#gynii mbav thoughts and prayers
gynii · 2 years
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its that one party scene from the movie, except completely from memory and theyre all goofier as interpreted by me :)
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gynii · 3 months
in between the vampirism and Benny’s magic habits all of Ethan’s friends are a lil evil
They're all a little casually fucked up, and i think that's part of the appeal😌
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gynii · 3 months
is there anything mbav related you’d like to speak on? Beloved cringe supernatural teenager show
I made a document last year detailing what I would change/rewrite if I ever hypothetically were to be put in charge of a reboot of the show. Unfortunately I kind of abandoned it, but I did detail how I would recharacterize Ethan and all other character's dynamics with him, and then I have a full rewrite of the werewolf episode :)
It really is my beloved cringe supernatural teenage show <3
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gynii · 2 years
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gynii · 3 months
serica’s good to rotate in your head. They really did all that. Remember the ghost mirror episode where Erica stood with a rainbow behind her
Erica is and always will be a theater gay
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gynii · 3 months
OH MY GOD YEAH! YEAH! Especially with like. Evil Sarah is so much. Like Erica. Sarah’s worst fear is being like her best friend but she doesn’t go out of her way to stop her. Hit her with the moral implications beam
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YEAAAAAAH!!! YOU GET IT!!!! Something something maybe the real BFFs are the ones who are horrifying reflections of the others worst version of themselves all along
Like, erica sort of pities Sarah through out the show because she found personal liberation in her vampirism and Sarah sort of represents this still repressed and weaker version of her self AND THEYRE NARRATIVE FOILS AAAAAAAAAA
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gynii · 3 months
what mbav characters and ships are your favorite? I’m a serica fan myself
Mmm I'm not too much of a shipper tbh, I only really like the gang getting into romances in the sense that they're all cringe ass teenager as opposed to any real investment in specific romantic dynamics. They are all queer to me though, mostly bi.
Favorite characters, pretty basically, are Ethan and Sarah, but not like, significantly more than the rest of the gang yknow? Like I just think they had the most ground work and potential for some really interesting character work. But also i think my bias might just come from the fact that I had a massive crush on Sarah as a child, and got really attatched to any scrawny brunet loser in any media ever 😔
Idk I think it's also just in the mentally ill rewrite in my brain I have the most ideas for them ...
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gynii · 3 months
hey do you still like mbav? do you want to talk about it?
YES!!! I'm always and forever a mbav enjoyer even when I'm not actively making content for it! I'm always down to talk about it!!! :D
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gynii · 1 year
I love two magical idiots and their three vampire friends (mbav) and i would love to hear any crumbs you have about them if you’d like to share
oh shit mbav jumpscare in the inbox lmao i feel like it's been ages since i've posted for that show!
lmao idk if i have any crumbs as much as i just rotate the idea of completely rewritting and producing the entire series every once in a while... idk i have a google doc with like half a shitty outline for a rewrite of Blue Moon where i rename dave (werewolf dude) to Guy because i just forgot what his name was in the episode and Guy kind of suits him :/ I also give sarah a better B plot and I re characterize guy to have potential to be a reoccurring character.
also here's a quote from the doc "In this version, Guy's definitely golden retriever coded, and less strange smelly 20 yr old coded" Which I think does a lot of heavy lifting in my rewrite.
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gynii · 3 months
their worst fear is being like each other AUGHHHH.
Uhhh something something doomed yuri
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gynii · 3 months
yeah with the serica friendship it would’ve been cool if they had either like. A moment with Sarah being kind of amoral wrt to letting Erica go willy nilly and how far she’s come from full humanity (although Ethan and Benny are also totally fine with it so like. Maybe they’re just amoral teenagers) or had Sarah serious oppose her
Oh all 5 of them are freaks. Maybe it's the circumstances or they're just all inherently little amoral freaks or that's just what being a teenager is, but none of them have a sturdy moral compass, though some of them try.
I think my ideal way to write that would be Sarah trying to confront erica about it, maybe after a particularly bad incident, but erica sort of bites back about her hypocrisy and self righteousness, making Sarah face herself and the fact that her internal morals aren't as strong as she'd like to believe.
It would be such good lead up to the pre season finale episode where she has to face her greatest fear, and it's the cooler, eviler version of herself. Because then we'd actually have examples of her not being a constantly good person, and that worst fear wouldn't come out of no where? Like she does have to try hard to be a good person, and it's something that's coming less and less naturally to her, so it's a more realistic and understandable fear?
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gynii · 3 months
like the fact that Erica and Sarah are still friends despite their moral differences is something that I wish got more attention. Also the vamp gang being someone who got silly with it, someone who lowkey got evil with it and The Struggler is very. Mwah
It's so good. I love how sort of amoral they are in that sense? Like I don't think Sarah cares *that* much about people dying, she just knows it's wrong and she clings to that to feel better about not being human. Like if she actually truly cared about people she didn't know dying (because she absolutely super duper cares about her loved ones dying) she would not be only playfully scolding erica for eating half the town. Sort of empathy v sympathy thing. Sarah chooses to value life because it makes her more human, even if it doesn't necessarily come naturally to her anymore.
Also, the reason I have not said anything about rory is because I think his characterization if perfect. No notes. Bro does not need much deeper themes or anything. He is perfectly shallow and silly, and I think hed loose his charm the second I try to change anything about him.
I do wish there were more 3/3 vamp squad moments in the show. So much missed potential there. I need them having sleepovers watching lost boys or drinking out of blood bags with silly straws in a parking lot at midnight together gossiping.
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gynii · 3 months
OH MY GOD ERICA. she was a dusker pre vampirism and now she’s a murderer. like she straight up kills people. they should’ve talked about that more
No I love her so much, and I firmly believe that both of those aspects of her exist and have existed in her pre and post vampirism equally, it's just as a vampire she has the confidence and physical power to fulfill her murderous weird girl fantasies, it's just so *mwah* the finest of meals
Also, I know the show is tv pg or whatever, but she should've been covered in blood. She deserves her drenched in blood beauty shot
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gynii · 3 months
yeah Ethan was kind of a nothingburger protagonist personality wise, and Sarah has like. So much to explore. God I loved Sarah.
FR I've been thinking about it, and I'm kind of surprised by how good of an internal character conflict they gave her for a children's sitcom? I am such a sucker for between two worlds characters, and Sarah is like a textbook example of that. But I think she stands out from other tortured angsty self hating vampires is that while she didn't get any say in her original turning, and her final transformation thingy was orchestrated, she still chose it? Like she ultimately chooses her final decent in to darkness or whatever and she doesn't regret it. I feel like a lot of tortured vampire type character are always moaning and shit about oh how woe a they to be such a beast, but while she still mourns her humanity and the life she could've had, she decides that there's more important things? Idk, this is less canon and more my own writing/headcannon, but I really like the idea that she realizes that the important thing in her life, whether it be mortal or immortal, is that she gets to spend that time with her friends, even if it's limited.
I know some people didn't like how her original internal conflict from season 1 was sort of brushed off in season 2, and while I agree they sort of left her with less motivation for herself, i do like that she doesn't dwell too much on her transformation? Like, to me Sarah is a very decisive person, and she very rarely regrets her actions, so I think it would've been worse if she spent season 2 hung up on that decision. That being said I think they could've done a lot more with the new status quo, and I think they should've gone with the direction of her not understanding her new place in the world as a functionally immortal being, and while I think they dipped their toes into that, nothing really substantial came from it... idk I just like the theme of loving is an inherently wondrous experience even if it ends too soon or in pain, and I think Sarah's built for that theme
Oh! Also, I think they did ethan so dirty with his characterization, like he has the foundation for at least a decent protag but with no flavoring. Like, I think psychic future seeing nerd has so much potential on paper and they found the driest way to write it :/
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gynii · 3 months
okay then! what was your favorite episode? what's one you wished they would've made? given the movie's shameless parody, i would've liked a haunted animatronic one, maybe sarah focused where she worked as a night guard and was fine by virtue of vampirism but called up ethan and benny to help free the children's souls
I think my favorite episode would probably be the blood drive one ? It's definitely the most memorable and remember loving it when I was younger because it sort of set up a broader supernatural community and also 8 yr old me totally had a crush on the nurses...
Episodes I want hmmm other than like literally anything after season 2 I kind of always wanted like a lore dump episode that sort of explains the line Jesse said about ethans ancestors and shit. Like I imagine it would be kind of cheesey in the way that ethans ancestors would've just been Matthew knight with a shitty mustache and there's a an even shittier sepia filter over the whole thing. Idk even when I was younger I was a lore gremlin haha
A fnaf episode would fit so well in a modern revival of the show it would be so cute!!
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gynii · 2 years
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theyre so goofy ^_^
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