#ham1lton’s drabbles 🝮
ham1lton · 13 days
018 W/ LH44
018. an otherwise empty parking lot w/ LH44.
— part of a series of drabbles! <3
ever since you’d gotten pregnant, you’d had the weirdest pregnancy cravings. your husband was mostly very supportive and had gotten his assistants to get you chocolate covered pickles or carrot cake with a cheesy baked potato (yes at the same time).
you felt slightly guilty communicating such preferences to him as you knew he was working and as an athlete, time is money. yet, he was aways very involved and consistent with supporting your pregnancy. that’s how you found yourself in a in and out parking lot in his expensive sports car.
your husband was currently racing in the last vegas grand prix and as soon as you heard that, you had flown out from monaco to come support him. well, support him and also get in and out as you had been craving animal fries from there. as soon as lewis had heard, he’d gotten the both of you in the car and drove to the drive-thru even though it was late and there was no one else there except the two of you.
“is it good?” he asks, as you ate your double-double. you nod as you chew, he wipes a blob of ketchup from the side of your mouth. “was it worth the incredibly long flight?”
“absolutely. this is so good.”
the radio is playing some old-school throwback song, and if you weren’t incredibly hungry and also very pregnant, you would have been all over lewis right now. he always looks good but now he looks even more handsome then usual. you wanted to bite him.
“please don’t bite me.” he grins. “how will i explain that mark tomorrow?”
you realise you said all of that out loud. you shrug. you’ve said worse.
“say your crazy pregnant wife thought you looked like a snack.” you wink. “which you do.”
lewis chuckles, shaking his head in amusement. "well, if that's the case, then i must be doing something right. can’t argue with that logic." he takes a bite of one of your fries, stealing a glance at you with a warm smile. "thanks for making the trip, love. means the world to me having you here. even if you’re only here for the food.”
“you and the food.” you correct him as he laughs again.
lewis grins, nodding in agreement. "me and the food, of course. how could i forget?"
as you both share a laugh, the warmth of his smile envelops you, and you feel a surge of love and appreciation for him. despite the distance and the demands of his career, he always finds ways to make you feel loved and seen.
you reach over, intertwining your fingers with his. "i'd cross oceans for you, and maybe even endure flights just for some animal fries," you tease, squeezing his hand affectionately.
he leans over, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. "well, isn’t that lucky for me? i have the most amazing wife in the world."
with a contented sigh, you rest your head on his shoulder, feeling grateful for this moment of togetherness amidst the excitement of race day.
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ham1lton · 14 days
50 + jenson button where he goes to readers childhopd room and sees loads of photos of old f1 stars (and him)👀
050. a childhood home or bedroom w/ JB22.
— part of a series of drabbles! <3
you had been seeing jenson for a little while. he was seemingly perfect. you both got along incredibly well, he was funny and obviously very attractive so when your family asked if he could come along for your biweekly sunday dinner, you obviously said yes. if you’d known what was going to happen, you would have said no.
“is that me?” jenson laughed as he walked into your bedroom. you hadn’t been home in a while, so you had completely forgotten about your decor which comprised of young jenson, young lewis, young nico and young sebastian plastered all over your walls.
“i was young!” you attempted to defend yourself, cheeks heating up in embarrassment. why hadn’t your mother taken these down? but at least, you know that your parents were so out of touch with celebrity culture that they never would have thought that the jenson in the poster was the same one lounging on your hello kitty themed bed.
jenson grinned as he stepped closer to inspect the posters. "wow, i never knew i had such a dedicated fan," he teased, tracing a finger over his younger self's face.
you groaned, hiding your face in your hands. "i was a teenager! we all have our embarrassing phases."
he laughed, a warm, genuine sound that made your heart flutter. "it's kind of adorable, actually. but now i feel like i have a lot to live up to. do i still meet your expectations?"
you peeked through your fingers, meeting his playful gaze. "you've exceeded them, honestly."
just then, your mother called from downstairs. "dinner's ready! jenson, we're excited to get to know you!"
you took a deep breath, preparing yourself for the evening ahead. "ready to face the family?"
jenson reached out, taking your hand in his. "as long as you're with me, i think i can handle anything."
as you both headed downstairs, you tried to ignore the sinking feeling in your stomach. dinner started off well enough; your family was sweet and welcoming, and jenson's natural charisma shone through, easing your nerves.
but then, just as you were beginning to relax, your younger brother piped up. "you know, you look a lot like that racer dude on the posters in my sister's room."
your father's eyebrows shot up. "racer?"
before you could intervene, jenson chuckled and said, "it's true. i used to be a formula 1 driver."
there was a moment of stunned silence. your mother blinked in surprise, and your father's face split into a wide grin. "no kidding! my daughter has had those posters up since she was a kid. she was obsessed with racing!"
you cringed, wishing the ground would swallow you up. but jenson squeezed your hand reassuringly. "well, i guess you could say she has good taste."
your family laughed, and to your relief, the conversation shifted back to more mundane topics. as the evening wore on, you found yourself relaxing again, especially as jenson handled your family's questions and quirks with ease.
later, as you walked him to his car, jenson turned to you with a smile. "your family is great. and the posters... well, they make me feel like i've been a part of your life for longer than i knew."
you smiled, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. "honestly? i'm just glad you didn't run for the hills.”
he hummed and leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "not a chance. besides, who wouldn't want to date their biggest fan?"
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ham1lton · 13 days
hi, are you still taking request for the drabbles series? if so, could you do 27 with lando? maybe like just a super cutesy, funny lil blurb? tysm, love your writing and i hope you have a great day!! 🫶💞
027.   an apple orchard in the middle of spring w/ LN4.
— part of a series of drabbles! <3
your boyfriend of two years was the undisputed love of your life, but by god, could he be annoying sometimes.
today had started off well. he’d picked you up from your apartment in a loose linen co-ord and had told you to dress summery. he had a picnic basket in the back filled with all of your favourite snacks and sandwiches from your favourite deli. he even let you play your playlist on his stereo instead of his. he was really going all-out on the boyfriend experience.
the sun was shining brightly on the two of you as he drove, a hand resting on your knee and the other on the wheel. you could get used to this life, you think as the wind blows through your hair. as you arrived at the apple orchard, he grabs the basket from the back seat and holds a hand out to you.
“ready for the perfect day?” he grins, sunglasses pushed up against his curls. you take his hand.
he had picked a perfect day to take you to the orchard. the air was sweet with the scent of the apples and the blooming white and pink flowers that were scattered everywhere. he leads you to a cozy spot underneath one of the trees and spreads out a white blanket. he unpacks the basket, spreading out an array of treats.
the two of you spend your time eating and talking until suddenly lando leans over. you give him a curious look. he tucks a flower behind your hair and grins.
“there,” he declared. “now you’re even more beautiful.”
“flattery will get you everywhere.” you wink as he laughs.
after finishing your sandwiches and lemonade, your boyfriend suddenly jumped to his feet, a determined look on his face. "i have a mission," he announced, pointing dramatically at one of the apple trees. "i'm going to pick the perfect apple for you."
you raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "oh really? and what makes an apple perfect?"
"it's all about the shine, the colour, the symmetry," he said, already moving towards the tree. "trust me y/n, i have an eye for these things. it’s one of my many talents.”
you laughed as you watched him approach the tree, rolling up his sleeves with exaggerated seriousness. he inspected the trunk, nodding to himself before grabbing hold of a low branch and pulling himself up. for a moment, he looked surprisingly agile, maneuvering through the branches with ease.
but as he reached higher, the branches became thinner and more precarious. he spotted an apple that seemed to meet his criteria, but it was just out of reach. determined, he stretched out, balancing on a branch that started to bend under his weight.
"be careful!" you called out, half-amused and half-worried. "i don't want to have to call an ambulance."
"i've got this," he replied confidently, though his voice wavered slightly. he made one final reach for the apple, and in that moment, the branch gave way. with a yelp, he plummeted, hitting a few branches on the way down before landing hard on the ground with a thud. your heart leaped into your throat as you rushed to his side.
"oh my god! babe! are you okay?" you asked, panic rising in your voice. he groaned, clutching his arm and wincing in pain.
"i think... i think i landed on my arm weirdly," he said through gritted teeth.
you quickly called for help, your fingers shaking as you dialed 999. within minutes, the sound of sirens broke the peaceful ambiance of the orchard. paramedics arrived and carefully assessed his injuries. they suspected a broken arm and possibly some bruised ribs. your heart ached as you watched them load him onto a stretcher and into the ambulance.
at the hospital, you sat beside his bed, holding his free hand while the doctors took x-rays and confirmed the diagnosis: it was a sprained arm and a couple of bruised ribs. he was going to be fine, but he’d need some time to recover.
he looked up at you with a mixture of embarrassment and pain. "i’m sorry i ruined our perfect day," he said softly.
you shake your head, squeezing his hand gently. "you didn’t ruin anything lan. i’m just glad you’re okay."
he managed a weak smile. "well, at least i got you that perfect apple."
you hold up the apple that your boyfriend practically risked his life for and take a bite. it’s crisp and juicy. you nod in appreciation as you look at him. he beams.
“i told you!”
“you think you can heal up quickly enough to get me another?” you ask as you take another crunch.
the look he gives you is enough to make you burst into laughter.
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liked by bestie, user12 and 12,838 others.
yourusername: apparently an apple a day doesn’t keep the doctor away.
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bestie: are you okay??? oh my god!!
-> yourusername: i’m fine! it’s lando. he sprained his arm.
-> bestie: oh that’s fine then.
-> landonorris: i’m still alive bestie and that means ur bestie is still my gf 😝🤭🤣 stay mad!!!
-> bestie: BOOOOOOOOOO !!!!! 🙄
author’s note: yes requests were closed but i didn’t actually write that 😭 so i wrote this one just for you because it was my bad!! i hope u enjoy it!! i wrote it in like 5 minutes <3
also this is the last of the series. so thank u everyone who sent me prompts and/or interacted with these drabbles. i love you! thank u! also i’m going to be online rarely for a bit or at least until my exams are over so <3 i’ll see u later!! send me some asks to come back to!! :))))
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ham1lton · 13 days
47 with FA14 please :)
047. the inside of an elevator that won’t move w/ FA14.
— part of a series of drabbles! <3
you were incredibly annoyed. so annoyed in fact, that you were this close to quitting this job. your very cushy hybrid job which paid incredible and gave you your own office even though you mostly worked from home. toto, your boss, had given you the alonso case which meant that you’d be working through your sister’s wedding. the same wedding you’d booked off months ago.
you get in the elevator, slightly fuming, as an older man also got in the elevator with you. he turns to you.
“floor three please.” he asks politely, as you’re standing next to the buttons. you seethe but press the button for him.
as the two of you stand in silence, the elevator suddenly stops. you give each other a panicked look. the silence between the two of you is heavy, only broken by the occasional faint hum of the elevator’s machinery. you click the help button and after a short conversation with the very unhelpful guy on the other end, you’re told help will arrive in half an hour.
“great! just what i fucking needed.” you mutter. he turns to you. “what? like this is a great situation for you either?”
“no, obviously not.” he says, in very accented english.
“so don’t give me that look.” you roll your eyes.
he raises his hands defensively. "okay, okay. truce?"
you sigh, realizing you're being unfair. it’s not like it’s his fault. "yeah, sorry. it's just been a really bad day."
"tell me about it," he says, leaning against the elevator wall. "what’s got you so worked up?"
"my boss just dumped this huge case on me last minute," you say, frustration bubbling up again. "it’s for this big client, alonso or something. now i have to miss my holiday because of it. i had the time off booked for months."
he raises an eyebrow, clearly surprised. "alonso? that's tough."
"yeah, and all because some big shot can't finalize a business contract on time," you grumble. “what’s so important about this stupid contract anyways?”
he looks away, as if contemplating something. "sounds like a real pain. what do you do, exactly?"
"i'm a corporate lawyer. and you?"
he hesitates for a moment before answering, "i'm... in business. finance, mostly."
you roll your eyes. "well, mr. finance, at least you’re not stuck working on a weekend for some unreasonable client."
the silence that follows feels heavier than before, and he shifts uncomfortably. "yeah, must be tough," he says quietly.
you frown, feeling slightly guilty for venting so much. "sorry, i didn't mean to unload on you. it's just been a lot."
he nods, offering a small, understanding smile. "i get it. sometimes things don’t go the way we planned."
you both fall silent for a second, the hum of the elevator the only sound, as you wait for help to arrive. then, as if compelled to fill the void, you continue. "it's just... my sister's wedding this weekend. i've been looking forward to it for months. and now, because of this contract, i'm going to miss it. i don't even know why it's so urgent."
he shifts again, looking like he wants to say something but isn't sure if he should. "maybe the client has their reasons," he offers carefully. "not that it makes it any easier for you."
"yeah, well, whoever they are, i hope their business crashes and burns," you mutter darkly. "no contract is worth missing something so important."
there's another pause before he speaks again, his voice softer this time. "sometimes, it's hard to see the bigger picture when you're in the thick of it."
you look at him, a hint of curiosity mixed with your frustration. "you sound like you know a lot about this."
he gives a half-smile as he shrugs, almost rueful. "more than i'd like to admit."
before you can ask more, the elevator jerks and starts moving again. you both breathe a sigh of relief as the doors slide open. he gestures for you to go first. "after you."
as you step out, you glance back at him. "thanks for listening. and sorry for the rant."
"anytime," he says, his smile warm but his eyes holding a hint of something you can't quite place. "good luck with that contract. and i hope you find a way to make it to your sister's wedding."
"thanks," you say, still feeling a bit unsettled as you walk away, wondering why his understanding smile seemed to hold more weight than a simple stranger's sympathy.
later that evening, as you’re buried in paperwork, your phone buzzes with an email notification. it's from toto. you open it, and your heart skips a beat.
subject: urgent update on alonso case
dear l/n,
i have some unexpected news regarding the alonso contract. the client personally requested to change the deadline, granting you the weekend off. i know this is a surprise, but please take the weekend to attend your sister's wedding.
your mind races as you read the email again. how did the client know about your situation? you stare at the screen, the pieces slowly clicking into place. the man from the elevator—the one who listened so intently, who seemed to know more than he let on—he must be connected to alonso.
the realisation brings a mix of emotions: relief, slight embarrassment, gratitude, and a touch of something warmer. you can't help but smile, remembering his kind eyes and supportive words. your phone beeps again.
subject: dinner invitation
dear y/n,
i hope this message finds you well. i wanted to extend an invitation for dinner sometime this week. it would be a pleasure to meet in person and discuss matters beyond business.
please let me know if you're interested and i hope you enjoy the wedding.
warm regards,
fernando alonso.
ceo of alonso corp.
author’s note: i don’t actually write for fernando but this was calling to me so i decided to fulfil the prompt. i hope this isn’t too ooc. my bad. also reader and ceo!alonso go on the date and fall in love and the week before their wedding he pretends to get her on a contract all over again bc he thinks its funny.
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ham1lton · 14 days
The prompt idea is so cute💕. I'm giving you 4 options, choose the one (or ones) you like the most, if you feel like mixing and/or matching them it's also fine☺️. 011. Oscar Piastri 013. Charles Leclerc 019. Lewis Hamilton 047. Carlos Sainz - 🪻
011. a university lecture hall during a class w/ OP81.
— part of a series of drabbles! <3
professor hamilton’s creative writing classes were usually incredibly full. he was a very popular lecturer who managed to inject life into all of the older books that he would discuss. you had to wait at the sign up page like ticketmaster to get a spot in the limited class, but you managed it. so now you had your designated lecture seat, in the sweet spot of the hall. not too far up but not too close.
“excuse me?” the boy next to you whispered. “do you have a pencil?”
you frowned. who doesn’t bring a pencil to a lecture? especially one as good as professor hamilton’s. you rummage around in your bag and manage to come up with a biro. you hand it to him.
“thank you.” he smiles, and that’s the end of your conversation.
next week, the same thing happens again. you sit in your designated seat. he sits next to you and asks for a pen. then he hands it back after the lecture finishes. this routine happens every week for the next six weeks and honestly, you’re kind of annoyed. who forgets a pen to their lecture every week? so by the seventh week, you say something.
“hi, again.” he smiles. “do you have a pen i could borrow?”
“do you not have one?” you ask. “it’s sort of imperative you bring your own materials to class. you can get free ones from the library.”
he looks taken aback, a flicker of embarrassment crossing his face. "i know, i'm sorry," he says, running a nervous hand through his messy brown hair. "i do have pens, i just... well, i thought it was a good excuse to talk to you."
you blink, caught off guard by his honesty. "an excuse to talk to me?"
he nods, a shy smile tugging at his lips. "yeah, i guess it's a bit stupid. but you always seemed so focused, and i didn't know how else to start a conversation."
you feel a mix of irritation and something softer, perhaps flattery, creeping in. "so, you’ve been bothering me for six weeks just to talk?"
he grins awkwardly, the tension in his shoulders easing. "pretty much. i'm sorry if it annoyed you. i'll make sure to bring my own pen from now on."
you pause, considering his words. "well," you say finally, "y’know if you wanted to talk, you could have just... talked. no need for this pen charade."
he laughs, a genuine sound that makes you smile despite yourself. you can hear an accent in his voice, australian? "noted. so, can i make it up to you? maybe over coffee after class?"
you hesitate for a moment, then nod. "sure. but only if you promise to bring your own pen from now on."
"deal," he grins, holding out his hand. you shake it, and for the first time, you notice how warm his hand is. maybe this pen-forgetter isn't so bad after all. “i’m oscar.”
author’s note: i chose the oscar one!! but someone else actually asked for the same charles prompt! so that should be posted soon <3
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ham1lton · 13 days
046. w/ JB22
046. the back of a taxi stuck in traffic w/ JB22.
— part of a series of drabbles! <3
“we’re going to be late.” you grumble, smoothing your dress in the backseat of the taxi. you and jenson had decided on getting a taxi to and from the wedding just in case either of you wanted to drink. it was your cousin’s wedding and your first with jenson as your husband.
jenson glances over at you with a mischievous grin, smoothing his tie as he adjusts his seat.
"well, if we're late, maybe they'll just start the wedding without us and we can sneak in like undercover agents," he quips, winking at you. you can't help but roll your eyes, but a small laugh escapes your lips despite yourself. “i’ve always fancied myself a james bond type.”
"seriously though," he continues, "we'll be fashionably late. after all, who wants to be too early for the 'i do's'? they might change their minds!" you chuckle, shaking your head at his cheesy jokes, but secretly grateful for his light-heartedness easing your anxiety.
“stop joking around. this is serious.” you scold him despite the grin on your face. he smiles and holds your hand.
“don’t fear my darling wife.” he kisses your hand. “we shall arrive on time. weddings always run late. you were twenty minutes late to ours!”
“how many times do i have to apologise for that!” you whine as he laughs. “i had pre-wedding jitters!”
“well let’s hope the bride suffers from the same and grants us a little window of time.”
“fine, fine but let’s not test our luck too much.” you playfully swat his arm.
“and just so you know.” jenson murmurs. “i didn’t care about how long i had to wait as long as i knew i was marrying you. i thought you’d dipped out on me for a moment. that was the first time i genuinely felt fear.”
“really?” jenson always seemed unflappable to you. he was the cool and collected one.
“really.” he nods. “but everything worked out fine. we’re married, we’re in love and we’re gonna make it to this wedding.”
and he was right.
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ham1lton · 13 days
Hi I really love your work and saw that you were taking prompts from that list!
I qas wondering l'd you could do Logan Sargeant and Prompt 16 of either a college/high school au or something along the lines of a high school reunion.
And good luck with Uni!!
016. behind the school's gymnasium w/ LS2.
— part of a series of drabbles! <3
homecoming was a big deal in your high school and your friends had all been looking forward to the big celebration that the school would host. as the head cheerleader, you would be responsible for the cheer team's performance. school and responsibilities had all been too much for you recently and that's where logan found you. curled up behind the gym in the fetal position.
logan didn't really know you. the head cheerleader didn't really mingle with the others. you had your own friendship group and he had his, but, he knew who you were. everyone did.
he hesitated, he didn’t know if he should approach you or get someone else to. maybe he could find one of your friends? he could see the obvious distress on your face and he couldn’t just leave you. slowly, he made his way over to you.
“hey.” he started, voice quiet, careful not to startle you. “are you okay?”
you flinched at the sound of his voice, you didn’t know anybody would be back here and you’re confused on how you hadn’t noticed him. you struggled to compose yourself as you saw the pity in his eyes.
“it’s nothing.” you wipe at your eyes, cursing yourself when you remember the mascara you were wearing. you pull out a mirror from your pocket and attempt to fix it. he takes a tentative seat, not too close but close enough.
“it doesn’t seem like nothing.” logan says, smoothing his hands on his jeans. “i mean, i know we’re not necessarily close or anything but you can tell me if something’s going on. my friends say i’m a good listener? if that helps.”
you glance up at logan, surprised by his offer of support. despite feeling a bit hesitant to confide in someone you barely know, you appreciate his kindness. with a sigh, you close the compact mirror and slip it back into your pocket.
"it's just... everything," you admit, your voice shaky. "between school, cheerleading, and... personal stuff, it's like i'm drowning. i'm supposed to have it all together, you know? but lately, it's like i can barely keep my head above water."
logan nods sympathetically, his expression understanding. he shifts a bit closer, offering you a comforting presence without intruding on your space.
“i get that,” he says softly. “it’s tough when it feels like everyone expects so much from you. but it’s okay to not have it all together all the time. you’re allowed to feel overwhelmed. and hey, if you need someone to talk to, i’m here. even if we’re not close. sometimes it helps to talk to someone outside your usual circle.”
you study logan for a moment, seeing sincerity in his eyes. it's a strange feeling, opening up to someone you've barely spoken to before, but there's a sense of relief in sharing your burdens.
"thanks," you say, offering a small, grateful smile. "i guess i just needed someone to listen. it's hard to admit when things aren't okay, you know?"
logan nods, a gentle understanding in his expression. "yeah, i get it. not to sound like one of those cheesy mental health posters but, it's okay to not be okay sometimes. and you don't have to go through it alone."
you laugh and he smiles at you.
“thanks logan.” you say softly, voice barely above a whisper. his eyes widen. you knew who he was? “for listening and, well, just being here.”
logan’s gaze softens. there is a brief moment between the two of you, but it’s over before you can say anything.
“anytime,” he smiles, his voice warm. “i’m just glad i could be here for you.”
as you bask in the warmth of logan's smile, a sudden realization dawns upon you. you've seen logan around before, noticed him in passing, but you never really took the time to acknowledge him. yet here he is, offering you kindness and understanding without hesitation.
"i've seen you around," you admit, a hint of sheepishness colouring your cheeks. "i just never... you know, said anything."
logan's eyes widen in surprise again, but a soft smile plays at the corners of his lips. "well, i'm glad you did today," he replies, his voice filled with sincerity. "and hey, anytime you need someone to talk to, you know where to find me. and it’s apparently behind the gym.”
you laugh as the weight of the moment lifts, you find yourself feeling grateful for logan's unexpected presence and the newfound connection between you.
author’s note: i accidentally posted before i finished !! so i had to resend ur prompt i’m so sorry @lokideservesahug <33 thank u sm for enjoying my works and i hope u like this!!! i also know fuck all about american schools so this is my formal apology to all of my american followers.
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ham1lton · 13 days
013 with charles!
013. a great ballroom during an elegant party w/ CL16.
— part of a series of drabbles! <3
one day after classes, you had come home to see an unfamiliar elderly woman sitting with your mother in your small flat. your mother had placed her cup of tea down on the coffee table and introduced the lady as your grandmother, and as the current queen of the small kingdom of genovia.
thanks to that one night, you were now here at a genovian ball held in your honour but instead of being out on the floor and mingling with the guests, you had hid in an alcove. a side-effect of becoming the crown princess means a makeover. your hair had been styled to frame your face, and you were wearing more jewels then you’d ever seen in your life. it was a bit much but it’s not like anyone had asked you how you felt about it.
one day you were attending college, crushing on carlos, who was your best friend’s older brother, and now you were the only heir to a kingdom you hadn’t even heard of before.
before you could think about your circumstances any longer, someone had slid themselves into the alcove. you screamed.
“wait! wait! sshh! please!” a hand covered your mouth as your eyes widened in shock. you’re gonna die in an alcove and around five minutes away from your security. your introvert tendencies are going to kill you. this is the worst day of your life.
“don’t kill me! please!” you say, fighting his hand.
“what?” he asks, voice filled with shock. “i’m not going to kill you!”
“you’re not?”
“no!” you can hear an accent when he speaks. “i’m just trying to hide from my responsibilities. i didn’t want you bringing attention to us. this is my hiding spot when i come to genovian balls.”
“are you from here?”
“no. i’m from monaco. my mum is the monegasque ambassador to genovia.”
“explains the accent.” you say. you can’t see him but he stands slightly tall as he leans against the wall opposite you. “i’m y/n.”
“y/n?” his voice is shocked. “y/n, as in the crown princess y/n?”
“indeed.” you sigh. “that is me.”
“what are you doing hiding away? isn’t the queen looking for you?”
“you’re hiding too. isn’t your mother looking for you?”
“touché.” he laughs. “i guess we’re both running from our duties tonight.”
“so, what’s your name. you know mine and i’m at a disadvantage now.”
“charles, charles leclerc.” he laughs. “i never would have thought in a million years i’d be here with you. this alcove is usually empty.”
“is being here with me a bad thing?”
“oh! no! god no! it’s just unusual. who else can say they’ve been here with a princess.”
you chuckle at his response, feeling a bit more at ease with charles's lighthearted demeanor. "well, charles leclerc, i'm glad to have some company in this unusual situation."
he smiles warmly at you, the brightness of his teeth glinting in the darkness. "likewise, princess. i have to admit, this is definitely a first for me."
you both share a moment of quiet companionship, enjoying the brief respite from the grandeur of the ball. it's a strange feeling, finding solace in the presence of a stranger amidst the opulence of royalty.
"perhaps we should head back before we're missed," you suggest reluctantly.
charles nods in agreement, offering you his arm as you both make your way back to the ballroom. as you step into the light and the music surrounds you once again, you can't help but feel grateful for the unexpected connection you've found. you turn to communicate this to charles, only to be shocked into a stupor.
“what is it?” he asks as you stare at him. “something on my face?”
he was very attractive and your face heated up with embarrassment at the fact you accused the very handsome stranger of attempting to murder you. god, he put his hand over your mouth. was your makeup smudged? did you look okay? you had the telltale signs of a crush forming, and you were transported back to high school all over again.
you were definitely calling your best friends about this later tonight.
you shake your head, trying to push aside the embarrassment of your earlier reaction. "no, it's nothing. just... lost in thought for a moment."
charles gives you a curious look, but doesn't press further. instead, he offers you a reassuring smile before leading you back into the bustling ballroom.
as the music swells around you and the guests continue to dance and mingle, you find yourself stealing glances at charles when you think he's not looking. despite the initial shock of your encounter, you can't deny the flutter of excitement in your chest at the prospect of getting to know him better.
the only thing you miss are the glances he sends back.
author’s note: princess diaries au with charles as ur love interest, carlos as lily’s brother and lando as lily. spoilers! charles and reader end up getting married and he becomes her trophy king <3 also, two people requested this prompt!! hope u both enjoyed it <3
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ham1lton · 13 days
hi, could we maybe get jenson button and 008 from the prompts? i think that could be interesting
love your work and good luck with uni! 🫶🏼
008. the back row of an empty movie theater w/ JB22.
— part of a series of drabbles! <3
your newest film ‘so long, goodnight’ was finally in cinemas. you played amelia, the jazz vocalist femme-fatale who gets in the midst of a charged relationship between leo, played by charles leclerc, and his manager nicolas, played by carlos sainz.
this was your first major film and you’d snuck into a movie theatre alone to watch it. your disguise was just a sports cap with a big pair of sunglasses. some people eyed you weirdly but it was worth it.
you have your big portion of popcorn on your lap as you get ready to watch. the cinema is mostly empty as you bought a lot of the tickets, you had wanted to watch it alone with your boyfriend jenson. he sits next to you, already eating a handful of your popcorn.
“are you excited?” you ask, as he chews thoughtfully.
jenson nods enthusiastically, his eyes gleaming with pride. "absolutely, i've been looking forward to this for months," he replies between mouthfuls of popcorn. "i can't wait to see you up on that big screen, darling. you're going to be amazing."
you smile, feeling a surge of warmth at his words. despite his laid-back demeanour, jenson has always been your biggest supporter, cheering you on every step of the way. as the lights dim and the movie begins, you lean against him, feeling grateful for his presence by your side.
throughout the film, you're transported back to the exhilarating days on set, the thrill of embodying the enigmatic character of amelia, and the intense dynamics between your character and leo and henry. jenson's hand finds yours in the darkness, his touch grounding you as you become immersed in the story unfolding on screen.
as the credits roll and the theater lights flicker back to life, you turn to jenson, unable to contain your excitement. "what did you think?" you ask eagerly, searching his eyes for any hint of his reaction.
jenson grins, pulling you into a tight hug. "you were incredible, absolutely mesmerizing," he says, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "i'm so proud of you, love. this is just the beginning for you."
with a sense of contentment settling over you, you lean in to press a soft kiss against his lips, grateful for his unwavering support and the shared moments of joy in the midst of your burgeoning career.
as you leave the theatre, he turns to you.
“be honest, who is the better kisser. me or that charles guy?”
he laughs as you playfully push him away and walk quickly forward.
“no but love!” he laughs as he runs to catch up with you. “answer the question!”
author’s note: this plot was actually a fic i wrote in which the two main male actors who fell in love during their first movie, reunite while filming this one. it was a whole thing. i didn’t manage to finish it to the standard i’d like but here is a snippet and sadly, amelia dies in the end so no chance for a sequel. but good news! reader wins an oscar and jenson becomes a trophy husband.
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ham1lton · 13 days
Hi I really love your works and can't stop rereading them, you're such an amazing author.
Now I saw you were doing some prompts so I was wondering if you can do Kick Schumacher + 40
And have a nice day:)
040. a dusty antiques shop full of relics w/ MS47.
— part of a series of drabbles! <3
when your uncle decided to move to the caribbean with his wife, he left you his old antique store. it was in the middle of paris, and you needed a change from your old normal. making the move from your home country to paris was a big adjustment but you powered through. the shop wasn’t always busy but the occasional customer usually bought enough to keep the lights on.
you were reading one of your favourite novels when a blond guy stumbled in, probably seeking shelter from paris’ torrential rain. he was soaked to the bone as he stood up and saw you. he smiled and waved a hand. you nodded and went back to your book.
he started looking around the store but eventually, he walked up to the counter. his gaze on the book in your hands.
“nice day for reading, huh?” his voice carrying a hint of amusement despite the exhaustion in it. you looked at him, meeting his gaze with a polite smile.
“indeed it is,” you gestured at the rain-soaked streets outside. “perfect excuse to stay indoors.”
he laughed lightly, his eyes crinkling in the corners. “can’t argue with that logic.” then, after a moment’s hesitation, he added, “mind if i have a browse for a bit? i could use a distraction.”
“of course. take as long as you’d like. let me know if you need any specific help.”
one thing that you didn’t tell a lot of people was that the antique shop wasn’t a normal antique shop. over the years, you had noticed a pattern - the shop had a knack for attracting people who were grappling with their own inner battles, whether it was heartbreak, weariness, or simply a longing for connection. your uncle had always simply referred to it as "magic," but you couldn't quite put a name to it yet. that’s why you were able to keep the lights on, the shop didn’t allow time-wasters.
you wondered what brought him to its doors.
as the blond stranger continued to explore the shop, you couldn't shake the feeling that his presence here was more than mere chance.
you watched as he paused before a display of antique photographs, his fingers tracing the faded edges of the frame with a gentle reverence.
unable to resist the pull of curiosity, you approached him quietly. "finding anything interesting?" you asked, your voice soft.
he glanced up, his eyes meeting yours with a warmth that sent a shiver down your spine. "just looking at the stories these photographs hold," he replied, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
you nodded, a knowing smile playing on your lips. "they do have a way of doing that," you agreed, your gaze lingering on his face. "you know, some say this shop has a certain... magic to it. that it has a way of drawing in those who need it most."
his eyes widened in understanding, a silent acknowledgment passing between you. "i can believe that," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "there's definitely something special about this place."
in that moment, you felt a surge of emotion welling up inside you, a longing to share the secrets of the shop with this enigmatic stranger. and as the rain continued to patter against the windows, you found yourself drawn to him in a way you couldn't quite explain.
"i'm y/n, by the way," you said, extending your hand in greeting.
he took it, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through you. "mick," he replied, his smile widening into a grin that lit up the room.
and as you stood there, hand in hand, surrounded by the timeless antiques, you couldn't help but feel that perhaps, just perhaps, fate had brought him to your door for a reason.
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ham1lton · 14 days
drabbles masterlist ︎♥︎
— these are all inspired by these prompts and were requested! also requests are CLOSED. please don’t send anymore <3
008. the back row of an empty movie theater w/ JB22.
011. a university lecture hall during a class w/ OP81.
013. a great ballroom during an elegant party w/ CL16.
016. behind the school's gymnasium w/ LS2.
018. an otherwise empty parking lot w/ LH44.
027.   an apple orchard in the middle of spring w/ LN4.
040. a dusty antiques shop full of relics w/ MS47.
046. the back of a taxi stuck in traffic w/ JB22.
047. the inside of an elevator that won’t move w/ FA14.
050. a childhood home or bedroom w/ JB22.
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