#guilty gear rp guilty gear roleplayers roleplayers RP rp
basilcores · 9 months
btw you guys should like this post if you're interested in a guilty gear rp server on discord!!
it'll be very oc friendly and will most likely be 16+
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impact-squirrel · 2 months
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BlazBlue roleplayers, Guilty Gear roleplayers, Crossover guys, OCs... PSPSPSPSPSPS. I suck at searching things, anyone out there? Like this so I can look at your blog, follow if you want to RP, or don't do anything I'm not your dad.
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shenlongshao · 7 years
Recruitment for Guilty Gear Roleplayers
Hello, Everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here, but I will try to be a little more active. This post is about two things I truly enjoy; roleplaying and the anime-style fighting game series called “Guilty Gear”. I’ve personally been roleplaying since I was 16 and now 32. I roleplay as Jam Kuradoberi and hoping to find other Guilty Gear fans who also love to roleplay so we can build a Guilty Gear RP community. But roleplays won’t take place here on Tumblr because I have a roleplay site in mind for anyone that’s really interested. If you’re new to Guilty Gear or not too familiar with it, that’s okay. ^^ Here is general summary about the series, which is the plot of the very first game.
GUILTY GEAR -------------------------
The story takes place around the year 2180, in a chaotic, mystical future world. In 2010, mankind discovered an unlimited energy source of incredible power, which was labeled magic. Despite providing a solution for world energy crisis, wars continued. The power of magic was combined with humans and other creatures creating living weapons known as "Gears". Eventually, the Gears turned on the human race, beginning a century-long global war known as the Crusades where the Sacred Order of Holy Knights (聖騎士団? Seikishidan), defeated Justice, leader of the Gears. With Justice having been locked away in a dimensional prison, all other Gears seemingly ceased to function, bringing end to an age of conflict. Five years after the war's end, a Gear called Testament planned to free Justice. In response, the United Nations heralded a tournament of fighters capable of defeating the resurgent enemies, Testament and Justice. Ultimately, a bounty hunter named Sol Badguy defeated Justice, giving way to another uneasy peace.
There is waay more to it than this, especially with the later installments and extra sources for information. I’ll gladly help you with what I know along with providing other reliable sources to learn about Guilty Gear. This is all the characters listed in alphabetical order. A asterisk by a character’s name means the role is taken.
A.B.A Anji Mito Axl Low Baiken Bedman Bridget Chipp Zanuff Dizzy Dr. Paradigm Elphelt Valentine Fanny Faust/Dr. Baldhead Holy Order-Sol I-No Izuna Jack-O' Valentine Jam Kuradoberi * Johnny Sfondi Justice Kliff Undersn Ky Kiske Kum Haehyun Leo Whitefang May Millia Rage Potemkin Ramlethal Valentine Raven Robo-Ky Sanctus Maximus Populi Ariels Sin Kiske Slayer Sol Badguy Testament Valentine Venom Zappa Zato-1 / Eddie    If you’re interested, there’s 5 important requirements. 1. Deeply invested and interested in the story, lore, etc. of Guilty Gear. 2. Must genuinely love and is passionate about the character you roleplay as. Please pick the ones you truly like. 3. Able to write a paragraph or more. Multi-Para and Novella style highly favored. 4. Must be active the best you can and communicate, especially about work schedule, available days to roleplay, etc. This is so too avoid misunderstandings. 5. Highly prefer roleplayers who are 18 or older who welcome and are able to do roleplay mature content. Don’t worry, this means anything that is within reason. After reading all of this and believe you fulfill these requirements. Please message me! I’ll tell you about the roleplay site and ask any questions you may have. Please spread and like if you like to support the Guilty Gear roleplay community.  Thank you very much!^_^ 
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thcrnmade · 3 years
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oso here's the deal i have been roleplaying this precious bean that i've since 2015 i remember vividly after i went through something traumatic don't ask me about it ever. i had done a rewatch of the show from disney XD and i was like oh my gosh this precious girl is someone i'm gonna portray this precious bean.
it was fun in the beginning if anyone remembers my first roleplay blog exdragonslayerrose then you know i've been here for a very long time since may of that year in 2015 i had my up and downs good times and bad hell i've even been blocked by people who i thought we're my friends. hence why down the line i started to become highly selective and once that happened it felt like people kept at bay since i wasn't as welcoming like in the beginning way back then.
well boy oh boy did i feel guilty going highly selective people would violate my rules i was a total noob in the rp scene i still am to this day cause there's stuff i still don't know how to do for the life of me.
once the roleplay scene started to get more changing with the tides i felt like okay it's time for a change and a fresh start and in comes me making nxthuntsgirl which is my second account an my longest account that i had for rose, I'll admit i loved that blog so much but i'll also admit i felt insecure with my skills heck i still feel insecure with my skills and feel like people will move on to the next person. but that's life people come and go i'm not gonna lie there's some roleplayers i deeply miss but i also wish when they were leaving that they'd told me. You all know how it is when you've connected deeply with people and then boom there gone and your like nooo they've left and you can never complete those threads and interactions.
One big thing that did bug me and really turned me off was people would focus only on rose being huntsgirl and not a normal regular school aged girl.
I swear it grind my gears to no end how when writing her she was just being seen as jake's love interest and girlfriend so yeah it seriously irritated me and it felt like people only cared about the villain aspect of her life, and not about the person whose had to go through so much deep shit.
So eventually after moving her a good chunk of times i started thinking after i made this account recently i was like what the fuck am i doing and how come i didn't think of doing this from day 1 was if i could clean off one of my previous blogs i'd do it. a lot of my blogs are messed up meaning i can't clean out my likes sections if that has happened to anyone else please let me know cause it's infuriating as hell.
I even recently contemplated moving rose to a sideblog just so i'd have some peace of mind and i wouldn't feel so overwhelmed.
so as of right now i'm cleaning a blog i'm hoping and i mean hoping i can clean it entirely. so that she'll be there officially not now if possibly tonight she'll be up and if not i'll just stop trying and go on a very long hiatus.
if people want to leave i understand i don't blame you one bit will i be sad yes but i'm not gonna beg you to stay.
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culinaryphoenix · 4 years
Hi hi~! Welcome to my roleplay blog! ^_^ My pen name is Pai-seez(yes, it’s a different spelling of “Pisces”, XD). You’re free to also nickname me as the character I’m roleplaying as if you like. I’m a 35 year old woman(my birthday recently passed, which was March 9th) who has been roleplaying for 18 years so far. I’ve been roleplaying Jam Kuradoberi since 2004 on various sites since I’m a huge fan of the character and the Guilty Gear franchise itself. ~ I do my best to portray her accurately as much as possible with only some headcanons.. This will be my first time roleplaying on Tumblr since I’ve mainly used it for personal blogging.  The rules and guidelines below is common sense stuff. I may add more depending on if it’s needed.
In Battle
I don’t think this part will be a problem on here, but I list it just in case based on my past experiences.
Please no Godmodding, Autoing, and/or Metagaming
: God-Modding is having your character never taking hits, granting them abilities they can’t do(an example is if your character is incapable of flying, he/she suddenly able to fly out of no where is god-modding), etc. Autoing is similar, but it’s mainly controlling the scenario and other people’s character without permission to have the advantage. Metagaming is your character having prior knowledge about something or someone in the story he/she shouldn’t have. If any of these is done once, I’ll just give a friendly warning. But if done more than once, I’ll unfollow and block.
Following & Not Following:
I’ll follow other mature-minded people who puts their hearts into their writing; both within and outside the Guilty Gear verse. I definitely welcome crossovers from other series set in the future, modern, and medieval fantasy era. Depending on the verse and its lore, I may add a AU(Alternate Universe) story for Jam to fit in its setting and add it to the Verses section. There will be some verses I don’t see my character in like My Little Pony or The Flintstones. XD. I have no problem with OCs(Original Characters), especially creative ones. I also would love to build connections in roleplay and friendly OOC.
One of the reasons I may not follow you is if you’re a minor. Since I’m an adult and this RP page will mainly be suitable for roleplayers 18+ , it’s super important for me to know your real age. It’s to make sure there’s no discomfort when roleplaying and not wanting to do anything inappropriate with underage writers. The main reason that would cause me to not follow and even block is if there’s a huge or repeated instances of creating a negative atmosphere towards me and/or others. What I mean is like being overly confrontational, falsely painting people in a bad and/or harmful way, extremely irrational behavior, etc. 
Note: Things like needing someone to talk to if you’re sad or etc. isn’t considered OOC drama to me, so please don’t be afraid to.
NSFW & Shipping:
There will be NSFW(Not Safe For Work) themes and content written in great detail. It includes things like blood, violence, gore, sexual, and other scenes. I know not all adults like every NSFW scene so I’ll be sure to tag them and discuss what you’re comfortable with if it’s not stated in your rules. And it also depends on the roleplay itself. For myself, I’m 100% fine with mature and NSFW scenes and themes.
Romance is one of my favorite genres, so I love shipping!  Like many other roleplayers, I ship with chemistry. This means how well our characters bond, compliment each other’s strengths and weaknesses, their attraction, etc. I’m perfectly fine with erotica that has a natural buildup to it (I know most people call it “smut”, but I personally don’t like that term because it makes me think about a diseased plant, lol). For now, I haven’t decided whether I’ll be single or multi-ship since I’m waiting to see how things go first.
Please Don’t Steal My Edited Content:
Images on my RP profile like icons and banners are edited by me. I want to have my own unique style so people know it’s me, so please don’t take them.
Writing Length:
My default writing style is multi-paragraph and higher since I love detail. A single paragraph is also fine, but I personally don’t feel inspired when receiving replies or starters less than that(the only exception is if it casual, non-thread type posts like memes, etc.)
Everybody gets busy sometimes. so I don’t mind waiting a while to get a reply. There will be times I either may not be on or not have enough time to reply due to real life. I usually babysit 3 days out of the week(Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday), but sometimes it may be more. I also maybe slow at times because of my tendency to want to give quality replies rather than just quickly. If it gets way too long since my last reply(like a couple months), please remind me. I only occasionally check in after a while to make sure there’s mutual interest.  The last and most important rule is to have fun!^_^ If you have any questions, please ask me!
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