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Beverly and Hannibal watch Will, waiting for him to draw a conclusion from his process. Will tries to gather himself together, knowing Hannibal is watching him closely.
HannibalAdvent – Sakizuke (S02E02)
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His body goes limp and he slumps in Jack’s arms…just enough for his shoulder to drop and allow his hand to reach a SHARD OF GLASS on the floor.
HannibalAdvent – Kaiseki (S02E01)
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Will wakes with a start. No BLACK STAG. No water. Although, he is entirely drenched in sweat.
HannibalAdvent 2018 Day 11 - Rôti
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Hannibal shakes Tobias’s hand, politely shooing him and Franklyn away before turning back to the Cultural Elite: “Who’s hungry?”
HannibalAdvent 2018 Day 7 - Sorbet
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The 2018 Hannibal Advent is upon us! Here’s some answers to frequently asked questions!
What is Hannibal Advent?
A fannibal celebration of the Hannibal ‘verse! A chance for us to give each other the gift of lots of wonderful posts!
How Do I Participate?
Make a post about Hannibal between November 16 and December 24. Tag it with #HannibalAdvent.
Voilà! You are a participant!
What should I post?
Whatever you want! It can be short or long! It can be art, fic, gifs, AUs, manips, crack, ships, favorite quotes, pic spams, meta, your favorite scene, “I LOVE HANNIBAL”, anything!
Anything you want to give to your fellow fannibals as a Hannibal Advent gift is the perfect thing to post for HannibalAdvent!  
Why November 16 - December 24?
We took a vote, and decided this year HannibalAdvent would run for 39 days, one per episode!
Do I have to post about the episode of the day?
No! It’s just a suggestion in case you need ideas! Anything goes on any day! It’s the thought that counts! This year we’ll be adding some additional prompts along the way for added inspiration!
Does it only have to be NBC Hannibal?
No way! Post about the books, the movies, your AU, your head canons, your Spacedogs, Strangepaths, and Tristhad. Clannibal, Bedannibal, your dreams for season 4 and beyond!
Whatever inspires you to post - please post!
Do I have to post every day?
Of course not! It’s a busy time of year. Some of us will do every day. Some one day. Most somewhere between. We’re just glad to have you!
Do I have to have a Tumblr?
No! The more the merrier!
Please use the #HannibalAdvent tag on Twitter and Facebook, too! That’s why we’re using one without the space! Best to have an outpouring of Hannibal love all over the internet!
What’s the rating for this event?
No restrictions, just tag content appropriately, as we know you would anyway!
Have any suggestions for posts?
Here’s a bunch of prompts to help!
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Whatever bones are left of those girls are probably holding pipes together. 
HannibalAdvent 2018 Day 3 - Potage
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It’s almost here, 39 days of Hannibal for all fannibals to enjoy! Be sure to save the dates! And browse the tag to see what wonder gifts we gave each other in years past!
I’ll post the calendar and updated FAQ next week. In the meantime, if you have prompt ideas, please submit them here!
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HannibalAdvent 2018 Prompt Ideas
One of the suggestions for this year’s Hannibal Advent was to have some prompts in addition to the usual one day per episode.
So send me your ideas! Add them to the linked Google Form so I don’t lose them! 
A few have been submitted already and I’ll add them in, or you can add them here. 
Looking forward to everybody’s suggestions! 
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Hannibal Advent 2018
The Western Hemisphere days grow cooler and shorter...which means Hannibal Advent approaches!
So it’s time to ask - how do we fannibals want to celebrate this most Hannibal time of the year?
For the past four years (THIS WILL BE THE FIFTH HANNIBAL ADVENT CAN YOU BELIEVE), we’ve had our own fandom countdown to Christmas Eve.
People seem to enjoy the 39 days - one per episode. Shall we keep this tradition? Any suggestions for additions/alterations to make it even more fannibal-tastic?
Check out the tag to see what wonderful things have been posted in the past.
And here’s last year’s FAQ 
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HannibalAdvent Day 19: December 4 - Futamono
Additional Prompts
Color: mustard
[HannibalAdvent FAQ]
[Prompts list]
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Day 7: November 22- Sorbet
Additional Prompts
Mads Mikkelsen’s birthday!
American Thanksgiving
Color: wine
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HannibalAdvent Day 5: November 20 - Coquilles
Additional Prompts
Color: yellow
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The first day of HannibalAdvent is Apéritif! 
Check out the faq for any questions! 
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HannibalAdvent Day 12: November 27 - Relevés
Additional Prompts
Color: tan
[HannibalAdvent FAQ]
[Prompts list]
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HannibalAdvent Day 11: November 26 - Rôti
Additional Prompts
Color: tiger
[HannibalAdvent FAQ]
[Prompts list]
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Hello! What happened with the prompts for the advent? I was waiting for that before starting and now it's time and I don't know what to do
They’re still coming! 
Apologies, I got behind this year between work deadlines and my NYC trip to see Hugh and Raúl - hope to have the prompts out by tomorrow! 
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