#hammerfall is fucking Wild bcus he fears nothing and understands slightly more than that
thegempage · 5 months
alone, hunt, fear, and monster for both watchful eyes and hammerfall plsssss
oh Fuck yeah absolutely!!
context for the unfamiliar: they're both pf2e characters; watchful eyes (she/her) is my gnoll barbarian and hammerfall at high noon (or hammerfall) (any but mainly they/he) is a leshy gunslinger (as well as some fire bullshit)!
(from this ask meme)
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
watchful eyes: uhhh badly! like really badly! in fact, being abandoned and alone is her deepest fear!! jfdklsajfdskfdls she was definitely completely isolated after she was separated from her original family until she found the orcs who ended up taking her in and she never wants to go through that again. but when she's alone at home, she ends up just being... quiet. meditative, almost. tends to talk to her mentor's skull to fill the silence when it goes on a little too long.
tbh i feel like she won't sleep alone if she can help it. part of why she loves going on missions is having a convenient excuse to sleep wrapped around her friends
hammerfall: hammerfall actually.... tbh i don't think he'd mind being alone. they've spent a lot of their time either actually or functionally alone, sometimes for working reasons and sometimes for traveling reasons. there was definitely a period where he was traveling through the mana wastes all on his own and he doesn't think much of it! they act pretty similarly alone to with people -- perhaps a little more willing to divulge their gunsmithing secrets bcus no one's around to hear them and they want to talk themselves through a project, or to the project.
hunt: Who or what is your OC hunted by? A person, a feeling, a past mistake? Is your OC able to let their guard down, or are they constantly alert?
watchful eyes: watchful eyes feels like she is constantly outrunning a moment of failure, a moment where she will no longer be strong enough to protect the people she loves. if she trains hard enough, she feels like she can out pace it for longer, even if she doesn't do so with that thought consciously in mind. she's often on alert when on missions, but at home at the lodge she will turn into a big, cuddly puddle for a while.
hammerfall: hmm... i feel like, even if he doesn't realize it, hammerfall is running from what happened to Pops. they're consciously chasing new gun techniques and new skills, but some part of them knows that going home means facing the changes Pops has gone through, and continues to go through now that they've left. he doesn't know what to do about it, or if he can, but that thought's for another day, as far as he's concerned.
also, 100% always has a hand near their gun. even when among friends. there's a reason his clothes are leather but his holsters are made of his body.
fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
watchful eyes: see above jfkdlasfjds being abandoned and alone is her deepest fear, and she tries very, very hard not to let that happen. she starts to buckle whenever it comes up, though as much as possible she pushes off that melting until she's safe again. i really don't think she'd talk about it, though, not to others, because she doesn't want them to worry unnecessarily about her! she's supposed to be a tank, after all.
hammerfall: so canonically? the answer is that they... don't have one. hammerfall grew up in a terrifying environment and is an immortal soul temporarily bound to a physical body. fire is just a thing that Lives In Him. they have no reason to fear god nor creature, because at the end of the day, this is one lifetime of many, and they're the best shot they know. i feel like this shows, tbh, esp when the people around him are experiencing Horrors™
monster: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
answered watchful eyes here!
hammerfall: so here's like. the thing. i honestly?? honestly?? think hammerfall is fucking unsettling to look at. like, even if they look like any other sagebrush leshy, the smoke constantly rising from their body and the way they hold themself, plus the gun and the fact that they stand like they're always ready to shoot clearly makes them an outlier. i don't think he's necessarily monstrous, but unless someone is used to dealing with magic bullshit, i think you'd struggle to be around him for very long. and that's before they open their mouth to start talking about guns or the mana wastes or their life before the current mission and make vague references to doing crime and eating meat and their six-armed Pops.
thank you so much for the ask : D!!!
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