#guinea pig thirteen my beloved
thebatcreature · 8 months
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She had no business looking this hot while going through hell
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attackfish · 2 years
Hi! Do you have any atla fic recs?
Here are the seventeen best fics in the Avatar fandom, and I swear this list is totally not just the favorites of one person whose choices are completely subjective and entirely based on personal preference. Yeah so these are my personal faves, your milage may vary.
"Who by Fire" by Kaberett: [Link]
There was precedent, of course, for succession in the event of the untimely demise of the incumbent ruler. Between political intrigue, ambition and necessity - and these qualities have never been in short supply within the ruling classes of the Fire Nation - history contains no shortage of examples. Deposal in the absence of bloodshed, however, is another matter entirely: and more so when the Heir Apparent is the banished prince, who has, contrary to every expectation, found the Avatar and brought him home.
"Enslaved" by Sharkflip: [Link]
A triumphant war party returns with an exotic slave, a gift for the ruling house. Multi-chapter, Katara/Zuko
"Eight Principles of Yong" by Psocoptera: [Link]
The pen is mightier than the sword, or how Zuko saves the day via the power of good penmanship.
"Five Ways Toph Created Her Own Family (Whether She Liked It or Not)" by Lady Ganesh [Link]
The title is the summary.
"Tea with Destiny" by @awesomeavocadolove [Link]
After the shock of Lu Ten's death, Iroh makes a fateful journey into the Spirit World. The tea there is exquisite, but the company may give Iroh a run for his money.
"Without a Fight" and "Never Give Up" by @suzukiblu [Link] and [Link]
Thirteen years old and alone in the Earth Kingdom, thrown out of his life and family and destiny with the burn on his face still raw and new, Zuko does not want to go on. Song/Zuko
"Gilded Green" by @caelum-blue [Link]
At the end of Iroh's Siege, the Dai Li decide to test their brainwashing abilities on a Fire Nation soldier. They don't know that their guinea pig-rat happens to be a supposedly-dead prince. Multi-chapter and multi-part
"Til Death Do Us Start" by @loopy777 [Link]
Mai's parents arrange a marriage for her. The first problem is that she's been dead for fifteen years, and the second problem is that her husband isn't who anyone is expecting. Mai/Sokka
"The Airbending Master" by @liz-squids [Link]
Teaching airbenders is not the same as restoring the Air Nomads
"In Which Mai and Toph Are Not Remotely Ladylike" by @liz-squids [Link]
Mai and Toph drink too much, talk too much, engage in petty vandalism. Their mothers would be horrified.
"Drink Some Fucking Tea" by @unjapanologist [Link]
A parody of 'Go the Fuck to Sleep'. During season one, Iroh unloads some frustrations about his beloved nephew that he can't very well voice out loud.
"Red is the Color of the End of the World" by @sholiofic [Link]
Post-series, Katara is adjusting to the new shape of the world. They all are.
"Chromatism" by @glamaphonic [Link]
Ty Lee is soiled and unclean and bursting with color.
"Life Began With Waking Up" by @glamaphonic [Link]
It was a simple truth that Mai had never really thought about her children. Mai/Zuko
"His and Her Circumstances" by Lavanya Six: [Link]
AU. Two years ago, it's believed the Fire Lord exiled Prince Zuko to distance himself from responsibility for his son's subsequent assassination. Five months from now, a boy in an iceberg will awaken. Tonight, Mai runs across a masked criminal. Mai/Zuko
"Escapee" by @liz-squids [Link]
So you're a traitor. Now what? AU from "The Boiling Rock" where Mai and Ty Lee escape with the others. Mai/Zuko
Unnamed ficlet #4 by @liz-squids [Link]
The AU where Azula never found out Zuko and Iroh were in Ba Sing Se, and 16 years later, the Fire Nation has won the war, and Mai is the governor of Ba Sing Se, and she and Zuko have an awkward 30-something reunion. Mai/Zuko, past Jin/Zuko.
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jamiealways-gmm · 3 years
I was tagged by @ladycynthiana thank you lovely 💕
Relationship status- with a guy for thirteen years now. Technically he’s my fiancé because he proposed after the first year but after thirteen years and a seven year old kid I’m not holding out for that big white wedding
Favourite colour- grey.
Pets- yoshimi my beloved tabby cat, Lilly and nelly my clever and gentle gerbil daughters , Guinea and daisy my stupid and noisy guinea pig daughters
Cats or dogs- cats because I really don’t like dogs (sorry I know I’m a bad person)
Favourite food- beef kung po 😋
Coke or Pepsi- probably my unhealthiest habit is drinking two or three tins of Diet Pepsi a day.
Day or night- night definitely
Chapstick or lipstick- lipstick when I’m feeling really fancy. I hate the feel of chapstick and only wear it when it’s freezing outside
Text or call- text please, I’m useless and awkward on phone calls
Last song I listened to- I can’t remember, it was a Spotify seventies rock playlist
Favourite band/artist/group- Peter Gabriel
Any hobbies- art, computer games (but like easy ones for babies, like minecraft and the sims) and geocaching
Who do I want to know better- ahhh I never remember who’s already done these things, I’m tagging @halfpastgrace @willneverbeordinary @mythical-llama-24 @serendipitous-mythicality and you, the person reading this right now 💕
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ohthehorrorhq-blog · 6 years
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Name: Linden Song-Holt
Age: thirty five
Occupation: freelance artist
Face: Jamie Chung
“Keep Breathing” - Ingrid Michaelson
“Into the Fire” - Thirteen Senses
“Now I Can Fly” - RAIGN
“Try” - P!nk
Linden Song was born to Korean immigrants, and they adored their daughter with every fiber of their beings. One day when she was three, her parents were killed in a car accident on their way to pick her up from daycare. With no family in the States, Linden was placed  into foster care, and all seemed to go well because her foster parents legally adopted her in almost no time. She fell ill and became bedridden when she was seven. No one was quite sure what she was facing, and though harmless at first, young Linden's body became riddled with needle marks and tubing. The doctors tried numerous drugs, tests, and scans to see what could combat the mysterious illness, leaving the young susceptible to countless more problems. Linden's adoptive parents questioned the doctors’ practices and sought a third party opinion, which prompted them to sue for malpractice within weeks of proper treatment.
Luckily, the side effects of the bad treatment were few, and after a while, the only doctor she had to see was a cardiologist a few times each year. She broke her arm a few years later, and unfortunately, the nearest hospital was the one where she was a guinea pig. She could handle the pain, but the memories haunted her beyond compare. Her parents quickly got her into therapy.
Linden is still no fan of hospitals, but she's gotten better. She learned to channel her grief, anger, trauma, and anxiety into art, which ultimately became her major in college so that she could refine her skill. Happily married for ten years or so, Linden and her husband, Evan, recently moved to Tulpa. While he focuses on his research, she has built a modest business of commissions and freelance work.
Evan Holt, the I Am Not My Father, is Linden's beloved husband and often her muse. She’s friends with the Cutie and owner of Tulpa’s premier vintage clothing store, Beatrix Blake. The Shrink is Linden’s therapist who she sees in order to overcome her past trauma. 
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