#had a craving to color something; I'm rusty
captainhysunstuff · 1 year
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L’s a scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle.  
I’ve associated the Wallows song Scrawny with L. (some eyestrain in the video)
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ackerfics · 2 years
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just say it, ditto: eren jaeger
— i got nothing to lose, i keep falling for you; ra ta ta ta, there goes my heart.
eren jaeger x female reader
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summary: each note eren's heart sings is about you. it's only a matter of time yours sing about him, too.
word count: 6.8k
notes: i am proud to say that this is my comeback in posting full fics here. now watch me never posting one after months. jk. but still, i'm rusty when writing longer fics so i hope you enjoy this one! treat this as a gift for being one of the 2,000 people who made this blog possible <3 + it's pretty obvious newjeans is my favorite kpop group rn oop
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— You’ve long since given up on relationships.
How many partners has it been since the start of university? With how that sounds, one will think that you’ve been breaking hearts around Paradis University; notorious for being a heartless individual with no value for the depth of emotions. That assumption rings false. One hand can sum up everything romantic you’ve experienced but these relationships felt longer than the time span they actually had that you’ve lost count of them. Everything becomes hazy to a point that everything morphs into a misty film reel, unlike the rose-colored lens you’ve always seen the world with even without the pretense of falling in with someone. You’re not one to be desperate for this fickle thing called love but every once in a while, you crave blanketing words that make you see flowers, unbridled laughter amidst piles of note revisions and readings, and hugs that feel like a warm cup of coffee in a chilly night of loneliness.
Your relationships always end in the same way — they couldn’t handle the way that you see and do things; the way you have to be the last one to have the say in an argument, how you should be left alone when you’re too immersed in finishing your tasks, or when you have the tendency to be absent despite being there for them (if that makes any sense). They say you’re too focused on your goals (there’s nothing wrong with trying to finish college just to be in one of the country’s best medical schools) or you’re too snarky and blunt for them to handle (you have a bad day when this happens).
So, you just let them go. Let them win.
It’s not that you’re tired of those repeating circles of words but because they’re right. You’ve been too snarky, picky when you’re eating something, focused on your future, never clingy for someone to be called a significant other — you just don’t have the strength to continue having those relationships even though you’ve seen the world in pink when you’re with them.
The break-ups all end on a sour note, like the time you’ve been given a piece of candy without being told it’s the sourest shit on the planet. Maybe that is why you’ve been scared of romance, to begin with — the appearance may seem sweet but you’ve taken a bite, and everything takes a turn for the worse. Yeah, you understand that relationships can have their ups and downs; but when you’ve heard your boyfriend talk to his friends about how you’re so irritating and downright rude most of the time, him crossing the line as he said that this specific girl from the other class is far sexier than you can ever be and that he wants to fuck her instead (coupled with a few explicit crafting of words that disgusted even your most open-minded friends) … You have already dropped the paper bag filled with his favorite food.
That’s just one of the break-ups. God knows how much patience you have for going through much worse.
Besides, you like spending your junior year with fewer worries than the previous years.
But sometimes, you always think of how lonely you are; like what does it feel like to have someone so patient that they assure you they’re always there for you? Or to feel so secure in a relationship that it’s like a warm fireplace, which can go on for so many hours keeping you warm and safe? You swear you don’t want your heart broken again but you still crave that rush love brings to you.
It doesn’t help that you see these things in your best friend.
Eren Jaeger is someone who you completely met by chance back in freshman year, back when you were all about making sure that your marks are pristine and that your parents can have another opportunity in being the proudest that they can get.
You remember him lingering in the doorway of your dorm room, something that you were wary about until he turned around to face you with this comical teary face that didn’t fit in with his overall broody aesthetic. He claimed that Mikasa, his best friend, and practically sister since they grew up together in the same house and your roommate, accidentally took his wallet back to your dorm room. One thing you know about Mikasa in the three weeks you’ve roomed with her is that she sleeps like a bear in hibernation. So, you unlocked the door to your dorm room and told him that there was nothing to worry about because you’d get his wallet and attached keys. That way, he could have his merry way home and he would be a passing face in university. Until he invited you to have dinner with him as thanks.
You accepted since it was free food and you just got out of a three-hour lecture.
The rest is history. It was there you got to know Eren as more than just Mikasa’s childhood friend. He asked you why you picked your major, you asked him how he was faring in his — the night ended with you two exchanging numbers and following each other on your socials.
He’s seen all of your failed relationships. While Mikasa tears up with you and Armin consoles you by rubbing your back, Eren is the embodiment of anger.
He once threatened to storm out of your dorm room to fight your ex after one break-up that had you picking up the broken shards of your self-esteem and confidence. He didn’t even hear Mikasa shouting for him to calm the fuck down but all it took was for you to plead for him to stay and never make a wrong decision.
“Eren, just stay,” your breath hitched with how hard you were crying. The break-up drained you for an entire day. Your ex dared to lay out every wrong and insecurity you felt to make him feel protected — that he would have a better relationship if he went out with the girl he met a few weeks after you two started dating. You look up at Eren, your bottom lip wobbling. “Don’t go out there.”
His entire demeanor softened. Walking to you, he sat on his haunches in front of you, his stare never wavering as he regarded the way your tears made your eyelashes clump together. Why’d you had to be pretty even when crying? He pushed the thought away and clasped the hands wringing the material of your skirt into both of his. The door behind you two closed — an indication that Mikasa gave you two the privacy you both needed, the girl decided to spend the rest of the day with Armin, who was begging to be updated on what was happening to you. Eren was sure the two of them would buy some groceries, anything you prefer, just to make you feel better. They’re awesome like that. Everything blurred into nothing when you’re in his view. You kept silently crying and while he still found you beautiful, he was itching to start a fight with that asshole of an ex you had.
Eren lifted your entwined hands to his lips, kissing them and making time stop. “I’m going to beat him,” he murmured against your knuckles.
You shook your head.
“He made you cry.”
You still shook your head, bowing to curtain your face with your hair.
“I hate it when someone makes you cry.” He gulped down the nervousness clogging his throat. “I fucking hate it when they managed to make the most amazing person fall in love with them and just break her heart after. Sweetheart, you don’t deserve to be treated like this.” The term of endearment flowed from his tongue like it was meant to — natural. “You deserve so much more than this. You deserve…” Was he about to say, me? What the fuck was he thinking? Now, he was the one who shook his head, mainly to dispel the thought from his head. “You know,” his voice was so quiet, “someone is willing to give you the love you deserve and it will take some time to meet them.”
You took your hands from him and he panicked. Did he say something wrong? Synonymous thoughts pulsed through the walls of his head, that was until you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. With the way he was still sitting on his haunches, his face became buried in your chest. It was almost like you were the one comforting him and not the other way around. He should be the one doing the comforting but God damn it, your warmth made him melt in everything that you encompassed — scent, presence, just you and only you.
“I’m tired of finding that love.”
“You have me — us, Mikasa, Armin, and the rest of our friends,” the way he saved himself was pathetic.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“You know I love you, right?”
Damn, there went that squeeze around his heart. He knew the meaning behind those words. You meant it in a more platonic manner because you never once said those three weighty words to your ex-boyfriends. Those who had the luxury to receive the phrase from you were your friends and it sadly included him. He didn’t want to walk around in this position. He wanted to be more. But that would mean you discovering his feelings for you. And yes, they ran deeper than the trenches discovered by mankind. You made him feel that kind of love — the type that gave him butterflies, tornadoes, bonfires, and all the seasons combined. You were the reason why he smiled most of the day, the reason why he looked at everything through a lens that presented all the colors in the spectrum and not just the usual hazy pink. 
He buried his face deeper in your chest, the song of your heartbeat lulling him. He wished it was faster like the way his own tapped inside him.
“I know.”
He once again masked everything by saying the words back, with more ferocity and affection and intensity than yours did.
“I love you, too.”
That day was the reason why you stopped entering into relationships not worth your time.
You deserve a love that is more than what you seek from forgettable faces.
So, you focus on yourself … and the way Eren makes you question these budding feelings now that junior year rolls around.
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“Where did you get this?” Eren asks when he trails his eyes on your hand sitting idly on top of the desk the private study rooms of the library offer.
He’s sitting beside you trying to get some work done before finishing the study session and getting some food from the nearby restaurants in the university town (which is a short walk from the library you both chose). What should be a group session becomes a pair because apparently; Mikasa has to go prepare for her mock trial with the rest of her class, Armin has to finish the pending experiment his group is doing for one of his laboratory classes, Jean has to be a fucking responsible teaching assistant for once in his life, Sasha has to cover some restaurant for her review (the deadline being later at midnight), and Connie has to attend his goldfish’s funeral (he doesn’t have a goldfish; their dorm building doesn’t even allow pets).
You find their excuses plausible except for Connie, bless his soul and his imaginary goldfish. So, now you spend the rest of the free day with Eren in the library, booking one of the study rooms for some well-deserved peace. You’re listening to some of your favorite songs when he speaks, catching his lips moving at the corner of your eyes.
“Hmm?” you hum while pulling down your headphones around your neck.
“This.” The moment he takes your hand in his, your heart starts pacing faster. “Where did you get this?” Eren carefully and softly runs his finger on the spots of red on the skin of two of your fingers. The scars seem fresh because you flinch. “Sorry,” he whispers.
“I didn’t realize I had that until Mikasa pointed it out actually,” you answer him.
He winces. “You don’t have any band-aids?”
You shake your head. “I forgot to buy some.” The way he stares at you makes you pout. “I did forget, Eren.”
“Yeah, yeah, got that.”
You’re about to go back to studying when you feel a pair of lips graze the scars on your hand. Time slows down and you swear you witness the room illuminate. Eren has his eyes closed, his long eyelashes tickling your skin. You forget to breathe when he opens them to give you the sight of his teal irises reflecting your wide-eyed image. His lips are still on your hand, the tingling sensation of his growing smile traveling through your arm and to your chest, warming up every part of your body until you feel your face flare. The gesture is completely new to you.
“There,” Eren says. “Tell me if the pain starts acting up,” he pulls back and leans on his chair, your hand still tenderly cradled on his palm. “I’ll take it away.”
You take your hand from his and hide it from behind the sleeve of your fluffy cardigan. You try to bring back your concentration but all you can think of is the feeling of his lips on your fingers. While you’re berating yourself, you never notice Eren grinning beside you, his heart thankful that your friends ditched you two in this study session.
It’s only when you two walk to your favorite restaurant that you register how annoyingly cheesy all that was.
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Today is not your day.
You’re walking in the halls of your department building and even with the flow of liveliness surrounding you, all you hear are muffled noises and the deafening footsteps echoing on the floor. You were doing fine when you entered your first lecture of the day — more than usual it seemed. The friends you made in some of your classes saw how you cackled near tears at some unfunny joke that shouldn’t warrant that much hysterical laughter. Nobody would even suspect that you feel so sucked of all the vibrancy you always carry in the pockets of your jeans after continuous periods of sitting on different-structured chairs and having to participate in some impromptu recitations. You love being in university — you really do. It’s just that there are certain aspects of it and specific time frames that you have to admit how exhausted you are. So, as your friends chatter around you, you keep your head angled to the floor, your hands keeping the laptop case close to your chest.
The conversation unfolding in your presence is interesting but all you can manage are tiny hums of agreement or weak chuckles. The subject switches from enduring another period of recits, to the laboratory reports that needed to be turned in, to how there should be another store in the university town that sells any kind of food, and to who is the reddest flag among your peers. It’s almost like you’re watching shows with your father — always flipping the channel until he finds the one he’s most comfortable with.
Your mind is both empty and running a thousand miles per step. Sleep beckons you in a way that you have no say over. You’re pretty sure Mikasa is going to cook something delectable as always — that’s one thing you’re looking forward to when you go home to your shared apartment. A heavy sigh comes out of your chest, lifting your shoulders from the weight Atlas transferred on you.
Looking at the floor becomes bland and you have to lift your eyes to what’s in front of you.
Right at the end of the hallway, where the building lets the outside light pass through the entrance and exit doors, are Eren and some of his classmates, probably just coming out of a recent class, judging by their sluggish nature. You two share the same department building despite having different majors — him with his pre-med and you with neuroscience. You recognize some of them in the group photos Eren was tagged in on Instagram, like that boy with auburn hair who sneers every time someone so much as breathes within the same space as Eren or that boy with the slicked-back blond hair and army green bomber jacket. And in the middle of the group is one of your best friends, teal eyes hooded with boredom and hair tied up in that effortless bun he likes so much. He doesn’t see you yet and you have the urge to call out to him but you don’t find the energy to. Your social battery is already on the brink of shutting down and guilt starts dripping into your stomach.
Almost like he senses you, Eren meets your eyes.
He stops in the middle of the hallway with his hands in his pockets and eyebrows furrowed. You keep walking with your now curious friends. Who is this guy staring at us? Wait, he’s kinda hot though. Damn it, now I have another crush in this stupid university. You can hear them talking but you see nobody but him, your sneaker-clad feet carrying you closer to him.
With only a few paces separating you from him, he retracts his hands from his pockets and opens his arms with that lax posture of his. His friends are looking at him like he’s crazy but you know what he’s doing.
Your lip wobbles and you let out a shaky breath. You’re walking faster now. Just a couple of steps away.
Eren wraps his arms around you once you reach him.
He threads his fingers through your hair, cradling your head close to his chest, while his other arm secures you to his body, silently pleading for you to never stray far. There’s a pounding in the air, with you not knowing whose heart composes the vivace tune; because right now, you can feel your heart racing despite the calm Eren induces in you.
You two stay like that — suspended at the moment. Nothing in the world matters except for you two. Words aren’t exchanged. The moment Eren sees you walking that way, he instantly knows. You have that connection with him. One look is all it takes for him to swoop in and let you feel that you have someone to lean on as he leans on you. You feel that sentiment in the way he slightly tightens his hold around you, pressing you more so that all you can hear is his breathing and his unsaid thoughts. The scent he carries entangles with yours, similar to how your hearts beat in complement to one another. You bury your face in his chest and he buries his own in your hair. The exhaustion makes your joints creak and your dim world seeps away the longer he softly scratches your scalp with tender strokes.
You nearly cry as his lips seal this moment with a firm kiss on the crown of your head.
“I got you,” Eren whispers to your ears only. “I always got you.”
Shit, there goes your heart.
“Your next lecture is still an hour later, right? Let’s go get some coffee.”
For the first time in months, hope blossoms and you willingly let it fester.
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“You okay?” Mikasa asks you as soon as she gets inside your shared apartment. She slides her tote bag from her shoulder, all the while never taking her eyes off you as you stare at nothing in the living room, your revisions and notes scattering the coffee table. “Babes?” The term of endearment is so natural between you and Mikasa but you’re so out of it that you don’t hear her call for you. “[Name].” She taps your nose with the tip of her finger.
“Oh, welcome home,” you greet once you get out of that daze.
Mikasa looks at you a second longer and places her hand on your forehead.
“No signs of fever,” she murmurs, cupping your face in her hands. “You’re not overworking yourself again, are you?” Her voice gains that stern tone. Trust Mikasa to always pull you to the ground whenever you have one of those study sprees, only having coffee for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. “You know it hurts me to see you overworking. Hold on, let me whip up something for you.”
How can you tell her that you’ve been feeling unproductive because of her closest person? Because of that little heartstopping moment earlier, you’ve been in a constant spiral, neglecting your school work even when you already laid out everything in front of you. This isn’t like you at all — you’ve never been distracted because of a guy. You wonder what’s so different now. Eren has hugged you multiple times in the past and you even initiate most of them. So, why are you starting to sift through your memories with him and watching them in these pink-hazed 3D glasses? Every smile, every laugh, every eye contact that has you feeling like you’re the only person in the world for him … or just the way he makes your day better just by being there. You remember all the times he was about to storm across the cafeteria upon seeing one of your exes and the anger he embodied when he thinks of the way you’re always hurt.
This is bad — you’re seeing him differently after that hug and impromptu cafe hang-out.
The weight of that realization makes your heart race in a completely new tune, much clearer and melodic than the times you thought you experienced love in one of its forms.
You can hear a pan sizzling from the kitchen. You remain looking at the coffee table, right at your phone lighting up with a notification, showing the world your wallpaper. Eren changed it to a picture of you two for fun. He was kissing your cheek, with you captured in a beautiful candid shot. You were laughing at the tickling sensation coming from his lips smiling against your skin. You never changed it. Mikasa chuckled to herself the first time she saw it. You could almost hear her say ‘idiots’ under her breath.
“Am I allowed to feel love again?”
You can sense your roommate turn around. It’s silent until she speaks in a clear voice, “You’re always allowed to feel love, [Nickname].”
“But what if I ruin it?”
Mikasa purses her lips. “You have never ruined anything. You might have small faults in those relationships but if your exes appreciated you just like they claimed, you wouldn’t hurt like this.” You’re still quiet and Mikasa thoughtfully turns back to make you a proper meal while continuing, “It’s okay to be afraid, [Nickname]. Falling in love is always a risk but it’s not good if you prevent it from happening. If that right someone comes, the jump you took to follow your feelings will be worth it in the end. It might cost you more heartbreaks along the way but everything will be amazing when that person is by your side.”
“And if I think I found him?”
The sound of Mikasa’s spatula stops, and the sizzle of the onions, garlic, and other vegetables persists through this pause. You take a peek at your roommate from behind the curtain of your hair, her back rigid and her hand holding the spatula hovering over the pan. “Miki?”
The girl shakes her head. “I’m sorry, I just remembered something,” she hastily tells you before swiveling to face you. Mikasa only displays emotions around certain people and you wish you could laugh at the disbelieving yet confused face she gives you right now. “You found him? And you think he’s the right someone for you?” She makes sure she doesn’t sound that skeptical to not hurt you anymore but she can’t help but feel like she’s been missing out on this recent development in your life. You've been roommates since freshman year and every time you fall in love, Mikasa is a witness to it, but not this one. This is a shock for her.
You nod at her, choosing not to use your voice this time
“Do I know this person?”
Your heart makes a flip in your chest. “Why do you ask?”
She shrugs. “Just checking. You know, to make sure. So, tell me about this lucky guy.”
“He … wears his heart on his sleeve.” A small smile tugs at your lips. “Even though that’s considered a weakness by some people, he manages to come this far by doing that. It’s one of the many things I adore about him.” You laugh a little. “He’s a little reckless most of the time. Oh, and he’s so brazen and sometimes broody, too. Those are some of the reasons why he gets into arguments with our friends. But even with all of that, he’s so attentive. The thing about people who wear their hearts on their sleeves is that they know when someone needs solace. He does that all the time and even without saying anything, my day just gets better with one hug from him.” You gain a blue blanket over yourself. “I just wish that I can give him the affection and care he’s always giving me. I know I’m bad at giving but … I’m willing to try for him.”
You look up and you feel your face heat up when you see Mikasa gawking at you. You watch as her face morphs into a rare smile that reaches her eyes. If you squint, you can see her holding back her squeal.
“And for that, I’m making this even more delicious just for you!”
And before you can call out to her, she’s going back and forth in the kitchen like a madwoman. Bewilderment is an understatement. One will think that Mikasa is the person falling in love inside this apartment and not you. A puff of laughter comes out of your lips, endeared by the sight of your best friend slash roommate being this ecstatic at the possibility of you in a stable and healthy development of feelings. You perch your chin on your propped elbow. Maybe you should hit up her favorite restaurant in the university town as a token of your gratitude, one that stems from three years of bonding.
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“Confess to her.”
“Well, good-fucking-morning to you, too, Mikasa.”
It’s six in the morning on a Saturday. Eren deserves a full ten-hour cycle of sleep after that horrifying week he just survived. 
“Oh, did I wake you up?”
Eren pulls away his phone from his ear and glares at it, hoping that the girl on the other side of the call picks up on this ominous atmosphere he‘s starting to create. “What do you think?” He spits, particularly snappy at anyone, even the person he grew up with, for disrupting his previously-earned slumber (for once in university, he finally has the chance to enjoy sleep without worrying over deadlines). He internally cries when he feels the last tendrils of drowsiness seep out of his skin and onto the open windows letting in a new dawn. He wants to go back to sleep but with Mikasa’s call, he pitifully kisses that goodbye.
“Sorry.” She doesn’t sound sorry.
“You don’t sound sorry,” Eren grumbles. “Why’d you call?”
A maniacal giggle tickles his ear, sending a shiver of fear down his spine.
“What the fuck—?”
“I have news.”
“Really?” He incredulously exclaims. “At six in the morning? Can’t you wait until like, what, later at noon to tell me? You know it’s my day off right now.”
“It’s about [Name].”
That catches Eren’s attention and he nearly throws himself off the bed.
“What?” He hastily stands up and fumbles to his closet for some decent clothing. “Is she alright? Is she hurt? Where is she right now? Does she need me to pick her up?” Silence is his answer. Eren again looks at his phone before putting it right next to his ear. “Mikasa? You still there?”
“You have to confess to her.”
He can feel Mikasa roll her eyes. “It’s just like I said. Confess.”
Eren slowly takes a few steps back until his knees hit the mattress, letting him on the plush mattress. “What brought this on?” It’s not the first time his best friend tells him to pour all his well-kept emotions into you, the reason for his giddy smiles and sweet nights. Just thinking of letting you know of this three-year worth of feelings makes his heart beat faster. What if you reject him? He’s seen you swerve from any romantic advances a person sends your way, he’s seen you cry over assholes who thought it was best to play with you, and he’s seen you content with this relationship you have with him. Eren sighs out a breath tainted with the scent of the yellow tulips and pink camellias sprouting in his ribcage. It’s almost pitiful how heavy his sigh is. “And why are you so sure about this?”
“I know things you don’t.”
He scoffs, running his hand through his hair, the wavy brown strands falling over his collarbone. “Look, Meeks,” the nickname is always there when he’s feeling unsure of himself, “I’ve thought about it, okay? But I can’t. I just can’t.”
“Trust me on this one, Eren. Maybe you can even thank me in the future.”
“Mikasa,” he warns.
“Eren, you have nothing to worry about. She said some things to me last night and I think you have a chance. This will be the time you can finally be with her and this will also be the time she can have someone who’s going to wholeheartedly love her in a way that she should be loved. This is your chance—”
Eren tightly closes his eyes at every word Mikasa spews out. His chest is rapidly going up and down until, “I’m scared.”
“I’m scared,” he enunciates as if talking to a pesky sibling (which is how she’s acting right now). “I’m fucking terrified, alright?”
He curses when he feels a stinging in his eyes. He’s not about to cry right now — not when Mikasa is on the other side of the phone. He knows how she is when he cries. Eren remembers that one time he bawled his eyes out when his mother decided it would be nice to keep all his games away for one night because he was acting like a brat. Mikasa sneaked into his parents’ room in the middle of the night and successfully took his game from their closet. Thank God his parents weren’t about to give him a baby sibling that night. Nonetheless, Mikasa’s protective instincts for her friends flare when they cry. She does that with him, Armin, and especially you. You’ve practically replaced Eren as her top priority. So, right now, Eren hopes Mikasa doesn’t hear the wobble in his voice but that’s highly unlikely.
He continues, “[Name] swore off relationships after her last heartbreak during sophomore year. I’m not about to go up to her and tell her ‘Hey, I’ve been crushing on you so so bad since we were freshmen and I know you probably see me as a friend but how about that date? You look lovely by the way’. It’s not that easy, Meeks. I … freeze when those words come up.” And when you look at him with those eyes he dreams about waking up to every morning — curved like crescents with genuine happiness and love for him, Eren’s a goner. You have that effect on him. Time slows and everything dissolves into nothing when you’ve only done one thing, and that’s smiling at him. God, he’s so in love with you that the thorns are starting to sprout with the flowers. “It’s pathetic.”
With the pause on the other side of the call, Eren would think that Mikasa drops it.
“... She’s ready to love again, Eren, and she’s ready to do it with you in the picture.”
A goddess of time, that’s what you are, because, at those words, Eren’s entire world stops.
“I won’t say exactly what she said because that would mean telling on her but,” Eren hears a smile on Mikasa’s voice, “she told me she found the right someone for her and I think, scratch that, I know it’s you, Eren. So, take the risk and confess to her, you idiot.”
“Do you think she’d accept it? My confession?”
“I’m confident that she will.”
The moment Mikasa hangs up to cook you some breakfast, Eren is already out the door.
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You’re in the process of placing things in your school bag for your study session in the nearest library when the doorbell rings.
Mikasa is in the kitchen cooking up a storm, something about giving you a bento box for your grueling revisions so that you won’t have to spend a couple of dollars for a cafeteria ticket, so you’re the one closest to the front door. You leave your bag and belongings on the couch, thinking that maybe Sasha wants to join you and Mikasa for some early breakfast. But then, the girl wakes up in the middle of the day during weekends. You now wonder who’s incessantly pressing the doorbell like they’re a kid in the Halloween season begging for the owner of the house for some free candy that they will neglect after a day. You refrain from grumbling out profanities and quickly open the door without a word. The irritated cloud hanging over your head clears at the sight in front of you. It’s replaced with warmth and a soft tune emanating from your chest.
Eren looks like he’s run a marathon, hands on his knees and hunching on his back to catch his breath.
“Eren, what are you doing here?�� You ask him, looking back over your shoulder to check on Mikasa. You turn back to him once you see her preoccupied with cooking. “Come in. I’ll get you some water.”
“No,” he straightens his posture, “I’m alright.” He takes a couple of deep breaths, almost like he’s trying to gather courage. You never take your eyes off him. You’ve seen him with unbound hair; but seeing it after admitting to yourself that you’re having feelings for him, it’s not exactly kind to your heart. The glow of the early sun illuminating the window at the end of the hallway creates this illusion of a halo around his head. With the smile on his face, the one that crinkles the corners of his eyes and lets his little dimple peek through, you can’t help but think that he’s here to conduct this song beating inside your chest. You only blink when he sheepishly scratches his nape and says, “Can you come out here for a sec?”
You’re about to peek at Mikasa when he adds, “Please?”
His eyes flicker behind you but he tenderly wraps his hand around your wrist before you can even turn your head and pulls you out of the doorway.
“Eren, what is this about—?”
“I’m in love with you.”
Your heart is beating a song and each note is about Eren Jaeger.
“And I have for quite some time. Since freshman year exactly. I’m so fucking in love with you that you’re the first thought I have in the morning and the memory I replay in my mind to sleep at night. You consume me, [Name], and God, I don’t know what I’d do if you start searching for love again. I don’t want you to find the one you’re looking for in someone that’s not me. Call me selfish but I decided that I'd gladly be that just to tell you my feelings. I don’t want to make a regret that will haunt me my whole life onward so, here I am, telling you how much I love you and I don’t want you with somebody else.” He’s breathing heavily again. “Woo, that feels so good to let out,” Eren murmurs under his breath, his head tilted back to blink away any sheen of tears.
Now that he’s said his piece, it’s your turn.
You can’t comprehend looking for any shed of love since you started university when it’s right in front of you — holding your hand when you cross the street, attentively listening to you as you ramble about your newest hyper fixation of the week, hugging you in the middle of the hallway when you have a bad day, kissing the scars you’re unaware of having, giving you the love and appreciation you deserve above all else … love has always been in the form of Eren, one of your best friends. You regret never seeing it come to light sooner. You place the palm of your hand over your trembling mouth. His expression wilts when he sees your teary state. They finally trickle down your cheeks as his large hands cup your face in a hold that says you’re more fragile than a lone bubble drifting in the air. 
“Hey,” Eren breathes, his head ducking to meet your eyes. “Don’t cry. It pains me to see you cry.”
“But you—”
“It’s the truth. But if you feel like it’s making you sad, I’m taking it back.”
“No!” You cover his hands with yours. He blinks in surprise. “I’m just so happy, Eren.” You let out a watery laugh in between his palms.
Eren feels his breath taken away. “What?”
You nod with a large smile. “I’m happy you said those words. I,” you choke up; you haven’t received this intense of a confession in your lifetime, “because I—” he looks so expectant that a little laugh bubbles in your throat. You lean into his touch and beam the most radiant smile you ever give someone, “I’m starting to fall in love with you.” At his stunned silence, you continue. “And I’m sorry for being so late at reciprocating, but don’t worry because I’m saying it back now, Ren.”
Eren explodes, “Fuck yes!”
And then, he hugs you close, letting you hear the tumultuous beat his heart is telling you. His laughter beckons yours to bubble from your chest, molding together harmoniously as the sun fully waves her greeting to the world. He blankets you in one of his embraces, but this time, he’s taking this chance to pull you closer than usual. Eren is this happy to know you are accepting his confession and returning his feelings, how much more if you’re going to build a slow romantic relationship with him? You’re not going to lie, the thought of you and him being each other’s partners spurs spring to grow inside your chest. You place your forehead on his chest for a moment, only pulling away when he once again cups your face in his palms. The melodic laughter coming from you sings its notes with every kiss Eren gently presses on every inch of skin his lips can find. Your forehead, temples, cheeks, eyelids, nose, the corners of your mouth — and all of them tickle each butterfly tingling your stomach. 
He only pauses when he’s in front of your lips. You open your eyes to find Eren staring at you with the immutable essence of love within his limbal rings. His pupils cover the majority of his iris until only a tiny ring of emerald peeks through. Your reflection is clear enough to see your wide-eyed expression. You expect him to kiss you breathlessly, erasing every thought in your brain so early in the morning, but instead, he nuzzles his nose against yours, all the while maintaining eye contact.
“We’ll take this slow, okay?” Eren whispers only for you to hear, not even the potted plant idly sitting by your apartment’s door can listen in. “I know you’re tentative but I’m willing to be patient. I will wait for you no matter how long it takes like I’ve waited three years for you to finally see me differently. And you don’t have to worry because, sunshine, I’m always here to catch you, to care for you, to love you with everything I have. So, are you willing to give me a chance?”
You hum, wrapping your arms around his neck. You nod, “Yeah. If it’s you, I’m ready to give romance a chance again, pretty boy.”
His grin can make a thousand moons shine.
“We have nothing to lose.”
“I finally have you with me.”
“I’m now with you, Ren.”
“God, sunshine, I’m so in love with you.”
"And I'm falling for you, pretty boy."
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lxvebun · 2 years
period pains
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buns notes: it's been 500 years since I wrote something for JJK and it's the first time I'm writing for Yuta so it may be a little rusty. I hope you all enjoy it tho!!
content Yuta/Gojo/Toji/Sukuna x gender neutral reader. Fluff + comfort. Kissing. Tummy kisses. Neck kisses. Painkillers. Eating. Talk about cramps, dizziness, just common period problems. English is not my first language. Not entirely proofread.
♡dark blogs/creators/consumers(meaning u reblog that shit), k!nk and ed blogs do not fucking interact🔪
-♡navigation -♡JJK masterlists
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He’s really sweet and attentive, especially on your period. You do have to guide him a bit with what you need from him and be very specific if he needs to buy something for you but other than that he does everything perfectly.  Yuta's most cherished comfort is physical affection, which is why he's extra affectionate during your period, trailing sweet kisses down your neck to your cheek, and pressing soft kisses on your stomach to soothe the cramps.Even if the kisses don't actually relieve your cramps, the hopeful look in his eyes and the soft smile on his face is still healing enough. If you have any sweet cravings, rather than buying it, he’ll buy the ingredients so the two of you can make it. it’s a way to distract you from the pain and curb your cravings at the same time. It works wonders. Making cakes and cookies together with the love of your life while soft music plays in the background and fresh air flows through the window makes any pain you were experiencing disappear
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Gojo takes great care of you when you’re on your period, even if he can't be there because he's at Jujutsu high. Gojo has a major sweet tooth so the fridge and cabinets are always stocked with the most expensive and tasty snacks. Really opening the fridge is like opening the door to a dessert store. Before he leaves for work he also makes sure you have enough painkillers, pads/tampons left, if not he’ll quickly buy some for you.  In addition to this, he also leaves a ton of colorful sticky notes all over the place, all with sickeningly sweet nicknames and random "gojo facts," and of course, before he leaves, he sticks one on your forehead after kissing it.
To distract you a little bit from the pain, he texts you throughout the day with reminders, silly pictures of himself or very random close-ups of Nanami and Megumi. When he gets home, even if he had a rough day, he’s still very attentive. He'll make sure you’re drinking enough water and holds you when the cramps or dizziness gets worse. He's good at calming you down when that happens.  While he rests your head on his lap, he will turn on your favorite movie, gently trail his fingers down your spine and occasionally draw invisible hearts and flowers shapes on your back, which leads to him trying to distract you from the cramps by making you guess what he is drawing,,,and then tells you you guessed wrong even if you were right because he's a menace like that<3
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He’s amazing at handling your period. Whether you experience cramps, lightheadedness, sensitive headspace, or mood swings, don't worry, Toji will take care of you. He will get you anything you need and is not at all opposed to buying you period products. He knows your favorite items by heart at this point. He knows exactly what packaging to buy, what painkillers help the most, your food cravings, etc. When you tell him you've gotten your period, he presses a kiss on your forehead before heading to the store and coming back with a huge bag of everything you could need.
Toji is really good at coaxing you into sleep so he sometimes coaxes you into taking a nap to help you with your pain.  After you’ve eaten and taken your painkillers, he'll carry you to bed and then put on an ambience noise video, open a window, and make sure your heating pad isn't too hot before placing your head on his chest so you can fall asleep listening to his heartbeat. You always fall asleep within a few minutes like this. Toji doesn’t leave once you fall asleep nor does he join you for a nap either, he’s more so focused on your facial expressions and movement to see if you’re having a peaceful sleep. As soon as he detects that you're becoming restless, he starts pressing soft kisses on your forehead and smoothing his thumbs down your cheeks until you fall into a peaceful sleep again.
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Sukuna becomes very a little worried and more protective than he already is when you're on your period. He hates seeing you in pain, especially when there is nothing he can do to make it stop. Usually, if something is bothering you, he will deal with it in his own special way violence but that is not something he can do here. He will do whatever you ask and get you anything you need. You need a heating pad? Luckily for you Sukuna runs very hot. Is it because he's so incredibly handsome or is it because he’s from hell? Who knows all that matters is that you can use him as your personal heating pad. Simply grab his arm and drop it on your stomach. He'll get the message, and if you're okay with it, he'll even give you a massage to alleviate the pain. He will get you any stuff you need, though he is a little wary of mortal medication, so he will avoid giving that to you unless you ask him to get you some. He also fears you'll choke on it, so when you're with him, the only way you'll get painkillers in your system is when he spoon feeds you yogurt or pudding laced with powdered aspirin. it's a little odd but also kinda sweet in a way. Sukuna makes your period a little more bearable but do be prepared to have him loom over you 24/7👁
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thank you for reading bunnies!<3
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bionerd2point0 · 3 years
Congratulations on the milestone! 🎉🎉🎉 I'm just going to send a single word your way and see what comes of it... Pirates. 😉
aklsjdskdjf You have NO idea how much I was hoping someone would prompt pirates!! XD I loved the excuse to play in this world some more, and ended up with an entire oneshot haha
Please enjoy!
The boat rocks gently with the motion of the waves, a sensation that Jason has long since adapted to. He hasn’t had trouble finding his sea legs since he was a twelve-year-old cabin boy for then-Captain Wayne. There’s a big difference, however, between standing on a rocking deck under a bright sun, and sitting on the floor of a brig with a single dingy window for light.
There’s at least six layers to the grime clinging to his skin now, made all the worse by the dusty pile of straw that serves as his bed, but the water he gets with his meals has to be carefully rationed. He’s not sure how much Drake would care if he became dehydrated, or how long the ship’s stores have to last before they need to pillage another vessel or dock or… whatever Drake does to restock. Jason truly isn’t sure anymore, and while the other man has been a thorn in his side for years, he’s also a bit of an enigma.
No one knows where Drake came from, nor why he carries out seemingly random raids, and Jason’s unwilling stay on his vessel has done little to clear that up. Drake visits him daily to taunt him, bringing plates of bland food and playfully asking questions about Naval movements that he knows Jason won’t answer.
Jason wishes he could say he hates seeing the pirate. Wishes that Drake could be more conventionally cruel, give him something to truly loathe, but the isolation has been having no small effect on his psyche, and after ten days alone Jason craves even the short moments of irksome interaction that Drake gives him.
The long hours alone have done more to wear him down than anything else Drake could have concocted, and he’s not even sure it’s intentional. Drake’s busy, after all, and he’s been very careful to keep his crew’s identities a secret over the years. It makes sense to not let them interact with someone who may be ransomed back to the enemy, assuming Drake doesn’t have something else planned.
Jason fingers the thin lines scratched into the wood by his thigh. It’s still too early in the day to scratch in the next, but he wants something to do. He knows better than to give into the temptation, though. The days pass more quickly when he can look forward to scratching another mark into the floor at sunset.
Distantly, he hears shouts from the deck, words indistinguishable but carrying the distinct tone of stress. Is there a storm gathering on the horizon?
The distant barking of orders carries on for a long while before the stomping of boots descending the stairs makes him sit up straighter. Something is happening, and he doesn’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
Drake turns the corner and Jason feels a tendril of real alarm curl in his gut. Even if there’s not a storm on the horizon, there’s more than enough dark anger in Drake’s expression to mean trouble. He stalks over to the door of the cell and produces a key, which has Jason scrambling to his feet. All of their interactions have been through the bars in the past, even sliding the meal trays and chamber pot through a small opening. With the way Drake looks… Jason’s not entirely sure he’s not about to die.
The door groans as it opens, rusty hinges protesting. Drake pauses for a moment, taking in Jason’s wary stance and the tension in his shoulders.
Jason’s mobility has been pretty limited thanks to the manacle tethering his wrist to the wall, but he’s kept up with the exercises that he can do around it and was plenty strong before his capture. He can give Drake a real fight if it comes down to it.
“If you value your life… if you have any desire to not be tortured to death in gruesome ways, you will cooperate with me. Clear?” Drake’s tone is cold and serious.
“Why should I trust you?” Jason retorts. Drake’s not outright threatened him before, but there have been plenty of implications and attempts to tease him with ways to ‘improve his stay.’
Drake snorts, a hint of that teasing smirk slipping back on his face. “Don’t trust me, just trust that you’re more valuable to me alive than dead.”
Jason takes a shuddering breath. That… fits the narrative Drake has been building around him. “Fair enough.”
Nodding sharply, Drake produces another key. “Try to fight me, and I’ll have you hogtied, gagged, and thrown in a box with the cargo,” he says mildly, reaching for the heavy metal encasing Jason’s wrist.
Tellingly, Jason doesn’t so much as step towards the door until Drake nudges him towards it.
His legs feel shaky going up the stairs—jogging in place is no match for being able to just walk around throughout the day—but they make it up to the deck without incident. The sun is blinding after spending so long without it, and Jason has to squeeze his eyes shut as spots dance across his vision.
“Keep your head down,” Drake murmurs, grabbing Jason’s arm to pull him across the deck.
Jason tilts his face to the ground and blinks rapidly, trying to clear his vision before he’s locked away again. Surreptitious glances from the corner of his eye reveals the crew in their usual mix of terrifying masks and colorful scarves, identities carefully hidden away. They’re rushing about trying to… tie up the sails? Jason blinks, turning his head just a little more to the side to try and figure out why they’d do that.
There’s no dark clouds on the horizon, but there’s a little smudge in the distance that he can’t quite decipher before Drake hisses at him and he looks back down at the deck.
He’s pulled through two sets of doors on the other end of the ship, then Drake drops his arm and turns towards a basin resting on a trunk in… his room.
Jason stills.
He’s in the Captain’s quarters—Drake’s quarters—and there is very definitely something bad going on because why was he brought to Drake’s personal quarters?!
There’s a bed pushed into one corner and a desk in the other with a bookshelf next to it. A few more trunks, some paintings, a small dining table in the middle, and a place where there might have been a decorative sword hanging in the past… it’s honestly decorated quite tastefully, and Jason is left even more confused than before.
“Here.” Drake turns away from the tall trunk revealing a basin of water, some soap, and a stack of linen. “Wash up as best you can and change into those clothes. Hide what you’re wearing under the bed, and be quiet.” Drake glares at him. “If you break anything, it’s not going to be me that kills you.”
That brings up a whole new host of questions, but Jason dutifully bites them back and nods. At least he’ll be able to scrub some of the old sweat off his skin.
“Good.” Drake nods sharply and heads back for the door, pausing just as he’s stepping over the threshold. “Oh, and Captain Todd?”
Jason doesn’t like the devious smile that curls over Drake’s lips.
“If anyone asks, you’re my lover.”
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geetrick · 7 years
70 horrible questions ask: 1-70 like.. I want to know everything... If there's more than one option i'm over asked, but you said you need distraction, so I want to help you.
Thanks, man! It's appreciated!This was fun! Also, I realized that I'm really negative and that I have very messed up dreams. Good to know.01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?Sort of. They're nice people, it's just that they're really conservative and I live in a really liberal state, so I'm constantly trying to pick out the difference between "good" and "bad" based off what they say and what everyone else says. I'm just convinced everyone is lying to me at this point.02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?This is gonna sound kinda weird (and really sad because it happened a week or so ago and I don't remember saying to anyone recently before that), but Gray. I forget what we were talking about, but, yeah. That happened (platonically).03: Do you regret anything?All of elementary school. I was just a complete idiot up until I was twelve. Now I'm just a regular idiot.04: Are you insecure?Yes.05: What is your relationship status?I have a girlfriend. The only problem is I'm really busy, so I end up ditching her a lot, so idk if she's still gonna like me in two months. :/06: How do you want to die?Quickly and painlessly.07: What did you last eat?I'm literally eating a pizza rn.08: Played any sports?I swim. That's actually why I've been so busy/inactive recently. Sorry.09: Do you bite your nails?Only when I'm stressed. So a lot.10: When was your last physical fight?I can't remember. I'm too tiny to fight.11: Do you like someone?There's my gf, and it would be kinda weird if I didn't like her.12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?Yep, it was painful.13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?You can't consider someone an enemy if you don't consider them in the first place.14: Do you miss someone?My friends. I don't see them as much as I want to.15: Have any pets?A cat. His name is Rusty!16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?I honestly don't know.17: Ever made out in the bathroom?At first I read this as "Ever made it out of the bathroom?" lol. I avoid public bathrooms like the plague.18: Are you scared of spiders?No living thing should be allowed to have more than six legs.19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?I think there's a reason we leave the past behind.20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?I've never, like, intensely kissed anyone. There's nowhere private enough and no one I've ever liked enough to do that with in public.21: What are your plans for this weekend?Sleep and try not to die.22: Do you want to have kids? How many?I'm not even gonna think that far ahead.23: Do you have piercings? How many?I don't have any at all. Like, not even the ears. I kinda want something on the eyebrow though.24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?Math and the sciences.25: Do you miss anyone from your past?Yes, mostly my grandpa...26: What are you craving right now?A hug.27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?People don't typically like me that much.28: Have you ever been cheated on?No.29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?Not as far as I know.30: What’s irritating you right now?People being people.31: Does somebody love you?I like to think that.32: What is your favourite color?Black/pink/white/gold33: Do you have trust issues?I'm convinced most people lie to me, so technically.34: Who/what was your last dream about?I dream a lot, but I barely remember them most the time. In the last one I do remember, I think I met Patrick Stump, I think he was mad at me because I (rather horrifically) murdered his family, and I think he stabbed me.Also, now that I'm remembering this, I just thought should point out that children shouldn't be able to bleed that much and small people scream very loud. (What is wrong with me?)35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?My mom.36: Do you give out second chances too easily?Textbook definition pushover.37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?Forgive, but I prefer to forget.38: Is this year the best year of your life?That was last year.39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?14.40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?No? Why would I do this?51: Favourite food?Anything with chocolate.52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?Yes.53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?Write and delete 1000 words of a Petekey fic.54: Is cheating ever okay?If you would willingly cheat, the other person deserves better.55: Are you mean?I'm an asshole if that counts.56: How many people have you fist fought?Nada.57: Do you believe in true love?I think it at least exists sometimes.58: Favourite weather?Rain. Maybe with lightning?59: Do you like the snow?Never really see it where I live.60: Do you wanna get married?Probably.61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?I think it is.62: What makes you happy?Not having to worry about anything.63: Would you change your name?I've considered it, but probably not. I like my name.64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?Not really. We get along and the kiss we kinda platonic anyway.65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?I don't really have a gender that you could be the opposite of, so I'm gonna to the opposite of my agab. Laugh, because everyone already thinks he likes me (he doesn't).66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?Same guy I mentioned above. He's a pretty chill dude and probably the gayest straight person I've ever met.67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?My dad, technically.68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?My mom. Idk how I felt about it though.69: Do you believe in soulmates?Yes. I like believing that there's a person out there that will put up with me forever.70: Is there anyone you would die for? Most of the people I consider my close friends.
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