#guz seeing lee and his abomination-mobile for the first time: thats the worst thing ive seen in my life i need to raw him in it right now
zz-chikorita · 1 year
Your characters are in a zombie apocalypse. They've already secured food and weapons and a safe zone and everything is going good, so now they can actually think about what to go out and retrieve that will be a fun thing or just something they specifically want to get to enrich their lives. I know that Guzma would put the kids first, but AFTER doing nice shit for them and if Plumeria basically forces him to go get whatever is the thing he wants for himself, what would he get? And what would Plumeria and Leon get?
Oh! Oh! I've got it!!!!
Surprising many people, Guzma would get himself some sick new threads. Although, when ya think about it, it's not that surprising; he's a show off! His light hair and skin plus absurd height and stature that always turned heads (and once felt like a curse) he now gladly uses to fill his ego. And it doesn't have to be expensive shit, just anything that looks good; anything from suits to street wear. Plus, the way he sees it, surviving a zombie apocalypse don't mean he can't look fine as hell! What was that video game where you're fighting zombies in a mall? Dead Rising, I think? Yeah, just imagine that but it's Guz trying on awesome clothes while seamlessly beating zombies down with a lead pipe when they interrupt him.
(ZZ Top's Sharp Dressed Man playing over the montage of Guz ransacking various department stores)
***Plums and Lee under cut***
Plums would compile a massive collection of books and other physical media like CDs and DVDs. The preservation of both culture and knowledge is important in a zombie apocalypse! Plus, she gonna need some sort of entertainment to survive safe house life with these numbskulls. Plus plus, those who control the flow of knowledge, control everything. (Not as nefarious as it sounds, at least in her hands)
(Beyoncé's Run the World plays during the montage of her delegating groups of grunts to gather and organize all her spoils)
Very little known fact about Leon... he's a major car guy. He doesn't know a ton of technical knowledge about them aside from what can be transferred over about tractor maintenance, but we all know Leon's a fast learner and, if he puts his mind to something, he gives it 120%. But, "why does he have such a fascination with cars", you may ask. Maybe it's just because he grew up in such a rural area or maybe it's from watching hours and hours of Unovan action films, bored, cooped up in the various hotel rooms he frequented in his early days in the league. Maybe it has something to do with how he absolutely loves the thrill of riding Charizard at breakneck speeds. Or, maybe he just thinks they look cool as fuck and that they'll make him look cool as fuck too. Hell, he thought he was gonna drool on himself the first time he saw Guzma on his chopper! But, long story short, he gets himself a car that is fast, strong, and sexy. Yessir, Leon finds and mods himself what is essentially the post-apocalyptic, zombie-killing version of the beloved poekani "carizard".
(His montage music for finding and working on the car is Ginuwine's Pony no I do not take constructive criticism)
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