#hair specialist doctor in hisar
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vishnoikumar · 16 days
Best Hair Doctor in Hisar: Your Path to Healthy, Gorgeous Hair
Finding the right specialist is crucial to maintaining and enhancing the health and appearance of your hair. At Jeevan Shakti Hospital, we proudly offer the services of the best hair doctor in Hisar. Our comprehensive approach to hair care, combined with state-of-the-art technology and a patient-centric philosophy, ensures that you receive the best possible treatment tailored to your unique needs.
Why Choose Jeevan Shakti Hospital for Hair Care?
Jeevan Shakti Hospital is renowned for its excellence in various medical fields, and our dermatology department is no exception. Our hair specialists are highly trained professionals with extensive experience diagnosing and treating various hair and scalp conditions. Here's why we stand out:
Expertise and Experience: Our hair doctors are leaders with years of experience treating conditions such as hair loss, alopecia, dandruff, and more. They stay updated with the latest advancements in hair care and treatment techniques to provide the best solutions.
Personalized Treatment Plans: We understand that each patient and their hair concerns are unique. Our doctors conduct thorough consultations and diagnostic tests to develop customized treatment plans that address the root cause of your hair issues.
Advanced Technology: At Jeevan Shakti Hospital, we utilize cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art equipment for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. Our advanced techniques ensure minimal discomfort and maximum results.
Comprehensive Care: We offer a wide range of services under one roof, from non-surgical treatments like PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy and mesotherapy to advanced surgical options like hair transplantation. Our holistic approach ensures you receive comprehensive care tailored to your needs.
Common Hair Problems Treated at Jeevan Shakti Hospital
Our hair doctors are adept at treating a variety of hair and scalp conditions, including but not limited to:
Hair Loss and Thinning: Hair loss can be distressing, whether due to genetics, hormonal imbalances, or other factors. Our specialists use a combination of medical and surgical treatments to combat hair loss effectively.
Alopecia: Different forms of alopecia, such as alopecia areata, require targeted treatments. Our experts design customized plans to manage and treat this condition.
Dandruff and Scalp Infections: Chronic dandruff and scalp infections can affect hair health. We provide treatments that relieve symptoms and address the underlying causes.
Hair Damage: Damage from styling, chemicals, and environmental factors can lead to brittle and unhealthy hair. Our treatments help repair and rejuvenate your hair.
Patient Testimonials
Our commitment to excellence has earned us the trust and loyalty of our patients. Here's what some of our satisfied patients have to say about their experience with the best hair doctor in Hisar at Jeevan Shakti Hospital:
"I have been struggling with severe hair loss for years. After visiting Jeevan Shakti Hospital, I received a comprehensive treatment plan that improved my hair health. The doctors are truly the best!"—Rajesh S.
"The team at Jeevan Shakti Hospital is amazing! They took the time to understand my concerns and provided a treatment that worked wonders. My hair has never looked better." – Priya K.
Your Journey to Healthy Hair Begins Here
At Jeevan Shakti Hospital, we are dedicated to helping you achieve healthy, beautiful hair. Our expert hair doctors, personalized care, and advanced treatments make us the top choice for hair care in Hisar. Whether you are dealing with hair loss or scalp issues or want to enhance your hair's health, we are here to help you every step of the way.
Contact Us
Ready to take the first step towards better hair health? Visit Jeevan Shakti Hospital, your trusted partner for top-notch hair care in Hisar. Schedule your consultation today and let our experts guide you to healthier, more beautiful hair.
For more information, please visit our website, Jeevan Shakti Hospital, or call us at [your contact number]. We look forward to serving you!
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Best IVF Clinics in Amritsar | Apollo Cradle | ElaWoman
What is IVF?
In-vitro-Fertilization (IVF) is a typical infertility treatment. Amid the technique, a ripeness specialist takes the eggs from the ovaries utilizing a little needle and prepares them with sperm in a particular lab. After treatment occurs, the eggs form into fetuses. Three to five days after the fact, the expert re-embeds the fetuses once again into the uterus.
Watch this video to realize what occurs at each progression of the IVF treatment cycle. By peering inside a standout amongst the most exceptional, best in class IVF research facilities, figure out how a richness center inside the ARC organize, RMA of New York, performs IVF and other progressed conceptive advances (ART) utilizing the most astounding benchmarks of medicinal greatness.
You can likewise build up a superior comprehension of basic research facility strategies utilized amid an IVF cycle:
Egg Retrieval: A minor surgery in which a specialist gets eggs from the follicles of the ovaries.
Benefactor l Insemination: A gynecologist places sperm specifically inside the vagina at the cervix or inside the uterus (called Intrauterine Insemination or IUI). Giver insemination was beforehand called Artificial Insemination.
Incipient organism Development: When the sperm effectively treats the egg, a fetus structures and starts to develop. At the point when the fetus is 2 to 3 days old it at the 'cleavage arrange'; at 5 to 6 days old, it is known as a 'blastocyst'.
Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI): A solitary sperm is infused into an egg to trigger treatment. This is finished with uncommon gear in the embryology research facility.
Helped Hatching: A laser or compound arrangement is utilized on the developing life to expand the odds it will embed in the coating of the uterus (endometrium).
Apollo Cradle
Remaining consistent with the soul of Punjab, Apollo Cradle is one of the Best IVF Clinics in Amritsar, Apollo Cradle Amritsar is a rich office intended to coordinate the advantage of a 7 star lodging with the solace of home. Standing richly more than 35,000 sq ft this office is an embodiment of value therapeutic foundation and human services administrations for ladies and youngsters. Our 26 rich patient suites have been outlined by driving specialists to guarantee greatest solace for the mother and child as well as their family. Every patient room has an agreeable orderly quaint little inn finish with restrictive toiletry, HDTv, espresso producers, smaller than usual cooler, housekeeping and room benefit. With an unlimited visiting hour approach we ensure your friends and family are dependably close by!
The multi decade Apollo heritage of therapeutic brilliance wakes up in this office. Our Labor Delivery Rooms (LDR) guarantee that the mother can experience work, conveyance and recuperation in a similar room. These LDRs are outfitted with channeled music office, so the mother to-be can hear her out most loved music while sitting tight for her child to arrive. The Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit gives most elevated amount of consideration to babies that need more therapeutic consideration. It can bolster babies conceived as ahead of schedule as 26 weeks, with birth weight as meager as 550 grams and infants conceived with innate disarranges heart conditions and sepsis. On race events when a mother needs additional consideration she is moved into the Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU). For concentrated consideration of more seasoned kids there is a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit kept an eye on by exceptionally prepared specialists. Lodging probably the most innovatively propelled hardware, Apollo Cradle activity theaters bolster Laparoscopic and Open Gynecology and Pediatric medical procedures. Universal wellbeing and cleanliness conventions are pursued to guarantee that with us each lady and each youngster is dependably In Safe Hands.
For those guardians to-be that need somewhat more help in origination, we have Apollo Fertility, an in-house office of Apollo Cradle. A committed area of the healing facility that gives a private and agreeable condition. With best in class IVF and IUI labs, Embryology labs, stringent conventions and driving specialists in the field of ripeness we ensure each couple is given the most obvious opportunity at origination. Our one year records are a declaration of our fruitful results.
Our groups are an embodiment of capacity. You can hope to meet Amritsar's crème-de-la-crème specialists at Apollo Cradle. The Doctor board comprises of Gynecologists, Obstetricians, Pediatricians, Neonatologists, Fetal pharmaceutical specialists and richness specialists. Each specialist, medical caretaker and care staff is picked deliberately to guarantee that our patients get the most ideal consideration.
What Is Infertility
Infertility is the failure to get pregnant subsequent to attempting over for an extensive stretch. There are two sorts of infertility issues; one is essential infertility that alludes to not getting considered in the wake of one prolonged year inspite of not utilizing any anti-conception medication strategies. Be that as it may, in optional infertility, the individual will get pregnant once and later winds up feeble for the second pregnancy.
There might be various purposes behind infertility, be that as it may, in men it happens because of charisma, varicocele, sperm harm or certain infections. A lady may create infertility because of issues in the ovulation, blockage in the fallopian tubules, irregular uterus, and uterine fibroids. Different factors, for example, stretch, poor sustenance, medicines, other medical problems, smoking, and liquor utilization would likewise represent a danger of creating infertility. In Apollo Fertility, the master board of specialists assesses the hidden reason that is making you unequipped for getting pregnant.
Infertility Symptoms
We have master specialists at Apollo Cradle to decisively comprehend the symptoms and analyze effectively to deal with your infertility issue. Following are the symptoms of infertility, which change in people,
Symptoms in men
Changes in hair development
Changes in sexual want
Agony, knot, or swelling in the gonads
Issues with erections and discharge
Little, firm gonads
Symptoms in ladies
Unusual periods-The Bleeding is heavier or lighter than regular.
Unpredictable periods-The quantity of days in the middle of every period fluctuates every month.
Amenorrhea-You have never had a period, or periods all of a sudden stop.
Dysmenorrhea-Back torment, pelvic torment, and cramping may occur.
Dr. Gunjan Saxena
Dr. Gunjan Saxena has understanding of 17 years in the field of Infertility. She finished her post-graduation in OBGYN from BYL Nair College, Mumbai in 2000. Propelled Certificate course in Laparoscopy from AIIMS in 2014, FOGSI course IUI at Dr. Preksha Jain at Jodhpur and at Nova IVI Hisar in 2016, FOGSI a half year association in cutting edge laparoscopy at Muzaffarnagar, Dr. Nutan Jain in 2017 and furthermore got prepared under Dr. Hrishikesh Pai. She has been a meeting expert at Apollo Hospital, Delhi and in addition Apollo Clinic. She worked at Phoenix Hospital with Dr. Urvashi Sehgal and ADIVA place for Women with Dr. Kaberi Banerjee and Dr. Rita Bakshi in Delhi. With in excess of 1500 IVF cycle involvement, her training incorporates universal patients from Gulf nations and Afghanistan. She has overseen patients with male and female infertility including tubal, uterine ovulatory issue and unexplained infertility. Cases with serious OHSS were overseen effectively
Dr Punj's Artemis Hospital
Dr. Punj Artemis Hospital & Manokamna Fertility Center is a super distinguishing strength Gynae, Maternity, Fertility set-up with best in class workplaces of inconsequential access restorative system. The mending office is deliberately set in the favored city of Amritsar on round road. The Facility is around 6 KM from International Airport, 4 KM from Railway Station and 4 KM from Bus Stand. It is around 1 KM Away from guideline strip mall and awesome 5 Star and 3 Star best in class lodgings. It is 35 had relations with specialist's office which gives maternity organizations to high risk pregnancies with through and neonatal bearing and has given neonatal crisis unit.
There is an office for easy movements. Recuperating office is outfitted with submitted inconsequential access medicinal system state for the craftsmanship movement theater being worked by most experienced masters of the city. There is totally arranged crisis unit high risk patients. This recuperating focus gives unimportant access watchful responses for all gynae related (Women Diseases) like Fibroids, Ovarianaysts, Endometreosis and Tubal square et cetera. Facility has got forefront productivity organizations including IVF, ICSI, and Center Capable of Handling 100 Patients in One Cycle. As The Name Suggest this mending office has the Blessing of Greek goddess of readiness Artemis and the name stays for Assisted Reproductive Techniques, Endoscopy and Minimal Invasive Surgery.
Dr. Monica Punj
Dr. Monika Punj is an Obstetrician and Gynecologist in Amritsar, with about a time of involvement in the therapeutic calling. She rehearses at Dr. Punj's Artemis Hospital, which is all around outfitted to manage maternity cases, in vitro preparation (IVF), and laparoscopy. Dr. Punj has a MBBS and a Diplomate of the National Board (DNB) as her capabilities. She has likewise finished particular preparing in intrauterine insemination (IUI) at BLK Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi, and in negligible access medical procedure at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. Dr. Monica Punj is knowledgeable in all methods including richness issues, and laparoscopic and gynecological medical procedures. She is likewise acquainted with in vitro treatment and endeavors towards achieving easy conveyances for patients.
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