#guess im purging my room tomorrow. cool
muddlemore · 9 months
Roach apologists i applaud you for having more courage than the marines because tonight i have become the biggest threat to your kind. Your sworn nemesis. There was a fucking german cockroach on my pillow and now i will never hear any of you out ever again. I cant even tell if im joking
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
Where were you 3 hours ago? here. talking to K and folding laundry
Who are you in love with? KAK Have you ever eaten a crayon? not that I know of.
Is there anything pink within feet of you? yes,the worlds softest sweatshirt, my pillowcases,and some t-shirts
When is the last time you went to the mall? oye. ummm this summer to get Della’s ears pierced
Are you wearing socks right now? not at the moment. they sound great but theres so much mess in my tiny little room while i’m transitioning to purge everything.
Do you have a car worth over $2,000? uhhh, I really don’t know how much they’d go for 
When was the last time you drove out of town? ummm two nights ago.
Have you been to the movies in the last days? heck no
Are you hot? like temperature? I’m ok. It’s finally cooling down and I have 4 fans on me right now, so I’m OK.
What was the last thing you had to drink? diet coke mom brought home for me
What are you wearing right now? pjs
Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it? car wash do it. our water line is cracked in the front of the house, so it’s not an option
Last food that you ate? chicken
Where were you last week at this time? i was curled up on my floor next to my bed, sobbing into a sweatshirt.
Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? no. I don’t need any clothes.
When is the last time you ran? im not allowed to do that for some time. I miss it, but my body is not OK with it.
What’s the last sporting event you watched? football i’d imagine
What is your favorite animal? i would give anything to have my miller back to comfort me. 
Your dream vacation? switzerland.
Last person’s house you were in? i believe my brother chip’s.
Worst injury you’ve ever had? uhhmmmm. I would guess the 4th degree burns I sustained from a fire or the time I went thru the windshield in an accident.
Have you been in love? yes. I’ve been a very lucky girl to have loved 2 times. One of those times I’m on the tail end of. but man, I was so so so blessed.
Do you miss anyone right now? very much so.
Last play you saw? ooo man. something for school where they do these like 24 plays in 24 hours. it’s hard to explain.
What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? lol. i’m fairly confident I have no such weapon. 
What are your plans for tonight? i’m oddly peaceful. Doin’ those questions with K somehow just calmed the heck out of me. so it’ll be this for a little bit until I am vaguely tired and then I’ll pass out for the night. I have a movie on.
Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment? i never did the whole myspace thing.
Next trip you are going to take? not sure. I think I’ll be staying home the rest of this year as far as I can tell.
Ever go to camp? eh, not like a true blown camp. I’ve gone to things they call camp but are like day camps, or local, or really just mission trips.
Were you an honor roll student in school? yes. every year I was in school.
What do you want to know about the future? I mean if I had my way, it’d be coolto know will I end up married and with kiddos. but I’m ok for now.
Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? not currently no. 
Are you due sometime this year for a doctor’s visit? holy moly i’ve been due for so long. But when I don’t have insurance...eh those things are bit more pricey than I can handle.
Where is your best friend? any friend of mine is very likely in their beds rn
How is your best friend? idk how to answer this. my knee-jerk reaction is to refer to k, but i need to not do that. so .. uhh pass.
Do you have a tan? I really wanted to do one today, but I was scheduled to watch my nephew for the day. then it got canceled literally like 10 minutes before I was to take him, and at that point my tan wouldn’t have had long enough to set. soooooo hopefully thursday I can do one and then sit still for like 6 hours since tomorrow will be busy.
What are you listening to right now? sleepless in seattle Do you collect anything? ummm not intentionally. I have things that I have a lot of (like books, letters, art supplies) but nothing that I’m intentionally trying to collect.
Who is the biggest gossiper you know? lol probably an old coworker.
Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over. Why? someone was either a gunman or a kidnapper I forget which, an they were reported having a car the same color/brand as mine when I was driving thru a particular town. the place was barricaded and they asked if I would be willing to pull over and pop my trunk -- which I happily did. they apologized, thanked me profusely, and sent me on my way.
Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? my preference
What does your last text message say? "goodnight Diana, love of my life <3″
Do you like hot sauce? I honestly have never really put any effort to figuring out. 
Last time you took a shower? yesterday. I’m not supposed to get my hair wet or washed for my hair tomorrow.
Do you need to do laundry? nope. I could do a load if I was bored, but I’m on a weekend schedule with laundry
Are you someone’s best friend? Yes.
Are you rich? lololololol. no. I’m extremely poor.
What were you doing at 12 AM last night? I was doing surveys
If you were an ice cream flavor what would you be? probably something creamy, sweet, and unexpectedly delicious lol
What Starbucks drink would you be? anything non coffee, non coconut. I guess those lemonade refresher things. or water.
If you could go to any college which one would you go to? things are changing.
What’s your favorite tv show at the moment? gilmore girls or bobs burgers are my two go-to’s.
Do you wish you lived in a different state/ city? not particularly. I really love the weather here, I love my lil town. I am very happy here. But who knows if that’ll last. 
would you rather have chocolate ice cream or vanilla? depends where from. most likely chocolate.
What’s you best feature? I would guess my eyes
Are you smart? fairly
Are you stupid? not usually
Are you getting tired? hopefully soon.
What’s your name? Diana
Age? 29 and thriving
Do you prefer to date people who are younger or older? Older pls
What’s most attractive about another person? the beauty is that it varies from person to person.
What’s your favorite food? oh man I’ve been CRAVING belly tacos from mama marias, chips & salsa from there, and an enormous diet coke to drink in the styrofoam cup from mickeys. that right there is my heaven rn.
Would you rather go on a one on one date or a group date? if I am just meeting someone, I’d prefer one-on-one. but group dates are SO fun if you all know one another. 
What’s your fav. drink? diet coke in a styrofoam cup. which as far as I know, it only available from mickeys and chick-fil-a
Can you dance? I did a couple years of it. I am not in any way talented but it won’t stop me from shakin’ my groove thang.
What do you think of the word sex? I like it
are these questions random? not bad
Do you own a pet? if so how many and what kind? man I miss miller. I have 2 kitties. Benny and Lottie
Are you confident? No, but I can fake it like nobody else.
Do you consider yourself attractive? i have moments
Are you glad this is over? this was a good one actually
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kendrixtermina · 7 years
I had another dream with my father in it
I haven’t had one in MONTHS WTF I thought I was over it
So thing I is I used to get these dreams where my father humiliates me, be it by yelling or by telling lies to my family members. Like I always had these various dreams where he would just turn everybody against me.
There were a few times in my teens where I got home & everyone acted angry with me for no reason & then turns out he’d accused me of some exxagerated or made-up offense, everything I did or said would be twisted into a personal insult he was donald trump levels of a petty toddler I tell ya. I’d be sad & angry because of his constant insults (and just don’t have a socially perceptive personality like, fuck you this is my normal face!) & then he’d be deathly insulted that I didn’t smile at or greet him & throw a big tantrum that affected the whole family.
He was the sort who would explode at us children to get back at my mom, & would be cruel to my mom & siblings when he was angry at me. 
ARGH I was supposed to see my councellor yesterday but he had to bail (presumably got sick or something) & now I really wish I could talk to him
The sad thing is it wasn’t even most of the dream and the rest of it was actually pretty cool. 
 I was driving home in a videogameih formular one car that also flew & there were also some flying boats and it was surprisingly fun like I’d hit a pedal and fly. I don’t remember the event I was driving home from but it was evidently cool as I remember texting my family about how cool it was  but it was not the usual whatsApp it had a purple background & a different system of colorful nametags with ‘@’s.. pretty much functionally whats App though.Possibly a concert I just knew I traveled far.
On the way, I stopped near a church/castle being and looked down a cliff, and there was this mountain with church like carvings & I wasn’t sure which side is up but you could see this wall or ground full of buildings & carvings all in gothic style like some really cool trippy stuff /“Giant Building” thing like my bes dreams sometimes have and I basically looked at it & was impressed.
On the way home, I considered contining to watch this show I’d been watching with my BF or doing so the next day (I actually may do that tomorrow, great idea dream self) and there were some themed mythical-ish visuals related & then I reached our bed (somehow a mix of our current bed and my old one at my mom’s attic) So far the dream was emotionally neutral or even fun/cool. 
Then, I hear the door open, assuming it’s my BF buz it’s actually my parents, with my mom feebly trying to get him not to rage & he’s his usually angry redfaced gorilla self. He just barges in as if it’s my teenage room jut the same casual disregard four boundaries or privacy as ever just flauntingly invading my space with a loud slam of the door, & when I ask what he’s doing here he shoves a phone into my face and going “How dare you text everybody except me!”, like one of his usual petty things where he’d contruct lack of overt enthusiasm into me “insulting/snubbing” him & throw a toddler tantrum over it / told exaggerated lies to my folks, & he was just yelling & raging & insulting & shaming me like he usually does... and that was enough of a shock to wake me up like I realize it doesn’t sound like much but in the dream it was somewhat chilling. 
Like when you look at it with a sober waking mind its really silly,  man coming into my & my boyfriends’s flat to complain at me, it’s not objectively scary, but it threw me or a loop like, when some setback happens I guess I sometimes get this thought where I wonder if I’ve really improved at all or if I wouln’t have been better off staying in my mother’s attick where I can’t screw anything up.... I mean even now I can tell how I don’t even think like that anymore in day to day life. 
Maybe it’s for a harmless reason, like Church/Old Castles reminding me of Hospitals (He’s a surgeon) & then I got the thought that someone was gonna see him & tell me where I was. Maybe my consciousness just stumbled into an old unrenovated brain loop & now I feel like I might fall back into doubting everything again
Or maybe because my bae and I were discussing a shitty manipulative friend of his that gor herself in trouble & we were discussing how to damage control without being caught up in the falout & her behaviors were like ugh... & she said some things that were brazenly arrogant maybe that reminded me of my father. He’s very aware that shes got a bad character but being a good & conscientious person he wants to help her, but I kinda feel she’s not really interested in changing & just taking advantage of his sense of responsibility...
UGH. I need to do my meditation, that’s what I need. I took this nap because I tried earlier & was too tired & now this happened. Like it’s not like im seriously upset but its just enough of a little spiky pebble in my mood. Why is that bastard still lurking in my subconscious or whatever I want him out of there. It’s like he’s lurking there like some bizarre anti-policeman,  “no hapiness allowed, don’t you dare be happy or else if there’s any unauthorized happiness in your life I will hurt you & take away everything you like”. Like he literally said many times that I was ruining his lie & not allowed to have anything I like. Like, it hurts. Its hurts damnit, and I haven’t even spoken to the bastard in years... 
I don’t know what this is trying to tell me. I have indeed never texted him or otherwise communicated with him & its been great like, without him to triangulate everything I get much more enjoyment out of my mom & siblings like we actually get along better since I moved out. Dear subconscious f you have any guilt about that you better stop because it doesn’t remotely logic. I deserve good things as much as the next person thank you very much! UGH stay out of my naps bastard. 
UGH now that the shit is vented lets consult some relaxing youtube music to purge it, how about 20 minutes of  “ultimate chillout”? 
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