#guy with two moms who isnt even an ally. bc he doesnt know.
couch-house · 6 months
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i'm running an old man yaoi/old woman yuri poll on my main and the yuri train has been holding strong. and if anyone knows my favorite dumb jokes to post abt, you'll know He Doesn't Know
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enchanted--realm · 3 years
When Calls the Heart Live Rambles
Yo. So much scandal and second hand embarrassment in this episode.
I really don't like how far they are taking this love triangle. And ew she called their dinner a date. No one was gonna use that word and then she brought it up. Why. And then when she was saying yes to Lucas she was watching Nathan ride by the entire time. Oof. How awkward for Lucas. Sorry dude, you dont stand a chance. Elizabeth really be playing these guys left and right.
I like that Nathan is taking a vacation. At first I was kind of surprised, but I guess it's normal for a guy like him to take some time off since he doesnt have live stock to tend to everyday. So...ok. Good. Take some time off Nathan. You do that.
Then the ride in the morning. Bleeeh. First, I was like, 'oh what's Laura doing here in the morning?' And then Lucas showed up, so I was like 'ohhh...Laura's only here for plot convinience.' That was lame. And umm...Lucas, no one gave you permission to touch that horse. Leave Sergeant be, you can't just take her horse from the stables. He could be easily spooked and not take well to strangers and just, dont touch what isnt yours bro. I also don't believe that Lucas would have enough riding experience to go at the speed they went. He's still a city goer in my eyes. Also, why would Lucas come to the ceremony if he doesn't have a kid in the school. Trying to write this character as being considerate, but really Lucas shouldn't be there regardless.
Yooo. When Nathan showed up at Elizabeth's house at night. !! Um Scandalous. She asked him inside and they were all alone in the the candlelight. That is not appropriate behavior and if this were real life in 1917 Hope Valley, they would be the talk of the town and Elizabeth's reputation would be in question for sure.
When Robert had his classmates join him up there at the ceremony, I jokingly said to myself 'now we're all gonna sing a song'...and then they actually sang a song. That was the cringiest thing ever omg whyyyy.
Then more awkwardness with Elizabeth and Nathan at the ceremony. When Allie looked a little upset I was thinking 'yeah she doesn't want to see Mrs Thornton right now. She thought Elizabeth was gonna be her new mom but then her hopes got let down.' But then it was actually just Allie not wanting to do higher level math so...yeah. and then there were more looks of yearning when Nathan walked away. That's what we like to see. And who is that dude who wants the school to be in the federal system I guess it is? I guess this will end up being a problem that Nathan helps Elizabeth with emotionally since so far she's helped him a lot and we haven't really seen him comforting her yet.
And, gosh. The most scandalous thing of the whole episode. Elizabeth's dress. When she tried that on for the first time at the dress shop I--. Those black lace sleeves with that neckline. Reminded me of a scandalous saloon girl from those old western movies. Also, it wasn't a very flattering cut, so it didnt even have that going for it. And then the dinner. Waaaay too intimate. They moved it to her backyard! So it's just the two of them, all alone, having dinner late at night, a bunch of candles all around them, and such easy access to her house. 👏SCANDALOUS👏. and she was wearing that dress. I can't get over that dress. Embarrassing for Elizabeth. Inappropriate for the circumstances. Also since they were in her backyard the neighbors can totally see everything and they are definitely next days gossip. Oh, and then she said she wanted to take things slow. Yep, that's right. Reaaaaal slow Lucas, bc she doesnt love you. Sorry, man. You're in for some heartbreak.
Ugh and the promo. A rain scene??? Where it looked like they are almost gonna kiss??? Just more embarrassing and scandalous behavior for Elizabeth and lots of leading Lucas on to be let down later. Her reputation would totally be questioned by the way she's playing this fool.
Elizabeth better have a really good apology scene later on for Nathan and Lucas. They both deserve it. Allie too. Allie deserves an apology bc I'm sure that girl has been getting her hopes up just to be let down. And she must be upset in seeing her Uncle heartbroken as well.
Honestly, I don't mind that Elizabeth is denying her feelings for Nathan and trying to push him away bc of what she went through with Jack. It makes a lot of sense for her character and makes for good storytelling. I just don't like how now that she rejected Nathan, they make her immediately go to Lucas. The story is good enough on its own and we don't need a competing love interest to make the plot interesting. Nathan's job as a mountie is enough of an obstacle in this love story and this added love triangle is just causing unnecessary heartbreak for Nathan and lots of secondhand embarrassment and player-like behavior in Elizabeth's character. If Abigail were still in the show, she totally would have talked with Elizabeth and helped her get over her fears in having a relationship with Nathan. I really miss her character and still feel that the show is lacking bc of it. We need someone who glues the town characters together and holds lots of wisdom. No one has been able to take over that role yet. Also. Henry Gowen needed someone like Abigail to help in his character growth so now that she's gone his character has taken a backseat when I really wanted to see more of him.
Oh and let's not forget the cringiest people in the show, Faith and Carson...but mostly Faith. I had a hunch one of them would be leaving and of course it had to be Carson instead of Faith. I would have liked it the other way around, that's just a personal opinion of mine. And omg when Faith told Carson 'it's not like we're married' ohhhh burrrn. That was like a slap in the face. She practically said she wasn't serious about your relationship and doesn't care if you leave. Ohhhh. Elizabeth ain't the only player in town it seems. These guys being played right and left.
And whoa. Jesse spent all their money??? And did so without talking to Clara?? Wasn't expecting this, so I'm pleasantly surprised by this drama. Yikes. Don't know what he would have invested this in...or possibly gambled it? I dont think Jesse would be a gambler. I still suspect that Clara is pregnant too, but nothing in this episode made me suspect further on that.
Ok that's the end of my rambles. Sorry if you're team Lucas and my rant came across harsh. I wasnt a fan of Lucas's character when he first came to the show so now that he's part of the love triangle it's made me dislike him more. I don't mean to offend anyone, this post is just me being completely unfiltered with my very bias opinions so please don't take anything personally. I still love the team Lucas shippers, all Hearties are welcome here.
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