it later, but it was too great a chance to pass up.
Lost in her own thoughts and setting the photo as a contact image, she didn’t notice him moving until she felt him poke her side. For a moment her body went rigid and a coat of red adorned her cheeks. Of course that’s where he had hit. Just once it was okay, as she started to relax. It was if he went after it for a longer period of time he was going to get a much stranger, and usually unseen to almost everyone, kind of reaction. She cast her gaze back to him and smiled softly once more. “Alright, I’ll wake you up when we’re there.” She assured before finishing setting the picture and turning her phone to a social media app to pass the time.
“I promise...”, he whispered and closed his eyes again. “Wouldn’t want to lose all that money anyway so no gambling~”  For a moment Mitsuru was quiet, just breathing calmly as if he already fell asleep, then he answered quietly “I don’t know... the conservation kept me awake as it seemed.... I mean, I am happy to talk to you”  He was honest there, it was really great to talk to Kotonoe and he couldn’t remember that he had a better conversation with someone else the last few month of not even a year.  “You’re cuter...”, he mumbled with a tiny blosh on his cheeks. “Look ad you... you’re fucking pretty~” 
Mitsuru needed a moment before realizing what she meant with contact picture, but was too tired to protest. Instead, he removes his glasses so he could sleep better and so she had a really really unusual picture of him. No one would believe her that’s him. At least it was his face side without the tattoo and the piercing wasn’t visible because of his collar. He didn’t wear his hat and now the sunglasses were missing as well. A lot of people wouldn’t know who that was~
Another moment he was rather quiet before he moved his hand again and slightly petted her side.  “You said I shouldn’t poke you... but what about petting?”, he whispered close to her ear while gently moving his hand along her side. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting from it. Most likely nothing since he was really tired.  But he really was in for a surprise. 
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Kotonoe gave a small shrug and a joking smile. “Oh, you probably are, but hey, you could double the price for two.” She said as she cracked up. Maybe sleep and hunger were mixing against her? That would probably be a very good thing to watch out for, and possibly a reason to her odd boldness. “Really though, how would they even react to that in the first place? I mean, it would be worth seeing their reactions at least.” She commented as she thought about it, her eyebrow raised and lips pursed. “But even still, I bet someone may start reaching for their money, if you didn’t just catch them 100% off guard at least.” She added as she chuckled. Honestly, maybe blowing off her work load wouldn’t be a good idea for that, but she could help the thought of coming back to her building and suddenly having all that money. Their reactions would be utterly amusing and she couldn't​ help but admit that much. She hates to admit it though, but now that she thought about it, she would probably get an earful regardless since she hadn't​ called to tell them she was staying. She thought about shooting over a message to the cat deputy, but shrugged her shoulders and hummed a no to herself. No need, she’d explain when she got back there.
“The fact that you think you know where one is anyway already makes that one of the best statements today.” She said as she cast her gaze up to the broadcaster. “I wouldn't​ know where it is though. Maybe I should after running everywhere, but I have no clue. My goal is get the people theirs papers and get back, with today as an exception.” She said as she trailed off, her mind derailing for a moment. She gave an apologetic smile to him when she caught herself doing so. “I better be the first one you tell.” She said with an overdramatic tone. “Really, I’d be a bit offended of you told anyone else first as is.” She added, a small grin lacing her lips. “Hey, I need practice still anyways, gotta be able to hold my own against my friend when she comes to visit.” Kotonoe said with a chuckle, though she really did have competitions with her friend when the two visited, as long as they weren’t talking or showing each other new things to try. “And Mitsuru, I don’t think I’d mind too much to do that. I really wouldn’t find it that big of a deal to do.” She said, and while her voice was teasing she wasn’t entirely lying. If she could she would probably walk around with barely anything- it was too hot for black most days anyways as far as she cared. And she wasn’t exactly one to be shy of her looks unless someone was blatenly​ pointing out her blind eye.
��That’s true. They get a bad wrap a lot of the time, but they’re so talented. I don’t think people even realize that until they try it. They think ‘oh, it’s so easy, no self respecting person would do that.’ But the ones I met probably have more self respect than anyone else I’ve known.” She said, going off on a small tangent before realizing and giving a small and embarrassed shrug. “Sorry, it’s true though.” She added. She had tired to do what they were capable of on many occasions, and while she could do some, she certainly wasn’t on par with a lot of the ones who had met. They would always beat her in that. When his face turned red however Kotonoe’s lit up and a smile grew on her lips. “So you are a bit jealous of the thought then.” She hummed as she leaned over onto him. Her own cheeks grew red at it though, and she wasn’t surprised, she was trying to keep her hopes in check, but her crush getting jealous over something like that- regardless of what he had said- made her heart beat just a little faster. Even if she refused to admit that.
“I mean, of you say so.” Kotonoe hummed out in reference of the scratches. “I guess maybe some floor really isn’t the best surface then, like you said.” Kotonoe agreed with a shrug. “But I could see his dad not letting you come back around after he caught that. At least see where he was coming from.” She added, making sure her point was clear when she explained. “Seems he ended up pretty good though.” She commented when she heard what Mitsuru said about him. “If he really did end up like that then I’d say so at least.” She gave a small 'hm’ at the thought and shook her head. “That’s one way for things to end up, I guess.”
Kotonoe quieted down when he started speaking, even though the curiosity was etched across her face. At the mention of the two reasons she tilted her own head briefly, in agreance. She came out pretty good with how her step dad and mother had raised her, though she didn’t like her biological father. It had worked out how it had, and she shurgged it off before turning her attention back to him. “After hearing about everything then I can see why you would want to raise your children how you would then, to be better.” She said, her tone serious and unswaying as she spoke. Her facial expression was calm as she looked back up at him. He had probably heard her, despite the fact her words had been under her breath more so. Kotonoe was a bit surprised for a moment- she had thought he was talking about adopting earlier honestly. But hearing that she lost her voice for a moment, only a small 'oh’ leaving her lips before her face was dyed red. Looking back up at him quickly she could see his reaction and traces of the blush from what skin she could see. “Ya know, they would probably be rebellious and get in a lot of trouble maybe, just because I had a knack for it, and it seems you did too. But they would probably be pretty cute.” She added, her own flustered state worsening before she pulled his hat down over her face to try and hide it.
“Maybe I’ll pick up a thing or two for when I head back to building 2. So I don’t get my head chewed all the way off.” She reasoned​ as she looked around once more. She moved to adjust her choker when her nails clicked with the plastic of headphones. Oh yeah, she was still wearing then. Trying to play off that she hadn’t just done that she slipped her hands back in her pockets, despite the amused grin on her face. “But if we go back and the fluff ball is still there then I wanna feed him some snacks.” She insisted, though her voice was low to make sure anyone else didn’t catch on to it. After all, she knew the rules well, and she had a feeling not everyone knew of the black furred feline. “Who’s going to stop me then if I keep it up?” She asked with a teasing voice as she poked his side, a playful grin on her lips. It was too fun to pass up on. “I think it’s kinda funny.” Of course she was ready to stop the moment her wanted her to.
“You need it.” She hummed in reply as she took a seat next to him. “I’ll just mess around on my phone as you sleep. Plus I’ll keep track of the stops so we get there without incident.” She added as she leaned back and relaxed. “You can even use me as a pillow if you’d like.” She offered, a sincere grin on her face. He really needed the sleep as far as she thought. “Alright, so no marker. I’m sure I may have liquid eyeliner in one of my pockets.” She said as she thought out loud before looking over to him and smiling softly. “Or I may just leave you alone. Wouldn't​ want to mess up your looks.” She hummed, half teasing and half sincere. Instead she just glanced out the window and pulled out her phone, nabbing her hat from him and placing it on her lap before it got left. “Feel free to use me as a pillow.” She repeated before cutting on her phone.
Mitsuru grinned. “So we double the price, let them watch a little, get all the good money and go on vacation together? Maybe LA? I heard it’s a beautiful adventure to fall in love over there” He was joking, his grin went all the way up from one ear to the other.  “I mean, we all need vacationes once in a while, don’t you think. And I don’t know about your supervisor, but Miss Hyakushiki can be a horrible boss at times~”  Well, the black haired man wasn’t innocent when it came to that subject. It was his fault most of the time when she was annoyed and he did know that very well. But he wouldn’t admit it.  For a moment he was watching Kotonoe, thinking, then he asked: “Did you inform your supervisor or at least the sassy cat that you’re out with me? I bet he won’t be that happy if you just went missing without telling him where you are...”  The broadcaster didn’t want to cause her any trouble so she should inform him, but on the other hand, he feared that he would call her back... It was both stupid... 
Mitsuru tried to remember, where the pole was.  “I might have seen it in one of the unused cells, but as I said, I’m not sure about that one.”  It doesn’t make much sense, he knew that, but that was what his memory told him. Why the hell should there be a stripper pole in an empty cell? Why?  He shrugged to himself and grinned again, Maybe that cell was from a former stripper or something. One couldn’t know.  He knew a lot of inmates, at least on paper, but of course not all. That would be too much even for his rather good memory.  “Maybe someone was secretly trying to be a star down there” he laughed, trying to not think about who would do that. He wouldn’t want to imagine some of the guards in nothing more than strange lingery dancing on a pole. Nope, that wasn’t really what he wanted to think about.  He shook his head and grinned. “No, I really don’t want to know....” 
“You don’t have to apologize, I know it’s true~”, he really knew it and he never would say anything else. These people were amazing and he never met a more self-respecting human being indeed.  “I don’t even know how they can manage to dance like this on a metallic pole.... I couldn’t do it. I really couldn’t~” he laughed softly and stretched a little.  “I should take lessons again” His smile got wider again. “Maybe I’m even more handsome then”  He acted like he was checking himself when he saw his refelction in the mirror, then laughed again. “Oh god, I look horrible... be honest.. how could you even look at me?”  “Yes, I am a little jealous”, he admitted and looked away again, blushing. “I just don’t like the thought of old horny men looking at you...”  He was rather shy about admitting that, but he knew the Hummingbird Guard would ask until he would. 
Mitsuru grinned a little. “Oh, the ground wasn’t the worst surface I ever had sex on, believe me”, he explained. “I mean... it was bad, yes, but there is worse... much worse~”  He remembered the one time when he was screwing with a guy at an abandoned farm in the straw. That was unpleasant. And he did find straw everywhere even weeks later.  “I mean straw is pretty horrible... and a really cold glass table.... especially when it cracks while you’re... Okay, let’s stop here, it’s getting awkward..”  He laughed shyly. He really didn’t want to talk about that.  “And I’m rather sure he ended with that rich guy now. And his dad hates him for that now. But my buddy is happy and that’s the most important part~” 
The broadcaster smiles widely. “I was a rebellious kid as well, so they would really be”, he explained with a grin and his cheeks were deep red as well. “And they would be hella cute! And loud I would say.”  “And I’m sorry that it came out of no where like this~” he said shyly. “It was just the first thought I had so... and you wanted to know...” And again, he heard that she was saying. “It’s not like I had the worst parents. As long as I was staying in line, they were nice to me. I don’t want to protect them, no. I just know that there are people that have it much worse than I and I don’t want to play the role of a victim here.” He sighed a little. “I felt uncomfortable, yes, but I grew up and I’m proud of what I have become~”
Instead of stopping her Mitsuru laughed again when she poked his side. He didn’t even thought about it because he liked how close she was and he didn’t mind that poking much.  “You can feed him, of course~” he asured her and smiles softly, talking more quiet now so no one would heat about it. “He’ll be really happy to get more snacks and more attention. He loves it. and well, a lot of people who know about him give him that attention. He’s really happy about that~”  Thinking about the black cat, his smiles got warmer. He really cared about him, one could tell. Hajime didn’t know that. He didn’t even know that Mitsuru knew about Kuu.  “We’ll get him the snacks he loves the most”, he explained since he tried a lot of snacks on this cat. He didn’t even know how picky cats can get before he met the guard kitty. 
The black haired man nodded a little and leaned his head against her shoulder, moving around a little until he found a comfy position and closes his eyes.  “You’re really comfy...” he mumbled while inhaling her scent happily. He was about to say how nice she smells, but he stopped himself from it. Not only that it was embarrassing, no, it was also rather creepy, at least in his oppinion.  He didn’t say anything for a moment. It was just so calming and relaxing. He really was about to fall asleep, but that would be rude he thought. They were in the middle of a conversation....
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guard-kotonoe · 7 years
Finally. After a 2 weeks of sitting behind a desk and following fellow guards around she was finally sent on her own patrol. Clipboard in hand- as she didn’t have every inmate in her section memorized yet- she made her way from hallway to hallway, cell to cell, checking and calling roll on cells that seemed a bit too quiet. Eventually, she came to her last hallway, looking in as she called out an inmate number when she didn’t notice anyone at first.
“You are in your cell, correct?” She questioned as she moved closer to the cell door and peered in between the bars.
(( @hamisxtvxny there we go - Mun))
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Kotonoe could feel her phone buzz every once in a while, but she ignored it. The device now hidden away in a pocket, and she didn’t care to pull it back out. She had a small smile on her lips as she glanced out the window and at the stations they passes. It was soon, the stop for the food court. She could already feel her hunger coming back. But she was content with how the two of them were sitting. She shot looks to people who gave questioning glances, a warning more so to move on and not ask. She didn’t want to explain, and she didn’t have to explain. She was silent though for now, looking from person to window, and then back down to Mitsuru. She could see him open his eyes every once in a while, but she brushed it off and allowed herself to curl up closer to him once more.
“Mitsuru, I promise, nothing I use is scented.” She said as she looked at his (admittedly adorable) confused expression. “If you smell something it’s either my normal scent or one that’s rubbed off on me.” She assured as she looked at him, her own expression amused. “Just, tell me what you smell and I’ll answer if I’ve been around it today. If I have then it’s rubbed off on me. If not that’s just normal. I guess.” She said. Again, she wasn’t exactly familiar​ with her own scent so she wasn’t sure. Well, she was, but too much to notice it. She was curious to know what it was he was trying to place. She knew it was a scent, but she wanted to know what it smelled like. She didn’t ask again though, only watched his movements with a small smile. He was too tired for this, and she knew it. But she couldn’t place it. Nothing she used was scented, after all, scented product’s bothered her greatly. She just looked around, looking away from a few unwanted stares it glances and turning her attention back to the confused broadcaster.
“Did you not wear your sunglasses during that time?” She asked with a raised brow. “Because even if you didn’t, maybe they just didn’t realize.” She suggested as she tilted her head at what he had said. “But I am sure you wouldn’t mind ” she added with a smile. “I’ll keep to what I said I’d do.” She assured with a devilish grin. “But by all means, if you want to know what I’ll do then mess with my sides when we get off of here. Just don’t be surprised when I pull you out of view of anyone.” She said as she leaned closer, a coy smile on her lips as she did so. It was an offer she didn’t really want to let go of so easily. Not yet at least. “Go ahead and try it if you want to find out.” She offered, seeing their stop coming up as she nodded to the station getting closer.
Mitsuru felt as well how the hunger was coming back and his stomach was screaming for food, loud enough to let everyone close to them hear how hungry he was.  “Oh god damn it...”, he mumbled and rubbed his eyes a little, blinking two or three more times before sitting up again and putting his glasses back to where they belong.  “I know stomach... I know...”, he laughed, rubbing over his upper belly. “You’ll get your food soon. It’s not far away anymore~”  He looked around for a moment, seeing how everyone was looking at him and shrugged his shoulders.  “What?” he said with a grin. “Have you never seen a man who’s hungry as hell?” He laughed while trying to sit comfortable. 
“As I said, it’s somehow peachy... But not alone... there’s somethinh else. Something I couldn’t put in words because I can’t remember what that smell is...” It was really hard to explain. Maybe it was really just her natural scent and Mitsuru really had a thing for that smell.  He couldn’t quiet understand why. For a moment he was thinking of he ever found someone who smelled nice to him before. He wasn’t sure...  It wasn’t definitely not the case for Hajime, no question about it. That guy just smelled like smoke every time he was close to him. That wasn’t pleasant at all. The only ‘person’ that always smelled pleasant to him indeed wasn’t a person but a pet. He could burry his nose in the black cats’ furr the whole day and sniff it and he would never get tired of it, no matter what. The broadcaster couldn’t explain, what it was but he loved the smell of the furrball. He shrugged his shoulders again. “Maybe I keep imagining things~” 
 “I did wear my sunglasses back then”, he answered Kotonoe’s question with a grin. “But that blue-black eye was gigantic, almost half of my cheek was black as well and the sunglasses aren’t exactly big.”  He was laughing. When he noticed they were close to their stop, he stretched slightly and stood up, fixing his appearance a little and then looked back at her.  “Maybe I really should try this, I’m curious. I’m really curious~” he said with a smug grin and slowly and carefully moved towards the door. It wasn’t much but the loop line wasn’t driving completely calm. And the last thing Mitsuru wanted right now was falling face first down in the train where everyone was watching.  “I mean, it sounds like fun to me~” 
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