#gungir is odin’s spear btw
colifower · 9 months
Still thinking of that thor is the jotun one au.
Odin is having A Manly Mental Breakdown™ about lokis death. Hes being suuuuuper paranoid about his special weapons (and weapons in general) and how theyve gotta hide them bc what if thor or frigga touch them and instadie too??
The w3 will stage treason bc their king is trying to get rid of their military **while on the brink of war**
Frigga somehow convinces Odin to give back the casket. Odin just. He feels soo guilty about lokis death that actually invites laufey to sign the peace treaty & get the casket back. War prevented 👍 except... Laufeys oldest has stayed bc he wants to be a protocol instructor and what better chance to be well off than work on the aesir-jotun relationships? Welp he kind of notices the MASSIVE commotion that is lokis funeral. And tells on his dad. Jotunheim declares war.
Meanwhile thor is having A Mental Breakdown too :D since he has no powers he looks like a jotun. He does get found by jane and co and they keep him at their place bc wtf thats an alien they are smart enough not to put them through the medical system and get him got by the government.
Somehow he is convinced he needs to seduce jane w his "new body" (not really, hes just too self concious about it -always has been- and has watched beauty and the beast back on asgard and thinks it is a valid reason "to break the spell" -there is no spell-). He learns of his hammer over the local radio/podcast/tv and thinks his hammer will "break the curse" (it does not)
The us gov is already onto him bc they live in a fucking desert, how come jane&co start bulk buying parkas off amazon all of a sudden??
Events of thor happen, but this time is Frigga the one that goes to meet him. She tells him that Odin has died and Loki is king. The jotuns have had him perma-banned from asgard. Thor cries. Frigga disappears. Thor starts getting experimented on the moment she leaves.
W3 are planning to go rescue thor when whoops a full jotun invasion is going on. Odin tries to send them to the dungeons, but since the guards do not have any weapons the w3 kiiiind of get them off quickly.
Frigga tries to stop them through a MASSIVE guilt trip. Bc wow they are kind of actually deserting the army during an actual invasion. Heimdal is here to help tho, so he freezes her over. Turns out heimdal is half jotun. In fact, he is odins half brother on the jotun side. Frigga... Kind of dies? So they gotta keep moving.
They get sent to earth through a cool battle sequence and heimdal fills them in the jotun!Thor situation... Which now they know they HAVE to get in order to calm laufey down (who doesnt know how """his son loki""" has died so he is also kind of grieving his "dead son" yet again)
Now they get into some spy shit. Heimdal is a great help btw he can see where thor is, and he is smart enough to have stolen gungir before leaving asgard. He saw odin having a mental breakdown about the spear and took it after he left.
Idk i am inspired i may write some more in the afternoon 👍
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the-last-butter · 2 years
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Mama Alberich HC doodles
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