ltpbyork-blog · 10 years
Patio season is upon us!
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Hey yall,
 It’s Shannon here from Glendon’s LTPB team. As the warm weather is near (or at least we hope) you may be hitting the patios this summer. So perhaps it is a hot summer day and you’re chilling by the pool or at the bar and your friends are about to go have a smoke. What do you do? Social smoking can put people in iffy situations but I have some tips about how to not cave and still have a good time staying smoke free!
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So why can't we resist the social puff? Experts have revealed it's to do with a few underlying reasons...
Peer influence: Our need to feel a part of a group or social scene can trigger us to pick up bad habits we wouldn't necessarily do on our own.
Perception: Smoking can often be seen as fashionable or a way to relieve stress and anxiety.
Acceptance: In social situations smoking is accepted and sometimes seen as a polite thing to do. But why smoke for the sake of smoking?
No matter how little you're exposed to a puff of smoke you can't get away with the health risks associated with social smoking.
Be aware: social smokers, on average, go through 37 cigarettes a week! A startling amount for just a part-time smoker. First, you need to get to grips with the damaging effects of smoking by effectively reasoning with yourself. 
Moral support: support from family, friends and colleagues is so important to your success so make sure you tell everyone about your decision to go or stay smoke-free! Let your friends know before heading to the bar that you are do not want to smoke tonight. That way they will not offer you any and it will help with the temptation.
Avoid triggers: If you know you’re friends are going outside to light one up take a trip to the bathroom or check your phone inside. It helps to have a friend with you who doesn't smoke.
Use smoking aids: pop in some chewing gum if you feel a craving coming at the bar. If you are an ex smoker dealing with withdrawals you can get THRIVE nicotine replacement therapy and other resources from LTPB’s website for FREE (see below).
Believe in yourself: Over a third of smokers (38%) believe they don't have the confidence to finally quit smoking. But self-belief is one of the most important traits you need to successfully quit for good. If you are not a smoker you still need to believe in yourself to continue your smoke free lifestyle!
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 For more info check out:
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ltpbyork-blog · 10 years
Smoking and Active Living
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ltpbyork-blog · 10 years
Motivational Mondays
Hi there! It’s Claudia back again with a new blog post this week about goal-setting and putting our health first.
Did you know?
Studies have shown that Monday is the healthiest day of the week.
Many people dread the thought of Monday, because they have to wake up early to go to work or school. However, it’s been proven that on Mondays, many individuals decide to take a fresh, positive approach to their week. Maybe you’re a smoker yourself and you want to give quitting a shot. What better day to do it than on a Monday? If you’ve already quit, use Monday as a day to reward yourself for your accomplishment. Smoking again? That’s okay! Monday is the perfect day to try again. If you don’t smoke at all, keep it up and reward yourself as well!
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I am happy to say that over at the Glendon Campus, Shannon and I host booth displays and go on walkabouts on Mondays and Tuesdays. When students come back to school after their weekend, we get to educate them about smoking cessation and answer any questions they might have about health the best we can. We have also found that students are rather enthusiastic on campus to talk about health at the beginning of the week when we interact with them. This is a plus for our incentive!
With that said, Leave the Pack Behind is currently halfway into its last campaign, Don’t Cave to the Crave. To help smokers quit smoking and to help Glendon students live a healthy lifestyle, we set up a trail mix station where students can grab some free trail mix. It went well! Here is a snapshot of our booth from Monday, February 23rd:
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Remember that it’s never too late to give quitting smoking another shot - or to take charge of your health! Make Monday the day you feel optimistic and set healthy goals during the week, like going to the gym, exercising, and eating healthy.
You can always visit the Appletree Clinic at the Keele Campus for free Nicotine Replacement Therapies or visit our website for more information at www.leavethepackbehind.org. Please also check out York U’s Health Education & Promotion website at www.healthed.scld.yorku.ca for all things health!
Thanks for reading.
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ltpbyork-blog · 10 years
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Hey there awesome people, LTPB is back with another blog! Today I am filling you in on recent great news as well as a few tips!
I was thrilled to stumble upon a recent national survey that found that the smoking rate among Canadians is at an all-time low, at 15 per cent of the population....
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ltpbyork-blog · 10 years
Super Exciting News!
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Hey there awesome people, LTPB is back with another blog! Today I am filling you in on recent great news as well as a few tips!
I was thrilled to stumble upon a recent national survey that found that the smoking rate among Canadians is at an all-time low, at 15 per cent of the population. The 2013 Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey found 11 per cent reported smoking daily, while four per cent say they use tobacco only occasionally.
Are you still trying to kick the habit? Well...What are you waiting for? There are many different methods to quit, here are a few:
 Cold–turkey: this is when you stop smoking completely immediately.  This method can be very effective for some however others might find it to be too much of a shock on their body!
Using NRT’s (nicotine replacement therapies): these are meant to slowly wean a person off of nicotine. Some people think NRT’s are addictive when in fact that is just a myth! Examples are: thrive gum or the patch! Did you know that you can order an 8 week supply of NRT’s off the LTPB website for FREE!
By cutting back (gradual): this can be very effective! Try reducing your smoking by 50% and gradually make your way down to a smoke free lifestyle!
With Medications (prescriptions): Bupropion also known as Zyban helps reduce nicotine withdrawal and the urge to smoke. There is also Varenicline which is also known as Chantix it has very similar affects as Zyban. See your doctor to see if this is a good fit for you!  
Using online support and resources: LTPB has some awesome quit books on their website that can help you put a quitting plan in place as well fill you in on what to expect when you do quit: https://www.leavethepackbehind.org/quitting/#story_page_107 ...Also check out http://www.smokershelpline.ca/ where you can sign up to receive supportive and encouraging text messages or you can chat on the phone with a professional for support through your quitting journey (all for free yippeeee).
Also, you can certainly use a combination of methods for an even higher chance of success! If you would like to meet with a professional to discuss the best options for you personally check out: Appletree Clinic on the York University Keele Campus give them a call @ 647-722-2370
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Check out these links:
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ltpbyork-blog · 10 years
Don't Cave to the Crave
Hey York U!! 
Did you know the number ONE reason quitters relapse and current smokers escalate their tobacco consumption is because of stress? Many of you have decided to quit or cut down smoking by signing up for our wouldurather contest and might be worrying about the difficulty in doing so. Lucky for you, the LTPB team wants to help you be successful in this lifestyle change! Read below to learn more about our campaign Don’t Cave to the Crave! 
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Don’t Cave to the Crave aims to support wouldurather contestants from relapsing! We know that school and life can be stressful sometimes, but there are ways to cope. Don’t Cave to theCrave wants to inform students about healthy ways to deal with stress to prevent the escalation and relapse of tobacco use. Our goal is to increase the number of smokers who remain smoke-free in addition to reducing the number of students who escalate their tobacco use during college/university.
We want to encourage smokers and recent quitters to respond to cravings in positive ways. Although there are many positive ways to respond to cravings, we focus on eating healthy, engaging in physical activity, and incorporating relaxation techniques into your day. We encourage you to come up with a list of your own ways to cope with stress! Also, look out for the LTPB team, we'll have some ideas to share :)
Like us on Facebook, check out LTPB’s website OR for more information on health related topics check out Health Education & Promotion @ York!
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ltpbyork-blog · 10 years
More Formaldehyde found in E-Cigarettes
Hello again all YOU LTPB readers! It is my pleasure to inform you that there has been a new study recently conducted on e-cigarettes revealing that they DO in fact produce more formaldehyde than normal tobacco cigarettes. Surprised? Well so am I.
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Let's first track all the way back to November 13, 2014, when I wrote a very interesting blog titled, "E-Cigarettes: Pros and Cons". If you haven't read it yet, feel free to click on the title and check it out. Well, just to recap what we've learned, e-cigarettes, also known as electronic cigarettes or e-cigs, are hand-held, battery-powered devices that are designed to deliver nicotine. As a matter of fact, "16% of Canadian older youth and young adults (16-30 years) have tried e-cigarettes." 
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A recent study from The New England Journal of Medicine discovered that e-cigs produced 2.5 times as much formaldehyde compared to traditional tobacco cigarettes. However, this is the case only if e-cigarette users vape three milliliters of liquid at a high voltage. This new study has raised questions and further debate on the safety of electronic cigarettes.    
What is Formaldehyde? 
For those of you who do not know what formaldehyde is, it is a colorless gas found in almost everything including cigarette smoke and e-cigarette vapor.  It is also known for its systematic name, methanol. When the propylene glycol and glycerol inside the cartridge of the e-cigarette are heated together to form vapor formaldehyde is then produced.  
The World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer has even stated that formaldehyde can cause leukemia and nasopharyngeal cancer, which affects the upper part of the throat behind the nose. 
James F. Pankow, a professor of chemistry and engineering at Portland State University in Oregon believes that no physical effects can be seen by e-cigarette users until ten to fifteen years down the road. That is why individuals commonly assume that their quitting method of using e-cigs is a safe alternative. These individuals are generally e-cigarette smokers for only about a year or so. Thus, no physical effects are realized.
There is no doubt that most experts believe that e-cigarettes are less toxic than combustible cigarettes but there is yet to be evidence showing that e-cigarettes are safe for short-term AND long-term use.     
Keep in mind the study discussed above is not conclusive, BUT it can definitely make someone think twice before deciding which method to choose from to quit smoking regular cigarettes.  
What do YOU think?
Are electronic cigarettes a healthy solution to Leave the Pack Behind? Should e-cigarettes be regulated just like traditional combustible cigarettes? We want to hear Your thoughts! What is your opinion?
Have any further questions? Go to our "Ask me Anything" page.
Want more information? No problem!
Like us on Facebook, check out LTPB's website OR for more information on health related topics check out Health Education & Promotion @ York!
Reference: https://www.leavethepackbehind.org/tobacco-info/#story_page_216 
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ltpbyork-blog · 10 years
Quit Smoking: Free and Friendly iPhone & Android Apps
Hello everyone! 
Do you spend more time on your phone than your actual computer? 
Tend to grab your phone when you’re bored when you have nothing better to do? Or even when you should be doing something? 
If you answered yes to any of the above questions + are contemplating quitting smoking or on the journey of quitting = this blog will be perfect for you! 
Phones have become everyone’s best friend. When we need them, they are always there (unless the battery is dead), they don’t talk back at us (forget about Siri) and are smarter than any genius.... Technically, because it all comes down to the apps that we download for ourselves. So there’s the social media apps, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter; and then the usual weather, mail and messages. But why not spice things up by adding apps that are geared towards making life easier for smokers on their journey in kicking their habit.
Accordingly, these are Healthline’s free top 5 best quit smoking apps of 2014.
5. Craving to Quit (iTunes)
Free trial of Craving Quit Pro
21-day smoking cessation program developed by and tested at Yale University
Customizable goal setting features and daily reminders to track progression
Audio and visual playlists, nightly reflections and exercises to distract and motivate you
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4. Quit Smoking - Cessation Nation (Android) 
Virtual village of support through shared experiences from current and former smokers
Helps calculate the money you have saved and how much healthier you are by staying smoke-free
In app games which serves as distractions to cravings
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3. Quit Smoking (Android)
Widget app that helps you decrease nicotine consumption
Program adjusts according to your individual smoking patterns
Visual representations of the number of days you’ve stayed smoke-free, money you’ve saved and current carbon monoxide levels 
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2. Quit It Lite (iTunes)
Motivational program that tracks smoking cessation goals in a new way by focusing on what you haven’t done
It tracks cigarettes that you didn’t smoke, tar that did not absorb into your bloodstream and money you saved
So you see the physical benefits for cutting down or staying smoke-free
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1. LIVESTRONG MyQuit Coach (iTunes)
Helps quit smoking your way
Physician-approved app that allows you to tailor your journey your way
Features: analyzing your nicotine consumption, tracking your cravings and making personally meaningful resolutions 
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Thank you for reading! 
These apps also come in handy for those of you signed up for WouldURather and are trying to Quit for Good, Keeping the Count or Partying Without the Smoke. Remember contest officially starts Jan 26 - March 9.
If you need extra support or resources, you can always find us around campus in our blue LTPB t-shirts or green HealthEd t-shirts. Also, don’t forget that if you are a York University student, AppleTree prescribes FREE nicotine patches and gum and if you are not a YU student, you can always go online at leavethepackbehind.org to order them for FREE as well!
Good luck to those who are thinking about or in the process of quitting!
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ltpbyork-blog · 10 years
Every End is a New Beginning
Every year millions of people around the world join in unison to celebrate the forthcoming of the New Year. It brings promise of a new beginning, a fresh start where new adventures and opportunities lay ahead. It almost feels as if seven billion new lives are born each year on the 1st of January as we all strive to change ourselves in one form or another.
Do the phrases.. “save more money”, “get into shape”, “reconnect with loved ones”, “travel the world”, “learn a new language”, “focus on my health”, “quit smoking”, etc.. sound familiar? We all make New Year’s resolutions but how often do we actually follow through with them? By now, over 60% of people have already given up their New Year’s resolution.
Well if your resolution was to QUIT SMOKING, this year you will have an added incentive to quit. Along with taking care of your present and future health, by entering the WOULD U RATHER contest you will be entered into a draw to WIN up to $2500!!! Not only will you save money by forgoing the $10 pack of cigarettes, you will also have a chance to win a semester worth of tuition!!! Or maybe add it to the new car you’ve been eyeing, the getaway you’ve been dreaming of.. whatever tickles your fancy!
The contest has 4 different categories, and anyone (smokers, non-smoker, ex-smoker is eligible to enter).  1. Quit For Good -Open to daily smokers  -Must completely abstain from smoking for 6 weeks  -GRAND PRIZE: $2500
2. Keep The Count  -Open to daily smokers -Must reduce tobacco consumption by 50%  -GRAND PRIZE: $1000
3. Party Without The Smoke -Open to daily/non-daily smokers  -Must not smoke tobacco, marijuana, shisha when drinking alcohol  -GRAND PRIZE: $750  4. Don’t Start & Win  -Open to non-smokers/ex-smokers  -Must continue to be smoke free for the duration of the contest  -GRAND PRIZE: $250 
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To go along with the Provincial Grand Prizes, the LTPB team will also have YorkU campus specific prizes.
1. $500 tuition voucher to YorkU 2. 3 month membership to GoodLife 3. $50 Superstore Gift Card w/ gift basket 4. Blue Jays/Raptors gear 5. YorkU Bookstore gift card
Registration for the contest officially closes January 25th, 2015. The duration of the contest is from January 26th- March 9th, 2015.
To register for the contest visit the official contest page @ www.wouldurather.ca. You can also come by our tabling booth set up in Vari Hall/ Central Square during the National Non-Smoking Week (Jan 19th- 23rd) or drop by the SCLD office at Ross Building, S172 to inquire about contacting one of the LTPB representatives for more info.
Are you ready to finally fulfill your New Year’s resolution? If so, let us help on along the way!
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ltpbyork-blog · 10 years
10 Ways to Deal with Nicotine Withdrawal
Hey yall, my name is Shannon and I am a member of the Glendon LTPB team. I am here today to give you all ten awesome tips on how to deal with nicotine withdrawal symptoms. First off, not everyone experiences withdrawal symptoms when quitting smoking; however those who have know it can be brutal. Withdrawal symptoms tend to be strongest within the first few days of quitting. As time goes by the withdrawal symptoms do lessen. Hang in there and try using these tips!
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1. Drink water - lots of it! Have healthy snacks available when   hunger pangs strike (this can also help with keeping that unwanted weight off).
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  2. Remember why you’re quitting! Have your goals in a visible place whether it is on your fridge, in your agenda or on your wall. It is most effective if you have your goals in multiple places!
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  3.Count on friends and family for their support! Announcing plans to quit is a proven strategy for successful quitting
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        4.  Change your routines and keep busy.
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  5.Hit the gym! This can help release tension and stress. Also, when you quit   your metabolism slows down; working out can help keep off that unwanted weight!
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  6.Order a free supply of NRT’s (nicotine replacement therapies)right to your door from www.leavethepackbehind.org
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  7. There’s an app for that? Heck ya! Download the Crush the Crave free app to help you along your journey towards a smoke-free life.
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  8.Check out this helpful free hotline which you can access by text, calling or online. Professionals give you personalized tips on how to stay smoke free and answer other questions you may have! http://www.smokershelpline.ca/
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  9.Plan how to deal with places and people that may trigger you to smoke. For example, do you usually smoke on your way to the bus stop? How about you pop a piece of gum and put in your ear buds instead.
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  10. Deep breathing can work miracles! Put on some calming music and just breathe.
Thanks for reading folks!
Here are two awesome links to get more info about Health Ed and LTPB
Like us:
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   Stay tuned for another blog!!
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ltpbyork-blog · 10 years
Tobacco Topic Time!
Hey there! This is Claudia from the LTPB Glendon team and I am back again with a blog that is sure to keep you interested!
This week’s topic is on smokeless tobacco. Come again? If you have no idea what this is made up of, that’s fine! Let me fill you in on some questions and answers to this type of tobacco.
What parts are there to smokeless tobacco?
Smokeless tobacco exists in two main forms. The one form is the one many are familiar with: chewing tobacco. The other is called snuff/snus.
What is chewing tobacco?
Chewing tobacco is shredded, twisted, or loose leaf tobacco which is sold on its own or in pouches. Regarding its use, chewing tobacco is placed in the mouth, between the cheek and the lower lip, and chewed occasionally. As a result, the tobacco juice and saliva can be spit out or swallowed.
  You had me at chewing tobacco. But what is snuff/snus???
Snuff/snus is a type of fine-grain tobacco that comes in tins or pouches, which look like tea bags. Like chewing tobacco, snuff can be placed between the gum and cheek or lower lip, while snus is often placed between the gum and upper lip. Unlike chewing tobacco, snuff/snus does not need to be spit out.
One thing to keep in mind: smokeless tobacco does not need to burn to be consumed. Instead of inhaling it, tobacco and nicotine enter the body and into the bloodstream through the tissues and linings of the mouth.
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    Next up are some good ol’ pros and cons to keep you informed!
Because there is no smoke, there are no chemicals and tar lighting up.
There may be a lower risk of cardiovascular and lung cancer, as well as diseases associated with smokeless tobacco use than regular cigarette use.
It comes in small tins with attractive-looking packaging and fun, fruity flavours, which can make smokeless tobacco more appealing.
Although there are no chemicals and tar from lighting up, smokeless tobacco still contains harsh chemicals and can cause cancer.
Smokeless tobacco has been linked with different forms of cancer, including mouth cancer, throat cancer, pancreatic cancer, and heart diseases. The risk of developing these cancers and diseases is even higher if you consume smokeless tobacco and also smoke regular cigarettes.
Smokeless tobacco still contains nicotine and it can be just as addictive as smoking regular cigarettes!
Smokeless tobacco is not a proven or effective strategy for smoking cessation. However, its use still may lead to cigarette smoking.
  Above all, don’t be misled by its name. Smokeless tobacco does not mean harmless tobacco!
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Now I will share with you a quick question I got from a student while on a walkabout on campus.
I use chewing tobacco. Can I still register in the Would U Rather contest?
The answer is yes! You definitely can in any one of the top 3 categories depending how often you use it: Quit For Good, Keep the Count, or Party Without the Smoke. Same goes for snuff/snus.
Remember that registration for the Would U Rather contest starts December 1st! That’s 10 days from now! Visit our campaign’s website for more details at wouldurather.ca or refer to our previous blog post.
That’s it from me this week! Take it easy.
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ltpbyork-blog · 10 years
E-Cigarettes: Pros and Cons
Are E-Cigarettes the Safest Quit Aid to Use?
Thinking of leaving the pack behind or just cutting back?  Well if you are planning to eventually quit smoking for good there are several ways in doing so.  Aside from the usual cold turkey or nicotine patches and gum cessation methods, other individuals choose to use E-Cigarettes. 
What are E-Cigarettes?
E-cigarettes are shaped just like traditional cigarettes except they are made out of a plastic tube with an atomizer, a battery powered electronic heating device, and a liquid filled cartridge (typically water, chemicals like propylene glycol or vegetable glycerine, and flavouring or nicotine).  The atomizer heats the cartridge which turns the liquid into vapour that the user can inhale. 
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E-cigarettes may be safer than smoking traditional tobacco cigarettes because combustion and smoke are absent
The vapours in e-cigarettes contain less toxins and cancer-causing chemicals than tobacco smoke
E-cigarettes have the potential to assist smokers in reducing their tobacco intake and control cravings and withdrawal symptoms
E-cigarettes are fairly recent products that have only been on the market since the early 2000s.  Thus, no research has been conducted to show the long-term effects of inhaling chemicals from the cartridges and health risks of second-hand vapour
Health Canada has not approved or regulated e-cigarettes.  Consequently, not all ingredients of e-cigarettes may be known and its contents may be mislabelled. Possible side effects may vary from product to product
Children and pets are at risk if they ingest the liquid from the cartridges containing nicotine because it can be toxic
Although e-cigarettes may reduce smokers’ health risks, in the long-term they are no more effective than other safe and proven cessation aids like the nicotine patch
The use of e-cigarettes may undermine major tobacco control efforts since they can be used in places where smoking is normally prohibited
I don’t know about you, but looks like the CONs outweigh the PROs.  Although some may think e-cigarettes are a better alternative than smoking regular cigarettes, it does not mean that they are safer.  There is only one FACT that is known here – there is not enough research or evidence to prove that “Yes e-cigarettes are a healthy and safe alternative to regular tobacco smoking”.
Individuals who wish to quit can always speak with a Health Professional about which smoking cessation aid would be right and most effective for them!
Have any further questions or comments?  Feel free to submit it through our ‘ask me anything' button on the top left corner of our LTPB facebook page or contact us on our HealthEd website! 
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ltpbyork-blog · 10 years
Hey y’all! So in previous posts we wrote about why people chose to be smoke-free and got some great opinions from both smokers and non-smokers. For many people, being smoke-free is very important and we have an opportunity to help satisfy that desire! Wonder how? I’m talking about our campaign wouldurather…
Wouldurather… is open to both smokers and non-smokers with 4 different categories and some amazing prizes! All of the cash prizes offered are provincial prizes but we also have some pretty assume campus prizes as well! Make sure to stay tuned to here what campus prizes York University will have up for grabs.
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For students who are looking to quit after the New Year you qualify for the QUIT FOR GOOD category. QUIT FOR GOOD is for regular smokers who pledge to quit smoking and remain smoke-free for the 6-week contest and have a chance to win $2500! That sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me! I know many people create New Year’s Resolutions they don’t keep, but wouldurather… makes this resolution worth keeping. Contestants can also get the nicotine patch or gum for free as part of the contest.
Visit Appletree in Yorklanes or order online @ https://www.leavethepackbehind.org/ while supplies last! 
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  Next, we have the KEEP THE COUNT category where regular smokers pledge to reduce their smoking by 50% for the chance to win $1000! This helps students who are not completely ready to cut it out but want to cut down. Tell a friend!
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We also have the PARTY WITHOUT THE SMOKE category which is open to regular or social smokers who pledge to refrain from smoking when drinking alcohol (this includes marijuana and shisha) with the opportunity to win $750! The party will still go on, so join in on the fun!
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Lastly, there’s DON’T START AND WIN for non-smokers or ex-smokers that pledge to continue to be smoke-free. How simple is that? Just keep living life the way you always do!
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Every contestant must sign up with a buddy (a friend to support you) and we will have some magnificent campus prizes for them as well! 
Contest registration opens December 1st!
Dare to learn more?? 
Visit www.wouldurather.ca or www.yorku.ca/healthed or contact the LTPB team [email protected] 
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ltpbyork-blog · 10 years
Thank You Keele Campus!
Hello everyone!
It’s Tiffany here again, from Keele Campus’ Leave The Pack Behind! Hope everyone is enjoying their fall, because I know I am! So the last time I spoke with y’all was our introductory post, but now I am back and here to share some exciting news about what we have been up to thus far.
On October 1st, we had our first Wellness Wednesday of the year at the Keele Campus and might I add, it was a great success! We were able to reach over 100 students and got feedback on their thoughts about smoking and if they had any advice they would like to share with the rest of the student body.
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For those of you who dropped by, thank you very much for participating! Our biggest success was our Wellness Tree where people were able to post advice on why themselves aren’t smokers or to support smokers who are trying to quit. To put things into perspective, our tree started off with only branches, but by the end of our tabling, it was alive and fruitful.
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As successful as it was, as a team, we wouldn’t have achieved our goals without the insightful messages you shared with us, so below are a couple of noteworthy advices that we found on our Wellness Tree…
I love being smoke free because I love my body and want to live a long and healthy life.
I don’t smoke because of my parents. It would break them if I were to smoke.
To take care of my lungs so I can play with my future kids.
Smoking was a bitch on the lungs, the pocket and the waistline. Smoking wasn’t sexy!
Your body is a temple, why make something that’s pure, impure?
I stopped smoking when I realized that there was a greater essence inside me.
Smokes are not biodegradable, so it is bad for the environment as well as ourselves.
I choose not to smoke because I know smoking is bad for my health and I don’t want to cut my life short just to feed an unnecessary addiction.
My grandpa just died at 85 because of emphysema and lung cancer, so it’s hard to watch. Most of you won’t live so long. Quit now, you have a chance.
God will not reside in you, if your heart is filled with smoke. And you need God.
Such great support from the Keele Campus!  Thank you once again.
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ltpbyork-blog · 10 years
Do you know what the most common illegal drug used in Canada is?
  The answer is: Marijuana. That is right folks, it is the most common illegal drug used in Canada.    
Cigarettes are not the only things people are smoking on campus. What are the pros and cons when it comes to Marijuana?  
  Hey y'all, 
My name is Shannon and I am on the Glendon LTPB team. Today, I am going to talk to you about a drug called Marijuana, also referred to as weed, pot, ganja, and dope. 
    We now know what it is called but what does it contain? Its active ingredient is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) which can alter the way you feel, think, and behave. Typically, the dried leaf mixture is smoked in hand-roll cigarettes, pipes, or bongs. Marijuana can also be mixed with tobacco and smoked together. When used together, there is a risk of developing nicotine dependence. The increased exposure to tar and carcinogens can cause even more damage to respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Even if they are not used together, smoking marijuana alone can lead to cigarette smoking and the same is true for smoking cigarettes first. 
  At some point you may have been pressured to try marijuana or perhaps you were voluntarily curious. Before you consider trying it or continuing your lifestyle as an everyday user, you should certainly consider the PROS/CONS below. 
Marijuana has been shown to be effective for medicinal purposes. It is used for relieving pain and nausea associated with HIV/AIDS and cancer treatments.  
Contrary to popular belief, marijuana can be addictive. It can also be hard to quit with withdrawal symptoms such as cravings, irritability, and anxiousness. These are similar withdrawal symptoms that cigarette smokers experience when quitting smoking. 
A marijuana smoker tends to inhale more smoke and holds the smoke in longer than a cigarette smoker. This means the smoke goes deeper in the lungs resulting in greater amounts of carbon monoxide and tar damaging the respiratory system. Marijuana smokers can suffer from daily cough and phlegm production, chest illness, and lung infections. 
Marijuana smoke tends to be unfiltered, which can be even more toxic and carcinogenic than cigarette smoke. 
Marijuana use can cause impairments in attention, thinking, learning, and memory. In young people, long-term use may even cause permanent brain damage. It’s no surprise that marijuana use is linked with an increased chance of dropping-out of school and increased absences from work. 
Heavy marijuana use can cause hallucinations and paranoia. For people who are at a higher risk of developing schizophrenia, marijuana use can bring on the symptoms and worsen the condition. 
  The verdict on Marijuana is clear. Don’t replace one addiction for another. Marijuana is not a healthy alternative to tobacco smoking. It can be just as addictive and dangerous. 
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    Want more information? 
Check out our website: https://www.leavethepackbehind.org/marijuana/ 
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  Check out our FB page: https://www.facebook.com/LeaveThePackBehind 
You can also find the LTPB team around Keele and Glendon at York University. Don’t hesitate to come and chat with us!
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  Ialomiteanu, A.R., Adlaf, E.M., Hamilton, H. & Mann, R.E. (2012). CAMH Monitor eReport: Addiction and Mental Health Indicators Among Ontario Adults, 1977-2011. Retrieved June 13, 2014 from http://www.camh.ca/en/research/news_and_publications/Pages/camh_monitor.aspx. 
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. (2012). About Marijuana. Retrieved June 13, 2014 from http://www.camh.ca/en/hospital/health_information/a_z_mental_health_and_addiction_information/marijuana/Pages/about_marijuana.aspx 
National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2014). DrugFacts: Marijuana. Retrieved June 13, 2014 from http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/marijuana. 
University of Washington Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute. (2013). Tobacco and Marijuana. Retrieved June 13, 2014 from http://learnaboutmarijuanawa.org/factsheets/tobacco.htm. 
Leatherdale, S., Hammond, D.G., Kaiserman, M., & Ahmed, R. (2007). Marijuana and tobacco use among young adults in Canada: are they smoking what we think they are smoking? Cancer Causes & Control, 18, 391-397. 
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ltpbyork-blog · 10 years
PIES Anyone?
                    Hey there! My name is Claudia and I am Leave the Pack Behind’s Team Lead at the Glendon Campus.
            This week’s blog post is on PIES. Huh? As in the food PIES? Wrong! In case you haven’t read our introductory blog post already, Leave the Pack Behind has been running its first PIES campaign since September and it goes on until November. This campaign’s main target audience is social and occasional smokers. PIES is an acronym that stands for
Preventing the Initiation and Escalation of Smoking.
Okay. What does that mean? Can you tell me a little more?
Young adults make up the highest majority of smokers among all other age groups in Ontario. Leave the Pack Behind’s goal during this campaign is to prevent students from starting to smoke (the initiation part) and from escalating their tobacco use (moving from social to regular smoking).
  Common Beliefs and Facts about Social Smoking
Non-daily, occasional smoking is very common among college and university students. Social smoking is definitely more common among individuals who spend a lot of time socializing with friends and binge drinking – no surprise here.
Many young people who are social smokers don’t consider themselves to be a “smoker” and don’t believe they’re addicted to cigarettes.
Most social smokers also believe that they will not continue to smoke after leaving university or college.
Students who are social smokers often progress from smoking at parties to smoking in other situations (i.e. to deal with stress and boredom), which leads to escalation and long-term addiction. In fact, just 2-4 cigarettes per week puts a student at risk of becoming dependent during this life stage.
Social smokers are more likely to be lighter smokers, are less addicted to nicotine, and have lower intentions to quit smoking compared to regular smokers.
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Here are some important definitions before you read on:
Smoking Initiation: Starting to smoke (when someone has their first cigarette)
Late Smoking Initiation: Starting to smoke after the age of 18
Smoking Escalation: Progressing from non-daily smoking to daily smoking
  Now here are some Did you know? facts for you!
Did you know?
Recently, up to 20% of smokers report having their very first cigarette after the age of 18 (that’s 1 in 5 smokers initiating tobacco use after coming to campus!)
Most smokers are occasional smokers who tend to escalate to regular, daily smoking in their young adult years
Almost 40% of smokers report increasing the amount they smoke after coming to campus
62% of young adult smokers are social (“non-daily”) smokers whereas 38% are regular smokers
Now I will tell you a bit more about the stages of smoking initiation and escalation.
Smoking initiation and escalation is a process where young adults move through several stages while becoming a smoker. Here are six distinct stages of smoking onset:
Non-susceptible never smoker: non-smoker with a firm commitment to remain smoke-free
Susceptible never smoker: non-smoker who has intentions toward trying smoking
Tried smoker: has tried only a puff/one or two cigarettes
Experimenter: smokes occasionally (less than monthly) and has smoked fewer than 100 cigarettes in their lifetime
Regular smoker: smokes at least monthly but not daily and has smoked more than 100 cigarettes in their lifetime
Daily smoker: smokes daily or almost every day
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  Last, but not least, I will leave you with a couple of key messages of the PIES campaign!
Message #1: Social smoking leads to daily, dependent smoking. Most young people don’t want to picture themselves as dependent, long-term heavy smokers. Many students who smoke socially in their first year are still smoking (either socially or daily) when they graduate. Addiction happens fast, and it’s not something anyone wants to happen!
Message #2: No amount of tobacco use is safe. Smoking socially doesn’t mean escaping the negative consequences of tobacco use. There may be a safe way to drink, have sex, and party, but there is no safe level of tobacco use. Our bodies actually have zero tolerance for CO and this includes smoking tobacco and breathing second-hand smoke!
I hope this read gave you a better understanding of the motive behind our PIES campaign. If you’re a social smoker reading this, stop by our booth sometime at either the Keele or Glendon Campus and a Leave the Pack Behind peer team would be more than happy to have a chat with you!
Thanks for reading! And remember to visit Leave the Pack Behind’s official Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/LeaveThePackBehind?fref=ts as well as Health Education & Promotion website at http://healthed.scld.yorku.ca/.
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ltpbyork-blog · 10 years
From Me, To You
Hello Readers,
        My name is Zak and I am a member of Leave the Pack Behind, York’s smoking cessation group at the Keele Campus. Unlike almost all other blogs regarding this particular topic I will not persuade you to quit. I won’t even bring up any facts about smoking that I’m certain you’ve come across at one point or another. We all know smoking is bad for your health, and your wallet. Instead, I will walk you through the experiences of an individual who was influenced by the wrong people to start smoking and climbed mountains to right the ship. That’s right, you guessed it.. that individual is ME!
Here’s My Story
         I had my first cigarette when I was still in high school, I think it was at some point during grade 12. Prior to this I was an athlete, having played on the senior boys’ basketball team at Vaughan Secondary School. At first I was very reluctant to try cigarettes. My dad has been smoking for over 30 years now and I saw through him how difficult it is to stop once you start. Seeing his struggle seemed to be the perfect antidote for me not to pick up the habit around friends of mine who were already pursuing their lust for independence. I thought I would never smoke, but fate had a different path for me.
         Initially, I would only smoke on “special occasions”. Going out with friends, having a smoke after a few beers or maybe if someone offered me one.  I would always tell myself, “You’re never going to get addicted, you’re never going to need to buy cigarettes, you learned from your dad’s mistakes”. Sadly to say, that was just an illusion. What started out as an indulgence became a habit. It started to spiral out of control as I embarked on my York University journey. I would have a smoke before and after class, after a meal, while waiting for the bus or driving, in the morning and at night before bed, at parties, at bars and sometimes even while [on the toilet]. This was a slow progression, very inconspicuous through the first 4 years of my university life. No matter the situation or circumstances cigarettes would always be my dark path to happiness. In the winter I would risk getting a frost bite just to go out for a 10 min “study break”.
         This summer I was at my lowest point, smoking 2-3 packs a week. I would always have a morning cough, never had enough energy to last me throughout the day, my cloth and my car would always smell of smokes and I would go to great length to conceal this from my parents. One time I told my dad that his sense of smell must be deteriorating and booked him an appointment with our family doctor, when he confronted me about the smell he would always suspect on me. Ridiculous!!!
          It was time to quit! I knew it would probably be the hardest thing I would ever go through. Turned out it was not the hardest thing, but the most rewarding. Today, I am proud to say I’ve been 2 month and 18 days smoke free. It was not easy at first. I tried everything, from nicotine gums and patches (which cost a fortune), to herbal medicine, to cold turkey and E-Cigarettes, and even meditation. Although some of these methods definitely work for some, nothing seemed to work for me. I deduced that it wasn’t my only my need for nicotine I craved, but it was engraved in my social patterns and the need to physically “smoke” and “inhale” tobacco. The addiction to nicotine was easy to overcome, but the latter part I struggled with for quite a while. I developed some TECHNIQUES to aid me..
WHILE DRIVING: I would chew on sunflower seeds, eat grapes or nuts. Basically, something to keep my mouth busy.
AT WORK: This was extremely difficult to overcome. I worked as a residential and commercial painter, and cigarettes are a staple in the diet of construction workers. My solution to this was not to bring any cigarettes to work, and if I was offered one by a co-worker I would usually take it and tell them to never offer me one again. After a while, everyone I worked with would never offer me smokes. I would also try to take breaks at different times from the rest of the crew so I wouldn’t be tempted to ask.
DRINKING/SOCIAL SETTINGS: The honest truth is that I worked so much this summer I had barely enough time to go out. After work it would be so late and I would be so tired that going out was a more of a burden than pleasure. When I did go out, I tried to stick with a “non-smoking” crowd, play games like pool or darts to distract myself or on extremely lucky nights, have a girl pretend to my overprotective smoke-free girlfriend. They key here is this: occupy yourself as much as possible with activities you enjoy, so the idea of smoking is somewhere in the deep abyss of your mind.
STRESSED OUT: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY!!!! Seriously, take it from me or take it from science physical activity will calm your nervous system better than any cigarette can. Cigarettes actually increase the amount of stress hormones in your blood, causing your heart beat to speed up and your heart rate to rise. In addition: I noticed that cigarette cravings only last about 5-10 min, doing push-ups/sit-ups/squats/stretches/jumping jacks for a short period of time relieves those cravings.
AT SCHOOL: The same concept applied here for me as it did for work. LEAVE YOUR PACK AT HOME! For a little while it was hard to resist the urge to ask someone for a smoke, but after a while I didn’t even think about it. IF you do give in at some point, don’t be discouraged that happens to a lot of people. But soon, you will realize how petty it feels to constantly have to ask for cigarettes from random strangers. IF you have friends who smoke here’s what I did:  stopped going out for smokes with them when they did, told them my plan and convinced them to help me, made them aware of why I was doing this and had them agree not to offer me any cigarettes NO MATTER what I said!
           And finally, ABOVE ALL, I had to set my mind on accomplishing this goal. This was probably the most significant challenge I had to deal with. People always ask, what does it mean “to set your mind to it”? Well, here’s what it means to me:
Imagine the feeling of a utopia (whatever yours is) and place that feeling onto a projection of yourself with no reliance on smoking.
Remind yourself of the benefits and cons and when confronted with a tempting situation.
Believe you can accomplish it! Without a doubt, or a second thought I genuinely believed I was strong enough to resist the temptation.
           I can say that since I’ve stopped smoking I’ve definitely experienced an increase in energy. My workouts are longer and more intense now. There’s a slight feeling of euphoria that engulfs me every once in a while, as I remind myself that I am no longer dependent on cigarettes. It’s an amazing feeling. I’ve gained self confidence in my ability to accomplish tasks I seriously want to achieve. And there’s some level of respect your friends gain for you once they truly see your change. For those friends still dependent on cigarettes you become a sort of role model for them, the one guy who made it out the ghetto.
         I hope that my story was a worthwhile read! I hope that you can learn from the mistakes I made, as I should have from my dad’s. If my story inspired you to help yourself or a friend lead a healthier lifestyle you can always reach me or one of my teammates through the various links below.
  Here’s a few links to the groups I’m involved with on campus:
Leave the Pack Behind- https://www.facebook.com/LTPBUTM (hyperlink attached in introduction)
Health Education and Promotion- www.yorku.ca/healthed or @HealthEdYork (twitter) 
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Signing off,
Zak Hutsul 
“Wise men learn from their mistakes, but wiser men learn from the mistakes of others”
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