#guess who has an ear notch placed just slightly too low to look badass now dhfhfjsk
theramblingvoid · 2 years
Fun Fact! Your ears don't have very many nerve endings, so if you injure the edges of them, you might not even realize it at first!
Other Completely Unrelated PSA! If your hair is somewhat short and you are cutting it enthusiastically while bopping along to shitty phone speaker music in your bathroom, you should probably stop bopping when you get to the around the ear part! And also maybe don't wear a white shirt.
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you-a-southpaw-doll · 6 years
Another One Bites The Dust (AOBTD) ~ Chapter 12
Warning(s): Language. Angst. Slight violence. Slight fluff. 
Taglist: @negans-network , @thamberlina , @prettyboynegan , @mychemicalimagines
Previous Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight.Nine. Ten. Eleven
Chapter 12 ~ Landmine
 I take a deep breath in. I can’t believe it. I’d know that haircut anywhere. I jump outta the truck before Negan has a chance to stop the vehicle and me. I take off running towards what caught my attention. Amidst a pile of dead’uns, is someone I’d know anywhere. 
I fall to my knees beside the person I thought I’d never see again. It’s been a few years since I’ve seen her, my best friend, Alyss. The only reason it’s been so long is ‘cause she lived on the other side of the country, and it was hard to get to see each other due to school, and a couple other reasons on both our parts.
She seems to be unconscious, and I panic slightly. I can’t lose her. She’s been there for me through thick and thin. She’s my best friend and she means the world to me. I nudge her shoulder, and get a groan of pain in response. At least I know she’s alive. 
I let out the breath I’d been holding in as I lean over her, making sure she’s ok, and looking for any bites. As soon as I know that she’s free of bite marks from the dead’uns, I look up. Negan’s finally stopped the truck right ‘round the spot where I jumped out. 
He, Tim, and Jeffrey all are running towards me. I hear the groaning of the dead’uns from behind me. I reach for my knife and quickly kill the dead’un that’s closest to me.
“Leigh! What the fuck do you think you’re doin’?” I hear Negan scold me as soon as the men get close to me.
I look up at Tim. He looks shocked as he glances between Alyss and I.
“Honey, is that?” He asks.
I nod. “She’s alive. We gotta get her back home.”
I hear another groan come from my best friend. I look down and see her eyes fluttering open.
“Alyss!” I exclaim.
She looks up at me. “Hey, kid.”
I smile. She struggles to sit up, so I help her. I sit down next to her, letting her lean against me. I know that neither of us really like being touched, but for the most part, we are the exception for the other.
“What happened?” I ask.
“I got bombarded by ‘bout twenty of those fuckers. I took ‘em all out by myself, but the last one I got managed to grab ahold of my ankle. I lost my balance and fell. I guess I hit my head pretty damn hard.” She replies, slowly. “I’m ok, though, kid. You know me. I’m tough.”
I chuckle. “I know you are. Believe me, I know you are.”
She laughs. She moves around so that she’s no longer leaning against me. I raise my eyebrows and nod at her unspoken question. We have our own secret language between us that doesn’t actually use words. At my nod, she flings her arms ‘round me. 
I laugh and hug her back. It’s been far too long since we’ve hugged, hell, since we’ve seen each other in person.
“Half pint, I hate to break up this reunion, but do you care to explain what the actual ever-lovin' fuck is goin’ on here?” Negan asks.
I look up at him, over Alyss’ shoulder, and I notice that Tim’s grinning from ear to ear. He knows I’m happy. Plus, he’s happy to see Alyss too. I look back at Negan, realizing that he’s still waiting on my answer. I feel Alyss start to pull away, so I lower my arms. 
I help her stand up. Negan’s eyes widen slightly when he looks at her. I figure it’s ‘cause of the height difference between my best friend and I. I mean, she is 5’11”, which puts her at well over half a foot taller than me.
“Negan, this is my best friend, Alyss.” I say, grinning.
Alyss drapes her arm ‘round my shoulders. I look up at her.
“Bud, this is Negan, Jeffrey, and well you already know Tim.” I say.
She laughs and goes for a high five from Tim. He chuckles and returns the gesture, before my best friend pulls him in for a hug. Alyss turns to Jeffrey next.
“I’d say it’s ‘bout fuckin’ time I met you.” She tells him.
Jeffrey laughs. “I could say the same fuckin’ thing. It’s nice to finally meet you in person. FaceTime calls only go so far for meeting someone.”
Alyss’ laugh cuts through the air. “You’re right.”
“You up for a hug?”
“Sure. Why not? You mean the world to Leigh here, so you must be alright.”
Jeffrey chuckles. My husband and best friend hug each other. Alyss steps back beside me. She looks at Negan. Her eyebrow raises, and she smirks as she glances at me.
“You didn’t tell me that there were two versions of Jeffrey.” She teases.
I laugh. “That’s his twin brother. I know I’ve mentioned him before.”
“I didn’t think they were identical! You could’ve told me that.”
I smirk. “I didn’t know.”
She laughs and turns to look at Negan. He’s got an odd expression on his face as he bites his bottom lip. He shakes his head, clearing his thoughts.
“Well, shit, doll. I don’t think I’ve heard Half Pint laugh this much before. You must be pretty fuckin’ special to her.” He says, in a playful manner.
“Damn fuckin’ straight, I am. This kid here’s my best fuckin’ friend. And I’m hers.” Alyss says, slinging her arm ‘round my shoulders.
Negan smirks. “God damn. You’re a feisty one, ain’t you?”
My best friend chuckles and nods. I grin. She really is. She knows how to handle herself, defend herself, and doesn’t let anyone step all over her. She is a complete and total badass. I hear groaning and moaning coming from behind us. I turn to see three dead’uns making their way, slowly, towards us. 
I look up at Alyss and she smirks at me, giving me a nod. I step back slightly to let her do her thing. She pulls the aluminum baseball bat she has hanging from her hip up and into her grasp. I watch as her fingers curl ‘round the handle. She brings it up to her shoulder as she stalks towards the dead’uns. 
She gets ready, standing with her feet shoulder length apart, bat drawn up into a batting stance, and she prepares to swing. As soon as the dead’uns are close ‘nough to her, she swings the bat mercilessly into the sides of their mushy skulls, one right after ‘nother. 
They fall to the ground at her feet, truly dead. Alyss swings the bat to the side, flinging the blood off of it. Once most of the blood is gone, she reaches down to rip a piece from one of the dead’uns shirts. She wipes the bat clean and tosses the bloodied cloth down onto the ground.
She places it back in its holder on her hip as she walks back over to me. I give her a high five, grinning. Negan lets out a low whistle.
“Sweet baby Jesus. Lord have mercy. You sure know how to handle a bat, girl.” He says.
Alyss laughs. “Of course I fuckin’ do.”
Negan’s eyes twinkle with amusement and something akin to lust. A smirk plays on his lips.
“Well, shit, doll. Remind me not to fuckin’ piss you off.” He says.
“You’d do well to remember that. I’d hate to mess that pretty face of yours up.” My friend retorts.
Negan chuckles. “You think I have a pretty face?”
Alyss rolls her eyes. I chuckle. Negan has no idea who he’s messing with. I glance over at my husbands. They’re both smirking.
“Doll. I’ve got an offer you can’t refuse.” Negan starts.
“Try me.” Alyss says.
That smirk of Negan’s gets bigger. “Well, you see, doll, I’m the leader of this compound, called The Sanctuary. We could use someone like you there. You’re a badass, easy on the eyes, and you’ve got a got sense of humor. Normally, people only get two options, but I’ll give you three. One, you come back, work for points, pay your way, and I’ll keep you safe. Two, you work for me as a Savior, similar to what these three here do, and you don’t have to work for points. You take what you earn. Or three, and this is by far my favorite of the choices. You agree to be one of my wives, and you can have everything your pretty little heart desires. You don’t have to work. I’ll keep you safe. All you have to do is look pretty, and be willing to come to me whenever I call for you. Now, keep in mind, if you go with door number three, I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to. I don’t believe in that shit, and if someone tries it, I’m quick to shut that shit down. So…what’ll it be, sweetheart?”
“Wives? You have more than one?”
“Fuck yes I do! I’ve got three. You’ll be lucky wife number four. If you say yes, of course.”
“I’ll stick to being a Savior, thank you. I don’t share my men with other women. As attractive as you are, I refuse to be just another notch on your bed, Negan.”
My brother-in-law bites his bottom lip, and nods his head, slowly. I know that wasn’t the response he was hoping for, but I know my friend. She wouldn’t put up with having to share him.
She pulls her bat up into her grasp once more, and points it as Negan. “Like I said, you’re a pretty boy, and while I don’t give a flyin’ fuck what you fuckin’ do in your own fuckin’ time, I don’t share my pretty boys.”
Negan’s eyes widen for a split second before the biggest, shit-eating grin covers his face. I shake my head at him, as my friend slides her bat back into it’s holster on her hip.
“Fair ‘nough, doll. Just know that the option is always available for you.” Negan says, smirking at my best fuckin’ friend.
Now that I know for a fact Alyss is coming back with us, I can’t contain my excitement. I’ve missed the shit outta her, and now we’ll be able to hang out more. She tells us that she’s got her bike with her. Negan, Jeffery, and Tim all load the motorcycle up into the bed of our truck. 
The boys pile into the front seat while Alyss and I settle into the backseat. We joke ‘round, talk, and tease each other relentlessly until we get back home.
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