#gyn leader norman
alolanrain · 4 years
Much to popular disbelief, Ash is actually pretty keen on catching romantic and platonic social ques. He just doesn’t act on the romantic ones. And how could he with what kind of platonic and romantic love has surrounded him since he was so young.
Ash watched his father promise him, a fake promise Ash refuses to believe that was actually fake for an embarrassing amount of time, that he would be back on Ash’s Fifth birthday. He doesn’t show up and after the next two weeks his mom opens a packet with giant letters of “Divorce Papers” written ages the top. He watched his mom try not to cry and sob and Ash was shooed out of the kitchen by her and forced to go to his room. It didn’t really matter, his father was never really close with Ash anyways.
Ash never met Gary’s parents, but they weren’t good ones from what Daisy would accidentally slip out when they were much younger. He watched as Daisy was distant with Professor Oak and how the Professor wouldn’t really give Gary the time of day unless Gary accidentally did something bad.
He had to watch his budding brother hood with Gary rot and withered away because Professor Oak had always preferred and loved Ash more. Ash wanted to reach out and tell him, to tell Gary that he never wanted the Professors attention if it ment he didn’t have Gary by his side. But he couldn’t and he had to watch his ex-beat friend grow even more bitter and lash out harder at everyone around him. Forcing his ego to inflate to hide the pain. Ash cried when Gary came up to him after the Johto conference, he couldn’t help himself as he blubbered because he misses Gary so much. He just didn’t know how to put his platonic love into words that wouldn’t have Gary throwing them back into Ash’s face with scorn and amplified hatred.
Ash listens and watch as Misty complains over and over again how horrible her sisters are and how they all left her to take over the gym by herself. A bunch of eighteen year olds dumping a gun on a man inexperienced sisters year old. Let alone left her to survive on herself as well with no way to pay off any kind of taxes or to pay for necessities like food and bath room supplies. Even her parents refuse to help and Ash couldn’t stomach the thought of ever hating his mother like Misty and Brock do to theirs.
Ash did the same for Brock when the rare scathing comment about his parents would slip out. Unnoticed by Misty since her own parents. Chronic dream chasers that left Brock, also a sixteen year old, to care for his nine younger siblings alone while also running a gym to boot. Ash stays quite about his own parental troubles, he’s long gone over his father and tries to focus on the more uplifting parts in his life. He also watches Brock fall for every, much older, pretty lady. Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny, any citizen, Etc. He chews his lips and keeps quite. Wondering if this is love for men and how Ash as the briefest second though about his transitioning, it’s over before it could really manifest in his brain. Ash also doesn’t know what happened between Professor Ivy and Brock, but it was bad and both of them still can’t be in the same room together. Let alone face and talk to each other.
Ritchie was a bit different. He was kicked out for being trans. Ash couldn’t help but feel his own binder become extremely more tight. He’s thankful for his mothers hard work and the Oaks slipping him extra money on his birthday to start transitioning early. Ritchies parents are mean and down right cruel from what the same age boy as Ash says. Ritchies so much like Ash, to much like Ash, and he can’t help but wonder if their half brothers from the same bastards. Ash wouldn’t shove the theory out of his head and it hides in the back of his mind even to this day.
Ash watches May and Max’s parents interact. He wonders if this was what Moms relationship was before Aah was born. Then he sees the clear miscommunication between the two about the Butterfries and Ash feels sorrow for Max and May because it looks to rehearsed that it just had to happen more than once.
He watches Steven Stone and Wallace, the only real semi healthy relationship Ash had ever been exposed to if Aah was honest to himself. Though their relationship is still strained between both’s different works of fields.
He sees Barry and his father, how the man just brushes the blonde boy off to the side. Ash doesn’t know whether to feel sorry or pity for the boy.
Paul and Reggie are worse. He sees Paul’s hatred and anger and he looks over and sees Reggies desperate attempts of at least trying to build a bridge to his brother. Ash wishes someone would do that for him that seriously wounded Ash without Ash being the problem, but it always ends up with Ash having to apologize, he can’t help but feel a leats a bit jealous of Reggie and Paul but he doesn’t voice his thoughts and leaves when the shouting gets to be just a tad to much.
Ash watches as Trip slowly spirals down. He tries to help, tries to be friendly. But Ash is pushed to the side and snarled down like he’s the problem that keeps following Trip like a black raining over cloud.
He meets Alder and his Grandson Benga. He’s never heard a peep about a mother or a Grandma form both men. He watches as Alder flirts with Cynthia even though the women keeps pushing the Unovian man advances off over and over again.
Ash listens to Cilans brothers berate the youngest triplet and for them to even do it over private phone calls for over two weeks before As stepped in and told them to fuck off. Cilan’s shoulders had sunk to the ground in relief and Ash had to comfort the green haired teen as he started to cry that someone finally stepped in and pushed back against the twos verbal abuse and taunting. Ash almost throws up. He should have stepped in sooner.
He sees Iris’s relationship with Drayden and he wants to reach out and comfort the girl who obviously try’s her best to at least get a prais out of the quite and hard man. Ash has rarely prayed for something to harm someone. Ash sits by the edge of his bed when Cilan and Iris are asleep and he prays for the first time in a very, very long time. 
Ash watches as Clemont acts like a brother and a mother towards Bonnie. The girl oh so clueless to what stress Clemont is in every time her life is on the line.
He sees Alain, Lysander, and Professor Sycamore play hot truama between the three. How Lysander sounded to slick and evil like the last uncountable group of bad guys Ash faces off in his life. Ash sees Alains and Professor Sycamores past relationship that is rotting and turning to Ash before the Professors eyes. It reminds him to much like Gary and Professor Oak that Ash turns around from trying to say hello to Alain to going to the nearest bathroom to hurl his early dinner the league provided. Ash pushes Alain away from Mairin, and Pushes the girl over to Bonnie and Serena who are more than welcome into dragging the girl into a group hug, and over into the Professors arms. He refuses to let their relationship suffer any longer.
He sees Champion Dianthas obvious despair and the tears that are on the top of her eyes that threaten to fall for hours on end during the war. He sees her actual cry into Wulfrics shoulder for five minuets before straightening up and slipping back into her old calm and composed features.
Ash sees how Lillies mother is distant and how she disregards almost everything Lillie says to her, or try’s to down play Lillies feelings at every corner. It’s vile and sickening how Lillie doesn’t see how toxic it is, how Toxic her relationship is between her mother and workers-damn even her own brother! Ash wants to snarl and spit of Hladion the first time they meet but he holds himself back and acts polite and amazed because Lillie is happy that her brother is back. Ash tears into him once Lusamine comes back from the Ultra Wormhole when Gladion was trying to leave again. Leave Lillie to care for her mother alone and abandoned his family once again. Because that’s what Gladion had done. No matter what light the blonde tries to put it, Gladion had abandoned his sister when she needed him the most. Left it up to her friends to shoulder the brunt with just; “oh this is Lillie, she can’t touch Pokémon.” Without knowing why and how that came to be.
Ash sees Hau and how he hates being around his dad. Only ever acknowledged the mans existence if someone brought him up or when he’s explaining how he’s now living back on the islands indefinitely until further notice. Ash had never seen the man in his life and he bluntly states that Ash would have no qualms with fist fighting Hau’s dad if Hau ever wanted to. He gets Hau to laugh bright and loud. They never touch the topic of mothers but he sees Hau tense for when it nears Mother’s Day and how he hides his sneer at anything Morher Days related.
Ash sees the easy going relationship between Professor Kukui and Lrofessor Burnet and for once in his life, it feels like Ash can truly breath. He finally gets to experience someone’s love and warmth unconditionally without any toxic backlash. He gets to experience what it feels like to have a dad, not just a father, in his life and what a functional family is supposed to be.
Ash sees the toxic relationship between Rose, Oleana, and Leon. Sees how the chairman strains Leon and works him down to the bone. How Hop loves his brother unconditionally but Ash can see the hurt and backlash hidden deep in Hops golden eyes. Ash sees how Rose barely gives Bede the time of day but the white haired child defends all of Rose’s actions with the last of his breath. Ash hears Oleana story and Ash wants to scream how toxic the chairmen is but he knows no one would listen to anything from an outsider. So Ash holds his tongue and watches the rot spread and infect the entire league one trainer by one.
Ash try’s to love unconditionally, just how his heart is supposed to love everything and everyone around him, but he’s scared. Scared that everything he’s seen between everyone would happen to him as well. He wants something like Professor Burnet and Professor Kukui has, but his heart freezes and his throat ties itself into one of those hard Boy Scout knots.
Ash loves, oh does Ash love, but he loves from afar. To afraid to step closer and try something new.
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alolanrain · 4 years
Where do you think Norman and Sycamore would have their wedding? In Kalos, Hoenn or somewhere else? And whose's last name would they take or would they join them together?
Mm I would say Hoenn and I think Norman would take Sycamores last name
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