#guess which band inspired me to draw this HMMMMM
kabukiaku · 1 year
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wow that’s a pretty sick halloween costume if I’d say so myself 
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jlf23tumble · 6 years
1D Day, Hour Three
Almost halfway through this hour, which is almost halfway through this day, is the point where Louis Tomlinson stops having fucks left to give and starts getting real. He’s still a professional throughout hour three (not like Harry in hour two, oof), but god, how??? Everything here is a disaster, and it’s infuriating when you consider that a) this must have been somewhat planned out (the band is HUGE, allegedly 32 million people are watching), and b) it’s being produced in LA, presumably with easy access to professionals who have had some experience with live shows (since, what, the 1930s???). Anyway, I would have loved to hear the choice words Louis no doubt had for Ben Winston when he ran away during one of the Google+ Hangouts, lmao.
When I first watched this two years back, Niall’s nervous laughter nearly drove me insane, but this time around, I’m loving the subtle nuances w/r/t wtf is happening on this here day as Louis’s rage starts to climb and Niall’s Slytherin core starts to emerge. Deets under the cut.
Niall and Louis literally burst through a paper wall to launch hour three and reveal Niall’s lilac hair (also revealed: the fact that Niall’s “a diva,” according to Louis). The color’s hardly even noticeable, but Niall’s all worked up about it, and I’m betting he had to do this because he has no tattoos, so everyone wanted to freak his Virgo ass out with something “permanent.”
The first bit is so tiresome (Louis’s childhood friend, Stan, forcing the Milkshake City staff to perform the world’s sleepiest version of “Rock Me”), but I’m a huge fan of Stan’s for the Larry purple dildo video alone (ICONIC; ping me if you need a link), plus I love the tidbit about the time Harry came in for a milkshake for himself and “a friend back at home.”
After we survive this long-ass bit of fill, Louis and Stan take the piss out of each other and banter a bit with Niall, which is all pretty hilarious and also makes me sad in the key of “oh how I wish that was me.”
Because it wasn’t at all tedious in hour one, it’s time for another Guinness Book of World Records challenge (Louis: “Of course it is”), this time balancing coins on faces. Hey, speaking of faces, did you know that men are at peak hotness between the ages of 32 and 36? This guy is 22 years old, doing the stupidest task ever, help me, Jeebus:
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Next up is the randomizer, which randomly pulls celebrity videos, and this is when the in-ears start acting up for Louis, who’s midway through Robbie Williams asking them for the best live performer they’ve ever seen, prompting Louis to give Ben the evil eye off camera and go off script to say Michael Buble, ha.
Some random sports man (update: Doncaster Rovers manager) demands that they do pressups up and burpees, and Louis gives us a surprisingly strong and steady nine pressups before proving why he’s most relatable:
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After fits of unnecessary laughter from Niall, and a lot of exasperation about the technical problems so far from Louis (friend, you’ve seen nowt yet), we get the best VT from this entire day, the iconic bts video for “Talk Dirty to Me,” and if you watch nothing from any of this, please tell me you’ve seen it in full for Zayn the goofball! Liam’s hanky code shoutouts! Harry’s hip chub! Louis and his glorious torso! Niall in full Farmer Ted mode!
Next up, we get astronauts congratulating the D from space, and whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I mean, honestly, WHY? Are these astronauts fans? Is anyone besides Niall into space? I know there’s an intense interest in making space interesting for teens (how many times have people on the international space station beamed their way into MTV award shows at this point), but whyyyyy.
Scott tells us we’ll soon see Doctor Who (mild interest from Nouis) and Simon Cowell (Louis: “SIMON COWELL, WOO HOO, I LOVE THAT GUY!” Niall: “Simon GROWL”), but first up is Doctor Who, and this is where the wheels fall off the bus, technically speaking. First, there’s a 15-minute delay (!!), so Nouis are standing around while the Doctor handles some other interview for the BBC. Eventually, they connect, and Louis makes the understatement of the year (“This is gonna be tough”) as both the video and audio go full Inception and echo in and around each other to make us all woozy:
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Louis again understates the chaos happening on screen by saying, “I think actually that this is not working,” and then begging for any VT, they don’t care, help (the VT is Niall being all humblecholy about their success and Ireland and something something, I’m not actually interested, sorry).
We come back to Louis still losing it, curious as to how they can have a link to space but can’t have a studio in LA link to the BBC, and yeah. YEAH. But enough about that, it’s Google+ Hangout (lololololol) time, and we don’t get too many answers to these vital fan questions because Ben is in Louis’s ear so much that Louis starts arguing with him about it and eventually runs off stage to yell at him in person, and god, it’s glorious. READY 2 FIGHT:
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Because this is an utter trainwreck, the team decides to do another live link again, this time to the X Factor while it’s airing in the UK, and it’s…yeah, not good. Just awful, cameras out of synch, no sound, etc. Save us, random VT of Denmark!!
Hearing Louis say “tits up” is my new religion, but honestly, this chitchat with McFly is such a revelation. Apparently, they worked with Niall on something, so they gossip with Louis about what a diva Niall is (!) and how he brought a friend of his named Shawn around (!!), and there’s a lot of inside jokes I know nothing about, but I’m LIVING for Niall looking at all these boys on the screen and saying, “I feel like I’m alone in my bedroom,” and Louis’s response, “Okay, Niall!”
“Don’t Forget Where You Belong” is announced, but we don’t get to hear it (although we DO get to see some sweet Nouis dancing), and two more girls go into the call box of doom. Because this show’s producers can’t go ten minutes without a disaster, there’s increasingly urgent screaming from Louis to Ben to just roll the Zayn graffiti VT, which takes at least a full, tense minute to post. 
Zayn is incredibly hot, but my heart breaks for him saying it’s their 127th show, and he’s feeling inspired and creative to make art, and I just wonder how??? How are you not banging your head against a wall instead of painting it? Anyway, it’s a lot of spraypainting/artist au Zayn come to life, with Liam working out shirtless nearby and heaping praise on just about every single thing Zayn puts on the wall (awwwww). Also some nice Flicker reference points (Niall: “Zayn, will you draw a picture of me?” Zayn: “No. I don’t like you”). Ouch.
We come back to Rebecca, an opera singer who’s here to sing some tweets, and this is a horrible idea that Ben Winston stole from Jimmy Kimmel, right? When he used to have Josh Groban sing tweets a million years ago? Anyway, this ripoff doesn’t work because nobody can really understand the words, but credit to Louis for trying to cheat and speed this whole thing up:
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When Rebecca finishes, Louis says he got emotional (Niall just laughs), and this poor girl says not to worry, she’ll do more later, and lmao at Louis: “Oh, OH, there’s more in store, Niall” (Niall: “Can’t wait”), sighhhhh, it’s torture for us all, tbh. Anyway, time for some Belgian VT and reinforcement that Louis’s part Belgian, which is why it’s super relevant, I guess.
The last bit is back to Dynamo, to redo the magic bit that failed with Harry in hour two. I’m still curious about this trick because there’s a piece of paper locked in this box (Harry’s dick holds the key to it), and tl/dr, Harry says April for the month an hour ago, but Louis says November, and sure enough, November plus all the other details are in this locked box. HMMMMM. Me as Harry’s finger delivering the key immediately in this segment, meaning he’s literally right there watching all of it. Pick someone supportive, etc.
Anyway, back to the trick, there’s a bit where Louis says he told Dynamo all this information earlier (Niall starts chewing his nails a bit ferociously at that), but then he backpedals brilliantly later about what an amazing, stunning trick, etc., and this group of sneaky liars, god, I love ‘em!
We get more terrible highlights, which sucks, because I kind of liked the way Louis was asking Niall what HIS highlights were, but never mind, let’s get Ben’s. I’ll leave you with this picture that makes me think of Louis hosting Family Feud, you know, the final round, when you have to see how your answers stacked up with a family member’s and if, together, you cleared 200 (“Name someone a person may confess a crime to”):
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echelonlab-blog · 6 years
Interview with Hazeleyedleto
Your URL:
Hazeleyedleto: https://hazeleyedleto.tumblr.com
Echelon Fiction (fanfic account): https://echelonfiction.tumblr.com
Your name: Monique
Link to your Masterlist: https://echelonfiction.tumblr.com/mystores What was your first experience with 30 Seconds to Mars? The Kill, when I was an 18-year-old, how amazing was your first time seeing the Kill? Your Favorite Mars song? Attack Has anything ever happened to you solely because of being a 30STM fan? I met my best friend <3 What is your favorite thing about the fandom? Your least favorite? Fav: no matter what I know there is always going to be a place where I fit in, I’ve never had that before Least: The bitches who think they're better than other bitches, and the daddy kink Is there any advice you would give to someone who is new to the fandom? We’re obsessive, protective but not all that bad, the bad eggs are few and far between but they are loud, try to ignore them How long have you been writing? 18 years. Why did you start writing? (Either in general or for Mars specifically) When I was 12, I had so much stationary that I didn’t know what to do with so I started one story. . . then another then another. Still, have too much stationary but am a writer so its okay Do you write for other fandoms? If so, which ones? Depends, I Like writing the Linkin Park guys and Bucky Barnes, but whatever inspires me really Do you share everything you write? If not, is there a reason why? Hmm, no. I only really share mars stuff, my non- fanfic stuff will be turned in to novels and my non-mars related stuff I don’t really have a platform to do so on. Have you written things that aren't fanfic? If so, could you tell us about those works? Many, my writing is 50/50 fanfic vs Fiction. My latest novel that I finished a couple of weeks ago ended about 85k words is about angels and demons and a prophecy that will either unite or destroy them all Of all your works, which is your favorite and why? Iridescent – (mentioned in above question) because it’s the novel that took over my whole life and kept me hostage until I wrote it from beginning to end rendering me with Stockholm syndrome to the point that I still miss them Stand Tall, They’ll Break Your Heart – first novel I ever finished. and Bright Lights – I’ve never had such a positive response from anything I’ve ever written and get yelled at because I don’t update often enough Is there one that was particularly difficult to write? Why? They’re all difficult to write. I write very emotionally driven novels, they can be draining as I take on the characters at such a personal level that I live what they tell me in a way, I’m crazy, ignore me. What is the ideal writing environment for you? At your desk? Quiet? Music? Anywhere anytime, I usually write sitting on my bed, but can literally write anywhere in any environment. Prefer loud music and a comfy place for my butt What type of fanfic are you most comfortable writing (drama, fluff, angst, drabbles, series, etc.) Mushy series filled with drama What is your favorite fanfic trope? I don’t know what that is but I THINK my answer is dramatic chicks being involved with music or rock bands Is there any trope or subject that you won't write? Daddy kink? Are there any special tools that you use when creating or writing your story? My fingers!? My stories are often inspired by songs or video clips or something like that J Do you write your story in order or do you jump around and then string it together at the end? Sometimes, especially with fanfictions. Like with Bright Lights (my biggest Mars fanfic) I have four future versions, but the reason I do that is to better understand them in the ‘bright lights’ version. Do you outline, or do a great deal of prep work or do you 'fly by the seat of your pants'? Up until my novels Attack and Iridescent I ALWAYS prided myself about being a pantser, but I really enjoyed being a planner for those two novels. How do you usually get your inspiration? Music and Video clips, sometimes dreams and other places. Do you have ideas on the drawing board or in progress currently that you haven't shared yet? Yeah, Beautiful Disaster, my bff would kill me if I wrote it though, but I have another one in the holster I am thinking about starting April 1st If you have an unpublished work in progress, please pick two to three sentences and share them without context. “Armani,” Stephanie smiled, “I trust you are well?” Mike looked between the two Angels as the embraced in a slight hug and a kiss in the cheek. Stephanie stepping back between him and Chester. “Of course,” Armani smiled. “I’m betting this isn’t a social call?” the other angel asked. “No, Armani, this is Chester and Mike,” she said pointing to the demon who owned the names. “I’ve come to make a request,” Stephanie said looking to Armani from under her eyebrows, trying to gauge her reaction. Her face was poised, it always was, but the mood in the room changed, it was now tension filled. Armani was no fool, she knew this angel was standing before her with two demons. “You will need to-” “I am a direct crown descendant ” Stephanie said. “You are also standing her with two demons,” “And you are breaking the rules,” “yeah but” “If I was willing I could turn you into ash, right now,” Stephanie pointed out. “and I would be in the right,” she told. Armani held her gaze. “now, are you going to follow the rules and grant me my appearance for request, or am I going to have to take care of things another way?” Stephanie’s lips curl upward Armani’s lip curled downward as she turned slightly. Do you like requests? Would you like more or less of them? I haven’t had any, but would be happy to take them. Is there an upcoming project from you that you are excited about? Why, and what can you share about it? I can’t wait to edit and Publish Iridescent The best piece of writing advice you've ever received? Can never pick just one Put your butt in a chair and your hands on the keyboard and something will happiness. Writer's block is just an excuse, write anything even the crap, it can always be changed later And, Aim to write every day, even just for 15mins per day, get in that habit and you will find you self-finding 5 mins or 10 mins slots more often then you realise The worst piece of writing advice you've ever received? I don’t know. Wasn’t important, was it? What piece of advice would you give to someone just starting to write fanfic? Give it ago, see how if feels, you don’t have to share it, just try. Three (stories, series, scenes, etc) written by others that you really like or that inspire you? Closer – partcually Tomo in this story, even though the whole story is fucking amazing and Black Fuel and Bikes @fyeahproudglambert Provihitofics had a story about camping, it was great she doesn’t fic no more tho
Are any of your characters closer to being “you” than others? Any reason in particular? Hmmmmm, yes I guess. The characters are all like different parts of me, Phoebe is an angry psycho which is a part I never get to express often, but there are parts of her that are not like me. Same with Helena being independent to some extent.
One thing about me is I like to find things I have in common with people, if I look hard enough, it could become obsessive.
Are any of your characters based on someone you know? Hmm a lot of my male characters look like rock stars if that counts. Are any of your plots based on something that happened to you? No, but one day Favorite font for writing? Don’t have one Do you have a 'day job'? If so, what? I am a student studying Bachelor of Social Science (psychology) with hopes to get good enough scores to get into Psychology. I am Also an Author and a qualified Mental health peer worker. Do you consider yourself a reader outside of fanfic? Yup, Your favorite book? Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson Your favorite things to do when you're not writing? What does ‘not writing’ mean? .  . . nah I like to watch Safari live, see my niece and nephew, explore the wild and hate on frogs The strangest thing you've ever eaten? My brothers used to make me eat grass stalks, oh oh CAVIAR I got told it wasn’t Caviar, it was freaking caviar Looks at @Fyeahproudglambert Two truths and a lie? I hate frogs, I’ve never met my best friend, I love the feel of fallen out hair Five albums you'd want if stranded on a desert island? Cant I just take my Spotify? I actually don’t think I can answer this? I don’t just listen to albums all the way through, . .  . This is war (plus attack and the kill) LLFD Breakaway kelly Clarkson Hybrid theory A thousand suns Something surprising about you? I have a really good memory And I usually come off as pretentious and up myself, because I am highly critical of things and probably way too opinionated, but I am actually a really nice, loyal and caring person who just wants to do good and help as many people as I can Favorite food to enjoy while watching Netflix? Anything, maybe a packet of sea salt chippies. Favorite way to spend a Saturday night? Writing Blankets Tucked or Untucked? Right side untucked, left side tucked Do you have any pets? Would you like to tell us about them? Dog, Ella - She shares my birthday, Sasha – not my dog, my brother's dog but I grew up with her and am temporarily looking after her, Cats: Ollie, Angel, Sully. I got Ollie first (After my cat Joel died) and then my brother got Angel (she was being mistreated somewhere else) Ollie and Angel bonded n such a human love type way, and we decided they could not be separated, so I got Angel too, guess what though, 9 month old cats can have babies, Angel had three Kittens, Lucky, Sully and Heat, my brother kept heat, I kept sully and Lucky went to a loving home J Musicals, yes or no? If yes, what movie/show would you like to see made into a musical? No, thank you Tell us a joke. Mars fans who hate and bitch on everything the band does Are there any particular battles or struggles in your life you'd like to tell us about? Hmm, I mean I am an open book with the things I have been through, and am happy to talk about them at any time, there are many things from abuse, abandonment, isolation, major depression, self-harm, suicidal ideology, my brother was recently in a coma ,my mother’s cancer journey, my heart issues, social phobia, PTSD, horderism and crippling self-doubt and anxiety, to tell the short story. While some things still plague me, I find all of it also drives me to make my life better, and t do the best I can every day. Life struggles are hard, but they also enrich me to not only help people in my ‘day job’ but to help me write richer stories. Anything you'd like to add? You guys are doing a great job. When I started Echelon fiction, this is kinda what I wanted it to be but I never had the drive to pull it off, I love how innovative you guys are being and changing things up getting your followers involved, its really cool! Good job, keep going
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Vault Chat
Keep in mind, jack was probably on for about 10 minutes, and there were 200 people on the chat!! Here’s the part of the vault chat that I got.
<Apple_Blossom> check out the paintings of RomIne Brooks... she was friends with Rimbaud@Jack White
·       <Hunter Arias> Thanks for the input!
·       <Jack White> @Rodney Flater hmmmmm......
·       <DonTazeMeBro> @Jack White I have been heavy into Sturgill Simpson, you like him?
·       <MaWaiDu> @Jack What was the last project you weren't sure if you could actually finish?
·       <Christina Kinzler> @KRIST3N Sucks
·       <DanielleMeiling> @Jack White Hi Jack. Any news on when American Epic is getting released?
·       <gabbyalucas> Favorite album at the moment?
·       <RRRecords> @Jack White What is your favorite baseball movie? Mine is The Natural.
·       <Jack White> @MaWaiDu life
·       <Jack White> lot of peoples in here
·       <Nick(Boat)> @Jack White What's your thoughts on United on Chestnut?
·       <MaWaiDu> lol
·       <Trale Merz> Favorite 3 ball parks
·       <Maxman142001> Hints for the next vault?
·       <msmaggie> see you at Zolli for coffee? 10 minutes?
·       <Dina Grace Zoe Sciortino> Lol
·       <Apple_Blossom> @Jack White are the new presses up and running at Cass???
·       <Christina Kinzler> @Jack White Too many ppls boo
·       <Marjorie Hernandez> @Jack White might be worth the investment 😉
·       <Jack White> @RRRecords i like the natural very much, quote me a line from it
·       <bloomooks> We missed you, Jack. That's why
·       <Dina Grace Zoe Sciortino> righhhtttttt
·       <RobScarr> @Jack White enjoyed reading your words in 'the drum thing' book very inspiring as a drummer myself
·       <Bill Vouronikos> what r the chances of another raconteurs album?
·       <Morgan McPheeters> @Jack White Did you have fun in Deep Ellum with WarStick? It's the coolest neighborhood in Dallas.
·       <Billy Daneau> for how long you haven't talked to meg
·       <Mat Kancler> @Jack White looking for interns? I'm your guy!
·       <Kerri Grendel> Jack, you are loved.
·       <RACHELSWENS> Bout time you came on here, i didnt think anyone actually used it
·       <Christopher Merritt> @Jack White - have you heard the new Washington Phillips cd?
·       <Janet Hall> @JackWhite I ordered your guitar pics, can't wait to get them!
·       <Kelly McCleary> @Jack White we're all jonesing for news
·       <Drebin> Thank you for everything Jack. Can't wait to see your next project!
·       <Pabs> Any plans to tour last Dead Weather's album?
·       <Rob Frost> too many peoples. i go sleep now
·       <Francscoxvier> Greetings from Saskatoon
·       <gabbyalucas> So so so stoked about the new Lillie album. Huge fan of her stuff. Can't wait another second!
·       <Apple_Blossom> ha
·       <Abbie Stein> @Jack White have you listened to Cindy Wilson's new EP yet?
·       <gabbyalucas> So many people, slightly breaking the chat haha
·       <Maxman142001> @jack have you picked up any new guitars lately?
·       <Kate Cox> Favourite Nick Cave track?
·       <Mandy Thomas> Loved the last Vault Package...it was my first! Came on Christmas Eve!
·       <Marjorie Hernandez> You draw quite the crowd, jack!
·       <caity> Did you guys get a lot of new subscribers for the package? I loved the vault package, the pendant is dope!!! !!! !!! !!!
·       <Breanna Gibitz> Jack. I think you're great. just wanted to say that.
·       <Christopher Merritt> This is insane btw
·       <Karen Proffitt> I think we missed you.....
·       <LordKhan> @Jack White You can't spell it, but it eats pretty good, don't it?
·       <Lindsey Crooks> It's been so long! I thought you might have died.
·       <Sarah Sparks> @Marjorie Hernandez what up lady?! Did you have a good b-day?
·       <Jack White> @Kate Cox red right hand
·       <Mallory McClain> @Jack White thoughts on any of the festival lineups that have been released? they seem a little lacking imo
·       <MaWaiDu> @Jack would you ever open up a new upholstery shop?
·       <caitinlv> @Jack White big ups to Bump Bailey
·       <Christina Kinzler> @Jack White Whats the word on the pressing plant opening?
·       <Lucas Marinho> What kind of drumsticks do you use, Jack?
·       <STL_Ben> remember 10 minutes ago when there was only 4 people logged in?
·       <gabbyalucas> I'm actually in class right now. I cant learn knowing Jack's online
·       <RACHELSWENS> See what happens when you leave us for too long
·       <Rodrigo Cortes> Live at Disgraceland was awesome
·       <jen&juice> Did you have a nice Christmas with the kiddos?
·       <KYLOSIS> Congratulations on 30 Vaults!
·       <Mommaboat> @Jack White missed you at New Years!!
·       <RRRecords> @Jack White "pick me out a winner Bobby"
·       <Mommaboat> @Jack White love me some Lillie Mae
·       <tanzaib> New raconteurs lp this year
·       <Sarah Sparks> @Jack White did you ever watch
·       <Bill Vouronikos> what r the chances of another raconteurs album?
·       <Jack White> @caitinlv you mean baortholemew bailey
·       <Vinnie Vrhovnik> Holy shit this is moving fast today
·       <Billy Daneau> why the single on the last vault package wasn't red and blue just one color
·       <RACHELSWENS> Hi Jack! What did you do for the holiday?
·       <TWS_Andre> The Raconteurs I miss them so much!!
·       <Sarah Sparks> aky Blinders"? great soundtrack (mostly because of you!)
·       <Jessica Russell> @jJck White I've missed you! Best twitter notification all day
·       <Norm bethune> @Jack White Any live shows coming up Det or Nash
·       <Christina Kinzler> @Jack White Missed you at the Magic Stick
·       <Apple_Blossom> @Jack White would you consider using the film from 2 against 1 to make an official video from the film 2 Guns??
·       <MFSSkinny> @Jack White Pick me out a winner, Bobby
·       <KYLOSIS> @Sarah Sparks Great show!
·       <Breanna Gibitz> I'm running out of wall space for all the rad stuff you guys put in packages
·       <Maxman142001> @jack white - have you given Blackwell any tips on his drumming?
·       <Bill Vouronikos> what r the chances of another raconteurs album?
·       <gabbyalucas> Hey Jack, what did you get for Christmas?
·       <Jack White> @RACHELSWENS hunted whompus kitties
·       <KRIST3N> I recently framed some of my favorite TMR silk screens. Wanda looks so purdy in her magenta mat board
·       <DonTazeMeBro> @Jack White its 8 below zero in Minnesota want to visit
·       <MaWaiDu> @Jack favorite episode of Twilight Zone?
·       <LordKhan> Red, it took me sixteen years to get here. You play me, and I'll give ya the best I got.
·       <Isfeld> @Jack White any vacation plans for the summer?
·       <Pabs> Btw congrats you guys have the best customer service!
·       <Sarah Sparks> @KYLOSIS right?!
·       <Morgan McPheeters> @Jack White Did you like our twitter submissions for the Tin Man scavenger hunt contest? That was really fun
·       <Tuesday Cummins-Smith> @Jack White did the shop girls get their top hat from The Rad Hatter?
·       <Jack White> @LordKhan suit up
·       <Dina Grace Zoe Sciortino> meow
·       <KYLOSIS> @Sarah Sparks Better soundtrack!
·       <Sarah Sparks> catty wampus!
·       <Apple_Blossom> @Jack White is it a blizzard in Nashville now??
·       <Abbie Stein> @Jack White I thought you would like this...I found a 1956 Ford Thunderbird Christmas post card flexi disc at an antique store recently!
·       <Christina Kinzler> @Jack White What is the word on the Diecast RRS? Is that going to happen?
·       <Janet Hall> @JackWhite Tour some more please!
·       <MFSSkinny>
·       <RACHELSWENS> You hunted whompus kitties over the holiday?
·       <Jason Koffman> How about releasing a Slim & Slam LP?
·       <Breanna Gibitz> JACK, will you fund a replica TMR store I can live in? I love the style of it there
·       <caitinlv> @Jack White when a guy runs into the wall like that he should be called Bump
·       <AlleyOops> When are you coming back to Austin? :D
·       <chuck hosner> Working on a new solo album by chance?
·       <MaggieMay> Jack. Any plans to release the Masonic lazaretto show?
·       <Billy Daneau> solo album?
·       <Hannah Geere> Did you enjoy being on Prairie Home Companion enough to come back to Minneapolis again in the near future??
·       <Lucas Marinho> I don't like to be this guy, but please come to Brazil. There's so many new bands around my city. I'm surge you'd love them
·       <Cameo Kraft> Have any new years resolutions??
·       <KYLOSIS> @Jack White Are you in the touring mood this year?
·       <Apple_Blossom> @chuck hosner !!!!!
·       <Bill Vouronikos> what r the chances of another raconteurs album?
·       <Jack White> @KYLOSIS hmm...
·       <Jack White> @KYLOSIS hmm...
·       <Maxman142001> @Jack White have you been to Johnny Walkers new studio?
·       <jo7981> Would you ever come to Newfoundland again?
·       <staci freeworth> @jack I love all the cool things you are doing but I must admit, I miss some jack white music......
·       <Breanna Gibitz> I truly want my house to resemble the style of TMR in Nash
·       <Lucas Marinho> sure*
·       <Isfeld> @Jack White Gotten into any new bands lately?
·       <Dina Grace Zoe Sciortino> Stop don't even tease like that!
·       <EngineDriver> Have you seen the new Star Wars?
·       <Apple_Blossom> @Jack White are you going to play on OJs new release?
·       <DonTazeMeBro> @Jack White Fuck YES
·       <Sarah Sparks> @Jack White a soul like you can't sit still for long!
·       <Jack White> @jo7981 god i hope so, i loved newfoundland
·       <MaWaiDu> @Jack I saw Karen perform with Rufus Wainwright at the Roman for Christmas, did a great job
·       <DonTazeMeBro> i will take this as a yes
·       <Patricio Pinto Castro> @Jack White new raconteurs record soon?
·       <Mandy Thomas> I'm with KYLOSIS....touring?? come to Texas!!
·       <MaWaiDu> Ryman*
·       <Able_And_Want> 2017 is a good year for touring
·       <KRIST3N> My New Years resolution was to go to a Jack white show...help me out!
·       <KYLOSIS> @Jack White Canada misses you!
·       <Jeff Harrow> @Jack White how's the upholstery business
·       <gabbyalucas> How do you think this year's gonna go in comparison to last, jack?
·       <jen&juice> I visited Galco's! What's your favorite soda or pop? Which is it?
·       <Michael Stevens> @Jack White will we ever get the full Worlds Fastest Record show?
·       <Kate Cox> do you have a cat?
·       <Jonathan> you should invite Ryan Adams to do something at your headquarters. He tweeted the other day that he's a big fan of you and what you're doing after teasing his fans with record booth recordings from the machine at electric ladyland
·       <Breanna Gibitz> If you do tour this year, please don't skip Cleveland, Ohio :) We miss you
·       <Mat Kancler> @Jack White Looking for interns? I'm your guy!
·       <RRRecords> @Jack White "I guess some mistakes you never stop paying for."
·       <ThirdSon> @Jack White Time for a TMR NYC, right?
·       <matthewvh> @Jack White Any idea on when Pokey's Blue Room show will be released?
·       <KRIST3N> Rochester, Buffalo...even Syracuse!
·       <RobScarr> @Jack White will there be a vault package dedicated to Icky Thump in its 10th year (this year)?
·       <Trale Merz> Top 3 MLB ballparks
·       <Roxxan> @ThirdSon Oooh. Yes. TMR NYC please!
·       <Shane Rennie> Yes!! We need a Ryan Adams live at third man!
·       <Morgan McPheeters> @Jack White Please come to Dallas if you tour again! Deep Ellum :)
·       <Nick(Boat)> @Jack White, what have you been listening to in the car lately? RTJ3?
·       <David Jamieson> going to spain for my honeymoon -- any favorite spots you can pass on?
·       <Jessica McConaughy> @ThirdSon LA first!
·       <Bill Vouronikos> what r the chances of another raconteurs album?
·       <Aidan Abbott> Jack, will you come to my high school graduation?
·       <Karen Proffitt> How about Cincy?
·       <Jack White> @RRRecords "you had an amazing gift, but it's not enough....i think you're a loser"
·       <RACHELSWENS> Yeah play in buffalo
·       <Apple_Blossom> @Jack White favorite tracks in paramount 1 and 2??? i just picked both of the up
·       <DonTazeMeBro> @Jack White tell Ben we need another contest soon, pick a number trivia anything
·       <Billy Daneau> any tour youre thinking about?
·       <Maxman142001> @jack white any pop up stores for TMR in 2017?
·       <Jeff Harrow> @Jack White how's the upholstery business
·       <Abbie Stein> @Jack White you should come hang out in Athens, Ga! SO much music history
·       <Jack White> @Aidan Abbott no
·       <Travis Krause> @jack white What was the last thing you listened to?
·       <Travis Krause> @jack white What was the last thing you listened to?
·       <Rick Kanas> Will TMR ever put out the Complete Tommy Johnson Recordings?
·       <Dina Grace Zoe Sciortino> Was so close to getting into Jimmy Fallon, walked around the city all day :) but I missed it by one person. Performance was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen
·       <caitinlv> "we have two lives, the one we learn with and the one we live after that."
·       <LordKhan> I coulda been better. I coulda broke every record in the book.
·       <RACHELSWENS> It's cold and dark you'll like it
·       <Christopher Merritt> @Jack White - how's about some more Sun Records reissues...?
·       <tanzaib> What's next to be released on tmr
·       <thirdgirlll> @Jack White do you own any pets
·       <Jettkoral> @Jack White can I have a job
·       <Aidan Abbott> Please
·       <KRIST3N> @Dina Grace Zoe Sciortino watching jimmy now
·       <Jack White> @Christopher Merritt yes!
·       <thirdgirl> @jo7981 i'm from newfoundland too! ten years since the one note show :)
·       <gabbyalucas> What did ya get for xmas, jack?
·       <MaggieMay> Love vault #30. Thank you!
·       <Brandon Attal> Tubbalicious says hello Jack & he would like his butt scratched
·       <Michelle Erb> Hows the record plant coming along?
·       <Vinnie Vrhovnik> Jack can you send the RRS to CLE to break up my boring shitty winter a bit?
·       <Apple_Blossom> @Travis Krause weve been missing you
·       <MaggieMay>
·       <EngineDriver> Thoughts on what's happened to Conan's show?
·       <Jeff Harrow> @Jack White how's the upholstery business
·       <Lucas Marinho> What is you favorite MUTANTES song, Jack?
·       <Christopher Merritt> @Jack White - more Prisonaires please!
·       <Angela Bell> Jack, what are you listening to today?
·       <Mommaboat> @Jack White. Come to Indy with Margo Price for my birthday! 💙
·       <Apple_Blossom> hahaha
·       <LazyDynamite> What does Third Man have in store for the new year
·       <Janet Hall> @Jack White HI Jack!
·       <Jack White> @gabbyalucas not much, a skeleton of a sea lion from 1918
·       <rscott11> @Jack White Are the Dough Rollers still making music?
·       <Billy Daneau> vault number 33 will be awesome
·       <MaWaiDu> @Jack have you seen the movie La La Land?
·       <Mallory McClain> @Jack White have you heard about Jessi Zazu of Those Darlins? She's a badass musician who's been diagnosed with cancer. It'd be cool if TMR would put out a record or something as a benefit.
·       <Sierra> @jack white I'm listening to your acoustic in Idaho right now. It's my favorite!
·       <MFSSkinny> @Jack White "my life didn't turn out the way i expected"
·       <Shane Rennie> How many guitars do you currently own?
·       <Breanna Gibitz> @Vinnie Vrhovnik YES PLEASE
·       <Breanna Gibitz> @Vinnie Vrhovnik YES PLEASE
·       <ThirdSon> @Jack White what color is Lillie Mae picking for her limited edition LP?
·       <Marjorie Hernandez> Jack, what things from third man can we expect this year? Or maybe just expect the unexpected?
·       <RRRecords> @Jack White "I could have been better. I could have broken ever record in the book."
·       <Apple_Blossom> @Jack White we've been missing you too
·       <Jeff Harrow> @Jack White how's the upholstery business
·       <Bill Vouronikos> what r the chances of another raconteurs album?
·       <Stoffel> how about another green series
·       <Breanna Gibitz> we need it in Clevland
·       <Jack White> @Shane Rennie 33
·       <Dina Grace Zoe Sciortino> lol damn
·       <DonTazeMeBro> @Jack White what is the best new album you heard this year
·       <Patricio Pinto Castro> @Jack White what have been you doing?
·       <LazyDynamite> I heard your an antique clock collector?
·       <LordKhan> I just quoted that!
·       <LazyDynamite>
·       <Morgan McPheeters> @Jack White I'm finally seeing Margo Price in March in Dallas-- can't wait!!
·       <KRIST3N> Jack can I apprentice at your upholstery company. Please?
·       <Abbie Stein> @Jack White did you ever meet/work with Johnny Cash before he died?
·       <Jack White> @Stoffel they dont sell well, but i dont care
·       <Jessica McConaughy> @Jack White much love! (Gotta hit the road and catch a flight) 💜 Thanks for being awesome
·       <jen&juice> Have you heard of Reignwolf? Would make a killer blue room show- lucky to have great bands to see here in Seattle
·       <Jack White> @Abbie Stein never met him, wish i had
·       <gabbyalucas> Saw Karen's Instagram post of the kids' first day of school, warmer my heart. You have a beautiful family, you should be proud :)
·       <Nick(Boat)> @Jack White, United on Chestnut ever going to press records again?
·       <MFSSkinny> @Jack White "I coulda been better. I coulda broke every record in the book"
·       <tanzaib> Has cass pressing plant started yet
·       <tgonger> For 2017 - produce or perform?
·       <Maxman142001> @jack white got any old Detroit material to release on TMR this year?
·       <Cameo Kraft> Any random thoughts for today??
·       <Ira Washburn> Jack, what sound do You prefer- Rhodes or wurlitzer?
·       <Sierra> @jack white what is your favorite song to play live?
·       <Stoffel> @Jack White
·       <rscott11> @Jack White Are the Dough Rollers still making music together?
·       <Jack White> almost bought cash's house, but didn't want to live in a museum
·       <MaggieMay> Jack, the lazaretto Masonic show was life changing. Thank you
·       <Jeff Harrow> @Jack White how's the upholstery business
·       <Breanna Gibitz> I've been reading a book about Cash. It's been great, such an interesting dude.
·       <LordKhan> @Jack White What's for dinner today?
·       <RobScarr> @Jack White you going to get the new Tesla model 3?
·       <Patricio Pinto Castro> @Jack White new raconteurs record soon?
·       <Apple_Blossom> @Jack White its also haunted
·       <Stoffel> @Jack White i love them, would love to see another one some day
·       <Jessica Russell> @Jack White any big surprises in store for us in the coming months?
·       <Abbie Stein> @Jack White the one in Hendersonville?
·       <Tracy Christian> Barry Gibb took that off of your hands.
·       <LazyDynamite> Can you play a banjo clock
·       <KYLOSIS> @Jack White The JC museum is my second favourite spot in Nashville.
·       <Jack White> @Maxman142001 so much you dont even know! lot of production from me in detoit, but i wonder if people would like a vault release of some of it or not
·       <Christina Kinzler> @Jack White Any chance of a diecast RRS??
·       <Jack White> @Abbie Stein mmm mmm
·       <Sierra> Of course!
·       <Morgan McPheeters> @Jack White Do you like Hamilton the musical? Ever thought of doing a collab w/ Lin-Manuel Miranda?
·       <EngineDriver> Jack, check out the album Piper in the Holler by Tim Cummings. He does Appalachian songs with smallpipes accompanied by banjo, guitar, etc
·       <Celina Johnson> @Jack White Do you have a house in Tulsa?
·       <Natalia Fallon> Any chance of a guest appearance at Loretta's Ryman shows?
·       <Jeff Harrow> @Jack White how's the upholstery business
·       <Breanna Gibitz> We'd pretty much like a vault release of anything. Well, me at least.
·       <jo7981> you know we would
·       <Apple_Blossom> @Jack White stooges vault possible???
·       <Abbie Stein> @Jack White that would have been pretty cool
·       <Jack White> @Morgan McPheeters i prefer the millard fillmore musical
·       <MaWaiDu> @Jack Hardest worker you've ever worked with?
·       <Ashley Lorenz> Did you do anything with John Doe when he was in Detroit?
·       <Ashlyn Scoggins> How was your New Years?
·       <gabbyalucas> What's TMR's stance on internships? I'm heading over to Nashville for college to study the music industry and interning over there would be a dream!
·       <RACHELSWENS> Can you upholster something for me
·       <Sarianna> That's an amazing Vault idea
·       <Vinnie Vrhovnik> Dude you know we'd love the Detroit stuff in a vault
·       <Keith Thraen-Borowski> Favorite record store in midwest (outside of Detroit)?
·       <Hannah Geere> @Jack White thanks so much for releasing Get Behind Me Satan on vinyl, it's always been my favorite
·       <jesssy> @Jack White so i have this old, tattered chair.......
·       <Michelle Erb> Yes we want oldies from Detroit!! At least I do
·       <Jack White> @MaWaiDu you're looking at him
·       <Peppermint7> are you going to make it back to L.A. for the Grammys?
·       <Angela Bell> Upholstered anything fancy lately? Besides famous couches...
·       <DonTazeMeBro> @Jack White I would like the Margo Price austin city limits as a vault
·       <Maxman142001> @Jack white I'd love to see a reissue of Von bondies Nite Train!
·       <Melissa Gonzalez> @JackWhite yes a vault release please ❤
·       <Isfeld> @Jack White Any TMR event in europe this year or the next?
·       <Breanna Gibitz> Do you have a favorite guitar you always go back to?
·       <Jack White> @Maxman142001 me too!
·       <Jack White> @Breanna Kibitz yes
·       <Bill Vouronikos> what r the chances of another raconteurs album?
·       <Marjorie Hernandez> @Jack White has record store day officially been moved to April 22nd this year instead of the 15th?
·       <Jeff Harrow> @Jack White how's the upholstery business
·       <KYLOSIS> @DonTazeMeBro That was a great perforamnce!
·       <Aidan Abbott> You sound just like my dad
·       <EngineDriver> Can we get a blue series of trad. Scottish and Irish tunes? You could record my seision group here in Denver!
·       <Apple_Blossom> oh well...
·       <DonTazeMeBro> I know Christie V from the Von Bondies
·       <LazyDynamite> What kind of antiques do you collect
·       <DonTazeMeBro> I used to work with her
·       <Nathan Wiseman> Jack! Thank you for the newest vault release! I absolutely love it!
·       <RRRecords> @Jack White can I pitch batting practice to you someday? It would be an honor to strike you out.
·       <jen&juice> Yes Detroit Vault!
·       <DonTazeMeBro> at the Mud Pie
·       <Robert Cowley> Any of the Glastonbury shows gonna be in the vault soon
·       <Dina Grace Zoe Sciortino> Always? What color is she?
·       <Melissa Gonzalez> @JackWhite any new year resolutions?
·       <Jack White> @DonTazeMeBro that must be after i worked with them
·       <Mallory McClain> @Jack White Do you like Gibson electrics? I know you're a fan of the vintage acoustics
·       <MaWaiDu> @Jack what are you working hard on now?
·       <Patricio Pinto Castro> @Jack White something special about the 20 years of the white stripes?
·       <Rodrigo Cortes> Who would you like to collaborate this year with?
·       <Sarah Sparks> @Jack White RTJ sold out at Marathon! You gonna be there?
·       <gabbyalucas> Trying to teach myself bass. Any tips on self-teaching?
·       <Ira Washburn> @Jack White u like David lindley?
·       <Jack White> @RRRecords you can't strike me out
·       <DonTazeMeBro> In Minneapolis
·       <Morgan McPheeters> @Jack White saw you and your elephant on American Pickers reruns. Picked up any cool treasures recently?
·       <Eileen Corsano> hi Jack Happy New Year
·       <Jack White> @gabbyalucas one string at a time
·       <Abbie Stein> @Jack White heard from Loretta lately? Her Christmas album was great
·       <Breanna Gibitz> Have you ever visited the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cle?
·       <trickster> @Jack White is Vault #31 ready to be announced?
·       <Sierra> @jack white what is your favorite thing to drink/eat?
·       <KRIST3N> Jack please come to Rochester ny. It's where Son House came to hide
·       <tanzaib> @Jack White how about the upholsterers unreleased tracks
·       <Jack White> @Breanna Kibitz nope
·       <KYLOSIS> @Jack White American Epic, what up?
·       <jacqu_marie> did Trump ask you to perform at the inauguration?
·       <Karen Proffitt> How about Breakstone concert for a vault?
·       <jesssy> @Jack White have you aquired any new instruments?
·       <RRRecords> @Jack White I hear you can't hit a curve ball...
·       <LazyDynamite> did you have say in what music went into mlb the show?
·       <vickendom> If you wanted to test a turntable, what would be the 1st vinyl you'd play?
·       <Marjorie Hernandez> How's warstic doing, jack?
·       <Jack White> @Breanna Kibitz and i've never been invited to see it
·       <Michael Stevens> @Jack White you should come back down to Austin during SXSW, I know this great record label that throws great parties away from all the chaos. ;)
·       <Rick Kanas> "the magic eye sees all"
·       <Nick(Boat)> @Jack White, did u get a chance to see the Dirtbombs/Soledad show in detroit over NYE?
·       <Vinnie Vrhovnik> Jack in inviting you to the Rock Hall
·       <Jack White> @vickendom the beatles revolver, check the left and right signals
·       <caitinlv> this chat is sticky tiday
·       <Jeff Harrow> @Jack White how much would one of your couches cost
·       <Alwaysin3s> @Jack White Jack I hope this New Year blesses you and keeps you well. That you find inspiration in the little things. Peace and love to you dear man
·       <Apple_Blossom> @KYLOSIS great question... its likely gonna be on the tele in parts or serials
·       <Rodrigo Cortes> Yes! SXSW!
·       <DETROITSAINT> @JackWhite I could hear records pressing during the blood drive! Is it close?
·       <MaggieMay> JW III your bens did a great show on NYE
·       <Breanna Gibitz> ever have a desire to visit the Rock Hall just on a whim? Sad you haven't been invited ha
·       <EngineDriver> Can we get a blue series of trad. Scottish and Irish tunes? You could record my seision group here in Denver!
·       <vickendom> Thanks man!
·       <Mandy Thomas> I love Revolver!!! come back to Dallas Jack!
·       <Isfeld> @Jack White Any TMR related events in Europe some day soon?
·       <Maxman142001> @Jack White will "Thats where it's at" ever get released?
·       <Morgan McPheeters> @Mandy Thomas Amen!
·       <Ira Washburn> When is your Detroit pressing plant going to be up and running?
·       <Jack White> @Rick Kanas "i bet you i can tell right now, within a dollar either way, how much money you have on you.........you got ten bucks."
·       <RACHELSWENS> Jack have you ever met Paul McCartney? He's my hero.
·       <MaWaiDu> @Jack I relate to your song about entitlement, maybe the most true lyrics you've written, entitlement is everywhere!!!
·       <DonTazeMeBro> Margo coming back in April to First Avenue have you played there
·       <LazyDynamite> When will Tom Waits do a blue series?
·       <Eve Jarman> Revolver's my favourite beatles album. Not a bad shout ;)
·       <EngineDriver> Did you see that Beatles Eight Days a Week doc?
·       <Nick(Boat)> @Jack White, any plans for a third store?
·       <Patricio Pinto Castro> @Jack White come back to latin america soon please
·       <Rick Kanas> "...and the silver?"
·       <gabbyalucas> Bought my first vinyl copy of Lazaretto and I must say I was quite surprised when I discovered the hidden tracks. You weirdo :) can't wait for the new record to be even weirder
·       <Jack White> @RACHELSWENS i saw him nearby once
·       <STL_Ben> @Jack White you have released both mono and stereo recordings......when will we see a quadraphonic release from TMR?
·       <DonTazeMeBro> the natrual
·       <Ashlyn Scoggins> Jack, do you type with both hands or just one?
·       <Abbie Stein> @Jack White what happened to the wax-o-rama in Nashville
·       <Mandy Thomas> Going to see Margo at The Kessler!
·       <MaggieMay> @jackwhite. I think a bone marrow registry during the blood drive would be awesome!
·       <Marjorie Hernandez> Spent New Year's Eve in the Ryman this year... ever think about doing an acoustic show there yourself, jack?
·       <Troo> Hi Jack !
·       <RACHELSWENS> I dont think that counts.
·       <Jeff Harrow> @Jack White how much would one of your couches cost
·       <jen&juice> I was at The Gorge when you played the whispering sea and it was incredible! @jack what are some of your favorite venues?
·       <Cameo Kraft> Have any plans to open a new store anytime soon??
·       <Melissa Gonzalez> @JackWhite are you currently reading anything interesting? Or have a recommendations?
·       <Jack White> @gabbyalucas those tracks took a long time to write and record
·       <chudd13> @Jack White "you can't spell it but it eats pretty good"
·       <Dina Grace Zoe Sciortino> what make JW smile?
·       <Nathan Wiseman> @JackWhite will the Dead Weather tour again?
·       <Jeff Harrow> @Jack White how much would one of your couches cost
·       <gabbyalucas> I'm sure! But they were quite the surprise
·       <DJRobbyRob> @Jack White Anything in the works with Dolly Parton?
·       <Apple_Blossom> @Jack White did you like your colored pencils?
·       <vickendom> I did "The Sound of Music" & Maria Callas' "Carmen" for 2 different TMR turntables.
·       <MaggieMay> Jack white, give your blood.
·       <ashleyredefine> Hello Jack-O!
·       <Maxman142001> @Jack White have you recorded any solo material since the break?
·       <RobScarr> @Jack White isn't one of them about smoking weed? haha
·       <MaggieMay> Like the poster
·       <Jack White> @Dina Grace Zoe Sciortino a woman asking if i'd like to go for a ride
·       <MaWaiDu> @Jack we really appreciate your time, it's awful kind of you
·       <Brandon Attal> My niece loves Weird Al, any chance you will release something from him?
·       <Hunter Arias> That white house Hey Jude performance was great! cool to see you could be there
·       <Dina Grace Zoe Sciortino> When can I pick you up?
·       <Jeff Harrow> @Jack White how much would one of your couches cost
·       <Jack White> @Hunter Arias i think paul was there
·       <Alwaysin3s> @Jack White nice
·       <Kelly McCleary> @Jack White Wanna go for a ride?
·       <Breanna Gibitz> What do you do when you start falling for someone but you know it just won't work?
·       <Apple_Blossom> did you here about the pipelines in cleveland and detroit???@Jack White
·       <LazyDynamite> I love the new Tribe Called Quest... Ego is awesome!!!
·       <KRIST3N> Jack would you like to go for a ride?
·       <Apple_Blossom> very sad
·       <Able_And_Want> Do you ever just pop in unannounced to talent shows at kids' schools or malls or places like that. I get worried about the future of our world, and then I see kids genuinely loving the music they're playing and dancing too and it makes me feel a little better. There's a lot of talent out there to be nurtured!
·       <Jack White> have to go y'all, getting this pressing plant up and running is not easy....
·       <Mallory McClain> @Jack White any news on the Luck Reunion sessions w/Margo et. al.?
·       <Dina Grace Zoe Sciortino> I can chauffer you :)
·       <Jack White> have a good day
·       <Rodrigo Cortes> Ever been to Marfa, TX?
·       <Cameron Fucile> good luck!
·       <Rodrigo Cortes>
·       <Rodrigo Cortes>
·       <RACHELSWENS> Bye boy
·       <Breanna Gibitz> have fun with that! Thanks jack
·       <ashleyredefine> Bye bye
·       <Ashlyn Scoggins> Keep working hard boo :)
·       <KYLOSIS> Thanks for hanging out with us!
·       <MaggieMay> You too!!!
·       <Kelly McCleary> nice! bye!
·       <thirdgirlll> @Jack White❤❤❤
·       <Brandon Attal> Word
·       <Jack White> make sure to do something positive for someone else
·       <Daryl-Anne Fletcher> Bye Jack
·       <Dina Grace Zoe Sciortino>
·       <Marjorie Hernandez> Later jack!!
·       <Rick Kanas> take care Jack!!
·       <tanzaib> @Jack White any news on the release of Voscovo stuff
·       <gabbyalucas> Have a good day man, thanks for this!
·       <Melissa Gonzalez> Have a nice day JW!! ❤❤❤
·       <DJRobbyRob> @Jack White Thank you!
·       <meohmy> @Jack White Thanks, Jack! Love you!
·       <bloomooks> You too, Jack. Thanks for dropping in
·       <DonTazeMeBro> will do
·       <jen&juice> You have a better one!
·       <STL_Ben> and time to funnel back down to 4 people
·       <Jack White> without them knowing about it....
·       <Breanna Gibitz> thank you
·       <Hunter Arias> Thanks! Have a great day!
·       <Sierra> @jack white bye jack💙☺
·       <Apple_Blossom> @Jack White thanks
·       <Janet Hall> Will do
·       <Sarah Sparks> love you! Best of luck in 2017
·       <thirdgirl> thanks jack, happy new year to you
·       <staci freeworth> thansk for saying Hi jack. Miss your music!!
·       <Mommaboat> @Jack White 💙💙💙
·       <KRIST3N> My bf will appreciate that advice
·       <Melissa Gonzalez> Always ❤
·       <Dina Grace Zoe Sciortino> love you
·       <RRRecords> @Jack White peace and love, peace and love
·       <LordKhan> Thanks Jack!
·       <Sarianna> Thank you for saying hello!
·       <ashleyredefine> For sure!
·       <Rodrigo Cortes> Happy New Years Jack!
·       <STL_Ben> DOH I missed jack! What did he say? Who has a transcript?
·       <Sierra> You're the best ❤️
·       <DJRobbyRob> I missed like the first 13 minutes
·       <Nova_Jane> I just found out that my friend is Billy Wayne Davis' cousin. Small world!!! :)
·       <Mandy Thomas> @Hunter Arias---Mother Nature's Son was amazing!
·       <caitinlv> have a good one Jack & taje care
·       <MaWaiDu> bye
·       <Mandy Thomas> @Hunter Arias---Mother Nature's Son was amazing!
·       <Mandy Thomas> @Hunter Arias---Mother Nature's Son was amazing!
·       <Michael Stevens> have fun!
·       <Mommaboat> @Jack White 💙💙💙
·       <Mandy Thomas> Bye Jack
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