#haha sorry if thats more than what u asked for but uhhhh here ya go
gremsbian · 4 years
you say the story of how you came up with Sirsha is long and a story for another day... it's another day, and i wanna know the story
okay idk if it’s That Long but it sure is a very out of the way and was the result of several years worth of events, and we have to go all the way back to when I was 14 years old...
I didnt have a presence on the internet much until I turned 14 and activated my tumboler dot com account. now idk abt yall, but in middle school we had assemblies every year about internet safety and the number one thing was to hide your identity and not reveal any personal information. and so. i did that. however, due to me being very extra and lost in the idea of having my own Secret Identity I crafted an entire backstory for my online tumblr identity. 
in my first few months as a tumblr user I introduced myself as Charlotte Roberta Phoenicksen. Idk where the fuck the last name came from and why i did it but Charlotte Roberta has a background in itself. basically I loved the name charlie and like any kid between the ages of 10-12 (because i was very immature) i thought the name bob was the funniest thing in the world, and i decided that my name would be Charlie Bob, and I elongated that into Charlotte Roberta so I could pass off Charlie Bob as a nickname. But Charlie Bob was too normal.... once again i changed the spelling to.... Charlee Bawb. 
one more bit of trivia i wanted to declare my math friend group as the knights of the square table since we sat at a square table but none of them cared because i was weird and i was autistic so i didnt realize that no one else was into my crazy friend group ideas but anyway i declared myself Sir Charlee Bawb of the Round Table. thus my first url was sircharleebawb and yeah. the history of Sir Charlee Bawb is pretty insane as well but for now all we need is the name and origin. 
Eventually I realized saying my real name was not Bad so I started going by my actual name (at the time) and everything was fine and dandy until that time i thought i was a trans boy bc of internalized misogyny due to my lesbianism but thats also another story and I went by Henry and then Ash but then I realized i wasnt a boy so I went back to my birth name and identified as a cis woman. However, the history of Sir Charlee Bawb remained in my heart and it remained close to me because of just how in depth I made her backstory and identity...
Fast forward to my hmmmm possibly junior or senior year of high school? I decided to boot up a game of pokemon platinum bc i really like it and when it came to naming my character i was unsure of what direction to go. im the kind of gamer who never used my real name when playing video games, i always liked to make up names, so this was no different. however, no matter what name i came up with i didnt get too attached to any... until i decided to start thinking about my roots. 
for the first time in years, Sir Charlee Bawb returned to my mind. no way i was gonna name my character Charlee or Bawb or any variation thereof but.... when i looked at the full name together, sircharleebawb, i noticed the first bit... Sircha. somehow it stuck out to me, but it wasn’t quite right. I quickly solved that by figuring out a pronunciation I liked which was sir-sha, not far off from sir-cha at all. And so, the name Sirsha was born. 
I thought Sirsha was a new original name I had come up with but i later learned abt the irish name Saoirse which is pronounced like seer-sha but Sirsha is just different enough I suppose. anyway it was a name i loved so much ever since then i’ve always used it as the name for my video game avatars. 
fast forward again to uhh. Now? last month more like. i have been incredibly depressed lately and i just had no motivation or source for happiness and i finally decided  to do a Deep Dive into my mind which is not something i’ve done for years. ive always had trouble with my gender identity, as i mentioned earlier i thought i was a trans boy but then went back to being a cis woman but... i realized that i know im a woman but it just did not feel right? Ive been a supporter and huge advocate for nb lesbians for ages of course but like the thought i could be one never crossed my mind until i straight up questioning my relationship with my gender. 
another long bit later i decided to officially non my binary and i love my old name, which is Hannah, and I’m okay being called Hannah, but for fun i wanted to try out a new name along with new pronouns. i knew then and there that Sirsha was the name i would choose, and after literally just a few hours of beginning my experiment I realized that i am Sirsha and suddenly... a lot of my depression seemed to leave? this is several years worth of stress yall and discovering myself after so long was such a relief it was disorienting but.. here i am. 
my name is Sirsha, my gender is Sirsha and also lesbian. I’m a woman when I love women but outside of that I am just Sirsha, and my name means everything to me since it’s so personal and it just feels right. so yeah backstory finished thank u for coming to my Sirsha Talk
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zonerz · 7 years
All of the questions for the shipping thing 😈
AAAAAAAAA Im gonna d i e I hope ur happy abt this long post u dork
Talk about the first ship you ever had.Dang dude,,,,,,, makin me think,,,,,, I suppose it was Jay and Nya from Ninjago?? I thought they were cute but wasnt like SUPER into it, the other one that I was into was me shipping an “OC” with Lloyd L m a oTalk about three of the most important ships throughout your life.Three most important? Uhhhh idk abt important exactly, like idk what the whole requirements for one being more important than another would be. Though, the main one that always makes me happy, no matter the circumstance, is McHanzo. Idk what it is about it but it always makes me smile and helped cheer me up plenty of times throughout the year hahaWhat’s your current OTP?McHanzo or Sonadow tbhWhat’s your current NOTP?shi//ma//da//cestDo you have any poly ships?Yes with some of my OCs!!How do you feel about love triangles?They CAN be done right but most of the time im just over here like, ‘UGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH No one c a r e s’How do you feel about RPF?Idk what that stands for 3Have you ever shipped yourself with a character?Not myself, but my OCs. Tho I suppose my first ever OC was very similar in looks so I suppose partiallyDo you have many ships that never got together at all?Lmao yeah man, most people seem to forget that McHanzo started out as a crack ship hahaDo you ship any characters that have never met?See the previous statementTalk about your favorite first kiss.Wonderbat in the Starcrossed episode. It was gr8 man. Kissing to blend in with the crowd.Have you ever been disappointed when your ship finally got together?The Nya-Jay-Cole love triangle was forced and stupid. LETTHEMBEHAPPY–Has a ship ever broken your heart?HAVE YOU EVER READ UNDER THE WISTERIA TREE? IVE NEVER BEEN SO EMOTIONAL OVER A FIC. I SOBBED FOR A GOOD HOUR AFTERWARDS MANHow do you feel about will they/won’t they?I think it depends on the material, like Wonderbat in JL was a good one cause we still got content for it here and there but it was never ‘official’ but it wasnt relentlessly teased at teither, it wasnt a main focus nor dragged down the show. It was acceptable cuz they were also, yknow superheroes and Bruce isnt the type of character to just suddenly settle down
But otherwise I think it can get really annoying and unnecessary if done wrongHave you ever “shipped at first sight”?Yeah lolTalk about a ship you initially disliked.Im p sure I used to be p decently opposed to Sonadow at first, because at the time I was super into Sonamy (which I’ll talk abt laterrr) though I learned more of the reasoning behind it and was like ‘oh! This is p decent’ and since Ive re-entered the Snoc fandom, Ive sorta reanalyzed my ships and looked into what real chemistry co9uld be there and frankly I just think that Sonadow has a lot of working potential, it reminds me of how I felt about McHanzo at first; They have a lot of working potential and thats what I love building off of. They have the potential to work really well together because the balance each other’s personalities and senses out (Shads bringing a sense of realism and Sonic bringing a lightheartedness) and neither has to worry about the other getting into trouble/hurt/being used against them because they’re both extremely capable of handling themselves. The difference between them and a ship like Mchanzo though is that they’ve already previously worked together and interacted on multiple occasions.
Im sorry I just have a LOT to say abt the ships I love ha h a–Also Ive noticed I have a tendacy to like ships where the partners balance each other?? God im predictableTalk about a pairing you’ve stopped shipping romantically.Sonamy has sort’ve dropped off the radar for me (except in Boom and maybe in X) at least in a more serious regard. Idk how to quite get how I feel into words r i pTalk about a moment which made you question an entire ship.I was actually watching a DHT (I think thats his name idk im tired lol) Top ten abt his personal opinions on ships? Cuz I like hearing other people’s opinions and point of views!! And I mean idk his points with Sonamy were really true and while I still think Sonamy is really cute and has gotten a bit less violent in recent years, the negatives at this point are sortve outweighing the positives atm imo? So it was just kinda like ‘huh. Thats tru’Have you ever shipped something despite yourself?No..? Idk if Im exactly understanding the question but if its asking if I still shipped smth even if it was against my morals? Then a definite no, if its nasty, its nasty imoTalk about a ship you feel alone in shipping.Wonderbat fandom where r u??Is there a ship you just don’t get, but have nothing against?The only ones I can really think of are Shadilver and Sonouge?? :00 Im just curious as to like the origin or reasoning behind the ships! I love hearing people’s reasons beyond “They look nice together” yknow? HahaWhich of your ships have the best chemistry?WONDERBATWONDERBATWONDERBATWONDERBAT–Which of your ships deserve better writing?Sonamy,,,, Jaya,,, //criesDo you mostly ship canon pairings?It depends! But a lot of times I end up soHave you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs and graphics or similar?I probably have LMAOHave you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to?yEAHI like the dark broody one and the lighthearted cheery one where theyre opposite but not so much that they never get along. I like ones where its like sun and moon, where they balance each other out and both bring something to the table. Where its mutual.Is there a ship you’ve shipped for most of your life?Idk man, I didnt really have ships before I was 10 so like–Does shipping come easily to you?Somewhat, I need some good and moral reasons to ship two ppl before I turn into shipping puddy–Do you need to ship something to really enjoy a movie/book/tv show/comic?No, but if there’s a rlly good ship that I enjoy in the content then it definitely boosts how much enjoyment I get out of it hahaName a couple of fandoms in which you have no ships.I can only rlly say that for rlly obscure fandoms, like Ranger’s Apprentice. There’s also the FNAF book-verseTalk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love.For Sonic and Shads I read this one thing ages ago abt Sonic teaching Shadow all the meanings each flower type and color portrays so them giving each other meaningful bouquets n shit is RLLY CUTE AND I LOVE THAT KIND OF STUFF OKAY,,,,,,Share five must-read fics.UNDER THE WISTERIA TREE IS EQUAL TO FIVE MUST READS! gO READ IT! (BUT BE PREPARED FOR TEARS AND LOTS OF THEM)Name your favorite fanartist(s).uHHHH @ludwigplayingthetrombone (Their expression are so soft,,,, n sweet,,, its so fluffy n good,,,) Share your favorite fanmix for your OTP.I dont have a favorite so just go look up some Everytime we touch PMVRecommend 1-5 shipper blogs.¯\_(ツ)_/¯Do you create fanmixes/gif sets/fanart/fic/fanvids and so on for you ships?I draw,,,, every once in a blue moon,,,,Do you have a favorite trope and/or AU for your OTP?Mutual pining and dorky fluffDo you like and use ship names?Yes!!!Is there a fictional relationship you’d really want for yourself?Nah boi Im ace lolIf you could change one thing about your OTP, what would that be?More interactions,,,, pl z ,,,,(diduknow that the “Pretty handy with that bow!” vl came out on my birthday last year?? Best gift man, thanks Blizzard, love ya)
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