#hammy and washington? iconic
pardonmydelays · 11 months
IN THE HEIGHTS countdown: 4 DAYS!
song for today:
it's hotter than the islands are today and mister softee's truck has broken down and here come all his customers my way i told you i run this town!
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mikkorants96 · 6 years
So no one is going to ask me these, so i’ll do them myself. no one loves me lol
anaheim ducks: who was the first player you loved? Meeks <3
arizona coyotes: favourite playoff series this year? The knights and jets, it’s been a good one
boston bruins: fave player on your least liked team? LISTEN. I’m conflicts because I like and hate at the same time Pekka Rinne.. so I’ll say him ?? (he’s Finnish okay I’m sorry its a problem)
buffalo sabres: do you own any jerseys? Yes, I have two Avs (one blank and my Mikko one) and one FAKE AF Sweden Landy jersey, courtesy of @kerfysno1fan
calgary flames: favourite national team? Team Finland <3
carolina hurricanes: favourite forward? Mikko (duh who else)
chicago blackhawks: favourite defensemen? im going to have to go Sammy on this one
colorado avalanche: favourite goalie? BERNIER!!!
columbus blue jackets: is getting swept in the first round worse than missing the playoffs? Well.. the avs wouldnt know💁🏻‍♀️
dallas stars: best flow? Gabe hands down.
detroit red wings: which player looks like a literal prince? BROCK BOESER OKAY BYE.
edmonton oilers: team with the best content about the players? Avs for shizzle
florida panthers: favourite goal from this season? oo... thats a tough one. either mikko’s shootout win against the flyers. mikko wrap around goal against the jets (that ended 6-1 jets), or gabe’s shootout win against the knights.
los angeles kings: what non-playoff team this year do you think will be in the post season next year? We’ll say the Canes, because their my other other “team”
minnesota wild: favourite rookie this year? Sammy or Josty boy.
montreal canadiens: favourite captain? Come on! Gabe Landesnerd.
nashville predators: weirdest play this year? How about weirdest goal?-- any of Kerf’s goals.
new jersey devils: best all star game event? (To be honest i didnt really watch it. i didnt have time so idk)
new york islanders: best goalie mask? omg bernies or hammys
new york rangers: overrated player? well gee i think everyone knows who the fuck im gonna say!!
ottawa senators: underrated player? also, every one knows who the fuck im going to say (essentially everyone in the fucking nhl except nathan mackinnon
philadelphia flyers: favourite best friends? oo jt and josty or tbear and nate mack
pittsburgh penguins: best chirp? tbear calling mikko’s head a penis.. come on that’s iconic.
saint louis blues: best jersey? i love the avs and the leafs jerseys.
san jose sharks: favourite first overall pick? (i’m too new to know who’s a first overall pick and i’m too lazy to look it up sorry)
tampa bay lightning: world cup or world cup of hockey or olympics? world cup hockey
toronto maple leafs: favourite player from the 2016 draft? I think Sammy got drafted then right?
vancouver canucks: a team you’re slowly falling in love with? the canes
vegas golden knights: best game you’ve been to? THE KNIGHTS SHOOTOUT WIN
washington capitals: funniest memory from a hockey game? oh SO many. OMG when @kerfysno1fan shaded gabe’s hair and he got SO disappointed. it was fucking hilarious
winnipeg jets: who’s winning the cup this year? honestly, im down for whoever. there’s no one id be mad if they won.
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xxpoptarts · 8 years
iconic hamilton in chicago moments (12/28/16)
a quick before you read: the entire cast was so adorable and extremely talented I just wanted to hug them all... and yes, Miguel Cervantes (Alexander Hamilton) was super tiny compared to cast members such as Joshua Henry (Aaron Burr) and Jonathan Kirkland (George Washington)
((this is long sorry - look under the cut))
(((spoilers, obviously)))
King George III made an announcement at the beginning saying to turn off all devices and to “enjoy my show”. i can’t even believe this guy
Lafayette was super afraid of Hamilton and his loud mouth during “Aaron Burr, Sir” and kept shying away from him whenever Hamilton got close and it was too precious
the smooth transition between “Aaron Burr, Sir” to “My Shot” makes my life complete
Lafayette saying “’onarchy? how you say, how you say” in a French accent but then switching into a sassy American accent to say (finger quotes and all) “anarchy” --- Lafeyette you sassy french fry
every time Hamilton kept talking Lafayette still looked crazy awkward around him --- when he sang “let’s have another round tonight” he looked like he was in so much pain my poor child was suffering
(in case you can’t tell, i had a lot of feelings towards Chris De’Sean Lee as Lafayette. don’t worry, other characters are about to be recognized)
the very first “and Peggy” was said in such a monotone voice it had me crying
better yet, Eliza was dragging Peggy around and during said “and Peggy” moment. you could really tell someone * cough * PEGGY * cough * did not want to be there
Hamilton always having to look up at Washington because height. difference.
flower-girl Hercules Mulligan. that is my life aesthetic now. i am forever pleased.
Hercules Mulligan aggressively making flowers rain at a wedding and looking so proud of himself as he does so was juST MaGIcAL
do you know how aggressive and fiery Hamilton is? and how much better it is when he’s shorter than everyone????
Aaron Burr riffing for days during “Wait for It” was something i didn’t know i needed
also, “Wait for It” was so beautifully staged with no one moving or dancing but a spotlight on Burr and people sitting on chairs as everyone sang
“Yorktown” was drop dead gorgeous and everyone was so talented and aaahhhh
King George III stomping his foot on “I’m so blue” and the the lights turning blue was gorgeous
also he was very sassy and sounded so much like a spoiled child???? good job?????????
in “Non-Stop”, there were 3 chairs set to represent John Jay, Hamilton, and Madison and as Burr rattled of their names, he would take the chairs and turn them around but when he got to Hamilton’s and he basically screamed “HAMILTON WROTE THE OTHER 51!!!!!” at it. such a frustrated puppy my gosh someone give Burr a hug
the dramatic Thomas Jefferson entrance during “What’d I Miss?”... i expected nothing less from this man
during “Cabinet Battle #1″, Jefferson and Madison did a little handshake and said “aaaahhhhh” together what bffs they’re such goals
Jefferson gently placed his microphone on the ground and when Madison picked it up, he started blowing on it and fanning it off as if to rub it in Hamilton’s face that his bff just spit actual fire. find a friend like this kids. true goals.
when Philip started rapping, Eliza was beatboxing in the back and Hammy looked so confused and turned to his wife and you know what Eliza did? she just shrugged. WHAT A GEM.
at the line “dresses like fake royalty” the entire ensemble just looked at TJ with this look and i. lost. it.
the key change in “Say No To This” was so on point, bless
“Room Where It Happens” was so beautiful. when TJ said “I know you hate him but lets hear what he has to say” Madison looked so offended like “no, you hate him”
speaking of that interaction, when Hamilton appears during Jefferson’s little spiel, he looked so much like a lost child that you could tell Jefferson was fabricating and over-exaggerating. A+ for acting skills.
there was a ~30 second applause for “Room Where It Happens”. it was so iconic.
all the riffs in “One Last Time” made my heart soar and that final belt was so brilliant.
also, Hamilton just kept staring at the drink Washington offered him because he was in so much shock. and then Washington just straight up shoved it in his hand aaaaaahhhhhhhh good stuff
King George III acting like a fangirl when discovering that John Adams would succeed Washington was truly a blessing. this little nugget actually brought a freaking chair on stage to watch the action unfold onstage. he got so into it as well. squealing, clapping, covering his mouth, gasping.... this man. just. ah. good grief.
he stayed in said chair throughout “The Adams Administration”. but that’s not all. oh no. he actually jumped up, did a dorky dance, and cheered “the Adams Administration” alongside Burr. the confused and annoyed look he got in return was so on point.
don’t worry though, our little fangirl King George III comes back for “The Reynolds Pamphlet” where he dances around Hamilton and throws papers at him
okay but there’s a moment when the lights focused on Washington and he just looked so shocked and disappointed while reading the pamphlet my heart can’t right now
Jefferson actually handed the conductor a copy of the Reynolds Pamphlet I CAN’T WITH THIS MAN
speaking of Jefferson, this man starting pelvic thrusting when he discovered he won the election of 1800 and continued to thrust all around the stage while Burr just stood in his corner in utter shock. how does one express their feelings towards this?????
“can we get back to politics?” “please?” when Madison walks on, he’s sobbing from Philip’s death. what a small bean.
no but Philip’s death was crazy sad and Eliza’s scream when Philip died shattered my heart onto pieces
when Aaron Burr got Hamilton’s letter at the end of “Your Obedient Servant” in which Hamilton accepted his challenge, he looked so regretful and scared. THIS MAN DID NOT WANT TO FIGHT HAMILTON.
the “this man will not make an orphan of my daughter” line was so incredible. the emotion packed in it was overflowing.
Burr actually cried when he discovered Hamilton died. voice cracking and all. THE EMOTION JOSHUA HENRY BROUGHT TO THIS ROLE WAS SO MIND-BLOWING.
at the very end (”Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story”), Eliza reaches out towards the sky with a big smile and gasps with joy and then the lights black out. damn.
there is literally SO MUCH that i didn’t mention but that’s okay. hopefully this list satisfied some people’s Hamilton in Chicago curiosities. it was such a beautiful production and the actors/actresses got so into it. what more could you ask for?
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pardonmydelays · 10 months
in the heights/hamilton characters as different aesthetics (preppy, goth, etc.)
this is such a great question! ok, let's think about it. so i decided to pair them up (one ith + one (or two) hamilton character(s) with similar vibes i may also drop some quotes to prove my point) and here's how i see it:
usnavi/alexander (it's all about the legacy they left with me, it's destiny/what is a legacy? it's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see + both the caribbean immigrants + both orphans + both can't shut up sometimes i could write a whole essay about it actually): 90s (i don't have any explanation for this one, i just want to see it cause it's a vibe)
vanessa/angelica (if i'm in the mood, it will not be with some dude who is whistling cause he has nothing to say/i'm looking for a mind at work + so this is what it feels like to match wits with someone at your level you see what i did here, right?): DARK ACADEMIA (oh i love this one, i could even make them a moodboard lol)
nina/eliza: (hey guys, it's me! the biggest disappointment you know BUT nina please believe that when you find your way again you're gonna change the world/i'm erasing myself from the narrative BUT i live another 50 years, it's not enough + and when my time is up, have i done enough? cause in the end they both have done so much, ok? you know what i'm trying to say also this post is a mess): PREPPY (idk i just think it's their vibe)
benny/mulligan (idk, for some reason i was just thinking about how benny was showing off his skills in benny's dispatch and mulligan was showing off... his pants also yes that is the only reason lol): SKATER (do i even need to explain?)
sonny/laurens/philip (they all just have the same young energy for me and i'm not gonna give you any quotes here, it's just something you can see with your own eyes when you watch them on the stage): KIDCORE (i literally had no idea something like this exists but you can google it and it's a perfect choice for them)
kevin/jefferson (ok so look, kevin and camila are married to each other and jefferson and madison are also like a married couple in my head i don't know what else i can say): NORMCORE (just how i see it)
camila/madison (look up): LIGHT ACADEMIA (idk it's just the vibe bro)
daniela/lafayette (mostly because they are both iconic and come on we all love them so much also daniela works in the salon and layafette has majestic hair but it's unimportant): ART HOE (it's just perfect for them, ok?)
carla/peggy (like can't you just see it? carla clearly doesn't have much to say and peggy... and peggy. they are both cute tho! and they are both there just for fun!): SOFT GIRL (cause like i said they are just cute!)
piragua guy/king george (hey, pana! i run this town!/soon you'll see, you'll remember you belong to me! come on they are basically the same person, piragua guy is the king of washington heights): BADDIE (i'm literally crying right now, it's too damn funny)
abuela claudia/george washington (that was abuela, she's not really my abuela but she practically raised me, this corner is her escuela/your wife needs you alive, son, i need you alive + daddy's calling parent vibes lol): COTTAGECORE (it is what it is)
graffiti pete/burr (listen, i don't even have any quotes here, it's just the fact that usnavi hates graffiti pete and hammy and burr are enemies lol you see what i did here): GOTH (just because this is so fucking funny in my head lol imagine aaron burr as goth)
maria reynolds (i don't have a pair for her oops): EARLY 2000s (because of course)
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