#guess it depends on what sylveon's skill is
invisiblemelonmoose · 7 months
No one told me that my cute shiny eevee would lose her skill to get me more ingredients once she became a cute shiny umbreon... OTL
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youllallriseintheink · 8 months
What type would each Pokemon villain be? Including Tera types.
Sure! I like playing Pokémon type tarot or whatever you want to call it. I guess Tera types could be like a hidden side, one that shows up in fewer situations, or one that is more variable.
Giovanni: Ground/Normal (Tera fighting)
In addition to it being his type specialty, ground is fitting with Giovanni in that he’s a grounded person. He has a plan B, C, and D, his organization is well-structured enough to go on without him for years, and while he has grand goals, he’s fine approaching them slowly and realistically. Normal is because his goal is pretty mundane compared to other villains and because of his persian and kangaskahn. And he’s shown to greatly value Pokémon battling and his abilities in it, thus the fighting Tera.
Maxie: Fire/Ground
It’s the type of primal groudon and his camerupt. Ground represents how his team is more organized than Team Aqua and his general preference for structure, and fire represents his emotionality and anger.
Archie: Water
It just seemed right for someone this obsessive to be a monotype. This one needs no explanation. It also fits him being cooler-headed and needing/wanting less structure than Maxie.
Cyrus: Flying/Dark (Tera electric)
Aside from flying and dark being his most-used types, flying represents that he’s ambitious to the point of being unrealistic and that he doesn’t see limits. Dark is for his selfishness and deceit. And electric is for his association with technology, rotom, and his crackling passion (Tera because he hides it).
Volo: Fairy/Ghost (Tera dragon)
It seemed right for Volo to be represented by the types most associated with myth, and both ghosts and fairies are associated with impishness. Dragon is the type of power and grand goals, and it’s his Tera type because he pretends to just be a quirky merchant while secretly being very strong and ambitious. Plus, dragon and ghost are the types of Giratina.
N: Grass/Dragon (Tera: fire or electric)
Grass is the type of calm, nurturing and kindness, as well as fragility. Dragon is the type of power, royalty and mysticism. Fire and electric can both represent passion, with fire being a more romanticizing passion (truth) and electric being a goal-driven one (ideals). Which N would have would depend on the version.
Ghetsis: Dark/Dragon
For his selfish, soulless, underhanded ambition and daring nature, there could be no other type but dark/dragon. It’s also the type of his ace. Dragon also suits his refined presentation.
Colress: Steel/Electric (Tera flying)
They’re the types associated with technology. Colress seems like he has a good balance between calm sturdiness and goal-driven passion. Flying is for his irresponsible ambition- he sees no limits, even when he absolutely should be seeing moral ones.
Lysandre: Fire/Flying (Tera dark)
Lysandre is a man with high ideals and a passion that could easily become very dangerous. Dark is for his deceitfulness and hatefulness, and it’s his Tera type because he hides it from the public.
Lusamine: Poison/Fairy
In contrast to the uncaring dark type, poison types often become harmful because of obsession and high, uncontrolled emotions. Fairy type represents her love of aesthetics and generally feminine personality.
Guzma: Bug/Fighting
In addition to being a bug specialist, Guzma prides himself on being a pest, unwilling to show respect for that which he doesn’t find respectable. He’s also highly aggressive, angry and destructive.
Rose: Steel (Tera poison)
Monotype because he’s obsessive, poison because he’s toxic and to associate him with Eternatus.
Piers: Dark/Normal
Aside from it being the type of his ace, I associate the normal type with an appreciation for the mundane, which fits with his goals of caring for his town and his sister.
Penny: Fairy/Electric (Tera fire)
Ngl, fairy is mostly because of sylveon, but it also represents her naughtiness and rebelliousness pretty well. Electric is because of her tech skills, and fire is because, though it’s understated, she’s clearly a very passionate person.
Kieran: Grass/Poison
Kieran is gentle, sweet and meek by nature, but he’s also highly emotional and has acted in some very toxic ways because of it and his obsessions with Ogerpon and strength.
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Espeon (#196)
Espeon (#196)
Mutabellus sol
General Information: The psychic-type Eeveelution, Espeon, is a mysterious Pokémon that bathes in sunlight to charge its psychic powers, and its hypersensitive fur can detect miniscule changes in wind movements and air pressure. This allows Espeons to predict the weather and, when honed as a skill, even opponent’s movements. When it is predicting an opponent’s actions, the tip of its forked tail quivers. The gem on its forehead is where it stores its built-up psychic energy, which glows when it's released, and darkens when that power is used up. To this end, Espeons are at a considerable disadvantage at night, for if they run out of stored energy, then they will be unable to recharge themselves until morning. It is believed that Espeons are able to predict thoughts, too, though this remains up to debate among researchers. The general consensus is that it’s probably dependent on the individual, as case studies and experiments have found drastically inconclusive results.
Espeons evolve either to protect themselves or to protect a trainer that the individual has deemed worthy. To that end, Espeons are incredibly loyal companions.
Habitat: In the wild, Espeons are quite rare in the wild, but where they do occur naturally it is never the extreme cold nor the extreme heat (habitats reserved for Glaceons and Flareons). Typically, Espeons are found especially prominently in and around urban areas under the care of humans.
Diet: Omnivores who will eat most things that they’re fed. In the wild, they eat fruit, rodents, bugs, and birds.
Conservation: Least Concern
Relationship with Humans: Espeons are common starter Pokémon for humans all over the world. Their psychic abilities give them a wide usage of jobs in human society, ranging anywhere from weather forecasting to detective work to street magicians. Espeons are popular show Pokémon amongst Breeders and Coordinators, not in small part because any certified breeder worth their salt has an Espeon, Umbreon, and/or Sylveon that they raised themselves. They make truly excellent companions with great versatility in use, without specializing in any particular job field
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