#gunsli vents
archivalofsins · 9 months
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Literally if you have something to say you can just say it to my face. Or are Kotoko's fans just as violent, ideological, and spineless as the character? Seriously, I am the only one who has mentioned this connection, so I have every right to be mad about this.
But they just may leave the fandom after this one, so I guess it's cool-
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Ooops my bad people probably didn't want this one pointed out huh?
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gunsli-01 · 7 months
Personal moment so feel free to ignore-
Sometimes I'm really like, man, I'll write an in depth theory that takes over several hours or months of consistent research- Just to end up getting bothered to the point of really debating if it counts as harassment and emotional manipulation. Then think ya know, maybe I deserve it. I could've picked up a pencil instead of refseek, and search engines them gotten far more likes for just drawing something than I'd have ever gotten blocked, vagued about, and directly messaged about how my theories and tone are making people feel bad.
I can get defensive about how I'm interacted with because, honestly, half of the people who have actively treated the stuff I do like the biggest inconvenience on Earth. I don't know it just gets really annoying and feels really pointless to keep putting in months of effort and research on something just for people to be like oh well this is how you hurt me personally by doing this actually. Wow, thanks because I definitely get up every day and think how will the way I enjoy media ruin a life today. That's one hundred percent the end goal you caught me. It's not that I actually just like researching these things, and trying to make sense of the information given is a fun challenge.
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archivalofsins · 7 months
This is proably going to be rude and petty as hell. Hence why it's not going in the tag but-
I love how some of the reaction to the information from Deep Cover has been people just want to frame her in a bad light without considering or even attempting to analyze the reasons behind her behavior. As though these same individuals weren't literally just harassing people for analyzing her character in ways they did not like.
Yet, now, they're asking for people to analyze her more to find out what?
What people were able to fucking discern from her previous statements regarding children before she just blatantly said she jumps kids?
20/06/18 Amane: Thank you very much for teaching me. ……but, though I realise it’s strange me saying this after I asked you, I must admit it’s kind of unexpected. You give off the impression of someone who wouldn’t want to get involved in things like this. Kotoko: ……well, you’re not wrong. I’m surrounded by people who could all be murderers, so I don’t plan on going out of my way to talk and make friends. I can’t let my guard down. But I like ambitious people like you. If you want to study more, then I’m happy to teach. Amane: I see…… You look scary at first impression, but I quite like the way you treat everyone equally regardless of whether they’re older or younger than you. You don’t just treat me like a child or anything like that. Kotoko: Treat you like a child? Hah, you’ve got to be kidding. Back when I was your age, I was already the person I am today. I don’t have any plans to let you get away with something just “because you’re a child.” ……remember that. There, I’ve finished marking. 83%. How do I put it… Even though you act like this, it’s not like you’re super brilliant at studying or anything, huh.
The fuck- How does that make any sense? What are people supposed to analyze? Shit that isn't there?
I can look at a cube for several hours but that's not going to make it a sphere.
Get the fuck out of here. Like no it is not okay to go crying about nuance now when it's convenient to a character you like while ignoring it in Amane's case. All while people who do take the time to analyze these things and take them seriously get continually harrassed for doing so in ways that frame prisoners too negatively. Yet, now that the negative part has been blurted out for all to see we need analysis.
No, people just need someone to find a reason why she's still redeemable. As I've been saying and will continue to say if your forgiveness is contingent upon someone being a good person who you can morally agree with that is not forgives that is just an agreement. That is just a deal.
By forgiving for that reason one is going I expect this other person to behave in ways that will be pleasing to me so I think what they did is fine. Something that only leaves room for disappointment when that person does not turn out to be as moral as one believed them to be.
Add to this that others have been continually harassing people within this community that theorize about characters in a way they personally don't find appealing or see as framing them too negatively. Like yeah no one wants to analyze her. Yeah people are happy she just went on her voice drama and said the quiet part out loud again for the people in the back that didn't hear her when she said it in 2020.
That ship has sailed it's left the harbor because-
"Kotoko isn't a real person, she doesn't actually have thoughts and feelings. Come on; it's not as serious as you're making it. Of course, she's going to be reduced to being violent when she acts violent. She's just two dimensional after all. I mean did you hear her in Mikoto's voice drama when she attacked him? Did you hear her new voice drama?! Or see what happened to the prisoners she admits to attacking during the intermission-"
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"Amane aside she even threatened Mikoto and Kazui too."
22/08/05 (Kazui’s Birthday) Kotoko: ……Mukuhara Kazui. Thanks to you, I wasn’t able to properly serve justice to those who did something unforgivable. I’m currently acting as an agent for our prison guard Es. Don’t get in my way next time. Kazui: Oi oi, don’t be silly, Yuzuriha-chan. There’s no way I could just look away from your outrageous display of violence. Anyway, even disregarding the fact violence against those voted guilty isn’t a part of Milgram’s system, what you’re doing is just acting recklessly based on a broad interpretation. As long as I’m free myself, I’ll stop you. Kotoko: ……what a pointless argument. Hmph. Since Es forgives you, I have no choice but to forgive you myself too. If you're to keep to your word, then you’d best do what you can to keep being forgiven. If you’re not, then next time you’ll be one of my targets. Kazui: Oh, how scary. That girl truly is frightening. ……well then, I wonder what the guard will decide to do with me. That’s the one thing I really can’t make out. Honestly…… 22/12/15 (Kotoko’s Birthday) Mikoto: Ah, Koto-chan. It’s been a while. Both of us have kinda split off from the group, but how’ve things been? A lot’s happened, but fr now let’s try to get along. I mean, it’s your birthday today, right? I got the feeling nobody else was going to do anything, so I came to celebrate. Kotoko: ……how carefree. It doesn’t matter, a villain like you won’t be forgiven next time either. And when that time comes, it’ll be the end for you. I’ll make sure of it myself. Mikoto: Ahh?? Just try and do it, you nutjob. I’ll crush anyone who hurts me…… You’re gonna be totally beaten at your own game……![TN: The word “me” here uses first person pronoun “boku”.] Kotoko: Hm. The border between the two is getting a lot vaguer. Your entire existence is a crime. And I will see you’re punished for it. That is what Milgram, and Es, and I have chosen.
"I mean she's even heavily armed."
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"We've gotta think about safety- Right~?"
People should keep the energy they gave in mind before it gets returned to sender.
I don't want to see anyone asking for nuance now that was behaving the way I saw before when it came to other trials. It's not that serious it's all in good fun, my verdict doesn't say anything about me, keep that energy. Then on top of that don't expect people you've consistently met with hostility and disrespect to make your case for you when you need it.
Just because it would be helpful for the characters you favor. Literally no one wants to analyze her because some people within this fandom have made analyzing Milgram feel like a wholly unsafe thing to do. The people who like Kotoko's character regardless of her flaws have something that none of the others who favored the prisoners before this point did-
A full month before her music video releases and her trial starts to figure out how to explain this behavior. I say let them figure it out. However, people claiming no one wants to look at Kotoko's situation with nuance are either being disingenious or haven't seen the constant bullshit people who analyze these characters actually go through.
For people like that I only have one thing to say,
Do it yourselves then. It's a lot of work, it's thankless, but analyzing things is fun. Exploring the media one enjoys and figuring out why they enjoy it is fulfilling. Not only that it's something anyone can do. Be the nuance you want to see instead of complaining about people not giving you the answers you want to hear.
Because again I can look at a cube for several hours but that is not going to make it a sphere.
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archivalofsins · 7 months
"They're too lenient on children-"
Yeah, and I hope that child isn't lenient on any of you, actually. Some of these people are too lenient on adults. When you treat children like adults and your adults like kids just because they're crying out apologies-
Who are the real fucking children exactly?
Not to be a dick but like oh Mikoto's job was hard- Boo fucking who wah I'm sobbing for him. Literally a guy in my highschool seven years younger than this fictional man held several jobs and did school all at once. Kids from where I'm from are expected to have jobs and do school at the same time regardless of the grade level.
Like I'm sorry, lenient? On kids, the US, oh, that's cute. That's downright adorable. That some people would actually fucking convince themselves of that. The grass is always greener from the other side, I guess.
You can make kids homeless before the age of eighteen. My own mother was made a ward of state before she was high school age. My grandparents told her elementary school-aged ass to figure it out. It's just so telling when someone says stuff like this. Like life has really left some comfortable.
Have they never felt a belt? Never gotten locked out of their home and told to figure something out for the night because they were too late getting back to the house. Or just told "I don't care where you're sleeping tonight but it's not going to be here" just for disagreeing with their parents. You eat that or nothing. Don't think just because we're in public, I won't whoop your ass. A lot of people did not learn the fact that anything can be a belt if you want it to be. Never been told to go outside to backyard and pick a branch off that tree and make it a good one because if it breaks while I'm whooping your ass best believe you're going back out and getting me a second one.
Or shipped out of state to a therapeutic or religious facility for liking someone your parents think you shouldn't.
Like I will not understand people who say this sort of thing with their full chest like they actually know what the parenting is like in a country they weren't raised in, have done no research on, and have never been to or even plan to go to. It's so fucking dismissive and rude not just to people from those places with those sorts of experiences but it ultimately dismisses and diminishes those with similar experiences within their own country.
There is one thing that is the same wherever one may go, and it is abuse. The responses to it change, but the impact it causes and the way it occurs is rather consistent actually. So making broad statements like that is so fucking dumb and inconsiderate from every angle.
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archivalofsins · 2 months
This is a vent. So, feel free to ignore.
I love how I get vaguely discussed for being tough on Kotoko and one of those people. When the only thing I've done is state my opinion on canonical information. Including statements literally written under the framing of the character choosing to disclose the information themselves within the setting.
Because the funniest thing about it is- Like, I've literally been harsher on other characters. I was harsher on Mu. Like I actively stated why I thought she should be guilty. Yet, in each post on Kotoko I haven't even said how I think she should be voted at all just discussed the information provided. The worst thing I think I've personally done that could even allude to promoting a certain verdict was take a screenshot of her ass being one hundred percent guilty day one when the vote opened.
I don't go into the tag at all because some in this fandom have a habit of vague posting about anyone who remotely does something they dislike. I learned pretty early on when I was getting into writing on this not to go in the tag. Because being discussed in that way by another person who knows nothing about you and hasn't attempted to is definitely something that can fuck with a person's anxiety and ocd. Two things I fucking have.
Like I said in private recently,
"It really sucks when people vague about others. They think it's harmless but it's actually very belittling and othering. It strips the agency away from the person being discussed and turns them into nothing but a vague construct for people to get mad over."
Which isn't something I personally have an interest in seeing or doing. I'm not going to expose others personal identifying information but best believe the people who did the shit I talk about will know I'm talking about them. It won't be vague. I don't say this isn't about anyone in particular when it is about someone in particular. Why would I do that?
I'm incredibly aware that the people who make posts like those recognize how mentally detrimental what they are doing is and that the people that they are talking about will see it. Because they tend to emphasize how much seeing people just talk about the topic they're referring to in a negative way hurts them. So, they know full and well how these comments can impact people. Because other's aren't even fucking talking about them they're just discussing a character and their feelings are getting hurt.
So, I can only believe people who behave in this way have no concern for other people's feelings.
Yet- And hear me out! I know all of this was sort of serious. But like the vague discussions I have seen that could be referring to me- Literally have me here like actually gas me up more. Yes, make me sound like this. I'd love to be that person. You're making sound like a shonen villain, you're making me sound more like Kotoko than I ever fucking could.
Best part about it is I get to feel like the big bad without hurting anyone because I've literally only talked about a fictional character. Yet, people are acting like I'm on some final boss shit. Look I'm used to this shit not just from the fandom in instances before this one but in my real life as well. I was called the antichrist by an elementary school anger management counselor before I was younger than nine at a school that was connected to a church and had nuns in it.
At nine going on ten I was told by a teacher who should have helped my growth that I'd be dead or in jail by twenty. So, these people can climb that tree and piss all they want, the only one ending up dirty here is them. I'll be over here feeling like the talk of town I am, I guess.
I love living places rent free.
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archivalofsins · 3 months
Lol, I love it when people rip off my theory posts for YouTube videos it happens far too often to not be funny at this fucking point. I don't even fucking know this person this is fucking wild~ Totally doesn't make me want to stop writing at all it's sooooo funny and they do it in such a smart and unique way. Set the scene for me harder know-it-all you're soooooo smart. Fucking... I'm sick of this shit.
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archivalofsins · 8 months
In seriousness-
Addendum: This isn't about the person in the last reblog. Even though I understand why it came off that way in hindsight. I don't vague about people. In this case, I failed to properly articulate my point and take into consideration the timing of my words, which wound up hurting someone's feelings. Being vagued about can lead to great emotional distress. This is something I have no excuse for failing to recognize. Regardless of my personal feelings at the time or intent, it doesn't change the impact my actions may have had.
The point of this was to complain about something that's been continuously occurring and explain why I've been so short in reblogs lately. Not place blame on any singular individual.
Because at the end of the day, it is a personal issue that has developed over the course of my involvement with the series and fandom. That I'm trying to navigate better. So, if I'm short with anyone outside of the things I state in that post directly to them nothing else I say after is about them, but my perception of events which I know can be wrong.
I'm sorry for my carelessness here. Taking accountability is important. This was my error for not being as specific as I should have been.
This shit is tiring at this point. It's like every day someone wants to be like,
"Let me have a debate with you."
This is why I think your point is incorrect, and I totally can't make my own post and just say that far away from you. No, I have to do the equivalent of egging your house and then asking what's wrong politiely. For something that isn't even actually a debate or based on anything factual but fully rooted in my own personal feelings. Along with what I'd find narratively interesting.
Okay, cool why did I have to be involved here at any point? Why? Well, because your post made me think this, and I thought you needed to know how harmful putting this forth was and how inaccurate I believe it to be. Especially the way you presented it. Okay, I know now and? And what? Don't you want to say why you think I'm wrong?
Further support you're point with more evidence.
No, I don't, actually. I'm super tired and I'd really like to just open this app one day and not have to debate against other people's personal opinions. Because that's not fun to me. Talking about facts is fun , and most of the people who do this don't have any. Because they are not interested in them. There's a difference between people who really want to know and engage with various other opinions and someone who just wants to talk somebody else's down.
It's an incredibly easy thing to spot as well. I actually do care about how people feel on other prisoners and why. I actually do want to see people defend their worse qualities and stick by them regardless of what they did. I actually would like to talk about the social issues Milgram addresses and the environmental factors that lead to the prisoners committing their crimes.
Discuss the economic stresses, societal expectations, and discrimination they faved that cause them to get to the point they're at now. The minute visual evidence throughout all the prisoners' music videos. That stuff is fun.
Debating people on their personal feelings and what they consider a sin comparable to murder is not fun. It's depressing. Because what a good amount of this fandom considers a sin I simply fucking consider people living their everyday lives. Like lying, abortion, or being a clingy romantic partner.
So, to set the record straight as I have said before-
I do not consider anything short of killing someone with one's bare hands with malicious intent murder. I don't consider someone else deciding to take their own life because of something someone else did murder, I don't consider abortion murder.
I don't consider someone going,
"Aww shit- Wouldn't it be cool if I dropped this coin off this thousands of feet in the air building you know just to see it fall.'
Then that coin somehow managing to slice the throat of someone walking down below murder. Just like I do not consider something that was clearly an accident or directly out of anyone's control murder such as a gun misfiring murder. There is criminal negligence, sure, but when the word murderer is used, I have a clear understanding of what that word on an individual level means.
I'm not going to debate people based on philosophical constructs that they keep making up and changing to suit their individual needs and keep coming to me with. Ultimately, that makes these sins less interesting to me and hamper my engagement. Making Milgram less enjoyable as a whole.
Especially when it feels like some are going completely out of their way to misinterpret my statements in new wholly unique, more interesting ways, in order to one up the last time it happened as the days continue. To each their own, though. I don't go vaguing about people looking for other people's theories or just starting debates for no reason. I don't even go in the tag. Because chances are some fuck is going to be vaguing about me at the top of it because that's happened several times before.
To the point that I can either say as little as possible or risk being a bitch for no reason. Simply going, I don't know what to say, actually. I'm just going to elaborate further on my point since you didn't fully understand it seems and leave.
Honestly, at this point, the alternative is to literally go each day I stray closer and closer into the belief that media literacy is a myth. Along with getting extremely close to pulling a Hinako Mukuhara in real life as I sit looking at my balcony like man wouldn't that be nice.
Should have did that several years ago when I had the chance when they took the old balcony fence down to replace it with a more stable one and the guy putting it in said jokingly why it was completely gone and he was leaving,
"Ha, ha now, don't you go jumping off now."
Then I chuckled like ha, ha, good one and went to my room. Because I'd been sitting there thinking about it the entire time watching him take the shit down like huh maybe he'll leave for a second while it's completely gone. Then he made the joke, and I thought man ya know what, I'd be such a shit person if I did that after he made that joke it wouldn't even just ruin his day that would ruin his life. That'd be rude as hell, so I went to my room and stared at a ceiling instead.
I do not want to have emotion based debates. Because I am sick of hurting people's feelings. By going well actually - I just want to talk about the thing I like the way I like to talk about it. Because I simply like to talk about it that way. It is not fun feeling like the one raining on everyone's parade all the time and getting worried sick about,
"Oh, what will I say wrong this time. What are they going to vague about me on anon to the confession blog about today? Should we even talk at all? I don't really think I'm doing this right. It doesn't feel like I'm doing this right."
Whelp, fuck me I guess I can't do it right when I want to do it right and I can't even do it wrong when I want to do it wrong.
Fuck it just keep rolling. I don't even have to be rolling anywhere anymore it can just be this forever until it's over. It is what it is. There are times in life when you have to be a responsible adult and realize things aren't about you they aren't about facts or feelings. They aren't about anything. Sometimes, it truly is about nothing.
And that's fine, that's totally okay. It is what it is. It'll stay what it will be. Just keep moving, and don't stop ever. Because they won't, so why should you. Just chill. And thank god that Deep Cover was fucking delayed so a break is on the horizon after next month.
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gunsli-01 · 8 months
It'd be really good if things stopped happening for a bit. Or forever, actually. Things should actually not happen ever again. That'd be good.
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gunsli-01 · 8 months
I really fucking wish my for you tab wasn't filled with fucking Milgram shit. I'm so sick of this at this point. Might as well block the tag. I'm actually thinking about deleting the entire side blog. But you didn't see that here. Such a waste of time.
What a pain. I always waste my time on the stupidest, most useless shit. I should just go back to college.
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archivalofsins · 10 months
It still amuses (enrages) me that people are really out here concerned about Shidou being put down by the child-
Shidou the man who said this to the child,
22/10/24 (Shidou’s Birthday)
Amane: ……Kirisaki Shidou. How long do you plan on continuing this foolish behaviour?
Shidou: I wonder what you might be referring to there. I’m just doing what I need to do. If anything, I’d be happy if you would lend me a hand.
Amane: I warned you. I can no longer turn a blind eye to this wickedness taking place right in front of us. You’re bringing ruin unto yourself. Do you understand?
Shidou: No, I don’t understand. It’s my job as an adult to teach you that throwing a temper tantrum isn’t going to make everything go your way. If it’s a test of endurance you want, I’m happy to oblige, Amane.
If he believes it's his job to teach Amane just like (her mom) a parent would and has voiced that is what he's going to do then I say let him try. He's not going to stop attempting to do that or respect Amane's personal boundaries just because she's guilty again.
Seeing people go what about Shidou he's in real danger only elicits this reaction from me at this point,
"Weird to admit that Shidou can't even fold laundry, let alone a twelve year old but not all characters are built the same, I suppose... Some are just built weak."
I'm not making light I feel it's a very real concern to have. I don't think Shidou could fold an omlette correctly let alone another person regardless of age. I mean a good deal of his victims were unconscious after all. He's not one to really face people head on. However taking into consideration he had the gall to say this in my opinion he can fucking figure it out on his own.
I'll let him stand by those words. I have no problem with watching a dude who has continually fucked around find out. He's either about what he said or not, in my opinion. If he can't handle the consequences of his own mouth, I don't know what to tell anybody that's a communication issue of the highest caliber. If people are going to treat Amane like such an imminent threat to the adult male's safety well we might just need to start pondering if Amane should have been the guard instead of Es considering how they were laid out by Mikoto in trial one.
It's just such an asinine talking point it's laughable not because I don't think Amane could do it but simply because if Shidou is taken out by a child, that says a lot about him. I wouldn't be going anywhere, so freely announcing how easy to kill a character I like is. That's just raising death flags. Plus, it's just a bit embarrassing. I feel sad for this man like a good deal of people looked at him and said he's putty he can't put up a fight. That child is gonna flatten him like recyclables. Shidou Kirisaki has glass bones and paper skin and Amane is the pebble that will trip him and cause everything to break and tear.
Oh, does the baby need a bottle? Here I was thinking the only child in Milgram was Amane. Let me go get our fragile baby boy that and warm blankie. Oh, did Shidou-widou get a boo-boo does the doctor need Milgram to kiss it better. Shidou certainly talks a big game for someone who needs big old Milgram to intervene on his behalf and enable his continued harassment of this child as he projects what he used to have on her.
As anyone can see I'm super sick of having Shidou impact Amane's verdict. Simply because it's not about him and if it needs to be that says a lot about his competence as an adult, a person, and a character.
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archivalofsins · 10 months
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Alright, then. Let's do this~
It's fun (annoying) to be able to see where a majority of the consistent voters stand on this matter specifically. Honestly, I've spoken to irl friends about this, explaining the logic being used to support going guity because I thought I was being weird about this, but nope! The resounding opinion from people uninvolved who have heard the logic being used has been a resounding- I hope she kills again, actually, and that's stupid.
I don't want to hear about environmental factors surrounding any of the other characters' cases again if Amane ends up guilty.
Haruka's mom was abusive shouldn't come up again trial three.
Yuno/Mu were young and didn't know any better shouldn't come up again trial three.
Shidou has lost so much already shouldn't matter trial three.
Futa was a victim of internet radicalization or was just far too impressionable shouldn't come up trial three.
Mikoto's work environment was bad shouldn't come up this trial or trial three.
The people Kotoko attacked were objectively bad should not be used as a defense during this trial or the next. If taking matters into ones own hands is judged as being wrong here based on the individuals beliefs, then it shouldn't be okay elsewhere. We've successfully discerned that vigilante justice is bad, and no one has the right to be the judge, jury, and executioner based solely on their individual beliefs.
So, there is no excuse for Kotoko's behavior anymore. On top of that, she is an immediate and proven threat to the safety of the other prisoners as well. So, I surely hope people remember the logic being used here for the rest of trial two. Because if they do and people really care about prisoners' safety more than objectively judging their sins, then Kotoko should be one hundred percent guilty trial two.
Let's not forget what she's already done.
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Oh- and she's armed!
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It took Mahiru over three months and a literal guilty shrine to get where Anane has gotten before one week has even gone by. So, if this is the energy, some want to put out- Then at least make sure to keep it and apply it consistently.
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archivalofsins · 11 months
LOL- Seeing a Japanese fanartist say this is similar to people not forgiving Mikoto trial one overseas in mass is soooo fucking funny. Like Ticto* voted that man innocent in mass like fuck you actually. Don't drag Mikoto into your paid vote nonsense, lol. "I don't feel responsible for the outcome because a lot of people are voting so I can vote with peace of mind".
Somebody is going to need to hold me back in a minute because this shits going to get personal-
Don't drag overseas fans into your nonsense. I'm not going to sit here and let people rewrite history. I heard over and over Mikoto was voted Guilty because people didn't want uninvolved parties impacting the story. Don't go trying to blame it on oversea fans now.
What sort of lowly talk?! What sort of fucking generalization- I'm ten seconds from dropping milgram entirely.
From Japanese fans saying maybe the voting should only be limited to Japan in previous trials and now this. I didn't even fucking vote on Mikoto first round but I'll sure as hell will vote him Guilty if people want to start throwing daggers at overseas fans again when we're fucking uninvolved!
I'll drag everyone in this fucking prison down when I said I'm built petty I meant that shit!
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gunsli-01 · 1 year
Each day the temptation to just eye for an eye vindictively report someone's blog spikes up in my core, and I'm like it's the easiest thing to do it wouldn't even be remotely difficult to find someone to do it to. Especially given my suspicions around who may have done this and why. I bet some are thinking, "Oh Gunsli you're gonna say that's the devil speaking, right?"
No, that's me one hundred percent and I think to myself going it's only fair if a fandom sets a precedent it sets a precedent. If this is the lengths people are willing to go to why not be petty? Why should you be the only one having a bad time. Why not give somebody a taste of this as well? I just end up thinking man this sucks this truly sucks.
I can't even talk to people who like stuff I very much enjoy anymore. So, why bother doing the same thing to somebody else just to test if you're right. It'd be a lot easier to just deactivate and move on. I'm so sick of anything fandom related at this point that it's kind of ridiculous I'm even writing this. I doubt it'll even be seen by anybody and I definitely doubt the individual responsible for this even feels guilty I bet they're having a great time facing no accountability for their actions. Half the time I'm just like maybe the Milgram fans from Twitter should stayed on Twitter instead of coming here and fucking over a blog I've had since two thousand thirteen. It's just so gross.
I'm really starting to hate Milgram and talking to folks in general. This is just bullshit.
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gunsli-01 · 1 year
Huh, this has certainly been the beginning of March.
My dad's birthday is tomorrow, we have no working car (our car can no longer go in reverse), I had to spend the beginning of the month negotiating a lower rent because it was going to be over a thousand dollars for a place thar floods each spring and has water damaged ceilings.
Since the old man is going to be eighty, my siblings are planning a big party, something they agreed to do every ten years. That would be fine if they didn't literally ignore his birthday any other year. They use it as more of an excuse to meet up then actually celebrate him. My sister who is in town keeps making everything about her. I've had my hair insulted, have been chewed out for not being attentive enough/not wanting to hangout when I left my phone and headphones at home to spend time with her and my dad the first day she got here, then I bring my headphones and phone second day cause fuck it at that point might as well be comfortable if I'm gonna be accussed of not wanting to be here regardless for her to get mad at thar.
Like these fuckers are creating a superficial birthday party when we don't have a working car here worring about clothing and hair styles. While we're trying to figure out how he's gonna get to the surgery he has this month. The big kicker my sister has been lamp shading her incredibly inconsiderate behavior with the fact that she may be autistic and have adhd as well and blaming undiagnosed neurodivergence for her behavior. Yet, throwing a fit that I have my headphones on and am playing phone games while stuck in a mall because fuck my diagnosis I guess that truly means nothing I should have been more sociable like I did the day before just to be told the same shit this is a lose/lose situation. I am so fucking tired can it be april already.
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gunsli-01 · 1 year
Small vent that will absolutely go nowhere, but like it's super annoying to see people getting super comfortable putting words in artists specifically writers mouths. Then justifying that behavior by going this is a more direct translation as such the official one should be ignored now. Like I've seen it happen in many fandom spaces, but like, maybe, if this sort of attitude is going to be attached just leave translating the material to the team that made the thing. Apparently, not proping a fan translation done out of love for the property as more important, accurate, or better than the official is impossible if it has reached this point.
Sucks to hear- But many times writers, regardless of what they write, may not have a say in how their work is translated. Since sometimes the work is being translated into a language, the creator themselves aren't fluent in. Meaning that they can't personally review the material once it's been translated. It takes a lot of communication, teamwork, and trust to translate anything.
I feel when it comes to an art form like writing it's really important to recognize it's not as simple as just this is the most direct translation of what was said so we're done. It's an art form so artistic liberties will be taken. Nobody would be okay with someone taking a picture a person drew and changing the line work to be straighter or lighter then saying Iook I fixed it to better highlight what I suspect was the artists intent this is the definitively better piece and the former one should be ignored.
Doing it with someone's writing simply because someone just so happens to understand more than one language is not only just as rude but a bit elitist. A person being privileged enough to have the free time, financial stability/aid, and access to resources to learn a new language as a child or adult at a point should shift to making their own art instead of attempting to dictate how other people's creations should be read.
Like I can not state it more simply. This sort of behavior just comes off as entitlement to me.
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gunsli-01 · 10 months
Media literacy classes and impromptu reading comprehension lessons aren't enough anymore. I'm seriously starting to think a lot of people need to retake every reading class they ever had over again.
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