#hailee josten-minyard
detectivebambam · 18 days
overwhelming support (50 votes) for Hailee, so here we go
Hailee Josten-Minyard
ofc we gotta start off with this: this will include her backstory, so TWS for CSA, child abuse, drug abuse
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Face Claim
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pre-teen first adopted
and of course her Pinterest board
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Part 12 of The Sam Diaries
Read on Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10507836/chapters/27875511
“It’s my hen night tomorrow and we still haven’t finished the guest list.”
“It’s not my fault my father decided to unearth the fact he has six siblings and a huge extended family only last year.”
“I still can’t believe you didn’t notice your family was in a feud with another family. Your grandparents didn’t say anything?”
“Nope and same family actually. All the weird comments about my father being a disgrace when I was in school make more sense now though. And that time my brother kissed Abigail Rosewood way worse.”
“Isn’t she one of your newly discovered cousins?”
“Your brother makes me want to retch.” Eunoia declares, coming into the lounge and throwing herself onto the couch, her feet in Sam’s lap. She pokes him in the stomach with her toe to get him to take his head out of his hands, watching his face for just long enough to see his begrudging smile before going back to her morning make-up routine.
“How are you doing that without a mirror?” Sam says in awe as she succeeds in not poking herself in the eye with the mascara brush.
“Practice.” She replies, round the mouth that she always pulls while putting on make-up, one similar to the face people make when feeding a baby. Sam always gets the urge to put his finger in her mouth, just to see her reaction. The only reason he hasn’t is he’s worried her instinct reaction would be to bite off the end of his finger. She finishes with the mascara, puts it back in the tube and then fixes him with a look.
“At the end of the day, this wedding is for us. Me and you. If you want your crazy recently de-ostracised family there then invite them. And if not, who gives a fuck. This day is for us.”
Sam reluctantly unfolds the guest list and scans it again.
Sam: • Mom • Dad • Sage
• Auntie Sabina • Uncle Joe • Sabella (+1; Grayson) • Sandra • Salem (+1; Hailee)
• Auntie Saffron • Uncle Cameron • Salvador • Sang • Sapphire • Sarah
• Uncle Sasha • Auntie Emery • Saul • Saveria
• Nan • Great-Aunt Scarlett • Granny Rose • Pops
• Dad’s family??
• Winter White • Yasmin Harris • Talon Anderson
Eunoia: • Julia García • Adoración García • Vasco García
• Rosa DeRosales • Bennett Johnson • Corinna Johnson
• Rashawn Jackson • Serenity Thomas • Kacey Jones • Lainey Jones • Iesha Williams • Madyson Davis • Jaden Brown • Nash Miller
• Neil Josten (!!!) • Andrew Minyard (!!!)
• Odin Wilson • Paxton Moore • Qiana Taylor
“You’ve got all your Exy team, the guys from the shop, and uni right?”
“Yup. And you’ve got your three and only friends, two of whom have the strangest names on the planet.” She teases. Sam rolls his eyes good-naturedly.
“I keep telling you; it’s Yasmin who’s the strange one.”
“We shall see. At least I have more friends to make up for my disappointing lack of family members.” Eunoia says, with a hint of black humour. Sam reaches over to squeeze her hand.
“You ok?” He asks, looking at her closely. Eunoia’s eyebrows pinch together for a second in thought, then smooth.
“I’m ok.” She smiles at him and they share a moment of calm before she gets off the sofa and heads for her shoes. “You’re not expecting me to remember any of the names of your family members once I’m tipsy right?” She calls over her shoulder.
“If you just call them all ‘S’ they’ll probably just think you’re being chummy.”
“I get that it was your dying great-grandad’s wish and all but he was really far into dementia by that point for God’s sake! Poor man probably didn’t know he was condemning all his future line to suffering ‘S’ names.”
“Great-Aunt Scarlett changed her name when he died. Did I tell you that? No-one can remember what her original name was.”
“She’s definitely always been your Aunt right? You didn’t have a transgender Uncle who reappeared as Aunt Scarlett?”
“I mean at this point…”
The impossible happened about two months before Halloween in that Andrew Minyard, renowned emotionless midget with no interest in anything besides Neil, sweet food, occasionally spite-filled pursuits such as stopping a goal in the stupid stickball game he plays for a living, fast cars, cigarettes, keeping promises- (Well shit Andrew thinks, How long have I had multiple interests for?) well, anyway, Andrew had taken part in a bet with his cousin Nicky.
Even more astounding, breaching not just impossible but feats not even alternate universes could have come up with, Andrew lost the bet. The bet was this; Nicky bet Andrew a favour that, if pressed, Neil would say he most liked hugs from Matt, not Andrew. At the moment that Nicky had suggested this bet over their skype call, Neil had wandered out of their bedroom, stark naked, hair sleep-mussed and expression completely content. Andrew’s eyes had travelled so slowly down Neil’s body from head to foot that Neil had flushed the pretty pink colour that Andrew can admit is one of his favourite things.
“Yeah, um-hmm, sure Nicky. Do you want to speak to Neil?” Andrew hadn’t taken his eyes off Neil while he spoke; honestly he was impressed he’d had enough self-control that he hadn’t launched himself off the couch and started devouring the redhead, which meant he had gotten to see the delightful change in expression from content to horrified as he dived back into their room to grab some clothes.
Andrew had smugly gone to make himself a hot chocolate, only drawn back into their living room when Nicky’s crows of excitement had become loud enough to annoy the cats into coming into the kitchen too. “Andrew you owe me a favour!” His cousin had yelled excitedly when he’d seen Andrew come back into view.
“What?” Andrew deadpanned, unimpressed with what he had been sure was more of Nicky’s usual antics.
“Our bet! Neil prefers Matt’s hugs to yours!” At this Neil had looked startled.
“Hey you just asked whose hugs I like the most! Andrew doesn’t hug me. You’re making it out to be different that it is.” Neil had argued, as Andrew felt dawning horror ruin his appetite for hot chocolate.
“What’s the favour?” He had asked, through gritted teeth, barely resisting the urge to slam the laptop screen down (the only reason he didn’t was it would catch Neil’s fingers, much as he’d go to his grave before admitting that was the reason). Nicky had looked more smug than Andrew had ever seen him, which was an impressive feat after last year’s; ‘Allison your fiancé is cheating on you with a man’-‘no he’s not’-cue Allison ‘walking in on her fiancé and the pool boy’ debacle.
“I get to pick your Halloween outfit.”
Skip forward to present day, the 31st of October, and Andrew had spent the plane ride over to Germany resigning himself to the fact that he was going to have to spend an evening dressed in a tutu with rainbow colours painted on his face or something equally ludicrous, but that Nicky hadn’t said anything about not stabbing him for calling in the ‘favour’. Neil was much too amused by the whole thing for Andrew’s taste, though he was less sure about going to Nicky and Erik’s work Halloween party. Though his German remained as impeccable as ever, his only friends outside of Exy were Eunoia and Sam, and even they had a connection to the sport and himself. Luckily he doubted Andrew would be interested in socialising either, and just turning up was always enough for Nicky.
Neil tapped the fingers of his free hand against the balcony impatiently, a cigarette held lightly in the other, as he waited for Nicky to finish dressing Andrew up. It was a testament to how far Andrew had come that he was letting Nicky do this at all, bet or not, and Neil could admit he was curious as to what mortifying or objectifying outfit Nicky had picked out. Neil himself was dressed in the exact same zombie cowboy outfit that he’d worn to Eden’s the first year at Palmetto, something that made Nicky equal parts disgusted and nostalgic, and 100% obsessed with taking at least six selfies with Neil per hour. Considering he usually took five per hour, it wasn’t too much of a burden.
Neil turned when the door to the room opened. Andrew stalked in, his eyes sparking with barely leashed fury and maybe the tiniest hint of defeated amusement, his hands angrily rolling up the sleeves of his outfit that had clearly been made for a slightly taller adult man. Nicky trailed in after him, giggling, with Erik steering him from crashing into the doorframe with a wide grin on his face.
“Do you get it Neil? He’s a pilot because he hates flying!” Neil did indeed get it, but Neil had also lost all motor functions and was only just aware enough to drop his cigarette when it almost burnt out and started dropping hot ash on his wrist, let alone try and reply.
Even though it was just a costume and the trousers would be dragging on the floor if it wasn’t for Andrew’s thick muscular thighs bunching them further up his leg and the sleeves of the jacket were practically bursting at the seams around Andrew’s biceps… What was the point Neil was trying to make again? Neil didn’t even hate the pilot hat, perched atop Andrew’s freshly short-cut hair. In fact, his mouth was so dry Neil wondered if he was living in Arizona again. Where was he? Did it matter?
“Don’t tell me you had a traumatic experience with a pilot.” Andrew mocks when the silence has stretched on for just slightly too long, but the anger in his eyes has dimmed replaced with blooming concern.
It’s a conscious effort to tear his eyes away from Andrew and onto Nicky and Erik, but he thinks if he stares any longer he might be in for a much more embarrassing situation to get himself out of, especially as the muscle he’s put on since that first night at Eden’s has made his trousers tighter in a way that would not help him at all.
“How long do we have until the party?” He manages eventually, hoping his voice sounds less hoarse to them than it does to him.
“About twenty minutes. Erik and I have got to get into our costumes- are you sure you’re alright Neil?” Nicky asks. Neil manages a somewhat convincing nod (though not without some confusion as to what exactly about his outfit Nicky doesn’t already consider a costume) and they leave with a few more light-hearted jabs at Andrew’s expense. Andrew’s in Neil’s space the second they’re out of sight.
“Yes or no?” Neil asks, before Andrew can say anything.
“Yes.” Andrew replies without hesitance and Neil leans forward but stops himself. He doesn’t trust himself to not just grab at everything he can reach.
“Fuck.” Neil wheezes instead and Andrew is getting more confused by the second because this behaviour is indicative of a panic attack but the look in his eye is the same one he gets when Andrew saves an impossible goal on the court of his own volition, or smirks at Neil in bed, or when he says yes to Neil asking to suck his-
“You have a thing for a man in uniform Josten?” Andrew tries not to acknowledge the way blood is rushing away from his head at the breathy sound Neil makes in response.
“Men, eh. You, very much so.” Then he says something so filthy in Russian that even Andrew’s tempted to blush.
“That fucking mouth.” He growls and closes the distance between them, liking how he can pull Neil’s hips into his using the gun slings on either side of Neil’s thighs, something he’s fantasized about doing since that first Halloween.
“Guys you ready to go?” Andrew may be able to get rid of his boner through sheer force of will but Neil’s pretty sure he’s a lost cause. Twenty minutes wasn’t long enough to get themselves into any kind of activity Andrew’s current attractiveness is worth, but Neil doesn’t understand how he’s supposed to get through this party without combusting.
He groans into the pillow when Andrew’s hand tugs lightly through his hair to remind him they have to go, and when he finally gets up he’s determinedly not looking at Andrew.
“Neil this is supposed to be a classy party!” Nicky complains when he sees Andrew. Neil raises an eyebrow in confusion. “Like, did you try to eathim?”
Neil sneaks a look at Andrew’s neck. He hadn’t realised he’d left quite that many hickeys but he doesn’t regret a single one. By the smug way Andrew refuses to do up the buttons on his jacket, Neil thinks he feels the same. It had taken a long time for Neil to be allowed to leave any kind of mark on Andrew, and the first few times Neil had been more freaked out by the bruise forming than proud. That was, until Andrew had had a bad day that had him convinced Neil was just as much of a pipedream as he always thought. Neil had prompted him to look in the mirror at the marks on his neck, proof of not only the existence of their relationship but how far Andrew had come with being able to trust Neil. It had helped, and while Andrew was still off for a few days, Neil caught him checking the marks in the mirror with an almost relieved look on his face.
“Will you let me do up the buttons?” Neil asked him finally, when Nicky’s pleading eyes had become too much to ignore.
“Yes.” Andrew said finally, turning to him. Neil buttoned his jacket with careful fingers, including the top button Andrew hadn’t even had done up before their make-out session. He stepped back to admire his handiwork and gulped at how the high neck accentuated the strong line of Andrew’s jaw and the colour was bringing out his eyes that were still slightly darkened with desire and- fuck.
They needed to leave. Now.
Nicky had asked Neil in rusty Spanish if him and Andrew had somehow managed to get into a fight without speaking seeing as Neil had immediately moved to sit in the passenger seat next to Nicky instead of in the back with Andrew. Why Neil had sat in the passenger seat was twofold, but the main reason was because he didn’t think he’d be able to make it all the way to Nicky’s ‘classy’ party without kissing Andrew again if he was sat so close to his not-boyfriend. He had no intention of saying this to Nicky though and instead went with the other reason; Andrew wanted to talk to Erik.
Nicky had gone immediately pale; looking in the back mirror to make sure Andrew wasn’t holding a knife to his husband’s throat. Andrew and Neil might have attended their wedding but, well, Nicky still remembered how Andrew reacted to Aaron’s girlfriends. To his utter shock Erik is grinning, almost shyly, his eyes wet with unshed tears, while Andrew very awkwardly pats him on the shoulder, looking like he wants to be literally anywhere else.
Nicky has to park the car he’s laughing so much, Neil not being much better.
“What, did, you, say, to, him?” Nicky wheezes, before cracking up again when he looks at Andrew’s face. Andrew shrugs.
“Thanks.” Erik’s smile hasn’t dimmed, even though the tears threatening to spill have mostly gone.
“I stand by what I said in that letter.” Erik says, in accented English. Andrew’s fist clenches and then relaxes.
“What letter?” Neil asks, feeling like he’s been left out of the loop, but when he glances to the side Nicky looks just as confused.
Erik’s eyebrows pinch together a little. “I sent Andrew a letter after Nicky told me what happened outside the club. Nicky’s a fighter, but not like that. Andrew saved his life, and therefore my world. Don’t get me wrong- you were still- Nicky how do you say the mean word for penis?” Nicky snorts, collapsing into giggles again.
“Dick?” He suggests, when he’s calmed down a little.
“Yes. A dick but you’re always welcome at our home. Just maybe when you were a teenager you would have been in the furthest away room.”
“Well into being an adult too.” Nicky chimes in, ignoring Andrew’s glare. “Let me guess, you finally thanked Erik for the offer?”
“He thanked me for helping you enough that he got a family.” Erik admonishes quietly. Neil blinked at Andrew, not expecting that was the reason he’d wanted to speak to Erik. Andrew swallowed and looked up at Nicky, who was staring back, misty-eyed and choked up.
“Oh.” Nicky said softly.
“I told your father about Drake to try and get his help in keeping Drake away from Aaron.” Nicky flinches. “He told me it must have been a misunderstanding, but he promised he wouldn’t let Cass foster any more children.” Andrew’s voice is carefully composed and blank as he continues. “I met one of the other children that your father let Drake attack. We talked. She said something that… I didn’t want you to think I hold any of your father’s misdeeds against you.”
“I can’t give you a hug from here.” Nicky says, eventually, tears spilling over.
“Why did you think I arranged this for the car journey?” Andrew deadpans.
“We’re not that far from the party.” Nicky says, determined, throwing the car into gear and driving them to the venue with the recklessness left over from his university days. He practically dives out of the car as soon as he’s put it into park and goes round to Andrew’s door.
Andrew winds down the window, unimpressed. Nicky holds out his hand like he’s passing something to Andrew but his hand is empty. Andrew glances at it and then Nicky’s face before slowly raising his own hand, wondering what the Hell Nicky’s doing. Nicky grabs his hand and squeezes it once, tightly, before letting go.
“Come on. I’ve got a surprise for you both.”
“I don’t like surprises.” Andrew says mulishly, ignoring the way his heart feels full and warm with how Nicky had somehow managed to give him the feeling of a hug without bypassing his personal space.
“Neither do I.” Aaron, from behind Nicky, holding hands with a slightly paler than normal Katelyn, agrees, staring darkly at Nicky.
Neil looks between them both and realises Nicky had invited both the twins without telling either of them the other was coming.
“Well shit.”
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detectivebambam · 14 days
what languages does Haley speak? since Andrew and Neil speak like 10
Hailee came to Andreil at age 4 speaking English and Spanish
Andreil taught her Russian, German, and Sign
so English, Spanish, Russian, German, and ASL
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detectivebambam · 17 days
bambam can you tell us more about Hailie Josten-Minyard? more specifically can you tell me if the story she’s in has any plot or if it’s just decor for a character? i’m working on an aftg oc but I don’t know how to take the plot any farther than simple exy games. so if there is plot, I need some advice on how to write a plot for my character, and if there’s not then I just won’t feel bad about it anymore
teehee don't feel bad !
i just counted, I have 86 OCs. not all of them are AFTG, and none of them have a story written
so don't feel bad! make OCs just to make them lol
Hailie will get a story. right now there's a translucent plot. here's some more stuff about her:
she does school online. she was okay in public school until age 7. she started acting out and having attacks so they took her out
she's selectively mute. the whole fam speaks (?) sign language, since Andrew is deaf and also selective at times, and then Hailie came into the picture
she met her best friend at gymnastics, and they will stay life partners
she's a little kid so we're not sure her sexuality yet, but as of right now, no attraction to anyone
"Who is Daddy and who is Papa": she calls them both Dad. if they can't figure out who she's talking to by process of elimination, she'll refer to them as "Dad Andrew" and "Dad Neil"
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detectivebambam · 19 days
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detectivebambam · 6 months
andreil girl dads. thank you for your time
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detectivebambam · 16 days
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detectivebambam · 14 days
Well let's get the gymnasts in here
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Layla Sweeney (11)
Tova Martinez (9)
Nikita Ferraro (9)
Gemma Johnson (12)
Kayla Sweeney (13)
Sophie Kikoman (12)
Rayna McCauley (11)
Camille Raynaud (10)
Hailee Josten-Minyard (11)
Lola Hammond (11)
Level 7 - Ages 9-13
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detectivebambam · 14 days
Lola Hammond 🗣️📢💥
(Hailee's best friend)
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Face Claim
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Pre Teen When she and Hailee met
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detectivebambam · 16 days
Hailee fans come get yall food
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detectivebambam · 4 months
anyway Andrew and Neil custom ordering #13 jerseys for their daughter
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detectivebambam · 6 months
andreil will never say "i love you" to each other, but you bet your ass they tell their kids all the time
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detectivebambam · 5 months
having andreil girl-dads brain rot again and imagining them going on a shopping spree for their now teen daughter who is going through teenage girl experiences
they're on the phone with alison the whole time to make sure she has everything she needs and they come home with a basket full of things for her
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like this
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detectivebambam · 16 days
more Hailee stuff
age 9 maybe ?
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