#had fun using some washi tape to add details for everyone but basic mbj xD
quilleth · 2 years
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“It was dark, it was cold, and I was scared.  But then I saw the Moon. It was so big, and it was so bright it seemed to chase the darkness away. And when it did, I wasn’t scared anymore.”
Inspired by this gifset/quote, Shang Qinghua as Jack Frost and Mobei Jun as a moon god! SQH trying to figure out how to get closer to this hot mysterious man he sees sometimes when the moon is fullest and he doesn’t feel as scared of everything and why he would possibly help him of all people. MBJ’s appearance changes with the moon’s phases, so SQH can’t recognize him sometimes, but they absolutely met before, during a new moon when SQH helped moon god MBJ out of a sticky situation.  Yes new moon mbj is basically just normal mbj what of it xD
I just realized that i gave SQH frosted tips like what were popular when i was younger because i didn’t want to give him completely white hair like jack frost has in the movie >< Because i wanted it to look frosted over and you usually still see the color of something under the frost
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