#han seungwoo scenarios
seokmattchuus · 4 days
Soloist Masterlist
💜 - suggestive 🖤 - smut 🩵 - fluff 🩶 - angst 💚 - sad 🩷 - comedy
Cho Seungyoun/Woodz
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Studio 🖤
Seungyoun as a Dom 💜
Guess (Seungwoo / Seungyoun) 🖤
Worried (Drabble) 🩵
Obvious 🩵
Innocent 🖤
#7 & #10 💜
Dress Up 💜🖤
Han Seungwoo
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Sex Stories (Drabble) Pt. 1 🖤?💜? idk? Pt. 2 🖤?💜? idk?
Tu Vecina 🖤
Seungwoo as a Dom 💜?
Secrets 🖤
Confessions (Drabble) 🩵
Guess (Seungwoo / Seungyoun) 🖤
Kim Wooseok
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Wooseok as a dom 🖤
Dreamy 💜
Lee Gikwang
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Home (not on my blog) 🖤
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chanis-banani · 11 months
Reply - Part 1
Inspired by: [Han Seungwoo] 'Reply' - M Countdown
Note: Today is the 3rd anniversary of Seungwoo's solo debut and it would be an understatement to say this album changed my life. I just had to write something for it, I couldn't contain myself...
Note 2: stop calling me a seungwoo simp
Synopsis: after a week of contemplation, Seungwoo finally brings up the courage to send you a message. As he waits anxiously for you to reply, all he can do to kill the time is reminisce about the first time met you.
Genre: fluff and very slight angst maybe? Let's just say it's the wholesome start of a slow burn romance
Pairing: Seungwoo x gn reader
Word Count: 3,4k
Contains: some swearing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of cigarettes (but no actual drinking or smoking)
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Tic, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick-
With a frustrated grunt, Seungwoo yanks the batteries from the clock and tosses them onto the cabinet. When he tries to hang the clock back on the wall, he struggles to get the little hook on the nail. It only takes two failed attempts for him to be fed up with the stupid thing and he angrily dumps it on top of the furniture. The clock lands next to the batteries, one of which tumbles off the edge and rolls under the cabinet. Seungwoo watches as it disappears from his vision and he scoffs. Piece of shit.
He takes his phone from his pocket and checks his messages. Even though he has the volume of his notifications turned all the way up, he can’t stop himself compulsively checking his phone. There is always a slight chance the sound just didn’t come through, right? Maybe you messaged him and his phone is just lagging. He can’t risk missing anything. But despite his hopeful delusion, there is still nothing.
First he puts his phone back in his pocket, but he immediately changes his mind and places it on the dinner table instead, making sure the screen faces up so he can see everything that comes in. A deep sigh escapes him as he stares at his phone for a while. He is too restless to bring himself to sit down. All he can do is stand there and pace around the room. Once again, he sighs and goes into the kitchen to grab himself a glass of water. When he returns to the dinner table, he sets the glass on one of the coasters to check his notifications again.
It had only been about a week since he met you, but it felt like more like a month. He couldn’t stop thinking about you. The way you smiled and the way you talked… The way you made those snarky comments at him when he approached you. It hadn’t been the most fairytale-like encounter. And yet, he couldn’t stop thinking about it, no matter how hard he tried.
With another sigh, Seungwoo puts his phone on the table again and he leans back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling. He wanted nothing more than to talk to you, hear your voice again, and observe that little twinkle in your eyes when you talked to him.
It was impossible for him to forget how stunning you looked last Saturday. Your clothes were very neat and complimented your body well, which contrasted with your slightly messy hair. This contradiction intrigued him. He needed to get to know you better, wanted to explore what other interesting contrasts he might encounter. Perhaps it was specifically the difference between you and him that captivated him the most. You were exhilarating to him.
Seungwoo jumps up when his phone suddenly rings and he answers it without hesitation. “Hello?” he says, voice shaking a little bit. “Hyung!”, he hears from the other side of the line, “Did-” Without letting Sejun finish his sentence, Seungwoo hangs up on him. Idiot. How could he have been so stupid to call right now? He knew that Seungwoo was waiting for your call. What if you had finally reached out right when Sejun was hogging the line?!
Seungwoo sits back down and rests his elbows on the table, burying his face in his hands with a desperate little cry. “What am I doing…” he murmurs into his hands. All he wants is to hear your voice again. He keeps reminiscing about the evening he met you. 
That evening, he entered the venue with Sejun at 8 pm. Seungwoo offered to get drinks for both of them, so he made his way through the crowd, towards the bar on the other side of the large space. While he waited for the bartender to fix his drinks, he felt someone bump into him. It’s when he turned around to look, that he laid his eyes on you for the very first time. 
“Sorry!” you said quickly, officially marking that as the first word that was ever exchanged between the two of you. “That’s okay,” he replied with a smile, “It’s pretty crowded here, so accidents can happen.” Seungwoo had to try his best not to smile too widely at you. Right away he found you incredibly attractive. Your voice sounded lovely. He wanted to hear it again.
“I like your tattoo,” you said, and Seungwoo could swear that his heart made a little jump in his chest. He was wearing his shirt with its sleeves rolled up, so the colorful tattoo on his arm was clearly exposed. You had been observing him just as closely as he had observed you and this notion gave him goosebumps. 
“Thank you! I have a few more.” Was it weird for him to say this? He immediately felt embarrassed and at the same time he wished he had worn his shirt just a little more unbuttoned so the tattoo on his chest could have been exposed to  you. Luckily, you smiled at him, so he probably hadn’t weirded you out too much.
He wondered what to tell you next, trying his best to think of something to keep your attention. But his brain wasn’t working properly anymore. All he could think about was how intrigued he was by you. He involuntarily tried to imagine what kind of person you were and what kind of things you would like. And before he got the chance to open his mouth again, his drinks were ready and Sejun called him impatiently from across the room.
Every person who tried to speak to Seungwoo that evening was in for a disappointment. When they tried to approach him, there was a chance he didn’t even notice them at all. Even when he tried to engage in a conversation, he couldn’t stop his gaze from drifting back to your figure.
At one point during the evening, he had lost sight of you. His eyes looked for you anxiously, but you were nowhere to be seen. He panicked. There was no way he could possibly let you go like that. He started to move through the crowd, pressing himself through the clusters of people. 
At least fifteen minutes were spent searching for you, until he found you outside, away from the crowd, with your phone up to your ear. You ended the conversation just when Seungwoo stepped through the venue door, into the fresh air. He needed to know who you had been calling with. What if you already had a partner? The thought alone was enough to make him nauseous.
He stood there for a while, unsure of what to do next. Your mind was clearly elsewhere since you hadn’t noticed him yet. With his head tilted slightly in curiosity, he observed how you stared absentmindedly into the distance while playing with your phone. But the silent moment of appreciation was ruined when Seungwoo suddenly had to sneeze. You looked his way and he looked at you, completely terrified. Thank god it was dark outside so you weren’t able to see his expression very clearly.
Fuck, now things became weird. He had to act quickly, otherwise you would think he was some kind of weirdo. Even if there might have been some truth to that, he obviously didn’t want you to feel that way about him.
Before he could even make up his mind on what he could possibly do to make this situation seem normal, you opened your mouth and spoke to him with a snarky, yet enchanting tone. “You should wear a jacket if you’re going to be outside,” you said. God, maybe he was in love.
“Oh? Uhh, yeah,” he replied awkwardly. Nice, Seungwoo. Real smooth. This was definitely the way to win somebody’s heart. “I’m uhh- It’s not that cold?” God with every word he uttered, he just managed to mess up even more.
You snickered at him and looked at your phone again. Somehow this made Seungwoo feel at ease. You didn’t seem uncomfortable about him. Even if he made an absolute fool of himself just now, it seemed like you didn’t really mind having him around. He straightened his clothes a bit and ruffled his fingers through his hair while you didn’t look. Then he cleared his throat and took a careful step in your direction.
“Actually,” he began somewhat more confidently now, “I could use a little breeze. It’s quite stuffy in there.” Without looking up, you just replied with a little “Mhmm.” While doing his best to hide his timidness, he took another step in your direction and said “Is it okay if I sit here? I could also find someplace else, if you-” “Oh, sure, it’s fine!”
He blinked a few times when you interrupted him with such a sweet tone. You had put your phone away completely and looked straight at him. The eye contact made him feel like his blood was rushing through his veins at twice its regular speed. The dizziness that ensued made him feel almost relieved, because it meant he wasn’t really lying to you anymore. At this point, he really could use some fresh air.
He sat down next to you on the curb, making sure to keep a good 6 ft distance between the two of you so as to not make you uncomfortable. You were still looking at him with those eyes and it nearly drove him insane. “So, do you smoke?” you asked him. He shook his head, and you grinned. “Me neither.”
The conversation went silent. For a minute, all you and Seungwoo could hear was the sound of passing cars in the distance and the buzzing voices of the people inside. He wondered why you would ask him such a question if you didn’t smoke either. Could it be that you were lying? Did he just fail a test? What if you didn’t want to date anyone who didn’t smoke? He felt nauseous again.
The breeze really was quite cold and Seungwoo’s blouse didn’t do much to protect him from it. The tip of his nose and his ears became red and he shivered, but it didn’t matter to him. In fact, he was barely aware of the cold at all. Being so near to you made him feel almost feverish inside. His heart was beating wildly in his chest and his cheeks felt hot. Even if he had lost almost all feeling in his fingers, the rest of his body was simply buzzing with life. 
His breath created a tiny cloud in the air, drawing your attention to his shivering figure. “You’re cold!” you laughed at him. Your breath formed a little cloud as well and Seungwoo watched how the little clouds drifted in the same direction for a second, until he snapped back to reality. “I’m really not that cold,” he sputtered, “I just tend to shiver when I’m feeling dizzy.”
“So you’re still feeling dizzy?” you asked. Your voice didn’t sound exactly concerned, but not like you were mocking him either. Seungwoo couldn’t quite put his finger on it. He sure was dizzy now, slowly going crazy from the way your eyes were scanning him. There was something about your look that gave him the feeling this was more than a casual conversation. It felt like he was being inspected, your eyes studying every detail of him and your mind interpreting what you saw. He could tell you were on your guard around him. Not in a defensive way, but much like a researcher would be on their guard around the subject they’re researching. As if he were some kind of experiment and you were waiting to see what he might do next.
“I bet you would feel less dizzy if you wore a jacket,” you continued with a little grin. Seungwoo observed you closely, noticing something like a little twinkle in your eyes. He wondered if you always had that twinkle when you talked to people.
“I was too dizzy to grab my jacket,” he replied with a little scoff, “I just wanted to go outside quickly. And you should know that I’m already beginning to feel better.” He fully expected you to say it was nice that he felt better, but you just scoffed right back at him: “Pfft, if you say so…”
Before he could come to his defense again - even though you were completely right - you already bombarded him with the next question: “So who do you know at this party?” “Oh, I just know Sejun,” Seungwoo replied, “Sejun and I are close, so when he got invited to this party, he asked me to join him.”
“Ahh, I’m here because of Sejun too! We aren’t close at all though. He just invited my friend and told her she could bring more people. So really, I don’t even know Sejun at all."
"I see. The party must be quite boring for you then, if you only know your friend. Is that why you'd rather sit here and call your boyfriend?" The words had left Seungwoo's mouth before he fully realized what he was saying. And now that he said it, he wished he would never be able to speak again. 
You raised an eyebrow at him and turned your body a little to face him better. Seungwoo's heart was beating like crazy in his chest. It felt like minutes of silence were passing by while he anxiously awaited your response. He knew he fucked up.
“You are so obvious,” you said eventually. Your voice was low and almost a little threatening. Seungwoo gulped. “We met like seconds ago and you’re already trying to figure out whether I have a partner or not.” For a second it was silent again. ‘Don’t do it, don’t do it, don’t do it,’ Seungwoo thought to himself, trying to suppress the impulse. But he couldn’t possibly contain himself. He just had to know, so he asked: “Well do you?”
He felt like he was about to faint.
Clearly you were a little perplexed by his bluntness, but that didn’t stop you from responding immediately with “That is none of your business. Besides, I don’t find this party boring at all.” You showed him a little smile, but Seungwoo couldn’t make out whether you genuinely enjoyed this moment with him or not. He had to find a distraction, quickly. He needed to come up with something interesting before you felt scared off. This conversation was getting worse by the second and he knew that he only had one last chance to save it.
“I don’t think this party is boring either, now that I found someone so interesting to talk to,” he said. And he regretted it immediately. This was the nail in the coffin. It was over. He could nearly feel his heart breaking in his chest. But to his surprise, you laughed.
“You’re a little pathetic, aren’t you?” you asked him. The tone of your voice was playful and warm. Even though what you said was quite sour, the sweetness with which you said it was like music to his ears. 
“You say it’s pathetic, but I would call it being an open book. Pretending I don’t like you won’t get me anywhere.”
You analyzed him for a second, your gaze feeling almost like some kind of interrogation to him. “Perhaps,” you replied, “but it would benefit you to be a little more subtle about it.”
Seungwoo wondered what it would be like to kiss you. He tried to distract himself, tried to think of something to say again, but the two of you were suddenly interrupted by a voice: “You’re still here? Come on, we have work tomorrow, we should go home!” Seungwoo turned around to see who was calling you, but the person had already gone back inside again. When he turned back to you, you already stood up from the curb and brushed off your clothes. “Well,” you said, “that was my friend. You heard them. It’s time for me to leave.”
He clumsily stood up as well and by the time he got on his feet, you had already made your way over to the door to go back inside the venue. His heart nearly dropped upon the sight of your departure, but to his delight, you turned around to him and he got to hear your beautiful voice one more time.
“Since you seem so desperate to know about this; no, I do not have a partner. Goodnight.” And with that, you disappeared from his sight.
Seungwoo stood there for several minutes, out in the cold, completely dazed.  He had managed to blow every single aspect of this encounter and yet, you almost seemed to be into it. Even when thinking about it now, he can feel the ache in his heart again. He never even got to learn your name.
After you left the party and the absurdity of the conversation slowly sinked in, the first thing Seungwoo did was search for Sejun. He needed to have your number immediately. After struggling to explain who he was talking about, he finally managed to get Sejun to ask your friend for your number. The next day, Seungwoo received a text from Sejun which included your contact information. Since neither of them knew your name, and it didn’t occur to Sejun to ask your friend about it, Seungwoo simply saved you in his contacts as ‘sour candy’. He figured it was a suitable nickname for now.
It took him ages to figure out what he should send. He spent days writing, deleting and rewriting drafts in the notes app on his phone, in a hopeless attempt to create the most perfect message known to mankind. And after days of contemplating, he finally found the courage to send this work of art to you earlier this morning.
Now all you have to do is reply.
Seungwoo stands up from his chair and walks over to the cabinet to grab the battery that rolled underneath it earlier. While feeling around for the battery, he feels something else and pulls it from under the furniture. He holds it in front of him and twists the object between his fingers while observing it closely. Between his fingers, he is holding two little magnets, stuck tightly together.
Just when he’s wondering when and how those magnets ended up there, he is startled by the loud ringtone of his phone, coming from the dinner table. This time, he doesn’t rush to pick it up. Instead, he walks over to the table rather slowly and he first looks at who's calling him. His knees just about turn to mush when he sees ‘sour candy’ displayed on his screen. Quickly, he sits down, takes a deep breath and answers the phone.
“Yes, hello. You’re that guy from the party last Saturday? With the nice tattoo? You messaged me?”
“Yeah, that’s me.”
Seungwoo’s hands are trembling. He can’t believe it. He is finally talking to you again. While holding the phone to his ear with his right hand, he still has the two little magnets between the fingers of his left hand, fidgeting with them nervously. The other side of the line is silent for a little moment, before he gets to hear your lovely voice again:
“We can go to a cafe. Tomorrow.”
Internally, Seungwoo is screaming.
“Yeah-... I would love that! At what time should we meet?”
“1 pm, the cafe you messaged me about. And it’s not a date. See you tomorrow.”
Before he gets the chance to say goodbye and I love you, you already hang up on him. He is fully aware you told him it wouldn’t be a date, but he isn’t even remotely bothered by it. The excitement rushing through his body is enough to distract him for now. Just because this won’t be a date according to you, doesn’t mean he can’t take you on a real date in the future.
Seungwoo observes the small magnets in his left hand again and feels the urge to press a little kiss on them. After taking a brief moment to calm himself down, he runs to his closet to gather an outfit for tomorrow. This too, happens with lots of contemplation in order to present himself in the best possible way. When he’s finally satisfied, he places the clothes on a chair and slips the little magnets in one of the pockets. For good luck.
To be continued...
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lushta1es0nm3 · 5 months
I’m just going to leave this here. Because:
Han Seungwoo 🥵
May my delulu be drowned in the river of wishful thinking.
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theboyzism · 1 year
[VICTON] MTL be into PDA
no real explanation, i think hanse would actually enjoy PDA not just for being close to his partner, but also to also show off his partner? for byungchan and sejun i think it is more the fact that they are just hella clingy with their partner and cannot leave their hands off them. i feel like subin would be so cute and affectionate with his partner though?? he may be a little shy at first, but he definitely loves PDA and getting teased by his hyungs for it does not faze him one bit 😭 for chan I think his PDA would be depending on his mood. some days he would just like be way more into it than others. would definitely always hold onto you in some sense though. seungwoo would be more controlled almost in a sense, he strikes me as a guy who would love just holding hands, linking arms, or giving a hug, maybe small pecks here and there, but he would never take PDA in public too far. no matter how much seungsik loves his partner and how love drunk he may feel in a moment, he would be the most controlled in public. he strikes me as the most conservative when it comes to things like that and i feel like he would just prefer to keep PDA behind closed doors. but once the doors are closed, i feel like he would be one of the most affectionate ones out of all of them??? he would really thrive on these moments with his partner and everything he may have been holding in would come out 🥺
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fluffytsukino1009 · 8 months
Well... Hi
Not gonna lie, I lost all interest in writing after everything that had happen to A.C.E, ONEUS and VICTON. Also my job is just getting heavier and heavier, so my time is pretty reduced right now.
Luckily A.C.E is almost full back and ONEUS still going but my dudes... VICTON
Been thinking to just emigrate to write about solo SeungWoo (Bless him for be still standing amid this mess), and let VICTON go. May aswell let ATEEZ go because I don't think I can work 8 full scenarios with this time, and my idea of adding NCT127 is pretty much dead now.
But I don't know. If there's any better idea, I'll be glad to hear it.
Anyway, happy halloween and a very pleasent día de los muertos to everyone still reading me.
See you soon.
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etherealyoonghwa · 1 year
Victon Recommendations
𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑠 @annyeongffs
Jung Subin @iwillgiveyoumyhappiness
7 Minutes in Heaven @saltys-writings
so, pull me closer @afterglowsw
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blu-joons · 2 years
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There’s a protective shimmer in Seongwoo’s eyes whenever he’s around you, if he’s able to see you or hear you then normally at least some of his attention will be on you, even if he’s with other people too.
It’s a pretty rare moment for the two of you to start bickering, it wasn’t something that happened too often. Out of the two of you, you would be the one that would try and start bickers between the two of you more often, but Seungwoo knew exactly what you were up to and quickly put a stop to it too.
He knows exactly when something is wrong with you, no matter how much you might try to hide it around Seungwoo. Above all else Seungwoo would sit you down with him when he could tell that you needed comforting and try his best to get you to talk to him instead of bottling anything up around him.
Most of the time the two of you will disagree on what you want to do when you hang out as neither of you can ever really make up your minds. Usually flipping a coin is the only answer to solve your disagreements as you want one thing and Seungwoo another. Both of you try to make the other person happy by trying do what they want to do which ends up wasting quite a lot of the time that you have together.
It took a little bit of time for the two of you to really start to get to know each other and feel comfortable around one another too. The first few times that you met up there were definitely a couple of awkward moments, however once you settled and realised just how well you were getting along, those walls soon began to break down and things got a lot less awkward between you both as well.
Seungwoo’s family got along with you which was the most important thing to him. His family are a huge deal to Seungwoo, and as soon as he got their seal of approval, he knew that the two of you were going to be the best of friends too. After your first meeting with them, seeing their smiles as they said goodbye to you was all that Seungwoo needed to know that they were definitely fans of yours.
Nine times out of ten you would be at home or at the dorm when you hung out with Seungwoo, keeping you safe was incredibly important to him. Seungwoo would usually go out alone for things like coffee runs or food so that no one could start photographing you both and trying to imply anything else.
The two of you had a habit of just watching each other, observing one another was something you did often to usually check on each other. You tried to pick up one each other’s habits more rather than have a habit between the two of you so that you could find out as much as possible about one another.
You had a surprising number of inside jokes together, and they were things that the two of you loved to recall together. You would often find a memory that you have popping up in your head, and when it did, you’d ask Seungwoo if he remembered what had happened too so that the two of you could reminisce.
There was a huge part of Seungwoo that didn’t want to get jealous, and tried to refuse to get jealous too, but the other small part of him often niggled away. He knew that there was never anyone that was going to be as good of a best friend to you as he was, but when someone even implied that they were close to you, Seungwoo couldn’t help but quickly put his guard up around that person from then on.
Seungwoo got a kick out of cracking you and being able to tell when something was going on. He hated when you tried to pretend around him, but unfortunately for you Seungwoo knew exactly when you were faking, deciding to follow you and annoy you until eventually you told him what was going on.
He loved how much you inspired Seungwoo, without even realising it. He had a surprising number of lyrics and songs saved to do with your friendship from over the years, some he hoped to realise, others that he was happy to keep to himself. You gave him a lot of creativity without even realising that you were doing it, when he was writing about your friendship, everything just always seemed to come together.
The two of you first met through mutual friends at a party that was thrown for a celebration. You both weren’t big on getting involved, kind of wanting to go home to bed instead, but that was something that you bonded over when you bumped into Seungwoo whilst getting yourself another drink.
It took a bit of time for Seungwoo to let his guard down around you, but once he did, you got to see more of his nonsense. You loved the silly side of Seungwoo when he got more comfortable around you.
Seungwoo was obsessed with your personality and how well you got along. He never expected that there would be someone around that would work so well with him, that was until he ended up meeting you.
Being able to see you get along with his family is by far the time that means the most to Seungwoo. Any time that either you or his family would laugh when you were together was enough to put a smile onto Seungwoo’s face, those little giggles were sounds that he’d never tire of between all of you.
The two of you push each other a lot as you hate when the other person keeps something from you. You’ll ask over and over again what the problem is until you end up reducing the other person to start talking.
Hidden away Seungwoo has a bracelet that you gave him for the very first birthday of his that you celebrated together. He uses it as his lucky charm, either wearing it on his wrist or keeping it in his pocket when he’s out and about, but especially when he’s up on stage and wanting to do a good job performing.
Quite often Seungwoo feels undeserving of your support, not quite knowing what to do when you’re there and cheering him on. There’s a humble side of him that feels shy and reserved when you surprise him by cheering him on, feeling as if you probably have better things to do than be there supporting him.
You’re usually the one that organises trips away to give Seungwoo a bit of a break. You know how much he loves to bottle things up, so you try and use those trips to help him escape and open up a little bit.
There was nothing Seungwoo ever wanted to change about you, you just seemed to tick every box that he had for a best friend.
As much as he tries to hide it, very little means more to Seungwoo than when you visit him at work. A sudden appearance by you at a show or even just at the studio is enough to bring a smile to his face.
He’s incredibly supportive of you, even if you don’t want to hear it, Seungwoo will pass his advice over to you anyway.
For Seungwoo to be affectionate around you, it was usually because he was trying to protect you. It became the norm for you to feel a hand in the small of your back as Seungwoo tried to guide you around.
You were his constant, Seungwoo couldn’t really remember a time without you.
Most of the time Seungwoo will tell you to come back with him, especially when it’s late outside. If you’re at his place especially he’ll refuse to let you go home as he doesn’t want to risk you getting into any harm.
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roguehongsami · 3 months
༘♡ ·˚꒰gꫀt tꪮ kᥒꪮᥕ ꪑꫀ꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄
— “𝓭𝓻𝓪𝓰𝓰𝓮𝓭 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓲𝓵𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓱𝓲𝓭𝓮”
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「✦ B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N ✦」_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
name: anele
line: '01
sexual orientation: bisexual
pronouns: she/her
「✦ A T I N Y I N F O R M A T I O N ✦」_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
how long have i been an atiny:
officially 3 years. discovered ateez predebut. listened to them occasionally, but it was during kingdom when i committed full-time.
other groups/artists i listen to:
𖤍 boy groups: seventeen, got7, p1harmony, block b, enhypen, exo, monsta x, shinee, xikers.
𖤍 girl groups: dreamcatcher, red velvet, le sserafim, aespa, newjeans, (g)i-dle, tri.be.
𖤍 soloists: jay park, jackson wang, yugyeom, jay b, kai, kihyun, rm, agust d, dpr ian, ph-1, han seungwoo, iu, heize, 10cm, gray, park hyeon jin.
𖤍 others: kard, se so neon.
non-k-acts i listen to:
lana del rey, aaliyah, beyoncé, iamddb, emawk, buffy sainte-marie, childish gambino, tyler the creator, ellie goulding, playboi carti, rico nasty, willow, softcult, linkin park, greta van fleet, megadeth, death, darkthrone, burzum, alice in chains, L7, type o negative, strawberry switchblade, cocteau twins, selofan, atarashii gakko, yoasobi, vinida weng.
top 5 fave genres:
1. goth (post-punk, darkwave, goth rock)
2. metal (black, death, glam)
3. j-pop
4. indie
5. horror punk
bias(es) & bias wrecker(s):
matz & woogi. (proud bias hopper tbh)
「✦ P E R S O N A L I N F O ✦」_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
astrology big 3:
gemini sun, leo moon & rising.
i fluctuate between intp & istp.
hobbies (besides writing & reading):
clubbing, video games, watching anime, drawing, painting, baking, learning electric guitar, hiking, gardening, pottery, knitting, volunteering at animal shelters.
「✦ W R I T I N G I N F O ✦」_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
have i written before:
fanfics? no. plain stories? yes. i started on wattpad in 2016. i deleted all my stuff but there's some drafts i'm reworking into ateez fics.
writing process:
i tend to imagine scenarios i can associate with the music i listen to. my stories are mostly influenced by lana del rey songs, but i primarily gravitate towards music w. descriptive & imaginative lyricism.
「✦ E X T R A I N F O ✦」_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
𖤍 i'm dyslexic. so i use text-to-speech to read people's fics, & speech-to-text to write my stuff.
𖤍 really suck at small talk but i don't mind people coming in my dm for chit-chat.
𖤍 writer's block is a big struggle for me, so i can't post my stuff as often as i wish i would.
𖤍 sucker for supernatural (esp. witch, vampire) media/literature. fave witch archetype is the voodoo & wicca-inspired. hate the wizard archetypes, put the wand down. fave vampire archetypes are bram stoker, anne rice & l.j. smith. hate stephenie meyer archetypes, vampires should NOT sparkle in the sun. loathe werewolf media/literature.
𖤍 have an undying appreciation for dark themes & gore in media/literature, but only if it's well-executed & feels natural to the plot. something about delving into that frame of mind to produce such work & coming out mentally unscathed, is praiseworthy.
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seungs1ks · 2 years
hii can u do dom seungwoo x sub fem reader and can u do teacher x student? only if ure comfortable if not anything would do hehe thank uu <3
hello!! i'm so sorry this took forever, i was a little busy but here it is! thank you so much for requesting and i hope you enjoy <3
teacher's pet. (h.s.w.)
{SMUT. 18+}
pairing: han seungwoo x fem!reader
warnings: dom x sub dynamics, swearing, unprotected sex (with pulling out), slight degradation, orgasm denial, slight dacryphilia, teacher x student
word count: 2.1k
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You nervously fiddled with the hem of your skirt as you waited outside Professor Han’s office. You knew why he’d called you to his office, but that didn’t make you any less nervous about it. For the fourth time that week, your teacher had caught you zoning out in class -- he’d call on you to answer something, only to receive silence as a reply, until he was forced to say your name at a louder volume in order to finally get your attention. The disappointed look on his face made your cheeks hot, but Professor Han still looked so handsome.
Click. Startled, you were snapped out of your thoughts, and you turned to see the door was now ajar. You stood up, hesitant, because you didn’t see anybody.
“Come in,” Professor Han’s voice, firm yet honey-like, floated through the air through the door and into the hallway.
You took a deep breath and stepped into his office to see him standing at his desk, leaning against it with his arms crossed. His glasses were perched precariously on his nose, and he was wearing one of his many dark-toned plaid blazers. Underneath it, you could see he’d unbuttoned the top three buttons of his white dress shirt. His black leather belt had a simple yet eye-catching design on the silver buckle that beckoned your eyes to focus on something you probably shouldn’t have. You tried not to show how your gaze travelled down his long, lanky legs to his deep brown shoes.
“How are you doing?” Professor Han asked. He was looking at you intently. His dark hair, parted in the middle, fell perfectly over his face.
“Um, alright,” you answered softly, hands behind your back fidgeting with nerves.
He cocked his eyebrow and tilted his head. “Are you sure? You seem like you have a lot on your mind this week. Like you’re distracted.”
“I’m sorry, Professor,” you said, bowing your head a little. “I think I’ve just been finding it hard to focus in class, but I’ll do better from now on.”
Your teacher’s gaze softened. “Is there anything I can help with? You don’t have to, but you can tell me if there’s anything I can do,” he said as he walked over to an armchair, taking off his blazer as he did so. As he shed the piece of outerwear your eyes widened as you noticed his suspenders, making the white dress shirt cling to his body and highlighting the man’s lean yet muscular physique.
Fuck. Your breath must have audibly hitched in your throat, because Professor Han was looking at you funny. He had a small smirk on his face. You wanted to run out of the office and all the way back to your dorm.
“Something the matter?” Professor Han set his blazer down across the chair.
“N…no,” you quickly stuttered. You were frozen, your eyes locked onto his body.
“You can tell me.”
“It’s nothing,” you shook your head.
Professor Han took virtually three strides to appear right in front of you. His puppy eyes seemed to study your expression. You stared right back at him, unable to turn away, knowing you looked like a helpless baby deer.
What he said next almost made your knees buckle. “Poor little girl, so out of it,” your teacher half-mumbled, half-sighed. “What’s making it hard for you to focus in my class, hm?” He took off his glasses and folded them, tucking them into his shirt. Leaning down so you were at eye level with him, Professor Han held you in a gaze that sent shivers through your body. “You can tell me, little one.”
You gulped. His face had never been this close to yours before. He was probably the most handsome man you’d ever seen, and would ever see in your life. “It’s you,” you blurted out, your voice breathy in a way you didn’t recognize.
He bit his bottom lip and smiled, like he’d been expecting that answer all along. “Me?”
“Y-you’re very distracting,” you admitted, giving up on trying to censor your feelings. “I’m distracted because I keep thinking about you.”
“What about me?”
“Um…stuff that’s a little, uh, naughty, I guess,” you babbled, heat quickly rising up your cheeks.
Professor Han chuckled, shaking his head. This is it, you thought. I’m going to be expelled.
Instead of scolding you or shaming you like you thought, he smiled and offered you his hand. You just looked at it, unsure of what to do or how to react.
He laughed. “I won’t bite you.” With a shaky breath, you put your hand in his. His skin was soft and smooth. Professor Han led you to his desk, where he backed you up against it -- you gasped when you felt the hard edge of it hit your lower back. “Unless you want me to,” he whispered into your ear. You almost let out a whimper, but you were rendered speechless in shock by your professor’s large hands gripping your waist. “Jump,” he commanded, and without thinking you did as he said, and he helped lift you onto his desk.
Professor Han stood between your spread legs, which instinctively wrapped around his waist. He hummed in approval before kissing you harshly, and your eyes fluttered upon feeling his lips on yours, his tongue exploring the inside of your mouth and making you dizzy.
One of his hands made its way to the back of your head and he yanked it back with a sharp tug on your hair, breaking the kiss and making you yelp. Your professor sucked on and nipped at your neck and your body was on fire.
“Should’ve known you were a naughty girl,” he growled against your purpling skin. “Always wearing short little skirts like these,” he balled the fabric of your skirt in his fist. “You do this on purpose, don’t you? Hoping I’d see? Hoping I’d lift it up and fuck you without even taking it off?”
You could only whine and whimper in response. You knew you were probably embarrassingly wet by now -- the legs around his waist pulled him closer to you in search of any friction to soothe the ache between them.
Professor Han smacked your inner thigh, making you cry out. “Asked you a question, pet. Yes or no, you’re wearing these skirts on purpose for me?”
“Yes,” you gasped, scooting yourself closer to the edge of the desk, desperate to feel him, any part of him, against your clothed core. “Yes, yes, it’s all for you.”
He generously attended to your attempts to get closer, reaching down to grab your ass and pull you flush against him so you could feel how hard he was behind his slacks. You moaned at the feeling of him rubbing against you, your thin underwear soaked through.
“Feel that, kitten?” Your professor groaned into your ear. “Think about it filling you up, m’gonna stuff it all into your sweet little cunt.”
You practically sobbed at his filthy words. “Please, fuck, please, Seungwoo…” you mewled.
Your professor’s eyes flashed with something animalistic. He reached in between your legs, slapped your thigh again and ripped off your underwear, tossing the ruined fabric somewhere in the far corner of his office. “Did I say you could use my name? Who gave you permission to do that?” He glanced down at your exposed pussy, glistening and swollen with need. Then he looked at the wet spot it had left on his pants. “Look at this fucking mess,” Seungwoo muttered, his voice low.
“I’m s…sorry, sir, I’m so sorry.” You were shaking like a leaf. You just wanted him inside you. Seungwoo’s tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip.
“Hm. That’s better,” he hummed in thought. He unbuckled his belt and you almost started drooling. You reached out to help him take it off but he swatted your hands away. “Needy little pet,” Seungwoo tutted at you, torturing you by taking off his belt at a painfully slow speed. “Maybe I should fuck the impatience out of you every day after class,” he mused. “Or in front of all your classmates? You’d like that, hm? For everyone to see how much of a whore you are for me?” He finally unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down, along with his briefs, until his mid-thigh. His hard cock bobbed in front of you, angry and leaking at the tip.
“Yes, please, sir,” you rasped. “Want you to use me in front of everyone, please sir.”
Seungwoo groaned, one hand wrapped around his cock and pumping a few times. “That’s a good girl,” he praised you. His other hand cradled your face as he lined himself up at your entrance. He locked eyes with you, and his eyes were dark and hypnotic. His thumb brushed across your lips that were tender from how rough he’d kissed you. “Open,” he ordered, teasing your slick folds with the head of his cock.
You obeyed and opened your mouth. He slid his thumb in, and at the same time pushed his cock into you. Seungwoo hissed at the feeling of you being so tight around him. Your eyes rolled back at how much he stretched and filled you. Moaning around his thumb, you wiggled your hips, already desperate for him to move. His free hand went up your untucked blouse and squeezed one of your breasts hard. “Don’t think about moving around, kitten,” he warned. “And don’t cum until I give you permission,” he added before he began to rut into you.
It was already almost too much to handle. The way Seungwoo mercilessly pounded into you had you lightheaded -- high-pitched whines were leaving you as you bit down on his thumb. “Yesssss,” your professor groaned, his head thrown back. “Fucking. Take. It,” he punctuated each word with a hard snap of his hips, powerful enough to make your entire body move further up the table. You writhed and squirmed. You’d never been fucked so good in your life.
“Sir,” you cried when Seungwoo took his thumb out your mouth and brought that hand down to rub your clit with his long, slender fingers. “Sir, pl-- I’m gonna cum,” you whimpered, staring at how his fingers played you like a piano, and transfixed by his pretty cock disappearing in and out of you. Seungwoo shook his head, panting as he fucked you. He moved one of your legs over his shoulder, the new angle making you all but scream.
“Not until you have my permission,” he grunted, pummeling into you, both of his arms wrapped around your leg, using it as leverage to fuck you so deep and so hard you swore you were fucking dreaming.
You keened when you heard that, finding it impossible to hold off your orgasm. Tears threatened to spill out of your eyes as you begged your professor. “Sir, I can’t hold it, please sir,” you sobbed, starting to tremble. “Need to cum on your cock so bad, please, sir, please please please.”
Seungwoo smirked, looking downright devilish. “Don’t cry, pretty baby,” he cooed. “So cute when you beg,” he moaned, one giant hand moving to engulf your throat. “You wanna cum?” You nodded vigorously, hopelessly. He slapped your clit with his other hand, sending electricity jolting through your body. “Now,” he commanded, slapping it again, and you immediately came undone, your body arching off the desk, trembling. You couldn’t even make a sound; your mouth hung open, your eyes squeezed shut as your orgasm seemed to last for minutes.
“Ugh, fuck, such a good girl,” you could barely hear Seungwoo praise you as your mind was swimming in pure bliss. “Gonna cum all over you, my pet,” he growled, rutting into you and chasing his own orgasm, the overstimulation making your tears flow down your cheeks as you whined like a pathetic injured animal.
With a long, husky groan, Seungwoo pulled out and shuddered as he emptied himself all over your inner thighs. You were still shaking and whimpering from the overstimulation. He held your face in both his hands and gently stroked your cheeks, hushing you. He leaned down and kissed your forehead.
“Look at me, pretty,” he whispered, and when you did, he pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. He pulled back and studied your expression. “Are you okay?”
You smiled weakly. “Yes,” you breathed. “Yes, Professor Han.”
Seungwoo hummed. “Good,” he pulled his pants back on and got some tissues from a box on his desk. He started to clean you up as you continued to catch your breath. “Such a good girl,” he mumbled, more to himself than to you, as he admired the mess he made on you. “Will you stay after class tomorrow?”
“Yes sir,” you answered a little too quickly, making him chuckle.
“No more daydreaming or zoning out in my class, okay?” He eyed you sternly. “I want to see my little pet do well on the exam next week.”
“I promise, Professor.”
“That’s a good girl.”
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yulight · 3 years
Levels of Han Seungwoo
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Idea came from seungmoomin and her Stray kids levels. so I thought I make one for Victon 💕 This work includes Hard Dom, Soft Dom, Switch, Soft Sub and Hard Sub Seungwoo.
All work is under the cut do to smut ♥
 Hard Dom
Anger? was that the even correct emotions he was feeling? He was only gone for ten minutes to go pick up the food that was ordered, and now seeing you with your legs lay crossed Sejun’s lap as His hand laid gently on your thigh. The sound of your Giggle echoing off the wall of the dorm as you both talked about some nonsense topic. God he didn’t like it, not a second of it. He would walk into the living room dropping the food on the small table as he cleared his throat looking down at the both of you. “and what the fuck do you think you’re doing” You would look up at your boyfriend, eyes widen as you quickly removed your legs from Sejun lap as you sat up  “I-I”  Seungwoo eyes would narrow over at Sejun who awkwardly shifted himself into the corner of the couch  “we will talk about this Later Sejun... Y/N now” Standing up you would lower you head as you walked behind Seungwoo, following him to his bedroom as he closed the door his long fingers wrapped around your hair pulling you closer to him as he looked at you, licking the corner of his mouth. “Looks like I’m gonna have to remind sejun who you belong too, Get on your knee baby”
Soft Dom
You wouldnt call it sex, you would call it making love, it was so pure and full of love whenever you and Seungwoo had sex,  Seungwoo was always so gentle with you, like he feared one wrong move and you’ll shatter under him. his hips moved slow as he took his time occasionally  he left trails of kisses on your neck as endless soft praises and i love yous leave his plush swollen lips. “you’re so beautiful, I love you” His large hands held your small frame, rubbing soothing circles onto your skin. Pressing his forehead against yours as you interlocked your hands together, finding each other in a gentle kiss.
Sometimes it was a battle of who can stay on top he longest, however sometimes the determination and the view of you on top of him leaves Seungwoo in such a position to leave like that. The way your facial expressions change the way your small hands pin his wrist down as you rode him. it all just does something to him. “God you look so hot like this” he let out a small chocked moan as he spoke “Maybe i should let you ride me more often huh babe” he would smirk looking up at you you would roll your eyes knowing that in any second Seungwoo could flip you over, knowing his strength he and size compared to yours. he Wasn’t lying about letting you.
Soft Sub
laying on the couch as you read you book, you would let out a small breathe of air as your large boyfriend crashed himself on top of you, hiding his face into your neck whining softly as he took your book dropping it onto the floor. “I was reading that you know” Seungwoo let out a small groan as he looked up at you with a small pout. “well now you can stop ignoring meeee” Seungwoo groan softly as he shifted himself against you grinding down against your thigh “because I really need you right now”  You would roll your eyes lightly as you ran your fingers though your boyfriends hair. “I don’t know babie, you haven’t been a good boy lately”
Hard Sub
You would sigh looking down at Seungwoo who knee down before you his head pointed down to the floor before him. he would gently bend down your index finger curling under his chin as you slowly raised his head to look up at you. “what am I gonna do with you Wooya sweetie, you can’t even follow one simple rule”  Seungwoo flushed cheeks reddened as he bit down any comments he wanted to say. he knew you didn’t wanna hear any excuses nor apologizes, this wasn’t the first time you and Seungwoo been in this same predicament and honestly you both know it wouldn’t be the last. Seungwoo had the tendencies  to get bratty whenever he was needy. he wanted the attention and would get it even if it meant breaking some rules. 
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seokmattchuus · 4 years
Sex Stories - Seungwoo Drabble pt. 2
A/n: I figured I’d give y’all a part two ‘cause everyone asked for it and I wanted to give myself some birthday Seungwoo smut (ish?). I bet he’s great at birthday sex. 
Pt. 1
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“Tame them.” 
The tone in his voice should’ve been a clear sign for you to shut up, but since when did you listen to your instincts?
“What makes you so sure you can tame me?” You challenged with a smirk.
“What makes you think I can’t?” His tone was calm now and he just smiled. “You talk so big, but given how you basically just asked me to fuck you after hearing a little fantasy, you seem pretty easy.” 
You licked your lips at his words. Was he always this hot?
“And with how you’re not responding, I’m assuming I’m right.” He smirked.
“And if you are?” Your voice losing whatever false confidence it held before.
“Then I'm pretty sure I can have you begging in no time.” He scoffed. “You don’t need taming, you just need a firm hand.” He licked his lips. “But you have to make it up to me for snapping like that.”
You swallowed thickly, not sure what he meant.
“Even now you’re waiting on my words.” He giggled. “It’s cute.”
You felt like screaming. How did he just switch from threatening to cute? What the fuck were you getting yourself into?
“How do I make it up to you?”
“Tell me your fantasy.” He smirked, finally standing up straight, taking a step towards the front of the couch.
“But.” He held up a finger. “I’m going to do everything you say, maybe even do whatever I want, and if you stop talking,” He paused, his smirk only growing. “Well,” He chuckled. “Let’s just leave that as a surprise.” 
You just stared at him. 
Was he serious? With how frustrated you were, could you even manage anymore teasing? Let alone talking?
But he already knew how needy you were so surely this was just him being a tease.
“Fine.” Your voice came out smaller and you already knew this wasn’t going to be easy.
“I didn’t quite catch that.” He smirked, leaning his head towards you to emphasize.
“I said ‘fine’.” You spoke with some attitude, and you were hoping he’d let it slide, but of course-
“Watch the tone.” He said sternly. “But if you’d like to start, I’m all ears.”
You swallowed thickly before closing your eyes. 
The last thing you needed was to see him.
“We’d be sleeping..” You trailed off, taking a shaky breath as you heard his footsteps. “And you’d wake up first.” You felt the heat rise to your cheeks before continuing. 
“And I’d already be dreaming about yo-”
You were cut off as you felt his hands on you, lightly caressing your thighs, but you didn’t dare open your eyes.
“And-fuck-and you’d realize what I’m dreaming about.” Your voice turned down in volume as you felt his hand trail higher up your thigh.
“Nuh-uh.” He cut you off. “Keep going.”
“Keep. Going.”
His tone left no room to argue and you gave in, trying your hardest to keep focus.
“You’d lightly kiss my neck and your hand would slide down-” You froze as you felt his hand run over your clothed slit and your hips instinctively rolled. “And I’d be squirming but you’d hold me still.” You squeezed your eyes shut before continuing. “And you’d eventually get up and move to the end of the bed.”
You were dying on the inside but Seungwoo on the other hand, carried a smirk the whole time, his hands working to unbutton your shorts as you spoke, and your body betrayed you again by helping him slide them down. 
You didn’t even have a chance to continue as he pushed your panties to the side and roughly ran his fingers over you. You’re not even sure if the embarrassment came from how wet you were or from you whimpered at the feeling.
“Seungwoo, please,” You whined, your hips rolling into his hand.
“You’re not done yet.” He whispered.
“I don’t think I can keep going.” You swallowed thickly as you felt his finger run over your clit in small circles.
“Yes you can.” He pushed you, his finger speeding up.
“You can already tell where this is going, do I really need to keep this up?” Your voice shook as you felt him press kisses along the side of your neck.
His hand that was circling your clit finally moved to slowly push inside you and the whine you let out only encouraged his teasing.
“Fuck I really can’t do this anymore.” You whined, your hand going to grab his wrist.
“Well how am I supposed to give you want if you don’t tell me?” 
You could hear the fucking smirk in his voice but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
“Seungwoo, plea-” You were cut off as his fingers sped up inside you. “Please, just fuck me.” You moaned as your head fell to the side.
“Look at me.” He whispered.
You slowly opened your eyes, only to be met with his dark ones staring right back at you.
“Tell me what you want.” He smiled, curling his fingers.
“I want you.” You moaned out, giving him the best puppy dog eyes you could muster at the moment.
“So is this you giving up?” He cocked his head to the side and you only responded with a weak nod. “Fine.”
With that, he pulled away, giving you no time to protest as he helped you up, lightly shoving you forward.
You mentally cursed yourself. You should’ve known he wouldn’t give in so easily.
“Lay down.” He licked his lips, watching as you moved towards the bed, placing himself at the end of the bed.
“Y’know,” He started. “I really wanted to hear the end of it.” He chuckled, placing his palms on the sheets as he watched you. 
“But’s hard when you keep fucking with me.” You whined, not bothering to look up at him. 
“Then maybe you shouldn’t give me attitude.” He said simply. “So you can either finish telling me, or you can get yourself off.” 
You licked your lips before giving him a very reluctant ‘fine’, not happy about having to drag this on, but definitely not about to let this chance slip.
“You’d pull the blanket off and you’d trail kisses up my legs.” You bit your lip before closing your eyes again. “And you wouldn’t bother teasing since I’m asleep.”
“Your entire goal is to wake me up and you don’t even try holding back.” You bit your lip as you felt him reach for your panties, pulling them down your legs.
You open your mouth to respond but weren’t able to get anything out as he moved onto the bed and spread your legs slowly before pressing kisses along your leg, working his way up.
“W-When I start waking up, your arms would wrap around my thighs to keep me in-” You nearly choked on your words as his lips wrapped around your clit.
You weren’t sure if the chocked moan you let was because of what you were thinking, or because his mouth was finally on you. But knowing you were almost done had you trying your hardest to finish.
“But you’d stop before I-” You couldn’t finish as he sucked harder, your head rolling to the side as you battled to get the last bit out. “You’d stop before I cum.” You whimpered out before screwing your eyes shut, hoping it would somehow help but they shot open as he moved away.
“No, no, no, please.” You shook your head, your arms reaching out for him as tears built up in your eyes. “Please don’t stop.”
“Shh,” He chucked, getting up and removing his shirt.
“I’m just getting started.”
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httphyucks · 4 years
So em for the fic game “strange addiction” with seungwoo from victon fwb! au if I may ask
★ TITLE: strange addiction
★ GENRE: smut, romance, fwb!au, college!au
★ SYNOPSIS: what was suppozed to be a one time thing becomes something you can’t get enough of, finding yourself sneaking seungwoo in at night and out by the time your parents wake up in the morning.
★ WARNINGS: explicit smut, fem reader, fingering, oral (both receiving), unprotected sex (use protection kids), multiple orgasms, almost getting caught, lots of kissing, marking, choking, daddy kink, finger sucking, aged down seungwoo (19 years old)
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send me a fic title — it could be my next fic
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starry-seongmin · 4 years
When the Snow Falls - Han Seungwoo
You and Seungwoo were walking hand in hand in the park. It was evening and the sun was about to set in an hour or so, so the atmosphere was quite peaceful and romantic. It was the start of winter so everyone was bundled up in warm clothes. The only thing left to complete the picture was snow.
Children were playing, their care-free laughter filling the park and other couples walking hand in hand.
You looked up at Seungwoo only to see that he was smiling down at you. You blushed and let out a soft chuckle. He really was perfect to and for you.
"What are you looking at?" You asked smiling lovingly at him. He chuckled.
"Your beauty." he replied cheekily. You laughed at his response, still blushing and slapped him playfully on his chest before resting your head on his shoulder and continuing to walk.
"You're cheesy. But that's why I love you." You sighed snuggling close to him.
"I love me too if I say so myself." Seungwoo grinned at you and winked. "But I love you too." He added placing a kiss to your temple and then to your lips.
You sighed with happiness. Honestly, this boy was the best thing that ever happened to you. You looked up at him. "Seungwoo?" You said.
"Hmm?" He replied looking down at you. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me". You were getting quite emotional right now because everything was just so perfect and you had never been this happy in your life which led to your voice cracking in the middle of speaking.
Seungwoo stopped making you also stop in the process. He looked down at you with worry. "Hey, hey...?" He asked cupping your cheeks and putting his forehead on yours. Your eyes were closed to take in this whole moment. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me too. But why are you crying?"
"It's j-just that I am so happy right now. So so so happy that you are with me. These are happy tears. Don't worry. My heart is just bursting with happy emotions that they are coming out as tears." You chuckled at the last part, embarrassed which made him smile at your genuineness.
He closed the gap between you too and the intimate kiss you shared showed fiery passion, love, care, affection, warmth and closure.
"I love you" Seungwoo breathed as both of you parted. His minty breath fanning over your lips. Leaning for another passionate kiss, you pulled him closer before parting centimetres away. "I love you too." You replied looking in his eyes which were showing love and admiration for you.
The moment was absolutely perfect for you both as the first flakes of snow started to fall, making the moment a thousand times better. But the only thing which outshone them was Seungwoo.
a/n: wow okay so a cringey ending...actually the whole thing was quite cringey
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thirsty-x1 · 5 years
Undoing | Han Seungwoo
can i get a seungwoo one shot where he fingers his s/o for the first time 💗
↬ Pairing: Seungwoo x gn!reader
↬ Genre: Smut
↬ Warnings: explicit language, fingering, Seungwoo and his fucking long fingers
↬ Word Count: 1.1k
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You laughed, a little tipsy as the other guys said jokes and told funny stories about how it was living in the dorms with eleven boys. Seungwoo giggled a few times but seemed worried every time he saw you, maybe it was because your third glass of alcohol was in your hands or because the rest was starting to make questions that weren’t exactly... apt for everyone.
“Yeah, yeah but Wooseok has delicate fingers, don’t think he would use them much.” Seungyoun’s mocking tone made the rest wheeze.
“I won’t make any comments on that.” As always, Wooseok managed to seem elegant even if the rest were teaming up against him.
“Still, Seungwoo has the longest ones.” Hangyul had a point, your boyfriend did had monstrous hands.
“How do they feel, y/n?” Yohan seemed to be slightly drunk as well because everyone turned surprised at his comments.
“I don’t know, I haven’t felt them, sadly.” You felt eyes on you, then on Seungwoo and then back on you before they all became noisier than before.
“‘Sadly’? You should have some consideration, hyung.” Seungyoun scrunched his nose as he chuckled again, but the leader simply ignored the comment and let them change the subject.
Eventually, the meeting ended and everyone left to their rooms. Since Seungwoo had his own, it wasn’t very difficult for you to stay and you did often, showering before cuddling and sleeping becoming a habit. The warm water made you feel more awake, a slight blush appearing on your cheeks as you remembered what you had said back there. It’s not like you two didn’t make out nor anything, but it certainly hadn’t gone past some groping and grinding. It was just normal, you started going out not long ago.
You got out of the shower and put on one of his shirts, the size making it look like a weird sleeping gown. Seungwoo was sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for you. He smiled but looked a little tense.
“Is everything alright?”
“Yes, but... About what happened back there.” Now it was your turn to get tense. “Do you... Have you... Fingering?”
“What?” You could see he was nervous, his words coming up completely mixed up. He took a deep breath before talking again, more calmed and showed you his hands.
“Do you want to try fingering?” His face was red but his eyes showed so much curiosity. There was no sign of him being angry or upset, but he wanted to try it out? “I know we haven’t talked much about it, but–”
“Oh.” He wasn’t expecting you to accept, or maybe not that fast, he even prepared a whole speech about it.
“I mean, if you are fine with that, of course...”
And now there was more awkward silence until he got up, his arms surrounding your waist as he leaned in and kissed you, his lips careful and hungry at the same time, trying to hold back until you responded with your hands on his hair, everything becoming more heated and passionate. Your legs closed around his waist as he picked you up and placed you on the bed, his hardening member rubbing against your crotch.
“Wait, let me just–” His arm extended and reached something under the bed... A bottle of lube? He giggled as he saw your eyebrow raising. “I asked for it to Seungyoun, just in case that, you know...”
“You are always prepared, huh?”
Your smile making him relax as he squirted a bit of the liquid on his fingers, the sight turning you on. He looked at you before rising the hem of the shirt, moving your underwear aside and circling around your hole before pressing, the feeling of his fingertip already had you biting your lip.
“Are you okay?” You gave a quick nod and he continued until it was completely inside. 
Seungwoo felt like dying, just a tiny bit, seeing the way his finger went in and out of you, the sensation of your walls clenching on it having him wish he was buried there. He slithered a second one, the stretching feeling good and the lube actually helping out, his pace slow at first until you started moving your hips gently, the slight friction causing muffled moans to slip out of your lips and into your hands covering them.
“You can add one... One more.”
He looked up at you, swallowing hard at your order disguised as a suggestion and complied. You felt full, the depth they reached making you curl your toes, his intense gaze studying every single one of the details displaying before him: your heavy breathing, your chest rising, your back arching whenever he twirled them around, your voice coming out in small, hoarse whimpers as he edged you multiple times before having you begging. A smirk played in the corner of his mouth as he softly played with your sweet spot, finding it in mere seconds as if it was nothing, the light stimulation sending electric shocks through your whole body. Your hands were on his hair, yanking it whenever the pleasure became too much.
“Are you going to cum from just having my fingers inside of you?” His voice caught you off guard and when you looked down, he was different: the glint in his eyes appeared mischievous, his tongue darting out to wet his lips before raising an eyebrow, demanding a response which never came. “If you don’t use your words, I will stop.”
“I-I want to cum, please, make me cum.” He whispered a praise at your desperate crying before he snapped his movements, reaching even deeper than before, curling his fingers at the right time.
“Fuck yourself on my fingers, baby.”
You weren’t quite sure if he had always been like this, your mind was too clouded with the waves that shook your body to think about it, and you didn’t care either, you loved it. Your hips obeyed and he enjoyed the power he had over you to have you like this, so needy for his touch. He went up and kissed you to silence your whining as you came, your muscles contracting around his fingers as he fucked you through your orgasm. Next thing you knew, he was holding you tight, leaving you empty but making you feel so full too.
“God... Your fingers are my downfall, you know?” He chuckled as he cuddled next to you.
“I hope you talk about it with them next time.” As his arms held your body tight, you felt his hard on against your side, his breath catching in his chest as you palmed him over his pants.
“How about I show you what my fingers can do?”
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This was so bad I am SO sorry. Also I hope that Hyeongjun, Minhee and Junho were at home or something because if nOT, I’M SO SORRY FOR THEIR POOR EARS. Wooseok probably enjoyed listening tbh.
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eunsangst · 5 years
[ 23:14 ] {requested}
he continuously tapped his foot on the tiled airport floor, hands shaking and sweaty.
“she’s coming, right?” boyfriend!seungwoo asks seungyoun for what felt like the hundredth time. "like, i've texted her multiple times now. she hasn't replied to any of my texts."
"seungwoo, relax," seungyoun says. "she'll probably rushing right now."
"we literally board the plane in 45 minutes. what if when she gets here, we're gone? that's gonna make her sad which is gonna make me sad."
seungyoun shakes his head. their leader was not one to be overly anxious about anything—not the performances, not the big crowds, not the photoshoots. but when it comes to you, the tables turn.
hands clammy, seungwoo continues to send you messages from "where are you, honey/baby/sweetie" to "wru".
after another while of waiting, you continuously tap on the backseat of the taxi as it rolls in the airport area. it wasn't your fault you bingewatched bojack horseman last night and lost track of time which made you wake up really late today, despite knowing it was the day seungwoo leaves again. 15 minutes tops. that's how long it took you to prepare, but the traffic was no help.
you walk inside the airport, eyes scanning every person as much as possible. your phone kept ringing for the past hour but you were too anxious to answer any of the messages. you were sure seungwoo was an anxious mess as well.
soon enough, you spot minhee tall figure and blonde hair and start running towards the group of boys in the waiting area.
as if on cue, seungwoo turns your way, and his tense shoulders immediately relax as you get nearer and nearer.
"oh god oh god i thought you weren't going to make it!" seungwoo whines against your neck as he pulls you in for a big hug.
you let out a small laugh. "sorry, i overslept again. plus, the traffic was no help at all."
you say hi to the boys, and seungwoo pulls you farther away from them so he can talk to you alone.
he cups your face in his hands. "i'm going to miss you. but don't worry, i'm going to be messaging you every moment i get."
you smile at him. "i know you would. and i'm thankful we're like this. you take care, okay? i really don't want anything bad happening to you or any of the boys."
seungwoo smiles back. "don't worry, baby, we'll be fine. you should be careful too. i'm not going to be with you again for a while. don't go out when it's late, especially now that i can't accompany you, okay? and always bring a pen so you can use it as self-defense. it's gonna be hard if—"
you cut him off by kissing him softly. when you pull away, you notice his red ears and cheeks. "you ramble a lot when you're worried. i love you. i'll be okay."
soon enough, seungyoun comes near and tells you it's time to go. immediately, a tear rolls down seungwoo's cheek and he wipes it with the back of his hand.
"ew, i'm crying again," he laughs.
"oh baby, it's okay," you say, despite feeling the pain at the back of your throat. "we're going to be fine, okay? i love you."
"i love you, y/n. always."
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miracloud · 5 years
Sealed Fate
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han seungwoo x y/n
angst, fluff, bit rated
arranged marriage au
Part One } Part Two (to be posted)
You were appalled to hear that your parents agreed to set you on an arranged marriage. You were eating dinner and they slide a picture of your soon-to-be-husband. 
“Are you serious?”
In the picture, you see a smiling Seungwoo wearing a suit. He’s a schoolmate and a popular one to top that. A good-looking friendly man is what he’s known in school but at some point, you were able to see past through his mask. You overheard him, along with his other friends, joking about the women following them around. From that moment on, you knew he’s a man far from your ideals.
“Darling, we’re just worried about you. You are single your whole life and we just want to give you happiness”, your mother said trying to convince you.
“Do you think that men are the only source of happiness? And mom, I’m still young. I still got plenty of time left.” There was no use. In the end, both of your parents had already agreed. There will be a dinner tomorrow to formally discuss the arrangement.
The next day, it’s a good thing you haven’t crossed paths with Seungwoo. You don’t know how to face him or if he even knows about the marriage. A car was waiting for you after class. A dress was prepared for you to wear but you ain’t wearing that. You were the only one they’re waiting for. The expressions your parents had almost made you laugh. You walked in wearing a black sweater which covers up to your knees and rubber shoes. You sat in front of Seungwoo while looking astonished.
“Ow!”, you exclaimed after your mother pinched you on the legs. “What’s got in your head? Why are you wearing that?!”, she said. Your father, on the other hand, apologized for your behavior which Seungwoo’s parents politely accepted.
“You have a really interesting formal wear”, Seungwoo remarked. You rolled your eyes. “Well, I’m not dressing up for something I’m against with. And are you even fine with this arrangement?”
He shook his head. “No, I went here to also say that I’m against this marriage”, he said enough for everyone in the table to hear. “Good”, you said and you looked at the adults in the table.
“This might be too rushed for the two of you but this is needed for the two families”, Seungwoo’s mother said.
“No matter how much you protest, you don’t have any choice. This dinner is not for hearing your opinions, it’s for formalities sake. Nothing will change”, Seungwoo’s father strongly added. In the end, only the four adults talked while the two of you were silently eating.
The dinner ended and you're heading to the car but you shift direction and went the opposite way. You heard your mother calling you back numerous times. "I'm not going home", you shouted back as you ran away.
Seungwoo witnessed everything and he can't believe why he never noticed a schoolmate with such a strong personality.
"I was expecting you. Your mother called", your friend said as she makes way so you can enter. You've done this before to the point that your parents already know where you're going.
You greeted her parents and went upstairs. "What's the problem this time?". You shook your head and decided not to drag your friend into the mess.
You were woken up by your friend quite hastily. "Hey, did you make a big problem? A car's waiting for you outside." You stood up immediately not to make more problems for her family. It's the first time that someone fetched you. You were shocked to see your parents fully dressed in formal wear.
"Where are we going?", you asked as you wished that whatever you are thinking is not true. "We'll stop by a shop then we're going to the church." You’re about to open the car door when your mother held your hand and with trembling lips, she said: “We’ll denounce you if you run away.” 
Tears were falling as they dress you up in a wedding gown. Everything’s too fast. You knew your parents can be selfish but not to this point. As you were on the way to the church, you wished that Seungwoo’s not inside, that he disagreed and run away. Much to your dismay, he’s inside waiting for your arrival. Unlike your ideal wedding, the groom looks completely uninterested. The church is silent with only your parents and church personnel inside.
At the end of the day, your surname’s changed and you have a new home. The moment you’ve arrived in the new house provided by Seungwoo’s parents, he changed clothes and went somewhere else. You’ve examined the place. Everything’s provided but there’s only one room. Seems like they made sure that you’ll sleep in the same bed. You grabbed a pillow and a blanket and you went to the couch. 
When Seungwoo returned, he saw you sleeping on the couch but never cared. He went to the bedroom to have a comfortable sleep. For the following weeks, this is your routine. You wouldn’t talk to each other at school and even at home. He would always eat dinner outside and would only come back when you are already asleep.
It was a Saturday and Seungwoo did not go home. You decided to clean the house and then cook some pasta for yourself as a reward. After that, you did some schoolwork. You did not notice the time and it was already evening.
You woke up when you heard a moan coming from his bedroom. Seriously? He would even bring a woman here? The marriage is on paper only and hearing that he’s with someone else did not affect you but bringing a stranger inside your house is disrespectful. The sounds coming from his room did not stop and fortunately, one of your friends live quite near so you went to her house. It must be a blessing that you have friends who are so in love with sleepovers.
It was 7 in the morning when you decided to go back. Hopefully, that woman left already. While you were on your way to your house, you saw an approaching car from afar.  Your eyes grew wide when you realized that it’s your parents’ car. You hurriedly opened the door and went to Seungwoo’s bedroom. He was startled to see you opening the door. Not to mention that it was the first time that you actually entered his room. Before he can ask you, you put your hand in front of his face to stop him from talking.
“Did that woman went home already?”, you said as you catch your breath.
“What?” You rolled your eyes and stared at him. “Y-yes, she went home early in the morning.”
You opened the cabinet and searched for clothes he can wear. “What are you doing?”, he asked shocked with your actions. “My parents are on the way and I don’t want to hurt them by knowing that you slept with another woman.” You threw a hoodie and some pants to match it with. “Wear that now.” After saying that, you went to the living room to bring your things inside. You groaned seeing Seungwoo still half-naked. The young man not understanding the urgency of the situation.
“Seriously?! Why are you so slow?”, you said irritated. Seeing that he doesn’t have any plans to move faster, you made him wear the clothes. In front of you is a man older than you acting like a kindergarten student. “Ooh, you’re finally acting like my wife now”, he said amused. You looked at him with a blank face. “No, I think I’m acting like your mother now.” You shoot up when you heard the doorbell. Securing your arms with Seungwoo ’s, you dragged him outside. Before you opened the door, you noticed Seungwoo’s bed hair and tried to fix it before facing your parents. Seungwoo, on the other hand, had a playful smile all throughout the morning.
“If you’re still not informed, we’re going to act like a happy couple.”
“Oooh, why?”, Seungwoo asked with a smirk on his lips. “Because I don’t want my parents to be sad knowing that I’m living in hell while staying with you.” Seungwoo was shocked, almost guilty, hearing your words. He wanted to protest but you opened the door in a hurry. You flashed a big smile as you greeted your parents.
“I’m so happy seeing that both of you are doing well. I was worried that we made the wrong decision”, your mother said. “Of course not. It’s still hard but you know, we’re still adjusting”, you replied as you console your mother. “It was hard to sleep at night knowing that we sealed your fate forcefully”, your mother continued as you noticed the tears forming in her eyes. You held her hand and assured her that it’s fine. You knew that your mother will soon realize her mistake but seeing her cry will never be pleasant to your eyes.
After a few hours, they finally left. You immediately remove the smile on your face along with the loving holding hands with Seungwoo.
"Where did you went last night?", he asked.
"I went to my friend. And Seungwoo, please refrain from bringing women here. It was too noisy."
"Well, I can make any woman scream for my name", he said with a smug look on his face. You rolled your eyes. The day went on and it was very uncomfortable that Seungwoo did not leave the place. Usually, you can do your own plans but it's hard knowing that he's observing you the whole time.
Soon, sleepiness came to you. You arranged your bed aka couch and went to sleep. Later on that night, you heard a clicking sound from the doorknob. You ran to Seungwoo's room and went beside him.
"Woah woah. What are you doing? ", Seungwoo asked, completely awake.
"I heard someone opening the door and your parents are the only ones who own a spare key to this house. They're probably here to observe us secretly", you whispered.
You were startled when you felt Seungwoo's hand on your waist. "Then, we should at least play the part", he suggested. You wanted to protest but you heard the bedroom door opening that you hugged Seungwoo from the rush. While waiting for them to go, you unconsciously went to sleep.
You woke up when you felt a movement beside you. You opened your eyes to see Seungwoo looking at you with a small smile. “Good morning, wife”. You were about to push him when you remembered what happened last night. You hugged him again. “Are they still here?”, you whispered. He nods. So you continued hugging him but actually, they left already and only stayed for a few minutes. It was quiet so you asked him again one more time and he showed a playful smile. You blushed too hard and pushed him away. You hurriedly went outside and prepared for school.
Seungwoo’s smiling the whole time. Blushing hard from a simple hug made him think how cute and innocent you are. From that time, you would act in front of your parents and in-laws whenever they visit. You also talked to Seungwoo often now even at school though you panicked when he first approached you.
One day, you were eating alone in the cafeteria when someone sat beside you. “I’m almost finished. Why are you late?”, you said, assuming that it’s your friend. It was silent. You looked at his direction and you have Seungwoo sitting too close to you. Students were staring and you shoved that big piece of bread into your mouth and stood up. Seungwoo held your wrist and made you sit again.
“My parents will join us for dinner tonight.”
“What? Why?!”
“I don’t know. I just hope that your cooking abilities are good”, and he went away. Wait, I’m going to cook dinner?
You panicked and you can’t concentrate in class. All you can think of is the dinner and what meal will you cook. Once the school bell rang, you went to a nearby supermarket and bought ingredients. You were expecting that Seungwoo would atleast help but guess what? He did not. He went home when you are already finished cooking.
  A few minutes after, his parents came. Again you put up the act and Seungwoo’s hands were all over your body. You hated it.
“y/n, I’m sorry for the abrupt visit. We just want to see you two again.”
“It’s no problem at all”, you replied. You invited them to eat in the meal on the table.  Seungwoo also helped himself and grabbed a spoonful of it.
“Wow, you’re good in cooking!”, he exclaimed. You were about to boast but then remembered the two adults in front of you.
“Son, have you not tried her cooking before?”, his mother asked.
“Ah, I have. It’s just that she never cooked anything this good.” His parents laughed with his remark.
The dinner was fairly quiet until his father cleared his thorat.
“So.. I know you two are pretty young but when can we get a grandchild?”, he asked.
Gurl, the food you were chewing just flew out everywhere. You continuously tap your chest to breath. You were too shocked. You heard Seungwoo snickered and gently pushed the glass of water on your direction.
“Hahaha. Was that question too much?”, his father remarked.
You were about to respond but Seungwoo just placed his arm on your shoulders, pulling you closer.
“Don’t worry too much about it. We’ll get you not only a grandchild but grandchildren.”
“My my. I guess, your relationship is really doing great.”
You were blushing profusely and secretly pinching Seungwoo’s leg.
They left shortly after. You pushed Seungwoo’s arm away and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. You were humming to yourself when two arms surrounded you. Seungwoo’s hands rested on the counter with you on the middle.
“I think we should start trying for a child”, he whispered.
You felt your ears violated. You covered it immediately and push Seungwoo away.
“W-what are you s-s-saying?? T-that was for show!”
“Oh really? You know, you’re just being stubborn. We can make this work out”, he suggested while coming closer to you.
You turned around, closed the faucet, threw your rubber gloves, and run to the bedroom. You made sure it was locked.
“What are you running away from? And I sleep there”, he asked through the door. You can already picture that playful smile he has.
 “You sleep at the sofa tonight!”
You jumped to the bed. You momentarily forgot that he sleeps here alone most of the time. The bedsheet smells like him. The pillow smells like his shampoo. You slapped your cheek when you realized what you were doing.
The next day, you slowly opened the door. When no one’s around, you knew that he is already at school since he has an earlier class than you. Going to your room, you brought out your towel and other bathing essentials. You opened the bathroom, only to see Seungwoo half-naked. A white towel was hugging his waist and you assumed that he just finished bathing because of his wet hair.
“W-wwwaaaah! You should have locked the door”, you shouted while attempting to look away but that perfect body made you peek some times. He held your hand, pulling it away from your face.
“Wife, why are you covering your face? You should be accustomed to this already”, and he has that playful smile again. You pushed him hard, outside the bathroom and you locked the door.
“Get dressed!”, you shouted and you heard him laugh.
When you stepped outside, he’s nowhere to be found. You sighed loudly.
“How was the quiz? It was really difficult for me”, your friend said after the professor left. It’s your only class for the day and you thought that you will have a fairly good rest but your professor unexpectedly prepared a quiz. You’re just wishing that it will at least be over the passing grade.
As you were approaching the door to exit, you saw Seungwoo outside and by instinct, you hid. Why is he here?
“What are you doing? Let’s go”, your friend said.
“You can go first”, you half-whispered.
“Uh.. okay. See you tomorrow then.” You’ve been sighing a lot this day.
  “Aren’t you y/n’s friend? Is she here?”, you heard Seungwoo.
Oh shit. Please don’t tell him.
“y/n, she’s inside. I’ll call here for you”, she energetically answered. You hated that.
  “y/n, Seungwoo’s looking for you”, she said and right after ,Seungwoo peeked into the classroom and he laughed seeing your hiding position.
Seungwoo thanked her and she bid goodbye. You facepalmed. I should have told her about what happened.
Seungwoo crouched beside you.
“So why are we hiding?”, he teased.
“H-hiding? I’m not hiding!”, you exclaimed.
“I’ve noticed that you stutter a lot when you are with me. Is there a meaning behind that?”, he responded.
“Shut up”, and you marched away. You heard his footsteps. He rested his arm on your shoulders which you grew to like.
“Get away from me.”
“Hmm? Not too convincing, are you? Let’s eat lunch together. I don’t have a class till 3 PM.”
You can’t really argue since you were also on your way for lunch. He led you to a nearby café. You silently ate. You realized that it’s the first time you ate with him without putting up an act to your parents and in-laws.
You realized that he’s a fine listener. He also shared funny stories during the meal. The atmosphere’s turning quite well.
Both of you looked at the voice’s direction. You were faced with a beautiful woman with great fashion sense. You knew at that moment who she was. With the way she talked with him and how natural she touched him, she’s one of Seungwoo’s women.
You didn’t know if she still meets with women since he never brought a woman home after that time. From the rumors you heard before, he’s been with different women at the same time. You did not really expect that he’ll become faithful once he’s married, or did you?
“Who is she?”, she asked.
Before Seungwoo can respond, you stood up and extended your hand.
“Hello. I’m y/n, his friend. We were just discussing about a school project.”
“I knew it. I mean, you’re too far from Seungwoo’s ideal type”, she said and it hurt. Why does it hurt? Is shouldn’t hurt, right?
You forced a laugh. You picked up your bag and invited her to sit on your empty seat.
“You’re going already?”, she asked.
“Yes. I have some personal errands to do”, you reasoned.
It hurts. Tears were falling on your cheeks. You failed to realize that you fell for him while doing those pretentious acts. You went home and immediately laid on the sofa, while covering yourself with a blanket. You heard the door knob clicked and you muffled your cry. As his footsteps grew closer, your heart was beating faster. There was silence for a few seconds.
“Are you awake?”, he asked. You did not reply.
“Sorry about what happened.”
Why is he apologizing? You were the one who’s wrong.
“Don’t apologize. It’s totally fine. We are only married on paper”, you reminded yourself him. He did not respond and you heard the bedroom door open and then closed.
The next morning, you woke up early, planning to avoid him for the rest of the day. You went to your friend’s house. Whenever you go to her house, it’s usually because you are in trouble. You reassured her that nothing’s wrong and you simply wanted to visit her.
You spent the day playing card games and gossiping about the people at school. Later on, he mother went inside the room to serve some snacks. She was about to leave when she paused, as if forgetting to something,
“Ah right. y/n, a young man came looking for you. He shortly left after knowing that you’re staying here.”
Eh? Don’t tell me it’s him.
“Do you remember how he looked like?”, you asked.
“Hmm.. a tall man with oriental eyes, and pointy nose. He also had a sweet smile”, she replied.
“Ah! He also had a tattoo on his collar bones. I didn’t mean to see it but it was slightly peeking out of his shirt”, she added.
That’s definitely Seungwoo. Why did he look for me?
 Thinking that it might be an emergency, you sent him a message.
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It was getting late. You thanked your friend and her family, for letting you stay. They invited you to stay over but you decided not to. It’s time to stop running away.
You heard the noise coming from the television, the creaking sound of the sofa as if Seungwoo’s sitting up tight and you were correct. You stepped to the living room, seeing Seungwoo sitting on the sofa with a smile on his face.
“I’m back”, you greeted him.
Before you can enter the bedroom to change clothes, Seungwoo called your name.
“y/n, do you have time? Let’s talk.”
When you opened the door, he turned off the television and lightly tapped the space beside him.  You scooted as far as possible. He scooted closer in response. You raised your hand, forming a wall between you and him.
“Okay, what is wrong with you?”
“You know.. I haven’t told you before.. but I’m quite serious about this”, he answered.
“Serious with what?”
“With us. Usually, I would have made a move already but I have been going with your pace. I learned that you haven’t had a boyfriend before so I don’t want to rush anything.”
Wait what? What is he saying?
“You’re serious, huh? Then how do you explain that woman who we met at the café?”, you mentioned.
“I was seeing her before we met. I never met any other woman after we got married.”
You stopped a smile. You are mentally hitting yourself for feeling happy.
“You were really jealous because of that, huh?”, he teased.
“Huh? O-of course not! And why would I even believe you?!Remember our first week here? You brought a woman home.”
“Ah, you’ve misinterpreted that. I did not bring any woman here. I was watching a movie then it has that kind of scene.  That was the reason why I was so out-of-my-head when you walked in that morning. I did not know what you were talking about.”
Nothing can explain the embarrassment that you feel. Seungwoo can see that your mind is in a jumble. Whenever he sees you nervous or panicked, he kept help teasing you.
He touched your cheeks, placing his hand on your jaw. He played a smile feeling your tense body. Your eyes dilate and he saw his clear reflection in it. You were looking at him. He closed the distance and gently placed his lips on yours.
“How about we start from the very beginning? Let’s start going on dates, miss virgin”, he teased masked behind a gentle smile.
You pushed him hard, sending him to the other side of the sofa.
“Get away from me! And I’ll stay in the bedroom alone tonight!”
You made sure that he can hear the locked door. Seungwoo on the other hand saw this as a challenge, a fun challenge to top on that.
“Let’s see who will surrender first, y/n”, he said to himself.
a/n : part two to be posted. will explore the development of their relationship in the next part ~
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