#estinien is not bitter AT ALL
fantasmagoriam · 1 year
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Wolstinien Week 2023: Day 5 - Oath 
Even when apart, they’re still tied together
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redwayfarers · 10 months
nika & romance
thinking abt that alia + romance thing @lavampira did and as it would seem that today is nika romance day (since it's all i can think about) so i'm taking inspo, i hope you don't mind <3
minor crush back when he was in gridania. nothing truly exceptional. they're not really in contact anymore, although they bump shoulders sometimes.
first love. when nika first joined the scions, he was largely aimless, aside from wanting new materials for his songs; minfilia gave him a sense of purpose, even if the key part - part where he too deeply cares for eorzea and does this out of selflessness - didn't really show up. they became friends, and eventually nika fell in love, though minfilia never really returned his feelings. instead, he was glad to simply serve wherever she sent him, and that was enough. her happiness was enough. unfortunately, by the end, nika started feeling used, yet nurtured his love for her for long enough to swallow his feelings on the matter.
his feelings may have even become more intense simply because he knew, deep down, that he had no chances with her. he never tried anything, never bothered her about it, it just floated unresolved for years before her death. she's still a sore spot, and he isn't really sure whether he will ever entirely finish grieving for her, even if he allows himself some measure of anger she left behind. but hey, what is grief if not love persevering? there is no world in which nika does not love minfilia, in whatever capacity.
a small crush that would have been if there wasn't artoirel. a love that would've gone very sour, very quickly. best left at a single hookup.
another case of nika catching feelings for someone he can't, initially, have. nika's equal in a lot of respects; honest to a fault, not very nice, competent yet reserved. nika doesn't begrudge artoirel for trying to get him killed at first. there's a lot of ease in accepting each other, faults and good qualities, between them. artoirel, thus, began to feel like a certain safety. they bonded greatly over their shared love of music and their shared grief for haurchefant. artoirel doesn't ask anything of nika the same way minfilia did, nor does nika himself look for a superior, even though artoirel outranks him by far. to him, artoirel's rank isn't something that matters all that much, just as nika's status as the warrior of light doesn't matter to artoirel after a while.
instead, what they end up being for each other is a partner and an equal, because brothers doesn't quite cut it. it's the one place in this star where nika doesn't have to be the warrior of light, where he can simply be himself, and vice versa, where artoirel isn't the count de fortemps. they're just two guys of equal yet opposite vibes, and at some point, they allied to try and make sense of their respective lots in life. sense is nowhere in sight, but they're too bound together to undo that alliance now. at least they have each other's company on the road.
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roamthefarlands · 2 months
help im having the ysayle thoughts again
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impossible-rat-babies · 10 months
I do have a number of fics of eyrie and estinien in my drafts and god so help me if I actually manage to finish one
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tishinada · 5 months
Of all the Scions, I feel like Estinien most likely has a soul shard of someone who was Azem's buddy back in the day. I mean, he shows no particular sign of the Echo itself, but my sense is that there are a lot of people who possibly have a sundered soul shard but not the Echo, especially if there were other races on the star besides the ancients themselves. In the Leviathan quest chain in post-ARR, we see a Sahagin with the Echo, after all.
But I don't think the Echo is what matters in Estinien's case. We know that Azem's unique ability was to be able to call the person or people to their side who could provide exactly the help needed at the exact moment needed during any crisis, and Estinien demonstrated a particularly uncanny ability to show up exactly when needed throughout Stormblood. He appeared out of nowhere to destroy a superweapon aimed at the rebellion forces during the fight for Ala Mhigo. And he appeared during the fight with Zenos when the Crystal Exarch threw the WoL into an extremely ill-timed (or actually, judging from the trailer, an extremely well-timed) Echo vision & held off Zenos long enough to escape with the WoL's unconscious body. I'd even argue that his work with Gaius to investigate Black Rose might have been a subtle manifestation of Azem's ability.
I mean, all of the scions demonstrate remarkable timing at times, but their appearance is rarely out of the blue. We almost always know they're in the vicinity, etc. But Estinien literally showed up out of nowhere with no expectation of him being anywhere in the vicinity to do exactly what was needed at exactly the right moment. And then vanished again. Post-EW, he shows up at just the right moment to buy a map that sets off a remarkable chain of events... The only really logical explanation is Azem lol.
BTW, I have to admire the way they wrote in a completely logical reason for some of the unlikely events like Estinien appearing in Ala Mhigo and driving a lance through a superweapon about to fire on the WoL & rebel forces. The Azem effect explains so much, right up to the unsundered Ascians often setting themselves up for failure. However bitter they might be about Azem's choice during the Final Days, Azem was still a dear friend and they still respond to that call, I think.
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shiratamako · 2 days
Matches made in Heavensward
Flavours Edition
I have been husband-shopping in Heavensward and multi-shipping like a maniac. For some of these ships (two of them, really) I don't know where they will end up. However, the more I write for each of them, each of them have some differences in the dynamics. Feel free to steal this idea if you want, I don't mind!
Shira x Haurchefant — Sweet & Spiced I say spiced and not spicy, as the circumstances surrounding Shira make sexual intimacy difficult. This flavour profile is nostalgic and comforting: think cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg. It's wintery, warm and familiar, made all the better in the permanently rimed highlands of Coerthas.
Shira x Estinien — Sweet & Salty This is currently a game of contrasts. The common baker's secret is to add a pinch of salt to a sweet recipe to intensify the flavour profile. Estinien's gruff and stoic attitude makes Shira seem even more meek and gentle. However, too much salt can ruin the recipe: both of these idiots can go feral too fast. Expect crocodilian death roll feral if the recipe screws up. However, if they get together, they're as irresistible as salted caramel.
Shira x Aymeric — Sweet & Bitter This is an extremely sophisticated pairing that can either fall into a classic combination, far too decadent for most to enjoy or not to everyone's tastes. Think dark chocolate or matcha. They could be perfect together if done well. Shira cuts through Aymeric's intensity with her sincerity, whereas Aymeric gives Shira substance. If improperly tempered, however, it could be an absolute disaster if it falls apart.
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buoyfriend · 2 years
The WoL Catches A Cold *a-choo* - feat. The Ishgard Elf Husbands, G'raha Tia, Ardbert, Hien & Zenos
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@eidechsejaspis asked:
Hello again:)
As new season of coughs ans sneezes approaches I have a question of how would Scions (choose any you like), Aymeric and Zenos (where would we go without him?) react on WoL catching serious cold? Time period is at your liking from Heavenward to adventures in Garlemald:)
Thank you in advance:)
It is sniffles season again! Thank you for asking, this was a really fun one to get back into HC writing with!
In moments you think he's not watching, he is. He adores the way you wince when reading an unpleasant part of a book, how you fidget in Alliance meetings, even the little whistle of your snore. Aymeric notices your first sneeze. It's hard to get allergies in Coerthas, and he recognizes the hacking from your lungs a few days later. This comes for everyone sooner or later, and politely asks you to quarantine yourself for a few days.
He isn't one to miss work to care for a sick partner or spouse but has a very attentive nurse stationed nearby
He has given his full itinerary for the next several days so he can be alerted as soon as you wake up from a much needed, multi-day sleep
Aymeric wouldn't argue that he knows cooking well, but he does make a point to assist in the kitchen after work to make sure that you have soup recommended by the best chirugeon available
He will dodge kisses from you for days to avoid becoming sick himself, but it's too late anyways
When Aymeric finds himself bedridden for a few days, he decides that it was worthwhile to give you that forehead kiss as you slept
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Estinien is familiar with sickness. Long campaigns through the newly snowy Coerthas as a young knight taught him much of seasonal illnesses. He's seen many a friend drink their weight in bitter root soups, gnaw on wild herbs, and the like to push through it until they can get home. He's seen you sick before. Still, he has some lingering anxiety. You looked far worse than a little aetheryte sickness. He's lost much and more, the thought nags at him that more concern might be warranted.
Estinien has his hands full with travel these days and assures you that he will indeed make it to tea with Vritra tomorrow afternoon
He does not make it to tea with Vritra
Estinien deftly slips into the bedroom but there was no need, you had been out cold for hours by then
He would like to keep his friend from waiting, but not until he's sure that your breathing is steady and your temperature not too high
What a sight to see! Had you been awake, you might have heard Estinien's dress shoes pacing along the floor, his hand nearly to his linkpearl while paralyzed by indecision on whether to cancel or not
He cautiously leaves a glass of water and your linkpearl on the bedside table, just in case, though he may never admit that it was he who placed both there
When he does return home, perhaps an hour earlier than expected, he denies all concern as he settles into bed beside you
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While he's not a sadist, Haurchefant absolutely loves the sight of you ill. You're always off somewhere, but for this small bubble of time, you're here. You're sipping hot chocolate and letting him read poetry to you rather than mailing it off to some distant locale. He can watch your tired face grin and sigh rather than imagining it alone from Camp Dragonhead.
His favorite thing to make for you, of course. Hot chocolate, every day you're sick. No matter how hard it is to get chocolate in Coerthas, no matter how many tall tales he must tell to provision it, you wake up to hot chocolate beside your bed every morning.
"You don't need caffeine, anyways, you need something calming and a smile."
He knows he'll get sick if he sleeps next to you every night, but he's forewarned Camp Dragonhead. Emmanellain can hold his seat for a fortnight, it could be good practice for him.
Haurchefant watches you sleep, sliding his hand under the covers to grasp yours. For once, the cuts and bruises all over you are starting to heal. Days off the road, finally given rest. He wishes you both had more days like this.
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G'raha Tia
Just as your new adventures together have begun, you fail to keep up. You run a little slower, stopping after a few paces to lean into a cough, heavy sneezes punctuating the blows you attempt to land on monsters. G'raha is quick to notice but slow to bring it up.
He frets, wringing his hands beside you as you ready yourself for the day, struggling to put on your clothes. As you sigh in failure, dropping yourself onto the bed, G'raha can't help himself.
"You can admit you're sick. I know you've been on the road for a long time. Even with the help of your friends, the path you walk is a lonely one. But you're not alone this time. Let yourself rest and let me take care of the other things that come along?"
G'raha fields the many requests sent your way, trying his best to fulfill them, wondering how you do it all at full health.
In quieter moments, he finds his way to The Last Stand to get your favorite dinner, absolutely purring as he watches your sleepy smile. Alas, your sense of smell is back! You knew exactly what he'd brought you as soon as he opened the bag!
He can't help but laugh to himself as you find yourself exhausted from the walk from your bed to the dining table, cracking jokes about his hero losing the greatest battle thus far.
G'raha's excitement knows no bounds when you announce that you're well enough to continue your travels together. The ruddy cheeks, the soft ear wiggle. No sickness can stop his hero for long.
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(Assuming Ardbert is no longer a ghost!)
Ardbert is restless. He hasn't seen an open field, a forest, an ocean in days. He wonders if it's unsupportive to ask if you'd mind if he pops out for a fishing trip tomorrow. Perhaps if you're a little better in the morning?
He's not heartless, he left some hot tea beside your bed and made sure your medicines were in reach.
Though he did have some guilt by the third hour of his fishing adventure. The pangs of guilt grew until an idea sprouted from them.
He racked his mind as he navigated the markets. He had enough fish, but the right peppers...which peppers were correct. Tomatoes. Cream. Potatoes. Something was missing, some spice.
Ardbert has made a mess of things. He has put out the kitchen fire, somehow there are no more clean pots and pans. Yet, the soup is complete! It was his mother's recipe, it always had him right as rain after a day or so.
Though you tried your best to hold a straight face, the soup was...I don't know if it's fair to call it a soup. He looks absolutely crushed.
You fall asleep while he strokes your hair, his head pressed against yours as he told you stories. About Kholusia, fishing for cod with his father, his mother's miracle soup. He asks what they made where you're from, but it's too late. You've already drifted off, dreaming about magic fish.
Oddly enough, from a couple of sips of Ardbert's attempted soup, you feel some measure better. He, on the other hand, has the same horrible wheezing cough you had a day before.
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Hien is not the biggest believer in staying bedridden in a sealed room while sick. He frowns, hating to see you suffer, but a thought springs to mind as he twirls your lank, sweaty hair between his fingers.
The clean air of the Azim Steppe is just as promised. During the day, he haggles in the markets for the best Dzo to make stews, the best leaves to make tea. All while you watch the clouds pass from the hammock outside of your yurt.
It's hard to leave the hammock, not only for the comfort. Where else could you see so many stars? Hien points to his favorites, the brightest, the funniest shapes some constellations make.
There wasn't much for entertainment, but watching Hien in the distance sparring with friends was a welcome sight.
After a few days, he encourages you to come with him. On a little walk, at least. Another day, just a little spar. How do you know you're well if you don't test your skills?
The break from all the noise, the responsibilities, becomes intoxicating to you after some time. Hien never has to rush to some meeting, you never need to leave to be flung at a new problem.
You've been better for a week now, finding yourself testing your sharpness with Hien and his friends every morning. Though you may have been hesitant to travel while sick, the time spent together was precious. Perhaps next time you won't have to be sick to convince yourself to take a break.
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He's seen you weakened before, brought to your knees by your own frailty. It disappoints him and yet, he's fascinated by it in a way he doesn't quite understand. How could someone so pitiful occupy every hour of his day?
Zenos doesn't agree with the chirugeon, you could power through this with sheer force of will and merely shrugs as the medicines are set on the table.
This could not be what ends the object of his obsession, his first friend. He regularly checks that you're still breathing. He leans in too close to hear that your heart is still beating, only to be rewarded by a wheezing cough into his hair.
His size is quite the advantage, it's not a challenge for him to carry you from place to place. He leans low to the ground, scooping you up as the sight of you exhausted from standing up only leaves him with disgust.
Still, when you fall asleep each night, he leans his head to your chest. Your heart still beats, your skin glittering with sweat. He knew he would see you like this on another day, performing the great feats that brought him to you in the first place. Though he never understood your reasons, he knew you'd be back to fighting the mesmerizing fights that led the two of you here. To share a bed, a home, a life.
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roguelioness · 10 days
fables from the field
Day 9 - Lend an ear
[written for ffxivwrite2024]
Rating: T Words: 1236 Pairing: none
“I can never understand how you people tolerate such weather,” Alyzen complains as she settles on the ground next to the beautiful marble headstone. “So much for always watching over the city. You can barely see Ishgard with all this snow.”
As though right on cue, the snowfall slows, and gradually comes to a stop, the clouds clearing up just enough for the city, with all its towers and spires, to come into sharp focus.  She shakes her head. “Must you prove me wrong at every turn, my friend?” she teases, but the ache in her heart is as heavy as lead.
She sits in silence by Haurchefant’s grave for several minutes, watching as the day grows darker and the city turns its lights on. The sun is but an orange blur in the horizon; before long it has gone to slumber, and the first of the night’s jewels gleam in the sky.
“I met Francel on the way here,” she remarks. “It was nice seeing him again. I have not had the chance to visit Stephanivien yet, I should stop by the manufactory soon…” she trails off. “Aymeric has been elected temporary leader in place of the archbishop,” she starts again, rubbing her chilled hands together. “And his first act in office was to join the Eorzean alliance.” Her gaze turns distant, a small, melancholic smile lifting the corners of her mouth. ‘Though I suspect you must already know that. And must be unsurprised by the announcement. You always did have faith in him-” a sob tries to work its way out, but she forces it down. 
It takes a few seconds to regain her composure, but when she does, she continues. “The ceremony was… she tries to search for the right words. “Well attended.And quite moving. You would have enjoyed it; everyone smiled and cheered, and there was so much hope in the air…” Her tone turns bitter. “You should have been there. You should have had a chance to see what Ishgard will grow into, you should have been there to guide the people along their new path.” Rising in volume, her anger causes Espoir, the sensitive bird he is, to move to her side and coo softly at her. “You should have been there to celebrate with me! To- to- to be my friend, damn you! Where was my cup of hot cocoa when I returned to Ishgard, Haurchefant?” Her tears, barely restrained, flow freely. “Why could you not have just pushed me aside? Why did you have to take the blow meant for me? Why, Haurchefant?” 
She wipes haphazardly at her face; her damp skin freezes in the blustery wind. “I ask Hydaelyn why she took you, but I get no reply. I ask why Ysayle had to give her life, and she remains silent. And now, when Estinien is-” the words seize on her tongue; she has been so filled with terror over his fate she cannot bring herself to say them out loud.
But Haurchefant has always heard her secrets and her fears, and this too she shall share with him. “Estinien is- taken. By Nidhogg. And-” her mouth and chin tremble; she has to grit her jaw to calm herself. “It is my fault. I should not have left him hold both the Eyes, especially when I knew that he had been struggling with Nidhogg’s influence. But we slew him,” she murmurs to herself, “we slew him in the heart of his lair, how could we have known his soul yet lingered?”
Alyzen falls into a troubled silence. Espoir settles down next to her, his weight a comfort pressed against her side. His presence, much like his former master, warms her up in the cold evening. He chirrups as a gust of wind ruffles his feathers, shaking them out elegantly before tucking his wings close to his body. She can’t help but smile; he is so endearingly loveable. 
Attempting to organize her thoughts, she recalls all she has experienced. There have been many revelations and she has not had the time to process any of it. Only now does it strike her that Lahabrea, the ascian who very nearly killed her, is dead. That his accomplice is dead. 
That she has slain yet another primal.
What are you, Thordan’s dying words reverberate in her head. 
The archbishop did not know. Could not have known. She has not breathed a word of what she’s done – what she’s become – to anyone; she did not think any of her companions could understand. But here, in the frozen Coerthan air, Haurchefant’s tomb serves as her confessional. 
“When I was Ul’dah to rescue Raubahn,” she begins haltingly, playing with the edges of her tunic’s sleeve, “I met a woman. She was quite strange, Drusilla. She gave me a soul crystal – a reaper’s soul crystal, she said, and that I would have to…” she clears her throat and stares up at the sky. “That I would have to forge a pact with… with the avatar within.” Exhaling, she starts to stroke Espoir’s feathers. “The avatar was a voidsent. Becoming a reaper, she said, would grant me great power – but I had to make a pact with the voidsent.” She smiles when Espoir coos contentedly as she scratches the top of his head. 
“I refused, of course. Voidsent are dangerous creatures; only a fool would choose to join their essence to one. Althyk preserve me, I had every intention of forgetting about… but then Zephirin killed you,” there’s so much rage in her tone, “he killed you and I could not stop him. I’ve fought primals and garleans and the Twelve-damned Ultima weapon and won, but I couldn’t stop him. I was- I felt so weak. So powerless. I am no healer, Haurchefant, it is… I have not the capacity to practice the white magicks, but fighting? That I can do. And yet, when it mattered the most, I failed.”
She takes a deep breath. Espoir senses her change in mood, and lightly butts his head against hers, making a soft, concerned chirp. “So I decided I would not be powerless. I would have my vengeance against Zephirin, against Charibert, against every one of the Heaven’s Ward, and on that blighted, voidspun bastard of an archbishop. I used the crystal. I called forth the avatar. And I forged a covenant with it.” Raising her chin, she adds defiantly, “I do not regret it. I slew every last one of them, watched as their bodies were eaten away and they turned into dust. I ground the dust of Thordan’s body beneath my boot and cursed him to damnation, and I would do it all over. And yet,” her shoulders slump, and she leans against Espoir. “Why do I not feel better? I have had my vengeance. I should rejoice. Instead, I am… empty, Haurchefant. I have killed Thordan and his Knights, but doing so has not brought you back. It has not brought Ysayle back. Estinien…” her throat clogs as she thinks of what has become of him, as she wonders where he is and if he is yet alive.
A soft breeze washes across her, lifting the ends of her hair, carrying with it the scent of chocolate. 
Though her eyes fill with tears, Alyzen smiles.  “I hear you, my friend,” she whispers, pressing her lips to the top of the cenotaph. “Thank you.”
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redsplash1 · 4 months
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Hi hello idk how this works + never gposed in my life so she’s doing literally nothing here but this is my char Tatake Take in her red mage fit <3 featuring Middy cuz he’s bestie. More under the cut this might get long, it’ll just be a mess of ideas with no coherency LMFAO. Currently it’s white glowing hair because it’s post SHB, where she’s channeled the light within her into something manageable, which will inevitably turn back into her original red highlights. Spoilers for like everything up to SHB btw:
Honestly her lore I keep changing back and forth cuz I didn’t start using mods till SHB 😭 (just beat it btw so 🤫 on any spoilers afterwards) Like originally she had cat ears + a tail and it was gonna be a whole thing about her being some kinda spirit/yokai from the forest LMFAO???
Rn the barebones idea I have is that she’s part dragon and hid it till SB when Rhalgr’s Reach was attacked. (I won’t even lie, I’m low(high)key inspired by Dan Heng’s lore from Honkai Star Rail, I’m even debating if I wanna steal the reincarnation thing or not 😭) so yeah she is. Old LMFAO
Zenos with his plot armor and unexplained strength ends up landing what should’ve been a killing blow on Tatake. Everyone watches on in horror, which makes way to shock as she begins to change in response to the physical stress, revealing her draconic eyes, horns, tail, and the glowing highlights of her hair signifying her power. Zenos looks on in surprise, then intrigue as he sees what the famed Warrior of Light has been hiding all this time. Afterwards, it was no trouble pushing away him and his forces back.
(This ends up creating a somewhat subplot conflict between Lyse and Tatake, as the former is angered by this reveal; why didn’t she use this power to save everyone in Rhalgr’s Reach, hell, even back at the Wall? Did Papalymo really need to die if this what their friend was capable of?)
Nobody gets an explanation from Tatake. It’s the twins who get the closest to an answer, which even then wasn’t much. Their mother figure simply says that it was of absolute importance that nobody finds out, as she hid away her draconic features almost immediately after Zenos and his forces retreated. But, she points out with a bitter smile, she supposed it was too late for that now. Alphinaud and Alisaie want to know more so badly, but Tatake’s comfort and boundaries are infinitely more important than any curiosity they have.
On the carriage to Gridania, she kept her answers to Bremondt’s questions pretty vague, aware of two sleepy twins watching with interest. (She/I started as a lancer)
So yeah you might assume HW was a very important expansion for Tatake. It was! Seeing her brethren struggle made her wish and strive for the same thing Ysayle did; peace between dragon and mankind. The dragons weren’t afraid to subtly nudge at her to be her true self, either. Tatake was also not a fan of Estinien’s views and attitude LMFAO
(It’s also the expansion where Alphinaud couldn’t help but notice the way the dragons were talking to Tatake; it didn’t seem like they were exactly referring to her status as the WoL. Of course, he had virtually no information to go off of, so he dropped that line of thinking. Later on, he’ll realize that he truly knew nothing about the Lalafell he figuratively looked up to.)
Side note, Tatake continues to hide away her features until SHB, where the absorbed Light makes it too difficult for her to do so. Fortunately, almost nobody questions it, as people on the First are a bit too focused on trying to survive their world.
Another side note! Tatake currently mains Reaper, but she is also very proficient in Dragoon, Machinist, Samurai, and Red Mage. She’s currently learning Dancer (at least, the Eorzean version of it. She was worried using the traditional dances she knew would have people asking questions), which she finds to be a good stress reliever from her troubles.
Anyways that’s all I got hahaaaaa, I stay off of tumblr and I come back just to go full send on my character 😭 whoever’s got one of those templates with questions for WoL character building plz send, I’d love to fill one of those out for my reference + understanding Tatake more as her writer
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owlespresso · 1 year
Tags: dragoon!reader, blood, predator/prey, non consensual bite, dragoon fuckery
The Hinterlands are beautiful. Wide emerald plains strewn with rivers and lakes, moving waters gleaming underneath a dull sun. The aged remnants of the new Sharlayan are wreathed in vines and moss, tiles cracked as nature overturns mankind’s withering scraps. Though infested with hostile goblins, the buildings are still in good condition considering all that has conspired since the initial flight of their creators.
The scenic vistas and breathtaking views fly past you, now. They are no more important than the nattering of the local wildlife in the distance. Estinien hasn’t stopped to rest under any of the crumbling roofs, so they cease to matter. All that matters is the pull of his scent on your palate, the full thick of his aether growing more potent the closer your come. You’re drooling, you think, every bit the insipid beast the Garleans believe you are. You don’t feel bad about proving them right.
The only regret is leagues and leagues away, nestled safely in the roost of Ishgard’s well-guarded heart. Aymeric is likely doing paperwork, or seeing to the rebuilding efforts, or appeasing the still-uneasy citizens. Busy as ever.
He made time to stop you, that very morning. In the soft light of the approaching dawn, eyes sleepy and beseeching as he hunched down. The low timbre of his voice was still syrupy with sleep. His hurt was obvious, too exhausted and too close to you to maintain the front he showed the rest of the waking world.
“But I am right here, my love,” Aymeric murmured, voice steeped in gentle grief, fingertips brushing up against your own. Am I not enough? he asked with his eyes. Will you not slake your thirst with me?
He could never understand the infernal thing that pulses beneath your skin. He does not hear the clarion call of Estinien’s aethers, the traces of his essence lingering in his wake. He does not feel the longing which hooks its claws to your bones and sinew, which rends you through every moment you remain apart. He abandoned you, left you to awaken to a cold grey sky, an empty nest, the dithering nothingness of whatever happens next.
So you hunt. Freed of Nidhogg as he may be, he’s been irrevocably changed by the wyrm’s influence. It clings to him now, Estinien’s mint-sharp twang coalesced with the ferocity and love and loyalty that massive beast was once capable of. He is Nidhogg, something feral in you says, something you don’t understand, something that should terrify you more than it does. He is Nidhogg, and he can make you full.
So you chase. You chase until your feet are throbbing, until your lungs sting bitter with the high altitude air. The creatures that would typically plant themselves in your way, indignant over your intrusion into their territory, avoid you now. They’re nowhere to be seen, but you can feel them, you can taste the fear in the air, the wariness. They know the sight of a Great Wyrm on the prowl and they are wise enough to avoid you when you are so inflamed, so starved.
Estinien, perhaps, feels you before you can even lay eyes on him. For once, he is made quarry. He’s waiting by a river bend, stood stark against the empty plains as you round a stone ledge. Right there, lance hooked over his shoulders and expression nonplussed. Bewildered, but not alarmed. He recognizes you and he is not running. This should be enough.
But it isn’t, so you jump. You fling yourself through the air, putting every ounce of draconic power you can muster into the movement. The aether is so bright and brilliant that it sears, leaves behind charred grass and soot in your wake, the tail end of a mad comet.
You remember it in flashes. The fresh collision with his warm body, the taste of his flesh under your teeth and tongue, the abrupt shout he lets loose as you both tumble into the river. The frigid water floods you both, slips in between the cracks in your plate and soaks you through, but you don’t care because Estinien is here and under you and writhing and spitting and cursing—
“What in the swiveling hells has gotten into you?” his voice is a low snarl, ice cracking underfoot. His fingers clutch hard the round of your shoulder, tight enough to make the bones creak. He doesn’t try to pry you off, he simply gasps and twitches as you bite. He goes rigid, then. The breath rolls in and out of him in little pants.
“Missed you,” is all you can choke out, consciousness slipping between your fingers. Estinien remains silent for a long moment, before he makes an exasperated sort of sound. You curl your fingers into the wet folds of his sleeves, taking in greedy inhales of him.
At the first taste of copper, he gives a broken moan. You release him, then, rolling your tongue over the wound once, before letting it bleed. The bright crimson paints the pale expanse of his skin, and for the first time since you’ve left—your humanity resurfaces in one twitch of horror. The aether you’d mustered to propel yourself all this way is expunged from you all at once, leaving you a limp body cradled against his chest. The leather vest he’s worn is wet against your cheek.
And then you’re out of the water, hefted into his arms as easily as he’d scoop up a cat. The sudden movement has you shrieking in surprise, limbs flailing before your hands land on his shoulders, arms wrapping around his neck.
“Settle down,” he breathes into your ear, voice a strained rasp. So you do, choosing to focus on only the thrum of his heartbeat, the very heat he radiates in spades. Even now, even while a free man.
“Don’t leave me again,” you rasp, pressing your lips over his stained skin, roll your tongue to bathe it in his lifeblood. He shivers. “Please.”
Silence settles over you both for a long, harrowing bundle of moments. He’s deliberating. You don’t know how you can tell, you just feel it, just know. He’s going to scold you, ream you out for following him so brazenly
“I won’t,” he says, and then quieter. “At this point, I doub you would let me.”
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nihilnovisubsole · 1 year
i wasn't going to keep cluttering people's dashes up with my ffxiv stream-of-consciousness posts. but after a chance run-in with @arcanistvysoren in the dusk vigil one night, i was encouraged to make more. so, hey! heavensward! that was a lot!
one thing you can always count on final fantasy to do is give you leitmotifs. sad scene? leitmotif. climactic battle? leitmotif. quest accepted? leitmotif. hey, dragonsong is nice. why not?
it's difficult to overstate how habitually this game throws beautiful atmosphere at you and makes it look effortless. i know i keep repeating myself, but it keeps being true. the quiet desolation of riding through the coerthas western highlands at night with a blizzard battering you and fog obscuring the horizon. ough
i was looking forward to royce's role as a self-exiled ishgardian in this part of the story, and i was very much not let down. heavensward spends a lot of time emphasizing what an irreplaceable asset the warrior of light becomes to ishgard, so the bitter taste that she would have experienced during the early coerthas ARR quests rises to a nauseating pitch. oh, now the ishgardian authorities care. now they want her around. now they want to heap praise on her for pulling them out of the fire. when they did nothing to help save her squad five years ago and went damnatio memoriae on her when she vanished. they're lucky she's too heroic to let them burn.
i'm not exactly sure how she works through her feelings by the end. i'll have to think about it. write about it, maybe. we'll see.
the dragon plot is fine. it works! it's cool! it's all very mythic in scale and appropriately tragic. i'm just more drawn to the expansion's mundane side. it's easy for final fantasy to get carried away with itself when it's got aether and primals and multiverses flying around, so we need the periods where we deal with interpersonal conflict to keep it grounded and speak to lived human experience.
i mean, the windows into how ignorant ishgardian citizens are and how deep their religious indoctrination actually goes? that's meaty. a church covering up everything from their archbishop's love child to the history their core theology was founded on? that's the good stuff
god, it's hilarious how much estinien and aymeric were engineered in a lab for fans to fall in love with them. they're elves, they're tall, they have deep voices and piercing eyes and swooshy hair, they're brooding, they're burdened with great and terrible responsibility. estinien is beat-for-beat the "character 1" archetype of otome games: mysterious and mean, but defrosts over his story arc. you have dinner at aymeric's house! the dev team had to know that these fellows were going to have a following and leaned into it.
actually, wait, does aymeric fall into the "responsible authority figure" otome archetype? is haurchefant the "flirty, excitable younger guy" archetype? am i onto something here? pepesilvia.jpg
poor haurchefant ):
speaking of characters, cid is growing on me. i didn't pay much attention to him in ARR, but i like that he continues to play a major role. he's a fun guy to have around. royce draws heavily from cyan garamonde, who's a notorious technophobe, and i wonder whether she inherited some of that character DNA too. you are a good man and i trust you but do not dare augment my lance. more power means more parts to break. cold steel will never fail you
the vault and baelsar's wall are awesome as dungeons, but lol, lmao. there is something to be said for bark trigger volume. filthy rats! [crackling fireball noise] sickness must be purged! [explosion] filthy rats! [griffin sword swing] sloppyyy!! [another explosion] sickness must be purged!
i have finally found a part of the game i dislike: leap of faith. UGHHH. why am i good at every GATE except that one. UGHHH
oh i have THOUGHTS about that duel with raubahn
emmanellain's job is just beach
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fantasmagoriam · 1 year
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Wolstinien Week 2023: Day 4 - Dragon
 I wonder if we’ll ever get to see a bigger version of Orn Khai, just like we did with Ehll Tou...
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lilbittymonster · 1 year
Day 1: First Kiss
"Can we talk? Alone?"
The faint tremor in Kitali's voice still rung in his ears as the two of them landed atop the Studium roof. The noise of the students and citizens were far away, lost in the calm wind and sound of the ocean.
"Is everything alright?" he asked as he turned to her.
She wouldn't quite meet his eyes, and her tail was twitching behind her nervously. "I-I don't....know. Maybe."
"Well, out with it then." He immediately regretted his choice of words as he saw her flinch back.
Kitali seemed to struggle for a second, before muttering under her breath and inhaling.
"I'm not leaving this star with any regrets," she started, more to herself than to him. Another deep inhale. "I love you, Estinien. I'm in love with you. And it's fine if you don't feel the same way, really, but.....before we all die I need you to know that."
The world went a little fuzzy at the edges for a moment as he held her gaze. As the silence stretched in the wake of her confession, she seemed to curl in more and more into herself, and he didn't think he'd ever seen her look so....afraid.
"W-when?" he stammered out. "Since when?"
"Reun- with the dragon?"
She nodded, gaze still fixed on him warily.
"Seven hells, Kitali, that was years ago," he said, turning and walking a few paces to the side, still processing. "You mean that this whole time-"
"I didn't expect you to return anything and it's fine, it really is," she insisted again, her voice pitching up a bit at the end.
"This whole time we could've been....." he trailed off helplessly as he met her gaze once more.
Estinien watched as a flurry of emotions all blurred through one another across her features. Confusion to disbelief to confusion again to the barest sliver of hope. Head still spinning, he lowered himself to sit on the flat stone and held a hand up to her, pleading.
Slowly, much like a frightened cat, she approached him and took it, crouching in front of him. Taking her other hand, and clasping both in his, he ran his thumbs over the ridges of her scales to steady himself.
"If you had said something, I would've come back," he said. "You know that, right?"
"No, I didn't," she said hotly. "So far all you've done is run every time we cross paths, and I-" she choked off, turning away from him and closing her eyes for a moment. "I just got you back, I couldn't-I couldn't risk losing you again."
"You wouldn't have," he tried to reassure her.
"I wasn't sure! Better to just keep it to myself and still have you around."
She fell silent in the wake of the outburst, but didn't pull away from him. The lull of the ocean filled the space between them as he sat mulling over his next words.
"Do you know how hard it was to let go of you in the Rising Stones? Knowing you might not come back again?"
"I do, in fact," Kitali said with no small amount of bitterness, though a creep of her usual tease had eased back into her voice. "Quite intimately."
Estinien huffed. "I suppose I deserved that."
"Just a bit."
He felt a knot loosen in his chest. She was teasing him. This was good, this was familiar.
"I...I wanted-" he started. Hells, what did he want? "I'd never forgive myself if I ruined what you and Aymeric have." He stopped in horror. "Fury, Aymeric-"
"Already knows," Kitali interrupted smoothly. "He was the first person I told."
"......and he's alright with it?" Estinien prompted hesitantly.
Kitali gave a small laugh. "He, ah...when I started panicking a bit, saying I thought I might be in love with you and all, he just laughed and said that he had had the same reaction."
A wave of old, old guilt swept over him and he shut his eyes against the tide.
"I didn't deserve him then, and I'm not sure I deserve you now," he said.
"Deserving or not, I'm here."
He opened his eyes to see her looking at him stubbornly, though the nervousness still lingered.
"And so are you," she continued quickly, "and you haven't made a single noise of disgust or told me you never want to see me again so....does that mean...?"
Estinien had watched her singlehandedly fight off one of the First Brood. He had seen her fell the primal Thordan had turned himself into. He'd watched from afar as she tore through armies like the Fury's own spear. And never in all the years he'd known her had the word "fragile" ever come to mind. Until now.
Inwardly, he cursed himself for his lack of grace with words, for letting her fears go unanswered.
"Your feelings are very much requited, Kitali Moonblade," he said as sincerely as he could. "They have been for quite some time."
Her entire body sagged with relief on a shaky exhale. Wordlessly he tugged at her hands in an invitation to come closer, and she crawled into his lap, her legs straddling his. Idly he brushed a rebellious lock of hair back behind her horn, letting his hand linger against her.
"Can I kiss you?"
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keicordelle · 3 months
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Fluffvember Day 21 : Flowers - Estinien
"What are these?"
Aymeric graced me with that look he gets when he thinks I've said something particularly stupid. "They're flowers."
"I can see that. But why?"
"Why are they flowers? I do believe you would have to ask the Twelve about that. Philosophizing about the nature of life is not within my purview." He grinned at me, and I rolled my eyes, fixing him with a glower. He was being intentionally dense, and it was not helping ease my confusion.
"Why are you giving them to me?"
His gaze dropped to the bundle in his hand. It was a lovely bouquet, in truth, red and white blooms whose names I didn't know but that looked pretty to my plebeian eye, their stems tied together with a black ribbon. Where had he even gotten them? They hardly looked like winter blooms...
"I saw them and thought of you, that's all. 'Tis only fitting for a man to give his beloved flowers from time to time, after all," he answered, a tad defensively, a delicate pink rising to stain his pale cheeks. "If you do not want them, you do not have to take them. I imagine Lucia might like them, or perhaps Alphinaud."
"I never said I didn't want them," I protested gruffly, reaching to snatch them before he could take them back. "No one's ever given me flowers before." I lifted them to my nose, because it seemed like the thing to do, inhaling deeply. Their soft, clean scent rose to tickle my senses, sweet without being cloying and just a hint of bitterness hidden underneath. Not unlike Aymeric, I thought, chuckling to myself.
The soft smile that curled Aymeric's lips warmed my heart, those icy eyes gentle as he reached up to tuck a stray lock of hair behind my ear. "I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner."
The flowers sat proudly in the center of the table that night, their light scent seeming to linger in my senses and trail me wherever I went. And when they began to wilt, I dared to ask Emmanellain how one might preserve those precious petals, that I might keep them with me longer than the gods saw fit to grant. Sometimes, even when I was far from home and parted from my beloved by a sea and more malms than I could count, I'd run my fingers along that red and white talisman, and drew comfort from the thoughts of home and the love that awaited my return.
[Masterlist] | [Ao3]
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avampyone · 4 months
♦ - quirks/hobbies head canon?
Hemlocke’s number one favorite hobby will likely always be reading. He likes to read about a variety of topics particularly if they pertain to travel, information about far off lands, magic and the history behind the calamities. He also has a guilty pleasure for trashy romance novels that he tries to keep to himself, but wouldn’t deny it if any found out about it. One of his favorite novels he’s read since his youth is called the Prince and the Magician. He’d been isolated quite a bit growing up and mostly forbidden to go out on his own by his guardian father, so reading brought him a kind of solace that few other things could. He kept to the library and spent a lot of time reading as his own means of getting through the hard times and imagining if he ever might see or experience all that he read about.
Although he doesn't often get the chance to any more, Hemlocke loves dancing especially in the ballroom style as he was taught. He'd be open to learning other styles if he was ever given the chance to with how much enjoyment he takes in this. He's proficient in playing the piano as well, but doubt it'd ever be anything he'd tell anyone else or would be reluctant to do so. It's tied back to many bitter memories for him.
As far as quirks go, his top one would be that he’s unusually warm for a vampire and the more emotionally conflicted he is, the hotter his skin becomes even if he’s not outwardly showing it. Another quirk that ties into is Hemlocke’s terrible cooking and his tendency to burn nearly everything he attempts to. He can also usually be seen with a covering over one eye due in part to habit out of protection from voidsent and also not to bring too much attention to his eyes.
Lastly, he’s decently good at impressions particularly if he’s been around them for a good length of time. Like the Loporrits, dressing up like a noble countess in his past to gain information or even Estinien once upon a time to cheer up Alphinaud (Esti himself wasn’t very happy about that though..)
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teawithaphd · 2 years
——Headcanons of the Scions on Pocky Day——
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Knows what it is and has had it marked on his calendar for months
He builds the courage to be the one to ask—on that fateful day—if his s/o would share a pocky stick with him
Despite his preparation and many weeks of practice in the mirror (which Alisaie has walked in on several times and holds against him to this day), he’s a blubbering mess when asking the question—red-faced, sweaty palms, stutters, and all
He blubbers even more when they agree to it and hold one of the sticks in their mouth to him
The first thing he tastes is cookies and cream, smiling at the fact that his s/o was kind enough to give him the more flavorful part. The next is his s/o’s sweet lips.
The moment she sees her s/o, she pulls the strawberry pocky box out of her pocket and shoves it in their face as she slips a stick between her teeth
She points to it with a little too much sternness, and can’t keep eye contact when her s/o decides to bite down on the other end
(Bonus points if her s/o doesn’t know what she’s doing, then she’ll groan and explain the game to them as her face grows red like a tomato)
After succeeding in getting their lips to meet, she swipes the box from them and runs away with it—hogging the rest of the pocky for herself
He approaches his s/o with a flirtatious wink and an almond crush pocky between his lips like a hopeless romantic with a rose in his mouth
The ridiculous presentation brings them a giggle, and it makes his heart soar to see them with some lightness that the many dark times they’ve experienced would sometimes obscure
He lets his s/o get the flavored end while he bites down on the plain one, knowing that the taste of them is far sweeter than any confection he’ll ever have
As he starts out with bravado, at the last bite, he allows his s/o to close the distance
The pocky soon becomes a distant memory as he slowly leads them into the bedroom *wink wonk*
He remembers one such occasion when Moenbryda had once tried playing the pocky game with him
Now having almost forgotten it (and having been too dim-witted to understand how to partake in it), when his s/o brings it up, he agrees wholeheartedly to give it a try
They bring him a yuzu-flavored box, knowing that he’ll probably enjoy it’s more citrusy, fresher taste (and to give him something different from all the carrots he’s been eating with the lopporits, Twelve help him)
He’s hesitant when they get down to the last bite, yet when he feels his s/o’s lips on his, he returns the kiss in full, savoring the moment of closeness between them
He grabs another pocky from the box and places it between his own lips, pleading them to play the game once more with him
“Normally I am not wont to partake in such games…but if you insist…”
(spoiler alert: no one insisted)
“Ah, but you already went out of your way to purchase the confection, we surely cannot allow such confections to go to waste now…”
Her s/o stares at her dumbfounded with a box of matcha pocky in their pocket. Y’shtola already knows that they bought the matcha flavor, because of course they would conveniently purchase her favorite
She takes a stick and places it between her teeth, enjoying the bitter and sweet taste of the tea she’s grown a fondness for ever since they travelled to Kugane
The taste becomes even more marvelous as it mingles with that of her s/o
He stares between the box, the pocky stick in his s/o’s mouth, and his s/o’s expectant expression with the most confused look on his face
“…What are you doing…?”
His s/o nearly spits the stick from laughing before explaining the pocky game to him
They also find that they have to explain to him what pocky is (has that man lived in a hole for most of his life…?)
After he finally understands, he casually agrees—sending his s/o blushing
They give him the flavored end of the pocky, wanting him to experience the chocolate-y flavor for the first time
As they reach the final bite, Estinien closes the distance—groaning into what turns into a deep, more sensual kiss
After leaving them utterly breathless, he suddenly pulls away and sends them the most smug, shit-eating grin they’ve ever seen on the elezen
“That was entertaining, we should do this again sometime...”
He knows about the game from his Studium days, when some of the other students used to hide away and play it together
Back then, he’d secretly always wanted to partake in the game, but never got the chance to since he never grew close with anyone that way—but now with his s/o, he can!
They find a missive at their door signed by him, telling them to meet him at a secluded spot in Old Sharlayan, one where the two of them would often spend time together
When they meet him there, he turns to them with his face as red as his hair and stutters as he asks them if they’d like to partake in the Pockey game with him
He takes a milk-flavored pocky stick to his lips and shyly waits for his s/o to take the other end
Their lips soon meet, and he savors the sweet, mellow taste of milk and honey on his partner’s lips
The kiss is soft and shy—yet there’s something hidden, as if he sweetly wants for more as he hugs their form
They kiss again and again, feeling warmth under the beautiful Sharlayan skies
Haucherfant (since it’s his day too)
He waits for his s/o to sit comfortably by his hearth that night before he pulls out the box with a playful wink
When they agree to play with him, he cups their chin and slips the stick of pocky between their lips
He’s quick to bite down on his end and make way to their lips before utterly devouring them
The taste of strawberries and rich chocolate on his tongue is a delectable combination, making his s/o beg for more as they return the heated kiss in kind
The box is long cast aside as the two indulge in a long, long night by the fire
WOL Panne Nini
(The Protagonist and profile picture for this blog, usually)
She twists her head and looks at the box in her s/o’s hands with confusion
When they explain to her the game and hold out a stick of pocky between their lips, she pulls it out of their mouth and takes a bite of it herself
Her s/o’s face reddens at her boldness as she takes the moment to taste the pocky
“It’s ok I guess, but I never liked sweets anyway… whatever.”
She throws it to the floor and leaps at her s/o to give them a heated kiss—she doesn’t need to go through the whole run-around for the real dessert
WOL Meteor-kun
(Because why not)
He approaches his s/o after one of his many long adventures, nearly killing them with how utterly haggard he looks, as if he ran into another fight with a primal, or worse, again..
When their gaze shifts to the box of chocolate pocky in one of his hands, their concern only grows as they wonder if he ended up like this through procuring it for them
He gives them a warm smile despite it all, showing them the box while telling them excitedly about his most recent discovery: the pocky game (it's really cute)
He then places a stick between his lips, waiting patiently for his s/o to take a bite of the other end
When they reach the final bite and their lips meet, their s/o giggles from the tickling of his stubble on their face
He peppers their face with more kisses until they're a laughing mess on the floor, overjoyed at the fact that he was able to see them smile
His s/o is just glad to see their beloved Warrior returned home, hale and whole
----See the Menu----
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