#gunpowder milkshake fluff
cissyenthusiast010155 · 5 months
I would to you what you do with the print…
“Everybody has a type…”
I absolutely adore your fics!
My Type ~Anna May xFem Madeleine’sNiece!Reader ~Holiday Bingo
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Summary— Reader spends New Years with her Aunt Madeleine’s friends at the library. It leads to a surprise with Anna May… Anon Response— Hey heyyy anon!! I think you’re talking about this post and Anna May’s verbiage… The world can never truly have enough Anna May/Angela Bassett content. Enjoy! ♥️♥️
Previous Day <—found here!
Holiday Bingo <—Here!!
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Prompt- New Year’s
Prompt- “Everybody has a type…”
Warnings: age gap (all legal), kissing, light teasing, flustering, light pet names, new years kiss, etc.
Enjoy (;
The library was aglow with the nights festivities. It was new years, and the three librarians were hosting the New Year’s Eve party. Madeleine had decked out the entire library with festive decorations.
You were Madeleine’s niece. There was a good amount of people at the party, but not too much to be overwhelming. Madeleine, Florence, and Anna May were of course all in attendance. Scarlet, her daughter, and her daughter were there as well, along with a few other close friends and relatives of the librarians.
Aunt Madeleine had been trying to push you out of your introvert shell as of late. You were hesitant at first, but you quickly came around when you realized how attractive her female counterpart librarians were.
With your mother having been absent throughout practically your entire childhood, you couldn’t help the mommy issues which magnetized you to any older woman. You didn’t mind Florence or Scarlet, they were both easy on the eyes.
But the moment you walked into the party and shook hands with Anna May, you belonged to that woman. She just didn’t know it yet… or did she…?
Madeleine had recently brought out drinks, handing you some champagne and encouraging you in a whisper to socialize. You were quite sure that she meant Sam, Scarlet’s daughter who was close to you in age, but you didn’t hold much interest in her.
Instead you gravitated towards Florence, who was leaning against a bookshelf and drinking something that looked to be much stronger than champagne. She nodded in your direction, acknowledging you as you walked up to her.
“Hi…” you nervously breathed out.
Pretty, older women always gave you butterflies and nerves…
“Hello…” Florence hummed, “Y/N right? Your Madeleine’s niece…?”
You nodded, taking a sip of your champagne to drink away the nerves.
“Mhmmm yeah” you said softly, “and you work here with Aunt Madeleine…?”
“I do.” Florence noted with a hum, taking a sip of her own drink, “Madeleine tells me you have an interest in our craft. She teaching you?”
“Yeah, she’s teaching me”
“I heard you’re a natural…” another woman’s voice butted in, Anna May.
She had come up behind you without you noticing. It made you shiver and almost yelp in surprise. But you quickly swallowed your desperate little whimper.
“Anna May— hi…” you choked out.
Anna May had a drink of her own that she sipped as she looked at you amused. Florence then interrupted your solid four second stare, by realizing and mentioning the time.
“15 minutes till midnight…!” The librarian dressed in mostly green yelled, letting the whole party know.
Florence then left you with Anna May, probably to refill her glass. Anna May twirled her glass in her hands as her eyes rested back on your frame once more. Her gaze racked up and down the figure.
“You’re about Sam’s age, hmmm girl…?”
You gulped and felt the urge to blush, but you suppressed it.
“Mhmmm, yea…” you nodded with a breathy answer.
Your breathing was all out of whack.
“Not your type..?” Anna May asked with a chuckle.
You shook your head.
“No, I don’t have one”
“Oh sweet girl…” Anna May cooed, coming up closer, next to you, so that she was against the same bookshelf you were, and close enough to your where you could feel her breath on your neck, “Everybody has a type…”
Your breath hitched and now you definitely blushed. Hard.
And you were sure that Anna May noticed, as a chuckle erupted from her throat and a smirk made its way upon her face.
“10 minutes…!!” Florence announced.
“I can’t believe it’s gonna be a new year… time seems to have… warped by…” you breathed out, trying desperately to change the topic.
Anna May recognized your deflection, but went along with it anyway.
“Yes…” she sighed out, “You going to kiss anyone at midnight?”
Her words came out blunt and so matter of fact. Yet your reaction,as you sipped some champagne to try and cover your blush, was to choke and almost spit out the liquid. You wheezed and tried to remember to take deep breaths.
Once you’d regained your composure somewhat, you looked back to Anna May. She was standing there, watching you, and waiting expectantly for your answer. You couldn’t help but catch the grin on her face, almost like she was proud of the reaction that she had pulled from you.
“I— wasn’t planning on it…” you stammered.
“Hmmmm I was…” Anna May said nonchalantly, but obviously hanging on her sentence to draw your interest, “but I thought you’d kiss Sam…”
“I— No! I mean, she’s nice and all but…” you stammered desperately, at a loss for words on how to explain to this woman that you had no interest for Sam and all the interest in the world for her.
Luckily for you, Anna May already understood that, she was merely teasing you…
“Five minutes till…!!” Florence announced.
You gulped and meet Anna Mays gaze once more.
“But…?” She suggestively said, prompting you to finish your unsaid statement.
“She’s…” you mumbled something incoherently.
Anna May drew closer to you,
“Use your words, sweet girl…” she breathed down your neck.
“She’s not you…” you breathed out in a whisper.
Anna May burned bright at your confession, very satisfied with your admission. She turned to you, grabbing your chin, her gaze connecting with yours.
The party began to count down from 10.
Her eyes sparkled so brilliantly.
Her brows creased, making that thoughtful expression she always wore.
Her cheeks burned with a flush red.
Her lips were plump and partially open.
She licked her lips, her glistening tongue coming out and swiping her upper then lower lip.
Your eyes jumped back up to her eyes, they were dark, swirling orbs. Her pupils enlarged and ripe.
The hand on your chin, caressed your face and pulled you closer to the woman.
“Is this alright, sweet girl…?” Anna May whispered.
“Mhmmmm… yessss—” you breathed out.
Her lips were on yours. God it felt so heavenly. What you had imagined and better. Her lips were soft and plump. Her kisses were dominant and direct.
You happily let Anna May take the lead. Her lips and tongue guided you through the kiss.
But it seemed that as quickly as it had started, it ended just as fast. She pulled away and you couldn’t help the light whimper that escaped your throat.
Luckily, no one in the room caught it, except Anna May. And she could help the Cheshire Cat like grin on her face.
Next Bingo Fic <—Here!!
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Anna May Masterlist
Holiday Bingo 2023 Masterlist
Let Me Know If You Want To Be on My Holiday Bingo Tag List!! 🤍✨
Tag List: @storiesofsvu @aemilia19 @willowshadenox @vexed-jade @lunala-rose23 @sapphixwriter @principal-weems09 @tryingmybest233333
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lesbianlotties · 2 years
Immortals and Librarians - Andy/Quynh + Madeline/Florence
This is my story for @lilolilyr for Andromaquynh Secret Santa 2021!
I really hope you like it lilo! 💕💕💕
and big thanks to @andramaquynhs and @ongreenergrasses for organizing this event!!
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Old Guard (Movie 2020), Gunpowder Milkshake (2021) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Andy | Andromache of Scythia/Quynh | Noriko, Florence/Madeleine (Gunpowder Milkshake) Characters: Andy | Andromache of Scythia, Quynh | Noriko, Madeleine (Gunpowder Milkshake), Florence (Gunpowder Milkshake) Additional Tags: Crossover, Alternate Universe, Post-Canon, i guess?, First Meetings, Friendship, Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Librarians, just fluff, and madeline might be a vampire?? as a treat, AndromaquynhSecretSanta Summary:
During a visit to Berlin, Andy decides to introduce Quynh to a couple of old friends at a very special library.
or, Andy and Quynh meet Madeline and Florence and it's cute.
“So, Berlin,” Quynh said, pushing her hands deep into the pockets of her red coat.
“What do you think so far?” Andy asked her.
Quynh smiled. Mostly because the December cold had turned Andy’s cheeks and the tip of her nose a sweet rosy color that Quynh was trying her hardest not to tease her about. “It’s great, Andromache,” she replied as the two of them continued to walk down the street, “but, if I remember correctly, you promised me a new gun. Unless…”
“No,” Andy told her with a pointed tone that hid a hint of amusement that probably only Quynh could hear, “you can’t carry a bow and arrow with you everywhere anymore.”
“Boring,” Quynh rolled her eyes and smirked. Andy moved closer to her, and her hand found Quynh’s elbow, she tugged on her arm a little to get Quynh’s hand out of her pocket and then she interlocked their hands. Andy raised their joined hands to her lips to kiss the back of Quynh’s hand, as if apologizing for, even if playfully, denying something to her. After a moment, Quynh added, “Also, I’m hungry.”
“You’re always hungry,” it was Andy’s turn to playfully roll her eyes.
Quynh gasped and lightly shoved Andy, even if she kept their hands intertwined. “Oh, I’m sorry, my heart. I was just starving for five hundred years,” Quynh replied, and the two of them shared a laugh.
It took some time, less than Andy would’ve expected, but they were able to joke sometimes about the time they had spent apart. It was one of Quynh’s ways of coping, Andy understood. 
Without adding anything, Andy simply leaned in to place a kiss on Quynh’s temple. The gesture, so familiar, something she would miss after a single day without, let alone five centuries, completely warmed Quynh’s body and made her heart dance. Quynh turned to look at her with a heartfelt smile on her lips. They looked deeply into each other’s eyes, a couple thousand years of love passing between them in just one look.
“I hope your friends will have food,” Quynh said suddenly.
Her words made Andy chuckle. The taller woman was quiet for a while, Quynh was starting to think she wouldn’t get an answer, and then out of nowhere Andy asked her, “Do you like books?”
Upon entering the library, Quynh was pleasantly surprised by the place. The fact that it was empty didn’t surprise her too much considering it was late in the day. What she wasn’t pleased by was the fact that the woman sitting behind the front desk completely ignored their presence until she finished a page of the book in her hands.
“Hello,” Quynh impatiently said.
“Good evening,” the librarian finally greeted them. She had a kind smile, glasses, hair tied up neatly, and deep brown eyes that immediately caught Quynh’s attention. She was more used to seeing that kind of depth and secrets in the mirror and the eyes of her family, not in simple, mortal, people. A librarian, of all people.
In the meantime, Andy took the lead. “Hello Madeline,” she said with her reserved but genuine smile. It let Quynh know that Andy was serious when she said the women in this place were good friends of hers. “This is Quynh.”
“Oh!” Madeline gasped and her smile grew. “Quynh! Andy speaks so much of you. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
That genuine display of excitement made Quynh smile. The thought of Andy walking the entire world, year after year, making friends and enemies alike, and telling all of them about Quynh, it was heartwarming, to say the least. However, “You look familiar,” Quynh mumbled tilting her head slightly to the side, confused by the fact that the great-grandchildren of everyone she used to know were long dead.
Madeline’s eyes sparkled with amusement and she said, “How can I help you tonight ladies?”
“We need some books,” Andy replied.
“I thought you said guns,” Quynh smirked at her. 
The three women exchanged a laugh. Then Andy pulled a small book from the pocket of her coat. She placed it on top of the desk and slid it forward toward the librarian. Madeline delicately opened it up and with a small pleased gasp she pulled out the dagger hiding in the cut out space inside the book. She held up the dagger and studied it carefully, shifting the glasses on her face with her other hand. Before she could say something about it, someone else spoke up.
“Well that looks ancient,” a new librarian said as she approached them from behind Madeline, “From which museum did you steal it from, Andy?”
While Andy and Quynh exchanged a conspiratorial look, Madeline turned around with a bright smile. “Honey, I’d like to introduce you to some old friends,” she said.
“How old?” Florence teased her while she shook hands with Andy and Quynh.
“Oh, we’re much younger than we look like, actually,” Quynh winked.
Madeline put the dagger back in the book and clapped her hands excitedly. “Why don’t you two come in?” she asked the visitors, “It’s freezing out there! Would you like to have dinner?”
“I am starving, thank you so much,” Quynh smiled gratefully and happily followed Madeline through a secret door on the wall behind the desk. Andy and Florence exchange a smile and both of them shook their heads fondly at the women they loved.
After a delicious dinner and lively conversation, Madeline offered Quynh a tour of the library. Meanwhile, Florence refilled Andy’s glass. Early on in their friendship, they had bonded over many things they had in common, including their distaste for meaningless small talk. For this reason, Andy didn’t even flinch when Florence went to the point and asked her, “So, the two of you…”
“She’s my wife,” Andy replied, “for lack of a better word.” She was thinking of several deeply intimate and emotional ceremonies the two of them had exchanged over the years, most of which would be far from being considered a legal form of marriage by any modern law. Not that she cared about that. Quynh was everything to her. If “wife” was the best that modern English could offer, then so be it. She didn’t mind being one out of the two only living people that remembered all the other names for something beyond lover and partner. 
“I understand,” Florence nodded solemnly with a smile on her lips and a bit of a distant look on her eyes.
Andy studied her a moment then looked away. She felt suddenly overcome with emotion, thinking about the infinite power of true love, how universal it was, how impossible to measure, a second, a couple of decades, or thousands of years, and the feeling of loving another person could be exactly the same in perfect instants.
Just at that moment, Quynh and Madeline returned. “My heart! Look what we found!” Quynh exclaimed, striking a pose to show off the impressive bow and arrows that she was carrying.
There were fond chuckles and incredulous looks shared all around. From a particular look from Florence, Madeline was prompted to explain with the wave of a hand, “Oh, it’s from the geography section, with the big maps, you know.”
“Of course,” Florence replied. She could do nothing but smile and gladly accept Madeline coming over to gracefully sit on her lap.
Andy looked back at her friend with a fond smile and walked away, choosing to give them a little bit of space and looking forward to a moment of privacy with Quynh herself.
Quynh agreed to put down her new bow and arrows for a moment so the two of them could lazily stroll the empty library together. Andy’s arm over her shoulders, Quynh’s arm around her waist.
“This is nice,” Quynh said with a quiet voice after a while.
“Well… I mean, yes,” Quynh replied, “There’s something about people still being interested in people we were friends with, or might have killed, so long ago. They’re still coming up with new stories, and they still want to learn about so many things we feared would be dead forever… you should write a book.”
That last suggestion made Andy laugh. She would never get tired of listening to Quynh talk, her deepest thoughts and her most outlandish ideas all the same. “No fucking way,” Andy decided, “They would put me in the fantasy section.”
“That’s because you’re too good to be true, my love,” Quynh easily replied. She was happy Andy laughed again, and held her just a little tighter, but then she brought them to a stop among the books. “But I was talking about what they have. A place that’s just theirs. Safe, reliable, comfortable.”
“Would you like to have that?” Andy asked, and placed a hand gently on Quynh’s jaw. “It’s been a while, we could do it again, it’s always pleasant. We could stay here for a while. They offered, you know?”
Quynh smiled and tilted her head as she contemplated the offer. Throughout their endless lives, they had been mostly free to come and go as they pleased around the world, happy as long as they were together, enjoying greater freedom in some times more than others. They might go back to work, they might take indefinite time off. The options were endless, regardless of the century. For Quynh, there was only one constant that mattered.
“I’ll think about it,” she said, “you know you’re my only home.”
Instead of replying, Andy wrapped both arms around Quynh, enveloping her in a tight hug. “You’re my world,” she whispered against Quynh’s hair, but not even that felt like enough. She pulled back just enough so she could whisper all the secret words she kept on a pedestal in her heart and her memory for Quynh, the oldest and purest declarations of love they had. Eventually, Quynh pulled back just enough so she could kiss Andy and return silently but in equal passion the fervor of those words.
Mostly, Andy and Quynh hated goodbyes. They always left a bitter taste in the mouths of two women that knew for a fact they would outlive every friend they ever said goodbye to. However, there were exceptions, people they were determined to meet again sooner rather than later. That’s why they were genuinely smiling when they said goodbye to the couple of librarians.
“It was so nice to see you again,” Andy said as she tightly hugged Madeline, who was drawing what Andy guessed to be a sword on her back with the tip of her finger. “Please tell Anna May and Scarlet that I miss them.”
“It was a pleasure to meet both of you,” Quynh said, exchanging hugs with both women.
“Come back soon, alright?” Florence told them. “And take care of yourselves.”
“We will,” Quynh winked.
“Call me if you ever need anything, okay?” Andy added, quite seriously, knowing full well the risk in their line of work.
Florence and Madeline exchanged a look and nodded, but it was Quynh who spoke up next. “Actually, call me. She never picks up her phone.”
With one last round of laughter, hugs, and smiles, the two couples said goodbye. Florence and Madeline went back indoors, to the safety and the thrill of their home and their mildly secret jobs. Andy and Quynh walked away hand in hand, facing a world of new opportunities and adventures that would live gladly as long as they were together, until the end.
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lonely-night · 3 years
oooooooooohhhhhhhh wait I’ve got an idea!! let me jot this down real quick
so the firm coming for the team few months later, somehow florence was separated with the others and she got to fight those bad guys alone
just when she thought she was gonna reunite with her beloved, suddenly the beating stop. she opened her eyes she saw those bad guys lying dead around her.
that’s when she finally saw madeleine again 🤧🤧🤧
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lilolilyr · 2 years
List of my favourite fics (that I've written), in order of rating and length:
666 - Good Omens Ineffable Spouses post-canon 50k G
In Your Stead - The Old Guard Andromaquynh fix-it re-write 30+k T
No Longer Drowning - The Old Guard Andromaquynh fix-it 6k T
The Mystery Stranger - TDWP Mirandy post-canon memory loss & getting together 6k T
Life's Essence - The Old Guard vampire-ish Andromaquynh 24k E (violence!)
Chaotic Alignment - H50 McDanno getting together 23k M/E
Thicker than Water - Gunpowder Milkshake Floreleine vampire!Madeleine 22k T-E
Out and Into - ST:DSC Milippa ot3 prime/prime/mirror 10k T-E
Rainy Days - ST:DSC Milippa Prime established fluff 6k G-E
And You Don't Need To Stay Silent - Warehouse 13 Bering and Wells 5k E
All and more fics on Ao3: lilolilyrae
You can also send me fic asks, or just any questions you might have about a fic of mine you read!
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We just finished playing an elimination game this weekend on the @gunpowder-milfshake-discord!
We collected headcanon ideas to all the GM women, girls and femslash ships, then voted until we had our winners:
Madeleine lives!
Floreleine + Scarletmay polycule
Madeleine is a Vampire
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The headcanons in complete text form can be found here:
Sam & Emily
Send us an ask if you want to join the server to chat with other fans and/or join more games in the future!
Gunpowder Milkshake Fandom Primer
Feel free to use the headcanons as prompts for your own creation as long as you do so with credit to the blogger who wrote it!
Links to fic and art inspired by the headcanons below the cut, so the list will stay up to date :)
Chain around your neck (established Floreleine fluff, 1k T on Ao3)
Hold me Closer (Madeleine can't cook - Floreleine fluff, 1k T on Ao3)
Thanks for playing @bombsbaybeee @cosmic-roses @d34dg0d5 @deenas-johnson @floreleine @guardian-of-the-earth @lizchristina @marzipanilla @my-gaydar-is-on-point @sapphic-stress @sarah-fiers @songbookff @ussjellyfish @verbumproxen, it was fun!
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Results of previous games in other fandoms
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katymacsupernatural · 5 years
A Friendly Face in the Dark
Dean Winchester x Reader
1260 Words
Fall drabble request by @maddiepants. 
Requested Dean, Haunted House and Fluff. This was fun to write!!! 
Summary: In a new town, you head to the local haunted house with some new friends. When they desert you, you find a friendly face. 
Warnings: None
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You could smell the fake smoke from where you stood, almost a half-block away from the entrance. It teased your nostrils of the fun things to come. The freaky things that would no doubt give you nightmares for the next night or so.
Your new friends, Trinity and Maci chattered away excitedly in front of you as you huddled deeper into your sweatshirt. It was a cool October night, much cooler than you had expected, and you found yourself wishing for your heavier coat.
“Cool night, huh?” A deep male voice spoke up from behind you. Turning around, you found yourself gazing at one of the most handsome men you had ever seen. Spiky sand blonde hair that framed a strong, angular face. Plump lips were parted slightly as his green eyes twinkled down at you.
“Lot colder than I expected,” you answered, tucking your hair behind your ear. It was stressful enough finding new friends in this town, but you weren’t sure you were quite ready for a budding romance as well. Even though this handsome man could definitely change your opinion. “But I’m used to it.”
“Used to it?” He asked, stepping a little closer to you as your two friends moved forward. In their lively conversation, they had almost forgotten about you, which you were glad about. You weren’t sure you were ready to see their reaction to this man. “Does that mean you’re not from here?”
“Nope,” you popped the word, getting a glimpse of his rough and worn leather jacket, ripped jeans and scuffed boots. His look just screamed bad boy, another warning for you to leave this conversation and him far behind. But you couldn’t help but be interested by this man. “I’m from Montana.”
“It can definitely get a lot colder up there,” he agreed, his shoulder brushing against yours, smelling like musk, leather, and...gunpowder? “I was up that way four months ago.”
“You travel a lot?” You asked him, realizing that your friends were slowly leaving you behind. Making you wonder if they were even the type of people you would want to be friends with.
He shrugged before a group of unruly teenage boys pushed past him. His body slammed against yours, his arm reaching out to steady you before you fell down. “Sorry about that,” he mumbled, his eyes narrowing as he stared at the boys. “And yeah, my job makes me travel a lot. But you. What made you move down here?”
“College,” You answered before you were at the entrance. Maci and Trinity had finally remembered you were with them, their eyes wide when they noticed the man standing at your side. You reached into your pocket for your cash, but he shook his hand. “It’s the least I could do after almost knocking you over.”
“You didn’t. It was those dumb ass kids,” you remarked, but he still handed the twenty over, flashing a megawatt smile your way.
It was another line inside, but this time the fake smoke was stronger. The building echoed the screams of its victim’s. The walls were painted black, lights barely flickering over the top. You winced as the chainsaw roared to life. You weren’t afraid of anything per say, but you hated the chainsaw run that always seemed to happen in these places. “So, you’ve never told me your name,” he hinted once both of you were inside.
“Y/N. You haven’t told me your name either,” you teased, unzipping your sweatshirt to tuck your cell phone in the secret pocket inside. It showed him a glimpse of your faded and distressed AC/DC shirt.
“Names Dean. And I love that shirt,” he exclaimed but you were quickly interrupted by the gothic dressed worker.
“We have groups of four. Stay with your group, and be prepared for the fright of your life!” She exclaimed, trying to be spooky, coming off more as tired and done with the job. It was quickly decided that you, your friends and Dean would be a group. Maci and Trinity went first, leaving you once again with Dean, but you didn’t mind at all.
“If you get scared, just reach out for my hand,” he leaned over to whisper. “Stuff like this? It’s nothing to me.”
“Then why are you here?” You asked him, but you couldn’t help the shiver of excitement that went through your system. This man was infatuating.
“My little brother is here. On a date. I wanted to make sure things went okay,” he whispered as you went through the first room. People were chained to beds, thrashing about dramatically. They were covered in blood, and the closest one reached out for you. You jumped back slightly, right against Dean’s waiting arm.
“A haunted house for a date? I think your brother is either completely crazy, or smart for bringing her here,” you chuckled as the haunted orphanage was left behind. Now you were in a field, cornrows on one side, a cemetery on the other. You heard a wolf howling in the distance. Trinity and Macy were far ahead, and you knew that after tonight you would probably lose their phone number.
“Who cares about him,” he answered, but you could tell he cared about his brother. It was just in the way he talked about him. “I hope it works for me,” he finished under his breath.
“You’re on a date?” You asked, squealing as a werewolf jumped out from behind a headstone, his claws inches away from your face.
“Not exactly,” Dean answered, his body stiff as he put himself in front of you. The werewolf went back behind the headstone, and you continued on. “But there is the girl that I met, and she seems pretty special.”
You were grateful for the darkness of the next hallway, otherwise, he would have noticed the blush on your cheeks. “Dean, I…,” you started, but Maci and Trinity came running towards you, screaming frantically. You quickly noticed a hidden door off to the side, but you had no chance to move before they pushed you to the side as a man with a chainsaw came barreling down the hallway.
The chainsaw man ran past you, hot after both girls while Dean crouched down to check on you. “Are you okay?”
You shook your head, wincing as you tried to put pressure on your ankle. “I think I twisted my ankle.”
Without thought, Dean helped you up, carrying you in his arms, down the hallway where your ex-friends had just gone. Pushing through the gauze, he stepped out of the main show, to where the workers moved around. You held onto his shoulders as he carried you outside, setting you down on the bench outside.
“I’m sorry you had to leave the haunted house,” you apologized as he knelt down in front of you. Screams could still be heard behind you as Dean gently checked over your ankle.
“I get to see scarier stuff than that almost daily,” he muttered. “But I don’t think you should be walking on this ankle. Let me text Sammy, and then I’ll drive you home.”
“You don’t have to,” you insisted, even though you liked the attention. “I don’t want to pull you away.”
“Nonsense,” he assured you. “And on the way, we can stop for a milkshake. Maybe even listen to some AC/DC. I think you like them?”
“That sounds better than any stupid haunted house,” you agreed, realizing this evening had turned out so much better than you ever imaged it would.
Dean/Jensen Tags: @acortez82 @acreativelydifferentlove @adoptdontshoppets @a-girl-who-loves-disney @akshi8278  @bebravekeeponfighting  @brindz30 @cap-just-said-language @colette2537   @deansgirl215   @its-not-a-tulpa @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @just-another-winchester @karouwinchester @keikoraventeller  @krys198478 @librarygeekery @misspygmypie @mlovesstories @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk  @mrspeacem1nusone @nothinbuttrouble2 @ria132love @ruprecht0420     @sortaathief @superseejay721517 @squirrelnotsam @team-free-will-you-idjiot @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @torn-and-frayed @tricksterdean @wonderfulworldofwinchester @woodworthti666
Forever Tags: @aditimukul @alexwinchester23 @algud @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove   @artisticpoet @atc74 @be-amaziing @camelotandastronauts @caswinchester2000 @chelsea072498  @closetspngirl   @docharleythegeekqueen @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008  @esoltis280   @gh0stgurl @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek  @heyitscam99 @hobby27 @horsegirly99 @internationalmusicteacher @iwriteaboutdean  @jayankles @jensen-gal @just-another-busyfangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @lifelovelaughangell123 @li-ssu @linki-locks11 @littleblue5mcdork  @lowlyapprentice   @maui137 @mogaruke @monkeymcpoopoo @musiclovinchic93  @nanie5   @percussiongirl2017 @plaid-lover-bay25   @roonyxx @ronja-uebrick @roxyspearing @samanthaharper2018 @samanddeanmyheroes @sandlee44 @shamelesslydean @simonsbluee @sillesworldofwriting @sgarrett49 @spnbaby-67 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spnwoman   @superbadassnatural @thatcrazybookwormgeek   @thewinchesterchronicles @vvinch3st3r @wecantgiggleitsafandom @whimsicalrobots @winchester-writes @zombiewerewolfqueen
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newspotng · 3 years
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Netflix's 'Gunpowder Milkshake' is a stylish, violent piece of cotton-candy fluff
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salamadersaurus-rex · 7 years
Any chance you wanna write even more Director Sanvers fluff? :D (different anon)
Read on AO3
There’s a milkshake place three blocks from the DEO. Alexknows because Kara drags her there at least once a week, often after they’ve capturedsome alien weapon or gang, sometimes just because she feels like milkshake, andthey have these cute Supergirl-size takeaway cups in case there’s an emergencywhilst Kara’s only halfway through her banana-and-chocolate-sprinkles.
It’s set up like a truck stop diner. Small booths couchtables between plush red chairs. Clean black and white tiles make up the floor;the walls are painted a soft cream. There’s even a jukebox in the corner. Along bar top stretches shiny and chrome down the length of the shop, and behindit a massive blackboard with bright, colourful chalk scrawls illustrating themilkshakes available.
The place has its own challenge - drink a gallon of yourfavourite flavour in under ten minutes - and there’s photos of competitors stuckall over the far wall. Naturally there are a dozen photos of Supergirl grinningwith a milkshake moustache on her top lip. There are some of her laughing with Winn,or sharing a shake with James. There’s one of her posing excitedly with a bunchof Girl Scouts who are all staring adoringly at her. There aren’t any withAlex, even though everyone knows the agent Supergirl’s always with, just incase. Alex still keeps a couple in her wallet though.
Despite its popularity it can get pretty quiet in theevenings, especially in winter. They’re a half hour out from closing andcompletely empty when Alex slouches in, stinking of gunpowder and covered in brickdust. She practically falls into her favourite booth, sinking into the plushleather seat with a contented sigh.
Supergirl catches the door as it swings shut, pushing inwith a huge grin on her face. She hurries to the bar and orders a chocolateshake for her, and a Baileys one for Alex from the slightly concerned employeeat the till.
“Thanks Becky.”
“She okay?”
Kara glances back at Alex and chuckles. “She’s a bit sore.”
Alex’s phone rings and she stirs, pulling it from her pocketwith a pained look. “Danvers.”
“I’ll bring your drinks over,” Becky says, and Kara thanksher.
Alex is still talking on the phone when Kara slides into thebooth, gathering her cape up around her waist so she doesn’t sit on it.
“Okay, I’ll see you in a bit. I love you. Am I on speaker? Ilove you too Lucy.” Alex hangs up and meets Kara’s gaze, a soft smile on herface. “Luce and Mags are on their way. Impromptu date night. Apparently they can’twait until I get home to hear how I got beaten up by an elderly grandmother.”
Kara laughs. “To be fair she was a powerlifter from anothergalaxy.”
“Yeah, a two hundred year old one.” Alex slumps in her seatand rests her head on the cool table top.
Becky appears carrying their drinks on a round tray. “Chocolatefor Supergirl, Baileys for the brave agent.”
“Thank you,” Alex murmurs, turning so her cheek is stillpressed to the table and eyeing up the two large drinks. Hers has whipped creamspilling artfully down the sides, and a red cherry on top. Kara’s is twice thesize and in a takeaway cup with a curly straw she’s already sippingenthusiastically from. “Going somewhere?”
“Patrol. I’ll wait til your girlfriends get here before I go.”
Alex reaches out a hand and takes Kara’s, just holding it quietlyuntil Maggie and Lucy come in five minutes later. Alex peels her face off thetable and scoots up to draw them both into a hug. She stays sitting, restingher forehead on Lucy’s stomach. Maggie bends down to kiss her hair. Kara picksup her drink and wanders happily out the door, knowing Alex is in good hands.
Alex backs up against the wall so her girlfriends can squashinto the same side of the booth as her. Alex finally picks up her drink andtakes a big gulp.
“Good?” Lucy asks. She has her hand on Alex’s thigh underthe table, drawing random shapes with her fingers soothingly.
Maggie leans her chin on Lucy’s shoulder, watching Alex withsoft eyes. “What happened?”
Alex scowls. “Someone’s grandma threw me through a wall.”
“Are you hurt?”
“Just some bumps and bruises. And my pride is in pieces.”
Maggie reaches over and runs her fingers down Alex’s arm andtakes her fingers, cool and damp from the condensation on the milkshake glass,folding them into her warm palm and raising Alex’s bruised knuckles to herlips, kissing them gently.
Lucy stirs between them, nudging Maggie’s knee with her own.“Scoot, I’m going to get us milkshakes. Alex, you want another one?”
“Yes please.”
Maggie gets up to let Lucy out, then reaches out her handfor Alex. Alex tiredly gets to her feet, leaning on Maggie.
“You haven’t made fun of me yet.”
“Tomorrow. It’ll be funnier when you’ve had some time. Rightnow we’re going to take care of you.” Maggie smiles, and Alex can’t help butsmile back at the sight of those dimples.
Lucy comes back carrying a cardboard tray with three largemilkshakes on it. “Coffee flavour for Maggie – yes its vegan. Baileys for Alex,and strawberry for me.”
She shifts the drinks to one hand and links her other armthrough Maggie’s. Alex is still leaning on Maggie’s other shoulder, and ittakes them a few tries to get through the door. They spill out into the street,giggling like kids before slowing to a stop under a streetlight, a tangle ofwarm skin and cold breath. Lucy kisses Maggie, kisses Alex, three pairs of softlips meeting each other gently.
“Don’t spill the milkshakes,” someone whispers, and thenthey’re all pulling apart laughing, streaming fog into the cold night air. Lucygrabs Alex’s hand, Maggie takes her other.
“Let’s go home.”
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lesbianlotties · 2 years
Fanfic Review
Tagged by @rupzydaisy thank you so much!!! i'm soooo late but still!
Tagging: @villanelleskiss @runningforthemills @lilolilyr @salzundhonig and any writer friend who wants to share/hasn't done it yet!
How many works do you have on AO3?
What's your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
12 fandoms! The Old Guard, Fear Street, Ocean's 8, Birds of Prey, The Haunting of Bly Manor, The Haunting of Hill House, Yellowjackets, I Care A Lot, Squid Game, Terminator: Dark Fate, Gunpowder Milkshake, and Portrait of a lady on fire
Are there any new fandoms you want to write for?
Yes! I'll probably start a new fic today about The 355 (which you guys should totally watch!!) and i still need to write more for Yellowjackets
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. five times Deena and Sam met in secret (and one time they didn’t) my beloved. exactly what the title says
2. Being with you (Makes the flame burn good) andy and quynh reunion post the old guard movie
3. Extremely Uneventful Subject tog family being a family
4. one day at a time mandatory bly manor flower shop au
5. Andy and Quynh One Shots i wrote a hundred of these so thx for the kudos <3
Which of your fics do you want more attention for?
hehe i love this question. i don't mind being annoying and repeating myself so my heart (is like a haunted house)!!!! andromaquynh ghost au that i put my entire soul into!!
and other than that i guess Yellowjackets Coffee is right there with fluff and humor but i need a little more motivation to keep going.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes!! i try to reply to all comments, even if sometimes it takes me a little while
What sorts of things do you normally write?
hm. i'd say i thrive on the fluff and humor tag. and i think most of my stories are canon compliant, but that still includes many AUs. like i like to write extra glimpses pre or post canon of things we dont get to see, my interpretation of course. or i like to be like hey lets drop these ppl in a haunted house or a coffee shop!
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
i literally can't leave a fic with an angsty ending hdgfjghfj my contract says everything deserves a happy ending. even if i kill off a character is just to bring them back to life or the story takes place in the afterlife. the only one that always comes to mind when i think angst is this sad one shot of Andy losing her memory Chapter 40: the work of loving them is worth the pain of losing them
What's a fic that pushed you out of your comfort zone?
hm. i can't think of anything tbh. maybe the only touchstone of truth which is about Marla and Fran from I Care A Lot. with the exception of a few thieves, i mostly write about generally good people. so this was at the very least kind of different but a lot of fun, evil women are just a delight to write
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you've written?
not very often but yeah! there's Immortals and Librarians which is a The Old Guard x Gunpowder Milkshake crossover. but i think the craziest one has to be (Red) Room For 8 because it's Ocean's 8 x The Haunting of Hill House!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! 【翻译】Being with you (Makes the flame burn good) by R_H_Felidae_Athena
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i'm on it!
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
the tog x hill and tog x ocean's 8 (tho that one stayed just an idea) sadly
(it's at this point in writing my answers that i remembered answering this not so long ago but i don't want to quit so here we go)
What are you currently working on?
everything hgjfhjg jk um the fear street x bly manor and fake dating AUs, the 355 fic, and if i dont die i'll continue with the yellowjackets coffee shop au
What are your writing strengths?
writing with love <3
What are your writing weaknesses?
my strong refusal to think twice, plan ahead, and edit anything
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Most recent?
first one: ocean's 8. most recent: yellowjackets, and when i post it the 355
What's your favorite fic you've written?
i've answered my heart (is like a haunted house) so many times that now i can't answer anything else ghjfhgjf
What fic are you most proud of?
okay i have to say two. five times Deena and Sam met in secret (and one time they didn’t) is my pride and joy, it's my most popular one by far. it's the only one that has more than a thousand kudos! and it was my first fear street fic.
but also i have to shout out Being with you (Makes the flame burn good) bc it was my first tog fic, which started a loong journey. and like i genuinely love it. and i am a little too proud of it being the andromaquynh-exclusive fic with the most kudos (otp:true my beloved)
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