mandiblla · 11 months
❝ who knew something so small could cause so much trouble? ❞
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"Indeed. What was this creature called again?"
It resembled a Taigore, but none of them were this....
Either way, the black fuzzball had managed to knock over just about everything, even getting a swipe in at her face upon finally being caught.
Dangerous enough to do it, but cute enough to get away with it. No wonder Earthrealmers seemed to love these things.
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apoapsis · 1 year
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@haegur-daudagi said, ‘ i don’t see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad. ’
                      In many, many ways, he can empathize with that sentiment. 
… And yet, the residual bitterness in his heart coils reflexively at the very notion of finding any sort of enchantment with the world around him. His old life feels so very far away from him– especially since fleeing into the increasingly sparse wilds to avoid society altogether, leaving him with very little attachment to the world.
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                      “It– it can be very bad.” SIGMA mutters, casting his gaze upward towards the lush, green canopy above, shielding the two of them from the oppressive heat yet blanketing them within a thick blanket of humidity.
“It isn’t–... It is not as if it is the world itself that is bad– it is the selfish, parasitic beings that occupy it. Ah, but... such is the manner of entropy, is it not? Chaos is the natural order of this dimension, I suppose...”
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drunkenfxst · 1 year
@haegur-daudagi sent: She's been tailing him for at least a few minutes now, eyes fixed squarely on the bottle dangling at his waist. As Jamie makes his way through the crowd, she STRIKES - a blur of ornamental feathers and hand-treated leather, ending in a debatably necessary and very extravagant forward roll at the other end of the crosswalk. Rikshi pops up, booze in hand, and makes an expression at him. It's tough to tell if it's a grin, a leer, some kind of facial spasm... but she's certainly making it. "Yum YUM! I want to try this!"
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The streets are busy—as per usual, but it’s still peaceful all the same, hands are nestled into his pockets, expression of boredom across his features as he carefully keeps an eye on everyone around him. As a peacekeeper, that’s what he did—he kept the peace. And if he didn’t, he wouldn’t hear the end of it from his cousins.
‘What kind of fighter can’t keep the peace in his own city!?’
‘C’mon, Jamie! You’re better then that!’
“I’M BETTER THEN THAT!” He stops in the middle of the walk way, handful of people turning to stare at him which causes Jamie to freeze, laughing nervously as he stands straight and scratches the back of his head, giving an opening for the bottle on his hip to be h hooked. He had moved to grab his Wu Lou, and when he saw it wa aliasing he quickly looked over.
‘Not this chick again…’
“C’mon, hasn’t anyone ever told you…” he charges a few steps forward, lunging and landing on his his hands, curving and turning his body into a breakdancing kick that knocks the bottle out of her hand. When he gets back to his feet, he catches it.
“Not to steal?” A huff leaves the peacekeeper and he shakes his head. “I really doubt you’d be able to even stomach it.”
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