dededos · 3 months
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philicheesecake · 9 months
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Early access to unreleased comic pages for my Patreon supporters! Your support helps me continue to create this series!
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nomstellations · 2 months
Ahh, finally. Their feisty little meal has settled down.
If you steal food, you get to be food. Its a simple rule to follow when living with a predator- but *someone* wanted to contest that rule after eating their dinner. They liked it better this way truthfully, they liked how they squirmed. After an hour of struggle and some loud sloshes and gurgles from their stomach, they finally settled into stillness. Now they could relax...
Apparently their stomach agreed with that sentiment, contentedly churning and burbling around its meal. Kneading their hands into the somewhat large bump in their middle, it stirred up a few glorps and groans as its meal shifted around inside. They were going to really savor this full feeling...and their prey should have learned their lesson. They were hoping that they didn't, really...
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eeljawz · 7 months
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no escape!
!! minors dni !!
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thefanciestborrower · 2 years
You know I wonder what it would be like to be eaten by a pred who’s also a musician. We talk about preds singing with prey in their stomachs which is great, but what about playing an instrument? As a violist I can’t help but wonder what it would be like for someone resting inside while I fiddle. Would they be able to feel the vibrations of the instrument at all since it’s on my body? And would the sound carry clearly or be all muffled and almost tingly? And what about larger instruments like a cello or bass. Certainly you’d be able to feel the rumble of the strings through the pred’s body because they’re so big and deep. Or how about some brass and woodwinds! Your pred would be breathing in unique patterns and I’m sure their heart would get quite loud, not to mention how cool a trumpet or French horn would sound from inside. And preds who play piano! The way you sit at the bench means the prey will be quite close to the instrument, and would most definitely be able to hear all the unique little breathing cues and rock with the swaying all musicians tend to do. I just don’t see many musician preds and you know what we gotta fix that because the possibilities are endless
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cardnompfs · 30 days
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One ticket for 3 Person
Content Below: #Extreme Cuddling, #Halfsize Noms
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While i was drawing with a friend of mine i was gonna draw a dustjäger and then i thought "what if given they can stretch so much and able to hold people in the mouth what if i just..."
And now we got a Dustjäger carrying 2 passangers in their cheeks to watch a movie in a much more comfortable seat and they get to sit high up too! + Free snacks for the dustjäger if they spilled some popcorn they are trying to eat! /silly
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whitchygaythem · 1 year
She doesn't like snakes btw
Sorry this took so long I thought I already posted this
The jungle was wet and humid, which was of course, to be expected. It didn't make Margo feel any better though. Humidity made her hair frizz up, and she had just gotten new braids in. In hindsight, that wasn't the best idea right before going into the jungle for a scientific study. Margo and the rest of her team were in the Amazon to find and research a rare strain of iris, one that was said to cure horrible diseases. Her friend Ben slowed his pace ahead of her.
"Do you hear that sound Margo?" 
Margo looked at him, confused. He was still walking ahead, not looking at her as he spoke. 
"Noo? Benny, are you feeling ok?" She reached forward to touch his shoulder. Ben had an unfocused look in his eyes, all glassed over. A strange purple ring surrounded his iris.
"I'm fine Mar, but can you really not hear that noise?" He turned his head over, looking to the side of the path, into the dark brush. "It sounds beautiful." He walked right off the path and Margo grabbed his arm to stop him.
"Benny stop! What the hell are you doing!?" Ben replied, still watching the jungle. 
"I need to go towards that noise. I need more of that song. We all need that sound" 
"There is no noise Ben! Just step back onto the path and sit down. I knew it was too hot for this…" She kept her grip on his arm as she turned back towards the rest of their team, who also stood frozen, facing the wild jungle. 
"No, you're right Ben." David, their team's leader said dreamily. "It sounds… wonderful." He stepped forwards, walking into the dense brush without a second thought. The team followed, each of them disappearing in the dark forest. Ben pushed Margo off his arm and onto the ground, following their team in the jungle. Margo shot up and chased after them, but soon found herself completely and utterly lost. No path to guide her, all the plants looked nearly the same, and there were no animal calls. The only sounds Margo heard was the faint voice of Ben in the distance. She tried to find him, but his voice kept getting farther away, fainter and fainter until Margo couldn't hear it anymore. She was alone. 
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the grass around her shift. Something was here with her. Margo saw the grass rustle again, closer now. It was huge. She saw dark green and black mottled scales. Oh god it was a snake. A huge, god awful snake. She heard a soft thump behind her and whipped around, only to come face to face with a fanged smile. Margo screamed and fell backwards. The toothy smile belonged to a huge humanoid creature, with long black hair, dark brown skin and wild green eyes. It was easily three times her size, more than 15 feet tall. And that wasn't counting the thing's strangest feature. It had a long, scaled tail, snaking all around Margo. 
"W-what are you?" Margo tensed as the thing drew closer. It smiled again, but not in any sort of kind way. In a way meant to say "you are in danger." 
"Well, you already know that, don't you?" The thing spoke in a deep and relaxed voice. "Aren't you supposed to be one of the smart humans?" The coils that had sat relaxed around Margo constricted, lashing around Margo's body. They were tight and heavy, forcing her to stay sat on the dirt. The thing rose to it's full height, looking down at her expectantly. 
"You, you're a naga! An emerald boa naga!" The boa smiled. 
"Wonderful! I knew I picked the best one." Margo gasped as she was picked up off the ground and raised to face level with the naga. "The rest of your group were so very weak willed. They followed my trill almost immediately." Margo's eyes narrowed.
"Where is my team? What did you do to them!?" Oh god, this thing could have make them walk off a cliff, run into a leopard den- 
"I did nothing to them. They are currently asleep on the outskirts of a village. I just needed them out of the way. They were standing between me and my prize." The naga ran a clawed finger down Margo's cheek, picking up some gathered sweat and lightly slicing the soft skin. Margo yelped and tried to jerk away but the naga's powerful coils kept her stuck. The boa lifted their finger to their lips, and tasted the blood, no, tasted Margo. The creature's eyes rolled up in delight. They exhaled heavily then looked back at Margo with fiery hunger.
"You truly are delicious, my treat." The boa sucked the rest of Margo's blood off their finger. "What do they call you?"
"You can call me… hm, Emerald! Yes, that sounds nice!" 
Margo stared at the boa, Emerald incredulously.
"You're going to eat me aren't you?"
Emerald smiled their predatory smile.
"But of course! It would be a waste not to!" 
"Then why ask my name? Why talk to me?"
Emerald's eyes narrowed, making them look even more unsettling.
"Because it gives you humans a shred of hope. Hope that, for some reason, if I know your name, I won't want to eat you." Emerald leaned in close to Margo, as if trying to stare into her soul. "Let me assure you Margo, this is not the case." 
Margo's breathing sped up as she began to panic. She yelled as she felt the tip of the boa's tail yank the muddy boots off her feet, socks and all. Margo snapped back at Emerald.
"If you're going to do it, can't you knock me out first? I'd rather not be awake while I burn alive in acid." 
Emerald looked at Margo with growing glee. "Oh, I'm not going to digest you Margo. I'm simply going to leech off your energy." Emerald gave Margo a slimy lick on her cheek, their eyes rolling up in delight to Margo's taste. "You'll stay down in my stomach," they gestured to their long, undulating tail. "and you'll stay there until I find someone else with more energy to be my little snack." Margo began to kick and squirm as she felt herself be tilted backwards, her feet level with Emerald's fanged maw. 
"WAIT- STOP STOP Can't you hypnotize me for this? Like you did with the others?" 
"Of course not! Where's the fun in that? I want to feel your frantic little squirms all the way down." Margo could do nothing but watch, frozen, like a deer caught in headlights, as the huge naga started to swallow her feet. The coils held her stuck on her back, forced to see her legs disappear inside this ravenous creature. They swallowed again, sucking Margo in up to her knees. That's when she broke out of her stupor and started screaming and kicking, but she was no match for the creature. Emerald swallowed again, their mouth now up to Margo's stomach. She screamed louder as she felt the snake's fangs brush against her skin. She sobbed as she felt hot and sticky saliva on her hands, and Emerald swallowed again. Margo breathed in deep as the coils surrounding her chest unwrapped, but her moment of relief was stamped out as she felt herself get sucked down farther. She now had only her shoulders and neck free. 
"Oh god, oh god, please no no no, Please don't do this please don-" 
Margo yelled out as Emerald's teeth covered her neck in light little cuts. The stinging pain gave Margo a strange sense of bloody hope. 
(Maybe they'll end it here… maybe they'll just bite down and save me the pain)
Emerald swallowed again, and Margo's body was sucked completely into their tight throat, her head sitting in Emerald's toothy maw. She thrashed around, trying to somehow choke the snake, or become too much trouble, so Emerald would decide to find a meal with less fight. But she couldn't move her body. She was already too far gone. All the light was ripped away as Emerald gulped one last time, sending Margo down their throat.
It was completely dark inside Emerald, and the situation made Margo feel bad about complaining about the jungle's weather. Everything was just too much. The walls were constantly moving, grinding at her and pushing Margo down towards the stomach. She was covered in hot, sticky saliva that coated her hair and made it stick to her face. She felt her legs escape from the oppressive squeezing and she immediately began to kick again. Then, she was pushed into another chamber, less tight but worse in other ways. The stomach was so much more alive. Constantly moving, churning and pushing. It was rough, as if trying to blend her up into raw nutrients. She looked around as a sigh and a burp erupted around her.
"Oof, sorry treat" Margo flinched as part of the wall pressed closer into her. "Has anyone told you that you taste absolutely divine? Unlike anyone I've ever eaten." Margo couldn't do anything but cry. Reduced to nothing but a piece of food, only to be spat out as a useless husk, what else could she do? Her eyes felt heavy 
"You're going to be mine for a while Margo. I say get comfortable and take a nice little nap." Margo tried to shake her head, pinch herself, anything, but she was tired from the fighting. Too tired. She passed out, the last sounds she heard were the relentless gurgles and groans of the stomach, and the contented sigh of her captor. 
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art-of-erneztkyer · 2 years
First 2023 artwork! I usually don't do full-heights, but it turned out very atmospheric and sunny!
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And Happy Birthday, Arhkaidium, wish you always have belly full of friends!
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oliveroctavius · 2 years
unfair that art takes time. I need to beam this bizarrely intense plasticman fancomic concept into the brains of everyone in the tag immediately
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dededos · 2 years
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on the beach
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seesallysewpatterns · 2 years
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The latest addition to my #etsy shop: Medical Lab Loose Fit Coat Dress Jacket Skirt Medical Simplicity 9337 Sewing Pattern Sizes 22 1/2 & 24 1/2 FREE MAILING To Canada and USA #sewing #vintagepattern #classicfashion #uncutpattern #labcoat #simplicity9337 #medicaloutfit #labcoats #halfsizing https://etsy.me/3WzcY8I https://www.instagram.com/p/CmZwJlqv180/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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philicheesecake · 7 months
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Support my comics!
Early access to unreleased comic pages for my Patreon supporters! Your support helps me continue to create this series!
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nomstellations · 6 months
This wasn't one of their better ideas...
Their bedside clock read 2:37 am. They were exhausted, but they had yet to get any sleep...no thanks to the squirming bulge in their middle. At the time, the idea was sound...
Invite friend over for sleepover. Reveal to friend that they didn't have anywhere to sleep. Let friend sleep in their stomach. Win! Sure, it was a convoluted way of getting a full belly to sleep on, but it helped them sleep...
They didn't account for their friend to be such a restless sleeper.
Their stomach burbled noisily as their meal rolled around inside it. They weren't sure if they were dreaming, or if they were just like this...but just when they thought they'd settled down, they'd kick around a bit or roll over AGAIN. Their stomach wasn't upset or anything, but the constant movement was distracting...
They tried rubbing at their stomach. Their friend seemed to like it, so they wriggled even more. Rolling over onto it would just squish them and be uncomfortable, but...something told them they wouldn't stop moving. It was going to be a long night for sure...
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comfyhome · 7 months
OH I forgot I never posted these !!!!! g/t and halfsize :]
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cardnompfs · 4 months
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Something i drawn for @fastfur07 while doing some art practices, Think i drawn this month ago? Oh welp..!
And also another art for them too..!
Content Below: #Extreme Cuddling, #Halfsize Noms
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And this too- ./////.
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whitchygaythem · 1 year
Dont eat ur gf stupid
Aisha tapped her foot in excitement as she drove her old pick up truck down the dusty dirt road. Bubbly pop music blared out of open windows and warm winds whipped her fluffy pink afro around her head. The sun had begun to set, casting the countryside in a hazy golden glow. Aisha looked over her shoulder as the song ended and the ads started, checking if she had everything she needed. Blankets? Check. The last of her closet? Check. Her backpack sat in the passenger seat next to her and the greasy, fragrant smell of lots of cheap Chinese food spilled out of the plastic bags in the back of the car. She had everything. Another ad started, just as the road turned and widened into a circular driveway in front of a well kept blue farmhouse. It stood out against the dusty green grass covering the land around it. Once she parked, Aisha jumped out of the truck, almost leaving her bags in the bed of the truck. She ran up to the porch, fumbling around for her keys in the pockets of her skirt, finally unlocking the door and pushing it open. 
"Hey Louise! I'm here!" 
Aisha rolled her bag into the living room and sank onto the couch. She heard creaking steps and she looked over at the woman walking downstairs. Aisha hopped up and ran towards Louise, nearly leaping into her arms and wrapping her in a hug, though Aisha could only reach Louise's chest, since she was a good two feet taller than her. Louise looked startled but hugged Aisha back.
"I thought you were coming tomorrow?" Aisha peeled away from the hug to look up at Louise's face. 
"I finished packing early! I wanted to move in as soon as I could." She stood on her tip toes and gently guided Louise's face down to meet her own, kissing her softly. "Do you want me to leave and come back tomorrow?" Louise shook her head, avoiding Aisha's gaze as her face flushed pink. 
"No… I missed you. So much." Louise scooped Aisha up in her arms, holding her close in a bridal carry. "It's just… I'm, um sick?..." She tucked her face in Aisha's hair, holding her tight, as if she would ever try to leave. Aisha felt her forehead. She was hot. Like really hot. 
"It must be bad, are you sure you want me to stay?" 
Louise tightened her grip around Aisha's body. "I'll be fine, please just stay here." 
"Of course Lou." Aisha kissed her forehead, smiling as she felt Louise's face flush with heat.
Louise straightened, standing to her full height, dwarfing the woman in her arms. Aisha giggled and yelled as Louise rushed her up the stairs.
"Wait wait wait, don't forget the takeout!"
Once upstairs in their bedroom, Aisha had set out the food and turned on the tv, sitting in the middle of the bed. Louise was sitting at the head of the bed. She had just barely let Aisha go, acting as if it might hurt her to have Aisha leave her arms. Louise had started tearing into her food as soon as Aisha was out of biting range, wolfing down her food like a starving predator. She worked her way through her fried rice, lo mein, dumplings and, after some sad looks and a hungry growl from her stomach, the rest of Aisha's pork wraps. Aisha watched her eat it all, wondering how she could still be eating. Eventually she did finish, and immediately tried to grab Aisha to cuddle. 
"Please?" Louise pleaded as Aisha gathered the trash off the bed.
"I'm coming back Lou! I just gotta throw this out." She half climbed back onto the bed to give Louise a peck on the cheek. 
"Can't you just leave it out in the hall?" Louise looked at her with a begging look in her eyes. "I promise I'll get it later." Aisha sighed and smiled.
"Alright babe." She dropped the greasy bag outside the doorway and plopped down on the bed. "And I assume you want to be big spoon?" Louise nodded. Aisha laid down on the bed, and Louise held her close. She wrapped one arm around Aisha's stomach and the other around her chest and one of her arms, rendering her mostly immobile. "I might take a nap ok Louise?" Aisha looked up to kiss Louise's chin. She didn't respond, only snuggling closer to her. Surrounded by warmth, Aisha began to drift off. 
She woke to a heavy, almost painful pressure over her chest. Louise was asleep, breathing in quick, shallow gasps as she tightened her grip on Aisha's arm, hard enough to leave a bruise. 
"Hey Lou?" 
"Can you, uh, loosen up? I think you're about to crush me." 
Louise jumped away from Aisha, hands up and eyes scanning for injuries. Her gaze landed on Aisha's arm. 
"Shit, sorry I'm so sorry!" She backed away, looking horrified. She had gotten dark circles under her eyes, and her face looked thinner. How could it have done that? Louise had just eaten a meal for three people, how could she look like she was starving? 
"Hey, hey Louise," Aisha grabbed Louise's hands and pulled her back to sit on the bed. "I'm alright. You didn't hurt me. But I need you to tell me what's wrong." Louise looked down at  her, eyes filling with tears.
"I'm just so hungry Aisha!" Louise choked out. "It hurts and I feel empty and food can't fix it!" Aisha reached towards Louise, climbing onto the bed to wrap Louise in a hug. 
"I'm so sorry love. I had no idea. How can I help?" I could go out to get something else for you?" 
Louise shook her head. 
"Actually, could I just… kiss you? Please?" 
Aisha smiled up at Louise. "Of course." 
Louise slammed down, crashing her lips into Aisha's, holding her face in both hands. She was voracious, barely stopping to let Aisha breathe. When she did, it was to press kisses all over her face. She lingered over Aisha's neck, and Aisha felt long teeth against her skin. Then Louise looked back at her, and Aisha saw something in her eyes. Something distinctly… inhuman. Louise held Aisha's face tight.
"Close your eyes."
She did. But she peeked.
Louise's jaw had stretched wide, and every one of her dozens of teeth were sharp, especially her canines. Louise had always been big, but now, when she was looming over her with a primal hunger in her eyes, Aisha became very aware of just how small she was. Louise glanced down and their eyes met for a second. Then she began eating. 
Louise's clawed hands kept Aisha's arms in place at her side, while she kept Aisha's head stuck in her maw. Aisha screamed and tried to kick away from Louise, but was squeezed into her throat when she swallowed. Louise never stopped swallowing after, gulping Aisha down as if she was the first thing she had eaten in months. She felt more pressure around her shoulders, then on her chest. Aisha felt a sharp pain just below her shoulder blade, then screamed out as it dragged down her back. Aisha thought her vision would go dark. Well, it was already dark. There doesn't tend to be much light inside someone's esophagus. Aisha felt herself slipping down much faster as Louise stood up and tilted her head back. Aisha felt the tight grip of Louise's throat loosen, as her head was pushed into her stomach. Her shoulders and arms followed, and after a few more resounding gulps, Aisha was sealed inside Louise's stomach. 
Shifting slimy walls ground at Aisha's body. She was surrounded by darkness and gurgling noises. 
"LOUISE LET ME OUT!" Aisha screamed. "LET ME OUT GODDAMNIT!" She kicked one of the walls surrounding her. She heard a groan of pain, somehow coming from everywhere. Aisha kept kicking as best she could with her legs being pressed up to her chest, forcing her into a fetal position. She felt a bit lightheaded. Despite being surrounded by warmth, she was hyper aware of the warmth seeping into her shirt from her cut back. "Please Lou, let me out…" 
Aisha woke up on top of the bed, a torn sheet covering her. She groaned. Her head felt fuzzy. What had happened? Then it hit her.
The spit.
The teeth 
The blood.
The hunger.
Her heart beat faster as she began to panic. But that couldn't have happened? People can't just.. swallow each other like that. It was just a nightmare. A horrible nightmare. And-and it was such a bad nightmare, she ripped the sheet while she was asleep! Yeah, that sounds right. 
Aisha stretched, reaching her arms toward the ceiling, when a line of pain shot down her back.
"AGH, Shit!" She twisted to touch her back, wincing as the tear along her back burned with fresh pain. So last night did really happen… Louise actually… ate her. "Oh holy shit… holy shiiit" Her girlfriend had eaten her. Swallowed her. Louise wasn't… human. Aisha wasn't sure what she was. 
Aisha changed out of her torn, blood stained t-shirt and showered. By the time she had walked downstairs to get some coffee, she had forgotten about Louise. That is, until she saw her sitting at the kitchen table. Louise looked up. She smiled weakly. Aisha noticed that her fangs were on display.
"Um, hi Aisha… sorry about, um, yesterday"
"What the hell happened to you? What… What are you Louise?" 
Louise sighed.
"That's a bit of a long story. You might wanna sit down."
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