#haliey dilmore
evan-with-storage · 11 months
while everybody was talking about this:
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I took a look at this:
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and yes some of it is funny filler text (or maybe lore important i haven't really watched a starkid before), there are also other things.
some of this is hard to read, so some is not there.
words in [] are maybe but not absolutely sure, --- is something missing, but rest should be good.
ZOEY CHAMBERS (Henrietta) is humbled beyond words to be part of this groundbreaking production. Zoey has been entertaining audiences for years with her portrayal of badass girl-bosses like Sandy from Grease and Fantine from Les Miserables. Zoey would like to thank her brother, Zack for giving her the acting bug all the way back in third grade! It's ironic that Zack thought he was the actor of the family, but Zoey would go on to completely overshadow him in every way. Sucks to suck, doesn't it, Zachary! Zoey would also like to thank her roommate and fellow cast member Hailey! hailey is perfectly cast in her small and inconsequential part. The role of Marge is so uninteresting and one dimensional that it almost masks Hailey's limited range as an actress, as well as other flaws, such as not being pretty enough to pull off an ingènue. Enjoy the show and be sure to check out Zoey's Only Fans for spicy pics[, JOIs], and other content!
HAILEY DILMORE (Marge) is so lucky to be a part of the best cast in the world! She has no idea how she managed to worm her way into this talented group of ladies. You may recognise Hailey as a Pink Lady from Grease or Disciple #3 from Godspell. Hailey would like to thank her fellow cast member Zoey Chambers. Zoey has been an inspiration, a mentor, and above all a friend. She'd also like to thank her parents and her dog, Walter. Also, she'd like to apologize to the cast once again for blowing up the bathroom ----- ---- --- during rehearsals. ----- ----- ----- ----- made it stink so bad that everyone had to cross the street to use the one in Bank of America. She really doesn't know what's happening to her bowels. She is goint to the doctor after the show closes to get everything sorted out. Enjoy the show!
RUTH FLEMING (Secretary #4) is a fucking ----- for her acting -----! This is the best thing that's ever happened to him, I mean, her. Ruth [did] the [lights] for the school's shitty production of The Barbeque Monologues and was the Assistant Stage Manager for The Wizard of Oz… it sucked. She got bullied and excluded by the whole cast even though her job is just as important as theirs. More important, actually! Being in the cast is way better. They don't have to think of an excuse to barge into the dressing rooms. You can just walk right in! Everybody takes off their shirts and ------------------ ------------------ she's ----------. Anyway, Ruth doesn't wanna thank anybody because nobody did anything for her.
CASSANDRA KING (Eve) is [thrilled] to be present with you fellow ------- in these fleeting moments. Everything has transpired exactly as the lights in the sky foretold. Cassie had never been a believer in prophecy or the ethereal [spaces between]… but she -----------------. She no longer fears the visions, or the -------- come with their descent. Pain is the price of knowledge. Pain is the language that [unites]. the [children] of Az----- no matter which ---------- they may --------- from. Cassie wants to seee what lies at the end of the ---- ---. She's ready for the [face of the] --- screaming in the dark. How did she find herself -----? The lights [gave her] ------. And so she ---- for [guidance]. Cassie would like to thank her boyfriend, Chris.
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