bepsibae · 6 years
Apartment 444 | Fem/Yakuza!AU
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“This is stupid...” Talking to himself, he was pondering about the situation at hand: while Yasutomo was sick of collecting debt money from door to door of tenants and he had his trustworthy (yet look-alike workers) to do so, there was one person in particular he ended up going to frequently even though it no longer was his duty. Apartment nr. 444 -- no Japanese tenant wanted to rent this place due to the superstition surrounded the deadly number 4, so he could only wonder about that redhead girl who had no issue with said apartment. In the beginning, he was curious about her being so unfazed about the superstition, wondering if she was perhaps not as Japanese as he considered her to be (perhaps she was a natural redhead? It would be a rarity around here, but either way, it was quite interesting) -- but the more they ‘interacted’, the more he was more so surprised about her inviting and kind nature towards him. People usually tried to talk as little as possible, sliding money through a mere slit between the door and the doorframe -- she, however, was fine leaving the door wide-open and sometimes asking him to come inside as if he was a friend or an acquaintance, offering him dinner and cookies at times, it bewildered him. But on the other hand, it also made him more curious about her.
Each time, Kuroda and Imaizumi suggested to take the route where the redhead resided, he interfered and said that it was alright if he took that route; he almost felt like a fool for acting up like that, but either way, it was a nice change to sometimes be treated like a human being instead of a monster.
As he stood in front of her apartment nr. 444, he hesitatingly rang the doorbell and waited for her to open up. There was a strong smell of chocolate or cookies coming from inside the apartment, so he was prepared for her taking a little longer opening the door if she was busy in the kitchen. 
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yuutxs · 6 years
A little too close | Fem!AU
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Yuuto considered herself lucky; if the Shinkai siblings had been boys instead of girls, people surely would turn their heads each and every time the younger would be a little too close to her older sister ---- not only was she on the spectrum of the touchy-feely-society but also she was that kind of person who practically would not leave her sister’s side, no matter what. Some would call it an obsession and being possessive in an unhealthy amount, but to her, it was simply the way of showing just how much she loved and admired Hayato.
It wasn’t rare that she’d sneak her hands in a manner to cup a feel of her soft and huge boobs, even going as far as to motorboat the readhead’s rack -- perhaps she was even luckier that Hayato was both a rather laid-back personality and didn’t take herself too serious, but perhaps also the fact that she was a rather airhead-ish and aloof personality and (maybe) wasn’t as aware of the feelings involved as one would be. But Yuuto could only guess, for she was not able to look into the other’s head.
While the other sibling was busy preparing dinner and cookies, the black-haired girl approached her from behind, wrapped her arms around the taller and shamelessly grabbed the woman’s chest, squeezing the soft breasts in her palms as she was sulky about the fact that there had been a layer of fabrics blocking out the feeling of skin on skin; though, again, she considered herself lucky that the woman hardly wore bras when she was at home, so the imagination was fed properly. “もうぅー” The younger girl whined, grabbing the other’s chest a little rougher. “It’s not fair that yours are so much bigger, no wonder everyone considers me a tomboy if I have zero curves... can’t you just give me some of yours, Hayato~?” Burying her face against the other’s back, she kept on squeezing the woman’s breasts almost like a cat would knead a human’s body. 
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tsxji · 7 years
x | @hakoneonii
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“ sorry — i think we are going the same way? “ shinkai asked, laughing awkwardly at the man’s exaggeration ( ? ). did it really seem as if he was attempting to stalk the man? he thought he’d kept a good distance between the two of them, though maybe that made it seem more suspicious than courteous.
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Surely, they may have went the same way and all, but Tsuji was just naturally paranoid -- mostly when it came to humans -- taking a good look at the redhead before huffing under his breath. “Ah... aren’t you with that loudmouth who gives me nice names like ‘gloomy kid’ and such?” Though he more so talked to himself than Hayato, nonetheless, it must’ve been audible.
Before he could get involved in a deeper conversation (if one could call it such), he turned to proceed on his way, pushing his bicycle next to him as he was on the way to the hotel; InHigh was not over yet, even though he was out of the competition already thanks to their ace. Perhaps that was also why he had such a piss-poor mood ---- considering that the other was clearly from the crème de la crème HakoGaku. And despite this being his last year, he was unable to finish it with flying colours. Way to castrate a man without removing his genitalia.
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bibibicicletta · 6 years
いただきます | Hogwarts!AU
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While the lessons would drag on and on, Ihara really didn’t know what to do with himself; usually, he had enough snacks on him to fill his stomach all the while he would listen to herbology and all of that ---- really, he was one of the mediocre students all over... not too bad, not too good. He didn’t have to try hard for that either, but surely if he was paying more attention, he’d excel at what he was doing. But Tomoya just loved to go a slower pace with most things. People called him a gourmet for multiple reasons: one being that he just loved to drag out situations until nobody was interested in them anymore (such as studying a topic, so he would have more time for his videogames, really)... and the other being that he loved food. No, it was his passion.
So, it was to no surprise as he looked over to his bench-mate Shinkai that he had gotten heart-eyed over his bento: all these various delicious goods, prepared with delicacy. These Shinkais sure knew how to cook, that thing was for sure... boy, their partners would be super-lucky to have them... ‘Hopefully, it’ll be a Hufflepuff’ he then thought to himself, knowing that someone of their own kinds would certainly appreciate the love for detail that went through their preparations...
Gulping down a mouthful of saliva, he leaned in really close to the redhead, head on the table as he peeked up to blue hues. “Uwah... Hayato-kun... you didn’t happen to prepare two bentos today, hm? One specifically made for me, right?” That was his way of inviting himself to dinner, really. It was not the first time he’d do that but... as much as he loved food, he wasn’t nearly as good at preparing it compared to that guy. “I did say that you’re my most favourite Huffie-boy yesterday, didn’t I?” 
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bepsibae · 6 years
Red-Haired Maiden | Past Life!AU
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Ever since he left the army -- despite leaving behind his friends and somewhat-families -- Arakita felt like a reborn human. The pressure of taking orders from a master was no longer his, the wild and free life of a ronin suit him a lot more. Surely, he was not looked upon very fondly -- some people nudged him to approach Imaizumi-sama to work as his samurai -- but that was certainly not what a wildchild such as Yasutomo wanted. 
Hydrangea were blooming in the late-summer, a sign that soon, the rainy days would follow, a relief from the humid heat that rested its head onto the shoulders of the country where the sun would rise. Cicadas breaking the silence of nature with their song, as he was stepping down the stony road near the shrine. He heard the prayers and songs filling the air -- what fools they were... praying to a God -- to Gods -- if they were as powerful as they were believed to be, how come someone as unfit as Midousuji would be the koshaku? Absolutely ridiculous. 
In the midst of the prayers and singing, Yasutomo clearly heard the voice of a female; despite the fact that this must’ve been a very god-loving person, devoted and whatnot, her voice sounded like the blooming sakura trees would look in early spring; vivid, colourful, dainty, empowering and prideful. 
As he stopped by the stairs that led up to the Tori, up to the shrine, he looked left and right for nobody to see him, ascending the stairs to the shrine, walking through the middle of the Tori like someone who did not fear the wrath and the pride of the Gods.
Walking over towards the building, he stood before the chouzuya, but refusing to clean himself, thus walking over to the toushouguu. As he saw the ema, he stood right there, taking a look at the wooden plaques that bore wishes and prayers of other people; money, fame, love, health, the usual. Without noticing that the prayers were over and done with -- and a female figure approaching him -- he spoke his mind, “About time someone was praying for more brain...” sounding just as bitter as usually.
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bepsibae · 6 years
continued w/ @hakoneonii
        “ Yasutomo, I told you!! I saw someone there!! “ Hayato cried out when the other tried to tell him that he was just mistaking his own shadow for another person. Of course someone stubborn like Yasutomo would refuse such a thing, since he probably thought the redhead was being paranoid about being out so late– which may have been true. But, he was positive that whatever he had seen wasn’t just his own shadow. There was someone else out there, but the taller seemed to brush such a fact off with ease.
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      It was relieving to have the man hold his hand– no matter how rough said gesture may have been– though that didn’t change the fact that he wanted Yasutomo to acknowledge the fact that there was someone there with them.
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“Haya-chan!” The blackhaired male exclaimed in annoyance, tugging on his hand to pull him closer and to get his attention to himself, so that the smaller would rather concentrate on Arakita than the shadow phantoms he made up out of sheer paranoia.
“You listen here now... ain’t nobody there but us.” Yasutomo could be an asshole and decide that they’d go and watch some horror movies in the cinema before going home for good ---- but actually, he was an asshole like that, so why not?
Walking on with his boyfriend, he eyed him for a short moment before grinning and deciding their direction; which was neither to Shinkai’s nor to Arakita’s place.
“I say... we should go and watch a movie together -- maybe that’ll get you different thoughts. Maybe they have some R18 Disney movies? Snow White Bukkake and the seven dwarf penises... Tangled Kamasutra edition... Monster Dicks Inc.... Beauty and the Beast Testicles... mhmmm...” Of course, he was just pulling the other’s leg there.
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bepsibae · 6 years
Perhaps if he ignored it a little harder, this wouldn’t bother him as much?
Shinkai took it upon himself to introduce even more banana-flavoured things into his diet; the energy bars weren’t enough, whenever they went out eating, he’d pick anything with said flavour. Ice cream, smoothies, pancakes, energy drinks, well down to the most obvious thing -- a banana. 
While the redhead loved to eat and eat en masse, he also kept talking about not gaining too much weight (which Yasutomo did not understand where that came from in general, considering the man was a walking talking skeleton -- oftentimes compared to that KyoFushi climber whom he ever-so-lovingly called gloomykid -- and he would not complain about gaining some weight and thus some muscles), so, Hayato tended to eat more healthy. More veggies, more fruits. Bananas really came in handy then, for the man was so in love with their flavour. 
Though, there had been one tiny issue.
All the while the other was taking off the peel of that rather phallic looking fruit, Yasutomo’s eyes wandered off to watch his hand work so gently and skilfully; it surely was mesmerising. And despite how he felt almost filthy for his thoughts, his eyes didn’t show the panic mode just yet.
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It was inevitable though, the longer he’d watch the other, the more nervous he’d become, going as afar as to cross his legs and attempting to stare elsewhere... though, now the best part was coming: Hayato actually eating the damn thing. Waiting in anticipation for that, his eye started twitching -- he did not even notice his mouth part the slightest upon watching the other man doing so in order to eat, beads of sweat forming on his forehead and praying that the redhead would not catch a glimpse of that rough look... almost like a feral animal in heat.
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yuutxs · 6 years
Possessiveness & Obsessions
Shinkai Yuuto had been a mysterious figure for each and every one in the life of the Shinkai brothers; the way he openly dismissed Hayato’s presence in his life in a manner as if it was the most repulsive thing to be compared to that guy, everyone thought there was some bad blood going on, when truth be told, it was the opposite, entirely.
Ever since childhood, Yuuto had been the clingy type -- always looking for physical closeness, when being around Hayato, he would not hesitate to hold his hand in public, less because of the fear of getting lost in a crowd, but more so of the fear that someone was out there to take what was his, or when he’d share his brother’s girly items and found a fascination for everything cute and girly on his own, simply to impress the older male, wanting to have common grounds with him and wanting to constantly be with him. Of course, that had been more easy when they were younger: while Yuuto had been dependable on the redhead, Hayato would never leave his side and always double-check if he was fine. Therefore, Yuuto lovingly called him ‘oniichan’ all the time. It was oniichan here, oniichan there, not even his mother was asked for as many times as the redhead. Though, the older they had gotten, the more involved Hayato had gotten with friends -- people from school, people from after-school-activities. And each and every single time, it had been like a dagger to Yuuto’s fragile heart. As much as he was attempting to cling harder onto the girly aspects, collecting more cute items, going as far as to own a few skirts and dresses, he verbally also dissociated at the same time. ‘Oniichan’ soon became ‘aniki’, and while he was going wilder and wilder about cross-dressing and wishing so, so bad to be a girl, it eventually turned into ‘Hayato-kun’ as if they were mere school friends and no longer brothers.
His wish to be closer again had been stronger than ever. But his pride was not allowing so, all the while people said ‘Do that thing your brother does’, needing to explain that he was not his brother, and all the while everyone was flocking around Hayato, adoring him, admiring him -- of course they would!!! He was gorgeous and he was gentle, he always had the nicest things to say and never failed to be supportive and kind. Everything about that guy made the boy’s head spin and he wished so badly for him to have a little bit of that softness, a little bit of that girlishness, a little bit of that kindness just to meet eye-to-eye and not be shoved aside by friends... but it was like a toxic, stingy and snarky hornet attempting to become a fluffy and timid bunny. It was in no way, shape or form possible, and that’s what hurt the most.
It had been late in the evening, supper time long passed and Yuuto -- yet again -- sat on the same table with his mother and no Hayato in sight. It upset him. “Ah, sure seems like Hayato is out practising hard again for InHigh...” -- “Eh...” The boy replied to his mother, stuffing his face angrily with rice. “Don’t you want to practise with your oniichan too? It’ll be easier that way to enter the team.” No... no, he does not want it the easy way! He could’ve easily practised with his brother, training to become a sprinter like him -- but he chose to become a climber so he could excel at what he was doing without his brother’s name and/or reputation. “Ah.” He merely replied to his mother, not wanting to go into details. Oniichan... it’s been so long he actually said that... “You should be nicer to your big brother, and stop calling him Hayato-kun.” As if she could’ve read his mind. He stopped eating for a moment before slurping his soup, getting up to carry his bowls to the sink. “Thanks for the meal, okasan.” He said lamely, rinsing out the porcelain before he headed upstairs furiously. He was late again, he was late again, it pissed him off so much!!! It was so much easier spending time with him when they were younger... now everyone was more important than Yuuto! It pissed him off!!!
While he laid on his bed, playing on his Nintendo device to kill some time, he eventually heard the older come home, greeting their mother. His heart started racing both with jealousy and excitement; he was home now and it was all that mattered, but at the same time, it was so, so infuriating that he had to wait so long. Getting up from his bed, he stood by the door of his room, pressed his ear against the door, shushing his heart in order to be able and hear the man. Their rooms were really close, so that came in handy in times like these. Listening carefully to the creaking of the wooden floor, once he could make sure that the other was close enough and heading towards his room, Yuuto opened the door the slightest and peeked his head out merely to have the other see his ruby red eye burning almost like a fire in the darkness.
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“こんばんは, Hayato-kun.” The younger addressed formally, moving his head out a little more to face the other properly, though still not leaving his room; the hand that held the door knob was trembling with anger -- he was not sure how to deal with these kinds of emotions. Displeasure was more than visible on his face. “You’re late.” He added, clinging onto the knob so hard that his knuckles turned white, though none of that being visible to the taller male. “Where have you been? Who were you with? Was Izumida with you?” Disrespecting that man’s existence by not even giving him any form of honorifics, his other hand formed a fist and pressed it against the door frame, out of sight from the other. “You promised me to have girls night tonight. You told me that we could do fun stuff together.” Yuuto shot down everyone at his middle school class who wanted to hang out -- all for Hayato. Of course, he made up excuses that he was busy, not mentioning his brother once, but in his heart and soul, it was all for Hayato. As hard as it was to keep a level-head and a calm tone in his voice, his eyes were speaking all the emotions that he kept bottled up so neatly. It made him sick. Izumida, Fukutomi, Toudou, all these bastards. Hayato was his!!! His only brother, his big brother, his and his only!!! How dare they...?! Was he forgetting him?! Was he not important enough?! “Hayato-kun. Answer me.” 
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bepsibae · 6 years
continued // @hakoneonii
shinkai wasn’t so much of a picky eater that he wouldn’t at least put it upon himself to try and take a bite out of the rather unfortunate - looking cake. 
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picking up his fork … he positioned it as if he were going to stick it into the cake. “do you think that it will … stay together …” the icing was practically bubbling up from being baked in the oven, which it clearly should not have been. it was a big oopsie on their part.
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The sight was stomach-turning; and as much as he did not want to insult his boyfriend’s baking abilities (or rather, their team up on it, but really, Arakita did not do much -- he was useless in the kitchen, unless it was prepping hot water for instant ramen), he just could not imagine putting it into his mouth.
Watching the other approach the mess with a fork, he lifted his brows in fear when he stopped, addressing to Yasutomo. Will he ask him to try it? Arakita really did not want to hurl and puke and make it obvious that he would not enjoy that cake...! Instead, he wanted to be safe and pass on trying with an excuse like ‘I know how much you love food, please enjoy it by yourself’ -- that would work, right?!
“Huh...? U-Uh... uhm...” Stammering as he was thinking about this, he started scratching his head and tended his head left and right like a dog being curious about an object or sound, trying to understand that... thing’s... physics. “Wanna bet? I say, it won’t stay together.” Now his true self was showing, actually betting against his own boyfriend for shits and giggles. “I’ll bet 1000 yen... what aboutchu...”
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bepsibae · 6 years
Fratelli | Yakuza/Mafia!AU
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“The guy’s late.” Arakita hissed under his breath, his fellow men becoming nervous upon the fact that their boss was getting riled up over the fact that their counterpart didn’t take punctuality as seriously as Japanese would. Perhaps it was a mistake to gang up with the Mafia, really, but Yasutomo had the impression that two giants would cause a lot more mayhem and result in more business than all by themselves, right?! Still, it was annoying to have to wait on anyone -- Europeans were so weird... really, really weird.
Slamming his fist on the round table around which a few of his Yakuza were sitting, he gritted his teeth and snarled, eyes ferocious more so than usually. “I will cut his throat... I will hang him on his feet and let him bleed out like a pig... who does that Italian lover boy think he is?! NO EXCUSES. NONE.” The others didn’t even try to calm him down, knowing very well not to interfere with the man when he was in that kind of mood.
The Italians have arrived yesterday already, so there was no way they could lie about their plane being delayed. They had informed Yasutomo already through his contacts that they were at their hotel and such. Traffic could’ve been an issue, but where were his manners for not texting up and letting them know about the issue? Incredible! 
While it was Arakita’s speciality to blackmail in the name of the Yakuza, mostly those with debts or tenants who didn’t take it serious to pay their rent in time, he had no issue acting out his threats. Telling someone ‘I will kill you if you don’t do so-and-so’ was not as exciting as actually pulling a trigger on them, and he knew that his right-hand helper Kuroda thought the same about this. All the while, he really preferred being in that section of their organisation: what sick fuck actually wanted to be part of the prostitution area? Well, he knew one sick fuck who was fine with it, but said sicko was actually pretty neat. Nonetheless, he’d never team up with him on a business-level. It was kind of fucked up that he’d rather kill people than have them work sex favours under his name...
“If he is a no-show, I will take care of this myself. He won’t make his flight back to fucking Bella Italia anymore, I tell ya this much...!”
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metokiba-blog · 6 years
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“Shinkai-san, I never got to thank you for believing in me alongside with Fukutomi-san! I don’t know what I would’ve done if I ended up being the laundry guy!!! I mean... I was the laundry guy... but I mean... if I remained being the laundry guy... oh boy...! You are truly an amazing senpai!!!”
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yuutxs · 6 years
Pamper Me! | Fems!AU
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She would be lying if she said she was not enjoying their afternoons together; even if Yuuto was not that big on pampering herself with face masks and whatnot, she always loved to spend time with her big sister. And ever since she hung out with that yankee more often than anything else, she had gotten more and more jealous about it, her possessive nature showing. Surely, she was no angel herself, bringing home these bad guys on the regular -- but she had been seeing one guy in particular for quite some time now and it must’ve been a shocker that the tomboy would finally settle for someone instead of picking a fight instantly. 
But for now, it was all about her oneesan and she loved it.
Letting her older sister apply a face mask onto her, she merely closed her eyes and leaned her face forward as they both sat on the floor of Hayato’s bedroom, she loved the feeling of her palms pressing against her face so gently -- sometimes, she wished that she could have a partner just as soft and dainty as the redhead... she could fall asleep right then and there with all these touches.
“Oi, what’s that face mask for though? What’s it doing?” 
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bibibicicletta · 6 years
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Yelling loudly while he stood behind the redhead, he couldn’t help but snicker into his hand with glee upon the thought that he might’ve startled the other.
“Let’s sing together, shall we? I chased after rabbits in the moutains~”
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bepsibae · 6 years
Trust-Issues | Fem!/Bōsōzoku!AU
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“O-no-da-chaaan... I really don’t wanna be seen here...! It’s embarrassing!!!” The taller exclaimed as the petite girl pulled on his hand, begging him to come inside to the bookstore; surely, Yasutomo loved to read, but mostly it was cheap, easy-to-read thrillers and comics. The only reason he was not resisting a woman was because that tiny goofball was like a little sister to him ---- he already had two demonic younger sisters, it would not hurt to have an angelic one, right?
Sighing deeply as he opened the door for her, walking in after the little sunshine, he looked around and instantly had gotten a few looks and glances; if it was not for his mean glare, it surely was for the big patch on the back of his leather jacket that said ‘Lone Wolves’ in prideful colours that sealed the deal for some customers to hurry to the cashier’s point or just go a different aisle at the store, anywhere except for the spot where that leader was.
“Hurry up already.” The man hissed at the smaller, though she took her sweet, sweet time to go through the manga and whatnot ---- she really couldn’t decide which one to buy. Incredible. “Alright, I’ll be over there.” The man then gave up in making this a quick run-through, standing by the comics as he glanced through some of them ---- super heroes and such, it was quite ironic how they fascinated him when he himself was the epitome of an anti-hero, so to speak.
Knowing it was against the rules to just grab one of them and start reading them without purchasing it first, he did not give two flying fucks about said rules, thus simply going ahead and grabbing the first one that seemed more or less interesting, wanting to kill the time while he had to wait for Sakamichi to make up her mind on what exactly she came here for; unknowing, however, an employée already caught attention of him ---- though it would not change his mind to do the wrong thing in public, even if he had been seen already.
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bepsibae · 6 years
continued w/ @hakoneonii
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The sudden voice from the darkness of his room did surprise him, but it wasn’t hard to guess who it was as soon as he heard it. There weren’t many other people with the same voice as Arakita– actually, he couldn’t even think of one. He silently obeyed, making room for the taller before finally speaking up. “ Did something happen? “ Of course he would have to ask this when the man just suddenly showed up at his house at what he assumed to be at least two or three A.M.
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It didn’t take the blackhaired male too many skills to break into an apartment, honestly; the last thing he wanted was to break into Shinkai’s residence, simply out of (mutual) respect. However, tonight was different...
“Nothing’s the matter, nothing happened.” The man groaned angrily, kicking his boots off and tossing off his leather jacket, letting it fall to the ground before he sneaked into the man’s bed and laid next to him. There was a clear scent of booze on him, though he was not acting as if he was intoxicated. Truth be told, he actually just missed Hayato’s presence ---- but would he be able to speak his mind about that matter? We are talking about Yasutomo here... of course not.
Leaning his head against the man’s as gently as possible without being too invasive of his space, he would’ve taken off his jeans and socks, but he also didn’t want to give the wrong impression to the redhead for undressing next to him. He was not here for anything sexual, just some closeness and warmth. Maybe a hug or two. Or cuddles. “The fuck--” The man commented at his own thoughts, unsure if he should believe that he just thought about cuddles out of all things... amazing.
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