#guess who started a kid fic Drabble series😭
rollercoasterwords · 1 year
what tips would you have for those trying to get into fanfic writing?
honestly i am not the best person to ask lmao i ended up here on accident 😭 for me the process was like. be a college student -> covid senior year -> be home w parents for winter break -> be stuck in childhood bedroom -> start losing mind -> decide to rewrite a book series from the love interest's pov -> finish that -> decide to do it again -> this time a bunch of people actually read it + suddenly ur talking to people + reading fanfic etc -> get sucked into fandom -> become plagued by fic ideas -> write
so like. honestly social isolation and random chance were the biggest factors 4 me...but also all of that was undergirded by being somebody who already had always enjoyed creative writing + had posted writing on the internet before, just had never really gotten into fanfic or fandoms.
i guess my most serious advice would be just. don't prioritize getting attention/having an audience. write for fun, write whatever you want, don't worry too much about who's gonna read it or what they might think. i don't really see a point to writing fanfiction if u aren't first and foremost having fun, so just like....don't try to force anything, i guess? if ur just getting into creative writing + want to use fanfic as like a playground 2 explore then i'd say don't put any pressure on urself to like....churn out huge massive multi-ch stories. i think it's easy to get burnt out if u think of writing as something that "isn't worth it" unless ur like writing novels or whatever, which seems to be a perception that many people have. if ur trying to like plan out really long stories and finding urself frustrated then just...start somewhere else! write little oneshots or microfics or drabbles or whatever + don't pressure urself to produce a specific type of "content," bc that's not what fanfic is about. at the end of the day we're all just kids in a sanbox + it doesn't matter if u wanna make mud pies or sandcastles or just dig holes, bc it's literally all just sand so u should do whatever's most fun for u. otherwise why r u sitting in a sandbox yknow
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neonacity · 3 years
Sammyyyyyy guess who's backkkkkk
Me 🥺 im sorry i disappeared but i see your blog is growing well and excuse my usually jaded eyes due to me being a heavy haechan stan but did i just see a Lucid special chapter??? And a new series???? With the Dreamies???? And the orphic fic????? :( im gonna sob and roll over,i cant believe i missed so much from u 🥺 and ofc i missed u but lately tbh things have been kinda not so whiplash for me but like i opened a writing acc on ig lmao but nothing but my profile has been made at the moment but i do hve this small, drabble of haechan i made based on yesterday's image teaser which reminds me to tell u that yes i am a baby nctzen lmao i actually started officially calling myself a fellow grass right when hello future era ended?? And then i binged every Dreamie song in existnece in a whole day and just went to stan the whole of nct lmao but ugh the teasers tonight are crazy 😩 Lee Jeno and Na Jaemin are making me look so unloyal to hyuckie...
Assssh. Oh my god is it you? Is it really you? I missed you so much my teddy bear! I was actually considering to shoot you a message soon just to check on you so i am so glad to see you here again. Yes, i have published a few things in the past few weeks but please do not rush yourself in reading them. They are just there waiting for you anytime. 🥺
Did you open a writing account on IG? YOU MUST GIVE ME YOUR ACCOUNT (if you are comfortable of course) because i would love to read your work. And yes, i am so excited for Glitch like Haechan black hair has been keeping me up at night im not even kidding 😭
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