#had i just went in the shoes it'd probably be an easier cleanup
kyi-0m0 · 1 year
walking home absolutely bursting to pee, melting snow squelching under my feet definitely not helping
having to wait for the elevator and keep composure so other people in the building can't suspect a thing
moaning and grabbing at my crotch the moment the flat doors close behind me
needing to put away keys and take off headphones and a jacket and a hoodie because otherwise I'll be super overheated but pee dancing the entire time
bending over to spend ages untying my boots, squirming and whining because that position just puts more pressure on the bladder
leaking when I'm only done with one boot but being unable to do anything about it because obviously I'm not going to walk around the house with wet shoes, that would make a mess!
leaving a small pee trail as it inevitably trickles down my legs while I'm hurrying to the toilet with my hands jammed between my legs
making a puddle right in front of the bathroom and then peeing all over the floor, toilet and barely into it as i was just a few moments too late >///<
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