#this episode on I Am Perfectly Fine Just Kinda Stupid,
theramblingvoid · 2 years
Fun Fact! Your ears don't have very many nerve endings, so if you injure the edges of them, you might not even realize it at first!
Other Completely Unrelated PSA! If your hair is somewhat short and you are cutting it enthusiastically while bopping along to shitty phone speaker music in your bathroom, you should probably stop bopping when you get to the around the ear part! And also maybe don't wear a white shirt.
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mal3vol3nt · 3 days
This is kinda a long read. But I wanna ask your opinion on this. I see this one post saying Zutara is a purely female fantasy and that’s why so many people hate it. Basically saying it was made for girls, by girls, it has everything a girl wants in a relationship and “When people attack the idea of Zutara, this is fundamentally what they're attacking-women and girls wanting better for themselves in a relationship.”
Now I am just a man. But I think this argument especially the latter part is such a reach and a cope. I don’t see how shipping a fanon ship is some big feminist thing. There are women I know who love Kataang (and if you ask me most of what they’re describing Zutara is actually Kataang in disguise) and there are some guys who like Zutara (which is perfectly fine as long as you don’t write a slave-fic about it like this one guy.
Call me insensitive, but it seems like this guy has some weird victim complex.
Here’s the link BTW:
i agree with you anon. i think it’s very silly that these people think a fandom ship is the peak of activism/feminism. such a claim, dare i say, reeks of white feminism, especially when you take into account that the ship they’re claiming is “so feminist” is a relationship between a canonical colonizer and a victim of genocide
the things the op of that zutara post listed are all very westernized “issues” that they claim shipping zutara is supposedly fighting against while also praising western standards, such as saying that zutara is for the girls who want to be with a man they’re attracted to, directly saying that aang is unattractive because he doesn’t fit western beauty standards whereas zuko does. as well as saying zutara is for the girls who want passion in their relationships, directly saying that zuko’s hot-headedness and western masculine qualities are hotter than aang’s pacifism and him being a monk. this claim is also pretty on par with how zutaras sexualize the relationship between zuko and katara, which i don’t even want to get into for obvious reasons. needless to say, i think all of these claims are very very stupid and so obviously come from someone who gravitates towards the racism of the show. sorry not sorry
these claims also come from someone who twists aang’s character so that they feel more justified in hating him, and who twist katara and zuko’s characters so their ship works better. because at no point in the show does it ever feel like katara is changing herself to be with aang, as if she would ever do that (i can tell this is a southern raiders argument—i swear these people misread and latch onto everything). at no point in the show does it ever feel like katara is unattracted to aang, especially since she’s the one who initiates both the first and the last kiss between them, is constantly touching him, and gives him kisses on the cheek in a way she doesn’t do with any one else (she also audibly gasps when she first sees his tattoos in episode 1, which could be read as just her being shocked because she’s never seen airbender tattoos before, but considering the fact her crush on him develops quickly by the beginning of book 2 and she marries him, i wouldn’t be surprised if she also liked the way they looked). all claims that fall back on katara forcing herself to be with aang for whatever reason are projection because 1) katara would never do that. she is not the kind of girl to force herself into any position that doesn’t make her happy, and we see her actively set boundaries with aang in canon, so she is obviously comfortable making her wants known, and 2) katara clearly doesn’t see things through the same lens as her so-called fans. just because you had a crush on zuko doesn’t mean that katara should too, and just because aang isn’t your type doesn’t mean he can’t be her type. yall are projecting onto her
the whole “zutara is for the girls” and “kataang is the male gaze” is so stupid because no, that’s not how that shit works and is a take that is so very american/western that i fail to take it seriously. and yes, i know atla is a western-created show with a western-intended audience, but the characters in the show aren’t and i feel it’s important to acknowledge that
now, i’m a girl (or a woman i should say, 19 years old lmao). and i live in a very patriarchal society and have dealt with sexist standards being forced onto me from my latino culture and family my whole life. it didn’t, however, take long for me to realize that i was unhappy with that way of life and have actively detached myself from it, instead gravitating towards fighting for and recognizing my freedom to choose. this is a freedom i believe all women should have, and i have dedicated myself to learning of the injustices women go through all over the world and do my best to fight against them from where i live. i detest the patriarchy and all things created that demean women or force them into any one role. i am also a lesbian who hardly ever thinks of men lmao. yet miraculously, i am a kataang shipper. according to these zutara stans, im a misogynist who prioritizes male pleasure and happiness. yet from what i know of myself, that’s not at all true. i couldn’t give less of a fuck about patriarchal standards and actively avoid them in the media i consume as much as i can. but i think kataang is cute and i turn away from the thought of zutara, so either one of two things are true:
kataang is for the girls and zutara is the male-gaze
or fictional character shipping has fuck all to do with activism and the kind of person you are in real life
i’m gonna go out on a limb and say number 2 is correct. whether you’re a zutara shipper or a kataang shipper, i don’t think that’s an instant tell of the kind of person you are in your real life. it’s not an actual tell of what you value and yall look ridiculous trying to paint one ship as better than the other on an innate moral level
at the end of the day, this is fandom shipping. you can be a horrible person who engages in shipping content and still be a horrible person at the end of the day regardless of which ship suits your fancy. cause it doesn’t fucking matter. neither of the ships are morally superior to the other in any way that has importance in the real world. yall need to get offline i swear
now personally, i think kataang is an infinitely better ship than zutara for many reasons that i have discussed before, so yall will never catch me saying kataang and zutara are equal in any other context but this one lmao
also saying any colonizer x colonized ship is superior will never be taken seriously by me. you can enjoy those kind of ships all you want, but they’ll never be my cup of tea and that doesn’t make me or anyone else anti-feminist or whatever the fuck insult zks throw out. i just prefer my ships to be between people who haven’t wiped out the other person’s race
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bonny-kookoo · 4 months
𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲 | Part 25
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Will you still love him?
Tags/Warnings: Game Designer!Jungkook, Brat Tamer!Jungkook, kinda himbo!Jungkook, Non Idol AU, established relationship, fluff, Chaotic energy, SFW
Length: 1k words
Callob with @euphoricfilter ! 💜
-> Masterlist
You’ve got his head in your lap, fingers combing through his hair, while you both watch a random episode of true-crime on the TV, large tub of icecream long finished on the coffee table.  
“Hey babe?” Jungkook asks, watching the interrogation on the TV while your hand stops for a second, as you look down, showing that he’s got your attention. “Would you still love me if I was bald?” He wonders, thought probably stemming from the fact that one of the people on the TV is bald, and you’ve noticed how shiny that man’s head was.  
“Uh..” You say, caught off guard. “Yeah. Yeah, I would.” You answer, and he grins to himself, adjusting his position on the couch a little as he continues watching. “Why, do you want me to shave your head?” You joke, turning your attention back to the TV- when you notice his silence.  
“..I mean, would you?” He asks, now looking back up at you. You’re scanning his face for a second, and comb through your thoughts to make sure he’s not drunk or high on anything, before you come to the conclusion that yes, he’s perfectly sane and sober, and this is not just a random thought blurting out of his mouth.  
To be fair, he’s been nagging you about his hair for months now, after having bleached and colored it every week it felt like, leaving it dry and damaged when he went back to black. It’s almost grown out by now, but he’s an impatient person- having mentioned often how he’d like to just ‘chop it all off at least once’ to have a fresh start.  
“I would.” You shrug because of that, answering his question, and making him freeze for a moment as he seems to think, making his decision internally-  
Before he suddenly jumps up, sitting straight up on the couch. “Alright, I’ll get the scissors-” He says as he runs off, socked feet slipping a little on the floor as he rushes into the bathroom, slapping the lightswitch to turn it on.  
“Wait, are you serious?” You call out, not having thought he’d want to do it, well, right now, since it’s two in the morning- but as he pokes his head out the door, it’s clear that he wants it done now or never. 
“I am, and now you’ll have to do it-” He calls back, rummaging through the drawers to find the hair scissors. “-And you have to love me afterwards when I’m bald or you’re a dirty liar!” He challenges, making you laugh as you pause the episode on the TV, joining him in the bathroom where he happily offers the scissors to you.  
“You really want me to chop it all off?” You wonder. “It looks fine to me..” You say, running your fingers through his hair- but he nods.  
“I don’t want to be like.. Shiny egg-head bald.” He describes, taking the scissors from you to boldly snip off the first long piece of hair, making it fall into the sink in front of the mirror. “But.. I don’t know.” 
“Like a Kiwi, maybe?” You say, and he chirps up at that, snapping his fingers with a grin on his face.  
“Exactly- Baby you know me so well it’s actually creepy sometimes.” He says, chopping away what he can reach, before you take over, carefully shortening his hair so that the clippers can run through it all more easily later. “Can I..” He asks, and you notice some odd look on his face, before he continues speaking, as you focus more on your task again. “What do you.. Love about me?” He wonders, and you can’t help but smile.  
“How bold you are.” You instantly say. “You know.. Remember when we first started dating? I was so shy.” You remind him, and he smiles fondly, thinking back on it. “But because of you I became confident. I became comfortable with myself, and I now know that no matter how stupid I think my thoughts are, I can tell them to you, and you’ll take them seriously.” You explain yourself. “You’re like.. My best friend who I’m dating too.” You shrug, finishing up your work with the scissors, before you look in the mirror to find his face again. “Oh kook, baby, why’re you crying?!” You laugh, making him laugh too with his glossy eyes.  
“You could’ve just complimented my dick, babe, why do you have to confess all over again?!” He whines, while you grin, taking the electric clippers into your hand.  
“Alright Kook, last chance to back out.” You playfully threaten, turning the clippers on.  
But he just seems to buzz as well, nodding with a serious expression. “Do it.” He commands, and you comply, tunning the clippers over his scalp after making sure it’s set to the appropriate length. The entire process doesn’t even take all that long, hair falling down to the floor to be swept up and discarded later, room quiet except for the buzzing of the little machine in your hand, as you make sure to do a good job.
One you’re done, you both make sure to clean everything up, his head in your lap again only an hour later, Episode on the TV resumed as you watch the interrogation continue, your hand running over his head, hairs now short, revealing the natural shape of his head. You suddenly get an idea- running into the kitchen to search for something, before you return to the couch, where he now sits. You put something on his head he can’t see, before you take a picture, and show it to him, laughing already- 
And at the sight of it, he laughs too, as he spots the small sticker from the kiwis you’d bought yesterday on his head. “Hey babe?” He asks, and you hum, sitting down next to him on the couch once more, locking your phone before you put it on the coffee table again. “Do you still love me?” He asks, and you giggle, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“You could be shiny egg-head bald, and I’d still love you.” 
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ladyblueberrymuffin · 5 months
Okay, I think enough time has passed that I can share my opinions on these two.
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It could've been great. As it is, not really into it. And not because "Catra is abusive" or "It's toxic", or any stupid stuff like that. It's enemies to lovers, she's bound to do shitty things until her redemption arc, that's perfectly fine, I love messy characters.
My problem is that the show seems only interested in showing Catra's side of the story. She gets flashbacks, she talks about Adora all the time, we get to see all the ways in which Adora makes her life better. Adora... is kinda ignored.
I think that's why people don't like it. There is an unfair meta power dynamic. Catra is the more important one to the writers.
So we don't really get to see what Adora gets out of this relationship. We get to see all the ways Adora is accommodating to Catra, helps her feel comfortable after they reunited, lets her be her gremlin self, but where are the scenes where Catra does the same for Adora?
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And people will talk about Catradora like this wonderful "I let you be yourself" comfort goes both ways, but it doesn't. That's my problem, it feels like it's always up to Adora to accommodate Catra, not the other way around.
I needed to see Catra really go out of her way to be a good girlfriend after her redemption arc. Like disgustingly sweet and trying her best every episode.
The most nice thing Catra does for Adora is talk her out of bad ideas. It happens in episode one, where Shadow Weaver is trying to convince her to leave her friends behind, and in the finale, where Adora is willing to die to save Etheria.
And like, offering counsel is certainly important in a relationship, but it doesn't really show this relationship in a good light when Catra's ultimate act of love is telling Adora "You're wrong".
Doesn't this feel kinda counterintuitive to her redemption arc? All the bad things she's done is because she was stubborn and unwilling to listen to Adora's ideas, but then her redemption is shown through her disagreeing with Adora's ideas anyway.
If Catra is allowed to be firm with Adora when Adora is being stupid, then so should Adora be able to be firm with Catra when she's being stupid, or antagonizing her friends.
This is a fictional relationship, so you're allowed to make them tease each other, or being mean to each other, but it can't be one-sided, because then it stops being cute, and just becomes frustrating.
The reboot introduced me to the franchise, and I delved deep, and really fell in love with the original 80's Adora, like I adore her (haha), my favorite superhero. And you know what? Reboot Adora is neat as well. So it bothers me double the show kinda seems disinterested in her and doesn't give her more agency.
I like that the 80s show focused on Adora more. I get Catra is interesting, but so is Adora, and I don't think the reboot really capitalized on it. I hope next time she pops up, maybe in the CG He-man show, or maybe in Masters of The Universe: Revolution (I am convinced this whole new season will be about her, and Adam grappling with the fact he has a sister, they're just hiding her from all the trailers, like they did with season 1's twist), she really gets the focus she deserves. You have a chance to really sink your teeth into her being a redeemed villain herself. In the DC comics, Adora was evil before she started questioning her loyalties to the Horde. Like, she killed people and she enjoyed it, her redemption arc wasn't much different from reboot Catra, so you really have a chance to make your main character as interesting as the villain.
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iambecomeafangirl · 1 year
Watching 2nd season of SAB
They did Wesper wrong. I am sorry. They just did. Actor playing Wylan is good. The character is good, I don't have ANY complaints about that. The vibe between Jesper and Wylan are also good. They are funny, they seem to fit together nicely. BUT THE WHOLE BACKSTORY OF THEM ALREADY HAVING A ONE NIGHT STAND????!!!
Where is my "maybe I liked your stupid face?", where is the "no, not just girls"? Where is kissing the wrong guy?!! I wanted young dumb crush, kinda slow burn, pinning. Not kissing and having sex on the fourth episode, where is fun in that? Where is the room to introduce Jesper's bisexuality now?
I am sorry, with everything else going perfectly fine, they just took a veeery weird route with Wesper. I am not a fan.
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the-drug-addicts-diary · 11 months
My first manic episode
They told me, that despite my bipolar medication, I can still get mood swings. Most likely, I can still get depressed. And i did during winter. Nothing severe, it was just seasonal stuff. So I am always kinda ready for depression, but I wasn't ready for mania. I thought it couldn't happen to me.
And I was wrong.
My medication works perfectly and I'm very responsible when it comes to it. I got into full remission for a long time, so i really didn't see it coming. My lithium levels most likely dropped a bit, which should be fine. We'll just wait for the results to come and increase the dose. I'm not afraid much about that part.
But there were signs. Many weeks before that. Signs i didn't pay attention to, because it didn't occur to me that this could happen. I never heard of the prodromal phase of mania before. For example, depression is one of many possible symptoms, i mean, what the f...?
In 12 years of being treated as a bipolar patient (and 7 of being diagnosed) i never even got manic before. I had mixed episodes or depressions.
I had a couple of cases of hypomania as well, but it was so rare and mostly harmless, that i never really cared.
Most of it happened during active addiction and it pretty much made me believe that since I'm clean and medicated, it won't happen again.
Hypomania was laughter and higher self esteem.
It was buying stuff i didn't need. It was high heels and a minidress, and drinking with strangers. It was bright and pure. It was creativity and stupid impulses, with more or less severe consequences. It was fun.
But mania was a killer.
My heart was so full, that if i'd get any happier, I'd explode into millions of pieces of joy and rage. It was gaining more and more energy from any attempt to get rid of it. Mania was not being able to think or speak coherently, because every single thought shattered into thousands of others. Mania was "I'm not bipolar" thinking.
It was two weeks of my life i have almost no memories of.
It can still be a part of a mixed episode, but i'm starting to doubt that.
Thankfully, I didn't do anything I would have to regret. I learned to love myself so it would probably take much more to make me do anything, that could harm me in any way. Mostly, I was just making videos as a "project" for youtube (which was, luckily, forbidden by my wife) where i was trying to describe how i felt, and got frustrated every time, because i couldn't speak.
It makes it easier to remember, but really hard to watch.
But i finally understood how nasty this disease is. A part of me always thought that I am "faking it". I had these thoughts during the episode, and I kinda have them now, while not even sure if the episode is truly over, or if it's just a temporary effect of the antipsychotic pill i took 2 days ago. Anyway I tried to really fake it yesterday, just so I'd know, and it's not physically nor mentally possible.
Which means, it was real.
Those signs i talked about earlier, they are still here. I don't need much sleep. I'm forgetting to eat, but still have lots of energy to keep me going. My thinking is different. My cognitive functions are one big mess. I can't focus, I'm easily distracted. My memory sucks. But it's still much, much better than it was a couple of days ago.
It wasn't fun. It was horrible and i wanted it to end, while being eternally grateful that i get to experience it. It was inability to hold a thought long enough to share it out loud. It was a shadow, appearing in the corner of my eye, but disappearing before i could take a good look at it. It was being frozen in one moment, just a second before my reality was about to collapse. It was creepy... and it was loved.
There are so many words i could use for describing what it was like. I could precisely describe it in many ways. But I can't say how i feel about it right now.
There are no words for that.
(Update: yeah, i was definitely manic while writing that, but I'm still gonna keep it here.)
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noahsteensonfilms · 5 months
Dance For Me: a "When Only We're Around" short story
(All current short stories in the collection now available on Wattpad)
"No. It's kick, then shimmy!" Elliot groans, failing at teaching Emiliano the choreography for a song he's writing. "The pub wants me performing in a week, and I need you to get this right."
"I'm not performing! Why should I have to learn all this?" Emiliano pants, dropping to their knees, sweating profusely.
"Because, babe, I need to see if the dance looks stupid or not."
"So just record yourself doing the dance?!" Emiliano shouts, rubbing thier sore knee. "Then I can go home? I have to clean the pool before Dad gets back from Seattle this afternoon."
"Okay, you caught me in my lie. I actually just thought it would be kinda romantic. Me and you, alone in my shed. I sensually grab you to adjust your pose. I get to see you sweaty. But it was all ruined because of your horrible dancing."
"Well you could of just said that. I would of come to any date you planned. It's so cute, how much thought you put into this." Emiliano smiled, running their hand down Elliot's face.
"Well, people say I'm known to be a romantic. And by romantic, they usually mean horny." Elliot blushes, lifting Emiliano's shirt to peek at their sweaty abs.
"Now, don't get ahead of yourself, Mr Sanderson. You still have a dance to learn." Emiliano pants Elliot's back, before returning to a chair across the shed.
"Aww, no shed sex?"
"No shed sex, until you nail this dance."
~~~~~~~~~~45 mins later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"NO!" Elliot screams, throwing his shirt to the ground. "Why can't I get that stupid step right?! I can't even dance to my own choreo?"
"Calm down babe. Nothing wrong with missing a few steps, it's only a practice."
"Really? And it's gonna be SO much easier doing it in front of everyone, while belting out a high note? Yeah, didn't think so."
"Just one more time, from the top." Emiliano assures him. "there's only 40 minutes until your family gets home from the shopping center, and we still need to get to the shed sex."
Elliot continues through the routine, hitting almost every step perfectly, but right before the final kick, he trips, landing headfirst on the cement floor.
"Elliot! Are you okay? What the fuck happened?" Emiliano screams, rushing to his side, checking his head for wounds.
"Another fucking episode. It messed up my concentration. can't really focus on dance when everything is moving, and there's static everywhere and... How am I supposed to deal with this? I do that on stage and my career is started before I ever even release an EP!"
"You are just stressed. You know that your HPPD gets worse when you are stressed. As long as you stay calm and focused to should be fine. Don't focus on the crowd or the steps to the dance. Focus on your music and your singing."
"And the shed sex?"
"Probably best to skip the shed sex today, you look pretty hurt."
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cuentaprovisional · 2 years
The dates don't make sense to me 😭
So... I don't know if someone already made a post about this and if there is a good explanation but since I have seen nothing I'm going to talk about it because it's driving me crazy.
We were told in Episode 1 that Porsche is 23 years old (and Chay is probably 17 since he is going to start college).
Kim was investigating the death of Porsche's parents, and in episode 11 Kim tells to the Inspector that the "car accident" was 10 years ago.
That means that Porsche was 13 (and Chay was 7) when his parents died.
All fine up to that point, but then comes episode 13 and we go to Porsche's parents graves and we get this:
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Porsche's dad was born in 1970 and died in 2004. His mom was born in 1974 and died of course also in 2004.
This seems weird to me because a couple of things.
First, if they died in 2004 and that was 10 years ago that would mean that the show is happening in 2014, which seems kinda weird to me because the tecnology seems more recent and doesn't really seems to fit 2014, but ok, I don't really care that much about that 🤷‍♀️
But then there is also the fact that Porsche's parents were 34 and 30 when they died (well... tecnically 33 and 29 since they died before their birthdays), if Porsche was 13 back then that would mean that his mom had him when she was only 16-17. Of course that IS a possibility, teen pregnacy happens but it was another thing that seemed a little weird to me.
And then, as if I wasn't already confused about the dates, we see Porsche's flashback, and look... I'm not the best with kid's ages, ok? But does that kid looks 13 to any of you??? Because he definitely doesn't look 13 to me. Until now wherever I saw the family photo and Porsche looked a lot younger than 13 I just assumed that the photo wasn't the most recent one when they died, I didn't care because sometimes the nicest photo you have is not the most recent 🤷‍♀️ but in the flashback Porsche looks around the same age that in the photo. How old is kid Porsche really supposed to be? Because my friend has a son that is around 7 and kid Porsche looks more or less as old as him. I am that wrong estimating his age by his looks? Is he really supposed to be 13?
This is driving me crazy, I went back to all those chapters to see if maybe I was remembering any of the dates wrong, but that is what the subtitles say. Sadly I don't know thai, so there is the possiblity that any of the subtitles is actually wrong and I wouldn't be able to know if that is the case.
Everything would fit better in the accident wasn't 10 years ago like Kim said. If, for example, the accident was 15 years ago Porsche would have been 8 and Chay would have been only 2, that fits with the photo and with Porsche in the flashback better, that would mean that their mom was 21-22 when she had Porsche which seems more reasonable than 16-17, and since they died in 2004 if the "accident" was 15 years ago the show would be happening in 2019, which seems a lot more reasonable.
I would like to know other people opinions about this because it has been driving me crazy since yesterday. Maybe you all can tell me if I'm missing something, maybe I'm stupid and missed something obvious that would make everything fit perfectly, or maybe I'm just super bad at basic math, or maybe the subtitles are wrong and someone that speaks thai can come and save the day correcting whatever the subs got wrong. And is everything is correct what do you all think is happening here? Do you really think those are supposed to be the correct dates or maybe that Kim is a terrible detective and the accident wasn't 10 years ago? Maybe they just didn't expect us to calculate anything,but c'mon... this is how fandoms are, someone is always going to want the dates to makes sense, and that someone is me.
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lorenzobane · 1 year
Alright- finally getting around to the last episode of Picard, and I figure why not liveblog it:
It is still SOOO unclear to me why the fuck the Changelings are even bothering to help the Borg. I guess their conceptual mission (conquer everyone) is pretty similar, but.... that feels like. Not enough.
It is very nostalgic to see everyone on the Enterprise-D, though. I can't deny that. Picard's got me there.
WHY is Jack the command signal? It remains stupid. I genuinely thought the Pah Wraith theory was more interesting than this aiuwhefs;djlk';
I do love the Borg cube's exterior design, though- its so iconic, and seeing it rendered with modern graphics
Awww poor little cook- but also he had to run the deli because his brother "had a hernia"..... sir. You're in the future. Why would that stop anyone from doing anything for longer than like. a day. I think your brother was lying to you.
Okay, I'm gonna be so real- am I the only one who kinda doesn't give a shit about Jack? I get he's there to add some stakes, but I truly don't care at all. Explode him idgaf.
If the idea is to wake Jack up from his evil slumber then why would you not send Beverley....? Who, ya know, raised him?
"And I will make it a threesome" Okay i love you Worf
Okay- like I said, I am not immune to nostalgia, "it's been an honor serving with you all" OKAY, fine Daddy Picard you got me.
Also a lot of long lingering looks between Deanna and Will... Makes me think one of them might not make it out alive
You know it really is so telling how much of the original Borg design, from the ship to the interiors, they kept. Tells you how impressive it was the first time around. It is just so creepy and excellent.
Cool. Picard has magical Borg senses.
Fine fine, the Riker/Picard/Worf scene was sweet. Can you tell that I'm a willing sap for alllll the TNG nostalgia?
LMAO I'm SORRY i actually love the camp excellence of the Borg Queen emerging from the shadows to cackle evilly
Okay HELL yeah for a Seven of Nine "Big Damn Captain" speech
This is just so funny. The Borg queen is so so fucking funny. Why is she so melodramatic. Real Miette energy.
Oh this changeling connection is dumb as hell
Worf's Bat'leth with a built in phaser is COOL okay. Sometimes I am a teenage boy.
I am not immune to TNG theme music
I am also not immune to people who have trusted each other for a lifetime coming together again. Geordi trusting Data's gut.
Ahhhh the classic "all hope is lost" moment, how I love thee
I'm sorry to say it, I really am because its the emotional heart of the story, but I just don't care about Jack
LMAO conflict solved with a hug from dad- Christ the daddy issues on star trek continue to astonish and amaze
Longest "one minute to get out" ever
I'm sorry I'm sorry but once again I'm weak for the old "the strength of their connection saves the day" and I'm a sentimentalist at heart
Kinda obsessed with the idea of Riker just being the type of guy who needs a universe-ending catastrophe every once in a while or they get bored
God Michael Dorn is sooooo good at playing Worf its not even funny. He's just. Worf. I could watch him play this character perfectly for the end of time.
Love it when Starfleet just Starfleets. "Ehh you're reckless and a little insane, but in that good way that sometimes saves the galaxy. here- have a ship and hang out on the frontiers, and don't bother us."
Worf, House of Martok...... My beloved
Poor Deanna, you do deserve a beach vacation
Starfleet history must be BUCK WILD. You tell the story of that time a crew of old people stole a ship from a museum and saved the world. Like. Okay.
uaoeisdjokf THIS fucking guy. Okay, now that I know he's lame I like him more
"What could possibly go wrong?" Wow was that a heavy-handed setup. I think I heard something about a TV show and now I feel extra convinced they are either planning one or at one point were.
Everyone being SO NORMAL about Captain starting words is so fucking. okay starfleet really MUST be the nerds of the galaxy.
Okay. I'm gonna be honest I don't think I needed quite so much nostalgia bait at the end. It was nice for like. A second. Especially when it was intercut with the younger characters.
Ending on them playing poker together, la ti da- everyone got a happy ending and in Starfleet heroes are rewarded
Anyway- it was fine. I found the episode kind of underwhelming honestly, but it wasn't horrific. Just kinda. Star trek typical levels of nonsense.
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ka1zer0 · 2 months
How do I tell my boyfriend I had the worst relapse yet, while he got new meds and got diagnosed with BPD and the doctors told him to admit himself to a psych ward?
I was doing perfectly fine with MY new meds (been taking them for about a month) and this whole thing triggered a mixed episode for me and SO MUCH anxiety and I kinda just,,, lost my shit. On the plus side, I'm not delusional (the way I see it) and I haven't had any psychotic episodes, so that's great!
I really don't want to make this about myself, but I also can't lie about being okay... At least I have friends that know how it's going, and they won't tell him anything, since it's not their place. But they are making themselves always available which is a great help... Last night a friend stayed over to keep me safe.
I feel so guilty for reaching out. I'm becoming a burden. They keep saying it's not a problem at all and that they are glad I reached out and asked for help, but I shouldn't be this way. I am responsible for so many things. I can't let people know I'm weak currently. And I don't want them to hate me for it, or use it against me (this has happened many times before).
At the same time it genuinely feels like I'm doing this for attention. I've been through so much. And I've always felt alone. When I tell my boyfriend about how I'm doing bad, he can't handle it and distances himself. But when he's going through something, and actually tells me, I'm there for him in every possible way. I don't blame him for keeping himself safe from my negativity, but I feel so alone. All I need is comfort...
And when my friends try to figure out what is going on with me, or even attempt to comfort me, I never feel exactly comforted... I shut down, pretend to be better than I am, and deny all help. It just doesn't feel safe.
I don't know how to bring this up to my therapist and psychiatrist... And I need to call my psychiatrist for an update on how the meds are going. I'm doing bad currently, but the meds ARE working, and I don't want to get off them because antipsychotics fuck me up and these meds only made me a bit stupid. I'd choose being an emotionally stable himbo any day, but clearly this isn't enough during high stress periods...
0 notes
Kinda shitty how I always have to say it first, lol you’d be perfectly fine without texting back after that. I’m sure it’s because in your head I started the problem. Sorry I worked all weekend and wanted you to wait 15 minutes before you jerked off. Just wanted to finish the last bit of the episode of this stupid show before I go to sleep. This is so stupid why am I even writing about this. Not like you’ll ever see it. But I can’t post negative shit on Twitter apparently lol so Hi , Tumblr ❤️ I’m back.
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
Inner Conflict
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 3586
Warnings: !FATWS SPOILERS!, Cursing, Some Angst, Some Fluff, Sam and Bucky being idiots, Mentions of PTSD, Anxiety, and Depression
A/N: Here’s Part Three to my FATWS Series, which I’m making a masterlist for that you can find Here. 
Uh…it’s a little long, and I apologize for that. It doesn’t even encompass the whole second episode, only the first half, so a Part 3.5 will be coming out later today probably (it’s my day off work so I have all day to relax and write!) I tried not doing a line for line rewrite of the episode, but there are quotes from the show in here. Mostly it’s Reader’s thoughts and feelings towards what’s happening while conversations are going on around. Reader’s backstory is a bit more unfurled. It’s more action packed and more scene-for-scene of the episode than the previous two. Less emotions shared and less hurt/comfort type of thing, but that’ll be back in the next part probably along with more scenes not in the show. The next part I’m planning won’t be as long, it’ll mainly just be the Couples Therapy scene and a bit more angst with her and Sam and her and Bucky.
Because there’s four more episodes and I don’t know what’s going to happen in them, I’m kinda hesitant on spilling out exactly what is going on with the Reader and what her role was on the original team, but we’ll get there. Also, I wasn’t expecting to be writing multiple pieces for one episode, but if the other episodes are as packed as this one, prepare yourself for more parts than anticipated. We’re already on Part 3 and I’ve got Part 3.5 coming. Just bare with me as I don’t know what’s going to happen in future episodes! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it! 
(Not beta’d so excuse any mistakes.)
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Walking out of the shower, ruffling a towel through your hair to dry it off, you froze at the sound of the TV. A sigh left your lips. It’s all he’d been doing the last few days - watching the news. Keeping up with the tour for the new Captain America.
You peeked out of the small bedroom to find Bucky sitting on the floor, brow creased as he watched John Walker talk to the Good Morning America hostess.
“You shouldn’t be watching that.” You spoke up, leaning on the doorway, still patting your hair dry. He glanced over to you, taking in the towel wrapped around you, before looking back at the TV. Seeing you like that wasn’t anything new. “Buck, I’m serious. Brooding over it won’t make anything better.”
“What do you want me to do?”
You let out a sigh, shifting your feet and biting your lip as you thought about how to respond. “I-I haven’t figured it out yet. But obsessing over the new guy-”
“Aren’t you mad?”
You frowned at his question, his eyes meeting yours once more. “I told you already that I am.”
He tilted his head, which he did when he was confused, his eyes narrowing. “Why don’t you show it? Why aren’t you screaming or cursing or crying or something? You, of all people-”
“Because it won’t help anything, Buck.” You shook your head, pushing off the wall. “I want to. But if I let myself go down that road…” Dropping your gaze to the floor, you take a breath, collecting your thoughts. “This is such a complicated situation, James. I’m being contacted left and right for a statement on the new Captain. People trying to see my reaction. Senators trying to get me to meet with him. I can’t let myself snap. I can’t.”
He scowled. “They’re still bothering you?”
A dry chuckle escaped your lips and you nodded. “Makes me miss the days when no one knew who I was; when I was the behind-the-scenes seventh Avenger. But I made that choice to come out, and I have to deal with the consequences now. Blowing up will only-”
“Even though I never met him…he feels like a brother.”
That one statement stopped you in your tracks. Bucky’s head whipped back to the TV, his jaw ticking, his nose scrunching up.
“Did he really just say that?”
Bucky merely nodded, his chest heaving as he tried getting his breathing under control. “Feel like snapping now?”
You purse your lips as you held in the tears stinging your eyes. After composing yourself, you moved over and grabbed the remote, letting out a tiny sniffle as you did so. You tentatively touched Bucky’s shoulder, silently asking him if he needed anything from you. His response was to open his arms, so you quickly got down besides him to hold him.
“He is my brother, doll.”
“I know, Buck.” You pressed a soft kiss to his head, which rested against your bare shoulder.
Your bare knees are pressed harshly against the wooden panels of the floor, and you’re twisted awkwardly, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. As long as he was comfortable, you would take the uncomfortable position. As long as he was being held, you would take the soreness it would leave. As long as you could help him be some sort of okay, you would take not being okay in this position.
 You two sat like that for a few more moments before your phone buzzed. You gave a sigh, pulling back and holding his cheeks in either hand. He wasn’t crying, although he was on the verge of doing so. You’d seen him cry before, so you knew he didn’t mind. For you it was a different story.
Bucky had maybe seen you cry twice since the whole Blip thing went down. And one of them was over the phone, so he didn’t see it so much as he heard it. You didn’t let yourself cry in front of him. Or anyone, for that matter. It was a part of you. The only person you ever felt comfortable enough around to cry in front of…wasn’t there. And you couldn’t change that.
“We’ll figure it out.” You told him, nodding gently and letting a small, sad smile quirk the corners of your lips up. “Okay? We’ll figure it out.”
The clench in his jaw loosened as your fingers worked circles into the hinge, making him relax and nod back. You pressed a tender kiss to his forehead before standing up, moving across the room to where your phone was on the counter. You assumed it’d be another government official or news reporter, so you were slightly shocked to see ‘Sammy’ flashing up at you.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you read his message, a slight pout forming on your face. 
“Doll?” Toned arms wrapped around you, warm and cool, his chin setting on your shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s Sam. He needs my help with something.”
“I’m coming with you.”
You turned in his arms, eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Why?”
He shrugged, licking his lips. “You might need help.”
“Bucky, you can’t go if you’re just going to yell at him.”
“I won’t.”
You studied his features. He was lying, you knew that. Of course he was going to snap at Sam for giving up the shield. He was mad and they got on each others’ nerves every chance they could find, so of course he was going to.
But you still found yourself saying yes and telling him to go pack a bag. You were never able to say no to Steve and it seemed that got passed on. What a nuisance it was.
And you were so right. It was the first thing he said once Sam came into view coming down the stairs.
“You shouldn’t have given up the shield, Sam.”
“James.” You squeezed the hand he was holding, voice pleading for him not to do this right now. He huffed, stepping back to let you greet Sam properly, giving the man a hug. “Hi, Sammy.”
“It’s been a while.” Sam commented, pulling back and holding you by the shoulders. “You look good. Not that you’ve ever looked otherwise.”
You gave him a small smile. “You do too.”
“Thanks for coming. I know it’s short notice, but-”
“It’s fine, Sam. Really.” You insist.
Sam nodded, before eyeing Bucky. “Did you have to bring him?”
“This is wrong.” Bucky cut in, staring Sam down, falling into step besides him as the man started heading outside.
“Hey, hey. Look. I’m working, all right?”
You rolled your eyes as the two started arguing, stopping your stride to take a breather. You used to joke about babysitting them, but it didn’t feel like a joke anymore and you were getting tired of it. All the bickering for no reason. The contempt they held for one another. Steve made you promise that you would look out for them, and you were trying, but they weren’t making it easy.
When you joined them again, you raised an eyebrow at the direction the conversation turned. How the hell did they get from arguing about the shield to what a wizard is?
“Ahh! Haha! A sorcerer is a wizard without a hat!”
You gave Sam a look as he babbled about how he was right. “Sorcerer Mickey has a hat. Isn’t that, like, how he gets his powers and everything?”
Bucky grinned at you. “Thank you!”
“Excuse you!” Sam scoffed, pointing an accusing finger at you. “We were having a conversation!”
“Yeah. A stupid conversation I just ended. Now I’m gonna be in the plane. Feel free to join me when you’re done being idiots.”
They both spluttered, but you were already walking away, leaving no room for arguments. As you loaded onto the plane, you spotted the Lieutenant whom Sam mentioned who had been helping him out with missions. Torres, you thought, remembering his name from a previous phone call with your friend.
“You Lieutenant Torres?” You asked, walking up to him.
He blinked, before his eyes widened, a grin appearing on his face. He seemed young, which you were perfectly okay with considering you’ve been working alongside old men for the past decade. It was always nice to work with a fresh face, which you found after you started working with Wanda and Peter.
The thought of the two youngest members made you falter, not having heard from either of them since Christmas almost six months prior, but you quickly recovered yourself, shaking away the worries you had for them.
“You’re Y/N Y/L/N! I’m a huge fan! I’ve read all your files!”
Chuckling a little, you held out your hand. “Most of those are heavily classified.”
He ducked his head with a little blush, rubbing the back of his neck after shaking your hand. “I, uh, I might’ve…used connections.”
“It’s okay.” You reassured him, throwing him a wink. “I won’t tell. Can you tell me what’s going on? Sam didn’t exactly explain the situation.”
He nodded, getting into ‘work mode’, something you’ve seen in most military men, informing you of their recent missions and the group known as the Flag-Smashers and giving you a file on them. He was in the middle of telling you about his solo mission in Germany when your two fellas came in, sending each other small glares, but remaining quiet.
Bucky caught your eye and sent an apologetic look your way, to which you just smiled at before turning back to Torres.
“Well I’m glad you’re okay.” You told him once he was done.
“Oh yeah. It wasn’t that bad.”
You laughed and nodded. “I’m sure. You seem like a tough kid.”
He smiled, before looking around and jabbing his thumb behind his shoulder. “I-I’ve gotta go, but-”
“We can talk later.” You promised with a grin.
“Of course! I have a feeling we’ll be working together more, and I like getting to know who’s gonna have my back.”
He beamed and nodded, walking backwards. “That’d be awesome! Talk to you later then!”
You giggled as he turned around and jogged off, pumping his fist in the air. You turned to a grinning Sam and nodded towards where Torres left. “I like him. Seems like a nice kid.”
“He is. Very energetic. A little reckless, but he’s got a good heart.”
You hummed, the smile falling from your face as you flipped through the file Torres gave you. “So…Munich?”
“Yeah. Listen, I’m sorry again for taking you away from the search, but-”
“Search is off.” You informed him quickly, not looking up. “Until further notice.”
The plane went quiet, before Sam cleared his throat. “So…no sign of Wanda yet, then?”
You shut the file, looking up at the men whose features were laced with concern. “I’m gonna go talk to the pilot. Behave while I’m gone. No pushing each other off the plane.”
You were stopped by the hand that grabbed your wrist as you passed Bucky. You shot him another smile, knowing it wasn’t convincing enough for him, but it being the best one you had. “I’m okay. I’ve just gotta ask him some questions.”
Opening your mouth to stop him, you groaned when Bucky jumped out of the plane before you could speak. First Sam jumps without sharing the plan, then Bucky jumps without having a plan. Or a parachute. Or wings. Or anything.
Torres looked at you, but all you could do was shrug. “I dunno what to tell you, kid.”
“You’re not gonna do that, are you?”
“No.” You reassured him, shaking your head. “I’m gonna wait ‘til we land like a normal person and take my bike. I just have to pray that they’ll wait to do anything stupid until I get there.”
They didn’t wait. You’re pretty sure they didn’t even think about waiting. By the time you got to them, they were fighting - and losing, might you add - to six really strong people on top of two semi trucks.
Because why wouldn’t they?
Oh, oh. And on top of that, the fake was there, throwing the shield. The shield that didn’t belong to him. The shield that meant so much more than he would ever know.
“Hi, doll! Sorry we started the party without you!” Bucky shouted from where he was hanging off the edge, that close to the street and getting his head torn off by the tire.
“I’m so tired of babysitting you two, you know that?!”
“Oh! Sorry we’re such an inconvenience for you! Blame him! He jumped the gun!” Sam shouted, coming to fly next to you as you rolled up your sleeves, standing on your bike, using one hand to steer.
“Can I get a little help already?!”
“On it!”
Knowing that no matter how much they pissed each other off, Sam would make sure Bucky was okay and vice versa, you focused on getting to the top, where Walker and a buddy of his were struggling a little bit.
You climbed up to the roof of the semi no one was on, wincing when you heard your bike skidding across the pavement. There goes half your salary.
You couldn’t dwell on it for very long, considering one of the guys appeared in front of you. You recognized the fighting - the strength - and faltered, a memory resurfacing at a very bad time.
“C’mon, honey. You can do better than that.” Steve grinned at you, holding out a hand to help you up.
“Excuse me for not having super strength, Rogers.” You huffed out, taking it and letting him pull you up.
“You don’t need to be stronger than me. You just need to be smarter.”
“That’ll be easy.” You teased, stretching your arms before getting into your stance again. “You’re a dumbass sometimes.”
“Yeah, well, who chose to be friends with this dumbass?”
“Everyone needs a dumbass for a friend.”
He cocked an eyebrow. “So I’m your dumbass?”
“If you want.”
The grin he shot you made your heart skip a beat. “If you’ll have me.”
You blinked, but Steve wasn’t in front of you anymore and you weren’t in the gym in DC. 
The guy caught the punch you distractedly threw and twisted your arm, making you cry out, kicking him in the back of the knee and flipping him over your shoulder.
You went to kick him again, but he caught your leg and threw you against the side of the other semi. You were able to grab onto where Bucky had ripped through the side, but you winced as the metal cut through your palm. Sam had just flown under the trucks, taking Buck with him, and you knew when a fight wasn’t worth it, so you quickly moved around the truck, letting Walker and his pal distract the Flag-Smashers, before letting yourself fall onto the side where the grass was.
You wanted to lay there, to catch your breath and curse yourself for getting distracted. You hadn’t had a flashback like that in a while. But you didn’t let yourself. You had to make sure the guys were okay.
Standing up made you cringe; you could feel the throbbing in your shoulder from where it was no doubt dislocated and your leg was aching, the muscle probably pulled when the guy threw you.
“Doll!” You turned, seeing Bucky and Sam sprinting towards you a few yards down the road. “Hey, hey.” Bucky immediately had his hands hovering over you, scanning your body. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, shoving his hands away. “I’m fine.”
“What’s wrong with your shoulder?”
“I think I dislocated it.”
Sam frowned. “What the hell happened?”
You gave him a weird look, starting to limp across the field to where you noticed a side road earlier. “They were super soldiers, Sam. And we got our asses kicked.”
“Yeah, but you know how to fight a super soldier-”
“It’s been a while.”
“Bullshit.” Sam side stepped in front of you, making you stop. “What happened?”
“I-I just got distracted, okay?”
“Y/N. Look at me.” Bucky took your face between his palms, eyes worried. “Are you okay?”
You nodded. A tired sigh left your lips and you looked anywhere but his eyes. “Yeah. I’m fine. Just hurting. My leg, I think I pulled it or something-”
“C’mere.” Bucky turned and crouched down, making you blink.
“You shouldn’t be walking. We don’t wanna make it worse.”
“But it’s just a strain, it won’t-”
Sam rolled his eyes. “Just get on the man’s back, Y/N.”
You bit your lip before sighing and carefully climbing on his back. He shifted you gently, making sure to hold your leg with caution, leaning his head into yours when you hooked your chin on his shoulder. “You-you don’t have to talk about what happened. Just-just know that when you do…I’ll be here, okay?”
You nodded, moving to press your nose against the column of his throat. “Okay.”
But you could never tell them. How could you? How could you tell the world’s longest POW that you were having nightmares? How could you complain to an Air Force vet who served two tours in Afghanistan and watched his best friend get blown out of the air that you were having flashbacks?
You weren’t sure if it was PTSD or anxiety or depression. Maybe all three. It didn’t matter, though, because you didn’t want to admit it. You wouldn’t admit it. No one thought the Blip messed you up that badly. No one thought Steve leaving did that much damage. And you were okay with that. You were okay with them thinking you were healing - that you were fine - because they needed to see that it could be done. That they could be fine, too. Especially the men walking, Sam teasing Bucky per usual.
It wasn’t until a horn honked that you allowed yourself to be pulled out of your thoughts. A scoff left you when you realized who it was, switching the side you were laying on so your cheek pressed up against the cool metal of his left shoulder, facing away from the jeep.
You tried ignoring the guy as he talked about working together and shit, taking a shuddering breath, making Bucky squeeze your uninjured thigh. There was no way you were working with him. You couldn’t. It’d be like betraying Steve and you didn’t need that on top of all the other things you were dealing with.
You couldn’t deny the need for a ride though. The airport was 20 miles away and you were hurting pretty bad. You suspected that was the reason the guys relented, Bucky tenderly setting you down in the jeep between him and Sam, careful of your injuries.
You stared at your lap as Walker and Sam talked shop. You understood where they were coming from, you were always able to see both sides of the coin, but it didn’t mean you were going to willingly work with him.
“I got mad respect for all of y’all, but you were kind of getting your asses kicked till we showed up.”
You scoffed at that, finally raising your eyes to meet Walker’s friend’s. “Like you were doing any better?”
Bucky reached over to grab her hand that was resting on her lap. “You know, I’ve been trying to get in contact with you.” Walker faced you, eyes raking down your form. Bucky shifted in his spot, but you ran your thumb over his knuckles before he could do or say anything stupid.
“Yeah. I know. My phone hasn’t stopped blowing up for a week. Thanks for that, by the way.”
Walker frowned. “If you just answered-”
“I don’t care who you are. I don’t care what you’ve done. I’ve been a little busy doing my job to blow smoke up your ass on national television. Sorry if my saving people’s lives has been an inconvenience for you, but some wannabe playing dress up isn’t my top priority.”
Walker’s brows furrowed and he was about to say something, when Bucky cut in, asking his friend who he was. You were already that close to jumping out of the jeep, when the guy, Hoskins, told you three that he went by ‘Battlestar’.
If the situation wasn’t so aggravating, you would’ve laughed when Bucky immediately told the driver to stop, opening the door before the car even stopped. “C’mere, doll.” He murmured, lifting you up into his arms bridal style, before walking off, tuning out Walker as he shouted after you two.
You pouted a little when you saw Sam still talking to the guy. “What’re they talking about, Buck?”
“Some nonsense about him not replacing Steve. Just trying to be the best Captain America he can.”
You laid your head against Bucky’s chest. “The best Captain America is Steve. He can never be Steve.”
“I know, doll.”
“Steve told me once that all he was trying to do was be a good man…it’ll always amaze me that he didn’t see he was the best.”
You missed the distraught look Bucky shot towards you, the look in his eyes almost heartbroken while you talked fondly about his best friend. The tortured scrunch to his features seemed to melt away at your next words, though, and he held you tighter as you curled into his hold.
“Just like it amazes me that you don’t know how important you are to me too, Buckaroo.”
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ewaudreyhorne · 2 years
(this is a repost, due to a few messages i’ve had requesting this list be all in one post on tumblr and not split, so here you go - here’s a link to the wordpress and the original tumblr posts)
So, I’ve been thinking a while about Ted x Rebecca. Duh. However, to be specific, I’ve been thinking more about the likelihood that they’re endgame (is that a term we even use anymore? am I showing my age?). I’ve been in many fandoms, years of different ships have sailed by… I’ve done this game so many times - I’ve been properly burnt, many gays have been buried, many women have ‘ended up alone’ because they’re ‘strong and independent’ and romance and a healthy loving relationship would ‘ruin that’ (am willing to give the many examples if you want). 
I wanted to be pragmatic – because when I watched this show, I binged season 1 and 2 and I didn’t jump into any fandom nonsense until after and when I was watching – it seemed so obvious that they were going down the route of Ted x Rebecca that… I was properly shocked to see there’s quite a divide in the fandom (a lovely toxic split). I just didn’t…expect it? So, yeah, I wanted to create a combination of information that looks at… I guess almost everything? (I am, because of the person I am, going to focus on the fact that the intention is there – because I genuinely believe it is – whether the follow-through will happen…)
Anyway, welcome to:
Will Ted and Rebecca be endgame? (the listicle from Hell)
0. proof
I can’t take credit for this at all but just as I was putting parts 1 and 2 together into a post, I came across this post and it basically does an amazing job of collecting interview quotes, images to back up the quotes, just some really good stuff to dig your teeth into - honestly, read that and you probably wouldn’t even want to read the list below. 
1. duck and avoid
I have never met a bunch that will seemingly jump and hide behind a tree to avoid answering any tedbecca questions, but the writers (here’s looking at you jsuds et al.) are masters of the:
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This could be disheartening but considering part 2 of this list… it’s very telling. It’s actually a safety thing, too, ‘cause they don’t have to promise the fans a. thing. If they avoid talking about it, hinting about it then they don’t have to follow through on anything. It protects the interest of the show – it’s not stupid… However, the second reason (my preferred, optimistic and what I hope is more likely) they won’t give anything away this way. The payoff will be so. much. better. If we’re getting moments like we’ve had already had in season 1 and 2, that is fine. It’ll work. So, there’s been no lingering touches, almost kisses, being (overtly) jealous over love interests, no friends exclaiming (yet) ‘oh my god, you like [Ted/Rebecca]’… what we’ve had is quite weighty topics and connections between the two. What I will say about the subtle parts of their relationship and why it works… chemistry, honey. These two have the chemistry to pull. it. off.  
It’s interesting, because the argument I see mostly against them as a couple is usually… that they make good friends. Which is absolutely true. They make amazing friends. The best. And as we all know, no good friends can ever get together. In fact, it is very important that all romantic relationships are based on couples not really being friends at all.
There’s actually a really great meta post on here which I recommend everyone also read - that kinda sums up the vibe of Ted x Rebecca perfectly, too 
[sidenote: I also want to mention, whilst we may not have had traditional will they/won’t they tropes - we’ve had massive gestures: most of the gala episode, the darts scene, helping with panic attacks (noticing them when nobody else does - twice), the biscuits, using the team to spell out ‘hi boss’ for absolutely no reason other than to make her smile, using tinsel to spell ‘hi ted’ for absolutely no reason other than to make him smile, singing at her father's funeral... ugh]
2. fake outs bastard fake outs
Okay, so, I know I mentioned above about like there’s been no ‘lingering touches’ or ‘almost kisses’ and any of the usual ‘oop’ tropes that typically we associate with will they/won’t they (cough het-)couples (I've mentioned some of the gestures they do do). This, the fake-outs… this is more of like a flip it and reverse it (shout out to Missy E) and more of a ‘wait, is it?’ Like I mentioned in the first point, this is like the part 2 to their not mentioning it in interviews etc. It’s another really smart way of holding their hands up and saying, ‘but we didn’t do anything’. It adds to the fact that later, once it’s canon, they can be like ‘did you enjoy these little hints and jokes and omg can you believe we made it like Rebecca was the one actually going to Ted’s room?!?!?’ but if they don’t make it canon – well, hot damn, it was Sassy at the door and Sam on the app and it’s not our fault we saw differently.
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Look, the thing is… the bait and switch is sadly a thing (general queerbaiting for the last few decades, or the fact that I’ve not watched an episode of SVU in my life and even I want Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler to fuck and get married, jfc). Teasing the audiences is cute for the writers, it keeps them thirsty and well, come on, what’s more powerful than making people think/want something that “isn’t there”. Gaslight your audiences. Hot.
3. parallels, honey
The parallels and connections between the two is 100% in favour of tedbecca. PERIODTTTTT. It goes beyond ‘these two are both divorced’. We’re talking about two middle-aged people, their journeys are connected, and they meet at a pivotal point in both their lives - one has a rough marriage/divorce, the other has that sad soft divorce which is just as heart-breaking because: 
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They are soulmates. Sorry about it. Jason and Hannah have both mentioned it. I’m not trying to be cute or blurt out a huge ‘they’re made for each other’ statement. Their souls… are connected. On purpose. Their grief follows a similar path. On the exact same goddamn day, to the year, something happens to these two people 4 thousand miles apart that links them. An event that changed and shaped who they became, the choices they made from that point on (especially in regards to the relationships they have). The fact that this moment links them and they aren’t even aware of it – firstly, A* storytelling and secondly that’s all for us. There’s a chance that organically that conversation will never come up between them on screen – it took both Rebecca and Ted decades to talk about it after years of trauma – (these were two breakthrough moments: Ted coming to understand his trauma and Rebecca coming to realise that she has trauma, but heck… that’s a season 3 problem) – anyway, the fact that they may never (at least on screen) talk about this is even more important, because we (the audience) were shown this not just to further our understanding of the characters but mostly to give us another example as to why they're connected.
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Ted signs his divorce papers on the same day that would’ve been Rebecca’s wedding anniversary. Ted and Rebecca have their first rebound sex post-divorce on the same night. Season 1 and 2 mirroring “truth”-scenes. Rebecca not being ‘enough’ for Rupert, Ted being ‘too much’ for Michelle. There are even parallels between their relationship and the relationship between Roy and Keeley (this tweet thread will explain it better than I can). We could even go into colour-matching clothes in scenes (or complementary colours) but… look… it’s there.
4. fan service
The year is 2019, the pandemic? Not even a thought in our innocent minds. There stood Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth, fucking (off camera, cowards) for half an episode and for what? Fuck all, that’s what. To give the fans something because at least they got something. I won’t get into it, not right now, it’s still raw - fan service, though. That’s what that was. Not that I’m saying it didn’t make sense for them to get together - but doing it for the impact of him leaving?
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Look, it’s lazy storytelling. Supernatural fans know it. Game of Thrones fans know it (from fan service to... fan disservice, am I right?) So, what has this got to with Ted and Rebecca? I’ll be delving into a certain hard topic further on but... fan service could definitely be something that comes into play with these two.
There’s three that could happen and they all revolve around Ted leaving (ew, I know, we’ll talk about it later). We get the ‘declaration’ - ‘I love you’ before Ted gets on the plane. The kiss - probably just before he leaves (or near enough) or the worst one... the ‘you could come with me’ speech. The ‘throw caution to the wind but I actually know that’s not what you can do because you’ve created something wonderful here and I can’t actually expect you to give it up for me howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr’ speech. The opposite of this is the ‘you could stay’ conversation, which is always heart breaking, for the exact same reason. Unfortunately, one or all of these could play out. We could get a kiss in an earlier episode, a discussion later on when Ted doesn’t renew his contract and he ‘jokingly’ says ‘what if you came with me to Kansas?’ when she asks ‘what about... us?’ and then... the ‘I love you’ before he leaves, probably with a sweet little ‘I don’t know, Boss, maybe we’ll meet again’ and, I don’t know, bloody Vera Lynn plays in the background. 
It’s... a possibility. All of these will feed wonderfully into many years of fanfiction from a broken hearted bunch of humans that just wanted to see a nice healthy relationship play out.
(Also, and it’s so goddamn stupid I know but I do believe the fact Roy/Keeley have this healthy relationship in the show could be used as an excuse to have a little heartbreak where Ted and Rebecca are concerned - like ‘look, we gave you one, what you thought everyone was getting a happy ending? LOL')
(Oh, also also - as this show has been linked to rom-coms and Nora Ephron time and time again - it could very well be that they do get together but all we get is the romantic ‘kiss’ at the end. The ‘I wanted it to be you’ moment - not the best but...)
5. no chemistry: they’re just friends
Okay, so I mentioned earlier about how people think they work better as friends. Ironically, these are the same people that also tend to claim that Jason/Hannah have no on screen chemistry. I guess I’m going to have to do an impromptu science lesson - that’s no how it works, gang. When people do a chemistry test together it’s not a bloody casting couch situation - they don’t just walk into a room and fuck. It’s all about whether or not the chemistry is there to pull off authentic scenes. This goes from anger, friendship, love, hate... so, uh, you actually cannot claim that they have no chemistry and say that they work better as friends. You can’t. 
I see a lot of comparisons to Ron/Leslie (parks and rec) and Jack/Liz (30 rock). I know this is going to be painful to hear, guys but they also... had chemistry (and by chemistry I do mean, enough that the question of them getting together was something the writers/actors of both shows were asked if it was going to go that way). Now, I get it... Amy and Tina are both SNL alumni, it may be safe to argue that Jason wanted to create a show that had a similar sorta set-up, right? Yeah, sure, fine... A big difference is how the shows approach talking about these couples, the fact that the writers tend to avoid talking about Ted and Rebecca whereas in 30 Rock and Parks and Recreation any notion of romance between Ron/Leslie and Jack/Liz were. shot. down. and that in itself (see the first point) is very telling.
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SEXISM. That got your attention? I wasn’t sure where to put this so I added it on. I’m just going further from an earlier point...  
So, sexism is actually an issue I think people have with tedbecca - not the sexism between them... but the type of man Ted is vs. the type of woman Rebecca is. I’ve seen comments about Rebecca being too much of a woman for Ted, one comment mentioned her being too ‘spicy’ for Ted. Now, I don’t know about you, but there’s something about Ted that screams that he has never had an issue with how much of a woman any woman is (or how much of anyone... anyone is). He’s very in touch with his masculinity, femininity and his own ignorance (always willing to learn) - this is where the sexism comes in... people want either someone unthreatening to Rebecca (i.e. someone that’s not a main character, maybe a bit boring) or someone who will dominate Rebecca (i.e. someone... like... oh, idk, her ex husband). I’m going to talk about Ted’s relationship with Sassy later (and I’ll talk about the character later, too) ‘cause I know people will be like ‘but she’s a whole lotta woman and I want Ted and her to get together xoxo’.
In this sense, the sexism works as a tool to make Ted not “man” enough for someone like Rebecca and Rebecca “too” much woman for someone like Ted (do not get me wrong, we’re not saying Ted isn’t a strong male character here, but he’s just not the right type of strong male character). Funny, in this case (unlike with their on-screen exes) Rebecca is too much and Ted is not enough... 
6. season 2
Season 2 as whole is very… it needs to be looked at. Ted and Rebecca don’t have as many moments together (at least arguably not alone). This could also be disheartening. After all, we’re watching a show so, we do need to be shown things (most of the time). However, like life, a good show can happen off camera. I’m going to focus for a moment on Nate’s storyline. Nick Mohammed posted an amazing tweet, where he goes through all the important (and intentional) decisions that were put in place for his character’s storyline. (in fact, that tweet alone should be enough to remind you that nothing is left to chance with the writers). There is one part of the tweet that stood out:
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The divide and separation between Nate and Ted is very well thought out. It’s a part of his ‘demise’. Arguably, the same can be said for Rebecca and Ted. They both have different journeys that they go on through season 2 and, unfortunately, that keeps them on different paths. However, like I mentioned in point 3 – the show works to keep them connected, too. It’s intentional. Hannah Waddingham mentions it in an interview that she is aware that Ted and Rebecca didn’t have much screen time in season 2 – there is a big difference between how Rebecca and Nate perceive the distance with Ted, though. Nate feels betrayal but Rebecca se… wait, I’ll get there. Anyway, when Ted has his panic attack, Rebecca notices. Not only does she notice but her first thought is that she must get to him.
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She leaves Ted a voicemail. Also, oh my God, okay, so I’m backtracking a little again, ‘cause as will they/won’t they go – missed/ignored voicemails is a good one (any fans of the newsroom in the house? you know what I’m talking about). Anyway, in the voicemail to Ted she both offers her concern and help and even asks for his aid in return. It’s safe to say, because as this whole point is about, this show is amazing at show don’t tell – that he didn’t respond to that message. In the next episode, we get this little exchange between the two. You know the one. The boot room moment. I’ll go through it, anyway. She enters the boot room, spots Keeley smoking, and joins her - Ted, off to the side, looks at her from the moment she enters, until she walks past him without sparing him a glance (ha haha ha, ouch, I’ll gif it below). Anyway, in that scene you can see how she keeps her eyes trained on Keeley, even as she sits, she’s in a position where her back is turned towards Ted (heck, even when she explains that the boot room is where they go to smoke, she’s directing what she’s saying to Higgins – a man who’s there with a smoking pipe… so already well aware of that – she only looks at Ted when he makes that ‘oh, really?’ disapproving Dad ‘hmm’ sound to that, and the cherry on top, he’s actually looking at Keeley not her in that moment).
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It's one of those moments where you could easily miss it – because Rebecca’s not there being mean or cruel as she ignores Ted. Rebecca is absolutely in her right to be a little hurt by Ted’s avoidance – just like Ted was in his right not to… respond. He’s unwrapping a lot, it’s not something he’s able to work out yet it’s hardly something he can throw towards another person (he’s literally just starting therapy). Rebecca is protecting herself here (and because she understands Ted – she’s also not going to actively guilt him - plus in the conversation she makes a point to tell Keeley that she should open up and tell Roy about her issues with him and Ted actively argues against that - that it’s better to bottle things up, which she gives a knowing smile about... like I said, she understands Ted). You could even argue, that when Keeley leaves the room with Roy – as she’s left behind with Ted (and the others), there could be a moment before she or Ted leaves when she casually asks him if he’s okay (that’s very… Rebecca). Like Hannah said in the interview linked above “is [ted and Rebecca] have scenes where you don’t necessarily see them together, but you do see- the audience sees them together.”
Rebecca won’t hold it against him. That’s what I mean when I say the difference between Nate and Rebecca – she actively tried to help Ted and was, in fact, rejected – Nate didn’t even notice he was going through something (because Nate himself was going through a lot of internal dialogue where he was filling the gaps with negative shit because of his own damage – he was being left behind by Ted and because of his own relationship with his father, his (likely years) of bullying from football players that disrespected him… look, we’ll take a day to decode that speech he gives Ted in the last episode another day). Basically, Rebecca understands Ted. She gets him (soulmates, remember?). He’s so goddamn late to her father’s funeral, he walks in during her eulogy – just his presence is enough to get her started. Then he helps her get through it, too, ‘cause as Hannah says: ‘’It has to be Ted. It has to be Ted, even if he hasn't been there for the rest of the day, even if they haven't seen each other much on screen together at that point. It has to be Ted that picks her up and runs with it.” – and she takes the time afterwards to check in with him afterwards. Her Dad is dead, and she knows something isn’t right with him. She sees him.
I’ve got a section devoted to Sam later, but for now – it’s important that she goes to Ted when she admits she’s a little compromised when it comes to Sam’s future. Firstly, it’s holding herself accountable to what could be considered a mistake. As we also learned from Ted in this season – he won’t get involved in telling a friend when they’re in a relationship that is bad for them – so he just agrees with everything that she says about her relationship with Sam and when she asks for his advice, he’s earnest – because he sees her, too – and knows she’ll make the right choice… but it is her choice, in the end (and what is Ted if not someone who respects a woman’s right to choose - unlike certain men who like to make the choices for them).
7. the henry of it all: hello kansas
The elephant in the room. The enormous, adorable little, tiny elephant. Henry bloody Lasso. I’m not going to beat around the bush here. You want to know the biggest block in any Ted Lasso (person not show) ship? It’s that guy. He’s your problem. Well, more…where he is.
I’m going to take you on a brief (relevant and somewhat self-indulgent) interlude for a moment. Ashes to Ashes, sequel to Life on Mars, aired over a decade ago. Main character, Alex Drake (played by the wonderful Keeley Hawes), had a daughter, Molly. I’m not going to explain the plot of the show (or LoM) to you, but she ends up in the 1980s as a police officer and she has the goal to return home in the 2000s… to her daughter. This is where the Henry/Molly similarities lie. Both Henry and Molly represent, for the parents, an unavoidable fact: someone they love is in another place and they must return to them. For this reason, Alex Drake, despite the disgusting chemistry, fights any notion of romance with Gene Hunt because of that. She cannot, of course, allow herself to be emotionally compromised by doing something like… falling in love. [sidenote: This case is quite an extreme one, because basically… for her to stay in the 1980s… she’d have to be dead in the 2000s, leaving her daughter basically an orphan (deadbeat dad alert, heyyyyy) and wanting that for her, just so she could bang Gene Hunt was selfish (lol, we all wanted it, anyway). The reason it’s an extreme case – spoiler alert if you want to want and you haven’t – is she ended up dead anyway, not getting to be with her daughter, but also forced to ‘move on’ and not end up with Gene, either. I didn’t have to mention that, but it makes me angry over a decade later I just wanted to] The important part there was… Molly. She was a problem.
Molly, meet Henry. Of course, romance aside, Henry exists, like I said, to remind us that (along with all Ted’s other quirks, God bless him) that he is not from here. An important part of Ted is over 4k miles away. Ted’s kinda later in life bildungsroman journey – is all about coming to terms with his father and abandonment (even his platonic and romantic relationships and how he is with them, as mentioned in another point, is all down to his relationship with his dad’s life, death and everything that came afterwards). A very important scene happens in episode 6 of season 2. No, not the panic attack (although that is a very important scene) – no but it is a scene that links directly to his panic attack. It’s all about Henry and lunch. 
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It sucks but, in this moment, Ted is an absent father. Not emotionally, don’t get me wrong, but he is someone who cannot fulfil his role as father to his son (right then). Like his father couldn’t. There’s a lot of layers here because, for one, Ted is a very loving and devoted father. He loves his son, every choice he made coming to England was for his family… full circle would be going back to Kansas to his family (I’m talking just Henry here, do not even get me started on Michelle/Ted getting back together – but I will, and it’s in another point below). Ted’s journey, the three act play aspect of the show (which could still be the case or maybe not ??? will anyone ever give as a straight answer ??), it feels like if we look at it optimistically – everyone will come out of it a better version of themselves from having known Ted (and similarly, he’ll be a better version of himself having known them)… so he’ll go back to Kansas and yeah… 
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Okay, so there’s the argument that Ted will realise that he doesn’t have to be present to be… present. He is a good father. Henry isn’t suffering at all from the distance (except missing his Dad) and when he’s older, he can travel between the two – because what’s cooler than your Dad being absolutely loaded and living in London when you’re in school? I could talk about it more, but this one is firmly, I’d say, leaning more towards endgame for Ted is barbeque sauce and building Legos with his son.   
However, that doesn’t mean in regards to Rebecca and Ted’s potential relationship there isn’t another option. Rebecca is... disgustingly rich. She comes from money, married money - got at least a premier league football club from that marriage (and probably the money she brought in)... like this woman has a yacht, private jet and a personal driver for her Rolls-Royce (but when she’s feeling a little down to earth, she’ll jump in her range rover and river herself around). She is LOADED. It is safe to say that, she could afford to take a step back from her active role as owner of the football club and move? I mean, considering Higgins knows the ins and outs and take from example Rob McElhenney and Ryan Reynolds owning Wrexham AFC (and both living and working in America)... it's not beyond the realm of possibility that she shifts gears. Not completely giving the club up of course (lest it feed into the 'picking a guy over your career' narrative - talking about you, Rachel Green).
8. sassy, sam and everyone between
They’re not important. Bye. The end.
8.1 sassy smurf xoxo
No, okay. Sassy. I’m not going to get into (much) of a character dissection. I think, I believe she is one of the weakest characters in the show. Not a thing I like to say about characters in Ted Lasso ‘cause the show is amazing with even the smallest characters. But Sassy? She’s like a rebellious Mary Sue. A ‘Mary Sue’ (just saying in case ppl don’t know) is basically a fictional character that is so perfect, she’s boring. So, by rebellious Mary Sue – what I mean is like, she’s got no layers, but we’re meant to be like ‘wow, look how fucking badass she is’. So yeah, by gosh, isn’t she fun? Isn’t she basically meant to show us what Rebecca could’ve been like? She’s an independent, supposedly amazing child psychologist that swears like a sailor but is also extremely pretty and confident and sexual and bold and... snooze (see what I mean, Mary Sue). In arguably one of my least favourite moments, she lets Keeley (and the audience) know that the ‘real Rebecca’ isn’t what we’ve all grown to know. Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s fine to imply someone who you’ve not seen in 6 years has changed (time, life and abusive relationships will do that) but the implication here is that she’s less. Fake. That doesn’t sit right with me. For an incredibly smart woman, seems to be a… well a bit of a shit friend…
Just in reference to Rebecca’s father’s funeral – Sassy is the only one that knew about what happened with Rebecca and her father and she’s about as supportive as a broken bra. That’s why she’s not important, imo. She’s not there for Rebecca. She’s there for Ted. 2/3 episodes she is in, is for Ted. She may be ‘Rebecca’s friend’. Someone who, technically, is the same ‘level’ as Rebecca but ‘undamaged’. Also divorced (just like Ted and Rebecca), also has a kid (unlike Rebecca but very much like Ted) and super interesting - she will willingly go and fuck a basic stranger with 0 invitation for… like… look, if we investigate it too much, it’s actually creepy (I still, to this day, cannot work out how she got Ted, the character we know, to fuck her – not because he’s not a sexual being, but imagining that conversation? It’s impossible).
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Anywaaaaay, in a similar argument, the fuck happened at the funeral? She’s basically feral trying to get to Ted and it’s all about the sex (which, right, good on you jsuds, make you everyone knows your character has a big dick and knows how to use it – I appreciate it). Where does Nora go when she goes off with Ted? I know the assumption is that she goes and has a quick romp (what, in his flat? where it was in such a state? because he is – again – mentally very fragile?) – but I like the theory that they chatted… maybe she actually does have a degree in psychology (specialising in children but still) and puts it to some actual goddamn use? Maybe she spotted something in that moment where Ted helped Rebecca in her father’s funeral and asked him to look out for her? Maybe there is more to this character than… nothing… 
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Also, ew, look, finding someone attractive because you like damaged things is in no way a ringing endorsement for a long-term relationship. Bye.
[sidenote: Nora ‘No Last Name’ - when I say Sassy is here for Ted, I mean it... her character even lacks a motherly attitude (gives off more ‘cool aunt’ vibes), Rebecca has that episode with Nora - where they re-bond after the time apart - and we get to see her in the role of motherly figure... but Sassy...??? it’s because, like I said, no layers... she can’t be too ‘motherly’ because then she’s not that cool, badass, confident, sexual being that forgives her friend after six years of silence because she’s just so good (i hope you realise that’s the implication there - rebecca: bad guy for cutting sassy out. sassy: good guy for coming to her rescue after she was divorced -- all knowledge, talk, discussion about the abuse she faced because of her husband is pushed aside, because... sassy is just... so cool, you know?)]
8.2 sweet sam
Look, I adore Sam. I love everything he stands for (very literally) and his enthusiasm and admiration for life. I really, truly think he is a wonderful character. I’m not going to get into him at all, really (okay, I will a little). He’s lovely, I wish him great storylines and lots more scenes in season 3. Just, uh… you know… maybe not screwing around with his boss.
Okay, first, Sam being outside Rebecca’s house at the end of episode 8? Before she texts him? If the situation was different, that could’ve been creepy… No shade, obviously, it’s played as romantic because it worked out perfectly but... when Rebecca said to Sam it could never happen again (after kissing him) and the way she says ‘I have to mean it’, she is pleading with him to respect her, respect her wishes because she doesn’t know if she can be strong enough to do so alone… him being there, waiting outside, not taking no for an answer... that doesn’t sound respectful... don’t get me wrong, her texting him is her flinging herself into a situation she knows she shouldn’t get into. It’s messy on both parts (and I mean... I assume intentionally).
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Whilst we can call Sam a man, he is the very definition of a young man, his optimistic nature is both lovely and incredibly naïve. He’s got so much growing to do (although, I will say, I feel it’s slightly out of character for Sam to not respect Rebecca’s wishes, you know? but whatever). I don’t want to make this post exclusively about the age difference but… it is, sadly, incredibly important. Like, the power imbalance here? The actual life altering damage their relationship could do… And, unfortunately (unsurprisingly) it would fall more on Rebecca than Sam (sexism and a dash of ageism, baby). Rebecca’s life would be ruined… and for what? Sam is in the beginning of his career, if they went public/were found out... he could swap teams because people respect him for his talent in football... rebecca? she could lose everything... also, his goal is to end up back home playing football for his team – is Rebecca, who could be around 50 at that point going to be travelling back with him? Does she want to leave? What about marriage? Does she even want to get married again? Does he want to get married at all? Would he want kids?
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Finding someone attractive. Being loved by someone like Sam, for someone like Rebecca, must be amazing. He is… wonderful. He finds her wonderful, too. She deserves that love but… okay, as romantic as ‘love at first sight’ or ‘true love’ or ‘hot chemistry’ can be… sometimes love all boils down to choices. Think Alexis and Ted (eyyy) in Schitts Creek, two people who make a choice – despite being in love, their relationship cannot continue, not if they are to continue to grow as people (also, fyi: that scene… ma’am, I am not strong).  Rebecca and Sam should make a choice... and thankfully, where they left it off, they could just line under the situation right there... we’ll see... 
8.3 everyone else
Now, there are some people that uh, think perhaps Ted and Michelle would get back together. I... cannot comment. I didn’t think that would even cross people’s minds. Uh, look, I get it. It’s like he had to come to the UK, become a better person to be... what? Become a lesser version of himself so his ex-wife would not find him unbearable and get back with him? Hmm. Sounds great. 
Don’t get me wrong, doesn’t that nuclear family image sound like just the perfect little Kansas life Ted always imagined he’d have? Sure. He did have it, though - and it didn’t work out... I don’t think therapy is going to make Ted change the fundamentals of who he is, just makes him understand why he is that way. So, the Michelle of it all - eh. Maybe she’ll come over and be like ‘omg, I want to try again’ and he’ll entertain the thought before realising that he is not in love with her any longer. (...maybe he’s in love with someone else, oh I don’t know... Sassy... hahaha kidding - always Rebecca).
I also read some fucker saying Rebecca anD RUPERT SHOULD GET BACK TOGETHER. Sir, that’s her abuser. No further discussion needed here. 
We also have Dr Sharon and Ted. Okay. Right. Look. He was her patient - do not get me wrong, there’s many a true (and fictional) story where the lines have been blurred and patients have gone on to (usually when they’re no longer patients) get with their therapists, psychologists or whatever-ists. Completely legal and mildly morally grey. It’s about the power imbalance, like how I mentioned with Sam/Rebecca, Sharon has the most vulnerable knowledge of Ted’s past and also the tools in which to deal with that - it could be great, ‘hey, my gf was my psychologist and now she helps with my panic attacks’ but in reality... she will always have something over Ted. Not intentionally, but that power exists... it’s why even, sadly, them being friends is a tricky thing to navigate.
I’d be open to Trent and Ted, if that was on the table... I won’t lie to you... wanna know why? Chemistry, baby. They got it (not always intentional, see?)
Also, okay, I know someone’s going to be like ‘omg but Ted had sex with naughty Mary Sue, therefore Rebecca can’t be with him’ but like, guys, come on... there’s a whole scene in season 1 about not judging someone on their sexual histories... 
Listen to Ted here:
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Is that enough, do you think? I know this is incredibly bias and opinion based (I included references for a lot of it, though, okay... I’m bias but I’m also a fact checker). I tried for rational... eh, what can you do? Look... do I think the intention is there? Yes. Do I think there’s a very good chance it’ll happen? Yes. Do I also think it may not happen? Uh... I mentioned being bitten quite a few times, right? So, yeah... It genuinely may not happen... there’s a lot of factors here that could work against it, ugh... but it’s there. The most important thing is that. People who are shipping them aren’t pulling it out of their arses - if it seems like Ted and Rebecca getting together is ‘too obvious’ then I guess one day I’ll explain how storytelling works, too... anyway, if you got this far, god bless you 
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cirrus-grey · 2 years
hi! I'm sorry if this is stupid, but I feel like I need a perspective of someone older? anyway. it's about a piece of dialogue between Martin and Also Martin, the one about Jon having real issues and Also Martin remarking a bit dryly that yes, they love him, and also his many, many problems. was that kinda mean, or am I just being too sensitive? idk I feel like it might just be my age and lack of relationship experience showing but I was still curious how older people see this bit
Hello! There's no such thing as a stupid question, I'm glad you felt comfortable asking!
However, I do need to preface my answer by saying I might not be the best person to ask, as I also have a pretty significant lack of (romantic) relationship experience. This is based on my experience with friendships, and on what I've seen as an outsider watching other romantic couples interact.
With that out of the way... nah, I don't think it was terribly mean. Just honest, and blunt in a way that most people wouldn't be when talking to another person. It's perfectly fine - healthy, even - to acknowledge the fact that your friend/partner/significant other/etc. has issues, and to be aware of what those issues are.
In Martin's case, he knows Jon projects his insecurities onto other people; he knows (some) of the trauma Jon is dealing with; he knows Jon has a massive guilt complex over everything that's happened. Knowing and acknowledging that Jon has these issues allows him to help accommodate them (the trauma), help Jon cope with them (the guilt), and help himself come to terms with aspects of Jon's behavior that might otherwise be truly hurtful (the projection: Martin has accepted that Jon was projecting on him in S1, and is therefore able to let go of some of the hurtful things Jon said. He's able to understand that Jon was just lashing out at the easiest target, brush it off, and move on, rather than lingering in the hurt he felt back then).
Don't get me wrong, that sort of blunt honesty can be mean - especially if you're saying it to someone's face or talking behind their back. When you're bringing another person into the conversation, you need to have a certain level of tact and gentleness around what you're saying, otherwise "this person has issues" turns from an acknowledgment into an accusation (it's not Jon's fault he's got problems; it's just something he has to deal with). Martin is not talking to another person, though, he's essentially just talking to himself. Because of this, he's got no reason to be tactful, and he can be as blunt as he likes without hurting anyone.
That being said: I don't think you reading that line as mean is because you're "too sensitive" or anything like that! As listeners, we are another person in that scenario, and if Martin were talking directly to us... yeah, that would be a bit of a mean way to talk about Jon! Our perspective of everything he says in that episode is a bit skewed, because we're overhearing his internal monologue externalized. It's far more unfiltered than we're used to hearing from him, so even if it isn't actually mean, it can definitely sound that way.
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
Cuppa Tea, Cuppa Tea
Request: The first request is that the reader kinda is yawning a bit, but "oh, it's fine, I'm just studying a bit harder" but they're either lying and doing a bunch of work deep into the night (maybe translating old books or something) or it's insomnia, or actually studying til 4:00am or something (lots of "ors" I'm so sorry) and of course spike finds out and is like "I'm supposed to be the nocturnal one??" And I had a brief thought of somehow the reader being tricked to drink sleepy time tea or something that will make them sleep as much as they need, but idk if that would be weird 🤔 but anyway, I hope that made sense ^^;
Pairing: Spike x gender neutral reader 
Warnings: swearing 
Word Count: 1.3k 
Summary: Y/N is at Spike’s studying for a chemistry exam when Spike starts to worry for them. 
A/N: sorry for the delay!!! This was so easy to write because honestly it’s relatable. Enjoy X
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The words on the page start to blend and nothing makes sense anymore. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to process the words I'm staring at here. I have to pass this chemistry exam. I'm not even a chem major, stupid general education classes. I hear Spike move about behind me while his Passions episode comes to an end. Being one of the token full-fledge humans in the Scooby Gang means I'm sometimes dropped off at Spike's for safekeeping. Lately, there's a water demon terrorizing Sunnydale, so I've been instructed to come straight here after classes. Yet, Spike insists on meeting me right after the lecture. He went about finding out my course schedule so he can be thereafter my last class. Since I finish when the sun is still out, he has to use the tunnels on campus. He's the definition of smothering.
"Y/N, you need to go to bed," he advises, appearing beside the crypt I'm set upon.
My notes and textbook are laid perfectly on the crypt to study.
"Five more minutes," I yawn.
The candlelight is starting to radiate enough heat to feel it. They've been going all afternoon and well into the evening. Its light is starting to burn my eyes.
"You said that twenty minutes ago," Spike sighs, kneeling next to me.
"Oh bet, I thought it was only ten," I check my watch for the time.
Spike huffs in annoyance and snatches my textbook away.
"Hey!" I reach for the pages, but he moves it away.
"I'm so supposed to be the nocturnal one! Not you!" He reminds me with a fuss.
"Ever heard of insomnia?" I sass.
"It's not healthy," he preaches, setting my textbook down.
"Nor is being undead. That's a little pot calling the kettle black," I shrug while I reopen my book to the proper page.
"The more tired you get the more annoying you are," he grumbles, tossing his head back dramatically with a sigh.
"Dope," I nod with narrowed eyes.
"I hate you," Spike growls.
"Love to hear it," I mutter subconsciously as I continue reading.
"Ugh, oh my g-"
Absentmindedly, I read the chapter on proper chemical mixing. I can't even read the periodic table, how am I supposed to remember all of this?  
I start to sing a familiar tune under my breath without much thought. "Oh say can you see by the dawn's-"
"Stop!" Suddenly, Spike's hand is covering my mouth. "Stop while you're ahead!"
"I was just getting started." My voice is muffled by his hand.
Spike slips his hand around and brings up the other to make me stare into his eyes.
"You're getting delusional!" He accuses.
"What's life without a little bad trip? Adds some spice," I dismiss carelessly.
"You're psychotic," he determines
"Says the serial killer," I shrug.
"You're! Losing! It!" He emphasizes.
"You! Eat! People!" I fire back mockingly.
"I need to so I can exist. You don't need to study to exist," he takes my textbook away again and strolls away.
"I need to so I can get a good job," I reason.
"Industrial America is overrated," he declares monotonously.
"You're also an old English man," I grumble.
"Yeah, so I know a few things," he smirks proudly.
"You never took school seriously?" I climb down from the crypt to fetch my book from him.
"Well... I went if that's what you mean. I had a rather expensive education," Spike describes vaguely.
I reach for my textbook and take it back civilly. "A White, upper-middle-class, during the Victorian Era, given a well-to-do private education? Well, color me shocked!"
"I can hardly stand you when you get in this mood. You need sleep," he rolls his eyes annoyedly.
"I hardly tolerate you every moment of every day. I need coffee," I correct.
"I will kill you," he threatens as per usual.
"Oh yes, bring me the sweet release," I grumble as I head back to my spot.
"You sicken me, you know that?" Spike questions sarcastically.
"Glad to hear it," I laugh humorlessly.
"Normally, people aren't so keen on being threatened," he reminds.
"Fair enough, granted I'm not 'normal,'" I form quotation marks with my fingers.
"Clearly," he mumbles.
"'Clearly,'" I mock his voice. "You even sound old!"
"I'm only one hundred and twenty-six!" He states, yet again, this week.
"Oh my goodness! You're right! My bad! You're practically a new spring chicken! Now get out there young one, and seize the day!" I tease.
"I'm going to make you a cup of tea," Spike declares, heading over to his make-shift kitchen. In reality, it's an electric kettle he plugs into an extension cord that's connected to somewhere outside.
"Coffee," I request, returning to my reading.
"Tea! You don't need any more coffee," he ridicules.
"You're depressing," I insult under my breath.
After a short time, Spike returns with a mug. I've managed to get through the last paragraph I've been struggling with.
"Here," he hands the white porcelain object to me.
The warmth of the mug contrasts the cold of my hands.
"What kind," I ask as I go to sip it.
"Green," he nods.
"Oo, so you are giving me caffeine," I wiggle my brows right as the liquid hits my lips.
"Only to shut you up," he sighs.
"Always the charmer," I wink.
After a moment of consideration and pondering, I can determine that this is good tea. Spike stands around waiting for my approval.
"This is nice, what brand is it?" I go in for another sip.
"An old one my mother used to use, been around for a while," he stammers.
"Lovely, thank you."
I compliment and he grumbles some response. ______________________ The sound of a distant lawnmower wakes me up in a jolt. I gasp for air, having been so deeply asleep that I hardly felt alive. I must've been more exhausted than I originally comprehended. My blurry vision adjusts to my surroundings and I'm tucked into a bed, but not my own. No, I know this bed. I've seen it before. The bright red sheets are hard to forget. Spike.
"What the-" I scream, "Spike!"
The bleach blonde vampy appears from behind a pillar across the room.
"Yes, Pet?" He says slyly, as though it's just any other morning.
"You asshole!" I curse at him as I hurry to get up.
"Feel refreshed?" He smirks.
"Did you drug me?" I come to the realization as I stand up that I don't remember falling asleep or getting into Spike's bed.
"Eh, somewhat," he explains vaguely. "I gave you camomile tea and maybe crushed up some melatonin in it."
My jaw drops, "you're insane!"
"Knocked you out like a bloody babe," he snickers, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.
"What time is it?!" I shake my wrist to my watch.
"Noon," Spike answers before I have the chance to check.
My eyes go wide as the harsh reality that I'm late to my class sinks in.
"Shit! Shit!" I rush to gather my things. "Fuck me! I have my test in thirty minutes!"
Spike strolls about casually around me, not giving two shits.
"You'll be fine," he assures calmly. "The sleep will help."
"It better!" I growl at the vamp.
"I'll pick you up after your class. We'll get coffee," he suggests with a smug expression.
"You don't drink coffee," I glare as I pack up my backpack.
"Damn straight, but you do. My treat," he offers.
"Oh, so kind!" I remark sarcastically as I struggle to slip my arms through my backpack and get my shoes on at the same time.
"Have fun!" He waves as I head to the door. "Good luck!"
"Fuck you!" I bid farewell as I slam the tomb door behind me.
"Coffee!" He shouts from inside as I stroll away. "Four o'clock! I'll pick you up!"
"Okay! Fine! Fine!" I yell in agreement, despite everything that just happened.
God, I hate to love him. 
Tags: @mx-pibbles​
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(Chris Evans x teen! daughter reader)
Request: Can I request a Chris Evans x teen! reader where her and her best friend get into a fight and he gives her advice?? I hope this makes sense! 😊
A/N: I hope this is what you wanted! This is my first request so sorry if it isn’t that good. Enjoy!
Words: 1710
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It was a chilly morning. You were lucky that it was a Saturday or else you would’ve had to walk to school. You sat at the kitchen table, clutching a mug of hot chocolate. As you looked out of the window, you saw the sun just barely peeking through the thick wall of clouds. Your dad, Chris, had left to go film about an hour ago so you were left alone in the house. The new series your dad was filming was set in Boston so you were extremely lucky that he didn’t have to go to an entirely different state.
You sighed as you finished your mug of hot chocolate, slumping down into your seat. Stretching your arms out, you stood up and grabbed your phone, checking the time. 
8:45 am 
You had woken up ‘earlier’ than usual to get a school assignment done. Usually, on a Saturday, you would still be asleep or in bed but too lazy to get up. You groaned to yourself and started to make your way to your bedroom. You better get an A on this assignment or else nothing was worth it anymore. 
“No, that's not how you're supposed to do it.” You were on a call with one of your best friends, trying to explain the assignment to them. You knew that maths wasn’t their strong suit so you tried to keep as calm as possible. It was, however, yours so your patience was wearing a bit thin.
“Then explain it properly to me then!” Your friend exclaimed. 
You groaned loudly and put your head in your hands, slightly losing your sanity.
“I said,” You started, trying to keep your cool, despite wanting to rip your hair out, “if you subtract the two answers together then you should get an answer that’s close to 78.35.” 
“Then how come I got 59.25?” Your friend asked, annoyed. 
You pinched the bridge of your nose. “Because you didn’t multiply anything first,” You told her, irritated that she wasn’t listening to anything you had said earlier.
“You could’ve said that earlier! I wouldn’t of had to listen to your stupid help then!” 
That’s when you snapped. How dare they say that! You were trying to help them but they were the one that wasn’t listening in the first place.
“My stupid help? You're the one that wasn’t listening to anything I said!” You yelled, thumping the desk.
“Cause’ nothing you said was important!” Your best friend snapped back.
“Well I wouldn’t have had to help you in the first place if you weren’t so stupid!”
As soon as those words came out of your mouth, instant regret filled you. You shouldn’t have said anything.
“(YF/N) I-“ You started to apologise but she cut you off.
“Goodbye (Y/N).”
You heard the sound of the beep as the call ended. You sunk back into your seat and stared at your phone for a while, processing what had just happened. You ran over the events in your head. Oh, it was all your fault! What were you going to do? You couldn’t just sit there and do nothing, that’s for sure. You leaned forward in your seat and snatched your phone. Flopping back into the seat, you called (YF/N). 
One ring, two rings.
They didn’t seem to pick up. You ended the call after a few rings and tried again. The same thing happened. Your friend definitely wasn’t going to pick up. You decided that the best thing you could do at that point was to get out of your room and grab something to eat before you starved. You also needed to feed Dodger.
You fell back into the couch. You munched on your muesli bar as thought to yourself. It wasn’t a lot but it was enough to keep you going for a few more hours until Chris got back home from set. You had also remembered to feed Dodger something so that he wouldn’t starve either. When you had finished the bar, you grabbed a hold of the TV remote and started to pick a show from Netflix. You settled on Brooklyn Nine Nine. Every few episodes or so you would try to call (YF/N) but they never picked up once. You had also sent a million texts. 
Time went by and soon enough, you fell asleep. You didn’t remember how long you were out for but it had to be for quite a while seems as the next time you awoke it was getting dark. 
The door creaked open and Dodger started to bark happily. You felt Dodger leave your side and you grumbled. Opening your eyes to see when the commotion was about, you saw your dad greeting Dodger by the door.
“Hey sweetie,” You heard your dad call out from the front door.You mumbled a ‘hey’ back in return. 
Chris walked over to you and put his keys in the basket nearby. He sat down as you felt the couch dip beside you.
“How did the assignment go?” He asked, putting an arm around you.
The assignment? Oh, the assignment! Memories of the day filled back into your head as you mentally rewind. You still hadn’t been able to grab a hold of (YF/N).
“Good, it went good,” You said, answering Chris’ question. You leaned into him.
“Are you sure?” He questioned, “You don’t sound so sure.” 
“Yeah, i’m pretty sure. It went fine, dad.” You told him.
Chris’ face scrunched up in thought for a second but then relaxed, believing you. 
“You should take a shower, you stink.” You say laughing, changing the subject. You shoved the arm that your dad had around you off and poked him in the side. 
He laughed too, “I don’t stink!”
“Yeah you do!” You shoved him farther, trying to get him to stand up. He eventually did.
“Nuh uh.”
“Yeah huh.”
“Nuh uh.”
“Uh huh.”
Chris threw his hands up in defeat. “Fine, i’ll go take a shower. I do kinda stink.” He admitted.
When Chris had left the room to go take a shower, you called Dodger over.
“Come on Dodger. Come here boy,” You patted the side of the couch and sat up straighter. Dodger immediately obeyed happily and climbed beside you. 
“What am I going to do about (YF/N) huh?” You asked the dog while patting him. “I should probably ask dad for advice, shouldn’t I?”
Dodger barked, almost as if he understood you. You laughed and continued to pat him, waiting for Chris.
“I’m going to ask him after dinner.”
You sat at the dinner table as Chris put away the dishes from dinner. Resting your head on your hand, you built up the courage to ask your dad for advice about your problem. 
You took a deep breath.
“Hey dad?” You called out to Chris. 
He looked up from wiping a dish dry and looked over at you. 
“Yes sweetheart?”
You took another deep breath, getting ready to ask the question. You didn’t know why you were so worked up with asking for advice. You’d done it many times before so what was so different now?
“Can I ask you for advice?”
Chris stopped what he was doing and immediately walked over to you. He grabbed the seat from beside you and sat down, looking at you.
“Of course! What do you need to ask me?” He leaned forward and rested his hands on the table in front. 
“I-“ You started, beginning to regret your idea, “It’s about (YF/N).” 
Chris nodded and kept his calm gaze on you, telling you to keep going.
“We got into a disagreement and I can’t call them to apologise.” You finally admitted.
Chris’ gaze softened. “Oh (Y/N), that’s perfectly fine. Even if they aren’t answering your calls, they’re bound to be reading your texts. I say you try to arrange a meeting at the local coffee shop.” Chris suggested.
“But what if they won’t go.” You panicked.
“They’re your best friend. They will go.” Chris said, “Trust me. It’ll work out in the end.” 
Your dad gave you a side hug.
“Thanks dad. I really appreciate it.” You told him.
“Of course! Anything for my girl.” Chris smiled at you, “Is that all you need?”
You nodded.
“Good, don’t stress too much. It’ll work out in the end.”
You lay in bed, thinking about the text you had sent your friend earlier. You trusted your dad’s advice and arranged a meetup at the local coffee shop at 10 am the next morning. You had finished the maths assignment before you sent the text. You decided to get some sleep before tomorrow’s event. You definitely needed it. You shut your eyes, feeling the darkness and sleep come to you.
The next morning you woke up and ate breakfast as usual. You then proceeded to leave the house at 9:45 go to the local coffee shop. Getting to the shop, you picked the booth in the far corner and sat down to wait for (YF/N). While you waited for them, you scrolled through Instagram on your phone. 
Looking at the time, you saw that it was 10:05. You looked around the place and at the entrance. You saw a familiar face walk in. They started to head in your direction, finally sitting down in front of you. Before they could utter anything you jumped in.
“Look, (YF/N) I shouldn’t have called you stupid. You are an amazing person and a great friend. Anything I could ask for. I am sincerely sorry.” You apologised, hoping that it was enough for your friend to forgive you. “I understand if you don’t-“
“(Y/N) stop.” Your friend cut you off, looking at you. “I was going to say that I am sorry for not listening to your help and I probably am pretty stupid.”
“No, don't say that! You’re not stupid.” You told your best friend. 
“I guess we both came to apologise to each other huh?”
“I mean that was the point wasn’t it?” (YF/N) chuckled.
“Yeah I guess it was,” You laughed with (YF/N). 
“I’m sorry,”
“I accept your apology. I’m sorry too.”
“And I accept your’s.” 
@ssebstann​ @lozzypoz321 @hera-the-writer
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