#hagakure was already friends with shadow before she figured out how to reflect light
jackdaniel69nice · 4 months
Dark Shadow is eerily good at judging someone’s character from just a glance and gets along well with just about anyone. There are some people though that Dark Shadow will despise for no good reason. Here is a reminder that DS has very black and white thinking, so they will either love you and protect you with their life…or they will hate you with every ounce of their being and dance on your grave.
The biggest problem dark shadow has is their “Ego” it’s not so much a problem that they think they are all powerful, but it is a problem when someone is more powerful than them. Dark Shadow defines their worth on how useful they are, if someone holds their weakness (light) then they become disillusioned and fearful. If this person can defeat them then tokoyami is defenseless and it scares them that someone could hurt tokoyami. I suppose it’s more about dark shadows fear of the people they care about getting hurt then anything else.
And when ds is afraid they can become aggressive. The aggressiveness can manifest as direct antagonization to try and assert dominance over this person they see as a threat. Examples like growling and making themself bigger when the person approaches is common but ds can also just say mean words to make them leave them alone.
Their fear can also manifest as timidity. Their timidness is an effort to show submissive behavior because they are convinced the person has already defeated them and has accepted being inferior to them. Avoiding eye contact, becoming smaller, being quiet or not speaking at all, and even fleeing the room or returning to Tokoyami’s body are examples of this.
Dark Shadow has immediate distrust of new people they meet and don’t speak to them until they have gotten to know tokoyami already. When tokoyami first came to UA ds rarely showed their face much less spoke. This a temporary adjustment period though and was born out of being feared for their whole life, much like how shoji wears his mask to avoid scaring people ds also hid themself. (After being at UA for a year and finally having friends that are not only understanding but genuinely like being around them, they will gain a lot more confidence and be unapologetic about being out)
As far as specific people Dark shadow dislikes there are a few I can think of off the top of my head.
Endeavor(unresolved)-ds has never met endeavor personally but mixing an aggressive man known for beating kids (todoroki is one of ds’s friends which they are protective of) with an insanely powerful fire quirk and ds already has rage boiling at the thought of the man
Bakugo(unresolved)-bakugo is also an aggressive person with a fire quirk, even though they have very similar personalities ds will pick fights with him
Shihai Kuroiro(unresolved)-vantablack possessed ds that one time, they have not forgiven or forgotten. Will not let him near them no mater how many times he apologizes
There are also some people Shadow used to fear but have been able to accept
Aoyama(???)- **SPOILERS about the manga for post season 6 of the anime!** ds cannot really get near him without pain due to his lazer leaking. They also sensed something “off” about him but when they told tokoyami about the weird stuff he does at night tokoyami just brushed him off. Ds did reluctantly get to know Aoyama though and they are very similar in their flamboyant personalities and will tease each other in a friendly manner…ds still wasn’t surprised when he was revealed and got a big fat I TOLD YOU SO…but it was bittersweet, ds has forgiveness in their heart though (maybe)
Aizawa(resolved)-aizawa can erase quirks, ds would behave as much as possible around him but when his job is to teach heroics they quickly had to get over this fear. It was mostly due to that aizawa is so perceptive and noticed ds was sentient and started treating them with more respect
Kinoko Komori(resolved)-let it be known that ds can definitely hold a grudge. They were seriously worried about tokoyami after he inhaled those spores during the training exercise, but quite frankly kinoko was so genuinely apologetic and nice afterwards they pretty much forgave her right away. It probably helps that Shadow themself was never actually defeated (ds would knock her tf out if she ever tried it again, she really isn’t a threat in their mind)
Todoroki(resolved)- todoroki is one of Shadows good friends, but sometimes his fire reminds them of dabi, both ds and tokoyami get triggered sometimes and can be put off from training or hanging out with him. Todoroki (the angel that he is) knows this and talked with them about it. Things are ok now.
Also just because dark shadow has unresolved issues with some people doesn’t mean they will never be resolved. They are just taking longer to get there.
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izupie · 5 years
Fox Fire (Full Spoilers)
This is kind of rough and very broadly going over the story, so there are plot threads, cameos and ‘moments’ I haven’t mentioned here (especially since it was getting so long I nearly just started writing the thing again lmao)
Here’s an extremely brief full spoilers overview of the plot of Fox Fire (my Kacchako Kitsune!Bakugou Miko!Uraraka Japanese Folklore AU thing) if I had decided to continue it...
So Uraraka's whole character is about the ability to move forward, even if it hurts, into a place of your own choosing. Right now she's looking after the shrine and performing her duties as Miko because she feels like she should for her parents. She's never even considered doing anything else, or working towards doing anything else. She has no idea what she wants because she'd never thought about having the chance to make that decision for herself. Bakugou's character is about realising that power and ambition will never really give you satisfaction. His end goal is to get his ninth tail, and he believed everyone was holding him back; the other Spirits, Inari, friends, love etc etc. He has to learn that this stuff actually completes him, regardless of whether he has nine tails or not.
So Uraraka's parents died, leaving her the shrine, but they died so suddenly that everyone in the village believes it's the work of a curse. Nobody will set foot on the hill. So she lives alone, spends her days alone, cooks alone, eats alone, and repeats the process every day - keeping her spirits up and believing that one day her prayers will be answered and the shrine will be busy again. While she grows lonelier and lonelier deep inside. Bakugou is actually a quarter human - his grandmother was a human - and he grew up as friends with two other Kitsune hybrids, Izuku who is a half human and Shoto who is half Bakeneko. Shoto gets his nine tails first, but that kid has insane amounts of power, so Bakugou gets jealous but at least knows he'll get them before Izuku, because he's always been weaker. But Izuku starts training with a Light Spirit (surprise it's All Might) and suddenly the half human hybrid Izuku has his nine tails before he does (and he’s only a quarter human). Bakugou loses his shit and decides it's because Inari is picking on him. He craves those nine tails. So he breaks all ties with the Spirit World, renounces his job as one of Inari's messengers (all Kitsune work for Inari) and goes off alone to find power. After some time he comes across Uraraka's shrine and the tofu and bam, we get the start of the story.
Bakugou decides his noble deed that will earn him his ninth tail will be giving this weak Miko what she wants and being a visitor to her sad shrine. He disguises himself as a human and spends the day with her - she's blissfully unaware of any foul play because she's so. excited. although something does seem... off about him. Inside Bakugou is dying at trying to be 'pleasant' and cracks show up in his demeanor at times. But she goes along with it. It’s a real visitor! The day begins with a tour, (really just some shrine exposition for the readers) and Bakugou is fully regretting his decision, but during some of the day she begins to show some of her loneliness and her fire and he is Surprised. By the end of the day she gives him a fortune, from a basket of fortunes her mother wrote before she died (two years ago) and he picks one out, shoves it in his pocket and says he'll read it later, but as he's leaving he trips or something and it blows out of his pocket. She doesn't mean to pry but as she picks it up, intending to run after him, it flaps open and just says 'Kitsune' on it. So begins her complete and total conviction that he's not what he appears, while Bakugou gets furious that spending the day with her didn't even get him a tail.
Uraraka's suspicions are seemingly confirmed when another visitor comes to the shrine. Someone with green hair and freckles, who says someone in the village mentioned they'd seen his friend Bakugou around the shrine and he's been looking for him, was he here? Uraraka is already totally convinced something strange is going on, but she notices the visitor's shadow has ears and tails and is like OK YEP.  But she's curious more than anything, and doesn't give him away, feigning ignorance. (Izuku doesn't actually have a human form like Bakugou, he just hides his fox features under an illusion, but it doesn't work on shadows and reflections. He's just too distracted looking for his friend to even consider these old rules!) Now she decides she's going to catch Bakugou out if she sees him again. But he doesn't return. The next time she sees him is in the convenience store in the village when she's buying some rice a couple of weeks later, and the other villagers in there are whispering and being mean behind her back (even though she can hear them) and they get a whole lot of abuse from an angry boy who is somehow now in the store too. She's shocked. The villagers are shocked. And they end up going back to the shrine together. Uraraka is just asking so many leading questions at this point to catch him out, but is also legitimately touched by his sticking up for her. By the time they end up at the top of the hill she's really conflicted about being hurt over being lied to and misled and being thankful he was the only person who's ever stuck up for her.
At this point she just fully knows that he’s some kind of spirit, but she gives him a chance to reveal it himself. She confronts him about it, but he denies it, so she grabs his wrist and places a charm on him for ‘revealing secrets’ - revealing his ears and tail. She yells that he lied to her and goes on about how she knew almost from the very first time he came to visit because of the fortune, but his friend stopped by and that was the nail in the coffin on her figuring it out. (This only fuels his rage against Deku more). This is when he reveals his true Kitsune form to her for the first time - ears, tail, markings, outfit, and it would be such an emotionally charged moment. Then there would be lots of yelling. 
Meanwhile the sub plot of the Nomus is that All for One is a bad spirit of bad spirits, creating and spawning these things to cause chaos and destruction in the spirit world. Shigaraki was his agent in the human world, many years ago, who was going to spread them there, but he got caught out at Uraraka's shrine by her parents and they actually died sealing him away into the shrine itself. So in a way, it does turn out that the shrine is cursed. 
Uraraka makes a deal with Bakugou that if he helps her get rid of Shigaraki - partly through a desire for revenge, partly through a desire to cleanse the shrine of all the bad energy that she’s sure has been keeping everyone away this whole time - that she will pray to Inari for his final tail. Inari wouldn’t refuse the pleas of a Miko, surely. They go off to the Spirit world on this quest, Bakugou fully expecting this to be easy, but they release Shigaraki from the seal her parents placed on him, and it turns out he's more powerful than they expected. He is a real threat to them both, and Uraraka only has a few charms to keep herself safe. When Shigaraki targets her Bakugou realises she’ll die, so Bakugou sacrifices himself to save Uraraka. 
In the brief moment of his disappearance into a Soul Ball (the marble that kitsune’s carry) Uraraka uses her most powerful charm - a tiny fox statue holding a daisy in its mouth - that keeps Shigaraki back long enough to use her own psychic powers to get them back to the human world.
She’s now alone again. 
But she’s going to get him back.
She goes on an adventure then in the spirit world, upset that she will have to leave her shrine, upset that she had to leave her charm in the spirit world with Shigaraki, knowing it won’t hold him back forever, and thoroughly lonely again now that Bakugou is gone. She puts his soul ball in a pouch around her neck, determined to get him back, especially since he just saved her life.
She has no idea what to do when she gets there and she meets Tsuyu, a frog spirit, who’s the first one of the 1-A cameos she meets. Uraraka eventually reveals her mission there, and Tsuyu warns her that the spirit world is a dangerous place in turmoil, thanks to the Nomus. They band together and Tsuyu tells her that she needs to go and see a witch called Momo so they go on a little adventure to go see her. When they get there Momo tells her that she can’t help with a soul ball unfortunately, but that there’s a witch that can help only called Recovery Girl. 
(The cameos would be... Momo is a witch, and she can pull objects out of her leathery wings that she conjures, Tokoyami is Momo’s familiar, a man that’s been cursed to be a crow, Jirou is a sound spirit, Kaminari is an Oni, Hagakure is a Tanuki, Iida is a wind spirit.)
So by the time she's  f i n a l l y  led to the spirit Recovery Girl and Bakugou is brought back she's crying and hugging him. It was a tough journey on her own, even with the help she got. When he learns of what she did and what she went through he is equal parts angry and Shook. After he comes back they'd be more like a team, with Bakugou beginning to accept that this Miko who he'd originally thought of as weak, managed to bring him essentially back from the dead with help from the friends she'd made in his absence. While she understands that doing all of this gave her purpose, and she's not the shell of the girl she was before, just mindlessly living for the sake of it.
Ultimately they go back with Uraraka’s new friends and win against Shigaraki, because Bakugou begins to accept help from others, and Uraraka finds strength in doing what she thinks is right, not what she thinks she should be doing. She uses every charm she has in the fight, no longer holding onto the idea that they’re some kind of memory of her parents. 
Their defeat of Shigaraki weakens All for One and the bigger, far more powerful spirits are the ones that ultimately banish him once and for all. 
Uraraka remarks that Bakugou would have once really minded that he wasn’t the one to take him down, since when did he get so realistic? But he’s currently holding her close in the relief of winning their own battle, glad of the peace and quiet and the rare moment of actually being alone together now that Uraraka’s friends won’t ever seem to leave now. (He doesn’t mean it though, he’s kind of attached to those ‘losers’ in his own way). He doesn’t mind not being the one to take down the big bad so much when she’s holding onto him like this. 
She sets up the shrine as a refuge for spirits in the human world, her friends helping to build and expand on her shrine and her parents room is finally changed. Bakugou stays with her, and in the end, he doesn't even get his ninth tail, but he's actually okay with it. He gets to stay with Uraraka, and she’s okay with staying at the shrine with no human visitors, because she gets all sorts of spirit visitors now. She’s never lonely, especially with Bakugou always being with her now.
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