#habits of mine I've picked up somewhere in my media consumption that i don't hate.
edgyandoverzealous · 1 year
Things I do that I must've picked up from somewhere, some media
But have no idea how when or why. Aka calling myself out and some self analysis because self love is important and I need to do more.
• Cooling my face down with my hands, specifically my cheeks when I'm blushing and flustered. Cringey fanfic, cute fanart of Nico Di Angelo/another grumpy/sunshine dynamic character? Anybody's guess.
• "Gimme hands", specifically when referencing I want affection or something given to me. Some romance/drama/or tween coming of age movie my mom watched with me at the ripe age of 12. Or additionally fanfic/fan comics
• Physically and mentally short circuiting when given too much affection. Like headaches, heartaches, love-dumb inability to think of much else, internal "they're so [insert term of affection here]" y'know, the drill. I don't know which fandom fanart started it, but Logan Sanders comes to mind?? For some reason??
• curling out and then into myself while laughing. The wheeze meme???
• repeating back/yes and-ing is how I tell jokes. Crankgameplays circa 2013??? Another YouTuber??? I d k.
• Semi cynical mf, somehow seen as sweet/affectionate. Not a clue but it--- Percy fucking Jackson???? Leo Valdez??
• Traumatized. All of I have ever consumed but specifically Steve Harrington and Hunter from TOH are good parallels.
• Romanticizing running away from bad situations or when things turn sour. Tangled?? Sonic the hedgehog??? Wander over yonder??? Austin and Ally??? The Teen Titans??? ----NICO DI ANGELO.
• himbo behavior. The main male "love interest" character in any given 2010's original Disney Movie. And Tubbo? Mayhaps.
• 10 yard stare ability. Anime?? Fanart?? Creepypasta??? That one may have just come free on my X-boxtm.
• Weaving in-between people either expertly or nearly running into people. Surprisingly both were probably from the same high school hosts anime.
• Giggling at puns and doing stupidly immature jokes. Definitely Percy Jackson started this. That kid and his sass/childish jokes such as the dam segment made me this way.
• Swinging my feet when they don't touch the ground where I'm sitting. 2010 Love action Disney Movies, shows, and "cringe" fluff fanfiction.
•Looking up though my hair. Any bbg character I adore that's ever interacted with people taller than them. IE: Nico Di Angelo, Patton Sanders, Virgil Sanders, fucking-- Rich from BMC. but listen here, why strain my neck when I can glance up.
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