#gunna put those guys in s i t u a t i o n s
venomous-qwille · 1 year
Just wanna say that every time I show up to your blog I'm super excited bc I love your characters and art
But your pfp makes it feel like you're looking down at us while you feed us angst and character trauma like..
"Watch me put my blorbos into situations. Watch. You are powerless to stop it. Read and weep." And I think it's really silly.
Look upon my blorbos all ye mighty and despair.
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fullmetal-ampharos · 8 years
tagged by @catfqngs Rules: copy this post into a new text post, remove the current answers and put in urs, and when ur done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged u! a - age: 17 b - biggest fear: that everyone I love actually hates me and don't want me around and its hell bc I think of negative things like that constantly aaaAAAA c - current time: 10:34 pm d - drink you last had: orange powerade e - every day starts with: my cat laying on my stomach while I'm still in bed so I pet her for like 10 mins to make her happy and its a good time except mornings are usually pretty bleh f - favorite song: hey there delilah by the plain white t’s g - ghosts, are they real: I sure hope so bc when I die I wanna be able to view whats happening with pokemon and anime h - hometown: I wont say exactly where I live, but the state I live in is new york i - in love with: the bae, anthony!!!!!!!!!!! ive been dating him for almost two years now <3 j - jealous of: cats....theyre soft and beautiful and sleep all day, i want to do that too k - killed someone: ive killed hundreds of monsters in monster hunter, does that count???? l - last time you cried: in spanish class today bc we finished up a sad movie and i literally was sobbing with my friend devika over the final scene aaAAAAAA n - number of siblings: 1 younger brother o - one wish: to be happy and not feel like the people i love actually hate me?? p - person you last called/texted: @sodapoplio we were gunna go drive out to get coffee but it was like 9:30pm and my mom yelled at me bc she wanted me to stay home bc i need sleep so i can get up at like 5am tomorrow hhhhh q - questions you’re always asked? “are you okay?” “is your hair color natural?” (bc my hair is like naturally red-blonde and literally everyone has to make a comment on it lmAO) r - reasons to smile: the bae, friends, my cAT!!!! my cat is wonderful okay s - song last sang: youth by daughter t - time you woke up: my alarm clock is set to 6:20am but i always hit it to stop then i fall back asleep usually until it rings again at 6:43am (yes i know very specific but its bc I'm dumb and i know it doesnt matter much  but i want it to be little before 6:45 but after 6:40 so i get those sweet 3 extra mins of sleep hhhh) u - underwear color: pink with black dots v - vacation destination: well japan would be nice af but i wouldn't understand a thing lmfao w - worst habit: zoning the heck out when some ppl talk to me and i just sit there agreeing to whatever they say, also i procrastinate a lot x - x-rays you’ve had: teeth z - zodiac sign: cancer
okiii i tag: @clairvauxbernardus @thyristor @ask-a-yandere @defectmogeko​
you guys don't have to do it if you don't wanna tho xD
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