#h50 criticism
shakapuffin · 1 year
Alert episode 2 promo!
Alert 1x01 Review
So what did everyone think of the first episode?
Here’s my honest and unbias thoughts as a playwriting and screenwriting as well as a television studies student currently in college:
- i thought scott was great, as was dania! I also really loved ryan broussard and adeola role! i’m a bit confused on “C” and what his purpose is besides photoshopping a cat onto jason (I know it was supposed to be comedic but they were in the middle of a serious kidnapping)
- the pacing was just off to me for some reason, i was hoping for a more joyous and drawn out reunion with keith but i personally just thought it was too quick with no questions asked. i thought the beginning was fine (absolutely loved the opener with jason in afghanistan) but then it kinda flew for no reason, they could’ve drawn out finding keith at least through the next episode (dare i say they could’ve drawn it out even through most of the season but i get it now with the twist at the end)
- as i’m sure many of you are reading, yeah, believability is a bit off, especially when dealing with a serious police unit like that but i can get over that quick enough, i care more about story. sometimes dynamics in a team are just unconventional and that’s how it is but that might not go over well with other viewers.
- i think there needs to be a better balance of solving the case of the week and then dealing with their personal case/issues. just because it was kinda crazy how Jay and Nikki literally flew to Las Vegas in the middle of a case. like I get it, it’s your son but you also have a really important job too. It would’ve been better if just jason went and not Nikki, since she’s the head of the missing persons unit.
- i think they added too much at the end, either they shouldn’t have added the second kidnapping of chloe or the reunion with keith. having those intense emotional moments are what brings the audience in and keeps them engaged (especially if it’s acted well, which i thought scott, dania and even graham (keith) acted out beautifully, if only they were given more time)
- i liked the twist at the end with keith and i understand that they can’t just do a dna test, keith and sidney are adopted. but the dog always knows!!! i think this mystery and the character’s relationships with one another is what really drives the show and hopefully they can stick to that without ruining the week to week case.
- overall, i thought the pilot was a bit wonky, just story wise though (i thought it was acted beautifully, shot nice and directed well), hopefully they find a new perspective and a solid ground in the writers room just because i’m worried that the show may not be picked up after this year if they keep going like this with every episode.
again i just looked at it with a critical eye because my major in college is literally screenwriting lol! but i’m excited for tonight’s episode, i will definitely still keep watching.
i think a lot of people, at least from what i’ve read in reviews and tweets, had some problems with the pilot but they will be back tonight for the next episode. writing a pilot is very difficult (i’ve written a few myself and it’s really really hard), and most tv pilot and finales are not good at all! except for Lost (best tv pilot i’ve ever seen) and even H50 (that was very well written pilot) but usually the show picks up steam and engages the audience more!
let me know what you all think, again this is just my opinion. also i’m curious to see how it did with viewers and it’s rotten tomatoes! 💛
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elirandom · 1 year
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I miss Hawaii some days so bad I could cry. But looking back on that feeling critically what I miss is the breathing room those three weeks gave me, the serenity of nature and taking a swim every morning. Of buying fruit and coffee at the local ABC store and eat while your feet dug into sunwarmed sand. Taking the local bus around and people being helpful, or having a laugh at the Swedes bundling up because the buses were always freezing and you were seconds away from a wry neck. All the fresh fish you could eat and the best Korean hole-in-the-wall food I've ever had. The smell of the Plumeria tree outside the placed we stayed on Maui, and every morning there were flowers on the balcony floor ready to put in your hair. The fresh fruit, that I miss so bad. Sweden will never be able to offer sunripened mangoes, pineapples and hot pink dragonfruit juice.
I'm counting down the days to a normal workload and I think my H50 re-watch recognizing places just made me miss it even more.
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antonelaa · 2 years
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marina ruy barbosa.     she/her.     cis woman.     ›  spotted   at   the   met �� steps   , antonela cloe araceli  ,   most   likely   listening   to  can’t make you love me   by   chloe fredericks   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty-four year old   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -cynical   yet  +magnanimous   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you’ll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   jovial loud laughter echoing in a near empty hallway with close friends, a neverending slew of various backpacks, constant readjusting of shimmering full length gloves, and never knowing the difference between smudged makeup or unhealed wounds   ,   followed   by  juliette has a gun by not a perfume  .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about  antonela shoulder checking the hostess as she stomps out of a restaurant   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .
“ little antonela stuns in her debut as dorothy in the clover theatre stage, oozing charm reminiscent of her mother cleo’s career-changing role in the sound of music in her prime. what a star to behold, what a star to watch! “ -- playbill 
....a few roles and a hefty amount of (  surprisingly  ) non-scandalous years later and a few hardcore fans and nostalgia freaks would swear that they just saw nela at some underground show, hanging with the band backstage. but didn’t they just see their insta story where they showed off their insane legs aboard a yacht out in the water? these rich kids ..
name. antonela cloe araceli
alias(es). nela, nelly, nell
age. currently twenty-four
birthday. sept 28th (  libra  )
occupation. formerly an organizer for the united scenic artists, currently shadowing musical directors in the city; socialite (  ish  )
inspo. samantha borgens ( stuck in love ), kono kalakaua ( h50 ), arastoo vaziri ( bones ), belle blake ( the family )
aesthetic.  jovial loud laughter echoing in a near empty hallway with close friends, a neverending slew of various backpacks, constant readjusting of shimmering full length gloves, and never knowing the difference between smudged makeup or unhealed wounds
applicable labels. the addictive, the aesthete, the black sheep, the cataclysmic, the dirtbag, the epicure, the fighter, the lost soul, the reveller, the thespian
origins. the araceli family consisted of a businessman patriarch of the shipping/logistics kind who spent much of his supposed time with family indulged in work and his own pleasures. nela, the second child of four kids, never even tried to impress him. her brothers could do that spectacularly, so she turned her attention to her mother. following in her footsteps, she was trained in singing, dancing, and acting at a young age. eventually, this lead to her being able to audition for parts at various theaters around the city and bagged her first lead role in a production of the wizard of oz which earned her critical acclaim. after that, she hardly took a break until she turned fifteen. growing up with various adults and crews who fortunately nurtured her mind and interests, it was safe to say that nela was the only araceli kid who had more than enough exposure to a life outside of their shiny, easy one. which meant that she knew how it all really should be. it shouldn’t be screaming when you don’t get your way or projecting your frustrations onto people that didn’t have a choice but to take your every whim and stand there while you bitch. the older she grew, the more tired she became of just how backwards it all was. every now and then, she would give their house helpers something extra. something to help their family. and as the years pass, the more vocal she became with her family about how they should be treating their house helpers. eventually, she stopped auditioning for things and moved out. and while she is still backed by her family’s money, she’s slowly trying to figure out how to parlay all she’s done in her life to something..productive.
currently. despite everything, nela really does love the theatre. and while acting may not be something she’s eager to get back to just yet, she would love to learn more about the more technical parts. and her goal might be to be a director one day, but she’s more than happy to hang with the other crew members as well. aside from that, she indulges in all what the city has to offer like the food, the music, and of course, the theatre.
personality. chronic resting bitch face to the point that she’s very used to questions like “are you okay?” or “what’s your damage?”. she’s good with a fake smile or two, but tries not to overdo it. she’s courteous with strangers and musters niceties for those that recognize her from past roles, but she’s definitely a lot warmer with those who she is fond with. 
connection ideas. tbd because i got a whole doc for that lol
hello ! i’m chai , very very excited to write with all of u ! it’s been a hot minute since i’ve rped so just takin my lil baby steps before i dive right in !! 
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horolojium · 3 years
So, I’ve been rewatching Hawaii-Five 0 recently, and I just finished season 2. I have some Thoughts. 
1. Lori had so much potential as a character, and it just sucks seeing the show’s pattern of introducing cool female characters and then doing nothing with them. I actually really liked her and Steve’s relationship up until the last episode that Lori was in. Her whole “I have feelings for you, it compromised my commitment to the singular and very clear job I was given, etc etc” was really awkward and entirely unnecessary. I think they worked really well as friends, and I loved her dynamic with Max as well. 
2. The episodes where Steve was off hunting Shelburne and Danny was leading Five-0 were a nice break from the usual explosions, and tbh it makes so much more sense for Danny to head Five-O? Or at least have  significantly more decision making power than he has in the earlier seasons. Because while Steve has experience leading specialized teams in combat zones and that is valuable for the work Five-0 does, Danny’s like...an actual experienced detective. And these episodes really demonstrated that he’s more than capable of getting shit done. 
3. In the season finale, I loved the reunion banter between Steve and Danny, it was so cute, especially the cargo pants bit. It was also really cool to see Danny have a badass, escaping the CIA sequence, bc we really don’t get to see too much of Danny being a solo badass. 
4. On a more serious note, I think this show is even worse than the NCIS’s for allowing their protagonists to abuse their authority as law enforcement professionals. So far in two seasons, I don’t think the team as ever had to get a warrant. I think they read someone their Miranda Rights once. They never face any consequences for literally torturing their suspects, and it’s always played off as either funny or even worse, as something routine. 
It’s not entertaining to watch Steve hold a guy off a roof and not face consequences. It’s not entertaining to watching Danny hold someone under water for information.  It’s not entertaining that it’s always played as a sign of guilt when someone asks for a lawyer. It’s incredibly uncomfortable at the very, very least. 
On another note, I knew this from the first time I watched it, but holy fuck, the military propaganda is so, so blatant. Not only in story lines, sympathetic characters, etc, but even in the cinematography. It’s just...gross. 
5. On a much, much lighter note- Damn. The entire main cast is so beautiful. Grace Park is an angel. Daniel Dae Kim has the cheekbones of a god. Alex O’Loughlin is stupidly tall and I hate that. But this time, I really think Scott Caan stole the show. The man has a gorgeous figure, like he’s got curves to die for.The wardrobe department understood the assignment 100% with those dress shirts. 
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five-wow · 4 years
i still love taking h50’s characters and exploring their relationships and trauma and what makes them tick, but honestly, watching the show can be such a surreal and nauseating experience sometimes. i decided to rewatch a random episode and ended up with 8.19 and the intro had a black man in 1975 dragging a female cop to a grave he just dug and my first thought was “he seems like he probably had a good reason”, which i don’t think is what the show wanted me to get from that when they dramatically flashed the woman’s badge, and then we jump to the current day, where this same man confesses some stuff about having been involved in organized crime to steve (who’s asked about his military record and goes “i’m just glad i was able to serve my country” and fjdkf sorry but ew), and he’s like oh, there were so many corrupt and bad cops back then (like that’s just solved now, ha) but of course there was one (1) that was really good! and it’s steve’s dad! and then we get a flashback that’s this organized crime guy going out to a club and seemingly just chilling and getting out of his car and john mcgarrett is just. there, waiting for him with a baseball bat, and starts beating up this guy’s car right in front of him because john ~knowwwws that the guy killed a cop. and john, the one who’s destroying personal property very violently and goading a man with a gun that he thinks already killed someone, and doing so in public with a lot of innocent bystanders, that’s their one good cop, who totally isn’t corrupt and does his job super well and we’re supposed to think he’s cool and root for him. the guy who’s just. spending his nights trashing people’s cars with baseball bats because his gut tells him they broke the law.
i just. what.
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mcdannowave · 4 years
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loststarsabove · 4 years
Endgame, The Rise of Skywalker, and now Hawaii Five-0.
Is there such a thing as satisfying, well-written, in-character endings anymore?
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bgharison · 6 years
::flail:: Not going to lie.  The adorable reader who is commenting every three or four chapters as they read through a ludicrously long series fic that I started forever ago, and that I now look back on with a bit of cringing, is totally making my day / weekend / life right now.   I’ve learned two really important things:  1)  I comment about 1000% more than I used to and 2) Okay, it was a first effort and I didn’t know what the hell I was doing (and in hindsight I probably would have kept it off AO3) but I’m going to quit feeling quite so apologetic about it, finish the damn thing, and go on to write (hopefully) better stuff.  Oh, and I also made a *really* good friend as a direct result of that fic, and a bunch of people said that it regularly gave them an escape and made them happy, so, seriously, even if it sucks, it was totally worth it.  So now I’ll shut up and go write more.
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isisparker · 3 years
Finding Ohana was a fun, humorous, heartwarming family adventure movie. ngl I was partly bracing myself from full-on criticising the entire thing mainly because I was born and raised in Hawaii so I’m a little critical on how the media portrays local life, culture, and its people.* even when I went through a H50 phase, I called out a LOT of gaffs and missteps. heck, Lilo & Stitch wasn’t perfect but the feel and the respect towards the culture and the people living here in Hawaii was a lot better than most media.
so needless to say that despite the questionable subs used for the Hawaiian and Hawaiian Pidgin dialogues (then again, I never did trust Netflix subs farther than I could throw them) and some of the creative interpretations of Hawaii’s lore and wildlife, I found myself ultimately enjoying the movie. the acting from the young talent were fun and believable. the respect in which the film gave Hawaiian culture was clearly there and all around. the many references/homages to 1980′s family adventure classics like The Goonies and Indiana Jones films were fun easter eggs. the dynamic between the estranged mother and grandfather (papa) was heartbreaking yet relatable. the kids learning and embracing their amazing heritage moved me. and the music soundtrack was great! I especially  adored the end credit scene of the cast singing Henehene Kou `aka (one of my favorite Braddah Iz songs).
basically a lot of the good parts of the film outweighted my qualms and overall I  would definitely recommend Netflix’s Finding Ohana. 
*[of note: I am not Hawaiian. Yes I am a POC born and raised and currently residing in Hawaii and I have family (through marriage) of kānaka maoli blood. BUT I AM NOT Hawaiian. so I know that despite my protective nature towards how the media portrays Hawaii and its people, my opinion is of lesser importance than the actual Native Hawaiians.]
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lavendersblues · 3 years
Honestly the criticisms of Tim are totally valid and I do think he’s showing his hand in interviews. As long as he doesn’t Plenkov the shit out of Buck and Eddie (ie: H50 season 4) then I will die happy.
They don’t even need to be canon, just don’t try and artificially take them away from each other and have flat two dimensional love interests with no screen time. I can live with ambiguous.
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racoonsa · 5 years
Some more H50 10x07 thoughts
"When you keep criticizing/abandoning/hurting your kids, they don't stop loving you, they stop loving themselves"
Came across this quote a while ago, and after 10x07 it popped up in my thoughts again...Doris. I have no frame of reference for her, or how she acted towards her son and daughter. She is not a parent in any sense of the word. And Steve, oh Steve, finally broken Steve is the poster child for this quote. And not to forget Joe, who as a father figure did not fare much better than Doris.
But he has Danny, he / h a s / Danny. And he has his ohana, and that is at least a small shard of light in his now darkened world...
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mcdanhoe · 4 years
listen g-d blessed some of y’all with the ability to be positive but im just Very Tired of dealing with queerbaiting and maybe some of y’all can see past it, but at this point in time I'm not capable of that.
with that in mind, I will continue to talk about the h50 finale with a critical mindset, and once I feel like im capable of looking past it/moving on, then I'll do so. that being said, I'm very bitter and danny williams deserved better bye.
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five-wow · 4 years
today’s mood: very uncomfortable, once again, by the fact that lili simmons was way too young when she portrayed amber/melissa. this time around i was very specifically knocked out by the unwanted knowledge that at the time of her first appearance in 4.12, which aired in january of 2014 (and, we might assume, must have been shot some time before that, so taking the airing date is almost generous here), she, having been born on july 23rd 1993, was a grand total of twenty years old.
she was twenty. she was. TWENTY.
she wasn’t even! old enough! to legally drink in the us! and they still paired her! with scott caan, who i’m sure is a lovely guy, but who was also THIRTY-SEVEN at the time! that’s an age gap of, hmm, roughly seventeen years. (two years before they aired that episode he was still twice her age. two years and six months before they aired that episode she was seventeen.) math! it sometimes yields results you don’t like at all.
i mean. completely seperate from anything they did to melissa as a character (which was also Bad, let’s be clear), they cast a twenty year old woman as the love interest to a thirty seven year old guy when there was literally nothing (and i do mean not a single solitary thing! not one!) preventing them from, you know, not doing that. danny and melissa are not real people. all of this is made up, and the only reason canon went the way it did is because someone made a choice, and that choice was to take someone who was less than three years away from being a high schooler and pair her with someone who was less than three years away from being forty.
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mcdannowave · 5 years
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mcdannohmygod · 4 years
Sorry to be bringing negativity to you but I saw you've been jumped on by people in the h50 fandom for not liking the ending as well and it really upsets me that people are policing how others should be feeling. If they are fine with it then I'm happy for them but I'm not and having people jump on me for not having the same opinion sucks cause this has previously been a nice fandom. I don't expect you to post this and get nasty messages but I'm glad I'm not the only one upset about the ending.
Dear Anon, please don't apologise for feeling how you feel. It's perfectly reasonable to be negative or critical sometimes. It's also ok for everyone to post whatever they want on their blog and not have people police the content or tone, assuming it's not offensive, of course. I'm so sorry that you've been made to feel like this, and it's wrong.
You're right, I did get knocked for being negative, but the person who jumped me recently posted about how they feel negatively about the finale now too, and that's totally fair. The finale was a kick in the teeth even though there were great moments. The person has received supportive replies, and I'm so glad they have. They also should be able to post whatever they want without feeling scolded. Emotions change, and I want them to be able to explore their feelings on here in any way they want or need. I want that for you and me too, Anon.
I don't believe that forced positivity is the answer if certain bloggers have bothersome content. The unfollow button is the answer. Blocking tags is the answer. Scrolling past is the answer. Curate your own experience, and you'll be a lot happier. There's no reason to apologise for your emotions, and your blog is your own. Plus, you and I are by no means the only people still angry and disappointed by the H50 finale.
I started not to answer this for the very reasons you wrote, but I realized that's not fair to me or to you. I have recently hesitated to post certain things I'd like to because I didn't want to seem negative, and that's silly. You and I shouldn't feel repressed by other people who don't like our tone. If followers come and go, that's ok. I'd rather lose followers than get harsh posts aimed at me. To be clear though, I have no hard feelings toward the person who did get harsh with me. We resolved that with kind understanding, and I do understand where they were coming from.
What wasn't resolved for me is the deeper issue of feeling like I don't have total control over my content because I don't want to be labeled a downer. That's why I'm posting this. If there was ever a place to be true to yourself and your opinions, the anonymous rubble of tumblr is it. So, please go forth, Anon, and make your experience here exactly and unapologetically what you want it to be, and I will too. Much love, and thanks for taking the time to let me know I'm not alone either.
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jlockley · 5 years
H50 and misogyny.
Here we go. First of all, the only well-developed female character and not downgraded / summed up as the main character's romantic pair is Kono. Fortunately, Tani is going this way, I love her so much... I hope Quinn has this justice too, she has a lot of potential to be explored and she has all my support. And we have Noelani, who has been getting more prominence lately, which is a plus point, I like her a lot too. However, we can note that the writing of characters like Abby, Catherine, Doris, Lori and Rachel is totally different. If we look carefully, the introduction or development of each has been vilified on some level. Lori and Abby are "lighter" cases, which one was introduced as "nosy" and another as Chin's romantic pair who was not "on the Five-0 side". (PS: I love Chin and I love Abby, my criticism is for character writing). And now let's go to Rachel, who's been the troubled ex-wife since S1. Some of her attitudes are questionable, I know that. But this writing of a villainized ex-wife tires me. They approached Rachel and Danny in s9 after years of this stupid villainization. This is a ready joke. Now let's talk about Catherine Rollins, my favorite character after Kono. Her situation connects with Rachel's, two villainized female characters to keep alive a queerbaiting named Mcdanno. And don't attack me, I love McDanno dynamics and would love to see them together, but queerbaiting is not representativeness. This talk of queerbaiting is for another day. Going back to my beloved Lieutenant Rollins, from S1 to S3 everything was fine with her development. If I'm not mistaken, she even hid something from Steve about Doris, but it was forgiven by him. The fandom crucifies her because of this until the present day, which of you have never been put in a difficult position? Let's have sense, right? By then I was satisfied, the essence of the character was made. She did a lot for Five-0, every time Steve wanted a favor, she used naval base resources regardless of the risks. She had a good relationship with his mother, with his friends, respected the fact that Steve did not name their relationship, I do not remember a time when he called her girlfriend, but the fandom wanted her to guess about the marriage proposal, another bad joke ready. At S4-S5 that's where it all fell apart, I don't even like to comment on S4, Catherine gets a lot of hatred for that. I don't know what happens behind the camera, but her departure from the series was a bit too lazy. They buried what's left of the character there, she lost a friend and got bad about it, and guess what? Received hatred just for this, because of SHIPP. They wrote reasons to hate her, opportunists to hate. I keep loving her and thinking she never did anything wrong. When she appeared at the end of S5, I was happy, but at the beginning of S6, specifically in episode 3, they wrote one more reason for opportunists to hate her. The marriage proposal she didn't know about. These people are very hypocritical, they don't deserve the strong and wonderful character that Catherine Rollins is. In her subsequent appearances in the other seasons, I watch only to give all the love she deserves. Stan Catherine Rollins. Of course I care about how Steve feels, but when it comes to writing, I have to say these things. The writing of the character in the special appearances is still lazy about Steve, with that "Oh, she broke McGarrett's heart" mood, when no one really cares what she feels, why is it? But I love her for remaining a strong character, now in the CIA more than ever, I know she's feeling included somewhere, and deserves to be happy. To close the gate, we have Doris. I'll be brief for spending too much text on Catherine. Anyway, the writing of a troubled mother never satisfied me. Let's put the truth on the table. Why was John McGarrett the good man who served his country and Doris was the troubled mother for going to the CIA?
We know about Shelburne, alias that she used to pretend to be dead, okay, that was a big mistake and it made her kids suffer, she had that Wo Fat connection and everything. But do you remember the many times Joe White lied to Steve? Still, Joe's death was felt. But with Doris the treatment is different, now that she's dead, probably a lot of people are celebrating.
In short, these points are about the writing of female characters, their villainization, to be clear. I'm not in favor of all the actions Doris has ever taken, but I know she loved her son, just like John. Anyway, I keep following the series mainly by Tani, Quinn, Noelani, Grover and Adam, my favorites. Just as we love a show, we can see where it fails. about her. Much love, mahalo!
PS: I stopped caring about McRollins a long time ago. I understand and respect who still shipps, but I care more about her.
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