vuulpecula · 7 years
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      “ -- It’s not often we get people like you out here, claiming to be of some profession.” Languidly, her hand waved in a circle. This was simply a measure, cold, slight hostility towards all strangers and newcomers. She was taught that it showed power, though even after years of doing so, the harshness and feigned cruelty felt foreign and wrong on her tongue.
@gumihosverdict ❤’d for a “special” starter.
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stardustandnope · 7 years
@gumihosverdict ★ starter call
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“Ah, yes, October,” he sighed, “It’s the perfect season for harvesting, don’t you think? By harvesting, I mean harvesting those poor lost souls. They’ll be perfect.”
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bxhyung · 7 years
Starter for @gumihosverdict
Just another day at the cafè, it could even be considered a slow shift as it didn’t have the amount of costumers that should normally have. But then she saw the person coming in, and one glance Hyejung already knew who she was. One of her biggest idols, she was there. Her first thought was to run to her, ask for an autograph. But she had part of her face covered, she probably wanted privacy right? She thought with herself. One of the girls went to check for her order and Hyejung felt like she was a teenager again waiting in the line of those music shows along with the fandom to see the other. And now she was there. She couldn’t help but stare from afar.
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@gumihosverdict ;; continued
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[ text Taeyang ] Much appreciated, he’s rummaging through my mini fridge. [ text Taeyang ] The sight isn’t pretty. Please hurry. I might throw something at him.
She’s amused and disgusted.
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obsidianmagpie · 7 years
@gumihosverdict from here
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“If I wanted to piss someone off, I would’ve done so with another set of people,” Dana replied fidgeting their fingers. She sighed rubbing their head, “I didn’t know gumihos hate screwed around with their uh...dinner.” Right now, it was the best way to politely say ‘Hey I accidentally stopped a few gumihos from eating dinner by catching them in the moment.’ 
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vuulpecula · 7 years
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      “I heard you were the best prosecutor in this office,” it wasn’t much of a greeting, but it was the truth. Prosecutor Nyx Jury had been recommended by a colleague of hers and when push came to shove, Fox decided to attempt to solve her problems for once. As she entered the office, the Russian couldn’t help glancing into each and every corner to ensure they were alone. 
      “I’d like to hire you.” 
@gumihosverdict  ❤’d for a starter.
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igni-moved · 7 years
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     “ hakase, c’mere. “  kaoru uttered those words, yet moved to her boyfriend’s side anyway. with a metal puzzle in her hand, it seemed as though she had some trouble figuring out how to detangle the two pieces. she was normally good at these, having a good perception and a thorough mind, but this one definitely had her stumped. it wasn’t a  ‘ master difficulty ‘ puzzle for no reason.  “ help. “
     @gumihosverdict  |  starter call. 
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reactxr-archived · 7 years
@gumihosverdict liked for a starter
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“In most states, its polite to knock.” His back didn’t so much as budge at the sound of the door opening, knowing exactly who had entered without a sound of warning. “I didn’t opt for the doorbell for decoration, either.” 
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They said that women look most radiant after delivery. Did you ever have thoughts like that after you daughter was born?
Bucky blinks- he's never heard this saying before.  "Look, I'd be the first to tell you my wife is always gorgeous.  But she'd just pushed a baby out of her vagina- she looked tired, it wasn't exactly an easy delivery.  Beautiful?  Always.  Radiant?  Not so much.  And babies don’t look as clena as you’d expect from shows and stuff- Areum was a bundle of squalling cries and blood.  I adored her anyways- that’s what it is to be a parent and a husband.  Even when they aren’t at their best, even when they aren’t perfect or put together.  You love them.  You want what’s best for them.”
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thedongjuan-blog · 7 years
@zhidd | @eldtunga | @gumihosverdict | @bovariesme | @ladonianapples
[Have a really happy man hug you from behind and---]
[Oh you’re not the person he thought you were and---]
[Lets you go.] I am so sorry.
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stardustandnope · 7 years
If we kissed?
[] Quickie.[] Tongue.[❤] Softly bite your lip.[] We wouldn’t.[❤] Long and meaningful.[] Let’s hit up the bedroom.[] You remember last time?[] Awkward…[] Lol no.Would I go out with you?[] Yes, definitely.[] No.[] I want to, but it wouldn’t work.[ ❤ ] Maybe. [] Nope, you’re like family.[] You’re cute, but probably not.[] Just simply not my type.[❤] If I knew you better.[] Already did.[] I don’t know.If we took a picture together, we’d be…[❤] Hugging each other.[❤] Just chilling.[] Holding hands.[] Kissing.[❤] Acting dumb.[❤] Normal picture.[❤] You Me holding you from behind.You are…[] Cute/Pretty.[] Good looking.[] Sexy.[ ❤ ] All of the above You + me + room = …[ ❤ ] Movies.[ ❤ ] Cuddling.[ ❤ ] Hanging out.[] Kissing.[ ❤ ] Playing games.[ ❤ ] Everything.[] Wouldn’t let you in.You should…[] Hit me up.[] Be mine.[] Marry me.[ ❤ ] Reblog this so I can send you a heart.[ ❤ ] be studying ((lmao))If we got married, I’d…[] Divorce you.[ ❤ ] Make kids.[] Take your money and bounce.[] Smash every day.[] I would cheat on you.[ ❤ ] Be faithful.[] Kill you in your sleep [] We wouldn’t
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Cap, what's one thing you learned about being a parent, that you never have known before?
“Oh, lots of stuff.  You talking about being a cat parent or a general parent?  Because let me tell you- Areum wouldn’t eat pureed carrot.  Any other kind of baby food?  Yeah, whatever, but pureed carrots.  Man, I wore that a lot more then I thought I would.”  He loved it though.  
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usafossil-blog · 7 years
[ @gumihosverdict​ liked THIS FILE ]
The words were spoken with nothing but a concern that was visible on Steve’s face since the night ended with the woman waking up. Rogers didn’t know the backstory of her life and he never asked, as he believed in TIME. If someone wanted to talk ? - they will speak it out, sooner or later. 
"Whatever your dream was, - it wasn't a very happy one, was it?...           Is there anything I can do to help?...You've been a long way away...”
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                                 Thank you for coming back to me.
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engxneer · 7 years
@gumihosverdict liked for a starter!!
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“hey, do you think you can search through your dirty sock kingdom for my missing sock? it has the second half of the periodic table on it.” he’s 80% sure that’s the half that he’s missing; don’t quote him, though. 
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