#gynecomastia doctor in Gurgaon
The Breast Surgeon in Gurgaon explains 5 Types of Breast conditions.
According to the leading Breast lump surgeon in Delhi NCR, Breast cancer is one of the most commonly occurring conditions among women. But, it does not imply that breast cancer is the only possible breast condition that can affect women at large. Other breast conditions such as fibroadenomas, breast abscesses, cysts, and mastitis are equally common among women. But, the only difference is that the majority of the women are well aware of breast cancer, including its signs and symptoms and lack awareness about the other breast conditions.
With the initiative of spreading awareness about common breast conditions, we have listed them in detail below:
1.    Fibroadenoma.
Fibroadenomas are nothing but firm and stiff non-cancerous breast lumps. These most commonly occur in women between the ages of 30-50 years. Some studies have revealed that girls in their teen years can also have fibroadenomas. Though fibroadenomas are usually harmless, in some cases surgery may be required. Complex fibroadenomas are generally treated by surgical procedures. Fibroadenomas are painless and feel firm and rubbery when touched. These days, scarless fibroadenoma surgery is gaining popularity, as it leaves no scars. 
2.    Mastitis.
This is one of the most common breast conditions in lactating females. Mastitis is a breast condition in which females experience a severe breast infection in the breasts. This is usually accompanied by swelling and inflammation in the breasts. The condition occurs when the bacteria from the baby’s mouth travels via cracked nipples and skin inside the breast tissues and causes infection. The other reason why females might experience Mastitis is a clogged milk duct which does not allow milk to drain out from the breasts.
The condition is not self-curable and requires medical intervention, to prevent the infection from spreading further says the Breast cancer Surgeon in Delhi.
3.    Gynecomastia.
This condition occurs in males who are in their late 40s and 50s or even 30s. Gynecomastia is a condition in which males experience abnormal breast enlargement. The exact cause of gynecomastia is not known but hormonal changes in the body generally result in gynecomastia. Gynecomastia can also be surgically treated using mastectomy and liposuction. The best surgeon provides Gynecomastia surgery in Gurgaon.
4.    Breast Pain.
Breast pain is usually accompanied by breast tenderness and swelling in the breasts. This breast pain can occur as a result of hormonal changes, periods, or any lumps or cysts in the breasts. Breast pain is common in mastitis and breast abscess.
5.    Breast Abscess.
As per the best breast lump doctor in India, Breast abscess happens when the breast tissues are filled with pus-like fluid. This generally occurs as a result of an infection in the breasts. If the infection is not timely detected or treated with time, this can result in Septicemia or Sepsis which are life-threatening conditions. Breast abscess generally requires surgical draining of the pus or fluid.
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lamidas1 · 3 years
Gynecomastia is a disease that affects both men and boys. The breasts swell to an abnormally large size. Breast glands are present in both men and women, but they are not visible in men since they are tiny and underdeveloped. Males with enlargement of the breast glands include newborns, boys in puberty, and older men. 90% of cases are cured by the time they reach adulthood. With age, the occurrence rises again later on in life. Gynecomastia is not the same as having excess fat due to being overweight gynecomastia doctor in Gurgaon can help you to remove this medical treatment.
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la-midas · 3 years
Male Breast Reduction Before & After
Breast reduction for men is surgery to correct overdeveloped or enlarged breasts (gynaecomastia). A man’s breasts may sag as a result of excess breast tissue, stretching the areola (the dark skin surrounding the nipple). Gynaecomastia can affect one breast (unilaterally) or both breasts (bilaterally). Call and book your appointment with a gynecomastia doctor in Gurgaon at Lamidas.
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best-surgeon · 3 years
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Know-How Much Does Gynecomastia Surgery Cost In India? — Delhi, Gurgaon, Mumbai, Banglore, and in other cities. Find the best doctor for Gynecomastia Surgery. Having Gynecomastia can cause you great embarrassment and lower down your self-confidence along with your happy-go-lucky attitude. The reason for such a condition is that you are always anxious that someone will get to know your secret and make fun of you. You might get worried while your buddies are partying at the beach with their shirts off, and there you will be hanging on by putting on your t-shirt. Well, not only this, but dating can also cause significant issues. There are plenty of methods of getting rid of Gynecomastia, and surgery is one of the highly recommended methods. This is one of the most common conditions that many men are dealing with, so you can say that it is one of the most common issues. Not many people prefer to talk about it due to the embarrassment and insecurity which comes from a man that is having boobs, and which can cause many men to hide this issue from others. For more details about us: Call us at - +91 98119 94417 Email us - [email protected]
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neelkanthhospitals · 3 years
Everything You Need to Know About Male Infertility
When the subject of IVF arises it’s more common for the focus to fall upon the woman undergoing the treatment; injections, egg collection, embryo transfers, and the absolute hope that within her body a miracle is about to occur.
But when her partner is male, how does he feel about the process and the important part he plays?
Most couples who have regular sex (every two to three days) without using contraception will conceive within one year. If you’ve been trying for that long without pregnancy happening, it’s worthwhile speaking to your doctor and visit the best ivf centre in gurgaon. They may use the term 'infertility' at this point, but remember that it doesn't necessarily mean you can't have children naturally; getting pregnant can take longer for some couples.
What are The Causes of male infertility?
Making mature, healthy sperm that can travel depends on many things. Problems can stop cells from growing into sperm. Problems can keep the sperm from reaching the egg. Even the temperature of the scrotum may affect fertility. These are the main causes of male infertility:
Abnormal bulging veins in the testicles, known as varicoceles, are the most common cause of male infertility, and can result in low sperm production and poor sperm quality.
The shape and size of sperm, known as sperm morphology, affect the sperm’s ability to fertilize the egg.
Chromosomal or genetic issues that affect sperm production may result in low sperm count and concentration in semen.
Low sperm motility (movement) also makes it difficult for sperm to travel to and penetrate a woman’s egg.
An imbalance in testosterone or other hormones.
A natural physical blockage – or surgical vasectomy – in male tubes (vas deferens) that carry sperm from the testicles to mix with semen before ejaculation.
Retrograde ejaculation, a disorder that prohibits semen from properly ejaculating outwardly, does not allow sperm to leave the man’s body.
Emotional and psychological conditions or spinal cord injuries may result in impotence and cause infertility in men.
Cancer treatment can cause male infertility (men preparing to undergo radiation or chemotherapy are strongly advised to consult a reproductive endocrinologist or oncologist regarding sperm freezing).
What are the symptoms of male infertility?
The main sign of male infertility is the inability to conceive a child. There may be no other obvious signs or symptoms.
In some cases, however, an underlying problem such as an inherited disorder, hormonal imbalance, dilated veins around the testicle, or a condition that blocks the passage of sperm causes signs and symptoms. Signs and symptoms you may notice include:
Problems with sexual function — for example, difficulty with ejaculation or small volumes of fluid ejaculated, reduced sexual desire, or difficulty maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction)
Pain, swelling or a lump in the testicle area
Recurrent respiratory infections
Inability to smell
Abnormal breast growth (gynecomastia)
Decreased facial or body hair or other signs of a chromosomal or hormonal abnormality
A lower than normal sperm count (fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen or a total sperm count of less than 39 million per ejaculate)
How is male infertility evaluated?
Semen analysis in most cases is the first test you will be asked to perform. Semen is the fluid that is released when a man has an orgasm. Semen carries the sperm in fluids that should nourish and protect it. You will typically be asked to provide a semen sample by masturbating into a sterile glass jar. If masturbation is not culturally acceptable, your doctor can provide you with a special condom in which to collect semen during intercourse.
The following things are measured during the test:
How much semen you’re producing(volume)
The total number of sperms in your semen sample(Total count)
The number of sperms in each milliliter of your semen(concentration)
The percentage of sperms that are moving(motility)
If the sperms are formed at the right shape or not(morphology)
Further Tests 
You may need to see a fertility specialist at any ivf treatment centre in gurgaon for further tests and investigations if your sperm count is low. You may have:
a urine sample to check for retrograde ejaculation – semen is ejaculated backwards into your bladder instead of outside your body
an ultrasound scan of your testes – your doctor may suggest this if you’re not producing any sperm
tests for genetic conditions that may affect sperm production
If an underlying health condition is causing your fertility problems, treating this may improve your chance of getting your partner pregnant.
What Are the Treatments for male infertility?
Treatments for male-related infertility include:
Holistic fertility and lifestyle changes can alter such negative health habits as obesity, unhealthy diet and smoking, all of which affect fertility
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) involves the collection, washing (cleaning) and concentration of healthy sperm that are then placed directly into the uterus
IVF with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is an advanced laboratory procedure that involves the injection of a single healthy sperm into an egg to create an embryo, which is implanted into a woman’s uterus
Sperm retrieval for men who cannot ejaculate or produce semen involves retrieval of semen from the testicles using a small needle
Vasectomy reversal enables a man to once again produce healthy sperm in his semen
Sperm donation is the use of another male’s sperm to fertilize a woman’s egg
Hormone therapy and medications may be recommended to alter high or low hormone levels that affect fertility.
Post Treatment Care
Male infertility can often be fixed with an outpatient procedure. These are done under general anesthesia or IV sedation. While pain after surgery is usually mild, recovery and follow-up vary. After varicocele repair, your health care provider at a reputable ivf centre in gurgaon should do a physical exam. This is to see if the vein is completely gone. Often the veins stay enlarged since they are not removed during surgery but only closed off to prevent abnormal blood flow. Semen should be tested about every 3 months for at least a year, or until pregnancy. If your varicocele returns, or you stay infertile, ask your health care provider about ARTs.
We hope this article has provided you with much-needed information about male infertility and the procedures and treatments to be followed. If you found this blog useful please spread the word by sharing it with your friends, it would help us a lot.
And, finally, be sure to let us know what topics you’d want us to cover next in the comment section below. 
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divinecosmetic1 · 4 years
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Please keep in mind, results may vary from patient to patient. Photographs may be filtered or modified. So, be realistic.
In addition, we never criticize the patient's natural beauty. Everyone is beautiful. This content is only created for all those patients who are looking to enhance their beauty more.
We are not responsible for any harm if anyone misguides you from our name. Our all-social media official handles are linked up on our website. Every treatment here is performed with a well-experienced Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon.
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icgcontentmkt · 4 years
Dr.Ritesh Anand
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“Liposuction is a promising solution for excess fat removal and has served great results in the cosmetic industry but the procedure is not for treating obesity but to remove excess fat for a better physique”~Dr.Ritesh Anand
Liposuction or lipoplasty is a surgical procedure for excess fat removal from various parts of the body. Liposuction treatment in Gurgaon is one of the most in-demand treatment among cosmetic procedures conducted in India. It removes fat deposits from the body which you are unable to get rid of through diet and physical workout. Research claims that the liposuction procedure is drastically on the rise over the last couple of years. According to recent statistics, around 18 million people opted for this minimally invasive surgical procedure Around 258,558 liposuction cases were handled in 2018. 
The smart lipo is an advancement in the liposuction which uses ultrasound energy to remove fat from the body through the gentle suction process The surrounding tissues are left intact, giving you the smooth contours you want with less pain and recovery time than traditional liposuction. Staying ahead in the technology has always been a part of La Midas’s ethos the smart lipo is available at La Midas.
  So, let’s know more
The most in-demand smart liposuction
Feel free to skip ahead if one topic catches your eye:
1. All you need to know about fat reduction technique
2. Am I the right candidate for liposuction
3. Is liposuction used to treat obesity
4. What all areas can liposuction treat
5. What is Smart Lipo
6. How is the Smart Lipo different from the traditional liposuction
7. What Should I know beforehand?
8. What is the downtime of the Liposuction procedure
9. Does liposuction leave scars
10. The best results are always in the hands of the practitioner
Know all about it from the cosmetic surgeon in Delhi ~Dr.Ritesh Anand
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All you need to know about fat reduction technique
Liposuction or lipoplasty is a cosmetic procedure for the removal of excess fat from specific parts of the body. It aims to remove fat deposits from the body which otherwise does not shed through diet and physical workout. Liposuction permanently removes fat cells from the body thereby, altering the overall appearance. The surgery is performed with the help of a hollow instrument known as cannula and aspirator. It is inserted under the skin. The surgery is usually carried out under general anesthesia.
According to researches, the liposuction procedure is on the rise from the past five years. According to statistics, around 18 million people have undergone the surgical procedure for liposuction. Around 258,558 liposuction surgeries were done in 2018. American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) has ranked liposuction among the top 5 cosmetic surgical procedures.
 Am I the right candidate for Liposuction
Liposuction is not a procedure for weight-loss. An individual who wishes to undergo liposuction usually has a stable body weight but aims to remove undesirable deposits of body fat in various parts of the body. In the first place, every individual should try to reduce weight with a controlled diet and exercise to remain healthy. Besides, liposuction is surely not for those individuals who are overweight or obese. However, a good candidate for liposuction includes:
·      A person within 30% of his or her ideal weight who has firm and elastic skin A person with no life-threatening illness or medical condition that can obstruct in healing
·      A person who does not smoke 
·      A person who does not consume tobacco-related products
·      A person with fat accumulation that doesn't go away with diet or exercise
·      A person with good skin elasticity and muscle tone
·      An individual with a positive attitude and specific goals for body enhancement
  Besides, lipoplasty can prove to be beneficial for people having extreme weight loss after obesity, lipomas, lymphedema, gynecomastia and lipodystrophy syndrome. Gynecomastia is a condition in which male breast tissue swells due to a reduction in testosterone or male hormones or increased female hormones known as estrogen. The cause of gynecomastia includes puberty, aging, medication, and health conditions that affect hormones. However, gynecomastia surgery results are instantly visible. The swelling resolves and incision lines fade within three to six months after surgery.
 Is liposuction used to treat obesity
Many a time, you might have come across some of the pre and post-procedure advertisements that show an obese person turned into a beach body. However, this is not reality. Through lipo, it is only possible to remove subcutaneous fat and not visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is deposited below the epidermis layer of the skin. On the other hand, visceral fat accumulates inside the abdominal cavity and can cause serious health conditions which may be related to heart, blood pressure, obesity, etc.
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What all areas can liposuction treat
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The liposuction procedure is used to remove fat from various areas of the body that fail to respond to diet and exercise. The surgery can be used to treat fat accumulated around:
·      Upper arms
·      Abdomen
·      Buttocks
·      Calves and ankles
·      Chest and back
·      Hips and thighs
·      Neck
·      Chin
 What is Smart Lipo
Smart lipo, also known as ultrasound liposuction is an advanced procedure for removing undesired body fat and tightening saggy skin. In this, a single fiber is introduced in the body through a small hollow device known as a cannula. Your doctor performs the surgery to melt the fat away removing stubborn fat deposits and reshaping the body. Ultrasound liposuction eliminates sagginess and gives you a youthful appearance. The recovery time of smart liposuction is short in general. One can resume his work and normal activities within two to three days after the treatment.
During the procedure, the area to be treated is filled with a medicated solution. The fat cells are then treated with ultrasound energy and are removed from the body through a gentle suction process. The surrounding tissues are left intact, giving you the smooth contours you want with less pain and recovery time than traditional liposuction.
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                                                     FAT REMOVAL
 How is the Smart Lipo different from the traditional Liposuction Treatment 
Both the cosmetic procedures aim to remove unwanted fat from the body. However, there are certain points that you should be aware of:
Technique: In traditional liposuction, the cannula is inserted through the skin to suck out excess fat. While smart liposuction uses different medical technology to yield the same result. It requires ultrasound energy assisted  liposuction that makes use of gentle suction to remove fat. It liquefies unwanted fat which causes less bruising as compared to the traditional method. 
Recovery Time: The recovery time of traditional liposuction is a longer than Smart lipo. In the case of traditional lipo, it may take up to six weeks while for smart lipo it takes hardly a couple of days to recover and get back to routine.
Minimally invasive body contouring:An alternative to the harsh techniques of traditional liposuction, Smartlipo is minimally invasive yet powerful enough to eliminate large areas of fat and gentle enough to treat more delicate areas.
Immediate and precise sculpting: Smart lipo removes visible amounts of fat immediately. Its a step-up from non-invasive procedures that rely on secondary reactions to reduce small amounts of fat over an extended time.
Treat Multiple Areas in a single procedure : Smart lipo can sculpt and shape multiple areas in a single procedure, including: jowls, chin and neck, abs, hips or love handles, male and female breasts, arms, back, buttocks or thighs, knees, calves or ankles.
Less Pain, Swelling and Downtime: Smart lipo is unique in its ability to target fat while leaving other important tissues intact, giving you the smooth contours you want with less pain and recovery time than traditional liposuction.
Know more from the video given below 
Video URL: https://youtu.be/kWdcglBjL1I
What should I know beforehand?
 Before you decide to go for liposuction, consult with your surgeon. Talk about the risks and benefits along with the costs associated with the procedure. If you decide to get a lipo, your surgeon will instruct you on how to prepare for it. These may include diet and avoiding alcohol. Do let your doctor know about any allergies or medications that you take along with over-the-counter herbal supplements. Blood thinners and painkillers need to be avoided several weeks before surgery. Besides, you need to know the risks and side effects of liposuction.
The major concern associated with every surgery is the patient's loss of blood as well as the risk of infection. In case, anesthesia is used during surgery, there may be remote chances of its adverse reaction as well. The risks involved are usually linked with the complexity of the surgery which includes:
·      Bruising: Also known as ecchymosis. Blood or bleeding under the skin 
·      Inflammation: Swelling may retain and fluid may continue to ooze from the incisions.
·      Thrombophlebitis: Blood clots may accumulate in veins causing inflammation.
·      Contour irregularities: If the skin is not elastic the wound heals in a usual manner. Also, if the fat removal is uneven, the appearance of the skin may be withered, wavy or bumpy.
·      Kidney and heart problems: During the surgery, the fluids are either injected or suctioned. The change in fluid levels of the body may cause kidney or heart-related problems.
·      Pulmonary embolism: The accumulated fat may enters the blood vessels and moves to the lungs. 
·      Skin burns: The cannula movement may cause friction burns to skin.
Therefore the Smart lipo is the best solution.it’s really important to consult an expert cosmetic surgeon while considering liposuction  as the best hands always lie in the hands of the practitioner.
 What is the downtime of the Liposuction procedure
After the surgery, swelling usually subsides within a few days and the site appears less bulky. Depending on the type of surgery, your doctor would decide the period for your stay in the hospital. However, bruising, swelling, and soreness of the treatment site may last for at least a few weeks.
Your surgeon may ask you to wear a compression garment initially for one or two months after surgery to control swelling. You'll probably also need to take some antibiotics to prevent infection. Most people can return to work within a few days and get back to normal activities within two to three weeks in general.
The results of the procedure are usually long-lasting provided the person maintains his or her
Health. Those who gain weight after the procedure may find variation in fat distribution. In general, it takes about two to three weeks to make a full recovery but the overall noticeable results might take up to six months.
 Does Liposuction leave scars
The procedure of Liposuction may cause scarring. This is because your surgeon might need to make small incisions to extract fat from the target body. However, the scars are a few millimeters in size and are created at discrete locations. These scars fade away with time and gradually disappear completely. Certain medications can remove the visibility of scars entirely. Also, irritation may occur around the incision site and the occurrence of baggy or rippling skin is also possible as temporary side effects of the surgery. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid rubbing the incision area.
Another unfavorable outcome of liposuction is bruising and ecchymosis. This happens immediately after the procedure and may worsen within seven to ten days. Bruising generally goes away by two to four weeks post-surgery. In rare cases, bleeding may occur from superficial veins damaged due to the surgery.
 The best results are always in the hands of the practitioner
Indeed, the results for any task or operation depend immensely on the practitioner. La Midas is an aesthetic and wellness center that offers an ultimate solution for weight –loss problem. We have handled several cases of liposuction with a high success rate. Dr. Ritesh Anand, one of the most experienced plastic surgeons of Gurgaon, has treated many individuals with the liposuction procedure. He is dynamic and hard-working and ensures complete satisfaction with his patients.
We would love to hear from you to know more call us on 80-76990954
Source URL: Best Liposuction Treatment and surgeon
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Gynecomastia doctor in Delhi
Gynecomastia is also known as “man boobs” in this the size of breast tissue in males become get swelled and enlarged. This condition causes lot of embracement in males, every day they have to face some situations daily in which they have to hide their male breasts. Usually Gynecomastia is seen during puberty but it some cases it subsides when individual reach adolescence.
What are the causes of Gynecomastia?
During puberty when the level of estrogen hormone increases in males as compared to the level of testosterone hormone, increase in size of male breast is seen. Some other Gynecomastia causes are obesity, alcohol intake, thyroid abnormality, liver disease, cirrhosis etc.
What are the types of Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is usually of two types:
Pseudogynecomastia:- It occurs due to deposition of fat
True Gynecomastia- It occurs because of deposition of fat and glandular tissue.
How Gynecomastia is being treated?
Men or boys affected with Gynecomastia usually tries different types of workouts, medicines for reducing their chest size but this works only in case of pseudogynecomastia when only fat is deposited in chest region. In case of True Gynecomastia this doesn’t works because it is the fat and gland which is needed to be removed and which can be done only by surgical measures.
How Gynecomastia surgery is done?
At Dezire clinic the world’s most recent and advance technique is used in Gynecomastia surgery which is VASER 4D hi-def liposuction. Gynecomastia surgery is done under local anaesthesia and can be completed within 45 minutes to one hour.
In the first step in Gynecomastia surgery is marking of the chest region, all the areas on the chest are marked from where the excess fat and glandular breast tissue are to be removed.
Then anesthesia is being administered and a puncture hole is made around the nipple areolar region.
Tumescent solution is infiltered in the whole area of the chest and VASER probe is inserted for breaking the tough fat and fibrous tissue by ultrasonic effect.
The last step is Gynecomastia surgery is removing of the excess glandular tissue. Glandular tissue is removed by enlarging the incision.
After Gynecomastia surgery a small dressing is placed over the chest and pressure garment are placed for minimizing swelling and supporting the contour of the chest.
What are the precautions you have to take after your Gynecomastia surgery?
You have to take rest for 2 to 3 days as prescribed by your doctor after that you can do your normal activity
You don’t have to do any heavy activities till 3to 4 days
You have to take medicines for 7 days as prescribed by your doctor
You have to avoid driving during the first 24 hours of surgery
You have to wear compression garment daily for first 2 month of the surgery
Gynecomastia doctor in Delhi
If you are also affected by your Gynecomastia and looking for Gynecomastia doctor in Delhi, visit Dr. Prashant Yadav (M.S, M.CH) at Dezire clinic. He is an Indian Board Certified Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon as well as member of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India and Pune Association of Plastic Surgeons. He is the best Gynecomastia doctor in Delhi and he has done over four thousand successful surgeries of Gynecomastia using the world’s most advance and recent technique which is 4DVASER hi-def liposuction. He has an experience of more than 10 years in this filed and he is dedicated in providing the highest quality of cosmetic surgery at an affordable cost. Dezire clinic also have branches over the other four main cities of India which are Pune, Gurgaon, Bangalore and Ahmadabad.
If you are still wondering whether you can go for surgery or not, just come for FREE consultation at Dezire clinic and clear your all doubts. If you want to know about the cost of Gynecomastia surgery fill form at http://dezireclinic.in/gynecomastia-cost-calculator/. Through a mail or SMS you will get to know about the exact cost of the procedure. You can also mail your chest pictures at [email protected] or call on+ 91 9222122122.
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Dr. Rohan Khandelwal is a Consultant Surgical Oncologist in Gurgaon Sector 56. He practices at W Pratiksha Hospital in Gurgaon Sector 56.
Dr. Rohan Khandelwal has 6 years of experience. He is a qualified Surgical Oncologist in Gurgaon Sector 56.
As a Cancer Doctor and Surgical Oncologist, his area of expertise includes Breast Cancer Treatment, Breast Conservation Surgery (BCS), Breast Cyst Treatment, Breast Infection, Breast Lumps Treatment, Breast Reconstruction, Breast Surgery, Chemotherapy, Endocrine Surgery, Fibroadenoma Treatment, Genetic Counseling, Gynecomastia Surgery, Lymphedema Management, Mammography, Management of Breast Pain (Mastalgia), Mastectomy, Nipple Discharge, Radiotherapy, Sentinel Lymph Nodes Biopsy (SLNB) and Surgical Oncology. Patients from Sector 56 and entire Gurgaon come to Dr. Rohan Khandelwal with lots of hopes and the doctor ensures that the patients are fully satisfied with the treatments, with his experience and fully equipped clinic.
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best-surgeon · 3 years
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Know here Is liposuction safe? - Results of Liposuction : Expectations : Procedure by Dr amit gupta at divine cosmetic surgery in delhi , gurgaon and india.
Liposuction or lipoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess body fat. Body contouring is also known as lipo, lipoplasty, or liposuction and is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure. The suction technique is used by the surgeon in liposuction to remove fat from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, or neck. Liposuction isn’t usually thought of as a weight-loss method or an alternative to dieting. If you’re overweight, diet and exercise, as well as bariatric operations like gastric bypass surgery, are more likely to help you lose weight than liposuction. Liposuction is not a weight-loss treatment, it has risks and complications too. So, it is advisable to talk to your doctor before considering it. Additionally, liposuction is used for breast reduction or gynecomastia treatment. For more details about us:
Visit - https://dramitguptaplasticsurgeon.com/body-contouring-whole-body-figure-correction Call us at - +91 98119 94417 Email us - [email protected]
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divinecosmetic1 · 5 years
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 𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐓𝐮𝐛𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥: http://www.youtube.com/c/DrAmitGuptaBestPlasticCosmeticSurgeon-Divine
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divinecosmetic1 · 5 years
Do you know which is the Best Technique of Hair Transplant (Hair Transplant Education Series, Session 12)
 𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗮𝗽𝗽oi𝗻𝘁𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝘄, 𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿 𝘃𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗱 𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝟯𝟬𝘁𝗵 𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟵
 ✅ Single Day Procedure ✅ 5391+ Hair Transplant Procedures Done ✅ 11+ Years of Experience ✅ 8000+ Satisfied Patients ✅ Advanced Technology in Place ✅ Award-winning Plastic Surgeons ✅ 100% assured results ✅ Complimentary Personalized Follow up till one year ✅ Economical Pricing ✅ 0% EMI Facility Available ✅ Safe, Painless and Permanent Hair Transplant Solutions ✅ Centers in Delhi, Gurgaon, and Mumbai
 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐞r𝐞: https://www.divinecosmeticsurgery.com/best-hair-transplant-doctor-cost-delhi.php?utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=HT
𝐎𝐫 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥/𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐚𝐩𝐩 𝐨𝐧 9811994417 | https://www.divinecosmeticsurgery.com/
𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQPv0IfV7vk
 𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐓𝐮𝐛𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥: http://www.youtube.com/c/DrAmitGuptaBestPlasticCosmeticSurgeon-Divine
𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐮𝐬: https://www.instagram.com/doctoramybaba/
𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐮𝐬: https://www.instagram.com/Divinecosmeticsurgery
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divinecosmetic1 · 5 years
Different Technique of Hair Transplant & what are Differences (Hair Transplant Education Session 11)
𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝘄, 𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿 𝘃𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗱 𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝟯𝟬𝘁𝗵 𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟵
 ✅ Single Day Procedure
✅ 5391+ Hair Transplant Procedures Done ✅ 11+ Years of Experience ✅ 8000+ Satisfied Patients ✅ Advanced Technology in Place ✅ Award-winning Plastic Surgeons ✅ 100% assured results ✅ Complimentary Personalized Follow up till one year ✅ Economical Pricing ✅ 0% EMI Facility Available ✅ Safe, Painless and Permanent Hair Transplant Solutions ✅ Centers in Delhi, Gurgaon, and Mumbai
 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞: https://www.divinecosmeticsurgery.com/best-hair-transplant-doctor-cost-delhi.php?utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=HT
𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥/𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐚𝐩𝐩 𝐨𝐧 9811994417 | https://www.divinecosmeticsurgery.com/
𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝: https://youtu.be/0ni1gJFcb-0
𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐓𝐮b𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥: http://www.youtube.com/c/DrAmitGuptaBestPlasticCosmeticSurgeon-Divine
𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐮𝐬: https://www.instagram.com/doctoramybaba/
𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐮𝐬: https://www.instagram.com/Divinecosmeticsurgery
𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐮𝐬: https://twitter.com/dcsurgery
𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐮𝐬: https://www.linkedin.com/company/divinecosmeticsurgery/
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Top 10 liposuction surgeon in Delhi
The demand of liposuction is increasing very rapidly, this is mainly due to the fact that everyone is now wants to get perfect shape of their body. We see peoples working day and night in gyms, yoga, aerobics for getting a perfect figure. Some people want to get perfect figure because they want to go in acting career or modelling. But in some cases it happens that they are not able to get the result inspite of their efforts. Liposuction is the best option for all those people who wants to get perfect shape of their body which they have not got through diet, exercises or any other means.
What is liposuction?
Liposuction is a surgical procedure which reduces the localized deposition of fat by only through a minute incision which fades with time. Liposuction is very effective in changing contour of the body because it reduces the number of number of fat cells which are not evenly distributed. Liposuction may not always prevent weight loss or weight gain but it equally distributes weight.
If you are planning for liposuction then you must want to get it done by the best liposuction surgeon. If you are in or near Delhi then this list will be very much beneficial to you.
Some of the Top liposuction surgeon in Delhi are:
Dr. Lokesh Kumar- He is a Senior Consultant Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon in Delhi, India. He practices at BLK Super Speciality Hospital in Pusa Road, Delhi. Dr. Lokesh Kumar specializes in Cosmetic and Microvascular surgery. Dr. Lokesh Kumar has more than 26 years of experience. He is a qualified Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon at BLK Hospital in Delhi. Patients from entire Delhi, India and across the globe come to Dr. Lokesh Kumar with lots of hopes and the doctor ensures that the patients are satisfied with the treatments, with his experience and techniques he uses with his expertise in Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery.
Dr. Shilpi Bhadani- She is a Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon in Gurgaon. Dr. Shilpi Bhadani practices at SB Aesthetics, sector 42, Gurugram. She is a reputed expert in plastic surgery with specilaization in aesthetic and cosmetic surgery of face and body. Over the years she has performed numerous successful liposuction and chest reshaping surgeries, body contouring, tummy tuck and face reshaping, facelift, scar revision etc.
Dr. Prashant Yadav- Dr Prashant Yadav is an Indian Board Certified Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon as well as member of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India and Pune Association of Plastic Surgeons. Dr Prashant Yadav is dedicated to providing the highest quality cosmetic surgery in a friendly, private setting at an affordable price.  He has an experience of more than 10 years in this field and he is respected by his patients because of his excellent reputation and honesty.He is very thorough in his consultations and enjoys the one-on-one relationships he develops with his patients. He decision regarding cosmetic surgery. He is the Director of Dezire Clinic and his patients receive the highest standards of individually focused care. e is trained under the guidance of renowned body contouring surgeon Dr Alfredo Hoyos for VASER 4 D HI DEF liposuction .He has published various articles in international and national journals.
Dr. Prashant special interests include laser treatments, gynecomastia treatment, cosmetic surgery of the breast (including augmentation and breast lift), Rhinoplasty, abdominoplasty (tummy-tuck), VASER 4D HI DEF liposuction, cosmetic surgery of the face, autologous fat transfer, and body contouring surgery after massive weight loss.
Dr. Rohit Krishna- Dr. Rohit Krishna is a Plastic Surgeon in Vasant Kunj, Delhi and has an experience of 24 years in this field. He is a member of All India Association of Plastic Surgeons. Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Ear Reconstruction,Wrinkle Treatment,Thighplasty (Thigh Lift),Thread Lift and Dermatologic Surgery, Liposuction etc.
Dr. Tapeshwar Sehgal- Dr. Tapeshwar Sehgal is a plastic surgeon at new Delhi. He has the special interest is cosmetic surgeries after having operated on several cases of liposuction, all types of tummy tucking (abdominoplasty), breast enhancement & reduction surgeries, facial cosmetic surgeries, rhinoplasty, and gynecomastia correction.
Dr. Akshat Wahal- After receiving formal education from internationally renowned institutes AIIMS and Safdarjung, he has worked at high volume enters like Apollo Hospitals and gained extensive experience in difficult and challenging reconstructive and cosmetic surgeries especially in Liposuction, abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) and facial surgeries including face lifts and rhinoplasties.
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh- Dr Pradeep Kumar Singh is well known Plastic and Cosmetic surgeon in DELHI NCR. His main interest includes cosmetic surgery, microvascular surgery, head and neck reconstruction, hair transplant and congenital anamolies like cleft lip & palate and hypospadias. He is vastly experienced in managing ortho-trauma cases and post cancer surgery defects and performed micro-vascular reconstructions including digital and limb replantation. He is specialized in Hair transplant, Liposuction, Breast enlargement , Breast reduction including short scar procedures, Face Lift, Nose surgery, Botox etc in Delhi NCR.
Dr. Ritesh Anand- Dr Ritesh Anand is a Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon at LA Midas the complete medical aesthetics and wellness centre at Main Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road near Guru Dronacharya Metro Station, DLF Phase 3, Gurugram, and Haryana. Dr Ritesh Anand has special interest in Hair Transplant, Liposuction, Gynecomastia, Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery), Facelift, Rhinoplasty, Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck), Breast Augmentation, Breast Reduction and Cosmetic procedures like Chemical Peeling, Facial Rejuvenation, Dermabrasion, Acne and Acne scar treatment.
Dr. Monisha Kapoor- She is the Director of the clinic and the Chief Operating Surgeon is a renowned & reputed plastic surgeon of International class with practical, genuine & extensive experience and expertise in this thrilling field. She is distinguished to be associated with the International Society of Aesthetic plastic surgery and has been an active member of the prestigious organization. She has got herself thoroughly trained from the masters across the world giving the latest and the best to her patients at costs half the international price.
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