#guthrum ac valhalla
ashandquiet · 2 years
My Most Unswerving Devotion
Chapter 2. Musings of a Duke
Regency! Soma Jarlskona x F!Reader
Summary: Since coming to Norfolk to stay with your family, the conversations have all revolved around matrimony. Just when your aunt has found a match for you much to your chagrin, quite by accident you fall for the wealthy Duke of Cambridgeshire; Soma Guthrumsdóttir. Can circumstance truly keep you apart?
A/N: This chapter is from the perspective of Soma, I hope you enjoy the bits of story building and I apologize for the long wait on chapter 2.
Read it on AO3
Soma had always been level-headed and sane.
Or at least she was sure she had been, a few bouts of rage, but that was due to anyone under duress, it wasn’t until this afternoon she found herself acting a fool.
Soma always followed a schedule, a strictly tailored schedule at that. She would rise just before dawn, dress, and take her breakfast in her study. It was there that her housekeeper and butler would relay the affairs of the servants of the manor, the places in need of address, and she would delegate resources as necessary. Then after having read the household ledger, Soma would take a short walk in the manor gardens to take in the fresh morning air. By the time she arrived back inside, Birna would finally be awake and sitting down for breakfast in the breakfast dining room, so Soma would sit with her and tea while Birna regaled her with the affairs of the servants, but with more sordid details as always. After breakfast, Birna would ride out to town to cover any affairs of Soma’s that did not require the Duke’s immediate attention and Soma would go check on land tenants.
After the morning's chores had been carried out, it was then that at her leisure Soma would take her gelding Alvis out to run the lengths of the land. It was here in the fields that she truly felt the strains and pressure of her inherited title lift from her shoulders. All the judgment and strain put on her by society could wash away, but in the end, it was just a wash. She did just as Guthrum had taught her, put on airs, and be intelligent and cunning. Never let them see how they affect you. 
He had taken her in when she was just an unkempt street child scurrying about Stockholm with a small gaggle of other orphans, stealing and scraping to stay alive. It was after the death of her poor mother and father had left her alone and abandoned, and she had been running about the port struggling to keep up with the much older children who ran the gang like wolves. The tall bearded man dressed in finery had stepped in her way causing her to fall and his outstretched hand had effectively changed the course of her life forever. 
Before leaving Sweden he had put her to work, mostly as a little spy because she could fit into places, and hear and see things that the others of his entourage couldn’t. Guthrum then grew fond of Soma quickly and wasted no time inviting her back to England with him, and Soma saw no need to protest, she was fed, warmly clothed, and most of all happy.
Soma was given the best possible education available, learning to read and write quickly, and excelling at arithmetic and humanitarian studies. She learned to be a great leader, as well as a listener under Guthrum’s influence and tutelage. It was there she was introduced to the younger Ragnarsson brothers Ivarr and Ubba, and she learned how to fight, shoot, hunt, and the art of swordplay, seeing the two brothers as adopted older brothers of her own. As she grew and became accustomed to her life in England it became plain to Soma that Guthrum never once attempted to raise Soma as a lady, knowing that he would never have a male heir; Soma was raised as a son, and eventual heir to Guthrum’s, land, title, and holdings.
Much to society's chagrin, Soma was never offered as a marriage prospect, even though she was named as Guthrum’s only heir and beneficiary. While in her teen years there were rumors that she would eventually marry Ubba Ragnarsson, while others argued that she was particularly monstrous and no man would be able to tame her feral nature. Many made little attempt to woo her, but she snubbed them in favor of horses, books, and swordplay. 
The study of law had entranced her, so at the behest of Guthrum, a law education was arranged. Under the guise of a man, she attended university and rose to be a scholar in her own right. It was there at university with its dances, shops, and libraries, that she befriended Birna, her most stout-hearted and amorous companion, a daughter of merchants who similarly to Guthrum’s circle had come to England from Scandinavia and gained such prosperous wealth that they stayed to provide a life for their daughter. 
Birna threw Soma into a life she had never before experienced outside the scholarly and dutiful confines of her being. The joys of drink, dancing, and social calls, as well as indulging in the finer luxuries that she had denied herself. She purchased her first townhouse and it was there that Soma and Birna threw small soirees, and Birna mocked Soma for her obsession and love of rugs and interior finery. 
She met and entertained women, and had a few brief affairs, most ending with the other party marrying or being sent away by family. However letters were always exchanged but as letters stopped arriving Soma would burn the lavender and locks of hair and resume her solitary lifestyle, caring for her friends and the makeshift family she had found in the city.
As her life beyond Cambridgeshire stretched in an expanse before her, opportunities of employment and adventure beckoning, in the country, Guthrum grew sick. Knowing he was not long for this world the Duke summoned his adopted child back to his side. Dutifully Soma came and remained with him until the day he died. She knew her days of freedom were over, obligation was her constant companion as she assumed the responsibilities of Dukedom. At the recommendation of Birna, she hired an old acquaintance of theirs, Lif as a secretary and brought Birna on as an equerry to the estate. 
Together the three of them formed an insurmountable team in making the land of Cambridgeshire prosperous and one of great renown throughout England.
However, the rumor mill never stopped churning, but what was there for petty country folk to talk about more than the affairs of Soma Guthrumsdóttir?
On these particular days after a morning full of settling disputes and arranging for gifts and aid to be sent to families within her territory, Soma found herself in most need of a ride. While her head swam with thoughts of land rights, tenant arrangements, and the lending of estates, Soma rode well off into the fields of Norfolk just for a moment's reprise from it all. 
It was there, near a blooming horse-chestnut tree that she had nearly collided with what she could only describe as an angel came to earth, the sound of her voice still shook Soma to her bones as she urged Alvis homeward.
She had removed her gloves to feel the bones and muscles in the woman’s wrist and at the light skin contact, she felt as though she were on fire. The way that she could feel the woman’s eyes burn as she watched her, the soft gasp she made when Soma had twisted her wrist in a painful direction, it all made Soma’s skin prickle at the thought of her. Soma couldn’t help herself; she had crooned and given her a pet name of all things. One meeting and all she could think about was how it would feel to touch skin to skin. To talk to her as if they had always known each other. 
Soma let out a frustrated noise as she neared the manor, she knew Birna would never let her hear the end of it if she came in looking like a lovestruck, amorous fool. The romantic sensibilities of her joyful friend would run away with her. How would she ever tell Birna she never even got the woman’s name? She was a damned fool, and all she could do was hope that Birna was off making some poor girl, or boy flush with compliments.
But Soma wasn’t lucky, and Birna was there sitting outside the stable on a bench pretending to read a book while watching the stable boy work with the horse.
“There you are Soma, you great wandering lordy you,” Birna called in her usual chipper tone as Soma rode up to the stable and dismounted. Soma flashed her a weary look and led Alvis into the stable, politely declining the offer from the stableboy to take the horse from her.
Birna got serious, “What happened.”
Soma shook her head with a sigh, finding herself rushing to get the cinches undone from Alvis, Birna would begin her further questioning soon and Soma could not bring herself to say what a fool she had been. 
“Was there an incident at one of the farms? Did a cow give birth and it was partially gruesome to have seen with your lordly eyes? Was someone's child struck by a goat and you were given the child to hold while the goat was put to death? Are we having mutton?”
“No, no incidents of mention,” Soma grunted, struggling with one particular loop, her friend’s well-intentioned questions making her more irritable by the minute.
“Let me help, you’re gumming it up,” Birna stepped between Soma and Alvis taking over the chore of tacking down Soma’s bay horse. She treaded slightly out of Birna’s way to watch her undo the cinch, yet she found herself gazing at her hands, again. 
“You look as though you’ve seen a ghost, Soma.”
“I’m alright I just need some time to myself, thank you Birna,” Soma felt grave as she nodded to her friend to take her to leave.
Stepping out from under the stable cover Soma ran her hands over her face, she was suffocating. Her throat was tight and she felt as though she would begin perspiring through her waistcoat, her hands clammy within the confines of the gloves, Soma stripped them off and tossed them to the ground. 
Somehow she had let herself act such a fool that she had forgotten to ask for the lady’s name, or an address, calling card, anything. She had even neglected to tell the lady her name, of course, Soma had wrapped her wrist with a handkerchief from her pocket that was embroidered with “SG”, her initials, but how on earth would it even find its way back to her? The most mortifying and frustrating realization of all hit like a boulder being thrown into water; How would she ever know if the beautiful creature she had met this day, also preferred the company of women .
Feeling helpless, which she hated the most, she started walking towards the manor to lock herself in the safety of her private rooms, where she could brood and mourn this terrible turn in private. It wasn’t the first time she had experienced such heartbreak and she felt as though it wouldn’t be the last. She knew herself and her heart, yet she always seemed to fall into the trap of self-imposed distress regarding affairs of the heart.
Taking care of the tie in her cravat she tossed it to the ground and made her way into the manor, taking long quick strides to her study not caring for the muddy footprints that she left in her wake. 
She has always desired women, both emotionally and carnally. The gentlest touch of another woman filled her with heavenly joy, in the passion-filled faucet of her heart she held the most sublime desires imaginable. It was her every aim in life to give a woman, whom she loved so deeply it cut like a knife, every possible thing and more. Soma had fallen like this before, and she knew that if she did not stop her heart from getting away with her she could end up broken, her heart exposed to the empty expanse of the world in the end just as before.
Soma let out an enraged noise throwing her hands in the air, she could feel the boiling rage rising within her at the thought of losing composure yet again. She was being choked, by manners and the very opposing forces within herself. Almost flailing to pull herself from it, she tore off her waistcoat throwing it across the empty room, not even having made it to her study yet. She panted staring at the offending garment. It wasn’t enough she still felt as though her clothes were constricting themselves around her. Soma then fumbled with the buttons on her vest and flung it in another direction, then the cufflinks, she yanked off her boots and collapsed onto her rear. Her eyes began to burn with emotion and she could feel her throat tighten. Soma undid the first few buttons of her collar and then drooped backward onto her back to stare upwards. Soma covered her face with her hands and suffered a strained sigh.
There was a shuffle of feet that came to an abrupt stop in the doorway, Soma turned her head to glance at the doorway where Birna stood looking a bit befuddled. Soma’s friend held the discarded cravat and suede gloves.
“Well aren’t you pitiful,” Birna chided as a maid rushed to take the items from her.
Soma sighed feeling quite pitiful indeed.
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mass-effect-galaxy · 2 years
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Assassin's Creed Valhalla: The Last Chapter
Surprisingly, Ubisoft yesterday released the final DLC for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, which is one week early.
It is supposed to give Eivor’s story a final closure. However, like the other AC Valhalla DLCs, it is rather disappointing. Eivor is talking a lot about leaving England and go to a far away land to meet her destiny. Alas, we don’t see anything from said journey nor do we learn what happened to Eivor or why she was burried in North America.
Instead we have some good-by scenes with the characters you probably cared the least during the game, like Guthrum and King Harald. Randvi or Petra, the two possible LIs, don’t show up. Petra isn’t even mentioned; nor is Gunnar.
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Additionally, we have a short mission that introduces Roshan from the upcoming AC Mirage, that is in no way connected to Eivor’s final journey and reminds us that the next Assassin’s Creed probably is not meant for the people who came to the franchise via the last three games. 
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magstorrn · 7 months
i think in general the final few memories of ac valhalla are really well done (especially holy day and poor fellow soldier) in terms of emotional impact but the tonal whiplash going from those and the prophecy arc to eivor handing the last order medallion to hytham and STILL saying 'oh no i can't join you i need all my glory to be in the open' is immense. it makes it seem like she's learned nothing which just isnt true from the rest of the story and especially the last few hours of the game. and i appreciate there's a solid 10 year timeskip between the wedding and the last chapter epilogue but also going from eivor saying to guthrum 'i just want to live my life with my people' to 'i have nothing left to give and i can't explore my isu memories here' is so jarring! i can sort of understand where the writers were going with that but you can't throw those memories at us in succession and expect it to make narrative sense lmao
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turidtorkilsdottir · 3 years
Heroes of the Holy Day
Battle at Chepeham, Hamtunscire
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Eivor: You know what? Fine. I'm done being careful.
Guthrum: I'm sorry, are you saying you WERE being careful up until now?
Source: Unknown
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AC Valhalla Pacific Rim AU
When Eivor was 8, the Kaiju Ragnarok attacks their home in Norway. Their parents are killed, and they are adopted by their godfather Styrbjorn and raised alongside his son Sigurd.
Sigurd leaves to join the Jaeger program, where he met and married Randvi after a whirlwind 1 month long relationship. He becomes a Jaeger pilot alongside Fulke, they pilot the Jaeger Justice Bringer.
Fulke joins a kaiju worshiping cult, is forced to leave the Jeager program and go to jail after being caught trying to blow up the Shatterdome. Sigurd looses his arm stopping her. Him and Randvi get a divorce.
Basim's first partner was a man named Havi (Jeager was Aesir Trickster), who started to break down due to the stress of the job. While attempting to stop the Kaiju Ragnarok, Havi attempts to get him and Basim killed. Ragnarok escapes, albeit heavily wounded. Basim survived, but found out that his son, who was visiting Norway at the time on a school trip, was killed. His wife and he get a divorce, Alethia leaves with their other two children, but stay in close contact.
Basim stayed with the Jaeger program, he was assigned Hytham as a partner (Jaeger was Hidden One).
On their first day out against a kaiju, Hytham suffered a attack on his side of the Jaeger that damaged his ribs + lungs. Hytham was unable to continue as a Jaeger pilot, now works in command as a kaiju identifier.
Basim and Hytham are sent to England to help there.
Basim except that he will never again find a parter, so is surprised when he meets and successfully is drift compatible with Eivor, a new recruit from Norway. They successfully bond and pilot the Jaeger Raven-Feeder.
They become very close, while also constantly pissing each other off due to; control problems, quick tempers, experience difference ect. Also some blame when Eivor finds out he was in the Jaeger that failed to save their parents.
But they do grow to care about each other. Lost of sexual tensions, because at heart Basim desperately wants someone to care for, and Eivor wants someone to provide them with a challenge, validation, and security so while there's a bit of a power dynamic, there's also respect and a chance for deep love from the bond.
Randvi works as Coms. She is Sigurd's ex-wife and is now dating Birna in Engineering.
Valka works in Mental Health.
Gunnar is head of Engineering.
Dag washed out of Jeager training, now works as kaiju parts retrieval
Aelfred is the young, new commander of the England Shatterdome.
Other Jaeger teams include Ubba and Ivarr Ragnarssons (King Killer). Halfdan Ragnarsson and Faravid (Thor's Thunder). Hjorr Halfsson and Ljufvina (Jorvik Winter). Erke Bodilsson and Stowe (Lundun Reeve). Guthrum and Soma (Summer Heathen). Brothir, Broder, and Valdis (Triple Terror). Ciara and Deidre (Daughters of Danu).
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