#guess what series from my teen years i've been rewatching
yardsards · 7 months
lafontaine from the carmilla webseries was truly one of the most characters of all time. they're a mad scientist biologist. they're a good friend. they're simultaneously the most unhinged and the most chill member of their group. they got mind controlled by an ancient fish god. they did necromancy without telling anyone. they tried to kill god with a diy gun full of nanobots. they dissect things as a coping mechanism. their love interests include a victorian ghost-cyborg-vampire-zombie and a repressed normie. they're even nonbinary.
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tagged by @howdydowdy <3 thankss!! i also don't watch a tonne of shows but i do watch a lot of films so i'm gonna do a combo of the two lol
8 shows/films to get to know me
borstal boy (2000(?) film) - watching this as a teen Changed me tbh... it also definitely gave me one of my first glimpses of a bisexual character on screen... also danny dyer plays a gay sailor in this i mean??? what more could you want lol (also feel like this film is equal parts depressing and hopeful which is my ideal kinda film lol)
the simpsons - i watched this religiously as a kid (every night at 6pm on channel 4 lol) so much so that my family makes jokes that everything i know i know from the simpsons lol...
would i lie to you? (uk panel show) - i feel like this show really explains a lot of my style of humour (i've literally nearly pissed myself whilst watching this show at times lol), plus i've had a crush on david mitchell for years which like no that isn't relevant to this list but i'm including it anyway... one of my fav clips is 'lee mack's keys' (give it a search on youtube it's hilar lol)
watership down (1970s animated film, i also love the book too btw) - the animation style of the very first part of this film has literally never left me, it's like ingrained onto my brain as the most incredible thing ever! the rest of the film is also amazing, albeit brutal at times which definitely fucked me up as a kid... esp that evil rabbit (wormwort?), pretty sure i was terrified of him lol
hook (1990s film (yes i know i could look up the exact date but i'm not gonna cos i'm lazy)) - this is one of the films that i know so many quotes from & me and my family use them to each other all the time lol (you're doing it peter! RUFIO RUFIO RU FI OHHHHH you're. afraid. you're. going. to. get. sucked. out. stop acting like a child!! i am a child!? RUN HOME JACK RUN HOME JACK wait...HOME RUN JACK HOME RUN JACK don't stop me smee don't stop me stop me smee stop me ... you get the picture lol) robin william's films just have a special place in my heart and this is one of the best imo
gayle (youtube comedy series) - it's embarrassing how much i think about this series & i literally rewatch it at least once every year so... i feel like that says a lot about me... idk WHAT exactly it says but it is.. it's a lot lol
i'm a cyborg but that's ok (2008(??) film) - if you asked me what my favourite park chanwook film is, you'd probs guess i'd pick the handmaiden, but you'd be so so so wrong, because THIS film is an absolute masterpiece that hasn't left me since my sister showed it to me like 10 years ago lol... it's about mental illness and stigma and grief and love and also rain (the singer) yodels in it whilst flying through the air it's great
labyrinth (1986 film (hey i actually remembered the date lol!) - i'm been thinking for ages what final thing to include and realised it had been staring me in the face: labyrinth, literally my favourite film of all time lol! it's equal amounts comedic, creepy, emotional, plus david bowie is there in ALL his glory (some may say too much glory but i'd tell them to shut their goddamn mouths lol)! the songs are amazing, the ballroom scene literally shaped who i am now.. it's a film about adolescence, siblings, it's about friendship and found family, it's about growing up but also keeping your childhood close at heart, should you need it... it's also about david bowie's bul- *gunshot*
that's all folks! i did try and not just include stuff that i'm nostalgic about, but unfortunately nostalgia is my middle name so most of these are things i've connected to for a very long time...
tagging (no pressure to actually do it ofc, the original prompt is 8 shows i think but you can essentially change it to 8 anything in my book lol): @dollopheadsandclotpoles @wovesaxe @micamicster @platypusplayhere @sylvasa @asoftspotforangels @zelvuska
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saltygilmores · 2 years
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls,Season 1-Episode 1 ("Pilot")
I've decided I'm going to rewatch Gilmore Girls from the beginning and post all of my old episode reviews from Twitter. These are from my last full run through the series which began in 2020. Yeah, it's been a while. I watched the series for the first time in 2016, but didn't do it again until 2020 when I needed a distraction during lockdowns. When I was finished that run, I immediately watched it all over again. I reviewed every season but AYITL and season 5, but who cares, that's the Logan season. Time to bring my tweets that nobody read the first time to another social media platform where they'll be even more ignored! Let's go! June 26,2020: GeeGees, Season 1, Episode 1, Holy Shit, I'm really Doing This shit AGAIN, I need a Job, Someone please hire me. The only time I'll EVER be thankful for Dean is that season 1 is such a bore that his awfulness is the only interesting thing to write about. It will give me something to do. Thanks for nothing, a-hole. I am 100% Anti-Dean-Forrester. Let us proceed. Lorelai looking at Luke like a snack 1 minute into the series and CAN YOU BLAME HER?
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"Oh yeah. Pour that coffee. Sloowwwwly. Yeah." Omg you two. Get a fucking ROOM. Don't wait like, 5 seasons to do it either! Now! Macy Gray! Dated reference! It's been a while since I've heard one of those on the show. #ItryToSayGoodbye #AndIChoke #TryToWalkAway #AndIStumble No I'm serious that sexual tension between L&L already is crackling. It's palpable. You could practically eat it. "Boys don't like funny girls." Well that explains why I'm still single.
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Michel is an icon.
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These Stars Hollow "teens" look like they've all been left back a few years.
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Chock Full O Nuts coffee (Drella's tip jar) is yet another cheap, common, supermarket brand coffee in a town that prides itself on it's local coffee shop.
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WHAT IS GOING ON BEHIND LORELAI! It was not a painting! It was a man standing in a doorway! That guy never moved! Hold me!
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I am a person infinitely curious about tiny details. She has a professional looking posed picture of her and Rory in Luke's Diner like they own the place, although the length of Luke and Lorelai's friendship as of the pilot is unclear. And whose dog is that?
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I'm sorry but who the fuck asked?
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Is getting hit by a bus a job? They're hiring. (this is funnier now that I know Milo wanted Jess to get hit by a bus. No, really).
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Of course you don't, you boring, humorless, joyless garbageperson
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The answer should be "plotting my escape". #RunRory #Run #Danger
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You mean the Garbage Person standing in front of you, right Rory?
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Don't try to discuss literature with her, you ass clown.
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My feed is now cursed.
Is the first episode in the series the only time they actually show Rory and Lorelai paying Luke for their food? I guess everything's on the house as long as Luke is trying to get into Lorelai's pants. You're gonna be playing the long game, pal.
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Hmm. Right. Sure. Dean Forrester. Cute. I think someone needs an eye exam.
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You are very similar. You're both in love with Dean.
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Now now Lorelai, your future nephew won't arrive for another season. "If you're going to throw your life away, he better have a motorycle!" Thanks Lorelai, that was already my plan.
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Huhuhuh. These two.
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