#hamb scribbles
eau-the-agony · 1 year
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insertmesoftly · 2 years
Eridan x Loner Troll Oc (Whobie)
(I apologize for how erratic this post is, it’s not really a narrative so much as just a bunch of notes scribbled down for these idiots. I’m still posting them anyways cuz fuck it. I can be sorry and still do something :,D)
The Beginning of Their Friendship:
Me, before: Hmm this is a slow build friendship. Whobie tried being friendly because they noticed Eridan was a loner too without a place and they were severely snuffed. They do not like each other and Whovie avoids him but eventually Eridan is caught crying somewhere and he starts a spiteful argument doing everything to threaten then into shutting up and Whobie just yells back like 'Shit man stop being so fucking stupid, if you wanna talk about your feelings we can just hang in my room and chat. God damn it im miserable here too lets fucking bond.' And that's how Eridan is very forcibly abducted to their room. And he'd never admit it but he really felt. Relieved. Someone was noticing him. Someone finally insisted on talking to him. Ah. He's still a smug fucking asshole and sees this as 'OH you WANT me as your friend so badly? That's so embarrassing for you.' And Whobie let's him cuz it was somewhat true and they know he needs his pride over it.
Me now: Actually what if their first meeting was Whobie enthusiastically volunteering to help Eridan after everyone's been ignoring him and they themselves have been feeling left out all game. They pretty much fall into his world far from his Hive, end up journeying through it and possibly befriending an angel that follows em now, taking a long ass time and many dangerous paths before FINALLY REACHING HIS HOME! And as they run to it with an eager smile- they get shot and burnt to a crisp. Eridan was too careless and only saw their angel companion, shooting first then realizing his mistake, but not before the fire trap that was set got triggered and burned em. Now he stares at their charred body and deals with the panic of having killed a troll he doesn't know but that was the only one to come visit him in too long. He's shaking as he texts Karkat for info on how to revive a troll and he is absolutely disgusted by the response. Their meeting was not the best. But it's one neither will ever forget.
"Wwhatevver, charred lips. Remember wwho it wwas that savved you!"
Cute Miscellaneous Friendship Stuff:
- Imagine a cute wholesome scene from some other universe where they’re bffs and happy and Whobie gets the idea to ask 'What’s the worst thing I could ever say to you?' and Eridan is caught off guard and scared and Whobie reassures him it’s just to know what not to say because they'd never want to hurt him like that and he kinda calms down and they both share their greatest fears and make a pact to make fun of each other for anything and everything... but to never bring these things up. And they hold hands and stare at the sky and get a little closer.
- Eridan catches Nepeta and Equius making out and he is VERY offended and calls them out on confusing their quadrants, but Nepeta waves him off and says it just shows how good friends they really are that they can do this because it feels nice and not have it be weird, and that truly sticks to Eridan as he keeps glancing at Whobie wondering if it's true. He ends up waving it off most of the time… but… he keeps asking.
- A carnival date. *teary eyed* holdim hambs. Bullying each other in bumper cars. Trying to win each other prizes but sucking until Eridan gets to a shooting game and wins and he smugly keeps the plush hostage until Whobie can get them one too. By the end of the night they tried so hard and finally got a miserable excuse for a plush that is ugly and unwanted. They’re so ashamed of it and Eridan insults it but he switches plushies in a heartbeat and you can now pry it from his cold dead hands because Whobie tried all day for him and this was all he wanted.
Things Get Serious/ Where I’ve Left Off Cuz This Is Where We Stopped Reading For Now:
The order of the session had Whobie being helped out of their cave and starting the game thanks to Tavros. This is how they came to have a crush on Tavros while also having to deal with Vriska always being there and noticing and taking advantage to annoy them every step of the way.
Tavros is an oblivious dumdum that thinks Whobie is nice but weird. Whobie clearly tries a bit too hard to talk to him and they always end up giving Tavros mixed signals on whether they like him or hate him because of this. Eventually he sees em as a friend and this pleases Whobie greatly.
Eridan and Whobie have a pact to help each other with their crushes. Eridan's take up the most time cuz he has so many and a variety. From trying to catch Sollux's attention, to trying to show off to Nepeta, and a bit of trying to convince Karkat to hang out with them, they have their hands full with Eridan's problems. But on the off chance of Whobie seeing an opportunity, Eridan isn't above helping them in return, hearing them out and giving advice. He of course thinks this crush is absolutely pathetic and sad, tells Whobie so multiple times, but he helps anyways. Especially when it means distracting and making Vriska mad.
He had no particular feelings for this at first, it was just the business of helping a moiral out. Then the more the two end up bonding... he tries writing it off. Laughs nervously to himself. He can't possibly be going through this again. With a moiral! And yet. Sullenly, he relents that Whobie has been making progress with Tavros. Spending less time talking with him... Doing a lot of touching as they help him with his legs. He loathes it. And he acts huffy. Obviously jealous. Whobie takes it as him feeling lonely, so they suggested the three hang out. It... didn't end well. Eridan was a jerk the whole time, even pushing Tavros at one point and he made Whobie furious. They demanded he apologize. As if he ever would. He turned to walk away. He was glad they followed. They hold his shoulder and ask why he can't just be nice for once, for their moiral. Why he had to ruin a perfectly good way to keep both trolls they liked happy.
Eridan is aghast at being on the same level as to Tavros on their mind. He pushes their hand away and yells at them that if they really knew him they should've known he'd ruin this. It's all he does. He doesn't likebeing with other trolls! Whobie is done with his self-depreciation. Why can't he learn to at least coexist? Just keeping his mouth shut would've been fine!
This hurts him. 'You'd rather I stay silent? Fine! I'm not talking to you again! You're a coward in love with an idiot and you two deserve each other! I hope you'll be happy now!' And he storms away before he can cry in front of them. It was all unfair! He broods alone. Doesn't want to come out of his room. Glares at Whobie when he sees them but immediately looks away when they glance back. He hates seeing them closer to Tavros.
With how badly that went, Whobie immediately panicked and had a breakdown. Tavros helped calm them down and now Whobie has just been... way too clingy. They lost their best friend. This was all they had... anyone else would've been more annoyed but Tavros was ok with it. Whobie respected whatever limits he gave em ('Oh, uh, could you please not read over my shoulder? Thank you!' 'Um... I know you're being nice... and um, I appreciate the thought! But... I'm not sure what to do with a um... dead mouse... especially not one so uh... in pieces.')
This friendship progress culminates to a point where Whobie feels secure enough to try confessing and Eridan is beginning to get Grimdark... and then the awkward Tavros confession to Jade occurs. Everyone saw because of the projector Jade used. Whobie felt their blood run cold and they heard Vriska's laughter behind them. 'Better go comfort your 'buddy.' I'm sure he'll appreciate you a lot~' That's the last thing Whobie wants to do. They crawl to the teleporters and sit next to Eridan's for basically hours until he finally comes out of it. He trips over them and scrambles.
'What the fuck?! What are you-'
'You were right.'
Whobie isn't even looking at him. Still staring at the ceiling. Tears roll down. 'I was a coward and he was an idiot and I'm also an idiot and I wasted all that time just-' They're sobbing, wiping their face. Eridan feels keenly aware of how they're in an open space and he gets up and grabs at their hoodie, dragging them to his teleporter with a sigh and sending them somewhere private. He was fully prepared to make them suffer before accepting any apologies. To demand they kiss his shoes and call him a god.But those plans went out the window as they clung to his leg and kept apologizing. Spilling out all their emotions about how much they missed him and how they felt like no one could replace his friendship. They were such sweet words, the right words for his ears. He almost wanted to cry too. But he instead got mad at himself, knowing he gave in too fucking fast. He kicked them away. Then he crouched down and hugged them. Whatever had happened wasn't important. He was right. And now they're back and they learned their place. They know better than to ever prioritize someone other than him now. That was all that mattered.
Still don't know what to do for the massacre/death but this is where this train of thought stops. Bleh. Maybe he recruits Whobie. Maybe he makes em wait in the room for him and they're none the wiser, still lost in thought, only to get the biggest blows of their life as they eventually wake from a nap and look at their laptop to see all that happened. And now they're stuck in Eridan's room and stuck living without him.
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eau-the-agony · 10 months
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My hobby is making ocs for serieses I've never seen (ft some kinda old art of my luck manipulator)
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eau-the-agony · 10 months
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eau-the-agony · 1 year
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Special Delivery!
(dont worry about repaying her, its on the mouse!)
Ive never played RE4 so shout out to Tavi for not only enabling me to make this but also neglecting to tell me that Ashley wasn't in this part of the game until after id merged everything
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eau-the-agony · 4 months
bewalled rus
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eau-the-agony · 5 months
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hairy dogmother
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eau-the-agony · 6 months
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Hey can you watch iron witch while I go smoke thx
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eau-the-agony · 6 months
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Would you like to fund Onii's slime addiction by purchasing this fine marketable plushie?
(Thank you plootiecoot for letting me post this and for letting me draw your wretched little beasties >3)
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eau-the-agony · 6 months
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eau-the-agony · 9 months
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Idk why im posting these here have em anyway
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eau-the-agony · 10 months
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Drawing some stupid fucking eyes for my stupid fucking oc
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eau-the-agony · 11 months
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new pfp going well
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