haileyyanneupton · 4 years
fairytale 🧚‍♂️ 🪄
in which Hailey realises that maybe — just maybe — love isn’t a complete scam after all. 
upstead oneshot (hailey upton x jay halstead)
warnings: mention of sexual assault
masterlist | series masterlist 
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Hailey had always found it disgustingly cheesy when the books she would read would describe falling in love as something that happened "hard and fast." She just didn't believe in it. Maybe it was because she had never really been in love — at least not in the way that the fairytales made it out to be — or maybe it was just some ploy to set every little girl's expectations far, far too high.
They were sitting in his car one day, checking out a suspect that looked good for a double homicide when it happened. He had made some stupid joke and of course, Jay being Jay had cracked up laughing at his own sense of humor. It wasn't the joke that made her fall, but the way his eyes lit up in amusement and happiness — genuine happiness too, not that knock off shit. It was the way his head turned to face Hailey without any hesitation to see if she was laughing too; the way to him, she was the only person that mattered. It left her a feeling little winded and a little bit like she was floating, but she didn't mind. Right there, in the passenger seat of his car with binoculars in her hand is where she realised that sometimes, with the right person, you could indeed fall hard, and you could fall fast. The first time she met him, it was no secret to anybody that she wasn't too fond or Mr Jay Halstead to say the least. He had that cocky smile that could piss her off to no end, but what bothered her most was just how hard it was to hate him. She'd be lying if she said she didn't have a vendetta against attractive detectives in the CPD — every time she had allowed herself to like them, even if it were just platonically, she'd always wind up getting hurt. That was why she tried to keep her distance from Jay to begin with — but alas, just as fate would have it, Erin's unexpected departure had left Hailey partnered with the detective she had told herself she would stay away from at all costs. Her painted hatred didn't last long. After even just their first proper shift together, Hailey found herself bending over backwards to make her new partner's life a little bit easier after a case they had been working had gone sideways, Jay's 9mm behind the death of a young girl that had hit him pretty hard. She managed to get a read on him right away — he was so scared, so broken — even Hailey knew that the unfortunate ending to a case had to be just the tip of the iceberg. She wasn't going to fix him — that wasn't her job — but she was going to fight like hell until he could do it himself. She knew what it was like to be there, she remembered how awful it felt; she wouldn't wish it upon anybody, much less her partner who she was becoming strangely fond of with each passing moment. Their first few months working together flew by, but that didn't mean that it had been uneventful. Hailey and Jay had grown close relatively quickly, their personalities gelling together like no other. It was nice to know that someone had your back, but for Hailey, who had somewhat left an entire life behind her when she joined intelligence, their first major challenge as partners came when Ronald Booth inserted himself back into the scene. Really, she knew that she should have expected Jay to do what he had and dig up all that he could find on Booth the second he got a whiff that something had gone on between him and Hailey, but alas; all she wanted was to be seen as who she had worked her entire life to become. Someone who was strong, independent — not someone who allowed themselves to be taken advantage of, someone who ended up in the hospital because she couldn't fight off some old guy. When her stubbornness had reared its head and landed both her and Jay back in Booth's warehouse for a last ditch attempt at undermining him, things turned ugly — and fast. It all happened so fast. One moment, they were about to make the exchange — the next, she was being shoved into a car door while being checked for a wire. His hands against her — god, she could still feel his dirty, disgusting touch from that New Years Eve party like it was yesterday. She had gotten so close to forgetting, so close to pushing it down just far enough so that she wouldn't have to think about it, but when he ran his hands up and down her legs and groped her with such a hunger that her breath hitched in her throat and bile rose, burning her oesophagus and leaving a bad taste in her mouth, she simply couldn't forget. She almost let herself slip back to that night — him on top of her, his weight enough to keep her from moving — but the sound of Jay's voice behind her kept her anchored right where she was as she breathed through it. One more second, and it's over. That's all. Just one more second. "Come on, man. You don't gotta do it like that." There was silence for a moment. You know the kind. The kind that fills the air in the eye of a storm, right before everything goes from bad to worse. Still, no matter how prepared you are for everything to turn to shit again — it's never really ever enough. "Gun! He's got a gun!" "I don't have a gun, man —" she could hear the panic in Jay's voice. "Take it easy! I don't have a gun!" "Back it up!" "I don't have a gun!" Booth was distracted. His hands were still on her, but his grip had loosened. His hand was resting on her hip now rather than grabbing it, and with his attention diverted to the situation unfolding behind them, she took her chance and ran with it. Her elbow collided with his nose as she twisted his arm back in a shape that arms were definitely not meant to go in, a distinct crack echoing through the air for a split second before the sound of two much louder pops overpowered it. She had pulled the trigger faster than she had been able to process, and before she knew it, Tyler had hit the ground and was gasping for air he wouldn't get no matter how hard he tried. Hailey couldn't even turn around before Booth was gone — but she wasn't about to let him get away that easy. He found her before she found him, which was definitely not the way she wanted it to go. Her back hit the wall first, followed by her head hitting the railing of a staircase as he threw her around like a ragdoll. What infuriated her more than anything was how easy it was for him to do it, her body hitting different corners of each stair as she fell down them. Hailey's legs were flailing around methodically, aiming for all of the weak spots as she tried everything she had been taught (and a bit more) to get the upper hand. Finally, she regained her footing, but it wasn't long before he had her by the shoulders and was slamming her up against every wall he could find yet again. Bang. "I knew you were a cop!" Booth growled dangerously, his tone venomous with fury. "I just didn't want to believe it!" Bang.
"Believe it!" With a quick and smooth movement, she finally had some kind of control as she took the position of the slammer, and not the slammee. She was so angry, the adrenaline rushing through her veins so quickly that she threw punch after punch without feeling a thing, a small smirk curling the corners of her lips upwards as it was Booth's turn for a little trip down the stairs. He was halfway unconscious by this point, but she didn't care — he was right where she wanted him now. "Admit you killed Garrett!" Booth smiled a sick grin as he let out a hearty laugh that made Hailey nauseous. "You'll never find him." She felt the anger and white hot, blinding rage bubbling up inside of her, choking her, clawing at her throat as she held the gun to Booth's face. She would never forget the feeling of her finger brushing up against the temptation of the trigger over and over and over again, or the myriad of thoughts rushing through her head. One squeeze of the trigger, and he's gone, Hailey. You could end this right here, right now. Garrett. What about Garrett? Booth is the only one who knows where Garrett is, Hailey — don't kill him! But he's right here, and the gun. . . it's right here in my hands and —
"Hailey!" Jay's voice started out loud, but faded into a whisper. "Hailey. Hailey." Her breathing was heavy, and even though his voice had snapped her out of whatever rage she was in, part of her wanted to jump right back into it and finish the job. Hailey's blue eyes were trained on Booth like it was life or death, never flicking away from the man for even a second. "Hailey —" Jay tried to coax his partner this time; he knew if this continued on the way it looked like it was going to, things wouldn't end well.  "He wins if you do it. This is not how you beat this." His hand was on her shoulder, following the rapid rising and falling of her chest as she held the gun firmly in place. her fingers were trembling but she showed no fear, a ferocious, burning flame in her eyes. She was not done yet. She wasn't. "Please, Hailey, please." He was desperate now; she could tell by the way his grip tightened ever so slightly at the same time that his voice changed. "Please. This is not the way. You — You gotta trust me." It was the pleading that struck her hard enough to really realise what she was doing. It was the pleading that gave her the strength to fight against the rage and finally swing her right leg off of the scum beneath her and growl at him to get up, the sight of him struggling providing her with a secret, visceral pleasure that she would never be able to explain. But when he sat up a bit too quickly for Hailey's liking, the woman deciding that the awful man hadn't suffered quite enough yet, her boot collided with his face one last time before walking her right out of the stairwell. If she stayed, she knew one person would be coming out in a body bag and the other in handcuffs.  She had a feeling she knew which she would be in.
Jay and Hailey's relationship shifted after that night, but neither of them viewed it as a bad thing. There was something about trauma and tragedy that tends to bring people together in some bittersweet way, and despite the fact that they each had their own perspective of what had happened in that warehouse, both of them knew that without the other, things could have ended much worse. It was soon after that that their 'thing' started. Drinks at whichever bar was closest quickly became a regular occurrence, but during the summertime when the crowds got a bit too crowded for either of their liking, they found themselves more and more often bypassing the bar all together by picking up a 6 pack of beer and retiring back to one of their apartments instead. 
After a few times, Jay had compiled a bunch of clothes that he either did wear anymore or that no longer fit him and had left them folded up in the dresser of the guest bedroom for Hailey, who frequently would crash in her partner's guest room after a long night. She secretly loved the scent of his cologne on the neckline of his hoodies that she'd sleep in, though she'd never admit it to her or anybody else — especially once she noticed how much better she slept when she had one on.  
Fast forward a few months, and that's when it happened. That was when her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach from the realisation of what had just happened in a matter of seconds as she sunk back down in her seat ever so slightly, her brain screaming with a million different emotions. She had been quick to mask it, turning her head to look out the window until before she knew it, she was looking back at the dark haired man so intensely that she thought if she looked away for even a second, he'd disappear. Looking turned into kissing, and kissing turned into a personal hour which lead to a little bit more. The whole time though, in amongst everything else, one thought stuck out more than the rest. 
This is your fairytale, Hailey, she thought. This right here is your happy ending. It's him.
a/n: sorry it’s not very long, and that the ending reads kind of rushed, but i’m actually sorta proud of this one aaaa???? i hope you all like it!! might do a part two 👀 
tagging: @ruzek-halstead @detective-buttercup @lissethsrojas @justanotheronechicagofan​ did y’all ask to get tagged? no but i’m tagging y’all anyway bc i value each and every one of u and my tags are reserved for awesome ppl only so 🥰
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grasshopperjay · 4 years
3, 5 and 15 for the one chicago asks 🥰
#3 - sylvie brett or leslie shay
i will miss shay forever 🥺😔
#5 - gabriella dawson or stella kidd
dawson so far! i haven’t seen enough of stella yet
15: trudy platt or mouse gerwitz
um tough... but trudy just cause she’s been around longer 😬 i do miss mouse though!
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selenaurrr · 3 years
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Since it’s my 25th birthday today, I wanted to do a little bit of something to celebrate! I wanted to give a shoutout to some of my favourite people that I’ve been following on here. Thank you for following me and sticking around, I appreciate you all so much! 💕
Thank you for all who have been with me, some since the very beginning. Tumblr has allowed me to meet amazing and caring people who I’m so proud to call FRIENDS and very cool people. I love and cherish you all very much. ❤️
Lots of love;
# - D: @55055d, @abednadir, @alexjulies, @anotheronechicagobog, @arielrpt, @adamruz, @aleksandermorozva, @arianagranqe, @americansdynasty, @alinastarksov, @agrandesupport, @arianaoffical, @altlvias,  @alittlextrathatway, @arianagrandre, @archiveoth, @arianagrands, @allisonhale42, @arianaftharry, @almayver, @aayla-securas, @aurabrights, @acejuddryder, @atiredfangirl, @anna-justice,  @arianagrandse, @ariansgrande, @angel-reyes, @abbyscameron, @asambergs, @amvliashepherd, @agentpenas, @buddie-buddie, @burzekbrettsey, @bleedinghearthalstead, @bilosan, @benmasons, @buckleyndiaz, @beckylynch, @boomheda, @buckleys-diaz, @bellamyblake, @bellamysgriffin, @brittany-murphy, @bellblake, @b99spidey, @bluemoongrande, @bellaarke, @buterasdarling, @bustdownbarbiana, @buckleyevan, @bellarkyy, @benbarne, @bellamyblakru, @bellameblake, @bbemybaby, @bucksbvckley, @buckactuallys, @buttercupstrand,  @biliciouseleanor, @brielarsonist, @cpd5777, @cxh, @chris-evans, @captaincasey,  @caseysbrett, @captainbucky-yt, @commander-anya, @carolmaria, @crystal–rxuge, @captain-flint, @chronicfighter, @chaoticfandoms, @captainavalancee, @clarkegriffinblake, @clarkgriffon, @captain-matthew-casey, @cherylblossom, @catloafs, @clarmontdiaz, @chanandlers, @cheddarholt,  @cmarvels, @christophernolan, @darlingbuckley, @devildrusje, @detectivesofty, @detective-buttercup, @darling-stay-with-me, @dsnnatroy, @diegoshargreevs, @d-fantom, @dontfuckthisup, 
E - I: @evanbuckleyed, @eoinmacken, @eddiediaz-buckley, @elldell1204, @elizatitsgillies, @evermoredeluxe, @erin-lindsay, @etamne, @emdeedot45, @evanbukley, @evan-buckley-is-bb, @ellelans, @evaneddie, @evanbuckleys, @firefighterbuckleydiaz, @firefighter-diaz, @fractureddreams, @foreverdawsey, @firehouse51,@frenchiees, @fircyca, @glorysdays, @graces-shelf, @grasshopperjay, @griffinskane, @georgie-jones, @gins-potter, @gaelgarcia, @george-fan, @gilbxrt-blythe, @godisashrek, @happinessismyjourney, @harrysbucky, @heygrandes, @hotticuslincoln, @honeymoondove, @herlovelanguage, @hamburgerheroes, @hope-mikaelson, @honeymoonavenue, @henycavil, @hennwilson, @hopeamikaelsons, @h0llandshalstead, @hello-shell, @haileyupstead, @halsteadpd, @hostagetakerandhistraitor, @halsteadcaseyandchoi, @honeybuckley, @haileyhalsteadd, @harleyquinnpuddin, @httphiddlestan, @hos3okjin, @haileys-jay, @halstudandruz, @haileyyanneupton, @halsteadsass, @inspirationsprod, @itsnicetohaveafriend, @ilithiyarys, @interstellarflare, @inejz-ghafa,
J - N: @javachik, @jayxuptons, @jakeperalta, @jespersvaneck, @jayshalstead, @jayhalsteadcpd,  @jayhclstead, @justanotheronechicagofan, @jamesbuckysbarnes, @jayhalsstead, @jester-lavorre,@judsonryder, @justanoffalygirl, @kiddsbrett, @kim-ruzek, @kasbreker, @kelly-severide, @katie-049, @kavans, @kristoffsqueen, @karlimorgenthau, @kamalahkhan, @kanejjs, @lindsayerins, @lezlieshay, @lewis-darcy,  @loveletterstoheavens, @lilliantruscott, @lovato-michele-grande, @leia-organa, @lotsoflovefromlea, @lesbianwandamaximoff, @lissethsrojas, @lavendertitties, @loseyoutoloveme, @lizzie-olsen, @legendaryxgrande, @linctavia, @lieutenantkellyseveride, @leymr, @luke-skywalker, @minthara, @mythnmagic, @msashmyles, @mylover, @marksloan, @minerva-marble, @maclexa-bane, @montygreen, @mymooonlightt, @megtheestallions, @marissat1998, @maybelleteas, @maddiecline, @miss-marvells, @moonlightsavenues, @mertinaforever, @nessa007, @natthandrake, @natalieswood, @nikitasloan12, @nathanmillers, @noramachwtz,
O -S: @obviouspov, @ohtwilight, @oretsevmal, @osnapitsariana, @oceanicpride,  @oliverstark, @only1, @officialvicesandvirtues, @onechicago-upsteadrhekker, @princessclarke, @peterstarkss, @planet-her, @puff822, @pendragaryen, @playbucky, @paramedic-tk, @pastelgrande, @princess-seaweed, @qveenofthorns, @ruggedmurphy, @roseanespark, @ruzek-halstead, @rue-bennett, @rigsbys, @rosalitadiazz, @rotten-quinzel,  @selenaigomez, @stcllaride, @stell-stellakidd, @spoby, @strandtk, @severidescigar, @stevenrogered, @shouldvesaidno, @silvarafael, @shelby-love, @slayercordelia, @spacewalkerprincess, @samwisegamge, @spiderrpcrker, @sambergscott, @spontaneousellipsis, @sixringss, @supervalcsi, @stydixa, @smolsamberg, @sbstianstan, @steventrevor, @sydsweeneys, @selserenades, @selenamodel, @sweeetnd, @selrubyjane, @sweetlikecandy, @sextonsharpwinhalstead, @selmaries, @ssweetener, @suzi, @selenagemez, @selenass, @stellaseveride,
T - Z: @timschen, @timbradford, @tylorswift, @tim-lucy, @tonystarks, @theprettywaybby, @timohtydrake, @tabbytabbytabby, @thelma2017dirjoachimtrier,  @tylerlockwood, @thxmomentiknew, @theshowsthatkeepmegoing, @tarlosbuddie, @tattoedheartxbae, @underbellamy, @voidsouralphas, @vanessacarlysle, @wild-flowerheart, @wnter-soldiers, @whosaidanythingaboutrumors, @whitedress, @witchygagirl, @winstonandfergusonbishop, @xrememberoth, @yourdaisy, @yonceknowles, @zendadya,
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ruzek-halstead · 3 years
when did i first know? (i always knew)
pairing: jay halstead x hailey upton
prompt: "relax, getting stabbed doesn't even hurt that bad. it's kinda like getting punched really hard.” - "when did you get stabbed?"
when hailey rushes through the emergency doors, her heart is pounding wildly in her chest. she wasn't given much information, just a quick call from adam saying jay was being taken to the hospital. then hailey heard adam barking something at the paramedics and he hung up without waiting for hailey to say anything. she honestly could've murdered him in that moment. 
hailey spots will exiting one of the medical bays and tries to slow her pace as she crosses the emergency room to meet him. will catches her eyes and sighs, a grin falling to his lips. "he's fine," he says immediately to ease her worries. hailey's shoulders fall. "you can see him, it's just this room right here. he'll probably be discharged later today." "thanks will," hailey says, shooting him a grateful smile. he rubs her shoulder before walking off. hailey slips behind the glass doors, spotting jay sitting up in his hospital bed. adam is standing on the opposite end of the room, holding a trashcan, as jay concentrates on throwing his empty jello cup into the trashcan. hailey blinks. "what the hell am i looking at?" "oh, hey hails!" adam greets, glancing back at jay as he makes the shot. he lets out a loud, rowdy cheer. "knew you could do it, bro." hailey is still confused as hell. jay looks, for all intents and purposes, absolutely fine. he has an iv attached to his hand, the rest of the necessary wires to attach to the machines, but hailey doesn't spot any injuries - no bandages, no blood, no nothing. "hey babe," jay greets, shooting her a toothy grin. adam checks his phone quickly, frowning. "i have to go back in," he says, stopping by jay's bed to touch knuckles with him. "i have a ton of paperwork to do now, because of you." jay sends him a lazy grin. "better you than me." "yeah, yeah," adam grumbles, turning to leave. "see you hails!" he says as he passes her by. hailey grabs his elbow and leans in quick to whisper in a deadly calm tone, "i swear to god if you ever hang up on me after saying something like that again, i'll shave your beard off in your sleep." adam lets out a low gasp, but his lips curl into a wolfish smirk. "god, why did i ever let you go?" he drawls in a sarcastic lilt. "shut up," hailey mutters and literally pushes him out the door, closing it behind him. now it's just her and jay, and she still has no idea how the hell he injured himself. "what the hell happened?" hailey asks in confusion, propping herself in a chair at his side. jay automatically reaches for her, pulling her to sit on the bed with him instead. "you look... fine?" jay chuckles, eyes mischievous, as if he's hiding something. "and i am fine. adam didn't have to call an ambulance and will should really let me out now." at a closer vantage point, hailey sees the faint blooming of a bruise along jay's jaw and her hand presses against it. jay winces. "yeah, you're totally fine." but really, hailey shouldn't be surprised he's itching to get out of the hospital. she, more than anyone knows how much he hates them, and god knows she hates when jay's in them even more. and also, she still doesn't understand why they would call an ambulance if it was a scuffle that left him with a bruised jaw. determinately, hailey searches his body for other injuries, because there is absolutely no way this is it. jay could be bleeding out and he'd still refuse a hospital. hailey immediately spots his wince as she presses near his ribs. "i might have a few bruised ribs," he offers weakly, attempting a charming smile. hailey rolls her eyes. "good god jay, why do you always go for the big ones?" "uh - have you seen my muscles?" hailey rolls her eyes again. "relax, the ribs didn't even hurt that bad - it was only a few punches," he explains, though hailey really doesn't want to hear about her boyfriend getting his ass handed to him (she'll mention it to him when he's all healed so it can annoy the hell out of him). "honestly, it felt about the same as getting stabbed." hailey pauses, the fingers that are running softly through his hair stop their trepidations. her blue eyes snap to his emerald ones, and she's positive her left eye is twitching. "when the hell did you get stabbed?" jay's mouth drops to an 'o', having the decency to look the least bit apologetic. "did i forget to mention that?" he replies, flipping the hospital blanket off his right thigh where a thick bandage has been fastened. "oh my god," hailey mumbles, suddenly feeling the urge to laugh. so, she does. "you're impossible." "adam used the word invincible, which i prefer," jay sasses, lips shifting into a smirk. hailey wants to smack it off his face; he really shouldn't be excited about all the injuries he's sustained. hailey feels the need to knock him down a peg; this could have ended horribly and he needs to be a little more aware of that. "i hope you two had your body cams on," she starts, earning a curious look from jay, "because i'm sure they'll show this at the academy in what not to do." jay immediately frowns. "you can't talk. you don't have nearly as many battle scars as i do." "yeah," she agrees softly, "thankfully." jay's eyes instantly soften as well, gaze trained on the anxious way she's biting her lip. "yeah, thankfully," he agrees, grabbing her hand in his and stroking it with his thumb. "let's keep it that way, yeah?" "are you going to do the same?" she asks in retaliation, eyebrow raised. a sheepish smile makes it way to his lips. "i'm trying, i swear. today was just weird. i'm telling you, this guy was massive and he was definitely high on something." "okay," hailey concedes. jay's hand crawls up to cup her cheek, pulling her closer. he's about to press his lips to hers when hailey snaps back, finger pointed up in anger. "also, if adam ever calls to tell me you're being taken to the hospital and then hangs up, i'm murdering both of you, okay?" jay chuckles, pulling her back nice and close. "yeah, got it. can i kiss you now?" "well, i guess. if it'll make you feel better."
p.s. title from black and white by niall horan bc i fucking love that song and the lyrics are the damn sweetest. okkkk hope you enjoyed!!!
tagging a few lovelies: @haileyyanneupton @detective-buttercup @lissethsrojas @justanotheronechicagofan
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anna-justice · 4 years
tell me your five favorite chicago pd episodes!!
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i’m genuinely so curious, and with the new episode out next week which i’m sure will be amazing, i want to know what you think has been the best before now! this is purely for research (lol and fun). i’ll go first!
5. “Fagin” (4x21)
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first episode with hailey (enough said)
4. “Ghosts” (5x18)
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the first time we get deep deep upstead (the first time i shipped it!!)
the acting and storyline *chefs kiss
3. “Shouldn’t Have Been Alone” (2x10)
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sean roman having a heart?? i love it
my baby kim being a queen, even on the pavement
2. “Reckoning” (6x22)
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“hailey” <— that BROKE me
“i’m going where you go” <— i sOBBED
i could go on and on and on about this episode, i stg
honorable mentions
“Disco Bob”(2x12)
finally linstead!!
jesse’s acting this WHOLE episode
i have a love hate relationship with this episode (we love upstead/we hate mean jay and the start of upset)
“it’s jay” followed by “jay, jay, it didn’t go through” <— 😩😩
“Chicken, Dynamite, Chainsaw” (2x04)
the title
that’s literally it
“Good Men” (6x15)
the ICONIC “i’d follow you” scene
that’s all that needs to be said
“Intamite Violence” (7x16)
we FINALLY get more about haileys past
the upstead feels
he rOsEs
my GirLfRiEnD
and finally...
1. Tender Age (8x03)
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do i even need to say anything??
i will anyway
domestic burzek
badass burgess
the case was awesome
dream team hailey and jay (for real killing it as partners this ep)
the kiss
the kiss
and every single line hailey says the whole thing
i’m going to tag 15 people, you all do the same! (or less or none lol)
@ruzek-halstead @haileyyanneupton @karihighman @cpd5021 @fromiftowhen @fuckyeahkillianemma @jaysbvpton @thetwit @anotheronechicagobog @lissethsrojas @astrohada @mashleighh @anniesardors @upsteadofficial @onechicago-upsteadrhekker
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Giving Thanks ...
I don’t usually celebrate Thanksgiving but I wanted to appreciate and share my love for this community!💗 Thank you to all of you that take time to create and share your art - your work is so amazing and beautiful and you guys inspire me to foster my own creativity every day✨✨ And to all my lovely mutuals and followers on here, you guys all light up my day - thank you!💖 I love and am so grateful for y’all 🥰🥰
                   ✨🧡 list under the cut since its quite long 🧡✨
Matt Casey Imagine 3 by @captaindawsey casey x reader
Brettsey Song Lyric Request by @gilbxrt-blythe brett x casey 
Shay and Severide’s Baby by @one-chicago-fanfiction shay & severide 
Dreamless by @one-chicago-fanfiction will & jay 
nina cried power by @haileyyanneupton vanessa rojas 
Lucky Ones by @blackmissfrizzle atwater x black!reader
Sweet Tooth by @my-rosegold-soul atwater x black!reader 
The One by @procrastinatorimagines atwater x reader 
Guardian Angel by @babi-correia mouse x reader 
change by @ruzek-halstead halstead x upton
drunk by @haileyyanneupton halstead x upton au 
Freckles by @5021zain halstead x upton
Ghosts by @anna-justice halstead x upton
Poked and Prodded by @cpd5021 halstead x upton
Upstead Song Lyric Request by @gilbxrt-blythe halstead x upton 
Fics - Series 
Okay by @procrastinatorimagines casey x halstead!reader 
fix it series by @onechicago-upsteadrhekker rhodes x bekker 
restart by @punksarahreese bekker x reese au
tinylove!au by @crockettstiddies bekker x reese au
Staring Down the Barrel by @muse-of-mbaku atwater x black!oc 
Here for You by @procrastinatorimagines halstead x reader
Runaway Love by @wellimaginethat halstead x (female) voight!reader
What Could Have Been by @babi-correia halstead x reader
five things + one series by @darkdisrepair halstead x upton
Found by @ruzek-halstead halstead x upton
Small by @haileyyanneupton halstead x upton au
adore you [social media au] by @lissethsrojas atwater x rojas
Upstead texts by @ruzek-halstead & @haileyyanneupton halstead x upton
one chicago headers & icons by @jayshalstead
chicago fire edits by @firehouse51
adam ruzek edits by @officer-ruzek
jay halstead & hailey upton edits by @bleedinghearthalstead
upstead edits by @ilithiyarys
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detective-buttercup · 3 years
Let's just take the time to reflect on the fact that the day @haileyyanneupton and I were going to meet up for the first time
Our state went into a lockdown 😭
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dahjinseok · 3 years
url change:
hos3okjin —> dahjinseok
@dis-soek @pinkjjoon @detective-buttercup @upsteadaddict @haileyyanneupton
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karihighman · 4 years
aw tysm for the tag @ruzek-halstead 😇
rules: list 10 different female faves from different fandoms & then tag 10 people
1) hailey upton — chicago pd
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2) lucy chen — the rookie
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3) marissa cooper — the oc
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4) emma nelson — degrassi
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5) julie taylor — friday night lights
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6) juliette barnes — nashville
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7) sylvie brett — chicago fire
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8) natalie manning — chicago med
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9) haley james scott — one tree hill
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10) aria montgomery — pretty little liars
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tagging: @lissethsrojas @haileyupstans @upsteadaddict @haileyyanneupton @azu1ang3188 @snowwhite013 @halsteadsass @halstudandruz @jesseleesofferfan88 @haileys-jay
if y’all wanna do it and/or anyone else that wants to try it out too! (:
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haileyyanneupton · 4 years
haileyyanneupton’s masterlist
upstead oneshots
close my eyes + close my eyes pt. 2 
under the stars (just you and i) 
upstead au oneshots
fire alarm 
hey, pumpkin
vanessa rojas oneshots
nina cried power 
burzek oneshots
small - one chicago au
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thetwit · 4 years
List 5 TV shows that make you feel better and tag 10 other blogs
Thank you @lissethsrojas! 🤗 & @haileyyanneupton 😘
Chicago PD
Orphan Black
Band of Brothers
The Great British Bake Off
Whose Line Is It Anyway?
@puckluck28 @chilly7188 @cpd5021 @randers198 @cpdfan231 @onechicago-upsteadrhekker @fromiftowhen @haileys-jay @upsteadaddict @captaindelafere
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crockettmarcel · 4 years
last seven lines
tagged by @buckthehalls​ !! thank you <3
They fell asleep on the phone together, something they hadn’t done for a couple of years, and in the morning Carlos had started making arrangements for her to move in with him. She was struggling to find a place, he had a spare room, and with the way things were going for her, he wasn’t sure if she should be living alone. It was a perfect arrangement, and she’d been thrilled when he suggested it.
And now, two days later, he was at the airport, waiting patiently for her at her gate with his stomach in knots. They hadn’t talked much since the phone call, and more than anything he needed to see that she was okay.
this is for day three of nosdec and it’s a chicago med/911LS crossover !!
(the “she” is Sarah (ofc) and she’s Carlos’ childhood best friend <3 i promise i’m not erasing his sexuality they’re just rlly close. but also both gay)
tagging @punksarahreese @neworleansspecial @sunsetcxrve @haileyyanneupton @brilliantbanshee and anyone else who wants to do this !! idk who’s writing atm lmao
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stayupton · 4 years
spotify challenge:
rules: open spotify, search 'on repeat' and post screencaps
Thank u @haileyyanneupton for the tag!!
Tagging @upsteadaddict @h0llandshalstead @captainbucky-yt @katebeckett @ilithiyarys and anyone who wants to do it!
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ruzek-halstead · 3 years
this world is much too cold to sleep alone
pairing: jay halstead x hailey upton
prompt: covering the other with a blanket when they fall asleep on the couch. 
jay is absolutely exhausted as he shoves his key into the door to unlock his apartment. it had been a long day at work; this case had been dragging on for days, and they were at a bit of a standstill. jay hates getting stuck on a case, though his frustration seems to drive him to work even harder. it only make it more disappointing when that's still not enough.
he'd been putting off grabbing a drink with some of his old ranger buddies for a while, but he knew he couldn't put it off any longer. jay was afraid it would bring back unpleasant memories, especially now that he had made some progress, but it actually turned out to be a nice time and he was happy he caved and met up with them. as much as he tried to not think about those times, these guys were the only one who truly understood what it felt like, and it was nice to experience that for a change. walking in, jay throws his keys in a bowl in his hallway and hangs his jacket in the closet. he immediately heads for the kitchen to grab some water before bed, but stops short when he notices a mop of blonde curls hanging over his couch. a smile makes its way to jay's lips unconsciously. he had told hailey what his plans were for tonight and she was so excited for him. he isn't expecting to see her on his couch, but he definitely isn't complaining. he listens to her soft snores (she'll deny it to the death) and reaches over for a blanket to cover her. he should know better; she's an incredibly light sleeper. hailey stirs awake, blinking sleepily until she spots him leaning over her. her eyes remain closed as she sends him a lazy smile. "i didn't mean to wake you." "no, i'm glad," she mumbles, blinking herself awake. "how was your night?" "it was really good," he says, grinning at her proud smile. hailey's hands reach out for his shirt and she yanks him down in her direction. "missed you." "me too," he mutters, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead. "let's go to bed?" "but i'm so comfortable here," hailey whines, squirming underneath him. a smirk makes its way to jay's lips. "i promise i'll make it worth your while." "i'm very hard to please," hailey shoots back, reaching her arms out. she's over his shoulder in one quick movement and her giggles bring a smile to his face. "don't i know it," he sasses, "love you anyway though." hailey waits until he gently places her in the middle of his bed to reply. "love you too. now, come here."
hahahaahaHAHAHA it’s been too long since i wrote some upstead so here's a super short, cute prompt 
tagging: @haileyyanneupton @detective-buttercup @lissethsrojas @justanotheronechicagofan bc it’s literally been forever
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detective-buttercup · 3 years
Happy birthday to @haileyyanneupton 🥰 you old now
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dahjinseok · 4 years
thanks for the tag @dis-soek and @bimbojoon
share your four most listened to songs (or something along those lines)
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tagging: @haileyyanneupton @detective-buttercup @upsteadaddict
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