#hami is training to be a paladin because of aymeric and haurchefant
Day 1: Cross
I guess I’m doing FFXIV Write lol. This fic features Hami, Agi and Estinien’s eldest son, and Aymeric. SFW.
“You filthy little crossbreed!” The older elezen squire sneered at Hamignant Varlineau, who tried to do as his mother told him and not engage with, as she called them, “racist Ishgardian twats.” He stared ahead at the dummies lined up in a row on the other end of the training arena. Remember what Mummy said. Don’t acknowledge. Don’t engage. Do not remember what Bapa said. He said to “punch the little shits right in their fucking mouths.” Do NOT do that. A knight lives to serve and aid those in need. I’m not a knight yet, but I will be! “Didn’t you hear me, mongrel?”
Don’t engage. Hami continued to stare ahead.
CRACK! A fist collided with Hami’s jaw. He stumbled but did not fall. Okay, now I can punch them in their fucking mouths.
“I think his blood is even a different color! Look!” Another boy laughed. “When you have a hyur mother and a father tainted by dragon blood—”
Though still only twelve summers, Hami and his twin Marcelin were built like their mother Agnes---tall and broad. He punched the last boy who spoke in the mouth and then quickly shifted to elbow the older squire in the abdomen.
The older squire (Lord de Gregoir’s second son) recovered and unsheathed his sword. “You…you…”
Oh dear, I wasn’t expecting him to go for the sword. Hami stepped on his foot hard and spun to his backside, landing a blow on the small of his back. “Me.” He spat blood on the ground. “Hamignant Varlineau, son of the Azure Dragoon and the Warrior of Light. The saviors of Ishgard. You will show my parents respect.”
“ENOUGH!” An authoritative voice bellowed from the entrance to the training arena. A voice Hami knew very well. Uh oh. It’s—
“Lord Commander!” The Temple Knight in charge bowed. “This is quite the surprise!”
Aymeric de Borel, Lord Commander of the Temple Knights, Lord Speaker of the House of Lords, and Hami’s godfather, looked at the sight of the three young men. “What sort of training are you having our squires do, ser?”
The Temple Knight said not a word.
“Squire Varlineau attacked us!” The older squire whined, still struggling to get up. “He’s dangerous! He’s mad!” The younger boy nodded vigorously in agreement.
A knight lives to serve. To aid those in need. Mummy said don’t engage. Bapa said punch them in their fucking mouths. Hami shut his eyes and sighed. “I will not lie that Squire de Gregoir threw the first punch into my jaw, but I did punch the other squire after he insulted my parents. I accept any punishment you see fit, my lord.”
Aymeric’s eyes narrowed and then glanced at the other two. “Does Squire Varlineau speak the truth? Lying to your commander is a serious offense, need I remind both of you.” The younger one will break first. Little Lord de Gregoir absolutely will not. Hami was proven right a second later when the younger boy nodded. “Squire de Gregoir?”
Finally on his feet, de Gregoir stared intently at Hami, who only looked ahead at Aymeric. “Parts of it are true, yes—”
“I only require a yes or no answer, squire.” Oh shit, Uncle Aymeric looks like he’s going to shove Naegling down his throat.
“Y-yes, Lord Commander.” Get fucked, twat. Just like Mummy would say!
Aymeric turned to the Temple Knight. “See that their injuries are tended to and have them report directly to me for punishment. I will not tolerate this sort of behavior from our squires.” He looked at the three again. “Am I crystal clear?”
“Yes, Lord Commander!”
Later that evening, after cleaning chocobo stalls with the two squires, Hami sat on his bed, writing a letter to his parents to explain what happened. Better they hear it from me and not… He heard a few raps on his door. “Yes?”
“Is it alright if I come in, Hami?” Uncle Aymeric.
“Mhmmm. I’m just writing to Mummy and Bapa.”
Aymeric, now wearing a sweater and slacks with the slippers Mummy bought him for his last nameday, smiled warmly at Hami as he sat next to him. “Telling them about today?”
Hami could feel his cheeks burning. “Yes. I just wanted to—"
“I know what they said, Hami. Specifically what Squire de Gregoir said.” Oh no. “I spoke with them after you left and said that kind of talk is not allowed in the Temple Knights. If it happens again, they’re both gone. I pray that the Fury grants them some sense, but we shall see.”
“I-I can handle being called a crossbreed, a mongrel, whatever.” Hami said, looking down at the letter. “But I will not…I will not ever let anyone say that about Mummy and Bapa. Mummy didn’t even have to save Ishgard. She did it out of kindness. Bapa almost lost his mind and body to Nidhogg. They deserve to be treated with respect not…” His fists now balled, Hami shut his eyes and imagined himself back in Thavnair. Home. With them. Mummy’s smiling face and hugs. Bapa’s laugh and head pats. Mummy cooking us our favorite meals. Bapa telling stories. Mummy…Bapa… His eyes opened when Aymeric wrapped a long arm around Hami’s shoulders.
“They mean a lot to me too, and trust me, I wish I could have anyone who says a bad word against them taste my blade. However,” a wry smile appeared on his face. “that won’t solve a thing. And besides, they’re more worried about you than anything else. Especially your darling father.” Bapa? Worried about me? Why? I’m a squire! A damn good one! “Your father knows how cruel squires…and knights…can be.”
Hami sat quiet for a moment before speaking. “Were they cruel to him too?”
Aymeric nodded. “Aye. War orphans would get teased mercilessly for the cruelest of reasons. Though he pretended it didn’t bother him, I know it did. How many times did I hear ‘you should’ve died with your family’ or that Ferndale deserved to burn for its sins? Your father would boil over with rage.” Poor Bapa. I remember when he took us eldest five to Ferndale to see the ruins. He showed us where his family is buried, where his home was…he cried so much. “Might I offer a piece of advice before I leave you to your letter writing?”
“Of course!”
“When defending yourself, hit the bloody person who hit you, Hami. Goodness!” Aymeric laughed heartily, slapping his godson on the back. “You didn’t have to wallop that boy!”
Hami rolled his eyes and laughed a little. Ah, so he isn’t all that mad. That’s good. “I promise…though I hope there’s not a next time, Uncle Aymeric.”
Patting him on the head as he rose, Aymeric nodded. “So do I. Good night, Hami…and do tell your mother and father I say hello.”
“I will.” You write to them more than I do, Uncle Aymeric!
Soon after Aymeric shut the door to Hami’s room behind him, Hami went back to his letter.
Dear Mummy and Bapa…
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